Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SA'ITliDAY, MAHC1I 8, 191.
Former Association Secretary Says
They Cause High Cost.
Man Who Lost Po.ltlnn Asso
ciation ?, ,t X lnck.
Hat nnd line .ot Fix
detail grocers cause the high cost of
living in Omaha, ncccrrng to Joseph
Becker, former secretary of the Omaha
netnll Grocers' association. Uccker has
not testified before the legislative com
rnlttee. which Is making an Investigation
in Omaha, but has privately told member
Foster some facts regarding the eitua
tlon here.
Becker asserts that although one
grocer testified before ino committee that
the .Retail Grocers"assoclatlon had never
Indulged in fixing prices that very grocer
once introduced in the association a reso
lution to the- effect that no member
should pay more than 85 cents a dozen
for goods selling at 10 cents apiece. He
declared the resolution was adopted, but
later was repealed at his behest. Now,
so far as he knows, there is no price
fixing, but grocers by pushing up prices
for goods they can get cheaply from
produce merchants and commission men,
directly cause prevailing high prices.
Conda Hot In Wnrehunnr.
Becker says there are vast quantities
of goods such as cabbage and onions
literally rotting away In warehouses
about Omaha, because the prices on
them are kept high by the grocers on
tacit agreement and consequently arc
not In demand by consumers. If prices
I were placed by the grocers at a fair
profit, lievker rays, the demand for i
mese goous woum do greater anu inoy ;
could bo moved out of the warehouses )
Becker was beaten for the secretary-1
ship of the association at the election
In November by Fred Hansen. He avers
that a faction of the association, which
desired to uso its strength in forcing
produce and commission merchants to
extend them longer credit was respon
sible for his defeat. According to Becker,
his tenure of the office resulted In the
formation of a credit bureau,1 which
availed members of Information concern
ing "dead beats" and, he admits, vir
tually amounted to a black listing propo
sition though there was no Iron clad
black list.
Not Like I'ortlnnd.
, Becker declares there is no produce
men's organization in Omaha such as
the oiv: recently Indicted and fined In
Portland. Fifteen members of the Port
land Produce Merchants' association
were Indicted by a federal grand Jury
on February 5, and fines aggregating
$8,450 were Imposed by the Judge on
March 1. The produce men pleaded
guilty to violation of the Sherman anti
trust law. No ' Jail sentences were Im
posed because the produce men promised
to dissolve the association.
The produce men of I'ortlnnd had an
ngrcement with brokers, whereby cars of
goods which cotlld not be used by associ
ation members were diverted to other
cities and towns, the broker reporting
to his shipper that tKere was no market.
Thus produce merchants outside the as
sociation were scarcely able to get goods
and those within it kpt down tho quant
ity of goods on tho market and were
able to hold up prices. It was an agree
ment by which the brokers prevented
tho uso of "pool" cars by wholesalers
ym antee that thir 9mr-
outside the association, mid sent out
of the city, such "tramp" cars ns tho '
members could not use.
The Portland case was the first of '
Its kind to be handled by . the govern
ment authorities, who arc said to bo
working through tho west at the present
time nnd procuring evidence against simi
lar orgnnlxntlonB. i
"Omntas Greatest Clothing House'
aunni.K .mi:. hut tiii: raoi'iT
J. J. I'om- Tell" I.lvliinr ('ml Commit
tee Produce Arc Sufferers.
Two doors east of ub caused our basement to be flooded over five feet
deep. Thousands- of dollars worth of bottled goods all In perfect
condition (excepting the labels) jnust be sold .Quickly, regardless of
cost or value. We absolutely guarantee the sound and perfect con
dition of every artlole. Settlement with the IhBura.nce Companies
having been completed, our objeot Is to clear this, damaged label stock
out In a hurry to make room for clean new stock already ordered.
Olives Olive Oil Sardines Cherries T Inw of All Kinds
'Whiskies French Bauternes and Clarets German Wines and Knmmel
Italian LIqnors Swedish and Dansh Liquors Frtllt Brandies and
Cordials Imported Gins and many others.
A direct importation recently and Southern - Scupernong
arrived of very fine, wry old wi we ha whole car.
