Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Tliis Walk
Will Save
You IVIortey
Walk over to Howard street the next
time you need anything in furniture
! over to this location of low rents
and save 20 on everything you buy.
Remember the address, 1513-15 Howard
St, between 1 5th and 16tk Sts on How
ard, only 60 feet from comer of 16th St,
You never can roalizc what a difference there can be in
furniture prices until you have visited this store. Wo
will quote you prices that will open your eyes.
Small Monthly Payments
I We'U arrango Credit Terms to
Suit You. Pay as you can. Make
I your own terms. We require
smaller payments than any other
store in all Omaha.
A handsome Dresser, roomy,
well built and guaranteed for ser
vice; large French bevel mirror.
Some stores would ask as much
as $17 for it. Our price tomorrow
is about ha)f that.
TAX A 11
'fl BUFFET i
It has lined drawer for ttll-j
T,erwaro, largo cupboard bo-
low, largo llnon drawer and
splondld French bovel mirror.
special ror Saturday only.
It Is Just llko
t li o lllUBtra
tlon, is mado
of go n u i n o
aolld oak no
Imitation' Is
of good alzo
and v o r y
'lift - OAK
Uood gubitantlnl
olmlrs, mado of
solid oak. any fiu-
inti. special at-
sels Rugs
$1 .65
Slzo 9x12 ft.,
now and
handsome pat
terns, special
for Saturday,
The New Spring Suits
and Coats Are Here!
Spring Cloaks and Suits
'Striking models now
coming dailv into the New
York Sample Store from the
leading artists in women's gar
ment making.
The most important advantage is,
being samples, prices are about one
half. Actual $20 and $25 values at
1 2 and 1 712
Foremost Sample Suit House in Omaha
New York Sample Store
206 North 16tb Street ,
Attention, Lodge Members .
The Sunday Chicago Examiner Is now putting out some Very
attractive rennuiits for the different lodges and here U your chaneo
to get something you havo long been wanting- a l'ennsnt of your
own lodge. Wo will havo a different kind of Pennant uch week.
This week we have threo different kinds. Only lpc each. Get your
Pennant where- you buy your Sunday paper.
Boyd! "The Third Decree."
Urandalai "JtUlna Omiu,"
Emprifii VandaviUe.
Gayetyi Xxtravairansa.
Hippodrome I Vaudeville.
Xrniri Bnrleaatie.
Orphenmi Vaudeville.
Matlneea at nrandela, Emprtaa. Qayaty,
Hippodrome, Xxng and Orpbaam tbao
tara. 'Jntlna t'nmnr" at the llrnnilrU.
William Faversham and company tn
"Julltia Caernr," n drama by William
ShaKespeare, In four act and ten
acenrs; acting veriilon prepared by Kd
win Booth and William Winter. Tile
J u r lu.i Caesar Puller Melllah
Octavlous Caeaar. .Kenneth Hunter
Mnrc Antony William Faversham
Marcus Itrutus Berton Churchill
Caaslus., , ..Frank Keenan
Onsen Arthur Elliott
Clnna ....John iSdmunda
Trebonlus Lionel Belmore
Declua Brutus Maurice Krarlln
Mctellua Clmbcr Henley Edward
ttoothsayer... Frederick Howe
I'opltlua Luna. .....Archie U Billings
Tltlnlus Edmund Mortimer
Messala Mlaa Klslc Rlzcr
Plndarus, aervant to Casaiua ,.
, .....Frank Howaon
Servant to Antony George C, Homnes
Servant to Caesar Herbert Helmore
Octavlus' mosaenffer Charlca Webster
Flrat Cltlten.... Uonel Bclrnore
Second Citizen Ward Thornton
Third Citizen ..Benjamin Knuaer
Fourth Citizen William Pennington
Calpurnla, wife to Caeaar
Mis Jane Wheatloy
Portia, wife of Brutus.. ..Mlaa Julio Opp
'Mr. Faversham'a spectacular revival of
"Jullua Caesar" generally Justifies the
enthuilaem of the revleweis who have
hitherto dealt with It. It I done on a
scale that has been tempered by excellent
Judgment, ao that tho opulenco of the
scenery doea not at any time becomo op
pressive, nor threaten to overtop the
drama, but tho general magnificence of
rtome, Just entering on Its wonderful
career of empire serves as a background
of luxurious grandeur against which to
project the pictures that visualize to aomo
extent the politics of tho Important epoch.
