THE BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 8. 101,1. 10 I'OUI.TIIY AND Sl'I't'MKS SINGLh Comb White Leghorn eggs; .1'??y str5l"' ,l 3B P setting. Jjob White Farm. 47OT Ames Ave. Omaha. EGGS For Hutching From thoroughbred n. C nhode Iil&nJ Reds; vigorous, hardy stock; great Ur. rs: country range: t ?3r $5 per 10 A- P.AKEIt. 'Benaon. Neh. n. F. D. No. tj Tel. Benon M7-t. ,,K,9R S,ALK--turkey toms, $5 aiul GV?ALs.Mne.I'ee,and' I'ouds-Leando, la. ROSh comb brown leghorn eggs, care ful selecting and matlnK. 16, 75c ; 1D0. $5.00. Olgq .Hayek. Llnwood. Neb. REAL EBTATK LOANS LOANS on farms and Improved city property, 5, and 6 per oont; no deluy. J H Dumont & Co,, 1C03 Farnnm St. MONEY to loan on business or rati dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. v. it. iiimiAti, rzs state Bank mag. WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. City Loans tOW HATES LIBERAL OPTIONS QUICK AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. Loans on Business Blocks and Choice Residence Properties a Specialty. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA- MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Neb. farms and Omaha city Property In any amount. H. W. BINDER. SO9-S10 City National Bank Bldg. HARIUSON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat. (tARVTM TiROS Loans $W0 and up. VliVIV V JilVUO. 0m(Um Nat'l Bant WANTED City loans .nd warrants. W. Far nam Smith & Co., 1130 Farnam SL 6 PITT J rtk MQ,lh-,r CVv . JIM to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. OMAHA homes. East NeDrask farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. $1,000 to loan on residence property worth fl.&Oi' at 6 per cent for five years. HASTINGS & IIBYDBN. 1614 Harney. Tel. D. 1006. HEAJj estate JUIS'I ItAU'l'.S Of 'I'l l' UK. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot Bern In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY l'ltOPCHTY FOR SALI3. Two New Attractive Homes Walking Distance One-Tenth Cash, Balance Monthly 1540 South 125th Ave., $3,700 6 rooms, parlor, dining room, vestibule, and den, all finished In oak; kitchen and upstairs In best grade yellow pine. Two largo bedrooms and bath. Downstairs den has clothes closet; can be used for bedroom If desired. Full foundation, ce mented collar; sidewalk; $370 cash, $37 a month, 154G South 25th Ave, -$300 5-room bungalow; oak In two roorris, rest- of house finished In yellow pine: bath room opens Into a little hall leading into bbth bedrooms. Largo bullt-ln cup board In kitchen; Icebox room, large col lar, furnace, cemented sidewalks, yard soddod. Ready to move into; $320 cosh, $32 a month, HASTINGS & HBYDEN. 1614 Harney SU To Sell Your real esta'tc, list It wfth us. Phone Tyler 1024 and one of our salesmen will call on you and talk over tho matter of selling your property. We will have many buyers for all kinds of property this spring, so .list your property with us now. 0 'NIELL'S R. E. & INS. ACENOY, 1505 Farnam St. Dundee $7,000 Brick and stucco, 9 rooms, finished In quarter sawed oak; beamed ceilings; large living room with old fashioned flreplaco built of brown stone; sun room; break fast, room and buffet kitchen; four fine bedrooms finished In white enamel; tile bathroom; largo sleeping porch; house ;inely decorated throughout. Well located; paving all paid. Very attractlvj, well built, well planned. An Ideal homo for anyone. Glover & Spain 1218-22 City National. Doug. 3063. A FINE HOME IN WESTERN PART OF CITY Klghl-room house In natural oak finish; with vestibule, reception hall with large closet, parlor, library with a brick fire place, dining room and kitchen. Four bedrooms and modern bath room on the peennd floor Separate lavatory In one of the rooms. Sleeping porch. Stairway to u floored attic. Large basement with separate rooms for vegetables and laun dry with stationary tubs, separate toilet, cistern water House Is nearly new on lot -40x140. Pav ing paid. Garage. Locotcd Ht 4165 Cuming Btrct. Price 6'000- W. II . GATES. fill Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. Web. 26S8. Splendid Georgia Ave. Home $4,250 Between Leavenworth and Pacific, fine 7-room house, strictly modern and up to date; three extra rooms in attic, not plastered: fine, homelike place. In perfect condition. Shade trees. . HASTINGS & HBYDEN. 