Rhine wines, such as Laubon- ' .
helmer, Nierstelner, Deldes- load of these elegant wines m
helmer, eta.; $1.00, and basement, all are water
$1.50 bottles; labels soaked '
otherwise as good as Aft- soaked-, otherwise O. K JQ-
ever all go SG 75o large bottle's TTUw
The finest line of Cordials, Nothing wrong with these
such as Apricot, Orange, Sardine ; 3U8t the outer la-
Raspberry, Cherry, Banana, bels soiled. .
f ' Vi on nnil rt 5o and 10c cans 4c
tl 25 bottle d 9 i 150 -an 20e cans ' '
$1.25 bottles- 25o and 35o cans 13t
50o qts. Cal. Port. . f . . .23 75o, 85c and $1 qts. JT
$1.00 and $1.26 Imported Wines. g0 at WVW
MutaYet AuVelicarToka;6! Bottled in boi!d Whiskies, $1
many other fine wines, 76c and $1.25 and $1.50 brands, go at
65c grades, go at 32 89d, 79g and 69p
AP For a Gallon of Ex- OJJVES
IJHA tra Fine California The fine large ones also
ifUV port Wine; regnlar stuffed 25c, 35c, 40e A
$2.00 Grade. This wine is large size bottles iOh
perfect; the jugs are soiled "Wo do not carry any cheap
from smoke, the labels gone, olives andtoply full size bot-
but the wine is delicious. ties ; these are real bargains.
c i, nA -p This Italian OIJ is considered
A Special Fine Grade. Pure one of the very beBt In can,f
Blackberry should be m ev- hardly touched by water. All
ery home for mediciual use. must go to make room for new
$1,00 BOTTLES 49 k
This is surely a rare oppor- 60c pInt cah, , 3
tunity. $1.00 quart cans G8i
If It Comes From HILLER'S It MUit Be Good.
We will ship direct to consumer for personal use any sale goods,
Producer nnd consumer." of life ne
ccsJltles botli nre victims of the middle!
men, nccordltiR to testimony fclvon yes
terduy afternoon before the stnte legis
lative commltteo InvcstlRntliiB the high
cost of living.
Ah Interesting situation developed when
J. J. Folc. n fruit broker, wan culled ns
a witness, lie attempted to shield the
commission men by declaring thnt not
'one of them ever mndu large profits, nnd
to prove his statement cited the sale of
two cars of apples mmle during the morn.
Ing. These apples were growi by a
farmer In Iowa and were sold to a snee.
ulator, who took tho entire orchard nt
around $1.75 n barrel of three bushels
The" speculator furnished the barrels at
a cost of 40 cents euoh, paid for the pack
ing and shipped to Omaha, where they
went Into storage, the storage house
owner getting 50 cents per barrel. He
had paid freight of 18 cents and Insurance
nnd Interest charges of 5 cents. Then he
plnced the apples on tho market
Not being nble to sell. Mr. Speculator
applied to Foye. who disposed of the
fruit at KM, charging a commission of
6 cents a barrel. This was u loss to tho
speculator, birt several persons had gotten
bites out of the apples.
The commission man who bought the
apples, willing to tnko a email profit,
priced them to tho retollcr nt jr.73. who
sold them to the ultimate consumer nt 40
cents a peck, J4.S0 per barrel, three times
what tho grower received for them.
Sam Joe, proprietor of n restaurant,
threw a little light on what happens to
the ultimate consumer of butter. Two
days ago Marsh & Marsh, commission
men, testified as to tho price of Clover
dale butter, which nt the stored Is priced
to tho consumer nt around 38 cents a
pound. Joe use more butter than tho
average family u;d he buys of tho Mnrsh
& Marsh firm. lie made a purchase of
ten pounds yesterday . and paid 31 cents
a pound.
John Smith, a south side retail grocer,
proved to be something of a rate man
on the property value and wealth of com
mission men. He explained that he had
been In business here twenty years and
bad maae a Close siuay oi wimi me iiu
mlsslon men are worth. He gavo his In
formation to the committee.
Taking up tho Trimble brothers, Hob
nnd Charles, Mr. Smith told the commlt
teo that fifteen years ngo they were
drivers for J. It- Snyder, working at r0
u month. Then they became salesmen
nt 75 a month, and five year ngo they
were taken Into the company. Now they
nre the solo owners and tho concern Ib
one of tho rlchciit of Its kind west of
Smith said thnt ten years ago H.
