4 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2, 1913. Our New Department Clothing for men and women now located on our 3d floor y i Oh Smartest Spring Attire FOR LADIES Suits, Coats and Gowns Indicative of the Season s Style Perfection EASTEH., only three weeks nwny, marks the advent of Spring and conse quent stylo display. The wonderful progress this store has made enables us to offer you a much larger-range of styles and colors than ever before. Distinctive tailored suits, the short jaunty cutaway, or square front stylus neatly tailored collars, lapels, straight line backs, the Keystone shape back giv ing graceful lines. Rich linings in contrasting colors or to match material. Skirts of gored models, side folds made of the finest mannish serges and all wool Bedford cords, perfect fitting suits, sizes for (hi 7 rn in man rn inisses and women. Prices ul .DU UutJ UU Thb coats are fasliioned over the straight English lines. The backs have a mod ish tapering center panel with belt or button trimming. Handsome three-quarter lengths or full lengths, in all the latest shades and weaves, such as men's wear serge, opongees, Bedford cords, Imported basket woaves, Melrose cloth, Shep herd checks, poplins, very chic and styl- gun rn . Ann rn ish. Prices range from J $12.50 TO S39.50 Gowns that speak stylo distinction and express the best efforts of fashion ex .ports. Made of Crepo do Chino and a very fine, soft, drapoy quality of silk poplin in the new shades of blue, apricot brown, flip nn fa fin "jp . Neil rose, taupe. Prices range SlO.UU V&U.u Dresses, unique in pattern and materials, of English serges, diagonal cloths, me dium- and light weights with Persian or lace trim- y r( ft fti rn lning, all tho newest shades. Prices range VftUU vl.UU JULIUS ORKIN, 1816 Douglas Street suture A nyrvi . a zvvkjsmu OPPORTUNITY to purchase FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS and STOVES at REMARKABLE savings. The sale includes thousands of dollars worth of HIGH GRADE goods, including FACTORY SAMPLES, discontinued patterns, small ZTd mdmdual Pieces Tlle manufacturers' samples in this sale were bought at VERY LARGE DISCOUNTS and are offered to YOU at correspondingly LOW prices. The SAVINGS m this sale run from 2O5& to 50, averaging FULLY one-third. As an extra inducement we offer you special EASY terms of payments. Oressers $12.50 values, mado of oak, French b e v o I plate mirrors, Aft. rfi sale Price.... 2QtJ)y $17.60 values, extra size, American quar tered oak finish, S SI0.50 $25.00 values, made of selectod quarter sawed oak, Bhapod "French mirrors, SI5.95 New Books Fiction. ANNE BOt.KYN. fly Uefrtnnltt Frew.. EC3 Pp. Sherman, French A Co. Of tlto hapless women whom ambition dr considerations of stato led to link ibelr lives with that of the most uxorious of monnrchs, Henry VIII, tho story of Anne Uoleyn Is the most patlietlc. It 1n pitiful because ho qr, sq .brlpf, a. t'mp. inloyca tho confidence and love of the lilntt, her husband; becausn of tho cruelty of tho asneratlons that were cast upon hrr, character! because of tho fact thnt, although ahe desired to gratify her llese lord In the ambition which had led him lb marry hor natUro thwarted her. and, finally, because of tho' fact thut tho man who had promised to lovo nnd cherish Jfer, not merely sent her. to tho block, but n, few hours beforo the axe fell persuaded' a pliant archbishop to grant him n divorce and declare tho r.iarnaKO Invalid from the very beginning, This volume keeps closely to historic facts, and tells of tho Incidents of the court up to tho time of the marriage of llenry nnd Anne. There Is promise of a second volume by tho authors, Itev. George Bray nnd Freeman Daughters, collaborators, under tho name" of "tlegl nnld Frow." Mr. Brny made his homo at Ponca for some little time. THI3 SlIApOW.By Arthur Stringer. 