IS Polly and Her WANT ADS Want ads received at any tltuc. but to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock oon for tbo evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ado re ceired after such Hours will bave their first insertion under the head Inff, "Too Lato to Classify." CHAROERATES. Six words to the line. Ono Insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or .:ore consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. One line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements rbargod to patrons having accounts aroncasured by the line, not by the word. CASH HATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One insertion 2 cents a word. Two or mora consecutive lnscr tions 1J4 ccntw n word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE The Bee will not be re sponsible for moro than ono wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after the 10th of tbo following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telcphono cancellations cannot bo accepted. DEATH AKD FUNISBAL, NOTICES. ROCCO Romano, aged 64 years. .Funeral Saturday morning, March 8. Twenty-sixth street, nt 8:15, lo St. I"11' mena's cnurcn hi a. in. iuimi. .Holy Sepulcher cemetery. . LEO A. HOFFMANN. EXPKUT EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL, DIRECTORS, Located In "Modem Funeral Home." !4th and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 3001. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, undertakers; new location. 717 8. 18th St. Tyler Wit HIUTHS AND DEATHS. . Births Robert and .Annette Clay. 001 South Fifty-second, x Irl: O. and Josanlna Hanson. 3819 Arbor, girl; M. Ij. and .Helen Hanmim, 1227 South Eleventh, gin; uus and Maud Mundiln, 2103 Ohio, boy; H. (J. and Theresa Swain, hospital, boy; W. G. and Edna Toll. 1822 Corby, , boy; K W. mid Haxei Whlttnkcr, hospital, boy; Guy and Mary Wonder, 722 South Twenty ciKhlh, boy. , Deaths-Henry Russell. 76 yea"'-,,-?? Fort; John H. lluyers. 30 years, hospital, Mrs. Uarbarba Rower, 22 yeftr0'lr Francis M. Tuft, 37 yqars, 3914 North Twenty-second; Allen Thompson, 76 years, 1302 South Twenty-eighth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thd following marriage licenses have been Issued; . Name and Residence. Age. Edward J. Conrad, Omaha Phlla II. MoKlnney, Omaha . Fred W. Uartxot, Raymond,...,. 2S Eva Alien, Omahu .....zi Charles Deltamore. San I"fanctsco 23 Blanche McBurney, Boone, la 21 Niels Peterson. Omaha 30 Petrlna J. Vangsgaard, Omaha 30 Jacob Martin. Nebraska .City 53 Al1na McCord, Nebraska City Sd James E. Duloun. lla, B.. V M Clara Oilman. Elgin, 111 a Mark I;an, Omaha 25 Mary Wolf. Omaha 21 BUILDING PERMITS. Rasp Bros., 4119 North Nlntecnth, and four other buildings, total cost, 18.400. 1IKL1 WANTED FKStALK AKente uiid suleevroiueo. WANTED By the Vlmedla company, a capable business woman, past 30, as local, district or traveling manager. Prefer ono having experience n selling a home treatment for women. Address The Vlnuilla Company, Kansas City, Mo., or Mrs. II. M. Woodford, 107 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, Iowa. , KIVK hrlsht. caoable ladles to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers; Z5 to JM) per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug co., ism iiarney ou Clerical Mod Of floe. STENOGRAPHER, wiping to do soma work in pleasant office for the experi ence. Address at once. N 733, Bee, Young lady that can do clerical work In wholesale house; must be quick at figures. Chance for advancement; give experience. Address B-765. care Bee SWEDISH young man for newspaper to translate ingiun ana oweaisn. umana rosten. umana Monselcefcpcra and Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Ctrl Wanted Ad FREE unUI you get the Jcstred results. This applies to residents f Omaha, South Omaha and Council .tJlulfs. Bring your ad to The Be oftlce ,)T te.JPhone Tyler logo. WANTED Girl for general housework: two lu family; no cooking. Apply 2l 1-urK avc. GIRL for general housework, 'family 2o6 8. 3Mh Ave. small GIRL for general housework, good wages, no washing, it. 1891. 136 S. 38th. NEAT white girl Xo assist with general housework, good wages. 4540 Nicholas pt Mrs. H. J. cassidy. , YOUNG girl to help with general house work. Harney 2612. 407 N. 40th. GIRL for general housework, two In .family, good 'wages. 