Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Extra Special
Your choice of 28S of the celebrat
ed "Itlng Tailored Waists" for wo
men llnona and flannels odd and
broken lines that we offor Satur
day at
Just One-Half Price
The Most Notable Garment Sale of the Nfew Season
Women's Spring Suits at
New Spring Coats liiipa
in 11 mm i v iva
1 ' p - jjre
This fortunate early purchase from an Eastern maker enables hun-
dreds of Omaha women to save from $7.00 to $12.50 on their new Spring Suits Saturday
This maker produced suits of high grades. Every model is thoroughly tailored and absolutely trusttoorthy in every way,
All New Styles Women who dandtliolat-
est stylo ideas m their suits
will find a wide range of models to choose from. Scores
of the 1913 favorite Bulgarian Blouses, clever Balkan
blouses, Norfolk effects, cut-a-ways and severely tailored
models. The tailoring in every garment is of the best
Minrnctor. Trimmings are inlays of satin, the Bulgarian
Embroidery now in such vogue everywhere. Mnny new
tapestry and carded silk trimmings'. Coats lined with mes
caline. Skirts show the now draped and side pleated ideas.
All New Colors s makT fentur,ed ho
wiuesi. possiDie range 01 spring
shades in his suits. The conservative shades are here as
well as "the season's popular novelties. Dorothy blue,
shepherd check, Nell rose, tans, leathers, Cafe au lait, gold
en brown, Bulgarian blue, blacks, etc. In this wide range
of models are to be found all women's and misses' sizes.
The materials include such desirable new fabrics as Bed
ford cords, poplins, woolen serges, mannish novelties add
the new eponges.
Not a Suit Worth Less Than $22 Many Are Worth $25 Some Worth up to $27.50
The New Spring Waists and Blouses are Stunning
Scores of those popular, new Voile and Lingerie Waists are priced at $1.
New arrivals of Embroidered Voile "Waists arc shown at $1.50 and $1.!)8.
White Orepe de Chine Waists low collar and large turn back cuffs at $2.98.
Meteor, Channeuse and Lace Waists
240 Women's Handsome Crepe Meteor $1 1 $1 Q$OC
and Charmeuse Dresses New Spring Models J-- .UjO
Style, the most essential element In a woman's afternoon frock, la represented In every one of these
dainty new creations.
In these groups are models with several new and distinctive features Frocks with new Bhadow lace
yokes and collars. Some have the new skirts, draped In front. Others show the new shoulder sleeves
and scores are oxamples of new Ualkan blouse Ideas with wide crushed sash belts.
Wacks, Navies, Copenhagen, Twines, Wisterias, Tans, Xcll Hose and other favorite shades.
Netf Silk, Chiffon and Lace Waists,
at $5
New Tailored Suits for Easter Wear at $25, $35 and $49
Kvcry model that is fashionably correct. Every color that is popular. Every fabric that
.$10 to $15 is in demand this spring. Scores of clever new style ideas shown for the first time.
Special Sale of Women's
Untrimmed Eats
Ostrich Feathers
Women's Real Hemp Untrimmed Hats Vel
vet facingg large, medium and G O E?f
small shapes all now colors, at)OiOU
The New Spring Toms Hemp brim, satin
crowri blaok, white and plain (? 1 CA
blackmain floor Saturday, nt. P v
French Ostrich Plumes
Genulno French plumes 3-ply fcathors, 21 Inched
long and 10 to 12 Inches wide plain tfjC QU
colors and shaded $10 values, at....
lS-lnch French head ostrich plumes, 10 Inches wide,
JG values, Saturday on main floor, at S3. 08
18-lnch ostrich quills, novelty form 2 In bunch, with
shaded ends, worth $5, at 552.50
36-Inch shaded ostrich bands, In now spring colors--$5
values, at . . . .S2i98
Two-ply ostrich pumes largo clusters, shaded or
n1n!nsK vnlnoa at CBf ft
, .
Ostrich stlck-up novelties 5 small shaded tips $3
values, at 551.50
Question mark shaded ostrich effects, 10 to 12 Inches
long, $2.50 values, at $1.25
Men's Furnishing Goods Sale
Very Fortunate Purchases By Our Buyers in New York
$1 15
-Bargains are Extraordinary All on Sale, Old Store, Main Floor
Several hundred men's ncgligco
anil golf shirts pleated or
bosom worth up to
.50 each, go at. i
Men's new negligee shirts smart
patterns worth up to $2, at
Men's spring and 'summer shirts now
patterns, worlh"upto lTso. nt
Hundreds of , moh'a new -negligee
shirts, worth up to $YTat "each. .
