Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1913, EXTRA, Image 7

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    1 "-Superior
Remarkable Showing of Spring Suits, Dresses,
Coats and Waists at Wonderfully Attractive
S--traTr! t!
Children's Dresses
Divided Into Two Lots
hot 1. Children's dresses, made
to sell to $1.25 chambrays,
ginghams, percales and fancies;
sizes 2 to 14 years 59ci
hot a. Children's dresses in plain
white and colored wash fabrics,
to $2.50 values, all. sizes, 2 to
14 years, on sale, , choice. .g9(t
$35.00 Coney Fur Coats at $10.00 Here's an opportunity you can't afford to miss. Just
15 Sable Coney Fur Coats Left 130 inches long, Skinner satin lined; we're 4 fi f
going to close the lot Saturday to $35.00 values; at, choice J I V.UU
Sample Heds
worth to
Furniture Snaps
Saturday You Can
Noi Afford to Pass
75 Iron Beds Floor samples
in white Veruis Martin or
colors, slightly soiled or
scratched, regular selling
prices, from $7.00 C
to $12.50, each $D
Good, Strong, Full Size Beds
lighter weight than the above
lot at, your choice. .. .S3. OO
Child's Iron Beds or Cribs, .with
drop side, at 83.50
$2.50 Dining Chairs $1.25 A big
special purchase of fumed oak,
box seat dining chairs, 3 patterns
to select from, choice SI. 25
Same chajr with genuine leather
seats, your choice at. . . .1.35
Felt Top Matrresses at $2.25
Felt top and bottom Bed Matres
ees, snap at S2.75
Iron Bed Springs S2.25
Large Pillow, curled hen feathers
at, each 45 c
6-fU extension Dining Tables,
solid .oak, 45-in. top ..$9.50
Large oak Dressers, with oval
French plato mirror, at $7.50
No telephone orders received,
Liquor Department
.Maryland Jiye wninney, o years
old, full quarts 75J
Per gallon $2.50
Eight-Year Old Whiskey Guck
enhelm, Cedar Brook, Schenly
and Jack Daw, full quarts.. $1
Per gallon $3.50
Sunklst California Grope Wines,
all varieties, ' rich and mellow,
per full quart 50J
i lloine-Mude Grnpe Wine, red or
white, per gallon Sl.OU
Show Their Worth in Every Field
of Activity.
Opportunity Beckons to All Avenues
of Usefulness nnd Honor
Formerly Man's
Not so many years ago almost the only
(irofestonal field which seemed open to
ivumen was teaching school; even trained
nurses were not numerous. It Is a fact
that today a majority of professional
women are teachers, hospital nuries and
writers. Curiously enougn, the next larg
est class, composed of those who gained
any degree of distinction In tnelr work,
re the ones who have devoted them
selves to sclentifio researun. It Is Inter
esting to nqte the large number of women
who are botanists, zoologists, mycologists
II I I III! at 4J
AVn fivl iiirHv urn ml nf
values we arc able to offer you now it's a great satis
faction to us to offer such garments, for wo know that at
each price the quality is superior and the styles abso
lutely authentic, and know our customers will be satis
fied even beyond their greatest expectations.
$25 Sample Tailored Suits, $12.50
Just 300 garments which our buyer secured from two
prominent New York makers. They come in silks,
serges, whipcords, diagonals, etc., both plain colors and
rancies, including an attractive line of C g fZQ
vivjcwu ovijju iiuuo iiimu' ij aun iiji m .p 1, m
all go at one price Saturday, choice
styles for your selection;
discriminating buyers as the best at J I
Other Elegant Tailored Suits The most beautiful and I
desirable of the foreign and domestic models shown at '
prices trom $30, $35, $39.50, $45, $49 up to $85
A Charming Array of Spring Dress Styles
at. . . .$10, $12.75, $15, $19.50, 25 up to $49
You'll find it hard to equal the quality and beauty of
our offerings at any of these prices; all the very newest
colorings and weaves in silk or wool fabrics are included,
fado up in most beautiful and distinctive new designs.
