TI1K BKK: OMAHA, Tt'KSDAV, MAH( If 4. 1013. Polly and Her Pals- A Little Lesson in Talking New York Drawn for The Bee by Cliff Sterrett Copr right, lilt, Interattloiisl Ntm Bertie KoT-frtTT WAUtiA HURT VbUR FECLIM6S". VU.ICIA OK! FV3LL.V, IF VklrTl 1 VtouLDwT Butt im omlv But VOU Should V?Ry IT (aETS My GoAX To HMR. 4ud iMy old Time y' NEED 1 "TIP POMT BE 4FRAID "To MoUtJ Do YOU Se ME? 4W'?ET .4 WRINKLE, ItfDjl Wl y'OUSHTTA 'CAM TMTT ME4M L OMLy nE4CH ME-To MV OWM CouS'lM TlLk LIKE ,4 FI5M! Vbu'LL SeT WISEj YALk AS NICE ,49 VEVitf, ILL BE. rube Stuff I rr'S" THE BUMKi LlKt. I'd OU6MTER ? I he- rvirnt-i i i 1 61RL IN THE ORLDfj 1 in 1 I rr A A M I iHnmunntnTnnm.HrcTm WANT ADS Want add received at uny time, but (o iusure proper cliwslficutloi) must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock oon for tbe evening edition tilnl before 7:30 p. jii. for morning nnd Sunday editions. Wnnt nds jo cclvctl after such Hours will bnve lliclr first Inscrtiott.untlcr tho licaiP Uij:, "loo Lnto to Classify." charue" rates. Six wordk to I lio Hue. Ono Int-crHon 111 cents per line. Tmo or wore ronnccullvo Inser tion 0 cent per line. One line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a iniiiiniuiu cluirgo. Advertisement charged to patrons having accounts arc measured by tho line, not by tho worth CASH XtATKS FOR WANT ADS. REGULAlt CLASSIFICATION. Ono insertion tl cents a word. Two cr nioro consecutive lnscr Uon 1J4 ccntu n word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE Tho live will not bo re sponsible for nioro than one wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed nfter tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must ho stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. DEATH AMD FUNISHAL SOTICKS. C'rMMINGS-Charies. "who mat his death at the Dowcy hotel fir;.' Funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 o'clock, from tho Hulse & Illcpon undertaking- parlors, 703 South 16th St., un der the auspices of tho Omaha Piatt dutscher Voreln. Interment Kverygreon cemetery. Frle.ids Invited. MYERS-Mrs. Henry, agca 79 years. Funeral at 3:30 p. in. Tuesday from Presbyterian church, Dellevue, Neb. LEO A. HOFFMANN. EXPERT KM HALM EH AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Located In Modern Funeral Home. SHh and Dodge. Tel. Douglas S901. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, undertakers; tew location. 717 8. 16th Bt Tyler 1676. I,UUI1II ntiTICKS. Attention, 4, V. V. Members of tho Omnha Plattdeutscher Voreln are reciuestcd to attend tho fu neral of Charles Kumlne "Cummlngs ' Tuesday at 2 o'clock nt Hulsn & ltlepen'a undertaking parlors, 700 South ICth St By order of Henry Ronlff, Presi dent IIIKTIIS AND D13ATII8, rilrtlis Jake and Mamie Abrahamson, CUB North Twenty-seventh, Ctrl: Dean and Nora Burns. 2317 South Twonty fuUrth, boy; Frank and Pearl Borghoff, hospital, boy; Q. and S. Clrco, 715 Pa. CiriC, glrli lelioy anu lilBir vnnnnu, 475S North Twenty-fourth, boy; Abe and Badle Gonle, 2627 Charles, girl, bam and Nollle Haesiey. 2528 Webster, boy; James arid Emma Jones. S517 Davenport, girl) Frank and Esther Marks. 1618 Beward, Kill; Davll and Ruby Northrup, 2703 Hpaidlns, boy; F. W. and Annlo Perkins. Mandorson, boy; A. K. and Mabel Itollln, 38H North Twenty-seventh, boy: Hugo and Mario Wandel, 3701 Sherman avrtiue, boy: M. and Emma Waddlngton, 1405 Evans, boy. , DeatUs-Xlbert Ulmcr, CO years, bos-, ltal: Maiirlco R. Hughes. 18 days. 31 Korth Thirty-seventh. 3WAHKIA4SE LICENSES. Permits to wed havo been granted to tho following couples: t. .,,,,. r .Inrtronaell. Omaha ) Johanna Madsen, Omaha S il.,rv- Ward. Omaha t5 dances Watte, Omaha Psm Puppas, Omaha..! Edith Letlcr, Omapo v Louis H- Vlnqulst. Omaha, irinrvnco llarber. Omaha...., .- Radovan Turclnovlc. South Omsha M Annk Smolek, South Omaha..! 32 I, H Edwaid Efenberger, Flattamouth. 31 Nora I, aaariin, t Clrlno Flscaro, Omsha. Itosarlo Circo, Omaha John Kasslos. Omaha... Stella Iser. Omaha 3eorse Allshle. Sibley. Ia... .bble PhlUtps, Longmont. Colo BUILDING PERMITS. n M. Bhreiik. . ISO'J Spencer, frame l-llln 12.500; D. M. Shrenk, J807 Spen cer! K 'dwelling. 2.500: Dr. F. W. HlabirUKh. 2517 Howard, apartment house, 1030 Jens Hansen. 510.13 South Twenty ifrstavenuer brick dwelling. 15.000; Peter Holnhardt. 403 CommercUl avenue, frame twelllns. .! August Klmler, frame I welling. 1LS0O, HJCLI WANTKD FEMALS ' " Clerical nn Office. STENOGRAPHER, willing to do some ork InPleasant offlco for thp expert. nice- Aoarotw m llskee;cra and Dosueatlcs. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED - Tho Eeo will run a Servant Vl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the wilred rVsulU. Tins applies to residents $ omaha. South Omaha and Council MsTBrinryfur ad to Tim Us. offtc. tfpnon -ricr "YOUNG Klrl to help with housework. l-rnev tli. 07 N. 4ith. "WANTED An experienced girl for sen. iral housowork; good wagesj no wuslilng. !el Harney mh Address 188 8. 8th. "Tii-iMfi' ateudv girl t)r woman for een. "VH1TU woman to do cooking. 2JJJ MAID tor general housework; good Jt trin miiif nrivato bath and . . . I. . Ill D 1 1 I 1, II 1 1 1 V otoSlai.t room. 3768 Jones St Ti'Kr-ri!iwiirl for general housework. t ,ufiraHfa fit 'Phone Harney lias. "Ulr Tor nril bork: no wash !a. U Pwey Ave, Harney YfiaSJ?l&S cook. Also second girl. .-?rJjZiiil in rami v. No children. V';:rK , wIL.. ' References required, flee i-lvrv V4tt. 0lc Brandels Stores. HELP JtVANTKI) KKfAliE. Housekeeper nnil Doineatlca GIRL for general housework; small family. 205 8. 33th Ave. ""co'l-bltKD girl to work by the" weekT Wb. 1373. WANTBU-A jrood girl or woman fur ftenorol housework; plHiHniit surround iikh, good homo. 2701 Faintm Harney 3631, COOK . second cook anil "dTnliig room girl; references rounlreil; must apply be fore Match 15. Kdmundsoii Hospital, Council tlluffs. WANTKD Immediately, second girl. N 4Mb ft. Tel. II. 1K1. MO hcuwwork; one who can go home nights, i iZi N. 19th St. for , enrral houNnwork; no wiisn. lug. 4012 Harney St. Harney 6.1(3. U1IIL for general housework, pletun. Harney 1J0I. 2J15 I'op- OOOD kitchen helper at once, son Doiiglos. WANT KDriTrf for general liousewoirkT Mm. W. WMarsh. SOT, Pine Ht. Ollll, for general housework. 3335 Har ney St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. . 3315 Hurt 8t. WANTED Neat Oermanor I)n"nlsh"glTl for gcnoral housework. 720 8. 22d. Mlarellntieuns. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's avenue and 17th St., wher they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide nt the Union ..station. UOVEUNJIFIHT Jobs open to women, Excellent salaries. Influence unneces- I sary. Wrlto tor list of positions noen. Franklin Institute Dept. 732B, Rochester, K. T, HKhP WANTKD MA LB Akiciitu, Bflennifii ami Mulli-ltur. Live Agents will write .lar.gcr-Manufacturing Co., 667 Brandwls Theater Bldg,. Omaha. "PI.L TAKE ONH."-Agcnts. Send for sampla and particulars und henr this every few minutes, Big profits. Perma nent employment. Write today. Vernon F. Glldden A Co.. Ames. In. WANTED-Sovcral with manager must salesmen to travol uc suigio and mis tiers: oxpenses advanced and oonortunltv for promotions. Call Mr. McNaughton, llor Giand Hotel. EARN M weekly selling collection cab inets to merchants: write for frco sam plos. Saycrs Co., 662 Luclcdo Hldg., St. Louts, Mo. Wl'Elf DAY 'PAID AOENT to rep rescnt this company In towns nnd coun ties or commission selling a specialty that Is new, nlean, up to date, a llvo wlro; you demonstrate; It sells: NO FAKE; wrlto or call. Midwest Manufacturers' Selling Co.. 550 Beo Bldg., Omaha. EXPERIENCED city solicitors for patent window and door screens. 410 8. 18th St Aro You the iMnn am looking for? state agent, auto spe cialty, profitable, worth Investigating. Exclusive contract. See Mr. Gillespie, room 303, Hotel Loyal. Factory nnil Trades. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into tho automobile business; learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training school in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are in demand. Write oN call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge Bt, Omaha. Neb. SPRING rush -Is commencing In the automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped hops; flOO to 12G0 earned monthly by good men. write National Automobile Train Ing Ass'n, 2811 North 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. Drug store t snaps) jobs. Knlest. ltee Uldg, YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. Big wages. Always sure of work. I will teach you uulckly, cheaply, thorqughly and furnish tools. Call or write for cata logue. A. B. Moler, Pres. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. WANTKD Experienced upholsterer: steady work. Omaha Furniture Mfg. Co., Ralston, Neb. WANTED Architectural draftsman. FI&HER & LAURIE, 210 Paxton Blk. For Sale A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, 110; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts. MlirvllnurouK. 