Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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To evory
Announce their
pring apparel show
For Saturday. March Eighth, Nineteen Hundred Thirteen
On which date we shall make our initial exhibits for (ho
approaching Spring season in Apparel and Accessories
for Men, Young Men and Boys introducing to the
thousands of patrons of this Quality store what we
know to be the most comprehensive showing of smart,
stylish Apparel for Men and Boys ever collected under
any one roof in the entire middle west. Our stock
appears as an immense Fashion Book, which features
only styles that are distinctive, exclusive and becoming.
tFhe sort that well dressed men demand.
This store extends to Yourself and Ladies a most cor
dial invitation to puy us a visit during this Apparel
Show. We urgently request your presence: not for
the purpose of effecting immediate sales, but more par
ticularly to acquaint you with the superiority of our
Spring Apparel, the variety and broadness of our
stocks our methods and our service. May wo have
the pleasure of mooting you Saturday, and showing
you through the greatest clothing institution withiu
hundreds of miles?
A short story pertaining to the character of Apparel
that will greet you at this quality store, Saturday
The reason Kinsr-Pcck Clothes are different In establishing this great Clothing Institution wo adopted methods that wore entirely foreign
to Omaha retailing. We realized that to become what wo are today, The Greatest Men's Outfitting, Store in tho West, would necessitate
a now and far more Progressive mode of merchandising than waB In vogue at that period. Plans were laid; we placed our new proposition
of clothes making before the' highest reputed manufacturers in America we specified certain standards of clothes making to enter every
garment regardless of the price. The result: Only a very few manufacturers could comply with our demands. Before any Garment
becomes a part of our stock, It must undergo one of tho most exacting merchandising tests that Is required by any clothing concern In
America. Many manufacturers declared that the buying public would never nppreclato tho advantages derived from such unusual mer
chandising"; bo that as It may, but from the day tho doors of this establishment swung open to tho public, It has grown by leaps and bounds,
until now It Is looked upon as an absolute authority regarding Apparel for Men, Young Men and Boys.
Quality Suits for Spring
$10 to $40
We reallzo the extreme Importance
of an efficient store service
next to the merchandise Itself no
other branch of the business is so
nil Important, We are constantly
alert to adopt new ways and meth
ods that will In any degree what
soever Improve our service. We've
studied conditions and have reme
died every" known weak point. Will
you take advantage of this im
proved store service? We wel
come any suggestions that tend
toward further Improvements.
Quality Top Coats for Spring
$10 to $25
Quality Suits for Boys
$2 to $10
At some stores this Is a semi-annual
cry, whether based on facts
or not, but not so here. We linve
tho best founded reasons for an
ticipating a record-breaking
season. This store, because of
having all of-Its Garments es
pecially made, placed orders far in
advance of the great strlko which
just terminated this week, and can
honestly claim to be one of the
very few Clothing concerns in the
west receiving complete ship
ments of all garments ordered.
Shopping a
At this
Kvery department Is go arranged
as to allow the greatest possible
space for display. Daylight
floods every corner of this popular
store, no' guessing at the color
here, you can see what It Is, the
entire store Is abundantly equipped
with triplicate mirrors you won't
experlenco no tlresomo waits for
PHcknges, or when a garment re
quires alterations you'lh find an
expert tailor right on tho spot to
give you his personal attention
without any delay.
Legal Department Rules Secretary
Without Discretion.
Former Veterlimrlnn Forms Organi
zation to Manufacture Treatment
, for lloir Cholera Auditor
' Looks After Insurance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 7. (Special.) Deputy
Attorney General Aycrs has rendered an
opinion In a case referred to him by Sec
retary of State Walt, In which two cor
porations bearing the Bame name had
Hied articles of Incorporation and one
protested against the filing and record
ing of tho articles of the other.
A corporation known as the Good
Samaritan filed Its articles with the sec
retary of state and later another cor
poration calling Itself the Good Samar
itans of the World also filed. Its articles.