1614 Harney St. CRKAPER THAN RENT Wo offer a 6-room dwelling, furnace hoat, gas light, modern plumbing, located Just north of tho Field club on paved street, corner lot, nicely sodded and ter raced, cement WBlks. all for $3,350; $300 cash, the balance only $25 a month to good party. This Includes Interest. See this, you will look no further. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. WE rent collect, sell any kind property. Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 614 Bee Bldg. Two Eight-Room Houses "Within "Walking Distance REDUCED FnOM $3,500 TO $3,160 BACH. If sold during this month, owner has cut tho price 10 per cent on account of going Into business and needs themoney. These houtes are located on 30th St., just north of Webster, within two blocks of school, one block of Harney car and two blocks of Cuming St. car; six blocks to Creighton college. TheEe homes have recently beon remodeled, with new oak floors first story, new furnace, new elec tric wiring, new combination gas and eleotrlo light fixtures, new plumbing; newly painted throughout, Inside and out; new cement walks, paved street: eust front. The houses are so arranged that two families can occupy each house, having a front and rear stairway and separate entrances to bath; the rooms are all good sire and well arranged; a good barcaln for someone with a large family or for two small families. A reasonable lawiient down, balance monthly Will stiNOsWbVDBN. MM Harney St. RKAIj ESTATE city rittrt:iiTV r-oit s.u.i: For Sale Business Block on Farnam St. The three-story building it 1313 Far nam St. A splendid income property. Entirely unencumbered. The best buy in Omaha. For detailed Information and price address Charles T. Knapp, Lincoln, Neb. $350 Cash Makes First Pay ment on 6-R. House Located at 1411 Martha St.. only one block from 16th St. car, and two blocks from 13th St. car; cIofo to schools, churches and stores; has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and bedroom or den on first floor; first-class plumb ing and heating; large lot, a fine place for a home; high ground. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FIELD CLUB LOT frith St., closo to Woolworth Ave. Very cheap for quick salei ED JOHNSTON, Phone Red 4727. 540 Bee Bldg. WILL TRADE EQUITY FOR VACANT LOT Six-room house, modern but heat, in very good condition, close to 24th St. car line. .j GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4S3 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed, free ut office; 2 stamps by mail. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Real Estate, In surance. Care of Property, Omaha. Also Omaha Red Book, vest pocket size. $150 CASH AS FinST PAYMENT. 2222 Grand Ave., good 5-room cottage, modern except heat, south front lot, all fenced, paved St. A big bargain for some one. Exchange considered. Doug. 1653. ion aiccague mag. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEH JOHN W. ROBBINS. ISO? FARNAM ST. MUST sell modern 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3,500. D. 2607. KRxlti ESTATE FJIIM A- KAN'CII LANDS J'Oll SAI.Il Arkansas. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ARKAN SAS AT OUR BXP1SNSE7 The first to nnswer from each locality will havo that opportunity. Write quick for particulars. Tho Delta Land Co., Lake Village. Ark. Cunntln. ' A FEW fine tracts of 1G0 to 640 acres In southeastern Saskatchewan, good soil, well watered, adapted to grain and mixed farming. For price and terms see or write, u. i. ueseim, zais uprague bi umana. WE arc going to Canada in a colony. Anyone wishing to join can get informa tion from P. O. box 12, St. Paul, Minn. California. CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and 3d TUes, w. T. smith Co.. H5 city Nat. Bk Colorado. CHEAP Land excursion to Flnelcr. Colo., every Tuesday and Friday till March 15. Round trip, including meals, bertn. hotel and auto trip. From Fair bury, $10; Lincoln, $12, and Omaha, $15. See F. W. Buck, Rome hotel, Omaha, Mondays and Tuesday mornings. Lin coln hotel, Lincoln, Thursdays after 3 p. in. and Friday mornings. M1sUIddI. EASY PAYMENTS Just save $i0 a month. Ten-acre garden and fruit farms, on tho main line nf the 'lllnulu "pntrnl railroad; producing capacity ovr S3.0W yearly. Terras, $zu down and l(J montniy; no Interest, no taxes until paid for. iio Irrigation necessary; puro shallow arie slan water; high priced winter crjps; Ideal climate for health. Write for free maps and booklets. Agents wanted. Tn.. Vogel Realty Agoncy. 