Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1913, Image 4

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W. Burkhart Says
Vlic Lonl May Forgive Yoti, Hut I
Will "Not, If Yon Don't Send for
n LYe Trent meiit of My
, Vegetable Compound.
BLaaiaB 'SBBBBaLaLar
Wednesday, March 5, 1913.
Dr. W. s. BurkWt A He It Today. Owes HI,
Robutt He.llh and Cats of 90 Pound
to JUa Hl WB Madlalna, Ae
Naaded, for lb. Pait 25 Yean.
It only coats you X cents to get rid of
iha Imd, tick ,oui. bloifed stomach,
that Hi-nil, bilious liver, kidney trouble,
constipation, and that: elck, despondent
feeling from headache. This vegetable
compound la nlao-rrcoRnlxed ha the great
est spring remcdjrknown. '
1 give you inoro for?$ VM" than any
one else Mould Rive you .for fo.00, and
what is ftiore,' If you nre nSr-Hatlsfled I
will return your money. Tako iiw nt my
word. Vou take; no ejiance and yoll -will
always feel grateful towards mc for thin
Shake off 'the burden of 'sickness, my
friend.. Do It today. cents will put
you oi your feet. Remember, I let you
bo theJudge. No rurc. your money back
for the; mere asking. Uifnka. or business
firms fn Cincinnati will tell you my word
Is good. Get the treatment today from
your druggist or wilt be Kent prepaid on
receipt of price. Bo sure to ask for und
ce that -you set Dr. Rurkliart's Veg
etable Compound.
To provn It merits conclusively, I will
end trial treatment free, Dr. W. B.
Burkhart, Cherry Hill Square, motion Tt,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Advertisement.
Thos Omaha housckeepera, who are
often puitled nbout meals, should nerve
the dellclously nppctlzlng "Mlnncsdta"
Spaghetti at least twice each week.
The whole family, and the men folks
particularly, wilt like the delicious flavor
of "Minnesota" Spaghetti, and' It gives
them strength and vitality without over
loading the stomach. It Is muoh better
than so many heavy meals of meat.
And,' besides, "Minnesota" Spaghetti Is
so easy to prepare and you make u big
saving In' household exponsea It you
serve It often It costs only about on
cent a 'dish.
Insist on "Minnesota" Spaghetti made
Irom the VERY BKST frUHUM .wheat
with ALJ, the nourishing gluten left In.
Cold, in Head
Relieved Ittbho minute. Money back quick
U tt doesn't. Get a H or JO cent tube Of
Catarrhal Jelly
lint It Quick, finest remedy ever oVered.
(or Cold la lUadknd Catarrh, Sore Nolo,
Couchii eta. "Twenty rears of success.
Wbjj No dope in KONDON'3. Sample
tree. Write quick. Address
KtMVBf N MFG. CO, MtamesfttUa, Mian.
lzex-icfalsml sm
ITotMaf iMtltr fof tb eatirk vf krentaHli nt MUitni.
MuwiM aai IkrMt trrtuliw, Uf J ottr flftr 7n.
Wo, We. I.oo. nmplrm.
C08MOPOMTAN audience greeted Mme. Julia. Calp, the noted Hol
A land Medor sinker, yesterday afternoon, nt tho Brando's at the
A last of a series of matlneo recitals arranged by Miss EJvelyn
Hopper. ,
It was one of tho largest gatherings of tho Lenten season, and It gave
the women present practically their first real opportunity for displaying
their new spring costumes and Easter hats.
Mrs. Frederick A. Nash, who returned from New York City yesterday
morning, wore a becoming close fitting little hat of Alice blue straw, with
n rainy day plume of the same shade wired In the form of a question mark.
