12 TJFR BEE: OMAHA, WT3l7:siAT. AlARd! 5, VM'l Oh! It's Great CZ I i i i ill i w i t - wvr i -.ii - va i n' ii -a. ;m 8sEM,Vi 1 . R-bssssssVJb-s 7 -i tHHMIH I II . . I I I H A. I M MSm b-bb WANT ADS Wont ads received at any timet Lilt to insure proper classification tntitit lio presented lieforo 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for niornlnK and Sunday editions. Wnnt ad re ceived after Mich Hours will linve tliclr first Insertion under tlio head' Ins, "Too Luto to Classify." CHARGE KATES. Six words to tho lino. Ono insertion 12 cents per Mnc. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line. One lino por month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts nro measured by the line, not by the word. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono Insertion a cents a word. Two or more consecutive Inscr tions 1H centN a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE Tho Beo will not bo re sponsible for more than ono wrong insertion due to typographical error. Clniins for error cannot be allowed after tlio 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must he tonncd by written order, verbal or telephone- cancellations cannot accepted. bo DEATH AKD PtJJKRAI, SIOT1CK8. ACKEIWANN-a. O., aced 80 year, aled at tho home of his daUKhter, Mrs. Ea Iirnt Mil 1'nrk nvrnile. March 2. Kutifinl Wednesday at 2 P. m. Inter. mcnt. Trospect Hill cemetery. H beside his widow, three childrenMrs. K. Proste. B. C. Ackermivn pf Chicago and Q. A. Acherman ot Kansas vw. COOPKU-Allen K.. March 3. 1918, aed M Funeral services will be held from fan lly realdence. 2912 Iike street. Wednesday, March 8, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment, Forest iAtvn cemetery. i-Tienu uiyiic-j. LEO A. HOFFMANN, HX PERT EM HALM BUS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Located In -Modern Funeral Home." 24lh and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 3001. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, undertakers; new location. 717 8. 16th St. Tyler 1678. . CARD OK TllAJSKS. wish to thank our many friends and nembers ot the Carter Lake club for therr kindness and sympathy shown "h during our bereavement In the loss of our daughter and sister. Peter Swanaon and Family. MIRTHS AND DEATHS. Uirths-Oulseppc and Maria Clrco, 11104 South Ninth, boy; Elo and Hasel Crelgh ton. 119 South Thirty-ninth, boy, John and Margaret Dober, 27W Buoth Twelfth, Klrl; J. and Zollen Dollal. 230 South Eleventh, boy; Oeo. and Ethel Hansen, SOU Woowolrth, girl; Frank and Annie Hasek, 1250 South Fifteenth, boy: U A. and Rose Donohue. 3118 Wsbster, boy; Blew and Lottie Hotewlnskl, 2S Hick ory, girl; George and fladle Leydecker. 417 Woolworth. girl; C. A. and C. B. Johnson, Benson, girl; F. and Rosa Xmbardo, 421 South Pierce, boy: Bam and Kato Resnlck, 1613 North Twenty second, girl; William and Mary Kaxlol. 2917 West Bancroft, girl; Henry and Anna Stern, 3700 North Twenty-fourth, glr. Deaths Oeo. V. AcWerman, K years. SIS Park; Albertlne D. Rosenberg, W vears. hospital; Frank I Burclimore. 7 days, hospital; Joe Fassbender. 87 years, 1325 Bouth Eighteenth; Elisabeth Qille, Ji:, yeurs. 1716 Bouth Seventh. -MARRIAGE LICENSES, Permits to wed have been granted to fntlnwlnir iviunlea: Varna and Address. Age. Itocco Notarfrancesco. Omaha 24 n.,u.nnlr.B Hr-iifiihlnn Otnnha UU.Vr,IIH . . Garland G. Shaw, Kansas City. Mo " Muriel B. Roady, AWchlta, Kan " A W. Gultorman. Kansas City. Kan. Margaret 1. Woodls, Amboy, Minn, .. niunni A Tonnlken. Omaha 21 21 1 J. Pauline Engel. South Omaha 1 JIUILDINU PERMITS, T Altschuler, 1723 North Thirty-third, brlck store,t3.500. llKlil "WANTED FE5IALB Clerical uud UtClne, STENOGRAPHER, willing to do some stork In pleasant offlca for the experi ence. Address at otic. N 733.' Bee Housekeepers and Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE unUl you get ths leilrvd results. This applies to residents it Omaha. South Omaha, and Council fluffs. Bring your ad to The Bts office tx teiPhon Tyler 1000- GOOD, steady girl or woman for gen eral nousewora. ii. wu. unit S MITE woman to do cooking. Jill UoJge. If. 6143. MAID for general housework, good wages, amall family; private batn ana pleasant room. Jiua jonea 01. WANTED Girl for general housework. 