One of them objected to the filing of the
other and the deputy attorney general
has decided that the secretary of state's
office Is an office of record and that II
lias no right to refuse to record any
papers tendered for filing.
Serum Company Formed.
The Midwest Scrum company has filed
articles of Incorporation with the secre
tary of state. The company will have Its
headquarters at Omaha and will engage
In the manufacture of antl-hbg cholera
serum, biological, pharmaceutical and
chemical products. The company has u
capital stock of J25,000 and the Incor
porators are P. Jucklness, formerly state
veterinarian under Governor Shallen
berger, Guy L. Axtell and F. M. Smylle.
Looking Vv Advertisement.
In a letter received by Auditor How
ard this morning complaint Is made that
a newspaper published at Spauldlng, Neb.,
is carrying an advertisement of the New
World Life Insurance company over the
signature of Charles Uyon, agent, solicit
ing business In Nebraska. The records, In
tho office of the state auditor do not
show that the New World Life Insurance
company or Charles Ityan has compiled
with the law In regard to doing business
In Nebraska and the auditor will look
the matter up.
Try Sloan's Liniment for your
rheumatism don't rub just lay
it on lightly. It goes straight to
the sore spot, quickens the blood,
limbers up the muscles and
joints and stops the pain.
is fine for lame muscles.
A. W. lit. of Ufuett. AU.. wrltwi
hit rbeumMlim for Or in I tiled doctor;
wl MTtrM different reraedlfi bnt thej did not
belp me, I olUlned bottle of H'ojni Lini
ment whleh did me to much good lbt I would
not do without It for nythin."
AtiUeulni. rrlteJSe., Me. il.0.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass.
OXFORD, Neb.. March 7. (Special.)
At a meeting of the school board Tuesday
evening C. I Anderson was re-elected
superintendent for the fifth year. The
following grade teachers were selected:
Mary Daniels, First grade and kinder
garden; Edna Walters, Second and Third
grades; Kthel Llnnaberry, Fourth grade;
Clara Clarlne, Fifth and Sixth grades.
Eight grade and high school teachers
were left vacant, to be filled at a later
meeting. The entire corps of teachers
for the present year were offered the
same positions for next year, but the
primary teacher. Seventh and Eighth
grades and the high school teachers do
not ,?xpect to teach next year, and there
fore declined re-election.
Itev. II. W. Cox of Denver, Colo., has
been called by the Baptist churches of
this place and Wllsonvllle and has ac
cepted the call. Ho will move his
family here In the near future and Is
now In the field .actively engaged In
A few evenings ago Robert Jenkins,
manager of the Nome hotel, took pity on
a, tramp,' fed him and gave him a place
tp sleep and had him" do a little work
around the engine room Jo pay for It.
The next afternoon his tools were stolen.
He caught the tramp at McCook and
now has him safely lodged In Jail.
home, aged 69 years. Ho Is survived by
his widow and four children.
Announcement was received here Thurs
day of tho death of Charles Hoyt, a.
former Beatrice resident, which occurred
at his home at'Tacoma, Wash., Wednes
day night. Mr. Hoyt was a brother of
Cleveland Hoyt, cleric of the United
States court at Omaha. He was o
nephew 6f the late e.x-Presldent Grover
Cleveland, and for years was engaged
In the lumber business in this city with
his brother. He was 54 years of age.
Charles Heckman, one of tho officers
of the Blue Valley Mercantile company,
and one of the foundors of the concern,
Thursday disposed of all his interests In
the institution and will retire. Ho may
conclude to locate In Denver.
SEWARD. Neb., March 7.-(Special.)
The marriage of Miss Margaret, daughter
of Mr. Walter Cattle, president of the
State Bank of Nebraska, to Glen Harney
will occur on March 12.
The death of Will Cruse, aged 65 years,
occurred yesterday. Funeral services
were conducted today at S p. m.