00 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at onca for electrio railway motormen and condurtors; SCO to 1100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; -write Immediately for applies, tlon blank. Address Y-ll cart. Bee. Positions turnts'd both sexes everywkiere? Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bee Bldg, GET prepared f?r railway mall and other government "exams" by former U H. civil ttrv ce examiner Writs now tor free booklet St Patterson ClvU Service School. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED FOR U. a ARMY Able, bodied, iinmairled men between ases ot 18 and 35; clUxens ot United States, ot good character and tempeiate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng. Itsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Array Building. 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 605 Fourth Bt. Sioux Cit, la.: ISO No. 10th St, Lin coin. .Neb. WANTED 60 men to participate In the forthcoming production of "Julius' Cae. sur" by William Faversham und co-star at the Brandels theater on March C and 7 next with special matinee on Friday, March 7. Report at 'stage door of thea ter Tuesday. March 4, at 10 a. m. tor r hearsal to Mr. Browntee, stage manager In advance for Mr. Faversham. HELP WANTED A I,B AND PKV4t.lt. MEN WOMEN Get government parcel post jobs, 320 week; write for list ot po sltlcns open. Franklin 'Institute. Dept. J4B. Rochester. N. Y, CALL us when you need a stenog rapher; large list to select from; services free to employer and employe. Tel. Doug. Us 2213. L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1310 Farnam St A. B. -C. of Omaha A ARONS' Jewelry corner, lth and Fnrnam. February clearing sale on all novelty Jewelry. Rb;i.i. nit rubbers UU CO., UIB Farnam. 'irutcb rs, crutcne.', elastic trusses. u . . ,.,,,, i u u u i t j ., you want nun a duL store. CACI.I.hV hitUa.. I'll N. lBlTT llom made grauo wins, fl gallon. Two Qtiait bottles hetr. 25c. D UNIJliK WOUL1CN MIL, Lb, 15th Sbd Harney Sts. J15 suits and overcoats made to order, guaranteed to tit. LU.NUAiV Klectric algns bllng bun lirra. inv ill l.llllUK c. tm, save cost In lighting. K. LT u?,f.,i,il ltAHKKU CO., W0 lirandJU Uouir. . General Insurance i.anltd In tellable companies. GROSS Lumbar Witcklng Co. All kinds I.aundi), Ualry second-hand mach lnery; jilpes. ahattinu mid beltitii,'. f iuu nave Mcrau mtals. i-Lbtter. and rags, write tor prices to Omaha Metal and Itubbcr Co., 101 8. Mh St. J. a, nClHui-.lJH,H will ttil yuu Any thing you wish to know about Uis Mou.o lodge. Tel. U. Wi. 41UH. lila. 1 i-ittl IV Uett Atiitract Co.. f a. lull sl iter be safe tnan &uiry. Have do your tltl work. L iNKTHLii Electrical Co.. iva ti. Ala bt. Tyler 1UU. All kinds of dec trlcal contracting, Oct our prices. I vj.NilrJIl o. Mil. ui wigs, lOupeuA. I vi -ivuenes trom coinuiug, i, Aiua ii el f. ueuuty allots, Mo. & N i-ltUA&KA wltLb CO., 1JIU UllJ uarney, uuugias imi:. We rent. ie Pali'. Sell l.ceuitn. balls ut ull autVIUit . mhliien. aiAHA b'i'UVE ItEl'Alll WUKlvd. 1 11. Kwi-s DouHlas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water fronts, grates for f uiiiaccs, .team 1 Mi.d iiol wukr heateru in stock. PciruiUUlu Cihv, iv.uu per ton. Uieutust i,vbl-giving tut l on the market. -a okht or wiiiuku. utvu us a trial ur utr, onion buel Co. Douglas roo. Q cALl'i x piiuuiit,; puces nglit. I'.iu.it ijouh. 3.uO und let us iiuoto prices on hunting. Uurtun Ptg. Co.. Oufl a. Uta. iu Hotel, now open tor haKiness. Modern every respect Speclst fam ily rato by wk, or mu. luu.cuming. k s l&TEIC tallurva suit. UotvrA, lemuJ tllng and rcpalrlngi, reakouubla cost 2vi city National. DoUgms CX3. T.vuK your trielius Vi th ManUarln cafe, 14UU Douglas, upstairs. Omana s exciu: l,e Cnluese cafe. Music ev'n'gs U MTUU ciutlies uuup, 1612 Farnam dt Suits, overcoats. ralncoats-Mwddy 'toWeafTtlO and ti.V Vhypay muraj eclurn itiuuiinry bcliool, 41 I'axtul! IJlk. SnrlllE & illmmrr clasaes aluri. lug iiuwi prepare lor early positluni. X) CEL liturt Kniok LU UlUTlv, TON Ss.50. The et lo antnracltu. absolutely kles. Coal Hill Coal Co. D. J1S. faster offerings RENOVATE FEATHERS, to clean mattresses. Call umaha Pillow Cp., Doug. 2107, We also carry a fine itno of mattmcH und plllnwv. 1721 Cumlnx HERE IS AN IDEA. Get a beautiful 50c silk tie by parcel post for 33c. Namo color when writing. Luxetto Mdse. Co., 60S H. 20th, Omaha. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, ull slses nnd styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk, Douglas 1936, EASTER egg dyes, 6c; Easter perfumes, So to 15. Sherman & McCoimell Drug Co., Wh.Dodgc. Owl Drug Co.. 16th-Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 5o a Urge Bit tie. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16tn Jt. DOWNEY.mllllnery, up-to-date. 1518 X 24th. Frances Downey Hawk. THE TIE THAT KNDURES Is a lucgy wedding ring from Fred Brodcgaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At tn Ign of the Crown up the Golden fltalrs. LADIES ONLY Friction massage. - , , hygienic treatment or hair, face and hands. Turkish (bath after March 1.) Apt. S. 1S02 Farnam St PLUMES cleaned, dyed and curled. 429-A Puxtnn Blk. D. 8XH. FOR GOOD CLOTHES. G. A. Llndqulst. Tailors. 235-tf Paxton blk M.VLU AND FEMALE BKIjI W AN I i',l ' WANTED Experienced German-speak. Ing salesman and saleslady for general store. Address Y 71, Bee. W A NTED S ITU AT 1 1 XS Laundress wants work by day. H-R603. Mrs. IOOLE, practical nurse. D. S232. WANTED Bv a colored slrl nlace to assist In housework and care of children. Webster 4484.' YOUNG man wants any Kind of 't.-rk. Call Harney 919. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and nographer wishes position.. Doug. t- 7653. A LADY would go out and prepare pri vate or party dinners or luncheons -n private family; excellent cook. Address ',23. care Bee. MAN wants place to work for board and room, a 797, Bee- RESPONSIBILITY and hard work wnnteri bv vounir business man. vnr. lenced In correspondence, shlpplntft credits, law. Aaaress j ,o, care ttee. FORMER manager ot own business, de lies situation, shipping, credit man, or collections; also railroad experience. Ad. dress F 741. Omaha Bee. ATTRACTIONS. OMA1... film exch., 16tl and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. ANNOUNCEMENTS Masquerade and theatrical costumes to rent at LUben's. 1514 Howard. Open eVngs KAPLAN'S KOSHER Restaurant, finest Kosher meals. 123 N. 15. 1 nls and gentlemen; H flISt3.Tr Kood ng; populai Tnn rinfo BaTiX of Trade Bldg. Ladies' iutt wuu entrance n Friiam St Wedding announcements. Doug itf. Co. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Bs; remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing Piles; Wo postpaid; samples tree. Sber man & MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaht. J &. Qrlttlth. wig mfr . 13 Frrnsrr Uik MONEY TO LOAN LOW rate, 310 Beo Bldg. ii. woug. isgt. Union Uan Co. Gibson's Buffet 342 South 15th St AUTO.MOBILKS "ESTUTJ-PAINTING.- Fore doors, stlp covers; new tops nnd bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFEIl CARRIAOB Works. 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6922. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. KOBES And radiator covers at U.W and up. Murphy Did ft ST nKCO.NIMlANlt AUTOMOlULKS 41 HO Paid for magneto wo can't repair. 9AUU coll rep'lng 'Uaysdorfur. 210 N. 18. WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about: never been used. Address A t-T. care Bee. FORD roadster In good condition at Call Harney 4977 and reasonable- price, arrange to see It. 11USIN1CSH CHANCES. TO get In or out of business, call on OANOESTAD. 40t Ben Bldg. Tel. D. 347.". ANY Kind retail storo furnished or sold. Kennebcck Co., M5 Hee Dlrtc.. Omaha. YOUNG man with some money to In vest can buy Interest in established firm, and work up with tho business. Address K 550. Bee. FORTY-FIVE-ROOM hotel, fine bust ness, a bargain; no trade. H. Llndetnun, Crawford, Ncb ""ELITE picture show room at 616 N. 24th St., South Omnha; new frtont and newly decorated; unexcelled locution: room for 300 chairs; no fixtures; excellent oppor tunity for an experienced showman. Hall Dist. Co., 433 itamge mac u. 74iw. BAKERY" plant In Benson. Neb., be longing to an estate n bankruptcy. This Is In good condition und mupst be sold. A. U TIMBLIM. Trusteo In Bankruptcy. Room 312 McCairue Bldg.. Omaha. Phone Tyler 1500,, TiTOCK" OF CLOTHING rind fixtures for sale; located In city of Omaha; stock and fixtures Invoice about 13,500; estab lished business, all ready to step into will stand closest Investigation and Will be sold right for ensh; no trade will be considered; reason for selling, owner has other Interests. Address F 721, care Bee. STOCKS and bonds. Investments, real citato. Franklin Brokerage Co., 1523 Doug. TO buy or sell u business pioniptly, sec Colu mbla Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE partner wanted at once; largest list In Lincoln. J 544, Bee. BUSINESS PKitSONALS Ari'hlteot. J. F. COTTRELIi. 