Don't fail to see them soon.
$2.00 New Spring Coats In the nobbiest new length
styles Coverts, Diagonals, Serges and Fancies values
you'll find simply matchless at sale price- Q qq
New Spring Sample Waists Made to sell to $2.50; lin
geries, pretty marquisettes and fancies, r
daintily trimmed, choice $ 1 UU
Values fn Women's Underwear & Hosiery
that are as Desirable as Thev're Surprising
Surplus winter stocks and all
broken lots In early spring stocks
musT go quickly and are marked
for Saturday's sale without re
gard to former selling prices:
Ladles' Silk Hoac Kayser brand,
regular $1.60 numbers, special,
at i.98d
Wool Hos5 That sells regularly
up to 75c, on sale at, pr., 49j
25c Wool Hose at, pair 19
Ladies' Cotton Hose, with white
feet, special, pair XOd
Children's 25c Wool Hoso at, the
Pair : 124
Ladies' Knit Underwear Silk and
wool union suits that sell regu
larly to $ 5.00, all styles, on sale
at. each $1.98
Heavy Fleeced Union Suits. In
all sizes; regular $1.00 values,
at 49d
$1.50 Union Suits Low nock and
sleeveless, ankle or kneo length,
special at 50 and 98i
Llpht Weight Union Suite Long
sleeve, high neck 'and ankle
length, at 50
Children's 50c Union Suits, 39
Children's Fleeced and Part Wool
Vests and Pants; 36c values, on
sale Saturday at 19d
5c Quality Lisle Vests Fancy
yokes, at 10
Italian Silk Vests, with hand em
broidered yokes, to $3.00 val
ues, special at $1.45 and $1,98
Sa,"rday Hardware Bargains
S Ec rolls (8 rolls to customer), SSo
8 10c rolls (8 rolls to customer), 300
Shlnola shoe polish, black or tan. Bo
Bullfrog shoe polish, black or tan, 2
for '. .. So
One lot of hlsh grade blue and white
preserving kettles, choice of 3 sires,
worth up to 60c ...39o
Enamel wash
basins, any
size, Satur
day .... So
Any size steel
frv nan lOo
He tins, u.iv i lie, 2 for , ..Be
4-pt, heavy nlcKel plated tea pot or
coffee pot, for 7So
Mall box, full size, complete with
paper holder , 9o
Wash benches, well made of hard
wood, securely braced, large enough
for two tubs.
Doueh pans, your choice of either
white or grey enamel ', $1.39
and ethnologists. The doctors outnumber
tho lawyers almost two to one.
Back In 18t0 Miss Martlneau, on a visit
to tho United States, wrote that there
were only seven occupations In this coun
try open to women. Sewing was the prin
cipal one of these. Then what would
Miss Martlneau Bay if she could see the
women of today entering almost every
field 7 Could she voice tho surprise at her
own sex undertaking such hazardous
feats as aviating, mountain climbing, ex
plorlng of countries where whlto women
had never before been seen, driving rac
ing automobiles and dashing through mid
air on horseback? '
On Mountain Tops,
Kach year more daring women win
fame. Not so long ago a small American
woman, who had been previously known
chiefly for her social charm, beauty and
frail health, found herself In the wilds
of the Peruvian highlands, 21,000 feet
above the booming Pacific. With the ap
proach of night the mercury settled down
close to''the xero point and there was a
violent snowstorm. Tho nearest man-
bul't shelter was leagues away Uut Just 1
Qualities, Equal Prices
ilin sinlonilid iiKnrf ntnnrc mill
150 new ones, 40 distinctive
the choice of most f r
Lisle and Cotton Vests All sizes,
to 25c valuos at 12Wf-
Ladlcs' Muslin Gowns, mado to
sell to ?2.50. all daintily trim
med, at 98j and 75
.Muslin Gowns, Combination Suits,
Skirts Trimmed with laces and
embroideries, to $1.00 values,
choice 49
Ladles' and .Misses' Sweaters To
$2.00 values, choice Q8&
Ladles' and Children's Knit
Toques and Caps To 75c val
ues, at 25d
White enamel chamber pails, a
$1.50 value, for ..... .Sl.lO
A chemically prepared, Banltary
dustless mop, fits any mop stick,
special Saturday 30d
Wo are distributors of the well
known O-Cedar dustleBs mops and
polishing oils.