204 B. 35th Ave. GIRL lot 'mineral housework: no wash Ing pr ironing; J7 per week. Harney 224S. Kta Harney St ' GOOD girl for general housework; 2 "ll family, gooq, wages. Appiy alter u p. ,n tor in mornings, ti. uillL for plain cooking In small family where recond girl is kept. 625 8. 29th St. 11 1930 WANTED A girl fpr general house nork in family of two. References le i" red. Inquire Tyler 1336. ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Harney 2W 421 N. 40th. i I HI. to help with housework. Ht 110 8. r 1 ! Sure! I llus- III" how dVou expect I 1 wuz. omlv g I 1 f VOU kMOW WHAT O'CLOCK I DO I VOU PULLlW SutTIE.. 1 1 CoS?o?Sek 1 ,T!me n .5?J ,r J 1 Eaelv bp 1 1 W PalsDeUoiaimfte Country II ELI? AVANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper nnd Ilomtxlci, 2563 FOWLER White girl to assist with liouxework. W. 4333. WANTED Girl for general house work. Phono Web. 4502. W. L. Locke. 2440 Ellison Ave. WANTED Good, strong girl for gen eral housework; experience not necessary It willing to work. Call at 3408 Deway Ave. WANTED A neat young girl to assist a lady In general housework; ono that would llko to get a thorough training by a professional housekeeper and cook. 660 8. 20th St. YOUNG cirl to assist with housework: one' who can go homo nights. 261G Capitol Ave. WANTED A good cook. Marsk, 80S Pine St. Mrs. W. W. GOOD irlrl for srenernl housnwnrk In mall private family; good wages; refer ences required. 2218 Cass St. GIRL for general housework; wages. Harney 684. 3520 Burt St. good EXPERIENCED girl for general house, work; small family; good wages. 319 Harney." Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the' Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary'a avenue and 17th St., whsrj they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for pur travelers' guide at the Union station. GOVERNMENT lobs open to women. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces sary. Write' lor list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 73211, Rochester, N. Y. BH1RTWA1BTS 15c, 18th and Howard. Carey Laundry, HELP WANTED MALE Aunim, SuU-miuv'ii uuU Sullcllurs. Live Agents will write Jurger .Mui.u.auturtng Co., 607 Urandels Theater Hldg.. Omaha. - AUISNTS Kuril 14 to 110 dally. Write for my new spring catalogue. I give val uable premiums nnd sample free. C. E. Taylor, Main St., Rcrwyn, Carter Co., Okl, AGENTB lllg money to bo made. Sam ple free. A new lender. Attractive spring proposition, Write for . sample, Tho Wostcrn Hpeclulty Co., Sla. C, llox 288, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Ambitious young men to be como trnvcllng sulesmon nnd earn whllo they learn. Write for particulars, llrad street System. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMAN WANTED Exncrlcnced man with Al refrronces In soil a woll known wcBtern lino of lHjpular priced skirts nnd one-Plcco dresses to estab lished trudo In Oklahoma and Arknimns. Ulve full particulars In first letter, stat ing experience, age, sulnry expected nnd references. Address Y TJ. Uce. WANTED Sales manugers with ability. men who can organlzo territory .for tho best selling specialty In America: tho Automatic Wrapping Paper Printer; .1 ...!..... I.. u .. 1 1 1 I . . I V. . . . und territory gunrnutcca. Sco Glrard C. varnum, sales manager, room 634. lien shaw Hotel. WANTED Two men. over 35. to hnndlo a payment plan proposition. Apply Suite 9. Wcad Hldg., ISth nnd Karnam Sts. Fuel or unit Trades. LEARN AUTOMoblLB ENGINEERING, (Jet Into the automobile business: learn It complete In tho largest and best equipped training school In this torrttory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are In demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. Hr NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Men. SPRINO rush is commencing la the automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped shops; J 100 to S200 earned monthly by good men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n. 2814 North 20th St., Omaha. Neb. Vrpg store (snaps) jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. ""For Sale A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, 310; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts. Boys. Boy about 20 who can do clerical work in wholesale houso; must bo quick at figures, ureal cnanoe ror advancement. State experience. Address 8-74$, care Hue. WANTED Bright. ' energetic office, boy who has ability to advance. Ad dress 1C 774, Bee. ' MUi'c'Uueont, COO MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormcn and conductors; to Jiw a month; no ex. pcrlence necessary; fine opportunity: i,j strike; write Immediately for applica tion blank. Address Y-4S. care Bee. PIANO Players wanted for sDeclnl home work, paying 11.60 per hour. For particulars wrlto at once to A. W. Chrlstensen, 368 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36: citizens of United States, of good character and tempeiate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng. llsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Building, 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; COS Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 130 No. 10th St, Lin coln. Neb. GET prepared for railway mall and other government "exams" by former U. b. civil serv-ce examiner, write now for tree booklet 81. Patterson Civil Bervlce School. Rochester. N. Y. PARCEL post demands additional rail way mall clerks, postpfflce clerks, car litre; life positions; salaries 150 up. Write at onco for position desired. American Institute, Dept. 19, Kansas City, Mo. HELP WANTED MALM AND KEMaLH. Positions furnls'd both sxes everywhere. CALL us when you need a stenot,-'. ruiniur, ioibo uai iu seiei-1 irom; services free to employer and employe. Tel. Doug las 2213. L. c. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 13U Farnam St. WANTED Experienced German-speaking salesman and saleslady for general store. Address Y 71. Bee. MEN-WOMEN -Get government parcel tuu, Rochester, N. t THE IJKK: H4VE a MuVr ! ; DE.LICI4. DOWT Time n is 1 A. B. C. of Omaha AARONS Jewelry corner. 16th and Farnam. February clearing sale on nil novelty Jewelry, BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Crutch rubbers, crutches, clastic trusses, all kinds of rubber goods anything you want from a drug store. C ACKLEY linOS.. 121 N. 16th. Home- mado grape wine, $1 gallon. Two quart bottles beer, 25c, D UNDEB WOOLEN MILLS, 15th and iinrnoy bis. xiu suits ana overcoats niudo to order, guaranteed to fit. ECONOMY Electric Blgns bring busl ness; savo cost In lighting. E. M. Clark, Mth and Douglas, Omaha. FOSTER-MARKER CO., 600 Brandels Dldg. Doug. 29. General Insurance carried In reliable companies. GROSS Lumber'Wrecklng Co. All kinds Laundry, Dairy second-hand mach inery; pipes, shafting and belting. Ih OV havo scrap metals, rubbers and rags, write for prices to Omaha Metal and Rubber Co., 101 8. 8th St. J A. HCHROEDER will tell you any thing you wish to know about tho Moose lodge. TolD. 0826. 416 S. 17th. KERR Abstract CoT. 306 S. Tith" St. Dettcr bo eafo than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. LANKTREE Electrical Co., 308 S. 18th , St. Tyler 1011, All kinds of elec trical contracting. Get our prices. MONHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupees, switches from combings, Si. Mon- ntMts'cauty manors, 403 .8. 16. D23S3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas 1662. Wo rent, re pair, sell needles, parts of nil sewing machines. ' OnHA V"'r'ow. co- "21 Cumlngi loug. 2407. Wo mnko mattresses nnd pillows to your order, rcnovalo feathers, mattresses nnd down covers. r'0roalIi?5!wJ?rk guaranteed. 0MAU j?lPyK J?BPATn works: 1306-S Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water . fronts, grates for furnaces, steam nnd hot water hcnterB In stock. PETROLEUM Coke. S10.00 per tdnT Greatest heat-giving fuel on the mar. ket. No ashes or smoke. Give us a trial order. Union Fuel Co. Douglas QUALITY printing; prices right. Phone KM an let us quote prices on printing Barton Vic. i' mn Z' - -g. UVW KJ, AUlit, RKi?i'lotc1, now opcn for buslnessT n!?icr.n JXery reBPct. ?Pcclal fam- - "" " w. or mo. jinx) Cuming. SISTEK tailored suit's. ' Gowns, rcmodT ".?v VCn,rnBrcaonb, cost. 201 City National. Douglas C969. UN8u.D 'i1" .shP."12 Karnam St. Suits, overcoats. ralncoats-Ready- iYear--iu aiidJ.Vhypay moreT A7f,Vuer,L'l!iiery..Scl."2Pa-xton " ii ,i ' nunimer classes start- ...o ijippiire ior early positions. V fJf,ni,u UllATE. TDM ts Rn The y. nearest to anthracite; absolutely smokeless. Coal Hill Coal Co n. all YHnrfi?i1 "!ivo cl0'hcs satlsfactTon: ,i,Prin?, Bd BUtnmer wootens. Lan mm n7tSZTr 8' ",h St Far' Easter offerings ! .0 HERE IS AV tni.