THE BKK: OMAHA. AVliDNKsDAV, MAKCll If) IlmixrM mill Cnttrifst-n. NOW is th time toilet your vacant houses with Payne & Stater Co., as wo are bavin more tails for good houses than tvw run supply. Dybbrn & Fletcher, mover of household goods, ptnnoe. work guaranteed. D. 30S). Stores nmt Offices. ELITE picture show room nt 616 N. 24th Bt., Booth OmRlia; n new front and newly decorated: unexcelled location, loom for S60 chairs, no fixtures; excellent oppor tunity for nn experienced show man. Hall Dipt Co.. 438 Ramge Bid. D. 7406. MUCK store room, with cement base ment: IMS Burt St; MR.00 TllOS. V IIASSKN, 207 McCagUe. D. THIS THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT BUILDING lately occupied by tho DRUMMOND Motor Co.. at 314-18-18 8. ISth St., li FOR RENT i i. .i nl .,.,. ..,. i-rtin It Is sixty-six er 2"M,0,,e mn;, Hi. ore feet of floor spaco. and can maKe If 24.000 If vanted. or will rent separate '"loors. It Is vell fitted for automobile I snlo and repair shop. P 8. r CUTIS, S0S Harney St. roil nENT-rur wholesale, light man ufacturing or retalt Fornara Bt. after December SI the three-aiory and basement building, 22x1 CO at No. 10U. Farnam St. Upper floors have llcht on threo sides. Inqulra at room 214, First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1242. OKKKHEI. FOR SALK Munluul .instruments. SLIGHTLY used htirr. crude pianos, HOC up. Harr Piano-Co.. 3d floor Boston store, Trpen rllcT", HAVE a new MonHrsb, typewriter; win cell at sacrifice, a I an leaving the city,; machine can be seen uny time. Address 73. 643 care Bee. RENT an L. C. Smith it Bro. type writer vlslblo bnrk space l:ey model; new ribbon: A-l machines In every re BPect. L. C. Smith Sc Bros. Typowrlter Co.. 1316 Farnam 3t. TTl'BWKITHPil Tor rout: i months. . CENTRAL T VPKWR1TKK EXCHAjNU,. Mlacelliiiiciiii. gAFE.S-2d-h.ind. American Supply ,Co. STORK FIXTl'RISS. coolers, refnscra tors, s occrs display counters, Ice ma chlnis The United Line. 1127 Farnam. FOn SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; ensy payments. The Brunswlck-Bnlke Collender Co., 407-403 South 10th St. j "llAI.lS safer, new & 2d-hand. Corey & McKenile Pt'g. Co.. 1417 Harney. D. 2644. $5 COAI: tfa pood; try a ton; best for money. Web. SIX. Mnrmon & Weeth. Kindling, J4. II ilni-- lurnhnr & wrecKi.iV FOH SAWO-No- 3 Jllddleby oven, first rlasa condition. Address or phone, "Vienna Bakery, Fremont. Neb. ONK set of Werner's Kncyclopedla Brl tunnlcn. with case; 25 volumes books, In first-class condition; will sell cheap. Tel. ephono Douglas 4791 or Webster 2974. W. 11. Horcherdlng, Omaha, Neb. PERSONAL B. nKLLE, scientific' massage; 'oaths; drueless treatments. 703 S. loth. Apt. U. Scientific massnge. Mrs. Hedlund. D. 7943. M' A Kfi A n IRwedlsh movement. Apt. iXCJOAUil.j, im Farnam. Mtt. II ASS AG Er salt Rlov.. Mme. Allen of Chicago, 109 'S. 17th St. Douglas 7665. 63-DaY BLOOD HKMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Mnssage--inxpert treatment. Mrs, Steele. 2CR S. ISth St, Iloom SOS. Close- 10 'p. ro " TIIB SALVATION " ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In act. anything you do not neco. we couec. repair an? sen nt in N. 11th St. for cost ot col.ectlon. to tns worthy poor. Phone Douglas 412J aaa wagon will call. ATAdNFiTlf! treatment. E. Brott, Miss Fsher( mass., bath, elcc. treat. 13-SC3 ANN V I 'VlKS Ma' Ban0' 1802 Far. YOUNO women coming to Oman, as strangers are Invited to visit the4Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and. St Mary's Ave., where the) will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid at the Union station. Massage, Mrs. Rlttenhouae, 30S Boston Str. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. Iu97 subscriptions the I,. II. Journal 31.60: S. K. Post, $l.tfc, una Country Oen tleman, J1.50, will earn 13,000. for the In vallds' Pension Ass'n, which will lnuuro myself and fifteen other sufferers 10 a month each. Must have 297 In March. Your renewal worth CO cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone DqurIrs 7163, Omaha, Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE WAN, WANTED Children to board. Web. 5470. KT A RR A iT-TT. Corns removed, 25c. Mrs iU.fJ.OCUi.UVLJ Haynes. 707 S. 16th. D. Ilii SCIENTIFIC Massage. Marsarlte Hal loran.' 223 Neville Blk. Phono Doug. 7761. ELECTRIC MASSAGE Room 23, Doug las block. Natural treatment for nervous disorders, sciatica and rheumatism. iBOUGHT thostock and fixtures of 8, Prison. 4101 N. 24th St.; will not be responsible for any debt contracted by him. S Harmel, Scientific massage. Dr. Pribbenow's rormer office. Room 401 Ware Blk. D. 7943 i , , . POULTRY AM) SUPPLIES ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Camnanr. Clay Center. Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for incuDuiorn ana Drooaers; catalogue free. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R. C. Rho2 Island iteos; Mgorous, naroy stock: great lay srs; country range: tl for 15; 15 pe? 104 a. ii. uAJvijii, tsenaon, Nen, F' P' y' ; 'r,' B"r-' U7'. SIN'GLH comb White Leghorns. W. 17, 3UFF Orpington eggnthat hatch, from thoroughbred stock. .Also rtuy old chicks. Harney 478 MR. rOULTRYMAN-lf you nre "not getting eggs, don't blame the chickens; help them along by feeding Conkey's Laying Tonic- Nebraska Seed Co,, 1CI3 Howard St., had It. FOR HA Lit M 11. Turkey turns, $5 and J6 Mrs. Mae Kreelantf. Douds, Leando, Iowa. RKAI, RSTATK LOANS MONEY to loan on business or rest Cen.:c pronsrtles. Jl.CKK) to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. WANTED -City loans. Peters Trut Co. City Loans LOW RATES LIBERAL OPZ'IONS QUICIC AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. Loans on Business Blocks and Choice Residence Properties a Specialty. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. t ; R VTM RROS Loans SS00 and vip. l J;1V i.S 0mana Nat'l Bant WANTED City loans .nd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam 3L iaL CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberr Co.. 7 no-ll Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans 011 Neb. farms and Omaha city pmperty In any amount. H. W. BINDSIt, tflg-SlO City Katiops' Bank Bldg ' HARRISON AV MORTON. i6 OmTNaT $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, IX Wead. Wed Bldg.. 18th and Farnarn. LOANS on farm, and Improved-city property, 5. 