Ulotcky began handling cabbage-nnd po
tatoes in n little coop of n building ut
Tenth and Howard streets a poor man:
now be Is worth not less than $100,000,
made in a commission business that has
been testified to as being without profit.
If. Gllinsky of tho Glllnsky Fruit com
pany was the next man given a rating
by Smith.
"Glllnsky Is worth upward of OCOO."
said Smith, "nnd ho has been in no other
business other than selling fruit and
produce, and ho has made It all In ten
Wednesday Louis Klrschbraun testified
that thero wero no profits In the com
mission business. Smith Informed the
commltteo Klrschbraun Is now one of the
wealthy men of the city; he is the prin
cipal owner of a creamery and storage
plant, has a largo bank account, and Is
tho owner of an $18,000 home.
To disprove testimony that the retail
grocers are all growing rich. Smith said
that not to exceed ten per cent of the
400 In the city are making more than a
bare living.
C N Ball, a restaurant proprietor,
twelve years In business, said prices of
food products have Increased fifty to 200
per cent during the last seven years. He
would not attempt to state the cause,
but thought perhaps commission men
and brokers had been responsible for
some of the Increase. He told of paying
17 cents a pound for roosters last
week. Right here Member Gustofson, of
the committee, volunteered the Informa
tion that on the same day out forty
miles from Omaha chickens of the same
kind and weight were retailing at nine
cents a pound.
U, C. Howe, manager for Armour
Co., at South Omaha, testified as to cold
storage plants. He looked upon them aa
equalizers of 'prices.
Mr. Howe thought that without the
storage plants, produce would go begging,
especially at the season of the year when
most plentiful and during tire cold
months, could not bo had at any price.
He added that the Armours rent storaiv
to customers, but handle goods only for
their customers and the branch houses.
Ilaudazal TcIU of Trnat.
Vincent RandazzI, head of the Omaha
fruit company, an extensive dealer In
bananas, told of his experience with the
Omaha Produco exchange. Thinking that
a membership would help him in hli
business, ho Jplned, but when he, found
that the corporation proposed to run his
business, he dropped out, ho said, Then
committee after committee visited him
and tried to get him back.
As a last resort, one called ansVplcaded
with him. He still refused, and the ex
change man raid:
"If you do not get back In, we will put
In a stock' of bananas."
According o Randazzl, his answer was:
"You go and put In your bananas."
Randazzl told the commltteo the
uananaa have never been added to tin
stock of the threatcner.
Berg's Final Clean-Up Sale
Saturday is the last day of our final clean-up sale in the men's young men's
and children's departments we offer suits, overcoats, trousers, hats and
furnishing goods at prices below one-half original price. Our spring stuck is here. In order to make a little more
room we give you this last opportunity. AVe call your particularattention to our one dny hat sale. Note the
reductions. Our spring display of the highest and most reputable makes of wearing apparel for men and buys
made in the world is open for your inspection now.
35 Discount on Rg-ulr
Xdnca of Underwear.
4 . 50 and 15 assar sIIk
and wool Swiss ribbed
union MiiltH 53.30
American Hosiery Co. Au
stralian woid underwear,
regular 13 values, at. tho
garment $1.79
3.B0 worsted, closed crutch,
union mum, nt 52.49
Meu'H 11.50 Vassnr union
SllltH 85o
Men's II union suits. . . .390
Men'M Derby ribbed uudei
wear, up to 75o values, al.
garment 30o
Men's sllkatecn underwear.
12.00 values, nt. the gar- j
ment ...U
Regular 11 negllgeo nhlrtv
now spring patterns 69o 1
12 custom tailored shirts I
nt 1.
Separate collar, light flan
nel Hhlrte, $1 50 values 93o I
Broken lines of Sulta that
formerly sold up to SlCfiO,
on aalo now at... 87.50
Broken Uiuh of buUh that
formerly Hold up to $2, on
sale. now. .go to $12.50
llrokon lines or Kuppen
holmor, SoliloRB Uros.,
Stoln-Uloeh and Society
Brand stilts and overcoats,
that sold up to $40, on
salo now at S15.00
All overcoats at prices that
will amnio you Bomo
overcoats that sold up to
$1!5, on sain now
at SO to fSl.2.50
? 11.50 wool sweater coats,
shawl collars $2.2
$1 sweater coats at. . .G5d
Hoys' (iolf fllovcs, regular
GOc. at lOd
Hoys' Scout Gloves, regular
GOc. at 25ti
riillrircn'N ScnnilOhH Itlhbod
PIjAX.VKI, siiihts.