Mrs. Oculah Dale Turner, who was ono of tho soloists yestorday at
the meeting of the Tuesday Morning Musical club, wore a Btnall hat of
Alice bluo straw, with a slmplo trimming of cerise ribbon, with a bow at
tho back, ,,
Mrs. O. C. Ilodlck wore an attractive small hat of black tulle. The
tulle hats are especially chic and popular this spring nnd come In all tho
new shades of Nell rose, and also Intthe various yellows and browns. ,
MlBff Hoppor ,waB hostess at one'. of.., the box parties, which Included
Mrs. V. 8. Poppleton, Mrs. O. C. Redlck, Mr. William A. Redlck, Mrs.
Douglas Welpton, Mrs. Bculah Dale Turner 'nnd Mrs. E. C, Qrltfln.
Mr. and Mrs. Kceno Abbott also entertained at a box party.
Dinner at University Club.
In celebration of the Inauguration '.of
the new 'president of the tjnlted Mates,
the University club entertained at a din
ner and dance Tuesday!" evening. '
Mr. and Mrs. John It. .Webster had
eight guests; O. E. Carpenter, seven;
Nathan Merrlam, flV. A.,f. Crelgh and
Harold VanDusetv v entertained sx
guests; Ralph Kiewlt, Allan McDonald',
nnd a. II. Rushton had ten guests;
George Sumner, II. Tt. Copp and J. D.
Taylor had six guests; R. II. Manley,
six; II. B. Weller, six; Together were
r n.t Mr Wallor Rtlllmnn rul Dr.
and Mrs. Donald Macrae of Council Harmony Luncheon Club'.
Shower for Bride.
Miss Minnie Itomaneck gave rt hosiery
shower Tuesday afternoon for Miss Mary
Wolf, who Is to be married March 9. The
afternoon was spent In whlst and music.
"Prises were won by Miss Mollle Corby
and' Mlra Mildred Scott. Those present
Misses MIsBes
Mary Wolf, Etta Brash of
Yetta Sty tier, Brockport. Mo.j
Mildred Scott, Ia Kolinsky of
Mollle Corby. Cleveland. O. ;
Minnie Bomoneck.
Mrs. Bay Wclnsteln of New York.
Bluffs? Anotlier party Included Mr. and
Mrs. K. I 1 taller and Mr. and Mrs.
Frederic W. Thomas; B. W. Capen had
four guests; Stanley Bosewater had two
reservations; H. Bortln, two; Dr. W.
F. lQIroy. four; Dr. W. P. Wherry,
four and Dr. a. A. Young. Jfour; Dr. J.
M. Bannister, nine: t5, E. Klfnberly, two;
F. I. Elllck, two; C. O. Talmage, eight:
Together were Mr. and Mrs,-. Bnlph West
and Mr, and Mrs. Bnmuel Bees, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding and Dr.
and Mrs. C. W. Pollard .dined together;
Amos Thomas, John Latenser, George
Flack. Clyde Elliott - and Victor Diets
had a table for ten; Lloyd Smith and
Joo Blngwalt had four guests; Dr. W.
N. Andrrson had two reservations;!!.
O. Palmer, two; A. C. Iomi, two;
W. It. King, two; II. F. Bose. two: W.
If. Suuler, three; J. H. Warnlck, two:
K M. Osborne, two.
Celebrate Birthday. ;
in celebration of? the ' seVentyjslxth
birthday"' annlvcrsai'yi of MrsAugnsta
Abendroth, a', bith;d(iy party was given;
Sunday afternoon at tho homo.. orVMra.
Abendroth:a. 6n, Mr. WIlHarrt bendroth.
and -Mrs. Abendroth. ' tjthv, ,tlme. .was
spent In games and music. Those! present
woro; "
Mr. ind Mrs QUa Wande). '. .
Mr. and Mrs. Colo Penhlman. . '
Mr. and Mr. 3F3. At Marsh. .'.
Mr, anil Mrs. William Abendroth.'
Mr. ond Mrsi O. M. Eery, ,j 1 . J A
Mr. and Mrs. wiiuam ,8pnaguin:-, .