4102 N. 19th. W. (Ml. Attorneys PHONE C. E. SmithT 611 Bee. D. 3367. lleuuty I'ltrlor. Hairdrossing iY,e2WTrreftmeJnrcah1?: dren's bobbing. Welndlander Smlth.317 S.10 Cblropraotorsu 9 J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D. 8401 CtitroiiudUtc. ' Carrie J. Buford. 673 Pax. Blk. Red 45ti. IJreumcrli', Ilalrlea and Supplies. Creameries, Dnlrlea nn4 Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPAN Y. Dctcctlvea. NATIONAL Detective Service. 40G Om. Nat. Bk. Legitimate detective work Sat isfactorily performed; evidence secured ni all cases: watchman furnished. D. i)7. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Bvl dence secured in all cases. Tyler 113. OMAHA Secret Service Detective ARcy., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1819. Ureaaiuukiuu. Miss D. Malloy, altering of ladles' suits, refitting, rellning. 206 Boston Stare. D.S471. Al dressmaking at reasonable urlcen. Mrs. E. Yeoger. 1915 Chicago. D. 4068.' Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. PLAIN sewing done at home! W. 1841, PLAIN SEWING wanted. Webster 7612. Dressmaklnc at home, or will so out bv the day. Phone Web. 6315. 3003 Uurdttte. Urates. DRUGS at cut prices: frelsht rjald on $10 orders; catalogue freit. Sherman A MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Nab. UTerythlns Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 353 Bee Bldg. Funudrles. McDonald Brass and Bronze foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far., D. inol, A1001. HESS Sl. SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam dt. "L. "HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 125S." BRANDEIS cut flower dept. new store. BATH'S, florists. Boyd Tr eater Bldg. Insurance.1- SOUTHERN SURETY CO health and accident Insurance, solicitors wanted. R H. Landeryou, 224 State Bank Bldg. Gen eral agent MuvIiimt, SturaKe suit ClvMutnir, V. T .i 1 1 H Jf, "o ,i JL Q ..... 9 men. 3LS5 hr 2 h'rs.. il per'hr. D.4339. W.5I3 Furn. moving; 3 men. 31 per hr. W. 2748. Music, Art uuil l.uuiruatsva. YOUNG English pianist desires pupils. South 2031. Nurseries and Seede. STEWAUT'8 SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Out eopnths. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Biandels T'he. 3itt. I'aluta mill tilnaa. BARKER Brothers Paint Co.. carry a big stock of Keytsona the washable and durable wall paint. Full lino Sberwln Williams paints and varnishes. Carter lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam berts varnishes. Get our prices, IdUHi Farnam. Doug 4750. PAPERHANGERS use tfnowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co. 718 a 13th. Doug. 3760. 'I'm ii -.a unJ auitcaava. , FRELIXG & fiTUTNLE, 1S03 Farnam ot BUSINESS PKHSONALS. Patent. HIRAM A. STUnOES. patent lawyer 646 BranHels Theater Bldg. Doug. MHl. l. O. Barncll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red i17. Prvkcrliittoii ChemlHt. XT TI Slf.Tr.Tr'T? Graduate rcscrlP- i o-a- kji fnxvj Hon chemist. 211 No. 25th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. l'rlntlnw. WATERS-BARN HART PtR. Co., q ni tty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. DOUGLAS. Printing Co. Tel. Doug. tl. Lew W. Eaber, Prmtcr,D1l,n1Vl?' BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Store anil Uffit'V l'lxture. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2319 N. South Omuna. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Vo buy, v sell. Omulia Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-1S S. 12th. D. 2744. WIucm uii (I Lliiuors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, clg&'S, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. f2-3 S. 11th SL KDUCATIONAIj THH MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE is now open, yet it Is not too late o en ter. Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Sorv Ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or phone fdr It at once. Address Boyles College. 1M7 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates a'.e guaranteed good position! Work Jor board. For frco catalogue and full in formation, address Mosher-Lampman Col lege. 1815 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nob. Uanclit. For the best dance music call '.Veb. 50.a. Special prices in Feb.; where all the others do. learn to dance 1816 Harney bt. Mackle's. 3 times per weelc Doug. it. XTfYRTDM Gardner's hall. 17th and ViJLJiM Dodge sts. New spring term begins Monday. Mar. 3. Tyler 1380. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS huvlne lost some urtlcls would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned tn and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Dous las 4S. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gold locket with 1902 engraved on ono side nnd monogram W. L. S. on other. Liberal reward offered. Tel. Doug. 600 or Harney 2420. LOST Lady's silver mesh purse con taining silver card case Initials I. T. R. Liberal reward, no questions asked. Call Harney 4321. Address 133 N. 40th St MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DISPENSARY Examination and treatment of alt diseases, conducted for the economical sick. Fee Is 60 cents paid cash; medicines Included. Hours 9 to 8; Sundays, 1 lo J Dr. Mathcny. Suite 333. Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Sulury und I'UuttcU. STOP! Hero if you need money. LOOKU City over and you do no better LISTEN!!! Wo will negotiate a loan at Lowest Rates, Eastets Payments. Quickly and Privately on Salary or Chattel Security. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d floor. Suite 303, Paxton. Phone D. 1411. CHATTEL LOANS 33 to 3100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. it, Tolman. 603 New Om. Na. Bank Bldg. TV it on furniture, pianos and VI ntl PV real estate at a very low iVAVyXAVy , rate of interest Nebraska Loan Lo., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg FURNITURE 8 ALARY LOANS. Let us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe and with only one place to pay; you'll be mors satis fied and surprised how cheaply wo can do It. NO PUBLICITY. EA8IEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Established Twenty-one years. 1003 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 2295. Room 215 Board of Trade Building. DIAMOND LOANS at and 5 per cent GROSS LOAN CO., 410 No. lttli. DIAMOND LOANS at tk and 5 per cent. Your goods insured against nro ana burglary while ' in our possession free. W. C. Flatau, 1511 Dodge St. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT Apni-tmriits unit l'lt. Gordon Van Co. St tU N. llth St.. or 21C S. 17th St. Tat P. 3H. H'lmiHTPV 'STORAGL & VAN CO." V IJJliilJlX X Household goods stored, moved, packed, shlpptd. 16th and Jack son. -Phone Doug. 1616 for representative. STORE and steam heated apartments close to Postofflce. lw rent O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. STEAM-HEATED apartments of 4 rooms each; ever- modern Improvement; gas ranges tr, kitchens; to only small families; $18.60 each, winter rates. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. D. UA. . . VI' m r Lmnm -t T n 1 1 1 flat, colonial porch, good neighborhood. I VVl-l... n.rl. 'till .ln,ln nIUllV M, . THE THORVALD Park Ave. and Har ris, one elegant 3-rooni apartment, first floor, $35; one S-room basement apart ment Phono Harney 6610 OFKKHEI) FOIt BENT Apartment nnil Flats. 14-ROOM flat, modern; steam heated. Just the thing for family. Hotel or fine rooming house, across from tho Merrlam apartments. Call Douglas 2344, or Tyiei 1516. 1807 FARNAM. 5 rooms completely mod ern: siiltublt location for offices, studios. doutal or uressmaKlng rooms, etc., (or tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hull, 433 Ramgc Bldg. Phono Douglas 7406. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartment In the Dunsaury apartment. 10th and Nerce. Connid Youfig, 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone' Douglas 1571. FOUR-ROOM apartment. 663 South 28th St. Telephone Harney 4141. SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. lluuril nnil Itunius. Merrlam hotel, 26th and Dodge, under new management: single and ensulte. D.SS NICELY furnished southeast room with board; modern. 2G21 Harney St. 29th & L'venworth; nice homelike place: walk dlstancu; mod. excel'nt board. H. 3339 1636 N. 21st Nicely furnished transient rooms, modern: also light hkpg. W. 7063. 618 S. 19TH Excellent board, strictly muuern rooms; centrally located 919 S V-TTI QT r ceueiH. ooara, I'nono uougias Sim. LATtflK tlin,llrn rnnln1 pnn lni.aMnn one-half block to car. Price reasonable! Ladles' only. Webster 7585. TWO small rooms, close In, very rea sonnble. private home. Douglas 6140. Furntuhcd Uuaiui. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2702-04 Farnnm. Inrtrrt heniitlfulv fiirnlvlmri mnA. crn front room, single or ensulte, reas'abte. NEWLY furnished rooms, 1708 Jackson Ht. Tyler 1521. steam heat WARM south room In modern private home; hot water all year around. Harney 4910. Furnished Ilonsekceptnur Rooms, 3 FURNISHED rooms, 1 block to car line. 2224 Pratt St. Telephone Web. 3113. 619 S. 26th fit, two nil modern rooms. 2018 DAVENPORT, keeping rooms. or 3 front house- Hutcla sail Apartments. DODGE HOTEL MoOern. reasonable. CALIFORNIA HOTEL-Steam heated rooms. S2 per week and up: free bath. Itouacs nnil Cucttticra. AT 'LAUD & Son move trunks, 2So 60c. Douglas 4338. FOR RENT 2-stoiy frame dwelling i-n Cass St. between 2!th and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. The Crelgaton University, Tel. Doug. 320. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO. Stor age. 32 per month. Wo contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4233 ad D. J7R5. Offices 117 S. 14th St. 520 N. ltth. VTniicoo In all purtB of the city. HUUHLo Creigh. Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg MAG.GARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Dougltts 1496. IGO hauls trunks, light moving. D. 2497. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. WEST FARNAM New stucco, 315 N. tSth Ave.; fine location and only 345. 8 ROOM modern house at 112 So. St.. 330. Tel. Harney 3361. 44tTr Moving, packing and storage ot house, hold troods and ulnnaa Is nut htitlnABv Omaha1 Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, S03. 8. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office, 209 S. 17th St Tel. D. 41RJ. 6-ROOM modern cottage, close In, 21th and Chicago. Tyler 1156. FOR RENT Seven room house, modern except heat, 2414 Caldwell St. Enquire at 3218 Webster SI. Tel.' Harney 4593. ELEGANT 9 and 11-room house, all modern, walking distance. 331 N. 23d street, and 2305 Cass. 8-ROOM. well heated and lls-hted. 830 R. 29th St. Key next door south. Tel". Harney BRICK house, 2616 Dewey avenue, seven rooms, modern. Telephone 1789. Moyrr Stationery Co. 6-ROOM cottage. 955 N. 25th; $14.00. S-room house, 2100 Grant; $20.00. 9-room house. 950 N. 25th; $23.C0. . THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. D. WW. NOW Is the time to list your vacant bouses with Payna & Slater .Co., us wc are having more calls for good houses than wo can supply. 3-ROOM brick houses, $3.60. 9-ROOM modern. Hanscom park. Woodman. 418 McCague Bldg. $30. Dybbro & Fletcher, mover of household goods, pianos, work guaranteed. D. 308. Storca am! ijtticca. ELITE picture show room at 516 N. 24th St.. South Omaha; a new front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room for 360 chairs; no fixtures; excellent oppor tunity for an experienced show man. Hall Dist Co.. 433 Itamge Bldg, D. 7406. FOR RENT for wholesale, light man ufacturing t retail purposes Farnam St. after December 31 the three-aiory and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Innulre at room 314, First National Bank Bldg. Tel Douglas 1212. BRICH store room, with cement base ment: 1513 Burt St.; $23.00. THOS. W. HAZEN. 2C7 McCague. D. 1W. OFFERED FOR SALE Mualcul Inatruntcnta. SLIGHTLY used htgi. grade pianos, $100 up. Harr Piano Co.- 3d floor Boston store. Storage Piano Bargains High grade upright piano for sale, $150; terms to suit purchaser, discount loi cash. Phone South '2432. FOR SALE Player piano (Angalus), at bargain. Leaving city. Apply 834 8. 28th St. VICTOR Gruphaphone, large size. Cab inet and Z" records for sale, cheap. 834 S. 2Sth Bt. TypeTrrllrra. TYPEWRITERS for rent; a months. i CENTRAL TYPEWRITER KXCHA.NUf. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bro. type writer: visible back apace key model; new ribbon; A-l machines In every re spect. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1316 Farnam St. HAVE a new Monarch typewriter; wtil sail at sacrifice, a I am leaving tbe city.: machine can t seen any time. Address D. 642 care Bee. Miscellaneous. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. OFKEBED FOR SALE Mlncellii neous. FOR SALE 200 shares stock of tho Modern Homes Construction company. Phone Doug. &Z0. or call 927 City Nnfl Bank Bldg. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters. Ice mi chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-403 South 10th Bt. HALL'S safes, new & 2d-hand. Corey & McKendc Pt'g. Co.. 1417 Harney. D. 2644. tr. COALi It's good; try a ton; best for money. Web. 848. Mormon & Weeth. Kindling, U. H. Grow, lumber A wrecKi.ig FOR BALE No. 3 Mlddleby oven, first class condition. Address or phone, Vienna Bakery. Fremou't, Neb. ONE mimeograph, tn good repair. Ad dress G 725, care Bee. PERSONAL E. BELLE, scientific massage; 'oaths; drugleBs treatments. 