Hegular $1. at 59
Shirts, collar dotachcu,
slightly soiled, regular 76c.
at 100
Klccco Mned t'nlon .Suit,
regular 50c, at 350
Hoys' Waists, regular 75c,
now at 400
Muslin I'njninas, regular ?1,
now at 400
Two-IMeco Underwear, regu
lar 50c, at 200
Night Klilrts, regular 50c
"t 300
Hoj'm' Sweat cis, regular $1,
t 50
Hoys' Windsor Tics, regular
25c, at 50
HuMcr Brown Holts, worth
25c and 36c, at 100
Walst.s, regular 50c. 10,0
Hoys' Knee runts, that sold
at $1.50, $1 nnd 75c, are
divided Into throo lots,
nt. . .300. 50d and 70i
Fancy nnd plain silk lisle,
hose, 50c value, at..2SO
Silk llslo hose, 26c values,
at 12H0
Kvorwenr silk llslo hose, G
pairs, guaranteed six
months, sold for $3, now
at $2.00
Several thousand hats
worth up to $4.00, on sale
f Saturday O SSL m
only, at W
Let us show you our new
models in sprinir
suits for men and
l'IKHHK, S. D.. March ". (Special Tel
egram.) The Curtis publicity pamphlet,
which wns the cause of so much conten
tion In the last legislative session and
all through the campaign of last sum
mer and fall, Is no longer a part of the
lnu- nt ibla stntp. hnvliiir been renenled
this afternoon, when the house adopted
the Fenato bill requiring publication of
amendments nnd referred laws through
the newspapers of the stuto Instead of by
pamphlet publicity. The fight was a
warm one by the m:noi;:y which wob
opposing, but the bill went through with
an easy mujority when tho vote wan se
cured. The- house also adopted tho senate act
for a state gamo preservo on tho state
forest lands near Custer. In the Ulnck
Hills, nnd tho net carries with it nn ap-nrnm-lntlnu
of 115.00U from the game fund
surplus for fencing and stocking the re
scrvo of several townships in the heart
of the Uluek Hills.
The general Investigation committee
continued taking testimony until late
this nftcrnoon, and whllo tney may get
NEW YOnif, March 7.-Will!am Averill.
Harriman, son of the late 13. II. Harri-
man, entered the financial world today
when he was ejected a director of the
Harriman National bank here. Mr. liar
rlman was elected a few duyo ago a di
rector of the Union Pacific railroad. In
the development of whlcn his father
played so great a part.
Young Harriman. who became 21 year
of age last November, Is a. senior at
Vale, where he hns been largely inter-
ted In the training of the crew, ltefore
entering the university he worked at
railroading for several months, carrying
a chain for a surveying party on the
Oregon Short IJne,
their report In shapo to hand In tonight,
tho probabilities" now are that they will
not be able to report until tomorrow. K.
A. Platts, former assistant secretary of
state, was before the committee this aft
ernoon and explained several matters
which tho commute desired to learn
about tho department. It Is generally
known the commltteo will deeluro Irregu
larities of greater or lem Importance to
havo shown up In tho matter of attempt
ing to mako a sale-of a national bank on
the part of Public Hxamlner Wlngflold,
which he admits lit his testimony and
conversation outside tho commltteo room
Hind declares to havo been within his
Whllo the uppolntment of Oeorgo II.
McClelland as mine Inspector was an
nounced today, it did not go to tho sen
ate with tho other appointment? made nt
tho same time, and tho Ulnck Hilts mem
bers announce, that they will oppose the
conflrmutlonit It comes In.
Tho appointment of duy H. Krary as
puro food commissioner to succeed A.
N. Cook was announced later this even
ing nnd did not go to tho senate with
the other names.
The senate passed tho house thousand-to-ono
saloon hill this evening nnd
amended it to COO population, allowing
two saloons In towns of any size and re
ducing tho maximum of saloon licenses
to 11,100.
