Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    IHE OMAHA Sl'NJUY DLiO: MAM Jl 9, 1913.
An Intimate Sketch of the Nation's
Chief Executive.
Impatient of romp, Cnrefnl of
Speech, n Oooil Listener unit n
Plennant Compnnlon
Other Trnlta Noted.
It grieves me." said Woodrow Wilson
to one of hlii traveling jympanloni during
he campaign, "to reallie that there are
t lot of people who think that merely be
cause I've been a college professor, I'm
a stiff old ass who doesn't know any
hlng." Those who come to know him during
the next four year will realise how lltlto
any such description applies to him. The
wen who have been his constant aaso
Mates since he was nominated at Balti
more have found him a delightful com
panion and their most disagreeable ex
perience has been In meeting persons who
ask If Mr. Wilson 1b a regular human be
ing. One of the reasons why tho person
ality of the new president Is so little
Vnovn Is that he Ib not Inclined to display
and when lie docs something spectacular
Ihe chances are ten to one that he doesn't
know It until ho reads the newspapers the
lext day.
Ills love of plain fun and good stories
Is In itself a refutation of the Idea that
he Is a reserved, austere scholar, with
trtlstocratlo leanings. Whether It wa
aboard a train, In tho smoker of the
steamer bound for Bermuda or In the
ulet of his btudy at Princeton, Mr. Wilson
lias revealed himself as a Very approach
able Individual, one whose dignity Is not
bf the kind that hurts, and yet one whose
ccoseness never causes him to forget
his manners. The Scotch and Irish In him
We well mingled and a love of laughter
tffsets constantly upon a tendency' to
Ills Ilecreatlons.
Jlr. Wilson was tfi years old on Decern
tier 28 last. He stands 6 feet 10 Inches In
his socks and his wetght of 177 pounds
Is well placed. He can run halt a mile at
It good clip without losing his wind. Golf
land walking are his favorite exercises,
rnd while he enjoya ir.otoring, he frc
(jenntly goes to sleep In the car. Ills
fondness for sleep Is marked. It has been
remarked that he fondles the Idea of
going to bed. He takea nine hours' sleep
When he can get It and doesn't object to
adding a fow more "when business Is not
pressing. He can sleep anywhere, and
Bften In railroad trains when ho has ap
peared to be deep In thought closer In
spection has shown him to be dosing
While exemplary In his habits. Mr, Wll
bom would hardly be called an ascetic.
He never drinks Ice water. He docs not
use tobacco. Once In a while he takes a
little wine or a Scotch highball when he
la very tired. Buttermilk Is his favorite
beverage. One night he was sitting with
tho newspaper men swapping stories.
From tlmo to time they orfered him
lemonade, a glass of plain soda or some
'tiling equally Innocuous. Finally he
looked around with a gleam In his eye
lnd said;
"Gentlemen, by birth I am an Amorl-
Broke Out in Pimples. Big
Sores Behind Ears and on Head.
Itched and Burnd, Would Cry
and Scratch. Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment Cured.
It. P. D. No. 0, Ooodbu. Minn." XTbm
tar baby was three week old caema broke
out In pimples which were AUetl with vstery
matter. In a abort tlaae
be cot btc son especially
behind his ttn and on top
of bit bead. Hs feat all
Ma hJr. HI head wm
ceTered with erueta. He
wu so sore beMad, Me
ears we tbotiftrt tbey
would fall off, tad after a
little whHc It broke out on
bta shoulders and feet. It Mefaedaad burned
bo be would cry sad scratch and could not
sleep but a few minutes at a time.
" We used many renedles but 1 1 tot worse
and worse aU the time with HttU net aad
sleep for either Mm or me, A friend advised
me to try Cutlcura Soap aad Otatcaent aad
I sent for a sample. I saw at oace tbat they
were Just the thing, eo we bought a box of
OuUcura Ointment aad soma Gutleura Soap.