112 South 36th bt. rnone iiarney GIRL for general housework; no wash. Ing. SU3 Dewey Ave. Harney 49. FIRST-CLASS cook. Also second girl. Tiir.r. urluliM in family. No children. Utst of wages. References required. Bee George Brandels. Office Brandcls Stores, YOUNG Bill to assist with housowprk, Webster 320. "WANTED First class cook; also sec ond girl. 31TI uavenpori et. ji. WANTED Girl for general housework, pu t The Troy apartments. 80 Ur Apt. r.i v "COMPETENT girl for general hju.- work, no washing. 51 uooge i. 11 11 187C wuililnir 3VU Dewey Ave. to Have a Home Fit ;.' . enAT J., riin PC . HELP WANTE1 FEMALK. Iloiiarkeeiiem and Domestics COOIC, second cook and dining room girl; rnfrrnnces required; must apply be fore March IE. ISdmundson Hospital, Council muffs. Ulltti for general housework; small family. 305 8 35th Ave. COLOItKU airl to work by" thewcekT Wb. 1873. NBAT white KlrJ to assist with Renew! housework Mrs. II. tl. Cnssldy, mcnoias. QIKI. or woman wnnt pi! for oners I housework; one who can go home nights, 422 N. 10th M. WANTKD Immedtatirv7second irlrl. KI0 N 4Sth St. Tel. It. 199. OIRIy for . eneral housework: no wasn Iiik. 4012 Harney Ht. Harney 6S19, OIIllj for ceneral housework. 271G Pop. pleton. Harney 1A04. OOOD Douglas. kitchen helper at once. 2"JI WANTKD Olrl for general housework. Mrs. W. W. Marsh, m Pine 8t. OIRI, for general housework. 2335 Har ney St. CnMPKTKNT irlrl fni ir.ni.rn1 hnlllr.. work; no washing. 3.115 Hurt St. WANTRTl Wnt rirmnn nn llnnlili olrl for general housework. 720 S. 22d. YOITNO glrl.to assist with housework: one who can go home nights. 261S Capitol Ave. Miscellaneous. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers art. Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's avenue and 17th Ht., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' uulde at the Union station. OOVERNM BMT Jobs open to women'. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces sary. Write tor list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. .3213, Rochester, n. y. ' FIR8T CLASS SALARY To a well educated and refined woman. Answer, giving age, experience and edu cation. Address, II 719, Dee. IlEIil "WANTED MALE AgrnUi uleuien unit Solicitors. Live Agents wilt write Jaeger Manufacturing Co., 07 Urandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha. $3 PER DAY PAID AGENTS to rep resent this company In towns and coun ties or commission selling a specialty that Is new, Rlean, up to date, a live wire; you demonstrate; It sails; NO FAKE; write or call. Midwest Manufacturers' Selling Co., 550 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Are You the Man I am looking forT state agent, auto spe cialty, profitable, worth Investigating, Exclusive contract. See Mr. Gillespie, room 300. Hotel Loyal. WANTED Sales managers with ability. men who can organise territory for the best solllni: specialty In America; the Automatic Wrapping Paper Printer; every merchant needs it; exclusive rights and territory guaranteed. See Glrartl C. Varnuir. sales manager room E34, Hen- shaw hotel. AGENTS Earn $4 to 110 dally. Wrlto for my new spring catalogue. I give val uable premiums and sample free. F. C. Mason. 621 W. 6th St.. Bloux City; la. AGENT and collector wanted; position pleasant and permanent: a money maker; experience unnecessary. For particulars, writs Great Western Accident, Des Moines, la. Factory snA Trades, LEARN AUTOMOBILE. ENGINEERING, Get Into the automobile business; learn It complete In the largest and best oaulPDed training school in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are In demand, Write or catl for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. lllv-li rvirunu fj., vrnmuwi . . v m "TfrmNO rush la commencing In ths automobile business: learn now by prao- 1116-17 uoago Ht., uir.ana, neo automobile business: learn now by prao Ileal experience In completely equipped shops; 8100 to 8200 earned monthly by good men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n, 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. Drug store unapm jobs. Knleat. Bee lildg. YOUNO MAN-BE A BARBER. Big wages. Always sure or work. 1 win teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and furnish tools, Call or write for cata logue. A. B. Moler. Pres. Moler Barber College. llOauth St WANTED Experienced upholsterer; steady work. Omaha Furniture Mfg. Co., itaiston. Men. For Bale A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dunde suits. 810; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN M1LLH. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts. MIct-neou. 500 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at onca for electrio railway motormen and' conductors: (GO to 8100 a month; no ex perience necessary; cine opportunity: no strike: write Immediately for applica tion blank Address Y-46. care Bea. GET prepared for railway mall and other government "exams" by former U. a. civil serv ce examiner. Write now for fre booklet SI. Patterson Civil Servlc School. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY-Abl. bodied, unmarried men between aces ot 18 and 85; citizens of United States, ot good Character ana tempeiat habits, who can sneak, read and write ths Em. llsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Building, ltth and Dodgo Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 605 Fourth Bt., bioux lit), ia.. uv no. ivin au, 1.10 coin. Neb, PARCEL post demands additional rail way mall clerks. Postofflce clerks, car rlere; life positions; salaries 30 up. Write at once tor stosmon aesirea. American (institute. Dept. 19, j fKcani:epTlre Kansas city. Mo. repairers and Inspectors for P.. It Company work: 20 and 21 cents nr 'hour; free pass; no trouble. Apply to the old Reliable, ivoenig-s uiDor Agency. 1 isa uoagn. " I I ( tUI ut ltui Douglas, upstairs. II "mm A. B. C. of Omaha Aauuwb jeweiry corner, nun fa roam. February clearing sale all novelty Jewelry. and on B15M, DRUG CO., 1210 l-arnam. Crutch rubhers, crutches, . clastic trusses, all kinds of rubber goods anything you want from a drug store. ,AC'KI,By UIIOH.. 121 N. 16th. Home , mndo grapo wine, 11 gallon .Two uuurt bottles beer, 2,'c. DUNDEB WOOLEN MILLS, 15th and Harney 8ts. $16 suits and overcoats made to order, guaranteed to fl t. t-CONOMY Electric Sign bring busl- H. ners; save cost In lighting. K. M Mark, 16th and Douglas, Omaha. POKTISn-llARKBIl Illdg. IJollir. 29. CO.. COO Hrandls aeneral insurance - carried In reliable companies. GIlOBI Lumber Wrecking Co.AlT kinds Laundry, Dairy Second-hand mach inery; pipes, shafting and belting. tF YOU have scrap metals, rubbers and rags, write for prices to Omaha Metal and Rubber Co., 101 H. Sth St. J. A. HCHROKDKR will tell you any thing you wish to know about the Moose lodge. Tel. D. C826. 416 S. 17th. Klin Abstract Co., 306 S. 17th fit. K Better be afe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. ANKTRKE Electrical Co., 303 8. 18th St. Tyler 101t. All kinds of elec trical contracting. Get our prices. L M' ONHKIT'8. Mfr. ot wigs, toupees. switches from combings, 81. Mori heirs Deauty Parlors, 403 S. 18. D5383. N EBRAHKA CYCLE CO.. th and Harney. Doufelns 1M2. We rent, re pair, sell rlecdleS. 'parts of all sewing machines. UAHA STOVk REPAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Dpuglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water fronts, grates for furnaces, steam and hot water heaters-lil stock. PE-TROLiaUM Coke. 810.C0 per torT Oreatest heat-glVIng fuel on the mar ket. No ashrt or smdke. Give us a trial order. Union Fuel Co. Douglai 28. UALITY printing; prices right. Phono Q Doiur. 