5 and ( per cent; no delay. ; H Dumont & Co.. 1C03 Farnam 8t irwvwf.: wpii. kstati,: 10 tf . t. , aha N atonal. Kouclas 2T11 Iimietao '"U xjougias .13, lit loar a our specialty, Stull Bro. sAiit: tut KxriiAM.r. . i: , lot. MxUt, coram , this property offers exceptionally profitable Investment; will greatly inert-asr In value next few years. splendid sue lor paries uesimia 10 erect a Dunning on irncsirjin wniraur luuuuu. Call or atWreKH Paul V. Skinner. Presi dent Skinner Mfg. Co., Owners. Omaha. WANT lmuroved farm: I will exchanx good ir.como town property and pay dif ference, no agents. Address 2011 Dinner street. Omaha, Nebraska. WILL TR ADE EQUITY FOR VACANT LOT Hlr rnnm house, modern but heat. In very good condition, close to 24th St. car line. GALLAGI1EH & NELSON, 453 Brandels Bldg. Omahn. Neb. HEAjj ESTATK CITY PHM'ERTV FOR SAI.U. THE ONLY WAY To beat the money trust is to list your property for exchange with tho Palmer Land Co., 1108 TV. O. W. Bldg., who can match them. LANDS, loans and exchangee. J. ,v Olson, 601 City Nat'l. Dk. Bldg.. Omaha '1-000 stock of merchandise to trado for Omaha residence property. Phone Doug. ok tnii pi... National Bank Hide gg"' V11.. " , JN-aliPn'-JinI'-K "'ag' 160 ACHES of good hay land, clear of incuniDronce. in hoik county, ixeo., to trado on quarter or halt section ot cast' cm Nebraska land. Merrick county nro fcrrcd. J. R. Collins, 1029 Omaha. National bank Bldg., Omahn. Neb. WANTKD TO KL'Y Doleoff 2d hand store pays highest price for furniture, clothes, shoex tVeb. 1697. BEBER pays high prices for 2d-hand furniture carpets, clothes, shoes. D. 7802. SELNKR will treat you right: iust prlccx, 2d-hand furniture, clothes. D. 5iUl. We pay best prices for furniture. W-7266 D. 8005. quick buyers at furniture. LOOK Wc pay h'Snes,- prices for ladles' household goous and valises. Call Gross man 2513 Blondo, Phone Webster 4562. WOULD like to buy a five or six room liouio to be moved on a lot On In tho neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED TO BORROW WANT loan of J2.&00 on irood western land aa security: will pay 8 "nor cent in terest, owner, i. u. uox zov, umana. REAL ESTATE ABSlllAas OK Tl'll.K. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract nt. Tic In Nahraaita. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY' PROPERTY FOR S A 1,13. SOUTn OFHANSCOM PABY $4,500 J4.E00 SIX ROOM HOUSE. PRACTICALLY NEW. 3 BEDROOMS AND BATH. 2ND FLOOR. QUARTER SAWED OAK FINISH. BEAMED CEILINGS. FURNACE HEAT. ONE BI3CK TO WEST SIDE CAR. CALL DOUGLAS 164S FOR TERMS. W. If. THOMAS & SON, 228 STATE BANK BLDG. Field Club Bargain a spicnuiu s-room mouern nouso on 35th St., between Poppleton and Wool- worth Aves.; large ltving room, dining room, kitchen and pantry; 4 good bed rooms, attic, hot water heat: lot 5C-foot front; paving paid. Only $6,750. 210S S. 31th, a good 7-room house; hns bath, furnace, etc.; east front lot; pav ing paid. Owner must leave city at once. Only J2.850. E.W. Stoltenberg , Harney 3416 or JJouglas 1510. MODEL HOME SMALL PAYMENTS Six room strictly modern houre. cloce to car, school and churches. Nice lawn. Will sell for 3,500. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 483 Brandels Bldg., Douglas 33S2. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT C rooms all modern, corner lot, paved street. good neighborhood, close to school and car line. Price $3,350, $300 cash, balance time. BEM1S-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theatre Bldg. $160 CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT. 2222 Grand Ave., good 5-rootn cottage, modem except heat, south tiont lot, all fenced, paved St. A big bargain for some one. Exchange considered. Doug. 1853. 10a McCague Bldg. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SEH JOHN W BOBBINS, ISO? FARNAM ST. NEAR CRE1GHTON UNIVERSITY. 7 rooms and den. all modern: fine base ment. cement walks: large lot. room for another house: paved and parked street; within walking distance; a lovely home BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater. WE rent collect, sell any kind property. Uoiumuia rat I uxenance. an uee uiag SIX rooms, all modern house, I2.C50 $75 cash and $25 a month. Tel. Web3ter 7630. FOR SALE. TUTSINEBS BLOCK ON FARNAM ST Tho three-story building at 1218 Farnam St. A splendid income property. En tirely unencumbered. The best buy In Omaha. For aetauea iniormation anq price, aaaress inaa. i. ivnapp, uncoin, Neb. MUST sell modern 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3,C0u. D. 2607. It HAT, ESTATE FARM A: liAXC'H l.t.Mis ran !.vi,U ,,., i Oraiuro croves farm land ' e'n Minnesota and North Dakota, to es Sr Mi Si-aHonlcJl'- taxes. Bearish feeling, however, .JlleI .Xn'.0'?, ' co exhausted itself when news camo that FLORIDA- tnir.V ln.nd. tracts for sale ana exenange tor goou incoms producing noimcrn property, v.-. H. Chllds, 130 W. Ashley Stf Jack-on-ville. Fla, Kniisu. taNrak FARMS and ranches for sale: CO to 25.000 acres; write for free Hit. V. K. MQWETfrJ. sauna- ian. Mississippi. EASY PAYMENTS Just save $i0 o. month. Ttn-acre garden and frail farm, on tho main line of the Illinois Centra! laiiroad; producing capacity 3Vr $3,000 yearly Terms, $20 down and $1J moninly; no Interest, no taxes until paid for. ao Irrigation necessary; pure shallow arte tlan water; high priced winter cups; Ideal cllinuto for health. Write for free maps and booklets. Agents want-'d. The Vogel Realty Agency, 1007 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska Moutuuu. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRES CAREY LAND open to entry at Valler. Mont. Fit teen annual payments. Section famous for grain, grasses, vegetables; well adapted dlverslled farming-. For particu lars write, Valler Farm Sales Co., Box 2 Vulicir, Mont. UVK STDfli MARIiKT OF WEST Mhlp livo stock to Soutb Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. l.lvt; StocU Coiuinlawlou Merchants. BYEH8 BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Coin, Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. MaRTiN BuOa. Xt Co.. Rxcnanga iutlg. FARMERS, ATTENTION Ship your own GRAIN to a decided advantage. Write today for Important . a 1 n m lt Im ridla rt 1 1 1 iipo n I regaraies or location, we nanuie ' itun mtnnlv fnedera evervrhinj- .years experience. ,i,..iM1- i -,- Absolutely reliable . S"L4ce- serv ito. i TjjE AJC-SAa-BBN QBAIH COMPAirr. 