II. tm TTndAht J- . -
Mr. and '.Mrs. yaulr-Koiaok.J, . ,rJ
Mr. 'and Mrs. Wullam'.aratrrift, .Mi
Mr. and Mrs. Pete iitsnnrtvi; x V
Mr. ald Mrs. HermanBlXton.
, Mr. .and Mrs. BmU'BOschW. '
Mrsi Steuben. ' -
Misses Misses l
Emma Marah, Florence Marah,
Henrietta Pennlman, Bose Madoreln,
Lllllo Kosack, Emma Kosack. ,
Messrs, Messrs.
Philip Blxton. Adolph Cars(en.
Ernest Marsh. Emily Bailey.
Delta Sigma Delta Entertain.
The Omega chapter or the mua, igtna
Delta fraternity of the dental department"
ot Orcighton university held an Initiation
at tho frat rooms In the Loyal hotel
Tuesday evening, 'at which time niityb
Carney and Herbert Sampson were madfc
members. The fraternity will entertain
at a box party Thursday ovenlng at tho
Orphctim for tho new niembers. Those
attending will be;
Wondet, ,
O'Nell. V
, McQrane,
Mrs. C. F. Belman entertained the
members of tho Harmony club at lunch
eon Tuesday. The table was decorated
with pink spring flowers and covers
were laid for:
Huhltschek, .
Carroll, '
Andres, .
Huycke. .
- Carney, -
. Dr. Wallace,
Dr. Barber,
Dr. Walzam,
Dr. Denspler.
If. B.'Hayword,
Frank Malony,
C. B. Coon,
I. Foley,
Clayton Beed,
Frank Ifockman.
, Miss Horsman of Chicago.
'.. Zernlca,
W. N. Dorward,
Allen Parmer,
U. Glllmnn,
C. W. Pratt.
Et-A-Virp Cluh Orpheum Party.
The Et-A-VIrp club will give an
Orpheum pnrty with supper at tho Hen?
ehaw Wednesday evening, March 12.
John Bine to Speak.
The Women's Democratic league will
meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
tho council chamber. John Blno will
speak on "Municipal Housekeeping."
N. T. 0. Card Club.
Mrs. V. Snyder was the hostess for the
(meeting of the N. T. C. Card club Tues-
dpy afternoon. The club win meet in iwo
Weeks with Mrs. A. F. Moore. At the
last mwting high flvo was played and
prltrs were awarded to Mrs. A. F, Moore,
MM. 'I,. J. I'lattl, Mrs. C. Breen, Miss
.Neil oiarnum and Mre, R, O. Van Ness.
Mrs;1' Gotland Bubbottom ot Fort
Omatia-Owasi at homj Tuesday for the
ladles .wtnil officer of Jhd,' post and
fhendsJrrbiH town: SptlrtB tloWers brlghir
Mrs:. ji9berr;tt)Wn-an4 Mr.' William
AlfOhtC!- Next rrueaaay .ftirs.vAivin von
will l?'e at JioraVfpr the members of the
posf and friend's. '
Inland Out of the Bee Hive.
tr. Xnarles Ross ot Quebec, Can., Is
vtaltrngMr. W. O. Colling for a few
days.' "
Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyer have returned
from a five weeks' trip to the Paclflo
coast. ' r '
Mrs. Henry HUler. has Just returned
from n trip to., Hot Springs, St Louts
and other points
Mr. and Mrs.V.E. T. Heyden and chlK
dren have returned, from a ten weeks'
motoring trip In southern California.
-Mr. nnd Mrs... ,M. B.. CJqpeJand and
daughter, Mrs. ijjiilBo Copeland, returned
Monday from a month's stayMn- Florida.
Mr. V. B. BaTCfftnlJer tcavew-Wedneada
for a stay nt Excelsior Spril8, Mo j
Misses Mamlp v and."Hortenso Spies-;
berger have 'returned from a .visit lol
several weeks -wltffiTelatlvesln 8. do'
Light oA a Public Contract Pri
vately Negotiated.