X bathed him with warm water aad Cvtfcura
Soap twice a day aad tbea applied the Outi
cora Ointment. WWiln four moafhe 1m was
entirely well from' all-tore aad Ma bacr
started to grow fine. Cutlcura Boap and
Ointment cured blat" (Mcaed) Mrs. OUtu
Oallstrom. Apr. 13. IBIS.
OuUcura Boap 25c aad Outlets OtstsaeM
Mc, are sold ererywhere. liberal sample ef
each mailed free, with t&. (fSda Book. Ad
re port-card "Cuttcura. Dept. T, Boston."
OTTeoder-faced men should use CuUoura
Boap Sharing BUek. Me. Sample Tree
can, by paternal parentage I am Irish,
but by thirst 1 am Scotch.'
He got It
I'nrrfnl of Speech.
Ordlnarliy, Mr. Wilson Is careful of his
speech. He generally has hlmrelf under
excellent control. But Scotch temper
will out, and on those occasions there Is
a punch In everything he says. Kor good
measure he throwB In now nnd then a.
wholesome great, big D, like the captain
In "Pinafore." He has three stock
phrases "That's exceedingly Interest
ing," "I am very much gratified," "I am
deeply grieved." Every Interviewer has
bumped up against them. He can listen
so hard that the alienee Is deafening.
When he does speak he Uses wordB with
such discrimination that the Interviewer
needs a book of synonyms In order to be
suro he has caught his meaning.
Tho favorite author of the president Is
Bhakotpcnre, and he likes "Henry V"
best. He says the spirit of that drama
appeals to him. But his reading has
been in many fields nnd his knowledge
of tho best English poetry Is surprising
In one whose particular work has not
been literary. He la fond of the theater,
but prefers comedy or light opera to the
heavy plays.
In his lifetime Mr. Wilson has col
Icctcd some curios. One acquisition Is
the alleged first suitcase ever Invented.
Hn insisted on taking It with him during
the early stages of the campaign. Vari
ous chemes were devised by the news
paper men to got rid of It, but his watch
ful eyo wa upon It almost constantly, j
Ho would never let nnyone carry It for
him. Ono night In Chicago he lost It and
had to borrow a dress suit to go to a
reception, but It came back and la still
preserved In the family.
I'rnnnnl Prcnllnrltles.
Another peculiarity of the president Is
a fondness for soft brown tints. The cam
paign nnd Bermuda mado Inroads upon
tho onn which ho had been wearing lor
many months ntid When he arrived In
Now York on December 1 and declared
he must have another hat his friends
had hopes. He left the Waldorf, went
up Fifth uvenue and returned with an
other brown one.
President Wilson Is a shorthand and
tipewrltlng expert. His prepared speeches
very few in number, have been written
first In shorthand. The typewriter he uses
Ih no longer described in newspaper ad
vertlscmenta as the best typewriter made.
It Ib tho machine upon which he has
dono moat of his writing, however, and
ho declines to part with such a tried
Tho number thirteen hn no terrors for
tho president. Thero are thirteen letters
In, his name and In this thirteenth yeai
at Princeton he was elected as tho unt
vtrslty'n thirteenth president, Time and
again It has happened that hfs chair on
l train ha been No. 1.1. Ho cb'H,.h m
horso chestnut In his pocket always. It
Is his talisman of good fortune, not a
symbol f hla storlus. Huwcvir,
might look hard If one referred to It
after hearing one of his limericks.
DlnllUrs Military Pomp
Ho Ib Impatient of military display and
tpomp of any kind. Tho secret service
men have n hnrd time getting him to take
(ill the precautions against possible attack
whlch they believe advisable He objects
strenuously to being taken through pri
vate thoroughfares and Into elevators in
puch places as big railroad stations. He
llkea to be one of the crowd, and fre
quently persons coming to meet him at n
railroad station have found him on a
atool In. the quick lunoh placp oblivious
.to everything except the plate of beans
before him.
Blf-Mnde Hnrber.
Mr Wilson shaves himself. When at
home he use the ordinary kind of raxor,
.but employes a safety raxor when trav
cling. Ills razor strop is his barometer.
According as It Is hard or soft ho knows
whether the day la to be fair or rainy.