439441 Brandtlj Bldg.. Omaha, Kab. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET j Buil Throw Millions of Hush els of I""8 irow millions oi uusncis oi WilCai 1IUO JrlV. CORN RESERVES STAGGERING Heparin Shnvr thnt There1 Arc "Veist UurtnthlPN of Corn IletuK Held by the Knrmern f the Country. n.MAIt.V Mnrl-li i 1llK. Millions of bushels of long May wheat have been thrown Into the pit by ihe bulls during the Inst three days. While the pressure has not been marked at nny time the sellltut was norslstent and sev eral of the larger houses In the trJo were loaded up with orders to dispose of all the grain that professionals cared to absorb without forcing prices downward ipo rnpiaiy. The ruct that the wheat in mo southwest Is well covered with snow and that them will bn amnio moisture. for tho time nt least caused wheat to be sold. The most potent bear factor, how ever, was the report on farm reserves ' wneat uy n, w. snow. .Mr. Bnow places the totnl nt 171,000,00) bushels, compared with 34.0CO.00O bushebY last year. Mr. Snow volunteers the opinion that ordinarily ,io deflnlto knowlcdgo of crop prospects can be obtained as enrly as March 1. hut this year tho winter has been so open and mild that his country correspondent in evcr.N section of thn whnnl licit fpnl mil iiaent mat no damage of consequence bus occurred. aheso COrrnsnnndAnf ft ronori llt.nn mn. dltlons plnclng the tiveraga at 90 per cent. Jim reiHiris snv mat nn nppnnnl nr flrv weather in the fall and enrlv winter thn k run-wi oi mo wneat piaut is smaller than usual in western Kansas and Nebraska and thnt somo lute flown fields haven not bi'rininaiea. out innt nt thn oinan nr t'eoruary abundant snow and mnlHtiim aim snow protection was received In these secuons, ann the present feeling Is that prospects are now brlcht. Tim nitn,i States la badly In nppd nf nxrmri lmi. ness in oruer to rid Itself ot some of tho uik wnent surplus now held In various positions. The recent ilorllnn nt r'i,l caused recessions In all tho markets of i;t om worm, witn I'arls and Liverpool the weakest snots. On.qh whnt .-na in lower. Tho heavy renrvn nf mm im nn fnrms of the United' Slntra by B. M. Snow, staggered tho holders or luiiKB. in ine (jnicago market nnd caused considerable selling oven nt lower prices. i ne?o reserves worn rennrtnii ii Air Snnw nt 1 .".n (WI fWTO lm.l.M. ,l.t.u I.'. 200.000,000 bushels hircer than thn of 1911, tho previous larcest crnii nvnr jiuiYii. ine miiu cnaracier o: winter and us ciiect iiiion seen reniilremoittn. la emphasized by -the fact that the feeding of corn 'lnce November 1, out ot tho largest crop over grown, nnd at a com paratively low level of values, Is llttlo different than the amount used last year uurniK mo sumo period out oi n small crop nnd a high range of prices. Cash corn was UGr-Hc down. Holdings -of 007,000,000 bushels of oats on the fnrms of this country is thn nti. mate of B. W. Snow; which Is 40.1 per cent of the crop raised last year. Those reserves nearly double those of Inst year ami ate aecicieuiy me inrgest over held at mis date, i nsn onis wns w lower. Clearances of wheat and flour were 20S.. iv iiu.; corn, d-u.vw on. Whcnt at Liverpool closed MTVid lower; corn. A?fWd higher. Primary wheat receipts were 815.000 bu. and shlPinentn 402.000 bu.. against reoelnts or 3!.,wu uu. nnu snipments ot jh.wu mi. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.037.000 bu. and receipts 802,000 bu. and shipments 4S6,oou uu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 668.000 bu. and shipments 730,000 bu., against receipts of 676,000 on. ana snipments oi tjun.wu uu. last yenr. Tho following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, S3c. No. 3 hard winter: l car. mc; i car, 82V4C No. 3 mixta: z cars, szc. BARLEY No. 1 feed: H car, 42c. nvi.-N'n. 3: u car. E4We: 1 car. 54c. CORN No. 2 white: 1 car, 46HC No 3 white: 1 car, 4Gc; 1 car, 45Hc; car, lie, No. .3 yellow: l car, r4.c; - caia, pnr. 44WC. No. 8 mixed: 1 car. 44'lc: cars. 44c No, 4 mixed: car, 44c; 1 car, OATS No. 3 white: 1 car, Sltfc, 1 car, 31c. No. 4 white: 1 car, :ilc; l car, jv;c omnhn Cnxli Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 8243o; No. hard, S2J82c; No. 3 spring, 82Q82V4c; No. 4 spring, SlQSmc: No. 2 durum, 85086c; No. 3 durum, 84SS6C CORN No. 2 white. 4GVic; No. 3 white, 45ffS4fic: No. 4 white. 44S44i4c: No. 3 color, 44'.i044?ic: No. 2 yellow. 45c; No. 3 yellow, 41V.-414c; No. 4 yellow, 42043c; No. 2, 44V4c: No. 3. 4l44Vic; No. 4, 42VMc. OATS No. 2 white, 31?i(g32o; standnrd, SlUOttlHo: No. 3 white, 315j3H4c; No. 4 white, 3WiifJ31c. BARLEY Matting, 03flS0o; No. 1 feed, 4042c. RYE-No. 2, 64(5c; No. 3, 64fiC4V4c. Cnrlot Hecriiits. Wheat. Corn. Oils. Chicago 71 593 199 Minneapolis 33fl Duluth 145 ... Omnha 25 21 Kansiw City 48 38 11 St. Loiil 52 49 3i Winnipeg 3M C1UCAOO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS Fepturen nf the Trm! ill if mill Closing Prices on llonrd of Trade CHICAGO, March 4. Signs, that aban doned acreage would be tho omallest In years had a bearish effect today on wheat. Closing prices though firm wero wsc under last went. i:orn snowea a net loss of Vi'BMe, oats finished unchanged to tic lower nnd provisions ut a decline of 2V4a6e to 20c, According to a leading authority so llttlo winter damage has been done to wheat that It was not unlikely tho breadth for harvest this season might run between 4,000,000 and 6,000,000 acres tni-irnr than a vear niro. .Southwest dis patches were especially bearish, Kansas points In particular reporting every Indi cation of a bumper crop because of the -nowfall of the last flva days. Cloveland sent word of not having a single serious rrnn rnmnlalnt tho entire winter. i V.mected heavy receipts at Minneapolis added to the weakness of wheat. Ono ! road alone was said to havo orders for export tiales had btcn made for hhlproent by way of the gulf. A moderate rally, due largely to shorts realising rroflts, took place as traaing came vo u cnu. Total clearances of wheut and flour equaled 208,000 bushels; primary receipts of wheat were 815,000 bushels, against 245, 000 blishels a year ngo. Corn suffered through sympathy with wheat. Millions of bushelB on track In the Chlcngo switching district had n fur ther depressing Influence nnd bo also did LEGAL NOTICES. NEW YORK, January 21, 1913. ELECTION NOTICE. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mis souri Pacific Railway Company will be held at the general office of tho company, In the City of St. Louis, Missouri, on Tues day, March 11, 1313, at 9 o'clock a. m., for the election ot thirteen directors. for the ensuing year, and for the transaction ot anv other business that may come before rafd meeting. The annual meeting of the directors will be held at the same office on the tame day at 12 o'clock noon. Tho transfer books will be closed on Monday. February 3, 191U at 3 o'clotl: p. m., and will be reopened on Wednes day, March 12. .1913, at 10 o'clock a. m THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. By B. F. BUSH, President. A. H. CALKF. Secretary FiSdU't m nrnnnnn-'m iixrvnrr C5lfB5DRBIKEjKrr 1 Vt iJeVi, Swo ton tfar rose Ve ns L"'".'.". unwiibii i ui ivvyv t wun jtmiue'i. Torluou., Ulreroted, Jtupturnd. ltait Legs, Milk teg, Throiiibo- ela, Klepliantluala. Tt.f tout ILa IntUoimatiuii, aoreneaa una ditcolora- tlon. rellerea the pain and tlredneaal re4uceatheawelllmt,itniduallTretor- iuit pait to nnrmal airencib and Bp KvJ-Df.e,- !;fi?!!nVVi;iViftfS!5r cai ona oi viiauiiitinr,, uu., m in ronei nd proT lt inerll x and 00 per bottle, at druggUta or clellered. I tela . i-a direcuonj report druggUU or qeiiteren. iwia i-a oiiecuou, repons I un rtot tisi nod llotik U ti free on renueit. j 7 f YOUNO P D F 104 Taamle St., SJrlstCald, Man. 'I irish predictions regarding the govern iriit Mtatement next Monday as to farm reserves. Despite some aggressive selling. outs were held steady by commission, house support. , stop-Iron selling or provisions rcsuuea from a break In the hog narkt. Lntir thero was fair buying credited to In tevesla at the stock .varus. Art I le! Opoii. Hlgh-l Low. notMi. Yes'y Wheat I Mny.lS4 l , POftPlHfH July. 90V4 ? WHO. WiG Sept. 89He4 Sff is S4 H S9W Com May. tot MM. MH V. July. tW MS M .V'Vi Sept. MH K4H 01 EIH 51S Oats May. 34 34 $. 3C 31 July. 34 4QIVi milH 4 34 Sept 34 9t STH 33U U Pork May. 20 30 X S7V4 -27 20 3t'.4 20 45 July. 20 05-10 20 10 20 00 20 03 20 17 InrA May. 10 77-50 10 StVi 10 77'4 10 80 10 S2H July. 10 7Si 10 72H 10 TO 10 73H 10 774 Sept 10 67-70 10 70-73 10 67H 10 70 10 77V4 Ribs I May. 10 72H 10 75 10 70 10 734 10 76H Juiy.hoe:, io trr1 io -05 io or, 1070 8ept. 10 60 10 07WI 10 05 10 05 10 724 Chlpncn Cash Prions Wheat. No. 2 red. it nt win.: Nn 2 rod. Mkrl1.00: No. 2 hard, wilSOHc: No. 2 northein. S7S9c. No. 3 ' northern. stHtrssc; ko, : spring, No. 3 spring, SMfSfio; No. 4 spring. 76CtS4c; velvet chaff. 8MJS94C; durum. WfOtc. Corn. No. 2. KtflMHc; No. 2 yellow, fcoc; No. 3. 47h)e; No. 3 white, 494c. No. 3 yellow, 474fN9ttc; No, 4. 454Se; No. 4 white, 47iNS4c; No. 4 yellow, 6iir4Sc. Oats. No. 2, 32c; No. 2 while. 344i44c; No. 3, 31V4c; No. 3 whlto. 324'3,fl24c; No. 4 white. 3t(fr32Uc; standnnl. 33UIf834c. Rye. No. 2. 62c Barley, 4Sf?70c. Timothy, $3.0OQ3.R0. Clover. $12.0CiT18.tA Provisions, pork. $20.20; lard, $10.72'.4; ribs, $10.1241? 10.S74. m TTBn-steady: crenmory. ..mi. EGGS Weak; receipts. 15.2fi0 cases; at mark, cases Included, 174M74c; refriger ator firsts, 14(rir.c; firsts. lS4c. POTATOES Steody ; receipts. 75 cors: Michigan, iWi'c; Minnesota, 44IN7c; WJs- COtlSln. 4JfjlMiC. POULTRY Turkeys, dressed, 21c; chickens, alive, 16c; springs. 17c. NEW YOR1C ! UN IS It A I, MARKET Uuotntlons of the liny on Vnrlou Coiiiiiiodl tlr. NEW YORK. Mnrch 4.-FI3UR-Mnr- kct quiet; spring patents, $4.40fH.or: winter straights, $4,500-4.60; winter patents. $170 06,10; spring clears, $4.20iK35; winter extras. No. 1, $3.904f4.15; winter extras. No. 2, $3.8OfT3.90; Kansas straignts, i.iusf 4.25. Rye flour, fair to good, $3.GOfl3.85; choice to fancy, $3.904.00. Buckwheat flour. $2.25T2.S5. CORNM EAL Fine whlto and yellow, $1.301.30, coarse, $1.251.30; kiln dried, $3.16. RYE Easy; No 2 western, ujc, c. i. t., Buffalo. . . BARLEY Feeding, Kc, c 1. r. iow York; malting, 65fif.Sc c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Snot, market easy; No. 2 red, $1.0S4. elevator, and $1,104, f- o, b. nfloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, iw?ic r. o. n. afloat. Futures market, weak under liq uidation prompted by fnvornblo prlvato crop advices, liberal receipts, a. poor cash demand and Increasing stocks, closing 4 if4c net lower Export sales 'were thirty loads. May. 97HWS4c; closed at 98c; July closed nt 97',fce; September closed at OWdC. Bonded wheat. May closed at UOiic; JUiy, 964c; both asked. CORN Spot market, easy; export. f. o. I), afloat. OATS Spot market, eaiiy; Btandnrd white, 384c; No. 4, 374c; No. 2 natural white, 37i38c; white clipped, axwwse. FEED-Westcrn spring bran, $22.00; standard middling. 100-pound sncks, $22.50: city, $23.0). HAY Prime. 974c; No. 1. $1.00i?1.05; No. 2. R595c; No. 3, 754T80C. HIDES Kirm; ucnirai imern:ii. whui LEATHER Hemlock firsts. 2Str23c; sec onds, 27(g2Sc; thirds, 2425c; rejects, i l'HU VlDlUrSJS I'OI K, lUfBP, -i.vrw.,.irj, fnmWv workiTM.40: short clenrB. 121.00CT $22.50. Beef, mess, $19.0020.00; family, $23.00 (fi24.O0; beef hams, $32.0034.0rt. Cut meats, pll'KleU OnillCB, l-l'l'TBt. 14iI15c Ixird; middle west prime, $10.90 (ffll.OO; refined, steady; continent, South America, $10.26; compound, $7.75 8 00 TALLOW Prime city, G.c; country, HOPS Quiet; state, common to eholeo, 1912 crop, r27c; 1911 crop, 10016c; Pa clflo qoast, 1312 crop, 16ff22c; 1311 crop, I'fflCe HIDES Firm: Central America, SOc; Bogota, 29?i30.c. , . , BUTTER Stpudy; receipts, 899 tubs creamery extras. 35c; firsts, 3iH36c; process extra, 26827c; firsts. 26tr2o4c; Imitation creamery firsts, 24050; ''-ctory held. 22(SC34c: current make, firsts, 2p 23c; packing stock. 20t(21c: current make, No. 2, 20204c; No. 3, 160190. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 3.639 boxes, state whoie milk. held, colored specials. 174gi8c; white specials, 174c; skims, 2 EGGS-Wcak; receipts. 19,303 cases: fresh gathered extras, 2223c; flrsta. 204JEJ 21c: refrigerator best, 16417c; nearby lieiinry wliltes. good to large size, now laid, 2S00c; western gathered whites, lit7c POULTRY Dressed quiet: fresh killed western chickens, 14016c; fowls, 1617c; turkeys. 