Sotnp Profit (in PrlTlIene of Selling;
Meters to Consumer Compelled
to Our or Hare Witter
Shot Off.
G, 1013.
Bra ndeis S tores
In the discussion ot the water bill at
Lincoln It was disclosed that the meter
which Omaha householders are being
compelled to Install at a charge ot IU.2o,
In fsct costs the Water board onl b,
and that In addition to Increased cost by
the change from flat rates to meter raws,
each consumer must contribute a profit
of from t2 to W on meter Installation.
This has prompted an Inquiry back to
the peculiar circumstances surrounding
the deal for the purchase of the meter,
which In another of these made-ln-thu-dark.
deals by prlvato agreement wlthbut
competitive bids,
Just prior to taking over the plant tl.o
Water board Invited proposals to supply
meters, which wcro opened July 10, and
on motion of Mr. Sherman referred to a
committee composed of' Members Howell,
"Hherman and Heafey for tabulation.
There'wcre several bids, that of the Nep
tune Meter company of New York, which
later proved to i be the favored narty,
being 18 for the ' standard size meter of
five-eighths inch, with 40 cents for coup
lings or connections. On tho day after
the bids were opened they wcro all re
jected by the adoption of this resolution.
Whereas, The proposals for supplying
the- requirements of th Water board of
the city of Omaha, with meters during the
year 1912 arc believed excessive; therefore,
be It
Besolvcd, That nil bids' be and hereby
are rejected and the water commissioner
la authorized to supply the requirements
of the Water board In the matter ot
meters during the year 1913 by private
What Ileconl Shovr.
The only further reference to the meter
deal In the board's records la a notation
at the meeting of July 20 of a communica.
tton ordered placed on file, to-wlt:
Letter from Water Commissioner How.
ell notifying the board that arrangements
had been made with the Neptune Meter
company of New York, N. Y., to supply
the water meters that the: Water board
might see fit to order during 1912, to
gether with prices.
-The prices are not attached npr ac
cessible, but bills slnco rendered by till
Neptune Meter company shoW what Is
being paid. These bills are lumped tor
example, as "1,000 meters and 1,000 coup
tings," Invoiced at 18,000, with discount tf
25 per cent, which means, of course, that
they are being billed at is apiece, 'out
paid for at tho rate of 1G apiece. There
Is nothing to Indicate that thero are any
other discounts or allowances.)
Oh, What n Difference t
The difference .between Water board
methods In Omaha, and elsewhere, how
ever, may be found in the experience o
Dayton, On in buying water metors for
which proposals were opened, according
to Information at hand, Just Tuesday two
.weeks ago. with eight competitive bids.
The tame alr.ed' motor which Is being used1
here in Omaha with the couplings, Is
offerod to tho water department of Day
ton by tho low tedders as follows:
Buffalo. Meter company, Buffalo, N Y
t5.S. . . "
, Badge; Meter company, Milwaukee,
Wist; 5.73. " ' "'' .
sll.n. Worthlngton, New York,5.S5:
.In, -Dayton tjie Nptiino Meter ..fcp'mpany.-
fxJru'tfjnlpBsibu Is JnlniQst tho highest
Mddori Tho CQUpltraj.fojrywhlch thYtfeJp- j
are 'llstfed by the Buffalo -Meter company
at Sl'cen,'ts,rt)j' the.liadecr Netpr conipany
at, 25 cents, ahd by , H. B- Worthlngton at
26 cents. . '
The Water board In Omaha claims to
have Installed already- about H;000metor5
with almost as many more to. come. A
profit of; 2 on '20.000 rneters wfftld. ,be
140,000. Tho difference .netwesn. t,ho
Omaha is paying find' the. $5.,S$ bid In
Dayton, alone on 20,003 . meters would
amount to 113,000-
seph, Mo.