1007 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraska. FOR SALE By owner, one of the best 200-acre farms tn Douglas county. For paitlculars inquire of B. A. Alden, It. 3, Osakts, Minn. Jlontsnu. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRES CAREY LAND open to entry at Vallcr. Mont. Fit teen annual payments. Sectli famous for grain, grasses, vegciles; well adapted dlverslled farming. For particu lars write. Valler Farm Sales Co., Box 2 Vallnr. Mont. Vlrulnta. FOR SALE In Virginia, directly on salt water, many farms and bulldlmr sites; inland farms, poultry farms, timber lands; Deauiitui country; boating and fishing. Correspondence solicited. John R. Landon, Cobb's Creek, Va. NcltraHkn. Douglas County Farm $75.00 Per Acre 160 acres; all In pasture; l',4 miles from Vnlley; east 80 acres all fenced, wove i wire fence; possession on cast SO at once; no Improvements; $3,000 loan on property, runs for 3 years at C per cent; balance must bo cash; no trades; must bo sold by March 20 or will bo off tho market. Will divide and stll In S0-acre tracts if neceseary. George & Company, Tel. D. 756. 902-12 City Nut. Bank Bldg. IMPROVED FARM Quarter Section Extra fine, new Improvements. Closo to town and school. Only fifty miles from Omaha. Good ftxed-up hometlko place to live. Lays level; awful rich ground. Must raise some money and will sell this awful cheap and make somebody a big bargain that has the money. This farm Is In a mighty good neigh borhood and nice neighbors. No agent has got this to sell. Write me direct. Don't answer unless you have the cash and mean business. Wilt give possession of farm In thirty day . 1010 Glenwood Avenue. Omaha. Nebraska. HEAli ESTATE FARM .V IIAXCII liAMU FOR SAl.n .NrlirimUn. Submit Offer K1GIITY ACRES, DOl'GUVS COUNTY, sixteen miles out, valley lands; adjoining farms held at $112 and upwards per acre, but this has small Improvements. As to soil, crop will show for Itself. Good goods for tho money. .Price $75 per acre, but submit offer; $:W0 to $3,000 cash. Pos session given. Also several So and 40-acre tracts. Pos session given. OR1N S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1813-1214 City Natjonnl Hank llldg- Oklnluinin. 3.000 ACRES underlaid with coal; In oil and gas territory; $10 to $20 per acre. Write John Cavanagb. AcAlostor, Okl. SALE Ott EXOIIANtSF K. E. Price $23,000 For sale. Omaha trackage lot.. 66x132, corner; this property offers exceptionally profitable investment! will groatlv Increase In value next few years. Fplendld site for parties dcBirlng to erect a building on trnckuge centrally located. Call or address Paul F. Skinner, Prcsl dent Skinner Mfg. Co.. Owners. Omaha. GOOD eastern farm value, eighty-four hundred; small encumbrance; quick deal necessary. Address Y 77. Bee. Will Exchange One of the finest furnished, best paying, centrally located apartment houses in Minneapolis for clear Improved or un improved farming, grazing, dairying or cut-over land; this property Is located light in tho heart of Minneapolis, S fict square: considered ono of the best pieces of property In Mlnneaxlls. In creasing In value dally; equity $92,0H0, oarlv Income $24,000. WE CAN SELL OR 'EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY. NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED. WRITE M. Morris, P. O. Box G4J. Jefferson, la. THE ONLY WAY To beat the money trust Is to list your fropcrty for exchange with tho Palmer and Co., 1106 W. O. W. Bldg., who can match them. LANDS, loans and exchanges. J. a Olson, 501 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. $1,000 stock of merchandise to trade for Omaha residence property. Phone Doug. 25W5. 1014 City National Bank Bldg. 100 ACRES of good hay land, clear of Incumbrance, In Holt county. Neb., to trade on quarter or half section of east ern Nebraska land. Merrick county uro- ferred. J. R. Collins, 1029 Omaha National bank lilUK., Omaha. Neb. Improved Farm Half section and SO acres.; south central Nebraska; fair Improvements. Price $16,000. Want to trade this for town property. No agents. Address me to Postofflce Box No. C33. Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO BUY Douroff 2d hand store pays hlghust prtoe for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. BEBER pays high prices for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothes, Bhoes. D. 7S02. WOULD like to buy a five or six room house to be moved on a lot. On In the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. We pay best prices for furniture. W-725S D. 8055. Quick buyers of furniture. r.nOTv" We Py highest prices for ladlts' uuuli and gentlemen's 2d-hand clothes, household goods and valises. Call Gross man 2519 Blondo. Phone Webster 4552. SELNBR will treat you right: boat prices, 2d-hand furniture, clothes. D. DiOL HEAL I STATIC WAXTKD LIST your house with Osborno Realty uo.. vxi raxton bik. u. 1474. Quick results. LIVK STOCK MAItM'.T OF WUST Ship llvb stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten Uon. Live Stock Coiuiulanlon Merchants. BTKRB BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bids. UaHTiH nitos. & Co.. ftxenange ldg. li:gal notices. NEW YORK, Jnnuary 21, 1913. ELECTION NOTICE. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Notlco m hereby given that the annual meetlne of the stockholder of tho Mis souri Pacific Railway Company will be held at the general otflco of the company, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, on Tues day, March 11, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m., for the election of thirteen directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any other business that muy come before raid meeting. The annual meeting of the directors will bo held ut the same office on the same day at 12 o'clock noon. The transfer hooks will be closed on Monday. February 3. 1913, at 3 o'clock p. m., and will bo reopened on Wednes day. March 12, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, By II. F. BUSH, Provident. A. II. CALBF. Secretary. F2Sdl2t Storm of Protest Against the Public Service Measure Copies of tho public service bill, which has been favorably ropoited b-' Joint com mittee of the Iowa legislature and recom mended for passage, havo been received In Council Bluffs nnd nro being scanned with critical interest. Tho bill Is a huge affair, comprising fifty-seven pnges. So far not a single commendable feature has been discovered In It by the Council Bluffs men who have been reading and studying It. It was referred to by one gentlemun who spent somo time looking over It as "fifty-seyeii pages of Iniquity." Tho measure contains all of the objec tions of the .Sammls hill Introduced two years ngo and only killed after a hard fight mudo by tho cities und towns of the state, whoso officers and citizens realized that It meant practical disfranchisement so far as control of public utilities was concerned. The committee bill adds to all of these a lot of additional objectionable features. It turns over to the control of the State Hallway commission every form of public utility and every business that lit any degreo whatever depends for sup port upon any form of public sen-Ice. Mayor Maloney dreamed over the bill Tuesday night and had tome sweet visions revealing what a pretty and dcelrablo thing a real form of "papa" government, such as is contemplated by the measure, would be for the people of Council Bluffs, It aioused him to such an extent that ha announced his dotermlnatlun td attend the meeting of tho legislative committee of tho league of Iowa municipalities, which has been colled to be held In Des Moines today. Mayor Sheldon of Ames Is chair man of this committee and ten or more other members are the mayors of Council Bluffs, Sioux City. Cedar Haplds, Burling ton, Keokuk, Davenport, Iowa City and others. Mayor Maloney thinks every one of them will vigorously protest ngalnst the passage of the hill. The Persistent and lumctoui Use of newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Fuci-css. Key to the Bituution -Bee Advert.slng. Council Bluffs ROAD MEETING IS HELD Conference Well Attended County Officials. by