-A Get a beautiful 60c silk tlo by parcel post for 33c. Name color when writing. Luxctte Mdse. Co., COS S. 20th, Omaha. UHLSS pleating, buttons covered, , all "s and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. EASTER egg dyos, 6c; Easter perfumes, jo to Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., .vin-uubc, u i mug uo ictn-Harney. V11U3IN1A IIAIIK win. ,r.n tie. Klein Liquor House, 612 N. 16th IL f?owEV millinery, up-to-date. 151s N. Mtli Frances Downey Hawk. THIS T1ETHA 1 ENDURES Is a lucky wedding rjng from Fred Brodogaard Jewelry Co.. Mh and Douglas Sts. At to mi ui wiu ituiyh up the Golden ritairs. LADIES ONLY ,KriSUo.n massage. of hair, face and hands. Turkish (bath ier utarcn j.i Ant. S. 1S02 Farnam St. PLUiMES cleaneu. dved and curled 429-A Paxton Blk. D. 6394. buy stvmhii a u'frsrr,-rrnuj" ! ... "w. Kliujuca n creuiL to ciotno tho entire fumlly at SI a week. Beddeo. 1417 Douglas St. FOR GOOD CLO'lUIES. G. A. Llndqulst, Tailors, 236-6 Paxton blk. WANTED SITUATIONS A LADY would Bt out and Drnnam nrl. vate or party dinners or luncheons In private family: excL-llont rnnU ah. A 729, care Bee. WANTED By a first cIhhs inlnr,i chauffeur driving Job In prlvuto family, or small truck; t, years' experience; can drlvo uny make of car. Address Fred O'Neii, 2718 Cuming St. BOHEMIAN man, two years' experi ence in general merchandise store, wants position. 1411 Lincoln Ave. Laundress wants work by day. H-&503. Mrs. TOOLE, practical nurse. D. 8231 MAN wants place to work for board and room. G 797, Bee. WANTED Position by experienced chauffeur; references furnished. L. Rhodes, Crclghton. Neb. POSITION us hbusekeeper by neat. In dustrious widow, 30 years of age, In wid ower's homo. N-7S2, Bee. WANTED-Posltlon taking care of children; day work, or as housekeeper. Call Douglas 4477 WANTED Uy young business man, experienced In correspondence, shipping, credits, law. Address .1 775. Rare Bee. WILL do carpenter work In exchange for mom and board. Address L 773, care Bee. WANTED Small set t ocoics to keep afternoons or evenings. Tel. Web. 18SI. Experienced young man wants position as automobile or motorcyclo repairman, Web. 6121. FORMER manager of own business Ue. sires situation, shipping, credit man or collections; also ranrouu experience. .u dit-ss F 741. Omaha Bee. COMPETENT luundies wants work on TUMdsys. call Wl. 4024. COLORED girl would make her home sn niUitte family t all Web. 613 v M 755, ware Bee. OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH , 1913. WANTED-rSlTUATlONS WIDOW, with one child, wishes situa tion as housekeeper or general house work; Is refined, quiet and capable housekeeper. Address G 777, care Bee. ATTRACTIONS. , OMAI... film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain ANNOUNCEMENTS HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Masquerade and theatrical costumed to rent at Lleben's, 1614 Howard. Open evngs KAPLAN'S KOSHER Restaurant, finest Kosher meals. 120 N. 16. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenzer Blk. T7 l j Ladles and gentlemen; H r RTrlT Booi eating; popular X prices; 310 So. 16th St.. Tnn Hnfn Board of Trade Bldg. Ladles' Aim "A entrance on FArnam St. Wedding announcements. Doug. I'ti. Co. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St THE N. C. LEAHY COMPANY. Formerly Kotera & Leary Co., engrav ers and printers. 716 S. 16th. Douglas 18H0. I. I. Newman, hereby announco that I will not hereafter be responsible for any debts which my wife, Gessa Newman, may contract. MONEY TO LOAN LOW rate, 310 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2901. Union Loan Co AUTOMOllILEa . Three Big Bargains Ono 1913 Chalmers, 15 cylinder, very best condition. One 1912 Oldsmobllc, 4 cylinder, 4 pas senger, very best of condition. One Wlnton, 6 cylinder, 7 passenger, good condition. These cars arc strictly first class; been used and cared for by private - party. Will sell at big bargain prices for quick action. Address D., 2010 Farnam St. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Karnam. ROBES And radiator covers at 12.60 and uu. BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 25th Ave. & Lcavonworth. D. 6922. TVf 1 rv! Jn nesPAiniNO. luurpny urn ni1 SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES $100 paid for magneto we can't repair, coll rep'lng. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18. WILL sacrifice ray 40-horsepower run about; never been used. Address A 427, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get In or out of business, call on QANQESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. v We Have An unusual opening for a good, reliable office mall with a fow thousand dollars to invest: you can securo a good salary und position In an established going business of the highest legitimate stand ing und unlimited possibilities; Investiga tion will nssuro an excellent opportunity. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND WRITE ME. M. Morris, P. O. Box 613. Jefferson, la. FOR SALE Small stock of Implements and hardware; small Iowa town, thirty hilles from Omaha; rent cheap, fine buildings; no competition: largo te'ri tory; other business same town Is tho only reason for selling; about S5,u00 to handle. Address Y 76, Bee. FORTY-FIVE-ROOM hotel, fine busl ness, u bargain; no trade. II. Llndeman, Crawford, Neb. ELITE picture show room at 516 N. 24th St.. South Omaha; new front and newly decorated, unexcelled location; room for SCO chairs, no fixtures; excellent oppor ,ull fit, nvnnr uliiil I inwinun IJ.,1 tunlty for uu experienced showman. Hall Dlst. Co.. 433 Ramge Bide- D. 7406. PARTY with some money and service to Invest can buy Interest m well-established firm; host references. Address A 747. Bee, Omaha. STOCK OF CLOTHING and fixtures for sale; located in city of Omalm; stOL-k and fixtures Invoice about S3.500; estab lished business, all ready to step Into; will stand closest Investigation and will be sold tight for cash; ho trade will be considered; reason for 'Selling, owner has other Interests. Addresi F 721, care Bee. FOR HALE Stock of dry goods, gro ceries nnd fixtures. Address P. O. Box 87. David City. Ncb. FOR SALE Cafo doing excellent busl- ness; Invoicing about $1,700; will sacrifice nrT T TPnri at $1,400; county seat; little competition. jJLiL1H1iJU Address Y "8, Bee. Winter term now open. UnsurpajJ'd STOCKS and bonds. Investment, ttal classes. Finest quarters. Graduates o.e estate Franklin Brokerage Co.. 1623 Doug, guaranteed good posltlotU. Work for ' r : board. For free catalogue and full lu- TO buy or sell a. business promptly, see fortnation, address Mosher-Lampman Cf.- Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bee Bldg. iEce, 1815 Farnam St . Omaha. Nib. ANY kind retail store furnished or soldT llnnnaii. Kennebeck Co.. 603 Bee nidg.. Omaha. ' FOR SALE THE BEST. THE Special prices In March; learn to danco FINEST and NICEST LOOKING CANDY ahere all the others do. HIS Harney tt- AND ICE CREAM business In Ne- : - braska town of' 13.000; mahogany tlx- OFFERED FOR RENT tures; soda fountain In connection, present owner embarking In wholesale Apartments nnd Flats. business, will take $4,600, $2,500 down, balance on time; no trade. Address 1 74. j -r j " Moving, care Bee. CjOrQOn V an LO. I,achnff' FOR SALE-Good restaurant, good loca- Tel'lTasT tlon good trade; owner leaving city at -19 N. nth St. or .10 a. I7tn at. lei u. ah. once; simp. 617 N. 16th St. t?TTiT?T TTV strage and Van "Mr. Merchant: Wo make auction sales 1JjLiL X 1 mn ?Sd "tiMkld' ffiXte$fflPS& MBS -PPed- 16th & Jackson. Dour?5ei1: Bank references furnished on application. STORE and steam heated apartments Crook & Roth, Auctl'rs. 411 N. 9th, Omaha, closo to Postofflce. Low rent. G, P. - mi.. j Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. BUSINESS PEltSONALS FIVE-ROOM, steam-heatcd apartment . . In the Dunsanry apartment, 10th .nnd Arvnltects. Pierce. Conrad Young 33 BrHiideia . (vMmnpf ,"JJm ,h w Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 1571. J, F. COTTRLI.I. 4103 N. 19th. V. m fX)lt.HoOM apartment, MTitouiha!n j Attorney.. St. Telephone Hurney till. PHONE C. E. StnTthT 611 Bee. D. 3357. SIX-ROOM modem flat. 1113sTllthT DaTi-florrlgan. 611 Bee Bldg: Doug. 35287 F1VE.nooMAS hfflt amJ ' u-aul- i'-ioin. water, best of Janitor service, $12.50 In summer, $47.60 winter. nH modern nnd un i TTnii.liAceiwr Manicuring Massixa, ' to-th.-mlnute. , IiniTUlCbSjlIlg Treatment. Ch!I-I TRAVER BROS Idren's bobbing. Welndlander SmltluIlJ si It Tel. Red 4H1. 705 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Drawn BUSINESS CHANCES I Chiropractors. , J. C. Lawrence, D. C 2322 Howard. D. 8461 Detectives. NATIONAL Detective Service, 405 Om. Nat. Bk. Legitimate detective work sat isfactorily performed; evidence secured la all cases; watchman furnished. D. 4:07. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138 OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Buford,'632 Pax. Blk. Red 457. Crearucrlrs, Dairies nuil Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Drcaamnklnc, Miss D. Malloy, altering of ladles' suits, refitting, rellnlng. 