Any size or style Maydole Ham
mers, for 40d
No. 30 Yankee screw drivers,
at . , ii
No. 40 Yankee automatic drills,
at g-f -icv
No. 5C Stanley Iron Jack planes,
at Jgj
J9!n- 2HJ!"on wrenches, genuine? 69o
14-ln. Stlllson wrenches, genuine, 89o
Marshalltown plastering trowels,
fr 91.49
Boston, Star lathing hatchets. .81.49
TIMiMMBMWBMMBiBMgrriti ili'nlii mmmbmmmmmimiiiimmiim iwmi ii "i i i i ins i 11111 1 M
l -win i m hi 1 iutmmmmm01
as death seemed certain the traveler and
her companions espied a herd of llamas.
Creeping close In among these, the little
woman not only escaped destruction, but
slept soundly, and awoke tho next morn
ing to find the sun shining. Slnco that
time Harriet Chalmers Adams, for that
Is tho name of our heroine, has circled
the South American continent, crossing
the Andes again and agsln, clomblng
mountalnpeaks and floating down unex
plored rivers In an open boat. She seemed
to be a born explorer.
On a three-year Journey through Cen
tral and South America she traveled
40,000 miles. When last summer brought
vacation Mrs. Adams and her husband,
Instead of seeking a seaside resort near
at hand, set Ball for Haiti and Santo Do
mingo. Disembarking, they obtained
horses and for six weeks rode through
the two wild republics. Thoy crowded
their wy through Jungles, swam rivers,
were repeatedly lost and fought Insect
pests. When they returned thsy brought
l.wlth them strange animals never before
seen In the United Suteu. They were
Kr.n" --
Thrift ur nr
' Big Sale of
Factory samples of Men's nnd
Women's Shoes at almost 50 cents
values nnd lay In your SPUING and
on the dollar. See these splendid
SUMMKlt Supply.
Men's $-UX) and $4.30 Shoes,
all leathers, $2.98 and $2.50
Women's $4 and $5 Shoes, all
leathers, all sizes . . . $2.50
Men's $:t.00 and $11.50 Shoes,
all leathers, all sizes, $1.98
Women's $3 and $3.50 Shoes,
all leathers, all si'.es, $1.98
Boys' and Youths' Shoes, box
calf, vici kid and gun metal,
blucher or buttons; values up
to $2.25; in two big lots
at $1.50.nnd $1.00
Infants' black and tan vici kid
button or lace shoes, values
up to 85c 50c
Warm House Slippers, plush
or felt soles, 50c, 39c and 25c
New lots of Queen Quality
and Grovcr shoes just in. See
them, they sure aro "some
Why Pay More for
Drugs and Toilet
Big Special Sale for Saturday.
Note Prices.
$1.00 size pure Hydrogen Peroxide, ex
tra size, for 35o
10c Shlnola Shoo Polish, sale price... So
10c Williams' or Colgate's Shaving
Son p for 5o
10c .lap Hose or I'alm Ollvo Soup nt two
bars for .ISo
26c bar Packer's Tar or Woodbury's
Soap for , ISo
DOc Hind's Honey nnd Almond Cream SOc
Large size Pompolon Musssge Cream 490
J1.E0 bottle of Oriental Cream for...0Ba
2Kc Sanltol or Graves' Tooth Powdor or
Paste for 10o
25c Ponds' Hxtract or Pozzonl'B Knee
Powder for 10o
BOo Juva Hlco or Pozzonl's fnco powder
for .....380
$1.00 Azurea or La Troflo Face Powdor
for 750
SOc size Hoy .Hum, in fancy bottle,, 10o
10c Physicians' nnd Surgeons' Soup.. Co
25c Williams' Violet or Carnation (Tal
cum Powder for. , . .'. i , . , moo
25c- size Shaving" 8 tick (limit ' 3), curb
at 100
One hundred Dr. Illnkle's Coscara Tab
lets for 35o
60c size Sodium Phosphate, sale price 35o
$1.50 and $2.00 Extra Heavy Seamless
Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed perfect.