3iC3 and let us quote prices on printing UnftohTtg. Co., 605 8. lSth. REIO Hotel, now oheh for business. Modern every respect. Ppeclal fam lly rato by wk, or mb. 1609 Cuming. l5 ellng and repairing; reasonable cost. zoi city National. Douglas ext. TAKE, your friends to the Mandarin caf. 1409 Douglas, Upstairs. Omaha's exclusive Chinese cafe. Music ev'n'ga u NITED Clothes, Shop. 1012 Farnam HtT euits, overcoats,, raincoats Ready- to- Wear $10 and 815. Why pay more? Western MTlTlnery School, 412 Paxton Blk. Spring summer classes start Ing now; prepare for early positions. XI CELLO GRATE. TON 88.50. The nearest to .anthracite; absolutely smokeless. Coal Hill Coal Co. D. 78, YOU can have clothes satisfaction, Spring and summer woolens. Lan der ou, Tailor, 305 a 19th St. B'ar nam Hotel Illdg. Easter offerings RBNOVATK ITS! A TIT Bill H to clean mattresses. .Call Omaha Plllbw Co., Doug, 2it7, We also carry a fins lino ot mattresses and pillows. 1721 Cuming. HERE IS AN IDEA. Get a beautiful 50c silk tie by parcel post for 35c Name color when wrjllng. Luxetto Mdse; Co., COS 8. 20th. Omaha. buttons covered, all sizes and IeV. JlB IDEA-L PLEATlNt CO.. 200 Douglas Ulk. Douglas lM4T$?,l!ty r.ior f-ienCi "ri i5?n' HaU EASTER egg dyes, tc I Easter perfumes, Co to 85. Sherman, & McQohnell Drug Co., 16th-Dodg. OWl UrUgCo..l6th.Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 6q a large not tie. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th At DOWNEY millinery,. up-to-date. lipi N. 24th, trances uowney iiawk. THE TIE THAT ENDURES Is a luflky wedding ring , from Fred Brodcgaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At the ign of the Crowrt up tho Golden nutrs. LADIES ONLY rtetlon massage, of hair, face and hands. .Turkish (bath after March 1.) Apt t. 1802 Farnam St. Tr.TTTVIliCJ cleaned., dyed and curled. J.4JU1UUU A90.A Pfctnn U1U TV SMJ. st "for nnbn rl'gthkh. ' G. A. Undq'ulst, Tailors, 235-8 Paxton blk. HKIiP WANTED MAL8S AND FALK. I'osltlona furnls'd both sixes eten-where. Columbia Nat'l Exchange. i14 Bee Bldg. MEN-WOMEN -Get government parcel post lobs. 820 week; write for list of do sttlons open. Franklin Institute. Dept 14 H. Rooheater. N. T. f'A'Tt. Ill When VOU n4 a atannr. raphcr; large list to select from; services free to employer and employe. Tel. Doug las 2211 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1310 Farnam St. . WANTED Experienced Oermnn.ioMk. Ing salesman and saleslady for general store. Address Y 71, Bee. WANTED SITUATION'S Laundress wants work,, by day. H-&503. Mrs. POOLE, practical nurse D. S232. WANTED By colored girl nlace to assist In housework and care ot children. Webster 4494. YOi: ITNC a man wants any kind of n, rk. Call ney v. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and e. nographer wishes position.. Doug. 7C59. A LADY wjuld go out and prepare prM vate or Parly dinners or luncheons n I Private famty; excellent cook. Address! ours Be- . RESPONSIBILITY and hard worki wanted by young business man. exper. I lenccd in .correspondence. shipping, credits, law. Aoareas J Tit, i-ara nee. WANTED Job as stationary fireman ; lv tnurrled man: xnerlfciut ,1 Aililr.'a, E 742, care of Bee Copyright. 19lt International News Service. WANTED SITUATIONS MAN wan tV pin a 797, ilncn to work for board and room Ret. FORMER manager of own business, de sires situation, shipping, credit man, or collections; also railroad experience. Ad dress I'' 741, Omaha Bee. MAN. wants plnce to work for board and room. Address H 746. Hep. WANTED Job on farm by young mar ried man with two small children; ralJed on farhi: thoroughly competent to handle any kind of machinery Incidental to farm work: answer quick; a good thing for any farnler. Address C 74.. care Dee. lir.Ktntnn Lln.tll.n " niir.il nnnb h,r middle-aged woman with one child. Call bellevue 118. ATTRACTIONS. A LADY of education and refinement and who can cook, would like position a? companion or housekeeper. Address, D 743: care Hee. OMAK-. film exch.. Kith and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargains. Masquerade and theatrical costumes to rent at Llebert's, 1514 Howard. Open ev'ngs KAPLAlTSKOSHEE Restaurant, flhvst Kosher meals, 120 N. 15. J H. Griffith. WIK mfr.. 12 Frenzer Ulk. T7 1 JL. Ladles and gentlemen: P aJSLail 00d eating; popular i atOLUll prices; 310 Ko. 16th St.. Tnn Hnfo Board of Trade Bldg. Ladles' Wedtfltig announcemnntsT Dnu'tt. i't Ca HAZEL LEAF 1'ILH CONES Be? remSdV for Itchlncr. hlrilnf ni nrntrnrl. Ing piles: 50o postpaid; samples free. Sher- man at aiojonneii urug co.. omann. MONEY Union Loan Co. Gibson's Buffet U2 SdUth' 15th Si THE N. C. LEAHY COMPANY, Formerly ICotera & .Ioary Co., engrav ers and printers. 