20G Boston Store. D.347S. Al dressmaking at reasonable prices. Mrs. E. Yeager. 1916 Chicago. D. 405S. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Dressmaking at home, or will go jut by the day. Phone V-b. 6115. 8003 Burdotte. Dressmaking. Fit guaranteed. Web.' 4406. Drags. DRUGS at cut nrlcea: freight Diild on S10 orders; cataloguo free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Everjthtnif Elcctrlcnl. Eleotrlcal Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee Bldg. Florists. Donaghue, 1607 Far., D. 1001, A1001. HES8& 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam dt. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam, D. 1233. BRANDE1S cut flower dept., new store. BATH'S, florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. lnanraucc. SOUTHERN SURETY CO.. health and accident Insurance, solicitors wanted. R. 11. Landeryou, 221 State Bank Bldg. Gen eral agent. Movlntr, Stornne and Cleaning-. Mcliud & Son. Van & S., 8-horse van. 2 men, S1.25 hr.. 2 hrs., SI per hr. D.4339. W.543 Music, Art und Lnnenngci. GERMAN conversation taught by a na tive teacher. Address O 751, caro Bee. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN, 119 N. 16th. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson, S0S-9 Brandels The. 3ldg. I'ututs and Glass. BARKER Brothers Paint Co., carry a big stock of Keytsona the washable and durable wall paint. Full line Sherwln Williams paints and vaihlsnes. Carter lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bert's varnishes. Get our prices. iiia'A Farnam. Doug 4750. PAPERHANGERS use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co. 718 8. 13th. Doug. 3760. l'atcnts. HIRAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer, 646 Brandels Theater Bldg Ooug. 3469. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red iu7. Prescription Chemist. NTT SJ7!TT,TT!T? Graduate prescrip . Jl. OHiXJ-tiliit, tlon chemist, 21 No. 23th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. 1'rlntlnK. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. q ul Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. tit. Low W. Raber, Printer, rgg" BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COUilT. Store and Office fixture. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2519 N. South Omana. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, otc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2744. Trunks and Suitcases. FRELINO & STETNLE. 1803 Farnam cit WlneN and Llixuara. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, elgas, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 602-3 S. nth St. "Persistent Advertising is the Road to Business Success. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE h now open, yet It Is not too lale to en ter. Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkejp inp stxnnertiDhv. Teleeranby. Civil Serr- ' Ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for tne asKing. can, write or pnono fur It at once. Address Boylea College, 1607 Harney St., Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN for The Bee by I 4FTTED "TEW have The House wotk did bV "tHE --Time he. 6b1r up I OFFERED FOB BENT llosril and Rooms. I itfcill l,Ult31. Ui Li 1 11-1 1 V, XVUUO, UilUVli new management; single and ensulte. D.85 2216 HOWARD Front; board and room for two gentlemen; S5 per week. NICELY furnished southeast rooro-4 with board; modern. 2621 Harney St. 29th wnlk & L'veanworth; nice homelike place: distance; mod. excel'nt board. H.3389 WILL give room and board cheap, to respectable working girl for company evenings. Tel. Harney 6090. A-l, beautiful furnished, in modern, private home. Field club district; gentle men only. 2118 So. 32d Ave. Harney 1407. Furnished Rooms. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2702-01 Farnam, large beautifully furnished mod ern front room, single or ensulte, reas'ablo LOVELY front room In strictly modern home; very desirable. 626 S. 17th Ave. NEWLY furnlBhed rooms, steam heat. 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1521. 3 Furnished rooms, 1 block to car line, 2224 Pratt St. Telephone Web. 3113. 2018 DAVENPORT, keeping rooms. 2 or 3 front house- 614 No. 17th 6 rooms, two pairs ensulte, for light housekeeping; newly furnished; reasonable. STRICTLY modern, new brick, private family. 2116 Harney St. Phone D. 6001. l''uru Ished IIoiiseUeeplnB Room. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1606 N. 17th. ALSATIAN. FURNJSHED room all modern, S16.00 month. TRAVER BROS. Tel. Red 4721. 706 Omaha Nat. Bauk Bldg. 3119 CALIFORNIA Two or three fur nished modern rooms, with heat. First floor. Harney 400L Furnished Houses. EIGHT-ROOM, furnished, all modern house, with sleeping porch. In Bemls Park District. Phone Harney 2560. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE -HOTEL Modern, reasonable. 619 S. 26th St, two all modern rooms. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms, i- per week and up; free bath. Houses nnd Cottagres. J x- J Exp. Co., furniture & I , It PPn pianos moved, stored; J-VVVVA Wob. 274s. a9. M'LAUD & Son move trunks, 25c, 50c. Douglas 433S. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th und 27th Sts., all modern improvements. The Crelghton University, Tel. Doug. 2320. WEST FARNAM New stucco, 319 N. 38th Ave.: fine location and only 145. 2011 Clark, 4 rooms, owner pays water, $12.60. 1409 N. 30th, 6 rooms, S12.00. 28S3 Burt, 6 rooms, bath, $15. 2222 N. lSth, 6 rooms, large yard, J15. 2924 Hamilton, 6 rooms, brick, J 16. 2224 Clark, 6 rooms. $16. 213 N. 18th, 9 rooms, $27.60. 712 N. 22d, 7 rooms, modern, $35. 3027 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern, $40. 1219 S. 16th. 6 rooms for colored, $17.60. RING WALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. STRICTLY modern 8-room house near car and school; fine neighborhood; large lot, east front. Harney 399. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-nge, $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing und hauling. D. 4238 and V. 3785. Offices 117 S. 14th St. 530 N. 1CU1.,1 IGO hauls trunks, light moving. D. 2497, MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. TTrmcna In all parts of the city, ixuucsca Crelgh. Sons & Co... Bee Bldg. S ROOMS, modern. 112 N, 26th. D. 2717, 8 ROOM modern house at 112 So. 44th St., $30. Tel. Harney 3361. Moving, packing and storage of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fiieproof storage, 8W 8. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office, 209 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4163- TOR RENT Seven-room house, modern except heat, 2414 Caldwell St. Enquire at 3218 Webster St. .Tel. Harney 4593. ELEGANT 9 and 11-room house, all modern, walking distance. 324 N. 23d St. and 2305 Cass. Dybbro & Flotcher, movers of household goods, pianos; work guaranteed. D. 30S9. NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST YOUB VACANT houses with Payne & Slater Co., as we are having more calls for good houses than we can supply. 1010 So. 22d.. 8-r., all mod., hot w-t3r heat, oak finish, close In; will rent rea sonable to desirable tenant, $35. 2462 So. 17th, 6-r., all mod., $18. 1526 So. 29th, 10-r.. all mod., fine neigh borhood and school, $37.50. P. J. TEBBENS, 760 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 21S2. COT iV Express and Storage, Piano v, yy-m-i Bnd furnture moving. D. 670. 8-ROOM, well heated and lighted. 830 S. 29th St. Key next door south. Tel. Harney 81(1. Strictly modern 7-room new house. North Uth St., near Clark. Phone D. 1103 or W, 1881. J. J. Rooney Agt 101 S. 16th St. Stores unit Flats. ELITE picture show room at 616 N. 21th St., South Omaha; a new front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room for 300 chairs; no fixtures; excellent oppor tunity for an experienced show man. Hall Dlst. Co.. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. FOR RENTFor wholesale, light manu facturing Br retail purposes Farnam St. after December 31 the three-story and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire atv room 314. First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1212. NEW modern store "room for rent, 22x100 feet, 217A Reed St., Red Oak, la. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. RENT a-n L. C. Smith & Bro. type writer; risible back space key model; new ribbon; A-l machines In overy re spect. U C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1316 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE . Miscellaneous. 