sale price S9v
$1.00 and $1.50 llapld Flow Fountain
Syringes for 59o
$3.00 Wellington Syringe anil Hot i if.
guaranteed for flvo years, for.... 93.00
Linens, Bed Spreads
and Wash Goods
at Special Prices
In Domestic Room Saturday
Puttern Table Cloths, full bleached satin
damnsk, good weights, assorted pat
terns, size 63x63, $1.25 value 85o
Full size, good weight Fringed lied
Spreads, assorted patterns, $1,50 values
at 81.13
Pontine ncariy-Made Sheets, size 72x99.
linen finished, welded, 6o values.. 69o
Voiles or Poplins, with fancy silk stripes
pretty colors. 2Bc values lBo
Dress Ginghams, pretty patterns nnd
colors, 12Hc values 0"4o
Percales, light and dark colors, all
fancy patterns, 36 Inches wide, 12c
values ,, loo
High cost of living is
You can save from 25 to 50 by
trading at liayden's for Groceries.
Big Opening- Qrocary Sal Saturday.
i2 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. .. ,91M
48-Hi. sacks best High Oraile Diamond
II Flour, nothing finer for bread, plos
or cake, sack Sl.lO
10 bars Bout 'Kin All or Diamond U
Soap for ilSo
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmeal
for 17 Wo
10 lbs. best Rolled Ureakfast Oatmeal
for SSo
6 lbs, bent hand picked Navy Deans SSo
5 lbs. fancy Japan Itlce, 10c quality SSo
4 pkgs. Diamond C Mince Meat...,2So
2-fb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn..6o
2-lb. cans fancy Wax, String, Green or
Lima Means... 7tio
1 -lb. cans assorted Soups, ....... .74
Jell-O or Jellyutin, pkg ,,,,7(4o
10 cakes Slllco Scouring Soap 23c
The best bulk Peanut Hutter. .. ,13V4o
Paters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb...., . SOo
1-lb. pkg. best Domestic Macaroni,
"Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg. . , ,7Vo
sented to the New York zoological gar
den and two wero given to the National
zoo hero ir. Washington. The visit to
Halt! and Santo Domingo completed the
exploration by her of every Spanish
American country,
There Is a controversy, which may
never be ended to the satisfaction of
both, between Mrs. Fannie Hullock Work
man, F, H. a. 8., and Miss Annie Peck.
Kach claims to have ascended higher on
a mountain than anybody else In the
world. Mlts Peck reached the top of
Mount Huaskaran In the Andes after one
of her Swiss guides had been forced to
go back on account of mountain sickness
and another had his hands so badly
frozen that ho later had to have one of
them amputated. Owing to the Intense
cold and the high wind, Miss Peck was
unable to use her Instruments to find the
altitude of the peak. This fact made It
Impossible for hsr to establish a claim
for high climbing honors, with Mrs.