HEAR GREAT DEAL OF BENEFIT Much KnipliitKln l.nld t'lxin ("nncri-lr Work nnil Itond Workers Advised of Ilest Methods to I'lmh Thl Along. Every one of the twenty-eight town ships In tho county was represented ut tho annual good roads meeting held yes terday under tho supervision of the Board of County Supervisors, basd upon the authority conferred by the stato law, which provides all township ttustecs and road supervisors may collect pay for one full day's work ami receive mileage U they attend tho mooting. There were more than 100 of theso men present and enough others interested' in tho problem of good road making to fill tho south room of tho county court house, where the meeting was held. W. C. Children, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, presided nnd in his brut prefatory remarks said the meeting was to bo a wholly Informal discussion of plans nnd means of more w'aoly spend ing tho large amount of money, amount ing to more than $100,000 anuatly col lected for road work In tho county. The principal address of the afternoon was made by Prof. Whlto of tho Amos college, who Is a member ut the State Highway commission. His theme was chiefly cement culvert and bildgo con struction and he presented tho matter In such a light that It became plainly evi dent to all that reinforced steel concrcto construction of all kinds of county bridges was strictly In the Interest of economy, ns well us safety. He showed that nbove the foundations the cost of such construction was now about tho same, or even a little less tfian the old steel and wood floor methods. It was shown Unit the cost of maintain ing tho floor coverings of steel bridges, painting and repairs necessary to pre serve them equalled tho price of tho structure long before It had ceased to un serviceable. Deirml on Foundations. Experience seemeil to Indicate, he said, that reinforced concreto vrnn practically Indestructible, and that If the piers rested' upon sufficiently secure piling founda tions below the water line, nnd the area way of tho structures was made suf ficiently large to meet any flood exigency that bridges constructed now would bo In unimpaired condition a century hence. Supervisor Harding gave a very Intel ligent presentation of the subject of keeping tho public highways clear of underbrush nnd weeds. Ho struck a more Interesting chord, however, when ho urged tho necessity for uniformity of work In all parts of the county, declar ing thnt every bit of grading nnd nil other kinds of road work should be done In accordance with general plans pre pared by tho county engineer, so that when a road supervisor was directed to do a certain bit of grading the first thing ho would be required to do to come to tho court house and secure the plans nnd specifications for that work prepared by the engineer. "And then If ho doesn't do the work In accordanco with tho planB, don't pay him." said Mr. Hnrdlng. These sugges tions met the full approval of all present who expressed themselves nnd uniformity of work In accordance with genera) plans seemed to be the conviction of all as the prime necessity. The county engineer was present nnd suld his whole tlmo and sen-Ices were now at tho disposal of tho board, and that plans with bluo prlntB. showing all of the 'work to be done In each district, would bo available. It appeared really to mean tho establishment of road grades throughout the county. There were many other Interesting talks and each road supervisor seemed to be ablo to go homo with definite Ideas of tho work he wo.i to do this year Instead of doing it in the crude way that has followed slnco prehistoric Jlnicn. Wo all like to make money. Welt there Is no place In Council Bluffs that you can savo more money on a purchase than nt LoffertK' auction. Prices aro what you yourself mako them. Attend and see. Attend Lcfferts' auction sale and double the valuo of your money. Huge Judgment Paid Into Court L Yesterday wok a record day for money getting In the office of Harry M. Brown, clerk of tho district court. Judgments to the amount of moro than $300,000 were paid Into court during the day. Thoy rep resented total Judgments, secured nnd confessed, standing ngalnst tho half-dozen wealthy farmers who financed the