82 Pp. 1.2J. Tfto Century company. The record of un absorbing passion of pursuit, a chase which took so relentless a Bflp upon tho mind Of tho pursuer thnt It outlnsted tVcn the memory of the crime for which he tracked his quarry to tho kill. "With tho teriaclty of the bulldog 'afid the unerring Instinct of the bloodhouhdi the "shad&w," Detective Blake, pursues a .counterfeiter '-all over the world In a-chaso of wild daring and peril. It Is fin engrossing story, power fully told. ANDREW THE OTAD. By Maria Thompson -Daviess. 357 Pp. 11.80. Bobbs Mcrrlll company. .Another entertaining romance of the fpiltli, a hearty, Mympntlictlc, refreshing talc that possesses all of the charm of njtmosphero for which the author Is noted, To add zest to the book an amusing political situation, -has been Introduced that Is done with a light touch and af fords an opportunity for-some Interest ing comment. There Is a 'possum hunt tuai is -gooa una serves a subtle and original purpose. THE MIDkXKDBItS. By NCha'rles Ten ney Jackson. 5SS Pp. Uobbs-Mer-rlll company. Tho first part of tho story deals with two old soldiers of the couth, whoOiave refused to consider as final the surrender qf Lee, and havo taken tp the" Louisiana aVampg and bayous. One of the men has becoTOP-..mentally unbalanced. In a gentle, dreamyVor of way. and Is look-' ing forward to the time when a mar velous child shall come to lead them to victory and ''to occupy the land." To satisfy hlms his companion, Uncle Michi gan, goes to New Orleans, and during a Mard) ara,s celebration kidnaps ar young ster from un orphan asylum parade. Later, Uncle Michigan settles In a small town n Iowa, and Aurello becomes part arid parcel of the social unrest which aklt&tes the Midlands of our country X'olltlcs find a place In the story, as does tAo stage though the part dealing with Aurcllo's theatrical career Is the least convincing portion of the book. THB MAID OF MIDDIES' HAVEN. Bv OnhriclleH. Jackson. 299 Pp. $1.20. Mc Brlde Nant AV Co. The charming talo of a sweet-natured, Jovnblo.&lrl who Is-tho guest of n friend nenr the Naval academy at AnnaDolls arid who becomes' a. moving flguro In Its social life.- She Is vrooed by two of the cadets, and tho difficulty of her choice iM-twcen them makes tno story, which onds to tho eminent satisfaction of the reader. ... . . Stop that Hacking Cough before it leads to throat and lung trouble. Dr. Bull's Cough Synp will give quick relief. Bat. Sure. Bella bt, 83C I ud imp (of nwm emifkerf tu d.y loar. Pr. liull't Ceuib bmtp tuok It r" tohiraUVw.W w. Mik ri, Ckkf, in, Snd rmrp ft tUP r A.C.Meyer&Oo. for III". MIHrE. to juiuiwmu M4. WITH THE MEUnV AUSTBIANS. By Amy McLauren. 3S6 Pd, O. P. Putnam's Hons. For the setting of this charming love htory, Miss MqLaurcn, takes tlo reader; id mo Austrian Tyrol, out iu-r touch Is sure, her locnl color faithful, and her story fascinating. A-delightful vein of' humor, runs sparkling through the -val-time nnd many a long chucklo Is .vouch safed tho render. BVEIlBItEEZE. By Sarah P. McLean Qreen. 310 Pp. 11.30. D. Appleton & Co. A clean story, full of wholesome- santl incnt. A good laugh In every chapter and plenty of keen philosophy' and common sense. How Oeraldlne Keovey forgot her Imaginary Ills and became a real woman; hpw the love affairs of four people upset the old established customs among the simple folk of tha valley, and many other Incidents are told, THE LAPSE OF ENOCH WENT WOHTH. By Isabel Gordon Curtis. 3S3 Pp, tl.20. F. Q. Browno & Co. Two men, one a newspaper writer, the other an nctor. both friends, play off ti game of poker for one of tha most original stakes ever conceived the absolute future of the loser. Tho scene of the story Is In Nw York, and shifts constantly front theaters to a quiet home, nhd hore and there about the thronged streets. Miscellaneous. THE PEACE MOVEMENT OF AMEBIC A. By Julius MorlUen. 411 Pp. J3. O. P. Putnam's Hons. A picturesque presentation of laterday Incidents the signing of the treaties with Great Britain nnd France, the vis Its to this country of leading lnternntlon allktu, tho great awakening that has found expression In the organization of new pcaco societies nnd the linking of tho existing societies Into a more con crete whole. TIME A'ND CHANOE. By John Bur roughs. 