The death of Mrs. Frederlcka Freltag,
an aegd citizen of the county, occurred
Rev. A. Lemkan, pastor of the German
Congregational church at Germantown,
this county, has accepted a call to a
church on the Pacific coast.
A district Sunday school convention
will convene here March 10-11.
A. E. Anderson of the State Agri
cultural school has been employed by
the government and the Farm Manage
ment association as farm demonstrator
here for tho year 1913.
A meeting of the supervisors and road
overseers of the county was held here
Saturday afternoon in the Interest of
good roads. Prof. L. W. Chase of Lin
coln lectured.
LINCOLN, March 7. (Special Tele
gram.) L. Dewitt Hedbloom died at mid
night last night at the St. Elizabeth
hospital at the ago of 23 years. Ho was
the eldest son ofRcv. and Mrs. J. L,
Hedbloom of Boulder. Colo., formerly of
Stronisburg, Neb., where he was born
and lived until two years ago. Before
he became sick he was attending a
medical school at Klrksvlllc, Mo. His
body was taken to Stromsburg today to
the home of his uncle, A. n. Hedbloom,
and from that homo tho funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon and burial In
Stromsburg cemetery. His father was the
pastor of the Eden Baptist church at
Stromsburg, Neb., for twelve years.
BEATRICE. Neb., March 7. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors
yesterday a committee of three was ap
pointed to plan for the expenditure of
the Inheritance tax money, provided the
bill before present legislature passes so
that this money will be available for the
Improving of the highway. A number of
tho state banks of the county which have
furnished a bond In order that county
funds might be deposited In their Insti
tutions asked that these bonds be re
leased owing to the recent opinion of the
supreme court.
Mads Sorenscn, a resident of Fllley
township .since 1SS5, dlod yesterday at hl
Jonklm Will.
TECUMSBH. Neb., March 7.-(Speclal.)
-Joaklm Will, for forty-seven years a
resident of this county and all the years
living on the same farm near Tecumseh,
died yesterday of old age. Ho was
about 91 years old. Mr. Will came to
America from Hamburg. Germany. In
1S57, tho trip on a sail boat from Liver
pool to New York requiring forty-two
days. At Toledo, O., he secured employ
men at $1 per day, and wrote to his
friends In Germany of his good fortune
and they could scarcely believe him. He
had worked In Hamburg for 10 cents per
day. Mr. Will was married In Holsteln,
Germany, In 18tC, to Miss Magdallne Sch-lepmann.-
She died In 1911. Five children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Will, two dy
ing In Germany and one son, Henry,
disappearing at the close of the war.
William Will of Egbert, Wyo., Is a son,
and the daughter, Mrs. Hannah Craft,
lives here. Mr. Will located In Dakota
In 1864, being a squatter on lands before
the homestead law was enacted. He
served with company A, Eighth Dakota
cavalry during the civil war. The funeral
was held at the residence this afternoon,
conducted by Rev. John H. Wolfe of
Itebulldlnir I'alrliury Church.
FAIRBURY, Neb., March ".-(Special.)
The Methodist church Is being made
over. Last week It was discovered that
the celling had settled seven inches. The
members decided to have the bulldlne
remodeled. The east side of the struc
ture will be taken down and the build
ing will be extended to within, twelvo
feet of the sidewalk. The northeast
towers will be taken down. A new base
ment will be made and fitted up for a
gymnasium. This gymnasium will be
wxty-five feet square. The present struc
ture was built In the summer of 1903, after
tho old Methodist church was destroyed
by fire.
Noteo from Table HocU.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., March 7.-(8pe-clal.)
SHub Huff, a veteran of the civil
war, died at his home In Burchard,
aged 74 years, after an illness of
muny months. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Father Cronln at tho
Catholic church In Burchard, and the
members of W. A. Butler post, Grand
Army of the Republic attended In a body
as an honorary guard. Mr. Huff took
a homestead In 1SGS somo ten miles west
of here, where he lived for many years,
but for the last few years he had re
sided In Burchnrd. He was the father
of W. F. .Huff of the Stelnauer Star, and
Is survived by a widow and three sons.