Trcynor Intcrurban railroad and provided prac tically all of the money required for Its construction. The money paid was tho loan secured several days ngo through the agency nf Annls & Itohllrg, local financial agents, to take up the Judgments uud re turn to tho local banks tho large sums that h.ul been advanced upon tho paper of tho farmers. Tho payments made yesterday represent every dollar of Judgments standing pgalust the farmers, who mortgaged their farms to secure a seven-year loan of $35,000 at 6 per cent Interest. The total amount paid In yesterday through Annls fc Bohllng was $3fiO.09S.S7. The additional $S5,00O required to extin guish the Indebtedness was provided by the farmers themhelves. The Judgments In detail represented tho claims held by K. A. Wlckham, $38,C5.7I. St. Louis Hall way Supply company. $3,027.08; Treynor Savings bank, $7.M4.I!I; August F Dam row of Treynor, $(5,fiia.97: First Nutlonal bank of Council Bluffs, $70,995.83; City Na tlonal bank of Council Bluffs, $3i,(e7.n7; William M. Lana of the Lann Construc tion company. $17.03x.W, and the receivers of the Wabash Bailroad company, t2.OS.00. The payment of these Judgment places tho Treynor road wholly In tho possession of the formers who were thus led Into paying for It. It Is not at the present time very profitable property, but they will continue to operato It under the manage ment of Colonel Adams until other ar rangement are made. Tubular Barn Door Track. If tu the market for barn door track don't tall to Ket our tubular track It Is th b st traik on earth at uuly 12 cents per foot C. Hafer Lumber company, 4 Council Bluffs Minor Mention CouneJl Bluffs Offlo of The B Is at I nOBTD Mala St. Telephone 43. Dvl, dru. Vletrola. $1(. a. Hasp Co. Cerrlgans, undtrtaktrs. rhones 14J. Woodiing Undertaking Ce. Tel . Blank book iork Morehouse A Co. FAUST UBKR AT RUGBRB' BUFFET. Lewis Cutler, funeral dlreotor. rhone . Money saved by attending Lcfferts Ruction sule. , Watch given away free at Lcfferts' auction sal. ' The highest grade optical work In the city Is done at Lefferts'. MSk your nnx-'er for Skinner's Durum vtheat, tho new breakfast food. fceo Borwlck for wall paper and paint ing. 209 and 211 South Main St. Hcientlfio watch repair work, the kind that Is appreciated, at lcfferts . TO SAVE OR TO BORROW. SEW C. H Mutual Bldg. & Loan Ass'n. 123 Pearl. Ask your grocer tot Skinner's Elbow Mucnronl. Absolutely highest quality. WINDOW SHADES TO ORDHR-Coii-tlnentnl Furnlturu and Carpet company. BUDWK1SER on draught-TIie Grand Budwelser lit bottles ut all first-class bars. Lcfferts' miction continues daily. 2 and P. m. Don't mlrs It. It's the bargain center of Council Bluffs. The public knows that when they get a piano of the A. Hospn Co., 407 Broad way, Council Bluffs, they get more value ror their money than they count nn at any othet place, .mil at tho s.tmo litre, run no chances in buying a poor In strument. Judge Thornell yesterday granted a Jl vorce decree nnnulllng tho marital con tract betwepn Mrs. Pnrrin M. Simmons and her husband, Floyd n. Btmmot " - Cruel snd Inhuinun treatment formed tho basis for the divorce. They wcro mur-1 rled at Fullerton, Neb., October 17. l'JIO. Tho police were last night called to the , home of Mrs, Barrett, 609 South Tenth h.,1 lirnkon Intn hr limrtn .Inrltin- her absence In the early part of the evening. Tho officers sent out to Investigate had not completed their Investigations at 11 o'clock. Tho Knights of the Full Moon gave a play last night at the armory before an auuienco of over 600 people, mat was pleasing. A number of stunts wen pulled off by local and professional tal ent. Ono number given by a team from the Maiestlc theater came in for much applause by reason of tho clover antics. Judge O. V. Wheeler enjoyed yesterday the unexpected novelty of being mad party defendant In a suit In tho distil t court, where lie Is ono of Ilia dlst'it Judges. The suit was brought by Klnui Tabor to quiet title to property In Fen addition in thlH city, which the defendant has discovered that Judge Wheeler hs some apparent claim upon through real estate transactions made many years ugij before Judge Wheeler went on tho uonoli Tho first steps to he token by Freeman L. Reed to wind up tho