27 Pp. 11-10. Houghton Mifflin Company. A collection of essays dealing with a variety of topics, all of them In his best vein. It Is largely the result of his ma Mirer thought on evolutionary and geo logical -problems. Among tho titles ore,; "The Grand Can yon," "The Bpell of the Yoseinltu," "The Phantoms Behind Us." "The Muse of Bock and Soli," "The Long Road," and "Through'' the Eyes of a Geologist" IMMIGRATION AND' LABOR. By Isaae A. Hourwlch. 820 Pp. U.W. G. P. Putnam's Son. The author traces the causes of Immi gration to the United' States and its ef fect upon the condition of American la bor. He dissents from the popular opin ion which holds that every Immigrant ad mitted to this' country takes away tha Job of noma American or earlier Immi grant. By analysis of available evidence he endeavors to juove that Immigration merely responds to tho growing demand for labor. Over 16.000,000,000' of European capital have been Invested In the de velopment of American Industry. Immi gration, which aloun has made this de velopment KS3lble. has rated the English-speaking wage-earWrs to the status of an aristocracy of labor. Organizations among wage-earners Is shown to have gono upace with Immigration, the strong est labor organizations being those com posed or Immlgrunts from southern and eastern Europe. The author conclude thut tho most drastic restriction of Immi gration would not facilitate the solution of uny of tho labor problems engaging the attention of the public, whereas tho proposed literacy test would prove futile even as a measure of restriction. THE DECIDING VOICE OF THB MON. UMENTB IN BIBLICAL CRJTICI8M By Melvln Grove Kyle. 2!6 Pp. Blbllo. tbeca Sacra company. A discussion of the value of archaeo logical evidence In criticism of tho Bible. Dr. Kyle has been engaged for many years lit actual rcsearoh work In bible lands, and presents tho progress of the work, tin well as giving tho history of the testing of critical theories by archaeological facts. ONE OF JACKSON'S FOOT CAVALRY. By John H. Worsham. 343 Pp. Vi. The Neols Publishing company. Tito author's exporlcnco and what he saw during the war of 18611865. includ ing n history of "F" company, Richmond. Va.; Twenty-first Regiment Virginia In fantry, Second Brigade, Jackson's divi sion. Second corps, Army of Northnf Virg'u-a. RETROSPECTION. By Huber Howe Bancrort. 547 Pp. 12. The Bancroft company. A review of the century. All Interested In tho opening of the Panama cnnal, or In thculevujppment of California and the countries nroiind the Pacific or In clvlo purity ' and"the prosperity of the United ,State8 will find this book of Interest. THB SOLDIER BISHOP ELLISON CAPER8. By Walter B. Cupers. 357 Pp. 83. The Neale Publishing company. To tho many thousands to whom Bishop Capers' life was on Inspiration, (hlx biography, written by his eon, will bo most welcome. Bishop Capers was spoken of as the best loved man In South Carolina, and the knowledge that he de served this crown of pralso Is the heritage of his church and his state. THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER AN NUAL AND DIRECTORY. 1,110 Pp. $5. N. W. Ayor & Con. Tho forty-fifth year of continuous pub lication brings us the 1913 edition of thU comprehenslvo jevlow of the newspapei and maganlni field To the publlnhfji of Mil' tout ti ami lhoio having dealings with them, this work la inoaf useful. The facts and figures pertaining to each of the 4,381 publications listed are pre. sented In a condensed ana get-at-able form. . THROUGH SOUTH AMERICA. By Harry W. Van Uyko. 428 Pp. 82. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. The volume Is certainly a most satis factory one. viewed from the point of the prospective traveler, tho business man with an eye to South American trade, or tho reader In search of full and complete Information about this great and vastly Interesting continent. After un opoulng section giving un outline of the stormy history of South America from Its discovery by Europeans, ench country Is taken Up In turn, and Its scenery, cities, people, social life and In dustrial, economic nnd commercial as pects described. Especial stress Is laid on the trad relations between the two Americas, on which the Panama canal will have such an enormous effect. THE APOSTLES' CREED AND THB NEW TESTAMENT. Translated from the German of Johannes Kunze by Prof. Otorge W. GHmore. HI Pp. 75 Cents, Funk & Wagnells Co. An Illuminating history and discussion of the Apostle' Creed, by a scholar whose studies have been largely directed thereto. CHRISTIANIZING THE SOCIAL OR DER. By Walter Rauichenbusch. 476 Pp. $1.50. The Maunilllan Company. The author describes the present social awakening In tha organizations of religion, and seeks to show that the christianizing of the social order was the aim with which Christianity set out He suggests methods of advance, and the personal and social action by which our 1 present conditions can be molded into a Justerand happier community Ufa. SWORDS AND PLOUGHSHARES. By Lucia A. Mead. -W Pp. 81.50. a. P. Putnam's Sons. This book presents a vigorous array of truths that should go far toward silencing the strident arguments that are heard favoring war or at least proclaim ing Its neoesslty. The author's argu ment agalrtst the spread of militarism U prompted, not only by a high ethical conception of the relation of man to man and of .nation to nation, but by economic expediency and a common-sense view of the possibilities of development for a libtlonf emancipated from the debasing fear of It neighbors and the drain on Its resources for the maintenance of armies und navies lu competition with the growth of the military equipment of Its rivals. PIKE COUNTV BALLADS. By John Hay. 81.50. Houghton Mifflin Company. Tho author Is best known as a diplo mat, but tho generation which Is passing away deeply Impressed when these poems were first published and "Jim Bludao" created. The book Is Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth, and his vigorous drawings glVe a lurid glimpse of an Interesting trio. THE TRUE STORY OF A ROUND HOUSE AND OTHER POEMS. By Jolin Masefleld. 325 Pp. 81.30. The Macmlllan Company. The longest poem in" thV book is en titled "Dauber." It tells of a boy on nn English farm who has a paBsIon for painting. To this end he leaves tho farm, is captivated by his first .sight of a ship and goes to sea as a painter that he may study the sea. For the rest, the book contains a col lection of shorter pieces no less Interest ing In, their own way 'ikon', the Initial one, . THE DANCE OF DANWIDDIE. By Marshall Moreton. 83 Pp. 81.25. Stewart Sc. KIdd Co. A descriptive poem of life along the Ohio river. Illustrated. THREE VISIONS AND OTHER POEMS. By John A. Johnson. Ul Pp. 81. Stwart & Kldd Co An appealing volumo or verse of human Interest. .' . IDYLLS OF THE 80UTH. By Bettle Keyes Chambers. 1C8 Pp. 81.50. The Ncalo Publishing Company. A book' of verm rmiHnrr frnm llf-lit moods of fancy to passionate prayer anu appeal. I SALVAGE, By Elizabeth C. Cordozo. 48 Pp. Richard K. Badger. A collection of miscellaneous verse. CEASE TO WAR! By J, C. Haydcn. 11T Pp. Richard K. Badger. A' recitative poem with shorter verso on many subjects makes up this volume. THREAD'S FOR THE SOUL'S GAR MENT. By Isabella JC Eldert. 55 Pp. Richard K, Badger. Verses on religious themes, POEMS. Bv 8eldenL. Whltcomb. 75 Pp. Richard K. Badger. Many subjects are taken up In this little volume of poetry. , A N INN F O R"jO URNEYING THOUGHTS. By William J. Roe. 100 Pp. Richard K, Badger. Verses for both the young and the grown-ups. Chiffoniers $8.60 values, five large rcomv draworsrt fl -jt sale price. . . . JJjlj, JJ $12.50 values, Frenc plate mirror t o p b, Sc S7.95 $20.00 values, oxtra lnrpq size, American quartered oak fnlsh, Sc. $12.50 hina Closets $20.00 grade, genuine i ttui sttwoa oak, as $12,95 $27.50 values, bent glass ends of double Btrength g 1 a b s, sale Air rsr Prlc OlO.fO $40.00 values, mado of selected quarter sawed oak, mirror back, an oxtra spoclal ff.i . $24.50 Rockers $1.75 sowing rockers, golden oak finish, wood seat, 00f sale price yd" $4.00 parlor rockers, finished in American quartered, Q QQ salo price 01, QU $7.50 parlor rockers, upholstered In fabric old leather, An rn sale price. . . .3tJ,0U Parlor Suits $25.00 parlor suites, three pieces, mahog any flnUh frames, sale price . . SI4.S0 Tables $7.50 Extension ta iJleB, flttqd with C ft. SSSr.r...