Willis Skillet and Miss Cecilia Breeder
of this vlclhlty drove over to Pawnee
City yesterday and wore married by
Judge J R. McNalr at tho offlco of the
county Judge.
Mr. Donald Ault and Miss Emma
Schurr were married at the residence of
tho bride's parents, Mr. and MrB. I C.
Schurr, In Table Rock, Tuesday evening,
March 4, Rev. H. P. Young officiating.
Tho Commercial club of Table Rock Is
gaining membership in a phenomenal
manner. Last night forty-five new mem
bers cumo In, making tho membership
at present nlnty-three. A banquet was
given last night at tho Masonic hall, at
which eighty plates were laid. Rev R.
V. Pease of Falrbury, Was the princi
pal speaker.
IlimlneMK Chunscn at WeeplnsT Water
WEEPING WATER, weD., marcn i.
(Speclal.)-M. J. Wlckersham has sold
his hardware store to J. P. Uoguo of
Omaha. Mr. Bogue has been city sales
tnnn tnr Wrlirht & Wllhelmy.
S. W. Orton, pioneer druggist, has sold
hnlf interest In his business to his
former clerk, Merle McKay.
Scarcity of Corn,
SUTTON. Neb., Murch 7. (Special.)
On account of the dry weather last sea
son there Is a great scarcity of corn In
this locality. Cattlo feeders are Having
It shipped" In by tho carload and farmers
ar hnvlne by carload lots for spring
feed for horses. Seven carloads were un
loaded hero Monday of this week.
. l i
null Is Burned to Death.
WAIIOO. Neb.. March 7. (Special.) An
Infant son of Frank Chapek, who lives
ner Weston, was burned to death yester
day In a fire which destroyed his home
during the temporary absence of Its
parents. The loss on the building was
about 11,000.
FAIRBURY, Neb., March 7. (Special.)
Mr. Jomoi McConneil and Miss Anna
Ebsen of Bostwlok, Neb., were married
at the home of A. M. Brickncll at 1023
Fourth street in this city, yesterday.
Rev. E. B. Taft of the Baptist church of
ficiated. The bride Is a sister of A. M.
Brlckwell .of this city. Mr. and Mrs.
McConnelt will make their home at Host-
wick. Neb.
SHKLTON, Neb., March 7.-(SpecIal.)-
Mr. LVroy Hanke of Gibbon and Miss
Nellie Johnson were united In marriage
at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. J, It.
Martin Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
The groom la a young business man of
Gibbon where he runs a store, and hl.i
bride for a number of years has been a
saleslady in Shclton.
8TELLA, Neb., March ".-(SPcclal.)-Mlss
Ruth Clark, formerly of Stella, was
married to John Kentoff at the homo or
her father, Milton Clark, near Fulls City.
They will mako their homo on a farm
near Verdon. Tho groom Is a son of
AVllllam Kentoff, who wbh recently ap
pointed assistant game warden by Gov
ernor Morchead.
FAIRBURY, Neb., March 7. (Special.)
Mr. J. A. Henderson and Mrs. Anna
Weston, both of Grand Island, Neb., were
married at the Methodist parsonage yes
terday by Rev. M. K. Gilbert. Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson left for Omaha to spend
their honeymoon and will then return
to Grand Island to mako their home.
YORK, Neb., March 7.-(8pcclal.)-Yca-terday
evening at the home of the groom,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stevens, occurred tho
marriage of Roy A. Stevens and Miss
Molllo K. Stewart, Elder C. M. Cooper
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens will
make their homo in Central City.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Murch 7.-(Speclal.)
-Mr. Walter Parll and Miss Jessie Ast
were married at 6 o'clock last evening at
the Four-Mile church, a fow miles north
west of Humboldt. Tho ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Volprccht.