Libraries havo been Written, and yet tho
story Is not told In all Us detulls, of
Caeaar and his day; the events that led
to the Idea of March, and tlioso that fol
lowed, havo filled many pages, but the
ambitions mid aspirations of tho men of
that day differ bo very little from those
of this time, or any other time, that the
action Is easily understood. Shakespeare,
with excellent perspective, fixed the sal-
lent episodes of that period for his play,
and thU, with the careful emendation of
Mr. Winter and Mr. Uooth, has mado of
the greift drama a noble exposition of the
whole theory of personal politics.
Mr. Faveraham lias chosen for his own
part the role of Antony, whom Caesar
loved so well, ami who so well built hla
own fortunes on tho death of Ills patron.
To exactly understand this, one must fol
low tho fortunes of the soldlcr-polltlclan,
even to that fight at Kplrus, where he
finally cast away the world for tho smile
of a woman who earlier had lavished
'those smiles on great Caesar lilmself.
Just a touch of this promise Is seen In
Mr. Faveraham's Antony, at the close of
tho scene In tho market place, when ho
has undone by his demagogery ajl tho ef
fort that Brutus had put forth to Justify
tho conspiracy and assassination. Hero
Mr, Faversham reaches a really fine cli
mactic effect. It Is really his exit from
the drama, but he lingers to pronounco
a bolated eulogy on tho dead llnitus, a
confirmation of public opinion.
Mr, Churchill gives us a conventional
Brutus; his characterization lacks tho
quality of Intellectual greatness that Mr
Booth or Mr. Mansfield ao studiously
brought forth. At any rate, ho docs not
wake clear the mental attitude of that
statesman, tho only one who did not otab
from envy, whose personality gavo 'o
spectablllty to what had else been sordid
murder. In tho quarrel with Caaalus,
Mr. Churchill shows a flash of real fire,
and for a moment dominate the situa
tion completely. Of Mr. Keenan'a CasalUs
much might bo written In praise; he
shows tho spirit of the patrician Roman
perfectly, and his appeal to Brutus tn
the opening act la an excellent exposition
of the mental attltudo of his class, and
In the progress of tho play does not de
part from this keynote. Another splen
didly enacted role Is the Caaca of Mr.
! Elliott. Mr. Melllsh Is goneratly effective,
but not especially Impressive as CaeBar
Miss Opp as Portia and Miss Wheatley
as Calpurnla show well tho suftcr side of
the llfo of tho day, as well as something
of the Importance of woman In that time
of Roman history. The supporting com
pany Is good In all ways
Mr. Faversham manages his mob
scenes with much adroitness; It Is almost
Impossible to secure the required spon
taneity of action and utterancq In aucn
a Hceno to do away entirely with the
mechanical defects due entirely to the
necessity of the "mob" depending upon
cues, and yet Mr. Fuvcmham has .n
such a measuro secured tho desire. I
verisimilitude that the effects aro most
satisfying. It Is Interesting:, too. that he
has recognized the "equal rights" move
ment to the extent of allowing the
women to take a very active part In tin
demonstrations on the streets of Rome
and In the market place, even giving a
couple qf them "lines" to speak. A spe
cial matinee will be played this afternoon,
the engagement closing this evening.
Mr. Frank Keenan closed his engage
ment" with the company last night and
lift for New York on a midnight train.
This Is the finale of the episode that led
ti Tyrone Power leaving tho company a
few wceka ago In high dudgeon. Air.
Kceuan declined to discuss his plans be
fore ho' left, saying he might have a
statement to make within aay or two.
Mr. McLean, late with the lianford com.
puny. Joined tho company here and will
succeed Mr. Churchill In Iho part of
Brutus; who will succeed Mr. Keenan
has not yet been announced.
Itenulnn In 1'roanect,
Eva Lang is looking forward with much
Interest to the coming of Rose Stahl and
. "Maggie Pepper" next week, for along
with Miss Stahl will como what Mlaa
Lang describes as "the bestest little sis-
ter In the world." Marie Hudson, who
Is wall remembered here for her work In
the stock company at the Burwood and
the Boyd during three seasons, has one
of tho laadtns roles in Mlsa Stabl's com
pany, ana ana ana "sister i;va are
planning for some big doings In the cele
bratlon Una during tho time Miss Stahl
a here. With each bo9kod for four per
formance! In three days at different the
aters, the Visit Is likely to be run In
sections. Besides MUs Lang, a number
of other folks are planning to enter
tain Miss Hudson.
1'roiulsea of the 1'rrM Avrnli.