Men's $2.50 and $a spring shlrtB at. . -81.50
Men's 75c shirts In our basement at SQd
Men's Pyjamas worth up to $2.5of
at .T.75 and 9J$
Men'B Silk Knit and Silk Four-ln-hand
Neckwear newest de
signs and smartest shades
worth up to 50c at. . . . ,
all new spring patterns, at, ,each. ... . jJ,
Men's 60c and 75c silk neckwear-
Men's silk neckwear, regularly
worth 25c, spring patterns
Men's hoslery-rrtans and blacks.
made to sell up to 35c a pair, at.
Men's 20c hosiery, special at, per pair. . . . .Qt
Men's 50c silk hosiery, special at, per pair, 25d
Men's $1.50 medium weight union suits at.98d
Hats at $10
All the correct Htyles and all
tho flno workmanship that
cnaracierizcs a $10 or $18
uui is loumi tn
our Coronet hats
V Ul f lO
Juniors and Children'! Hemp
Muna ata Trimmed
nun riuuons
uuu Trimmed
fflKS" $2,50-$5
Five hundred to choose from nil now spring styles
would bo excellent values at $5 An Cf
our price...,, , J)42aOU
JsMss Choose Saturday from Exactly 312
Made to Sell at$20-$2250-$25-$2750;:
A week later and you will be asked five or ten dollars more for suits of this same
grade, no matter whero you go. Better sele'ct yours Saturday. Suits are medium
spring weights for men and young men, 2 and 3 but- CX4-aori TirJI arc
ton styles, Norfolks, blue serges, fancy tweeds, etc. at " llLCCll JLyUlldl o
Men's cn' ou wau a su'
give steady business service
Snrin5a ,l V01 ocIerato price,
-J tiyou can buy here. You'll be
Q.,Ifo satisfied
overy way
IVIen's a'u am sniped worsteds
and mixtures in half peg
Odd ')S' mlKum weight and
patterns that are right for
Pants st- $198-$098-$o98
Bona. . . - .
No "cheap suits" here -good sui
- MEN'S SUITS -1- AT. ... mr PT C?750
ts, for less than elsewhere. CpO OL P I
Samples of
Rain Coats
Bought at a big- reduc
tion, on sale Saturday
About yz Price
Men's raincoats and slip-ons,
worth up to $5, SO 50
will go at. 4
Men's raincoats In .Raglan
and box Btyles, $a 50
worth to $10, at He-
Wen's finest raincoats up to
52 Inches long, Sfi 50
woVth to $16, at O.
Cut Flowers, 3 Specials
Beautiful Car-iIoPe
nations, r r I Roses,
per dor.
I per dor.
stomiSwoet CallfornU
49cKceh8' 20c
No separate; feature of woman's dress is more important than the
shoes. Shoe style is an essential that no well-dressed woman can
overlook. It is because we specialize in shoos of high quality to sell
at a medium price that Brandeis Stores appeal strongly to Omaha
women. Tho greater varieties of now styles makes selection easy here, and the
absolutely dependable character Brandeis shoes means complete satisfaction.
In tho raonthB to come you will admire the new Gypsy last. A famous Kbberts
make, in black buckskin and mat kid. Also the new English Walking Boots and
3.50 and $4.00 WOMEN'S SHOES $2.45
Dressy, serviceable shoes in tan or gun metal calfskin with silk
striped cheviot tops smart, new lasts with broad toes and high
heels, that have been selling for $3..r)0 and $4; at, pair $2.45
The New English Walking Boots Tan and black calf
skinlow flange heel and blank eyelets, for
A Wonderful Sale of Books
Every year tho same thing happens publishers make too many books In their effort to satisfy the demand for something new, and
. seek an outlet for them. Brandeis Stores' tremendous following of book buyers offered this outlet that's tho reason for thlB sale.
BOOKS THAT WERE SELLING AT 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 AND EVEN AS HIGH AS $2.00
Tho leading book publishers of the laud, from New York,
Philadelphia, aro represented.
1 II. Ilevell Co.
John I.atie.
IVurat & Co.
JhiUKlitoM. Mifflin & Co.
O. H. Doran Co.
K A. Htokea Co.
ltlckey & Co.
Hurler & liros.
Hobbs-Merrill Co.
John C. Winston Co.
Uodil, Mead & Co.
IX Appleton & Co.
Ilonry Holt & Co.
Macinlllan Co.
Cmiplea & Leon Co.
T. V Crowell Co.
Boston, Chicago and
A. C. McClurg & Co.
Dqubleday, I'uiCe & Co.