SIrM, Thomn Joneit.
STELLA, Neb., Murch 7.-(Hpcclal.)-Mrs.
Thomas Jones, a wealthy pioneer
resident of Nebraska, died this week at
her home In Longmont, Cal., whore the
funeral and burial took place. Until a
few years ago her homo was six miles
north of Stella.
Peter W. Hnrlln.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Murch 7.-(8pcclal.)
Peter W. Starlln died nt his home In
Vesta yehterday. Ho was about 75 yenrs
of age, and Is survived by his widow und
sovcral children. Mr. Starlln had re
sided In this county for several years.
Winnie I.tiiKufrl t.
Wlnnlo Llngafelt, daughter of Mrs.
A MaxfleM, 2212 Burdetto street, (lie!
at Immanuel hospital today. Funeral ar.
rangemcnts have not yet been made.
Al Wcltzol, city plumbing Inspector, Is
In tho pest house Buffering from a serious
case of smallpox, of which ho became 111
Thursday afternoon. Weltzcl called on
Health Commission Conncll, complained
of feeling 111 and asked to be oxamlned.
Council nt once pronounced him suffer
ing from smallpox and after frantic ef
forts to convince the health commissioner
that ho was wrong, Weltzcl was taken
to tho pest house.
Dr. Conncll ordered tho office of tho
boiler Inspector and the building Inspec
tion department, where Weltzcl first
showed symptoms of tho disease, thor
oughly fumigated and several of tho em
ployes may have to Biibmlt to vaccination.
Harry A. CornriKioa of Ilonson has re
ported to tho police that while ho and
his family were asleep Thuisduy robbers
entered his homo nnd carried "away 150
In Jewelry and silverware.
, , ;
Owing to tho unexpectedly large num
ber of answers received, tho contest editor
of The Bee will not bo able to announce
tho winners In the profile drawing con
test until Sundav Tho last contest hits
been the largest df all In eliciting an
swers, as many as 1,600 being received In
ono day.
WASHINGTON, aiarch 7,-Democrats
of the senate today chose Senator James
P. Clarko of Arkansas for president pro
temporo of the senate over Senator
Bacon of Georgia, by a vote of 27 to II.
Tha.outcomo was u great surprise, us
It was considered Senator Bacon would
bo elected, Tho caucus choice Is equiv
alent to an election In the senate.
NEW YORK. March 7.-"Packy" Mc
Farland and "Jack" Brltton, lightweights,
who will fight ten rounds at Madison
Squaro Garden tonight, met at the garden
this aftornoon and wotghed In at 3 o'clock
as required. Both were under the stlpu
lated weight 137 pounds,
Connterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pills, for consti
pation, malaria, headache und Jaundice
For sale by Beuton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Key to tho Sltlmtlon-Bce Advertising,
Those Rheumatic Twinges
Much of the rheumatic pain
that comes in damp, changing
weather is the work of uric
acid crystals.
Needles couldn't cut, tear,
or hurt any worse when the af
fected muscle joint is used.
If such attacks are marked
with headache, dizziness and
disturbances of the urine, it's
time to help the weakened kid
neys. Doan's Kidney Pills quickly
help sick kidneys. Kocom-
mended by Omaha people. "Every Picture Tells a Story"
Testimony of a Resident of
North Twenty-Eight Street
Mrs. Fred Horn, 2104 N. 28th
St., Omaha, Neb., says: "Be
foro.1 got Doan's Kidney Pills,
I was in a terrible- condition.
I was hardly able to sleep on
account of tho pain in my back
nnd whenever I stooped, sharp
twinges would dart through
me. Ono box of Doan's Kid
ney Pills brought me relief. I
used three boxes in all and was
permanently cured."
"When Your Back is Lame Remember "the Name"
Sold by .all Dealers... Price 50 cents. FojIer-MIIburn Co., .Buffalo, ft Y, Proprietors