1404 St. Loult Gencml MnrUet, ST, LOUIS, March 4. WHEAT Cash J No. 2 red, $1.0tg;1.09: No. 2 hard, (O44J020. CORN No. 2, 49c; No. 2 White, 614462C OATS No. 2. 33c; No. 2 white, 354c RYE 02c. Closing nrlco on futures: WHEAT May. WH4i". July. 884Q8Hc CORN May. 51V.c; July, E2T4C O AT& SI ay, 334033Hc; July. 33-433Ttc. F1XUR-Dull; red winter patents, $4.90 05.16; extra fancy and straights, $3,900 4.75: hard winter clears, $3.4ttfi'3.S0. SEED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEAL $2.90. BRAN-r-95tSc. HAY -Timothy, $12.0VS'16.00; prairie, $10.0ftfj(H.OO. BAGGING 10c. TWINE Hemp, Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, lard, dry . salt mnntH nnd bacon unchanged. POULTRY Firm J chickens, 13c; springs, 16c; turkeys, Jc; uucks, iuu; Keene. o. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 28fl5c, trrinRT.owor. 174o. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 10.000 13.000 ji..oV I. ii 62.000 67.0X1 Com bu ro.W sl' OaS'bu... ,0O) C1.000 , Groin nnil ProvUlous. viwnAH PITY. March 4. WHEAT Cash, No. 2 hard. 84flMc; No. S. 844 M4o; No. 2 red, $1.01.O7; No. 3, Sic CORN-NO. 2 mixed, 45ic; No. 3, 464c; No. 2 wlilto. tvfcc; no. ., OAT8-N0. I white, S4R844o; mixed. 3So. HAY Unchanged. RYE Unchanged. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT May, 864c; July. MJ CORN May, 61V!01t.c; July, i No. ! 814c. ,a24a. OATS-May. sine. ui i'ptkii Creamery. 36c; firsts 32c; seconds, 31e; packing. 20o. EGGS-Flrsts. 17o; seconds, 13o. POULTRY-Hetis, Ho; roosters, S4c dUCkS, 15C. HhlnmHntL MWO Whoat, bu Corn, bu JS.ftW Oats, uu .-.0( Onuilin Hay MurUet. l.'A0 OMAHA, Marcli 4.-HAY-N0. 1 to iholce upland. $9.0009.50; No. 2, $7.0009.00; No 3. $5.00.00: No. 1 to choice midland. $8.iva9.00; No- -' rr.00418.00: No. 3, $ 7 00; No. I to choice lowland, $7.0008.00; No. 2, $5.0007.00; No. 3, $4.OO0.OO. Alfalfa: No. 1 to choice, pea green variety. $12.XB 1S.W; No. 2. $10.(rta 12.00; No. 2. $7.00010.00. Mlniirnpolls Grnlti Mnrkrt. MINNEAPOLIS, March 4. WHEAT ber. SSVtc. Cash. No. 1 hard. 8GHc; No. 1 iKrtlwni. immo; No. 2 northern. S8K0 N 2 n,,rd Montana, 8iHo; No. 3, 80i8iuc. "-TOr.v:-'.. . UDllIS-WO. I ' OATH No. 3 while, 30fQlc. . UYIC No. 2. IMtMc.' ;,,.- i7iiKlrJi JAJ . . ilul,i, FtOl'U-First Intents. $I.2H(I.$; i ' mil patents, $4 0601.40; first flloara, $8,000 S.'- second clears, $t.2Z.80. FIjAX 1 ZSttBl.arW. Sugar Murkrt, NI VORK. Murrh 4 -SI OAR -Haw. tr id' inuacovadn w test. 3 04c. ten - t gal. W rrst molasses, 89 test '' Ji Refined, steady, OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Active nnd Strong Sellers. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF Sheet nnd I.nnibs Hath In Unite Modrrnlo Supply Drmntid Very Good nnd Prior Ten to Fifteen Cents Hlnticr. SOUTH OMAHA, March 4, 1913. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Offlconl Monday 4.0SI 4,17ft 10,43 Estimate Tuesday 5,200 12,360 7.400 Two days this week.. 9.3SI 16.4H1 1T.SM Same days last wcek..l!.W 30.80S .ft49 Same dajs 2 wkst ago. 12.533 3S,SW fAW Ramo days 3 wks ago. ,11.294 8fi,002 20.713 Samo days 4 wks ago.. 9.7(U M.434 19,4r Hamo days last year.. 7,827 19.3M 20,017 The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs nnd sheep at South Omnha for tho year to date, ns coin pn red with last year. 1913. 1912. Inc. Dec. Snul I'v1. !-5 i"B W-??J 'l 'W.JJ if, 4v-6'' 543,947 70.B70 The following table shows tho range nt prices for hogs ut South Omnha for tho last few days, with comparisons: "Date. 1913. UU2.lBlt. U9lo7l t7TMfi. 1190?." Feb. 18. C 1 V I 7 OC! S 941 0 0J 4 10 6 81 E 90 8 921 5 911 4 15 6 71 5 98 7 OS' 5 97 4 18 83 6 02 7 01 8 98 4 07 it 83 6 03 7 00 9 02 5 3 97 6 SI 6 95 7 04 9 20 6 04 680 5 S9 6 99 9 19 6 11 4 02 6 9S 9 23 6 24 4 II 79 6 02 9 26 G 13 4 12 6 SO 6 OS 6 82 C 14 4 10 0 75 0 116 SC 9 30 4 23 6 79 6 OS 1 4 29 6 15 92 9 47 t 08 6 So G 20 6 93 9 M 0 14 4 28 6 76 6 78 9 M t 86 4 20 G 33 b 82 9 I( G 29 4 25 6 73 Feb'. lJ4h) E 90 Feb, 2u 7 97?r 6 98 Ftb. 2t Feb. 22. Feb. 23. Feb. 21 Feb. 26. Feb. 26. 1 Feb. 27. Feb. 2S. Feb. 20. March 1 March 2! BWfi 8 114 8 1SV 8 191 8 1Z 8 OtSVi S lS?i March 31 8 30 Sundny. Receipts nnd disposition of live stock at tho Union Stock yards, South Omaha, ending nt 3 o'clock yestorduy: RECniPTS-CARH. Cattle. Hogs. Sheet). H'r's C. M. & St. r 6 Wahnsh 3 Missouri lM.clfJc... S Union Pacific (H C. & N. W eant.. 10 C. Ai N. W west.. 62 C, Bt P., M. & O.. 16 C 11. & Q cast.. U C H. & Q west.. 28 C R. I. & P. cast 8 Illinois Central .... 3 C. G, W 6 Total receipts. ...220 I 1 1 6 .. 1 36 10 2 2 6S 2 2 7 1 3 45 16 3 3 2 170 31 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris : Co 644 1,167 2.103 1,170 2,30.3 70(1 2,352 Swift & Co 1.161 Cudnhy Pncklng Co. ...1,078 Armour & Co..., 610 SchwnrU & Co 627 J. W. Murphy Morrcll , 4 H. O. P. Co 3 Sinclair 6 L. P. Co 07 W. B, Vnnsant Co.... 9 Benton, Vnnsunt & L. 91 Hill & Hon 15!) F. B. Lowls 231 Huston & Co 103 J. B. Root & Co 333 J. II. Bulla 43 1,958 8.727 "mi L. F. Husz A 62 Roscnstock Bros 12 Wcrthelmer & Degcn.. 33 Sullivan Bros 21 Rothschild & Krcbs.... ICS Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... 10S (line & Christie 133 Other buyers 420 407 Totals ...6.405 0,897 6.808 CATTLE Cattle recelntH wero moderate today nlthough a llttlo higher than yes terday, making a total for tho two days of 9.281 head, a falling off of almost 2,000 head ns compared with last week nna ot over 3,000 head us compared with two weekB lino. Still the recelnts for the two days nro larger than a year ngo by about 1,1'JU head. Buyers were In tho saddlo early In the morning and tho market on beef steera opened strong and uctlve. ' Desirable beeves sold very freely nt prices that were strong to a little higher than yes terday and fully 10u higher than last week's close. Among the offerings were cnttlo good enough to bring $8.60. Tho receipts of cows and heifers were fairly liberal, but they too wero strong and active Ucllora and a good big 10c higher than last week's close. Everything In the way of desirable butchers stock had changed hands In good season In the morning. Stock cnttlo and feeders wero strong nnd active the same as they have been every day of late. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, S.OO8.75: fair to good beef steers, $7.7508.00; common to fair beet Bteers, $7,25(Q'7,75;, good to choice heifers, $6.76ft7.60: good to cholcn cows. $6,600 7.00; fair to good grades, $5.0506.60; com mon to fair grades, $.007J;5.65; good to choice stockers and feeders, I7.WZJ8.W: fair to good stockers and feeders, $6,SO0 7.60: common to fnlr stockers and feeders. $6.2606.80; stock cows and heifers, $5.OO0 7t00; veal caives, tu.vixav.zo; duiis, stags, etc.. I6.Z606.&O. . Representative sales: WESTERNS. 18, F. & C. R, Spencer, Utah. 61 feeders,. 983 8 00 Kennedy Bros, Utah. 23 feeders.. 93S 7 85 6 feeders.. 900 7 85 BEEF STEERS. At. IT, J. AT. Tr, 8V) 7 tO 3 1010 8 H' 975 7 7t 1 1131 I 30 1134 t OS 10 1157 t 4 1091 t It It ,llU t to COWS. 710 100 I ,-..1153 tO 10 7 38 Zi 1 I SO) t 3S 4 1013 80 a til t M 1U3 I 75 I til t tt 8, .loss t to J 1120 6 li 1 i io; 1 00 t j loss 1 :t 1 it ios t 1 1 mi 6 50 HEirERS. t lS t oo 2 . . . .1130 t U ,, 700 ....1I6S 7 00 ....1100 7 35 lit ' 00 4 1010 t 10 ..,. 121 7 05 Wi t 40 ISO 0 42 7J0 I W cio 1 e , Ut I CO ,410 I CO ,371 114 , I Ut . 719 71 , tot I tt IU IU , ttl 10 1... 1... 130 7 3S .... t 3 4 1 ....11M Tit ...,1180 7 3S .... lit I to .... Hi 7 00 .... 936 7.00 .... 930 7 00 .... 104 T 10 ....ion T II ....W70 7 14 ..,.14)1 T 0 .... Ml 7 tO ....1740 I M ....100-) f 70 .... 410 T tO ....11:0 00 .... too st ....15(0 136 ....3170 34 ....1I50 I 10 ....) t 7t 3l!.'." II.... st!!!! 1 s i I::::: 1 1 13 10 3 1 .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1..... 3.,.., 3.... 6.... ..... ,.... 30.... 14.... I.... .... II.... 1,. BULLS. ...1120 55 1.. ...15 6 70 ...1440 5 70 ...1300 5 75 . ..ItW t Tt ...10W 5 SB ...KM t M 3... 3... I... I... 1... ...ltM S it 1300- t 10 1715 i M . CALVES. 130 7 Sfi 1 300 t W 1T0 I 00 3 310 a 00 ...... 13 t 00 1 1H i) STKISIIS AMU HKIfEllW, MO 7 t 31. .ItSt I 19 Wl 7 4J tit T to ttl T to I04t 7 t 1060 T 70 Nt 7 75 1117 7 M ..,,.1107 7 10 177 IM 1101 7 to 1033 7 M 137 t 00 tit I OS 130 I 10 lilt 8 10 1111 8 10 18 ) 37 17 2 I 30 1 18 41 18 St 34 31 t I ....1101 I 15 ....iota t it lid i it ....1171 8 30 ..,.1373 8 ....18M 3 tt 1383 8 30 ....1307 8 S( 1C0 8 SO ,,..1331 3 34 ,..,.1S04 8 40 13U I 49 ....1311 I 45 1177 I 45 .,..1311 I M 1117 I 60 1500 I M 1311 I 60 .... II.... ,!:::: 20.... 11..,. n.... 11, 7 Ml t 10 30... .UK 8 10 13.. 17.. 11.'.' ...1313 8 10 I.. .1313 I M COWH AND HEIFERH. ..1014' 7 30., .1030 I (0 .loto t to 11 10...., ...WO t 70 ...mi i7i ...1105 Tt ..1301 I 71 ...11 I 7t ...1170 I 10 ...1300 I It ...1310 7 Ot ...ltU 7 00 ...ltlt 7 13 ...10u0 t It ...1310 t 10 .1033 19 1170 t to low 1 10 1134 t 15 lMt I 35 lte t im t o 1015 I 45 STOCKKRB AND FHBDRRS. I... If... 840 I 71 Stt t tt .. . MO T 04 . . .1131 T 00 , . . 103 7 10 187 7 40 .. Ill 7 It 7M T M It) 7 35 47 I S6 3 Til T 30 5 Ill T SO II 804 T SO II ID 111 I . tit T to 30. 771 7 55 33. UI 1 55 10 110 T UI I 115 7 14 30 tti 7 H i w . it ' I t y 31 11. 11M It I Ml IIOtlH Slilppt'is nnd sieculal(irs statteti things this morning by picking up a lew loads early at figures that wero about ( lower. The first bids made by the hck err were 10c lower, the txipulnr figure being $S.20 There were, however, very few, It nny, hogs sold on this basis, and as a general rule salesmen held nut for $S. on strings, and better than that for real good hogs. After a slow nnd druggy opening the market turned out to be a compromise, with the hulk or the sale nt $k.208.5 and the average prlco for droves a llttlo better than $s.224. Sev ernl losds brought as high as 30 during the early trade, a nickel lower than tlr: figure yesterday. Trade was moro or less druggy all the way through, hut practically nil the hogs hail been :old by 11 o'clock. Today's dpi Imp leaves prices a short nickel higher tlmn at tne close ot last week, with the top nt the same figure ns on Sntutduy Receipts wero moderate this morning, as there wero only about 175 ears, or 12,250 heHd, yarded, being over 4.000 smaller than both one and two weeks ngo unit about 3,000 lighter than on thn same day a venr nsn. For the two das thn sun- ply totals 16,426 head, tho smallest since tho first week of January, when only a little over 1R.0M wero reported during the same .perinti 7 7i 7 1 No. A. Sh. rr. Ni. At. Sh. rr. M at ... i t-i 71 :.m lso a iih ... a tt u m M t. ita ... is ... t yn no ti ... i is it UT ... a J tt io to a it si nt ... a x ti ... it ... i jii ti too ... n t .i n m st ro ... a.,56 si sis to a so i in ico, a ts st ,soo ... ate Mi m a sti ... a so st i. ... an ti ito ... a to iso Hi ... t ts t sit ro t to it sit ... a 36 tt i ... a so u sot ... t tt tit ... a so Tt sat ho a sa 74 334 40 I SO tt 178 10 a M IS UT M I SO to 3(7 ... t u tat . . a so ;i m ... I sa :s sir to t so ?t lit so a m si toi ... I SUi ti ttt 130 a 35 StS ... I ttli 1 ... t U 1IT ... t 83 Ik at 1ST ... 8 34 ts too i;o a sni 71 ait m t st sat to t st'i tt tst i ix tt sio ... a stu to 190 ... ax t 3M to a stti tt ss ... a s( 1 3t7 ... I 334 10 17 ... a St ti see ... a ssh 10 sm to a x 73 SM 40 S StVi 3t Stt ... a 70 SOS W a 31? ft SIO 40 I X is 300 ... a ( a sti ... 41 "1 ... a its 7 301 ... t 30 ti sss ... t 34n co 807 ... as ? km ... a JSli to 311 40 8 27lt tt us ... i !;ti ts u: ... t si', 1 114 tO 8 St tt 3T8 ... 8 374 it 4 ... a ts no sit to a 37u a sti ... t st st sio ... a 374 SOS ... t St C3 507 40 8 M ij sis ... a sa tt .iu ... a so 7i tsj :io a sa 7 sos 40 a .10 is 11 ... a s it oo ... 1 so Vf 313 10 8 M 71 20t ... a to 1 317 ... I 36 73 Its 10 8 SO St.. 390 ... SSS S K ... 8 30 St ... IB 70 Sit ... 8. SO :s 119 ... a ss tt :s ... 