He never wears a raincoat, but will carry
an umbrella If he has to. Shortly after
otectlon he bought one In Princeton and
was quite proud of it. He paid 13 for It.
He admired the lntrlcaoy rf It. There
was a lot to It. But as an umbrella it
wasn't much. Tho first time he opened
It the handle came off and the second
time he opened It he couldn't get it closed
The president has no illusions about nls
face. He has referred to "the visage that
won't mind marring," He has enormous
ears and a large mouth. His teeth are
large, irregular and somewhat discolored.
His chin la protruding and the muscles
at the point of his Jaw are knotted. His
head is massive and covered with Iron,
gray hair, except on the top, where bald
ness has begun to appear. His lips nru
full, He wears glasses all the time and
when reading uses a monocle (or his right
eye, which Is almost blind as the result
of an accident In hla youth.
His smile Is fotchlng. It wua remarked
upon frequently by campaign crowds, and
hla general aspect when he la speaking Ib
pleasant. His voice la deep and sonorous
In the largest meeting places he speuas
apparently without effort, but is heard to
best effect in the auditorium of a theater
or a small banquet hall.
A Dellulitfol Companion.
On of his delightful characteristics la
Ma outlook upon life. There could be
no pleaaanter experience than a walk,
with htm through plaoes affording him
an opportunity to point out interesting
things. His observations are always re
freshing. There la nothing bromldlo about
htm. He is eager tor enjoyment and v-ill
"Think of what
mind, gentlemen,"
doubt many think
bread cheaperl My
Ordinary dentistry can be bad any place YOU can't afford ordinary
dentistry no matter how low the price
Dr Todd prldea himself on the fact that hla work la not ordinary but la
in reality and In fact Superior Dentistry, yet hla prlcea are no higher than you
would pay for the ordinary kind.
If you or your friends have artificial teeth. Dr. Todd wilt be glad to have
you make a comparison with hla sanitary patented teeth, and you will be
convinced of their superiority,
DR. TODD 0ifka 413 MnMt mt
P. S. Call at my office any time when convenient. I will be pleased
to show you my work and let you decide for yourself. Dr. Todd.
dwell rather on the good points of a
or a game than upon other fcitures.
Ho Is quick to meet cynical remarks and
to attack the point of view of the scofitr
Bitter experiences In politics and In his
scholastic Ufa have not soured him. If
he has a difference with a man he will
sit down and talk tho thing over. If he
thinks he la right ho sticks. If the other
fellow misrepresents him he remains
slhnt or adopts some posltlvo action as
the best means of showing where he
stands. He Is not given to noisy denial,
nor does he call other men names.
Tnnk Undertaken.
Of the solemnity of the task to which
he haB now set hla hand he is fully aware.
The spirit In which he contemplates his
responsibility ha manifested Itself on
many occasions. He hopea for reform In
many things, but ho scouts the Idea of
revolution. How ho feels may be illus
trated by what ho said one night at Sea
Olrt When he was ot dinner with nevs
pnper men and the taBk before the next
preatdent was being discussed.
Ho said that a poor woman who was
being aided by his daughter, Jessie, In
ono of the social settlement houses In
Philadelphia had often expressed the wish
thnt Mr. Wilson might be elected. When
she was asked wy, she said:
"Because bread Ib going to be cheaper
Is in that woman's
he said. "I have no
the same. To make
Clod, I can't do that.
but I must face the hopea that give such
Ideas birth." New York Sun.
Six-Shooter Outpoint" " Hnwlo
Knife In n I.lttle Th
Home years ngo I wa on the uppsr
forks of the Red river In Texas, Buy
ing overnight at tho only hotel In "lie of
tho spurscly populated villages In tnat
section of the country. 1 had eaten my
supper, which consisted of the Inevltnbln
hog and hominy, and was pulling awnv
at a cheap cigar In front of an open fire
place In the barroom.