710 S. 15th. Dduglas 18W. AUT0fbblriE3 BEST AUTO "PAINTING. Fore doofsT slip covers: new tops and bodies built to otdsr. WM? PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works. 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6922. DRUMMOND'S Big now garage at ,26th ahd Farnam. ROBES And radiator covers at 82.50 end up. Murphy Did It Stf ' BECOND-HANI) AUTOMOHILKS 4:1 fW) Paid for magneto we can't repair, coll rep'lng. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18. WILL sacrifice my 40-horse power run about: never been UBed. - Address A 427, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get In or out ot business, call on GANQEBTAD. 404 Baa Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. kind retail store furnished or sold. Kennebeck Co., 505 Be Bldg.. Omaha. YOUNG man with some money to In vest can buy interest In established firm, and work up with the business. Address K 559. Bee. FORTY-FIVE-ROOM hotel, tine bus! ness, a bargain; no trade. H. Llndeman, Crawford, Neb. ELITE nlcture show room at 616 N. 24th St., South Omaha; new front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room for J-'las tt VS SJ't mil 4WilllBa M-M lUIrl - , IW MR. MERCHANT, we mhke auction sales ahd guarantee to get you money. No stock of jewelry or clothing too large or small. Bank refer ences furnished on application. Crook & Roth, Auctioneers, 411 N. 9th, Omaha. R. E. STOCK OF CLOTHING and fixtures for sale: located in city of Omaha; stock and fixtures invoice about $3,500; estab lished business, all reAdy to step Into will stand closest Investigation and will be sold right for cash; no trade will be considered; reason for selling, owner has other interests. Address F Tjl. care Bee. HTOCKB and bonds, Investments. ral estate. Franklin Brokerage Co.. 1523 Doug. TO buy or jell a business promptly, see Columbia Nat'l Exchange, 514 Bee Bldg. 19-ROOM furnished hotel for sale at bargain. Write owner: save agent's fees. Address Y 75. Bee. FOR SALE THE BEST. THE FINEST and NICEST LOOKING CANDY AND ICE CREAM business In Ne braska town of 18.000; mahogany tlx- t tlires; soda fountain In connection. prcsont owner embarking In wholesale business, will take 14,500, 82.500 down, balance on time; no trade. Address Y ,4, cars Bee. FOR SALE Good restaurant In con nection with hotel: will bear inspection. owner leaving city; snap. 617 N. 16th fct BUSINESS PEItSONALS Architects. J. F. COTTRELIfc 4102 K. 19th. W. m. Attorneys. PHONE C. E. Smith. 511 Bee. D. 3367- Beauty l'uriors. Hairdressing ISreStm.cim?: dren's bobbing. Welndlander Smlth.317 H IS Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. P. C..J322 Howard. D. 8461 LUtropoUistc. Carrie J. Buford. Cti Pax. Blk Red 4W. Urates. DRUGS at cut prices; fi eight paid on $19 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A IMrConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. rfamrrli-s, Dulr.ffc uml Mupiillra. 1 DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. I Drawn for V RiJfllNESS PERSONALS. Detectives. NATICNAL Detective Service, 40G Om. Nnt. Bk. Legitimate detective work sat isfactorily performed; evidence secuied iu all cases; watchman furnished. D. 407. L. W. LONGNECKER, 517 Karbach Blk. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Nevlllo Blk. Evl denco secured In all casen. Tyler 1136. OMAHA Secret Service Detective A gey., bonded. Suite 4Zg-9 Paxton Blk. p. 1319. DreoMinnklDur. Miss D. Malloy, altering of ladles' suits, refitting, rellnlng. 206 Boston Store. D.3478. Al dressmaking at reasonable prices. Mrs. E. Ycager, 1915 Chicago. D. 4058. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. PLAIN SEWING wanted. Webster 7612. Dressmaking at home, or will go jut by the day. Phono Web. 6315. 