NK WYOUK. March 7-When Herman
Corcll, a policeman, opened the top
drawer of his dresser today his pistol was
missing. Ah ho started to look for It ho
heard n shot In the next room. There he
found his 4-year-old sou holding the
weapon in his hand. In a little heap on
the floor lay tho boy's sister, aged IS
months. The bullet had entered her left
ej'c. pierced her brain and killed her Instantly.
NHW YOHK, March ". .lames Gayley,
former vice president of tho United States
Steel corporation, continued his testimony
today In tho government sul( to dissolve
tho corporation ns an Illegal combination.
Mr. Gayley testified that he had recom
mended tho purchase of tho Champion
Iron mlnc,s by tho steel corporation In 1913
In order that It might not bo taken over
by competitors.
Tho Union Sharon ateol company, sub
sequently acquired by tho trust, was after
tho property at tho tlmo.
Bronze Bust Given
to James Wilson
WASHINGTON, Marcli 7.-A life-sized
bronze bust of himself will serve to re
mind Jnmcs Wilson,' retiring secretary
of agriculture, of his sixteen yeurs of
service in that department when ho re
turns to hla homo In Iowa,
Tho bust, a replica of which will be
placed In the department, wan presented
to Mr. Wilson tonight in the National
Museum building by tho employes of tho
department In. tho prcsenco of Sccrolury
of Htuto Bryan und Secretary of Agrl
culturo Houston nnd several hundred of
tho men nnd women who havo worked
with tho retiring secretary In, tho mnliy
years he has served tho department.
Key to the Situation Deo Advertising,
Two New Calif
ornia irams
Overland Limited
Effective April lot (from Omaha April 2d) will be new in every respect but name. It
will operate daily between Chicago and San Francisco via the Chicago & North-Western
ana Union Pacific.
Lv. Omaha 8.00 A.M.
Ar. San Francisco 9.30 A.M. 2d day
Only exclusively first-class daily extra fare train between Chicago and California. Bv
reduction in time saves a business day. Equipment is all steel, electric lighted, built
exclusively for this train, embodying every convenience, luxury and hygienic appliance
tending to the comfort, enjoyment and safety of passengers. New library-buffet din
ing and. observation cars, standard sleepers, compartments and drawing room.
Some of the Special Features are:
Barber Shop Selected Library
Baths All Club Features
Ladies' Maid Telegraphic Bulletins
Stenographer Electric Lights in upper and lower bertha
Valet Compartments and Drawing Rooms en suite
Only persons holding first-class passage with extra fare and sleeping car tickets will
be carried on this train.
Pacific Limited
Effective April 1st (from Omaha April 2d) will operate between Chicago-San Fran. .
cisco and Los Angeles via Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul and Union Pacific, ,'
Lv. Omaha 12.30 Night
Ar. Salt Lake City 8.15 A.M. 1st day
Ar. San Francisco - - 9.30 A.M. 2d day
Ar. Los Angeles (Sal tr Lake Route) -' - - 9.30 A.M. 2d day
Brand new all-steel electric lighted equipment consisting of standard sleepers, com-
. , partments and drawing rooms, tourist sleepers, latest designs. Library observation
car, diner. Through standard and tourist sleeping car service to Salt Lake City, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, affording high-class service. This represents one of the
highest class non-extra fare trains in service.
Other Through Trains now in Service to the West
To San Francisco To Los Angeles
California Mail Los Angeles Limited
To Portland
Oregon.Washington Limited
Portland and Puget Sound
All of the above trains are operated daily via
To Denver
Denver Special
Colorado Express
Colorado Special
nion racinc
StaaJard R d ml th m Watt
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety SifaaU
Duttle Roadbed Double Track
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Sauoa Opni Jua 18th.
For literature and further informttioa relative to ichedulei, ftrei, routei, ileepiag car retervttioni, yj jj. JF-'U
ide-tript, itop-OTeri, etc., call, phone or write Cj ftfxhk ' ff
L. BE1NDORFF. C.P.&T.A.. 1324 FamamSt., Omaha pSffiSjSlfilC-
Phone Douglas 334 tzsP zy
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Key to the Situatlon-Bco Advertising.