1 so 78 331 ... I SJ SHRHP Condlllonn surroiindtnir tho market for sheep and Inmbs this morning wero very ravornblo for tho selling In- erests. resulting In a lively trado at prices nnywhero from strong to 10015a higher nnd In spots ns much an a quarter higher than the general run of sales yes terday. Receipts hero nnd at moBt other mnraet points were rather light, which fact In Itself encouraged salesmen to hold out for bettor prices. Whllo early udvlcea from other live slock centers in dicated llttlo If any Improvement over Monday's trade, most of tho local buyers wero out in goou season auu iinugnt tho bulk of tho offerings In a comnarntlvelv short time nt the substantial ndvnnco In values. Killing lambs muito un n liberal nrnnor. tlou of the receipts and wore uneven sellers, the majority ot them showtnir nn ndvnnco of 10015c. There wero somo hiiIoh that looked only strong, whllo others wero fuljy a quarter higher, Tho demund was broader than on the last few days and In consoquenco tho trado wan marked by less discrimination against the heavy grades, The movement of nil kinds continued nctlve nnd a com- fileto clearance was effected nt an snrly lour. An high as $8.85 wns paid for Mex ican lambs, whllo $8,00 won reached by fed westerns. Shorn Inmbs sold up to $7.65. Aged sheep and yearlings were In llcht supply nnd If anything sold to a better advantage than lambs, thero being a gen eral auvance or mwibc. Jn in tne case or lambs trade wuh very uneven, and conse quently 11 wan possible to pick out somo Bales that appeared 26030c higher. A couple of loads of fed western ewes touched $6.25. thn highest1 Point of the season for ewes ot thnt clnss. All told thero were only thlrty-ono cam. or 7.400 head, reported In, which mentis a railing orr or about 2,345 head as com pared with Monday of last week and also a considerable decrcaso aa compared with two weeks ago npu a year ago. Quotations 011 sheen and lambs: Good to choice Moxlcan lambs, $8.0008.85; fnlr 10 gooa mexican minus, -.jixti.uo; goqa to cohlco weoterns, $S.S608.GO; fair to good westerns, $8.0008.35; fcedors, $7.6007.76; yearlings, light, $7.3507.65; yearlings, heavy, $6,7&0fl.lO; wethers, good to choice, ICAVrii' wethers, fnlr to good. G.3E; owes, good to choice, $6.0000.28; owes. rair 10 coou. a.t.iio.w. 396 fed ewes 104 374 fed Iambi , S4 174 fed lambs 90 638 Mexican lambs 78 G 25 8 60 8 05 5 75 7 60 7 75 6 10 G 25 5 85 8 40 8 30 6 85 8 25 7 60 6 00 8 25 8 40 96 Mexican lambs K4 3 Mexican yearlings W 219 fed ewen 108 G Mexican nwefl 73 622 Mexican lambs 75 238 fed lambs 84 251 fed Inmbs R0 94 71 64 94 Bt 75 100 fed ewes 130 fed lambs 682 shorn lambs 100 fed ewes 123 fed lambs SO fed lambs (JIIITAGO LIVE HTOC1C MARKET lie in mid for Cuttle Mtendy Ilo Wenk Sheeii Finn. CinOAQO, March 4-CATTLE-Ro- rnltilg r. 000 limul! market stendv;. beeves $7.1009.25; Texas steers, $5.3O0fl.2S; west ern steers, ia.3O07.iw; stociters nna feeders, $6.2608.16; cows nnd heifers, J3.3.VH7.00: cnlvcs. $7.00010.60. HOGS Receipts, 21,000 head; market weak: bulk of sales. $8.3508.45; light. $8.2508.66; mixed. $8.2008.60; heavy $.8.05 Cituiu: rougli. w.UAlx.v:. Pigs, vs.unrs.vj. HHEEP AND I,AMBH Rcjcelpts, 17,000 head; market rinn; native, t.zui.Ku; woBtcrn. $5,t0rr.oO; yearlings, $0.8508.20; native Iambs, $7.iO0.7o; western iambs, $7.X0S.8S. Knnnaa City Iilrr Sdirk Mnrkel, KANSAS CITY. Mnrch 4. CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head, Including 300 south erns: market strong to iu cents uigner dressed beef and export steers, $8.4009,0) fair to good. $7.4508,76; western steers 17.007i8.60: stockers and feeders. $G.2GS 8.25;. southern steers, $6.6008.25; southern cowh, H.awtl.oo; native cows ana neiiera, $4.2608.60; bulls, $5.2606.75; calves. $.5O0 10 00. HOGS Receipts, 8.50O head; market 6 to 10 cents lower: bulk of sales, $8,300 8.45; heavy, $3.2508.35; packers and butchers, $3.2008.60; light, $8.3008.45; pigs, $7.2607.76. SHEEP AND I,AMB8-Recelpts, 6.000 head; market strong; i:oiorauo iambs, $8.OO0.O5; ycnrllngB. $6.7507.60; wethers $5.7506.(01 ewes, tb.uugti.zi. Ht, T.nulM Mil' Htock Mnrkrt, ST. I.OUIS. March 4. CATTLE Re celnts. 6.400 head. Including 600 Texnns market steady; good to cholco steors $7.6008.60; stockers and feeders, $5,250) 7.75: cows and neiters. lo.wms.;,; nulls ts.o0ia7.00: calves. $6.00010.00; soutliern steern, $5.2608.25; cows and heifers, $3.50 06.60. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market 12 cents lower; pigs and light, $6.6008.60,; mixed and butchers, $5.400800; good heavy; $8.5008.00. HHKEP AND liAMBS-Recelpts, 3.500 head; market steady; muttons, $5,600) 6.36; yeurllngs, $7.(W.S5; lambs, $7.OO0 8.76. Stock In Slitht. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday; waiuo. jiukb. onerp South Omaha... St. Joseph Sioux City Kansas City .. St. Louis Chicago .. 6.200 13.260 7.400 2.600 400 6,000 .. 1,400 .. 7,000 .. S.400 ..24.000 6,000 1,600 6.000 3.500 17.000 8,600 12.000 6.000 Totals 43,400 47,760 28.000 New York fllliilim Storks. NEW YORK, Muroh 3,-Closlng quota lions on mining stot-kH were: Com. Tunnel stock I Mexican 13 do bonda 13 Ontario 350 Con C'al ti Va It Ophlr 15 Ilron Silver 150 Binill llopat . . 15 LeadrlMe Ton 8 'Standard IM Little inlet . . . J Yellow jacket , .10 Ottered. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Wall Street's Chief Interest Lie. in EvcntB at Capital. TRADING DULL AND NARROW! Milli-nt Ions nf Attltndc nf Admin Istrnllon nn .Mutters nf Concern In Flnnnelnl District Is Enirerly Avrnlted. NEW YORK. March 4. Wall stree chief Interest today lay In the progress of events nt Washington. So far as was revealed by the stock market, tha barometer of sotitlmcnt In the financial district, tho coming Into power of the new democratic administration wns tno oc casion of shifting of position, for tha market was dull and narrow most ot tha da . The street saw nothing In the In augural nddress ot President Wilson to -awaken apprehension. Indications ot tho nttltude of tho administration on matters of concern in tho financial district aro awaited with engerness. In tho ftWKcnco of sueh Indications today tho market wan permitted to drift. As the day progressed the tone became heavier. A few ot tho prominent stocks, including Pennsylvania, Union Pacific. St. Patll. Steel. Amal gamated and SmolNng, lost a point op so. Ovo Selling was at no tlnic heavy, howi or. Tho mnrket missed thn sustaining Iih fluence of tho recent European buying. Iximlon did little In this market. Berlin fcohl Canndlnn Pacific, which lost nearly 3 points. Foreign markets were less cheerful. German bankers wero again In thin market today, offering 5 per cent for thirty day money, "exchange guar anteed." Traction stocks enjoyed no further rlsd on tho strength of tho approval of tha subway contracts, which was discounted, In yestorday's quick upturn. New Haven, stilt felt tho tho effect of Its poor; January statement and fell fb 1234, tha lowest for a quarter of a century. ATnorl can Coal .Products, against which eult waa Instituted yesterday, fell 7 points. Bonds were lrrrgulur with furthe? heaviness of some Important Issues. Total sales, pur value, $2,157,000. United States bonds unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks wore as follows: , , . . Sale. lllh. Low. Cloie. Amalgamated Copper .... 