affairs of the Iowa Security company will do the exc -u-tlon of an order Issued by Judge Thornell yesterday directing him to sell tho furtu turn and fixtures In the office of the con corn and authorizing him to t.umo ap praisers to fix their value. Ho bus m lrcted Ovid Vlen. F. M, Williams and L. T Albertl as such appraisers. There are said to be a number of now suits u process of preparation ngalnst the com pany and which will most lllmly be fil-i on or before Saturday, which Is the last day for filing petitions In suits to be tried at the March term of tho court. Dr. Hamilton spoke on "The Beauty of tho Christian Life" Wednesday evening to a largo congregation uttondlng the union services conducted by tho Flul Presbyterian and thu First Congregatl churches at the First Presbxtcrlan church. Mrs. James McCargar Bang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. N. II. "ul bert. Dr. Hamilton spcuks Thursday u.irt Friday evenings. Tho text was takon from John 1:41, "We have found tho Mcs. slnh." He said. "Let us seek for tho now Christ and hold Him up to men, making It clear Just what He puts Into life, so thut It may bo realized Just what wo nnvu In Him. He Is the one perfect mun wit i out tho limitations of other men. I'hls makes clear His ability to be of servi e to the average man nnd His power In meeting the everyday ncedH of life. Ills beauty and completeness for His wo.-l:, Ills Incomparable nature do not work tu malto Him uloof from man. In man's nefd all these characteristics servo tu draw man to Him and, coming, man s soul Is stirred to larger, nobler thins Watches given away auction sale. free at Loffcrti Ileal IXate Transfer". Tho following real cstnto transfers were reported to Tho Beo Thursday by the Pottawattamie County Abstract com pany: Fred Berg and wife to Bornurd Heckman, part sV. neVJ, 24-77-42, w. d 1.000 Bern Gress and wife to O. Moshcr, Jr., ne'4 of U-76-42, w. d 18.000 O. Mosher, Jr., and wife to w. J. Maxwell, same, w. a iu,w Mnry L. Kvorett to Iloi-o Brockwny. lot 14 In block 6, Benson's First addition to tho city of Council Bluffs, w. d - 30 Leonard and Mary L. livorett, ex ecutors of tho estato of Horaco Kverctt, to tho Benjamin Co., lot 10 In block 13, In Beers' subdlvl- OCIJAN 8TI3AMHIIIP9. BKTMUD A Sf. ARCADIAN & 0P0TAVAlL'il;,,bn,QTi!'"K: VT IMDI1B TOURS. AJk for tta lllutritad booklit. JMK.ROyAL.MAIt. OTBAM JACKKT CO. -8nderon & Boa, Cln. Agli , II Bo. Ld B1U St., Ctilcno. of Anr SUamihlp Ticket Atont. A LIBERAL LIST OF SATURDAY ECONOMIES AT THE REXALL DRUG STORES Shipment .lust Arrived of Excelsior Springs, Mo., MINERAL WATER Cryntal Llthla Water. 59 flft 6-iallon Jug QiUU Halt Sulphur Water, 60 OK 6-gallon Jub QfciaW Regent Water, case of SR. HQ 60 quarts 3UiUV KUlpho-Hallne Water, OQ flfl case of 60 quarts uw Sulpho-Sallne Water. QC Cfl case of 50 pints OOniJU Diamond Llthla Wntcr. C A flfl case of 1214 yillona for . We handle 100 kinds ot Mineral Waters, tn all slzta. Kree delivery to any part of tho city Saturday Gigar Special Fifty Imported I'antolla Cigars for 91.3S. This Is by far the best cigar bargain over offored In the city. Sherman Bbarman tc McOonnall Drug1 Co., Oornar 16th and Bodge. Xioyal Pharmaoy, Hotol Loyal Block. Council Bluffs i . I slon to Council IHuff.. w. d 100 slon to Council llluff., w. d A. A. Clark and wife to Ueda .1. Medley, lot S In block 11. Hayllfw Palmer's addition to Council Bluffs, s. w. d t M. Mi-Cue lo Msrv A. McCile. loin 7 and S In hlock 7. Grimes' addition to Council Bluffs d James Field nnd wife to Yllllnm Olson, lot 11 in block 12. Hums' addition to Council ItliiUx, w d .. J. G. Wadsworth and wife to .Martin I). Young, lot 3 and nty of tut 4 in block 10. Ilayllss' First addi tion to Couhrjl Bluffs, w. d C. 11. Grahl and wife to Iuu!h Ornhl, prt neVi. sn'Vi and nvi, nwM, 3S-7K-48. w. d O. T. Karges and wifo to J. W. Hell, lot 3 In block i!, livnlis" Second Brldgo addition to Council Bluffs, w-. d J. A. Doollttlo and wife to Glen 1.. Raxfiott, lots 4 and ft In block 9, Carson, la., w. d P. W. Charron and wife to Charles A. Canover, half Interest In nU. sw'i. 14-74-10. w. d 4(0 150 18.0X1 4,000 1,515 X 4,000 Total, thirteen transfers.... $t)4, M0 METHODIST BROTHERHOOD HEARS ISSUES DISCUSSED Men In