A teoa srstem of trhatment tba t euros
Piles. Fistula and BeoUl Diseases
wHuout ten use 01 a imue. n CMir
Mm. cUtr or otnor general an
seatfeeua vasCL, No lOnneoeasary de
lax from biuio ess. An absolute euro
r4rntedla etory case aooepted.
A rxr mftik yum xmcmimm
The cure fju then tbepay. That's mj
poller. Wn tatrand square, also sire a
wrttum ruarautee that the cure win last
a life time Write tor Frao Bek which
give fuUpartlaulara.
M. T. m. 74nry. 39 4m sW. Bmhm
After Two Trials for Murder He is
a Free Nan.
Officer Hnd Been Bent, .with Re-,
pterin for Fnrnttur nnd ThronU
at altatnderatniidtriaiiiVV . '
FlKtit RhWH'' ,., ''
Tried twice for the nturfleP of Gonsable
John A. Woods and almost ,acquiu
twice. Sebaatlano I'ugllssl was glvpn tija
freedom on his own recognisance toy Judso
Charles Islle In the criminal nivisjon mi
the district court. County, AtprApy
George A. Majtney, convinced- that con
viction Is impossible, will dismiss tne
case against pugltsal.
"Wooa was shot to death in a ngnt
with Pugllasl when he went , 14 the lat
ter's home to replevin furniture Bold nn
the Installment plan. roRttsst had de
faulted some payments and the furniture
" -- ."ii'i- ' ' ... 1 1
company had Instituted a replevin action.
Self-defense was Puglhul's pica in both
his trials. This was his storyt1 AVhen he
returned from a trip to the meat market
he found Woods In his home standing
over the prostrate body of Mrs. Pugllssl.
Mrs. Pugllssl, Ignorant of the English
tdngue, has been unable to understand
that Woods wna an officer; had taken
him for an Intruder nnd has resisted his
entrance. Re had engaged In a scuffle
with her, ,
Pugllssl, himself not knowing Woods
was an officer, 'fought to protect his
wife. When Woods was about to over
power him' ho contrived to catch a re
volver from Ita receptacle on the wall and
tired with fatal effect.
The slaying occurred a year ago. After
Pugllsst's first trial, last autumn, the
Jury dlaagveed, eleven tor acquittal to
one for conviction. After the second
trial the Jury today disagreed, eight men
favoring acquittal and two conviction.
Tills Homemade Mixture Darken
Gray Hair and MaXea It. Baft
and'Oloasr, ' "
v. -
Hair Tonic
AVer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp clean
and healthy. Promote growth. Chirks
falling. Doe Bot color.
Ask VW DtxUr. iJt1&Z
,1 m
' ca4mutnur vri It lor tier
l0ileK UqiJUcx ucU U for brr
daltlec, And now lta utiag it
t SMi MmiJjsW- It Spltvea
tbc Cnmt. It A8ja U Pain.
It RtlUvu Wind CoKc Aad It
U tla t U.mdi tor lafaaUl
Frcblr known
rod Jt 3 crf U wrldL
To' a half pint of 'water add: V
Bay Hum ,' ,.1 ox.
Barno .Compound.,. uv.a -small box
Glycerine. ..,,......, 9-
These are all almple tiurredlents that
you can buy from any druggist at very
Utile cost, and mix thsni youraslf. Apply
to the scalu ono a day tor tWo weaka.
then once every other weak until all the
mixture la used. A half pint should be
enougn to ria tfle nad ot aanaruff and
kill the dandruff grms. It stops tht
tialr rom falling; out, Relieves Itching
nd scalp diseasas , '
', Although V'Uknot atdye, if-acts upon
1 1, u . t r m... n will .f..n anlA
faded, gray hair In ten or flftsan days
It promotes the growth of tha hair and
makes harah hair soft and glosy.Ad
Oeorg Smith of 11) Martha street was
given thirty days in the county Jail by
police Magistrate Foster for abusing hit
family. He' drove them out of the house
and started breaking up the furniture
when Officer Ferris Induced him to give
up his destructive work with a free ride
u the patrol wagon to headquarters.