Just then there entered two pentons
apparently strangers to each other, and
ono of them, stepping up to me ".
ordered a bottlo of whlakcv-
Castlng his eye around tho room, ho
gave a short but decided Invitation for
all present to drink which was at once
accorded to by all, for to refuse to drink
with a man In thoso parts was to Intuit
htn .
AHer some gcncrnl conversation had
bee" Indulged In, otic of the strangers,
renting himself at the table, offered to
play a game of "old sledgo" with any
one present for a dollar a game. This
proposal was accepted by the othjr
stranger, nnd soon the gamo was In full
blast, and all present were Interestsd
Several games had been played, each
of the parties winning alternately, for
(he two were experts, when a rtlspui
arose about the trump card, which had
been by accident turned down.
"Diamonds were trumps, I believe."
blandly remarked one of tho players.
"No, my friend, hearts was the trump,'
replied his antagonist. ,
H'l am certain," "reiterated tho flrtt
speaker, "that diamonds were trumps."
. "You are mistaken, sir," was the.if
sponse; "I know - that hearts ' were
"8trange,r," said the speaker. "I nevr
make any mistaken In these matters. T
tall you once for all that diamonds were
trumps." i
Player No. 3, laying his cards down on
the table and leaning back In his ctu'r,
raised his hand to the back of his nc
and pulled from Its scabbard an At
kanras toothpick nt. least l-m inches In
length. Laying It down on the tuflle by
the side of his enrds, and looking kindly
but resolutely at his opponent, ne sail:
Captutn, hearts was trumps!"
No. 1 smiled sweetly aa ho looked at
the cruel weapon, then, running his hanj
carelessly Into his breast pocket, he drcv
out n navy revolver, .and placing tt by
the side of his cards, remarked cars-
"My dear air, I tell. you that diamonds
werq trumps."
iso. i iook a iook ,ai ine six-snooier.
rnlcfd his cards, and Bald:
"Doctor, I rather, think diamonds are
trumps. "New York Weekly.
J. Burn's New Bakery and Those Wit
o Biiilf If
ciiliects of IBe, Jay Burns' SESalcepy
W Furnished All tho Harness for the Jay Burns Bakery Teams. Ln K . n . a 4
omaha harness company 1 1 Ihe Kelngeratiug Machinery
General Contractors for New Jay Burns' Bakery
Phone Douglas 8296. 549 RAMGE BUILDING. Omhaa, Nebraska.t
C. W. BALES, Manager,
nj r. EI.. JJ23 CC03. O 111 MI A, NEB.
We Did the Painting for
the New Burns' Bakery.
Painting, Decorating and Paper Hanging
Willi Yti Bie, ln't Ltavi i Morlgagei Mime
Our New Home Purchase Plan Offers
in 10 year period, OR CANCELS LOAN, if death should
occur before loan is paid.
Come in and let us explain.
W. FAIMM SMITH ft CO., 1320 St.
Some Ingenlnna A'ltVertlaltiir Drvlcea
I'laaterrtl -on Trnnka of
Wo had contracts for Eggerss-0 'Flyng building, Building
of Science, Wayne, Neb. ; Agricultural building, Cur
tis, Neb.; Telephone Co. building, Fremont, Neb.;
Miller Park School, Omaha.
Phoce Doug. 2923. Omaha, Neb.
One ot the ' cleverest and most far.
reaching forma of advertising, which the
great foreign hotel Industry has Invented
and perfected, -Is that' of the hotel trunk
or baggage lnbol. , Its field of possible
innuence is wono-wme lor a irunK so
labeled may travel ;from Don to Ueer
shoba, from Liverpool to furthest Africa,
and at every, stop en route, whether at
railway station op atenmer wharf, ln vil
lage, town or city, it may bo seen by
hundreds of tourists, any ono of whom,
if attracted by the suggestion ot the
label, is a possible furturc patron of the
hotel so advertised.
The means of distributing such adver
tisements is limited only by the numbers
of. travelers stopping at a given hotel,
with any form of baggage whatsoever;
for tho ubiquitous porter slaps a label
an any trunk, bag, or basket which
comes, for Instance, into his hands.