703 8. 16th. Apt U- Sclenttflc massage. Mrs. Hedluud. D. 7943. VT A A Ollwedlsh movement Apt MASSAGE, salt glow. TUme. Allen ot Chicago. 109 8. 17th St Douglas 7665. O-LaY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Massage Expert treatment. Mrs. Steele. 2C8 S. 13th St.. Room 308. Close 10 p. m. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cost oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair am sell at in N. 11th St, for cost ot col.ectton, to tn worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 ana .wagon will call. MAGNETIC neatment. E. Brott. Miss Fisher, mnss.. bath, elec. treat. D-K63 ANNA MAIi MasaaKe. 1802 Far- YOUNG women coming to Omaha 'as strangers ra Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Massage, Mrs. Rlttonhouse. 303 Boston Str. . INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 1697 subscriptions the L, H. Journal J1.C0: S. K. Post. 1.5o, una Country Can tleman, $1.60, will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n, which will h.HUro myself and fifteen other sufferers $10 a month each. Must have 297 in Marrh. Your renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone DouglaB 7163, Omaha, Neb. UU11UUN, THE MAGAZINE MAN. WANTED-Chlldren to board. Web. 5470. MARSAlTrn Corns removed. 25c. Mrs XU-tt.OO--VJXj Huynes. 707 B. 16th. D. 4IJ1. "SCIENTIFIC Massage. Margarlte Hal-' loran. 223 Neville Blk. Phono Doug. 7761. ELECTRIC MASSAGE Room 25, Doug las block. Natural treatment for nervous isomers, sciatica and rheumatism. t TtfMTOTTT" , Via utnnir a ,w1 flvt,, .3 Tt-loori AIM 9111, Q, . ...Ill 1 . - . . . i , , l uu, ,,,, UB responslbla for any debt contracted by 1. 1 i. It - i 11,111. o, utinut;!. Scientific massage. Dr. PribbenowV former office. Room 401 Ware Blk. D. 7943. POULTRY AND SUPPLres ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. Clay Center. Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders: catalogue free. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R. C Rhodo Island Reds; vigorous, hardy stock: great lor srs; country range: $1 for 15; $5 per ltfc A. H. BAKER, Benson. Neb. R. F. D. No. 2: Tel. Sanson H7-Vy. SNEEZING, moping fowls have roup. Cure them quickly with Conkey's Ro'jp Remedy. Get it on a money-back, guar antee at Nebraska Seed Co.. 1613 How aid St. BARR ED Rock cockerels nnd eggs. Gil lette. 815 N. 16th, South Omaha. SINGLE comb White Leghorns. W. 1519. BUFF Orpington eggs that hatch, from thoroughbred stock. Also day old chicks. Harney 478. REAL ESTATE ' A II VI llAU'l'A OK 'I' l lXSS. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot Pro In Nebraska. 306 Brandels Theater. CITY FllOI'KnTY FOU SALE. . TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SETS JOHN W. ROUB1NS. 02 FARNAM ST. THOSE LOTS. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? 94x124 feet, east front, on cor. Mason and 37th Sts., $2,900 takes them if sold within 7 days. Phone Harney 6318. FINE building lots. $1.00 down and 60o per week. See tho owner. J014 City Na tional Bank building. FOR SALE. BUSINESS BLOCK ON FARNAM ST. Ttw three-story building at 1218 Farnam St A splendid Income property. En tirely unencumbered. The best buy' In Omaha. For detailed information and price, address Chas. T. Knapp, Lincoln. Neb. Choice Dundee Lots 120x132 feet, flno location, high and sightly, facing south. $1,600; halt cash and good terms on balance. For further Information write D 721, care Bee. MUST sell modern 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3.503. D. 3007. A GOOD OFFER 111 an eight-room modem house, with garage adjoining the house, heated, with a nlco corner lot, on the corner of Cen tral boulevard and Burt street Down stairs finished In oak, upstairs In birch; Cellar under whole house, laundry In basement four bedrooms; could uso one as a sleeping porch. Owner leaving city, will sell on reasonable terms. $6,000. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 1669. ARE you going to build? Have Stolteu. brg do It 436 B. of T. Bldg. WE rent collect, sell any kind property. Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bee Bldg. MAP OF OMAHA 8TREET8. Indexed, free at office. 2 stamps by mall. CHAS E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Real Estate, In surance. Care ot Property. Omaha. Also Omaha Red Book, vest noekat alia