This Is the third time Smith has been
arrested on this charge. Ho has several
amall children and appears to delight In
seeing his wife and unprotected little
tots harshly treated.
An ISpldeiutr of Coughing
Is sweeping w the town and younir
and old are alike affected. Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound Is a quick safe reli
able family medicine for coughs and colds.
A. 8. Jones, of Ice Pharmacy, Chlco,
Pallf., says: "I consider Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound has no equal, and It
the one cough medicine 1 can recommend
to my. .friends, as containing no narcotics
Or' other harmful properties." Befuse all
substitutes and take oty Foley's Honev
"jind Tar comp'qund. For sale by all deal-'fra'-iBVerywrnrc
Advertisement. '
Miss Minnie Lane, alias Ule Lane
and "Big Llx." was arrested last week
at Chadron. Neb., charged with viola
tion of the' Mann act. She was held there
until Monday when she was taken to
Balrd, Neb., and bound over to the grand
Jury which cohVenes-here March 10. Her
bond was placed at ?.TO0, and falling to
give It she la, being held In the Douglas
county' Jail- .
. The arrest was Instigated by federal
officers who Charge that she was taking
girls' from 'Omaha, and placing them In a
house of prostitution in -Sheridan of.
which .she waa the head. She has been
up before for similar offenses and several
years ago waa driven out. of Crawford,
A FrlRhtfal Experience
with biliousness, miilarla and constipa
tion, Is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Only 25c Fir
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Boad to
BuslnesB Success.
Hare Ym Years Woi Remarkable Success by Featuring
Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel
Of the Smartest Fashionable Character
To Sell at Moderate Prices
This year, even more than ever, wo are prepared to satisfy tho woman who demands
genuine style, but prefers to pay a moderate price for apparel. The woman, ec6;
nominally) inclined, wil) find here greater varieties of the apparel shovsees at tho
prices she wishes to pay. .
Every garment sold
in this store is de
pendable in- quality
and correct in- style,
no matter how small
the price may be.
Our vuf-tly greater $ocka
enable ua to dhow acores
and scores of garments of
each" claes. Uvory woman
appreciates tho advantage
of making hor selections
from tho largest possible
Women's and Misses'
Tailored Suits
Tho coats are the new
cut-aways, Russian blous
es and Nor folks; the
skirts are all In the new
cot rut- tho materials are
plain and fancy selected
woolens and tuo colors
are those in greatest de
mand. Prices
Spring Coats
Made in accordance with
the very latest style ideas
models that you can
not see else- 1 ft
where, at PJa U,
Women's New Wool fiponge, Bedford Cord and Serge Dresses at $12.50
Wo never have shown such a variety of really clever models to sell at a prlco so moderate as this at
the' beginning of the season.
Women's Striped and PlainiMess&line Silk Dreiscs, All Colors at $6.98
A ''score of 'dainty styles.
Beautiful Ohiffon, Messa
ljne, Crepe Meteor and
Cfliarmeuse Waists ini all.
the new spring tf'CT
colors, specials, tpv
Tailored Linen Waists
Smart; attractive waists . in
advance spring styles i im
portalJt s'pelai,4grouBBat'
$195 : $2;50
New Waist Arrivals.
Stunning embroidered Voile
tend Lingerie WaiBts in a
score ot charming new spring
models, at
$S0 $250 $g50 $g
, Silk Messaline PetticsatEvery Desirable New Spring Shade, S3.50
:Tw.o Police Officers
Have Hard Task to
Lose a Flighty Dpg
How Sam Morris, the distinguished
police officer, went out to shoot a maimed
horse. stuck the gun close to the horse's
eye, closed his eyes, pulled on the
trfggcr with both hands, only to be rudely
startled, not. by the explosion of the
cartridge, but by being knocked down
by the horse and walked all over. Is
"small stuff" compared to tho story
Health Officers McCarthy and Damon
are telling about headquarters.