8 A FES 2-hand. American Supply Co. "STORE-FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters Ice ma chines. The I'nlted Line, 1117 Farnam. lALL'8safes, new and 2d-Ui.nd. Corey Si McKenzle Pt g Co., 1417 Harney. D. ml Cliff Sterrett WHV You L the "Shock MkSMT HAVE KILLED HER.! OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-band carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th St. Kindling, $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. FOR SALE No. 3 Mlddleby oven, flrst class condition. Address or 'phone, Vienna Bakery, Fremont, Neb. $5 r; COAL; It's good; try a ton: best for money. Web. 848. Harmon & weetn. SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Derlght Co.. 1813 Farnam St. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE One black horse, lrtbrht 1,900; city broke. Write or can. John Haney, Gretna. Neb. 2 LOST AND FOUND FOUND One Irish setter dog, black and white. Apply at 240 Bee. Dr. Tany. LOST Lady's silver mesh purse con taining silver card case. Initials I. T. R. Liberal reward, no questions asked. Call Harney 4321. Address 133 N. 40th St PERSONS having lost some article; would do well to call up the office of th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lift It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 49. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST1UUKT RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Wallet filled with automobile Te celpts; reward for return to Geo. V. Chandler, press room, Bee Pub. Co. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures. Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DISPENSARY SSgSS?0". diseases, conducted for the economical sick. Fee is 60 cents paid cash; medicines Included. Hours 9 to 8; Sundays, 1 to 3. Dr. Matheny. Suite 338. Bee Bldg., 5IONEY TO LOAN Salary a nil Chattels. BTOPt. Here if you need money. LOOK!: City over and you do no better LISTEN11I We will negotiate a loan at Lowest Rates, Easlets Payments, Quickly and Privately on Salary or Chattel Security. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d floor, Suite 308. Paxton. Phone D. 1411. 1 T on furniture, pianos iVifjMRV real estate at a very J-T--WA-l'J rate of Interest. and low "Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 BeVllldg. CHATTEL LOANS $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 603 New Om. N. Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2H and 5 per cent. Your goods Insured against fire and burglary while In our possession free. W. C. Flatau, 1514 Dodge St- Red 6619. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Let us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe and with only one place to pay; you'll bo more satls-4 fled and surprised how cheaply wo can do It. NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established Twenty-one years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 229S Room 215 Board of Trade Building. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent. GROSS LOAN CO.. 410 No. 16th. PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to tna worthy poor, 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. IF "Topsy Turvy" knows who "Topsy Turvy" Is, she will como or write home at once. Don't forget. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 1.62Q subscriptions to the L. II. Journal, $1.60; S. E. Post,, and Country Gen tleman, $1.50. will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n, which will Insure myself and ffiteen other sufferers $10 a month each. Must havo 270 In March. Your renewal worth 60 oents. UON'T WITHHOLD IT. PhonosDouglas 7163, Omaha, Neb. uurmuiM, una jiau A-.i.-Nt; man, ftLASSAGE Swedish movement. J jimuoAuu 2 1S02 Farnam. D t API. C240. MASSAIJK unit crlntv. M in u Alln of Chicago. 109 S. 17th St. Douglas 7865. Miss Fisher. maSB., bath, elec. treat. D, W13 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY, Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Massage Expert treatment. Mrs. Steele. 208 S. 13th St. Room 308. Close 10 p. m. MAGNETIC treatment. E. xvjixjj-X ove. ?10 s 16th Brott. D. 7W5. ANNA MARKS aW5 V O T X I u'nmon . . ...... .,., iu uiiiuna as strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women s Christian association bulldintf at JTtli and 8t. Mary's Ave., where they will be -directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look ("r . .1,1 m Un union station. Massage. Mrs, i.lttenhouse. 30S BostoiiTTtT WANTEP-Chlldren to boardjyhr.i,,; MASSAGE p,orns removed. 2Sc. Mrs"! . iltiiLyjneW7 S. 16th, D.WS ai'IKVTIlrin : ' '- . - llljUOUL'e. Mnpmia-t.i. Ll.l loran, 223 Neville Blk: 'Phone DuV,ufi IHIULTHY ,yi) luppOgr Hyme Shock MlMT HAVE B xOULTRyM.A- ' jetting eggs, don't lilame the ii.. belp them along bv f V,'e1":' W'STOTSa BABve.