3003 Burdctte. Everything Ulectrlcnl. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee Bldg. , Florists. A. Dohaghue, 1607 Far., D. 1001, A1001. HESS &. SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam dt. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 12iS. BRANDEIS cut flower dept., new store. BATH'B, florists, Boyd Treater Bldg. Insurance. SOUTHERN SURETY CO.. health and accident insurance, solicitors wanted. B, H. Landeryou, 224 State Bank Bldg. Gen eral agent. Mdvluur, Storafce and Cleaning. McLaud & Son. Van & S.. 3-horse van. 2 men.'$1.25 hr., 2 lira., (1 per hr. D.4339, W.543 Furn. moving: 2 men. 81 Per hr. W. 2748. Nurseries nntf Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 303-9 Brandels The. 31dg. Paints and Ulass. BARKER Brothers Paint Co., carry a big stook ot Keytsdna the washable an,d durable wall paint. Full line Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes. Carter lead, W.oodman oil and Pratt & Lam berts varnishes. Get our prices. 1609H Farnam. Doug 4750. PAPERHANGERS use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co. 718 S. 13th. Doug. 3760. Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer, 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Barntll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nil. Prescription Cnemlat. NTT STTlTT.Tr.Tf Graduate prcicrlp . n. OHiJ-l.aiir,') tlon chemist. 211 No. 25th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. ' I'rlntlugr. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qui ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. tit. Low W. Raber, Printer, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Store and Ufl'lcw Itituro. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2519 N. SoutbOmana. DESKS 'safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Flxturn and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2744. Trunlti and Suitcases. FRBLING & STElNLE. 1803 Farnam St Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs ber, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 503-8 8. ltth St EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet It Is not too late to en ter, Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Scrtr. ice and Salesmanship. Tim cataloguo is free tor the asking. Call, write or 'phono for It at once. Address Boylea College, IS07 Harney St. Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN . COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates n.e guaranteed good position. Work for board. For free catalogue and full In formation, address Mosher-Lampman Ci. lege, H15 Farnam St . Omaha. Neb. liuni-uiic. For the best dance music call .Veb. 505. Special prices In March; learn to dance whera all the others do. IMti Harney at Mackle's.3 times per week. Doug. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some artUe would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they litt It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to .-esture them to the rightful owner. Call Dous- OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STRLKT RAILWAY COMPANY, T.nT f!nM inrkM with lSftl eneraved on one side and monogram W. L. S. on other. Liberal reward offered. Tel. Uou'g. 6tW or Harney 242a LOST Lady's silver mesh purso con taining silver card case, initials I. T. R. Liberal reward, no questions asked. Call Harney 4321. Address us w. win ot. 1 t -, , : MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures ailes. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseasea with testimonials. Lilt ii. H. TAlllll, ute mug., 'jiimtis. DISPENSARY Examination and treatment of all dlieases, conducted for the economical I sick. Fee Is 60 cents paid cash; medicines Included. Hours 9 to 8, Sundays, I to J Dr. atatheny, Suite 333, Bee Bldg. The Bee by George McManus lTHA.T tOU HOfMSf - VsrELL. YOU'LL HAVE TO 401 THE.CfU-A15 TOILED out OF THE DOST A I MUST CLEAN TM1S HOUSE.! t ' T -J. 4 ' I' MONEY TO LOAN Salary urn. Cliuttcls. STOP! Here If you need money. LOOK!: City over and you du no better LISTEN!!! We will negotiate a loan at Lowest Rates, Eoslets Payments. Quickly and Privately on Salary or Chattel Security. RELIABLM CREDIT CO.. 3d floor, Suite COS, Paxton. Phone D. 14ll. CHATTEL LOANS 83 to 3100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of interest Nebraska Loan Co.