They wcro called to 16H North Six
teenth street to shoot a dog, who had
becomo a little flighty from being con
fined on account of smallpox In the
family. Neither McCarthy or his trusty
partner could get the, animal out of the
house, so Mlko struck the obstinate
canine over tho head with an axe, drag
ged him outside and fired three shots
Into the poor animal's Inert body.
Tho two. health officers stopped in a
rooming house a few blocks from where
tho dog was shot to make an inspection
of alt tho guests and expel those not wel
come. McCarthy heard a 'scratching at
the door, and. going down stairs was met
by the samo animal he had wasted three
shots on a few minutes before. Mike
thought he wus seeing ghosts, but knew
he was mistaken because of tho blood on
the dog's head. He fired threo more
shots at tho-dog and ended Its career
.Chimin Need "Cascarets" When
Cross, Feverish or Constipated
. AhyjSicJilldrtvl)l gladly tako "Cascarets Candy Cathartic" which act gently
never,'tt'Ipe,Vdr- produce the slightest uneasiness though cleanses the lltllo one's
Constlpated'Bowels, sweetona tha Btomach and puts the liver In a healthy condition.
' Full, directions for children and grown-ups In each packago.
Mothers can rest easy after giving this gentle, thorough laxative to -children.
K. C. Barton Leaves
Estate to His Widow
The will of the late King Charles Bar
ton, leaving his entire estate of approxi
mately $300,000 to his widow, Mrs. Maude
Wadlelgh Barton, was filed for probate
In the county court. Mrs, Barton applied
for appointment as executrix as .ordered
by the testament, and hearing on the
application was set for next Saturday.
She will be appointed without objection.
The trust created by the late Ouy C
Barton, father of King Charlos Barton,
was still In effect when he died and under
the provisions of this trust the decedent's
share of his father's estate win go direct
to his sons when the trust perloU ' ex
pires In a Jlttle moro than a year.
Dog proprietors aro being warned by
the city clerk that henceforth tho merci
less dog catcher will- gobble up all ani
mals, blooded or mongrel, caught) on
the streets without a license. The. 1913
tage are ready for sale and may bo, se
cured at the clerk's office by the pay
ment of U for males and $3 for females.
These tags will be on salo for the ;flrt
time this morning.
William 8. Rector, at one time cashier
of the Bank of Commerce, is connected
with a bank In Chicago.
llobert Houghton la taking building con
tracts In Los Angelea the same as he
did here.
J. C. Huteson graduated from the opti
cal business 'In Omaha Into big Invest
ments In Seattle and the Pugct Sound.
Allan T. Rector, whose name headed
the Rector & Wllhelmy Hardware com
pany. Is traveling out of Chicago,
lll V. Taber. whose organ recitals at
the First Congregational church used to
attract hundreds of .Omaha people on Sun
day afternoon, la now organist at a lead
ing church in "Washington, D. C.
Paul Charlton gave up his law practice
here to become law officer of the bureau
of Insular affairs in the War depart
ment, and from that place was promoted
to a judicial poaltlon In Porto JUca from
which he lately resigned.
Robert J. Clancy, well known In local
politics and railroad circles, Is shaping
the destiny of the Southern Paclflo la as
sistant to the president at the head
quarters In San Franoiarn.
Itimi for this neadlsr are solicited.
HaBsHHaWa -3 -Jk T f J -A iV
r mi
a I
An added attraction to the
lunching and dining hour. Blatz
is appetizing and nourishing.
The popularity of the Blatz
products is due, first or all. to
pronounced maiviauai quaniy.
Such is the recognized fact
by those who have passed
scientific judgment on its
merits as a table beer.
1021(0 ItHrlas SI., Qmtka, Nib.
Phene: Douglas S6S2