One of the oleaneat and most delightful
plays of the season Is promised at the
Urundels theater on Satunluy and Sun
day, when Adelaide Thurston will be
een for the flrat tlmu In her new com
edy "Tha Love Affair,' written by l'rtxl.
A Wonderful Showing of Standard Make Hew and
Used Pianos in
Our Annual March Sale
At prices which will surprise you. It will not cost you a cent to
carefully examine and compare the quality of these offerings.
You'll find it will save you many dollars to buy during this sale.
See These Splendid
Bargains Saturday
crick Paulding, who has been closely pm
soclatcd with Miss Thurston for several
years iih leading man nnd stugo director.
Mr. I'nuldlng hits selected u cast of
players of unusual and gratifying excellence.
Three more performance of "The Third
JJegrce" will be given nt the Boyd, this
Including the nintinoc on Saturday. Miss
Lang la doing unusually Impressive work
In tho role of Annie Jeffries this week.
For next week "The Return of Eve" has
been selected.
One of the noveltlca of the current bill
at the Hippodrome. Is the net of Scott
and Wilson, nnd It can be truthfully
Bald that thoV lira firrMlUf'ttlir mnra timiH
hearty laughs than any act that has
me mppouronio in somo time.
mo time.
llrls From
i, Will fca-
The Krug. where "The Girl
Reno" are on view this wnk. 1
turo a waltzlnir contest iiml thn rYiun
try Store this evening. Tomorrow night,
lemnrln. who is matched to wreitlo
Frank Qotch soon, will appenr In a con
teat with tho .Mysterious Waffles. All
next week, beginning Sunday, motion pic
tures of tho Inauguration of Prcsldont
Woodrow Wilson will bo shown.
A Sudden Collapse
of ntomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is
most surely prevented with Electric Bit
ters, the safe regulator. SO cents. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
One beautiful mahogany pinno, largest
size, standard make; regular $01(1
$400 value, on snle, at VLIO
One semi-Colonial oak piano, largest size,
full empire top, continuous brass AQQI
hinges, reg. price $325; sale price, .pt I
One $500 piano, very massive in style, with
hand carved panels, the finest instru
ment of its kind; slightly shop- 0)QQf)
worn, a great bargain at U4Uu
One used ebony case, standard piano, with
genuine ebony and ivory keys, beautiful
tone quality and haB had excellent care
and has been thoroughly over- 0100
hauled in our shop; price UlaWU
One regular $450 piano, beautiful art style,
mission walnut case, elabor- OQflQ
ately carved, sale price UuD
One fiiOO piano, beautiful semi 01 00
Colonial mahogany case, on sale. . gy
One large size ebony case piano in splendid
condition; will give many years bf satis
fying service ; one of the best 0 1 Q 0
snaps ever, at (DiUU
pne Colonial style piano, dark English oak
case, musicians' model, regular a inn
$300 value, sale price uluU
One regular $400 piano, Chippendale style,
figured mahogany case, full 00 Q0
brass trimmings, on sale at VbUu
Three handsome oak case pianos; one in
mission and two in polish finish, full 7V6
octavo keyboard, all absolutely a I ftp
guaranteed, snap at &IlD
One upright piano fancy hand carved case;
an instrument that will give years 000
of good service, in this sale, at $DU
One upright piano with beautiful walnut
case, good tone quality, the great- QFff
est snap ever offered, at fy y
Remember every piano is sold under our guarantee of satisfaction. You must receive
satisfaction in buying here; no sale is considered final until you know you are satisfied.
We arrange payments
to suit the purchasers'
own convenience.
Sale will continue until
all these special pianos
are sold.
Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising.
A little want ad does the business.
BBBBBBBBBBT.i4iBaBBBaoBa. .aaBBBBUSpaafa-,aaaaajiaaaaaaaM. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana BBtiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaa
o O 't.jass ro. c6.ja,V? ;t -fe:-?. ?b,.tpVQb.- :)o? fp-: :6.. -;p- it?. ;,o ,o; ;?.
400 Seats
400 Seats
1415 Farnam Street
Tho Farnam will show the finest motion pictures that can be obtained in this or any other country. They
will havo a particular appeal to women and children, but also will delight every othor person. This is a
motion picture houso absolutely fireproof that combines beautiful' interesting views with a pleasing eozv
ness, comfortable seats and good ventilation. Nothing has "been left undone to make this Omaha's foremost
picturo houso a beautiful lighted interior, flickerless pictures and first run 'reels.
Souvenirs to everybody attending opening day