-, Douglas 1356. 120 Bee Bldg MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Om. Na. Bank Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Hotels and Apartments. Let us advance you enough money to .. rr pay every one you owe and with only DODGE HOTSL-Moaern. reasonable. ono place to pay; you'll be more satis 619 S. 26th St., two all modern rooms, fledand surprised how cheaply we can 2018 DAVENPORT. 2 or 3 front house- NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS, keeping rooms. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Private. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., rooms. 32 per week and up: free bath. Established Twenty-one years. ltoasea and Cottaccs. 1603 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 2296. . Room 215 Board of Trade Building. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent M'LAUD j5L ,,ra,Y,ank 25,1 GROSS LOAN CO.. 410 No. 16th. Mc- D"g's 4338. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cS"!"..1 in cent Your goods Insured against fire and AJ-1" improvements Thf Crhton burglary while in our possession free. gSSSitv tTi Douc crelal0.n W. C. Flatati, 1514 Dodge St Red 5619. University. Tel. Doug. o. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO. Stor- - 4 age, 32 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4238 and OFFERED FOR RENT D. 8785. Offices 117 S. 14th 8t 520 N. 16th. a ,;,',, uii.ta VTmiQnn 'n aI1 Parts of the city. Apartments ana Hats. J-tOUBOH Crelgh. Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg 1 T J . Moving. MAG GAR D VAN AND STORAGE CO. I TOrnnn V?.T1vai Packing, packs, moves, stores and ships household VJVAL-I',--'"1 T storage, goods onl pianos. Douglas 1496. a N. Uth St. or 21C B. 17th St. Tel. D. 3M. IQO hauls trunks, light moving. D. 201 FIDELITY -i-ROOMS, modern. 112 N 26th. D. 3717. moved, packed, shipped. 16th and Jack- WEST FARNAM New stucco, 319 N. son. Phono Doug. 1516 for representative, tsta Ave.: fine location and only 848. STORE and steam heated apartments 8 ROOM modern house at 112 So. 44th close to Postofflce. Low rent G. P. St., 330. Tel. Harney 3331. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Moving, packing and storage of house- STEAM-HEATED apartments of 4 hold goods and pianos is our business, rooms each; every modern Improvement; Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof gas ranges In kitchens; to only small storage, 06 8. 16th, by the viaduct families; 318.50 each, winter rates. Branch office. 209 S. 17th St Tel. P. 41. THOS. W, HAyEN. 207 McCagUe. D. M. FOR RENT Seven room house, modern 14-ROOM flat, modern; steam heated, except heat, 2414 Caldwell St. Enquire at Just the thing for family. Hotel or fine 3218 WebBter Bt. Tel. Harney 4693. '."Ao.i,1!.6 "erri!fl?l ELEGANT 9 and U-room house, all apartments. Call Douglas 2311. or Tyler modern. walking distance. 324 N. 23d 16'6- street, and 2305 Cass. ioFiE"SM0.r;.te5m.'l 8-ROOM. well heated and lighted. S30 8. ml DcSnrS? Youn"? "Vand?.. Bt' K ncxt door south' Tel' Harne'r Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 1571. , tYmn nf,., ,.., an,h --. 5-ROOM cottage, 955 N. 25th: 814.00. I r Lh9?Pl.meil5i 661 South 281,1 8-room house, 2109 Grant; 320.00. St. Telephone Harney 411L 9-room house. 950 N. 25th; 325.00. SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. THOS. W. HAZEN, 807 McCague. D. 1SW. THE HOME WORKERS' MARKET PLAGE FilLiSHEl EACH MONIAY, WEMESIAY AN I FRIIAY. The purpose of this section is'fo make it possible for women in occupations which they carry on at home to offer, first hand and at a low advertising cost to them, various articles of handicraft, needlework, home made delicacies, confections, personal service, etc., to Bee readers. The offers here made to you, the readers of The Bee, may include just the very thing you may have wanted and looked for in vain. NEEDLEWORK Hand Sewlns Plain Sewing HAND SBWING-I am prepared to do PLAIN SEWING Wanted, to do at fancy needlework of all kinds and assure home work guaranteed to be satisfactory complete satisfaction. Let me hear from and prices most . reasonable- Mrs. M. you. Mrs. C. M. Peterson, 3216 N. 25th Ave. Hugenbcrg. 