$8.95 $22.50 Pedestal ta bles,, American quar tered oak finish, rodnd Pedestal base, S $12.50 Complete s h o wr ing of nil tho new spring styles In Men's and AVo men's ready to wear garments. $1875 mr for This Beautiful $22.50 BUFFET Exactly like illustration, mude of selected hardwood, 'and finished in the popular American quartered oak. Has two small drawers, one plush lined, an extra size linen drawer, and a handy dish compart ment. Top is set off with splendid French plate mirror. Regular price $22.00, special price S11.75 I $37.50 parlor suites, three pieces, uphol stered in Chase leath- 2Cr $19.75 $50.00 parlor sultcb, three pieces, very mas sive, heavily carved salo Price... $29. 50 Kitchen Cabinets $7.50 kitchon safes, extra well made, gold en finish, 00 OC sale price. . . . gQ,gO $15.00 kitchen cabi nets, double bin boBe, large cabinet t o p, sale rtrj r Price OU.IU $25.00 kitchen cabi nets, a most comploto cabinet, extra well sale price. . . $4,75 hairs $15.00 Pedestal Ex tension tabloB, circular tops, heavy base, pie S9.5D $4.00 oak box seat diners, fabrlcoid leath er upholstering, sale price room finish, 78 Union flitting Csj OMAHA &E.COR.I6ra3-JACKS0N STi CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PEOPLES STORE. (Peoples Furniture b Carpet Co.) .$1.85 JL Wl T 1 1 -AS. $1.25 dining chairs, golden wood seat, sale price. $1.75 dining room chairs, finished in American quart e r e d oak, sale I r Prlce 01.10 Clothing Depart-, incnt located on our 3d floor plenty of room, plenty of light, best of service. The Peoples Soak Company, formerly at 1495 sgggiaraai DOUGLftS STREET Roses and romance- .. . j Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless tho mother aide nature In Its pre-natal work the crisli finds her system unequal to tho do stands made upon it, and sho is oftcr left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy Is so truly t help to nature as Mother's Friend and no expectant mother should fal to use It. It relieves tho pain anc discomfort caused by i tho strain or the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles whlcl nature Is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast Glands. The systorr being thus prepared by Mother'! Friend dispels tho fear that the crislt may not bo safely met Mother'! Tiena assurea a speedy and compleU recorery for the mother, and she h left a healthy woman to enjoy th rearing of her child. Mother's TUT .gnr. Friend U sold at plOlIiePS tVrlte for"ourrfree FFlQOd book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable Information, and many Bug gestlons of a helpful nature. UADFULD UCULAT0& CO., Atluta, Gs. crumbling missions, historic buildings, odd sights and costumes, all have a: fascinating interest to the visitor to Suiiny San Antonio. And for comfort there are great modern hotels stores, theaters for pleasure splendid motor roads, golf courses, etc. For booklet and information address Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio, Texas. The way to go is via the Katy Limited trains from St. Lotus and Kansas City covor the distance m the quickest time, with the greatest comfort. These trains are equipped with all the latest luxuries of travel eleo-trio-lighted sleepers, chair cars, ex tra roomy and cozy, and dining service that doubles the pleasure of the trip. For winter tourist fares, and other travel information, write V. S. HT. (EOHOE, General PaNsenger Aecnt, fit. Louis, Mo. or, Geo. A. McXutt, District PaftHengcr Agent, 805 Walnut If K ICnnsna Ctixr Mo. Bsusaa. MS ?5sl .