The traveler proceeds on hla way, and
Involuntarily becomes the unpaid ad
verttslng agent of the hotel he has Just
quitted, quite regardless ot his possibly
derogatory impression' and opinion con
cerning it; for while he himself may
speak to ono person ln regard to that
particular hostelry, his trunk may
speak to hundreds. The cost to the
hotel management of such advertls-
tnent is merely that ot the single label
thousands bt which, perhaps, are
printed ftt' one order and of such In
flnlleslmal proportion of the wage of
the ubiquitous porter as pays for the In
stant of time In which he haa gummed
his label on your possession.
An amusing instance ot such adver
tising la that ot a hotel in Holland
called The Bible House, famoua for its
cuisine and its wine cellar. The label Is
simple, 6x4 Inches perhaps, and the
picture on It merely a large; open, gilt
edged volume, the conventional family
Bible. But acrqss the pages of the vol
ume is printed In Roman type:
Timothy, V. 5J,"
Quite naturally, this cryptlo reference
piques the Interest and curiosity of the
tourist whose eye It catcnea. and ir he
In the Construction of the Jay Burns Bakery
Co's. Handsome New Building We
Furnished the
Cement, Sand.
Stone and Lime
Also the
For the New Jay Burns Baking Factory
Will Be Supplied By
The Baker Ice Machine Co.,
A continuous cold wave from shore
to shore produced with Baker loe asd
Refrigerating Machinery.
Each dot represents one of our re
frigerating plants doing actual work.
We Manufacture
Is recognized as the
ideal refrigerating
Its simplicity, effici-
fvnnv and reliability ffi
' ru
JT.m mnl.iiifv r Of fnnc 1flllir tTI
capacity. a
have evoked the un
bounded approval and
support of our numer
ous patrons.
) Refrigerating plants
daily capacity.
up to -50 tons
When You're Ready to Figure
Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha, Neb.
Chime and French
Clocks Skillfully
Estimates Cheerfully
Power - Heafey
Coal Co
217 SOUTH 15th Street
Plumbing and Heating
has a good memory or a Illble tor ready
reference, he may Interpret, 10 nis own
pleasure, and the profit ot the hotel
management. St. Paul'a advice to Tim
othy; "Drink no longer water, but use
a little wine for thy aiomacn o oau wm
thlna often Infirmities. -
Margaret, aa uaual, wanted to leav
the table with her hands full of bread
and Jam.
"MarKuret." aald her mother, don t
you remember that your grandfather said
that you reminded him of a little puppy
taking his bone out to chewT"
' Margaret slipped from tho table with
her bread,
Pansy watched her sister ailently, and
then fixed. herself a small piece of bread
and Jam: then turning to her mother
her big, brown eyes, she aald meekly,
"Mamma, may I be a little puppy. toOV
"Oh, mother!" burst out 5-year-old
Mildred excitedly, There's u new baby
been left over at the Joneses! But don't
you think 'the stork meant It for Miss
Jackson what boards there? 'Cause Mrs
Jones has already got flvo children and
Miss Jackson hasn't got a single one!"
Utile Jamie was cautioned never U
ask for things while eating, Next time lu
wandered Into the neighbor's kitchen the
conversation ran;
"M-m-ml Dess I smell sumfln."
"Yes. Our oven Is full of cakes."
"Gee! Ain't ovens lucky!"
. Pointed Pnrairrapha.
The man who Is really smart ilocJ t
act that way.
Be aure you are right, then go ahead
and ask your wife.
Many a leap year girl after getting
look-declined to leap.
Absence of the long green haa caused
many a man to feel blue.
The father of a new baby Is soon con
vinced that It Is a yell spring of Joy,
On his wedding day a man should ciose
the lid on his past life and nall'lt down.
During courtship kissing may be over
done, but after marriage It is usually un
derdone, i
Truth may be stranger than fiction,
the latter commands a higher price m the
mucailno field. Chicago News.
Modern Building
Installed by Vs
617-623 South Fourteenth Street
Fortune or success have often
come through a little want ad.
Have you read the want ads
yet today?
4tM m smwttf