83,300 7ts 10 70V4 Amertfun AcrlcuHural n Amnrlian IMwt Buaitr , liU American Can 11,800 3IU I3H ll'J murriuan prq. JW4 113 138 American C. A F cm m. iiu ai American ttitton Oil 47 Am. Ici Bcurltlf 1,400 li'i ti JI'C Aiiirruiut MiLi-rq ..... ... American Locomotlra ,,, coo 37 SI14 Sti), IIS MS lOSh ra. H. A R. rrd 1 ..... m. Surr Ilotlnloi 114 American T. & T 800 lSSU J83U 1334' American Tnnux-o ..... 347 narondn Min ns Co..... 1.100 37't sau livt 3.100 10314 103 1034 100 1UOU 100 100 .1. ..... 115- 1.100 101, 101'i 101'i 1,000 I7'i Sl(4 Sii MOO S1H 90 tOU t.OOO 333U 2304 saiVfa l.aoo 3IU S7'4 37'4 it w, 7m 7i; ) tt IIH lMk 1,300 im; 108H IM 300 1341a 1SS 13t B00 35 31 U lim 1.300 133U ISSft 1IH4 t.100 10S 10 10 1("V 183 113 343 100 30 30 19'4 100 StVi Slli 35 1,000 IIU ITU 17 1,300 SIU ST!' ST'f m 45 UU. U'! Atlantic ait Un halt mm A Ohio..., Ildhlrbcm Ftrel lirnoklrn IUplit Tr Cnnadlan l'acirio ., Ccnlrll I,enlhir Chmaprak A Ohio rhlctm O. W llilcaat), M. & W. P lilcnco ci 14. W., 'olorado V. A 1 (Tonaolldated tlaa Corn Producta Delawsr A ltudaon Denver Wo Grande..,. Dfnrfr A It 0. ptd Dlitlllcra Securities .... l rrio ibrja 1 pia. , Krle 3d pfd Oeneral Blectrlo too istu l's'is ISTH Omt rthern pfd 3,500 137U 137 1314 tlrral Northern Ore ctfa. 100 ilfii US 3tu Illinois UehtrAI 300 131 134 1331 nterborouch Met 1.000 11V 17H 17H Inter. Met. ptd t.SOO 62VI 6H Wli miernaiionai narrener 101 Inter-Marine ptd ..... 17 4 International Paper 11. International rump too 14 14 13 KHniuia Ollr Bout hem.... 100 StH Z4K Lulcdft uas i I ti lib Valley Z.zoo ltl istu Itlli Iul,Tiiie & r.uiTiii... M.. Bt. P. & S. 8. M... too USU WSi 1J4 300 1SI 133 Mi 1351 300 31 J!i SSU 100 li iSU 38i 109 117 117 IIIVj 684 IIU MUsourl, K. tt T Ml-Murt Pnclllo National lllacult National Lead If. It It of M. 3d Dfd.. . INew York Central 800 107H 10IU Mi 200 31 SOU SOU 500 1061, 105 10&H 7IH s.too in nt nn, N. Y.. O. A W Ntarfollc A: Weatern North American Northern Pacllla , priris Mill , m lav 18 n PennrrlTinli t.ioo 10! ill. ii Ieople' uu p.. c.. a A Bt. V.... IMS 31 U 31 rittetmrih coal Preued Bleel Car 100 38 38 Pullman Palacn Car..., 1!H meaning , It.tOO 15t 167i 15714 :oo :ttt ;s 34H ti 500 33U 32 H 31"i, nepublio I, A h Ileoubllo I. A 8. Ptd Stock Ialand Co.... llock Iilind Co. prd St. U & S. F, 3d pfd.... 800 8t 1 5S(i MVi 100 35 25 31 Seaboard Air Line Reihnnrd A. Jj. rfd...... U'i 43T1 31 4,800 IMS ttu oi v; SOD 3ti IIH 21 100 I04 SOU M)i 100 31 38 374 Bleaa.Bhettleld B. A I Bauthern Paeltle Bouthern lUllway Bo. lUllwar Ptd f Tennesaee Copper Thu A T-ficltle. ......... 300 IIU 1H lH'lj Union Faeirio 1. zv,ivi joiik iu Union racltlo prd ) a7, United States neoltr .-vj ..... JJ United State Rubber.. S.000 I7T4 , IIU United Btatea Bteel. 4I,00 82 tl tlti TT. fl? Steel pfd 1.500 10H4, 108 lOIti IIth noDDer a,ow o7 w V. -Carolina Chemical 83 Wabatn H too 13H 1H4 IS'a 100 4SH 4Si 4SU 300 7 tOO, 70U 19-4 tS 109 I4i t. t',4 Wthaah TM Wevtern Marjriana ... Weetern Unlor. WwUlnihoul Blectria Wbeeuna f. Total aalea (or the dar. 373,800 abarea. 3Vctt Yorlc Money Mnrket. NEW TORK. March 4. MONET5T On call, easier; 203Vi per cent: ruling rate. 3V4 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent, of fered at 2H per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty and ninety daya and alx months. 49405 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PArUR-C0U PSTI2RL1NG EKCIIANGE iTirm, with actual buBlness in bankers' bills at $4.8360 for alxty-day bills and at $4.8780 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.82H SILVER Bar, 69Hc; Mexican dollars, 8BONDS Government, steady; rallroadi Irregular. . . M Closing quotations on bonds today ware uV0retW3e! re. -lOOK. C Bo. ref. la... Mtj do coupon 100HU fl. d.b. 4a 131... tt ij S 8a, ref 1M1I.. & N. unl. 4e. . Mtt do c,uon ?'Ji"' K- J- lt 4a I3K it S. 4a. ref.. .-1IH "do an. 4a 81 do coupon UIHMo. Pacific 4a.... 70 Panama 3a coupon. .101V4 do conT. U. ... 81 A.3. lat ta ctfa... WNUBilll 4tia. tl Amir. A. 6a JKfe'N T. C. t. SHl-.. 1414 A T & T. CT. 4a..l0V do dab. 4a 8SW Am Tobawso ta....l30HlV. Y. N. 11. & If. Armour & Co. 4Ha. m, cr. 3V4a ,.. 11 AtcSton ten. 4...... V . ft W. 1st c la. MU do ct. w i:" ... .,u- An PV. ta ivirto. i-aciuo ..,.... ISH do Sa M'i 4S4o. S. U rfdt. 4a... MHFeon. ct. Sia 1115.. 17 IIH do con. 4a lqtfi lOtKTleadlna ten. 4a.... tli MHB. U. & B. P. tr 4a 71 U A. C. U lat 4s,... Hal. ft Ohio 4a. .. do U. . Prook. Tr. ct. 4a. Ceil, of Oa. t;.... Chea. ft Ohio 4l4e.,.10OV do en. la., TlVa do conT, 4i4 WH'Bt. L. B. W. o. 4. 7ti Chtcato & A, SHa, sr. A. U adi. 5a..... 71 C D & Q- 1- 4a. .. tltBo. Pac. col. 4a. ... 44i do en. 4a 14 do cr. 4a MVl C M 4b 8 P cr 4Ha..l02 do lat ref. 4a tilt C. It. 1. ft P- c. 4a. t!H8o, nallvay ta.. ..105 do Ttf. 4e IIH do (en. 4a.. r J7i C. & 8. r ft e 4V4a. MViUnlon PaclOo 4a.... Ml On. Learner 1). ft II. CT. " no T. D. ft It 0. ret. ta.. 81 do lit & ref. 4a.. tl'I niatlllera' (a V. 8. Rubber (a.... 103 Brie p. I. 4a..... - as tl B. SleelSd ta. ..tOO4 do ten. ia -'--- r. h.di. jw. ,v a. ur. n 73 Webaah lit A ex. IIU III. On. lat re I. 4a llUWeatarn Md. 4. . . . 13 Inter. Met. 4Ha. ... 7.H'Weet. Klee. ct. tl. 83 Inter. M. M. H - t3,wta. Central 4a W"i Japan 4V4a t7T4 llld. "Offered. noatou MlnSnir Stocks. BOSTON. MaroU 1 Closing nuotatlons on mining ttocks wero as follows: Allouea " llohawk no Amal. copper ........ ivinoTaaa, jm A Z. U t 8 .tiiNlplulnr; Mine 844 Arliona Com tSNorth Uutt 37 '4 D ft O. C. A. f. M. 8 Nurth Lako 1 Cot ft Arliona (SKOld Dominion 4t Cal. ft lleda 470 Otceola 84 Centenclal 1 Qulney IT Copper Rant C. c. 41 soannon ll't Eaat Uutta C. M... 1$ Superior KrunVlIn t4Snperlor & B. M. . S4 Olroui Con SlJTamarack Oranbr Coa V- 8. 8. , R. A M .40 Greene Cananaa ti do pfd U lala Ilojal Copper. 31 Utah Can J Kerr lJVe ... 3 UUh Cbpper Co.. SH Lake Copper It Winona. .... t La Salle Copper. IHWoWerln ... t" Miami fopper :i I Persistent Advertising is the Koad to Bualness SucceH. 1