35 D St.. So. Omaha. IANDSEWING-ElTiiulStTo7kman- .fPlM SEW1NG-A11 kinds at prise, ship is guaranteed. Send me your orders: tlmt will Interest you: mall orders filled: baby dresses, lingerie, hemming, etc 5u1rt-ssnl0iJ,aS Omvi it " C Mrs. F. Moats. Route 6. Council Bluffs. Burgess. Eagle Qrov la. ivn-iiAiinn Embroidery rnomiiTTirjn MimtOIDPIlY and EMBROIDERY, fancy and plain sewing CROCHETING, EMBROIDERY ana specialties; I have on hand embrold- fancy work of all kinds; lo OT Jtf eIed cushons and do,ue. for Hale. Mrs. t.nW:0!?: "lNor,Mtax",,lamP" B. H. Ooettsch. 3715 So. 15th at. each; many other crochet novelties in- k t, t d--nt ou Wr "b. or'GVa'nT'sland1. about It, or caJIW. 492115 Blnncy St. faCnc!sra-ng wadding. Any article to order. Write me. for B?Je'rtn,a1?J,0 'l1 0J?'r; Mrs. J.E.Odey.511 F St, Falrbury, Neb. janng'snrrkBnTzith Ay's. CROCHETING Lt me crochet a pair AU, KINDS OF FANCY WORK-Co of slippers or neat novelty for you. You 11 cneting. embroidery and plain sewlns be delighted. Tell me what you would dono to suit the most exacting.. Mrs. E. like. Mrs, C. M. Gllllngham. 2538 Dodge. J. Barr. 913 1st Ave- Council Bluffs. CROCHETING I'll . crochet some par- NEEDLEWORK I wil? make fancy ticularly attractive and very useful artl- novelties for you. and be glad to take cle for you. Make a suggestion In writ- special orders for needlework, any kind. Ing me. Mrs. Deselm. 2318 Sprague, Write Miss IC. T. Leonard. 115 S. 20th. , HOME COOKING HOME COOKING TABLE DELlCACIEiV-Best home-made HOME COOKING To satisfy your ap- Jellles. Jams, apple butter and many ap- petite for something delicious try my petizlng cans of cherries, apples, etc. home-made cakes, pies and other dellca- Write Minnie O. Whlttliuhn. Benson. Neb, cles. Write Mrs. Tho.. Bowie. 624 N. 41at. Delicacies Confections. DELICACIES I-ost appetites regained CONFECTIONS Wholesome candles, by eating our home-made Jams, Jellies cakes and pies that please the most ex- and other fruits, wholesome, reasonably acting epicures. Send me your orders, priced. W. JR. Woodruff. Bancroft. Neb. Miss L. B. McGeorge. 707 S. 27th Bt. "DELICACIES Home JelTles and Jams. A iady would go out and prepare prl- rnade from selected fruU; delicious and vate or party dinners or luncheons in pure as fresh fruit. Delivered anywhere, private family; excellent cook. Address A- P. McLaughlin. 36th and Cuming. 729. care Be. 1 The advsrtising in this section is not fret space but a rate is charged which will permit home workers to find a wider ! rriare ivr , , u , , .,. . . bur,., w, Mw,i,fr ui 1. j for their time and effort Write complete details of what you mth nr An and what van wish to adoertine. and tuet mill prepare an ad and send it to you with price quotations. Ad' dress Bee "Home Workers Market Place." H ) FlfU I I 1 IUVJ Mil I I 1 PRONTO NPNC? j i visssr fjg( OFFERED FOR RENT lluaril a ii it llouuia. Merriam hotel, 23th and Dodge, under new management; single and ensulte. D.8S 6-11 apurtment, completely modern; Scargo Bldg.. South Omulm; above 616 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ranige. Doug. 7406. NICELY furnished southeast room with board; modern. 2021 Harney St. 29th & L'venworth; nice homelike place; walk distance, mod. exccl'nt board. 11. 3339 S10 SO. 21st Two small rooms, close In, very 'icnsonable. private home. D. 140. Furnished llooms. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 3702-04 Farnam, large beautlfuly furnished mod ern front room, single or ensulte, reas'abla. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat I70S Jackson St Tyler 1521. . Furnished Hoosclteoplnut Rooms. 3 FURNISHED rooms, 1 block to car line. 2224 Pratt St. Telephone Web. 3113. NEEDLEWORK t