sufficient numbers to fill the largo basement assembly room of the Broadway Methodist church gathered last night In responso to Invitations Issued bv the Brotherhood organization of the church to hear dlseusicd the live Issues presented by the change of the national administration. After a dainty little, lunrheon. served by tho women of the church. Emmet Tin ley presented tho Importance of tho change from tho viewpoint of tho demo crat, D. E. Stuart from tho standpoint of the republican and W. R. Orchnrd as rev-en ed o the scrutiny of n progressive, , , .,,, ,, ' W- J- Hnmmlll was chairman, Mr. Tlnley and Mr. Stunrl pleaded for tho continuation of a public conscience that would hold Inviolably sacred tho con- StltUtlOn Of the I'lllted fetates. Mr Or- . chard Itiplslcd that all humnn wisdom did not begin and end with the men who ! . . What is Oleomargarine? 0 It is made by churning together Oleo oil, neutral, butter oil, milk and cream. Oleo oil is pressed from beef suet. Neutral is made from selected leaf fat. Butter oil is made from choice cottonseed. It is prepared with utmost re gard for cleanliness and purity. The "Swift" reputation is behind the Golden Glow of Goodness of Swift's "Premium" 9 Oleomargarine K Made only by Swift & Company, U. S. A. OCKAN STKAMMIIIl'S, OCHAN STEAMSHIPS. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S New FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FROM TUB BOTTOM to the TOP OP THE VESSEL Will Sail from A 1 Mn Q And Bogularly NEW YOKK April llim-Ba) O Thereafter r. C. Brown, Wast. Pan. Art., Bonthtait Oor. Madlion and X.a Ball Strait, Chlcatro, or Local Aganti. CANDY BARGAIN ox of Harr's 60c SATUR DAY CANDY for . ... 29c Patent Medicines at Gut Prices $1.00 Dray's Glycerine Tonic 89 o It 00 Wine of Cardul for 890 Dr Cooper's Medicine 48o, B9o $100 Ilostetter'a Hitters B9o It. 00 Squlbbs' Sarsaparllla 760 ozomulNlon 48c, 89o Hexull Orderllea lOo, 38c, 50o ycott's Kmulalon 48o, 89o Vlnol, always H.OO HayB' Hair Health 48c, 89o Llsterlne IBo, 38c, 4Bo, 890 Itexall Kidney Cure 4So, 89o Hordeti's Malted Milk 4Gc, 89o $1.00 Lydla I'lnkham's Compound at 090 aiycothymolluo 35c, 45c, 89o Itoxall S3 Hair Tonic SOo, $1.00 Fellows' Syrup for B9o, 91.3 Spruco I'epsln Tublets 60c, 91.00 tl.00 Ouertln'H Nervo SyrUD 890 Mix id Faint Saason Now On. Baa It in Our Window. & McConnell Drug Co. rnopniETOKa or Tin: rotra o: BEXALI. STOKES. our country. Mr. Orchard claimed that Washington, Jeffernoii ami Hamilton werr the first progroHMlves. Ho frrmkly admitted that he did not think thero was further oimortunlty fur a progressiva party, and thnt a third party would no longer 1m heard of. because all of tho progressive principles have betm nb wirlieil by the republican nnd dempcratlo lortles. Strictly ferts". efficient optK-nl work (at Lefi If ,yoii appreciate good work, bring your watch wat'jli repair to I cf ferts'. Murrlrfge licenses wer Issuel yesterday to the following named pcrnc ms Name nil Addres ;ldltvss. Age. ler. Geneva, Nil)..... .10 Geneva (. 19 C. H. Btirkholder, Goldlc Abbott t'ra-sla liuuul. Elliltiro. Minn He.isle If. Ray, Missouri Vol'ey,' Itt 17 AT rOUHTAINSiHOTCLSi OR CUIWHCRB Get th Original and Gcuuinc HORUGK'S MALTED MILK ThcFoodDrinikforAHAges Rial MILK, MALT GRAIN EXTRACT, IN POWDER Not Til any Milk Trust Insist on ,-HOKLICK'b,: Take m paokego borne LIVER PILLS Sugar-coated and, all vegetable. Dose, only one pill at bedtime. For consti pation, Itlllous headache. Indigestion. Ayer s tills, aoid lor GO years. Ask Your DocU. J. 0. AjfrCo., unrui, 41 Ask your dealer for a pound carton "OLYMPIC TOILET GOODS 60c 1'ebeco Tooth I'uste for ,39ar C0c 1'ompelan Massage Cream 39o i'Sc Dorset Shaving Cream Ho 10c (Irahain'u Olive Creum Soap 4o 60c IHnd'a Honey and Almond Cream ,...33o Fairbanks' Fulry Soap for , . . . 3VisO P0MPEIA! MASSAGE lcrfv 25c Sanltol Tooth Puste 12o 10c Williams' Shaving Soap 3o 25c Packer's Tur Soap 14o $1.00 Vloletta Loulsetto Powder. .59o 26o Victor's Tooth Powder ,.13o TOOTH PASTE Hexall Tooth Paste "o 6c Sanltol Tooth Paste 13o Colgate's Tooth Paste at 10o .and 300 25c Sunltol Tooth Powdci. . . . 13o J5c Victor's Tooth Powder ...13o 8 1 V Wl aUtUH UU vvt ww w . mum a. v a The Sarrard Pharmacy Corner aitli and yrnftm. I