Century' ,Co.
n. C Page,& Co.
Uttle, Brown & Co.
Charlei Kcrlbner's Sons,
a P. Putnam's Sons.
Rand, McNaJly & Co.
Saturday Special s?il
Now Serpentine Crepe Nlglit Gowns, will go on special
al t S1.00
ftow Iace and Embroider- Trimmed Brassieres, on
snlo at 25d
New Iinco and Embroidered Princess Slips will go on
snlo at SI. 50
New Combination Undergarments will go on special
solo at SI. 00
Children's Gingham and Percale Dresses will go on
sale nt . '. , 'SI. 00
Children's New AVhlto Lingerie Dresses will go on "sale
nt SI. 98
Now Long Crepe Kimonos, dainty colors, wfll go on
site "t SI. 00
Women's $1.00 Quality JEc
leavy Silk Hwiery.... pr
With wide lisle garter tops, lisle double
soles, high spliced heels and toes full fash
ioned, regular made in black, tan and white.
Women's 40c Cotton and A?c
Lisle Hosiery at, pair . . .
Plain and fancy silk embroidered boot pat
tern with wide hem tops, double soles, high
spliced heels and' toes'. 1
Women's cotton and mercerized lisle -j j
finish hosiery, worth 25c, at pair. LOC
Boys' and Girls' heavy ribbed cotton hosiery,
worth up to 20c a pair, -i ni
on sale, at pair JLC
Women's $150 Long and QTc
Short Kid Gloves at, pair . . 09
Kid, lambskin and cape gloves in 12 aud 1G
button lengths; also 1 and 2-clasp effects in
white, grey, tan, black and red.
Imported Cope and Lambskin
and 2-clasp effects, in leading
colors, at
Gloves 1
Perrln's Grenoble Kid Gloves 2-clasp ef
fects in the fashionable shades, at
pair -. . . . .
Correct Spring Hats
Every new shape that is correct is seen first at
Brandeis Stores. Varieties are greater and qualities
aro better than you will find elsewhere at tho price.
Alert, virile, new spring, models in every
height of crown and width (tQ
of brim, at tP3OU
Brandeis $2 Hats, in now soft or stiff
styles, in the correct shades, at
SI en's Soft and Stiff lints in the popular styles, on
special sale at gj
English Golf Caps for men and young men, in new
spring styles and colors 50 &
Boys' and Children's New Spring lints, values up to
$1.25, on salo at 50
lloys' and Children's Sample Hats and Caps, worth
up to 50c, on sale at 25tJ
Trunks and Traveling Bags
Wcll-Mnde Trunks, In every desirable size, at JRS.
86. $7. SIO up to ....S30
Slen's and Women's Suit . Cases, at "R1 in B
S2.50. S3 up to S25
Men's and Women's Traveling Hagg, in serviceable
leathers, at... S1.50. $3.50. S5 to $25
Thoso Famous Innovation Wardroho Trunks are here
Bt S25. S45 and S65
Specials in Drug Dept.
S cakes Ivory Soap .,,.190
6 cakes Wool Boap,...19o
25c. Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow
der for 13o
3 cakes Colgate's Shaving
Soap, for 100
,25c bottle Peroxide, at...Oo
j-id. zu muie xeam worax,
for 9o
50c Hindi Honey and Al
mond Cream 39o
50c Java Rice Powder.. 34o
25c Sanltol Tooth Paste.
Powder or Face Cream lfo
11 time, Yales' Krultcuru,
for 89o
50c Almond Blossom Cream,
for 4Bo
25c Broglere's Talcum... 7o
11.60 Thermos bottle, pint,
for 98o
$2.50 Thermos bottle, pint,
for l.t9
$3.60 Thermos bottle, pint,
for $2.49
ti Kosmos bottle, quart
for 83.98
$5.98 Thermos bottle, quart.
lor 83.39
25 Rubber Gloves ....39o
$1 Rubber Gloves 79c
J6c Fountain Syringe. ..49o
If0,-11,0,1 Water bottle.. 49o
$1.50 fountain Syringe 98o
$S-50 Combination Syringe
and Hot Water bottle.
for $1.89
$3 Victor Duche-T-. ...83.39
9 tubes M. Q. Developer U9o
$15 Seneca Roll Film Cam
eras. 2HX1U, at... .88.98
$11 Seneca Film Camer&n.
2Hx3. at $8.98
$14 Post Card Seneca Cam
e .88.98
$2 Scout Film Camera $1.49
75c Post Card Album ..490
Photo Albums at about
naif rric.