Workman. The latter had Mlia Peck's
peak measured by triangulatlon and cal
culated It to be be 21,812 feet. Mils Peck
assorted hi erur of .ss mrK
Equal Qualities
Final Clearance of All Winter Suits and Over
coats All Heavy Weight Garments Will
Go in the Next Few Days
Hart, Schaffncr & Marx Suits or Overcoats, f 1F
that sold up to $.'15.00; vour unrestricted fc I
choice Hr
Just 327 Suits left, come in whipcords, cheviots, hand
some Scotches, etc., not a suit worth less than $20.00
and up to $.'15.00; choice i $15.01)
Just 252 Overcoats remaining; come in finest beavers,
vicunas, chinchillas, kerseys and handsome fancy
weaves, that bold at from $20.00 up to $:15.00; your
choice at , $15.00
Several Hundred Suits, made to sell from $15.00 up to
$20.00; manufacturer's surplus; the very newest styles
and fabrics; on sale while
235 Handsome Overcoats Made to sell at $12.50 and
$15.00; manufacturers' samples; most desi fty PJ
rable styles and fabrics, choice sU
Boys' Suits that sohl at $4.00 and $4.50, choice $2.25
Boys' Suits that sold nt $5.00 to $0.00 $3.00
Boys' Suits that sold at $7.50 to $10.00 $4.25
i In the Domestic
All broken lines of Men's
Suits that sold up to $12
-your choice. . .$5.00
Hand Baa
Kegular $1 to $4.50 values,
49c, 98c, $1.25, $1.49 up
to $2.98
35c Shopping bags. . . .19c
Ladies' linen handkerchiefs,
'15c (utility, Saturday
30c Taffeta ribbons. . . .10c
Mighty Interesting Value Giving in Men's
and Boys' Underwear and Furnishings
Men's Wool t'nlon Suite 2.G0
and $3.00 values in one lot to
cloeo at S1.45
Men's Wool Shirts or Drawer
Mado to soil to $;i,00, at
S1.50 S1.25 98d "d 75d
Men's Flannel Overslilrts To
$3.00 values, In bluo or gray,
t 81.45 and 08d
Men's Wool Sweater Coats To
$5.00 values, on snlo at, each
82.08. 81.08 and 81.45
Outing Flannel Pajamas To
$1.50 values, choice 60
Outlnff Flannel Night Hlilrts To
75c values, choice 35i
Hoys' Wash Suits In military
and sailor styles, at 98d
caused by paying too
The best Tea Hidings, lb ,..100
Golden Snntos Coffee, lb, 380
Strictly guaranteed Kresh 1?KK", ner
dozen . . , SOo
Fancy Dairy Butter, lb .380
Best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk,
per lb , ,37o
Fancy Country Creamery Hutter, nor
pound , 33o
Good Dairy Table Butter, lb 38c
Full Cream, Now York AVhlte, Wis
consin Cream or Young America
Cheese, per lb 31 o
1K lbs. Ilcd Illver Karly Ohio Potatoes
for , ISo
12 lbs. good Cooking Apples SOo
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turning, Had
Ishes or HlmU'jte, 3 bundles fnr.,10o
12 lbs. fsncy Black Twig Kutlng
Apples for .SSo
Fresh Spinach, peck., ISo
First pays
1,000 feet was not Bn unusual thing, and
that Mount Huankarnn was really 21,000
feet, which Is about 1,000 feet higher than
the great peak which Mrs, Workman had
scaled In the Himalayas.
Miss Dora Keen climbed tho Matter
.horn In ihe Alps. Mrs. Aubrey I.e Illond
was said to bo dying of consumption
when she took up mountain climbing.
Sho now holds Important records. Mrs.
Hlond climbs only In autumn, for sho
fears thunderstorms. She scaled the
Welsshorn nearly 15,000 feet In four
hours, exclusive of halts, and saw the
thermometer sink as low as 13 degrees
below zero. It was on this occasion that
sho froze her nose.
A guide wagered Mile. d'Angervllle, a
Frenchwoman, 1,000 francs to 5 that she
could not reach the summit of Mont
Hlanc. 8he became III on, the way and
pleaded with her escorts to bur' her on
the summit If she died enroute. When
she reached the top tho guides cried:
"Now, mademoiselle, y.QU deserve to go
higher than the top or Mont Hlanc!"
Thereupon they boosted her above their
at Less Prices-
they last
Room Saturday i
Broken Lines of Boys'
Heavy Suits; some with
two pairs pants, $1.95
. (
Special Brush
In Notion Department
25c Tooth brushes. . .10c
$1. Hair brushes 49c
75c Hair brushes. . . .35i
50e Hair brushes. . . .25c
25c Hand brushes. . ,10c
If you could-get 20 per an
num on an investment, mo&t
men would quickly invest
every cent they could nike and
scrape. By taking advantage
of the underprieings oh winter
underwear and furnishings
now, you can readily save 25$
to 50 of the regular retail
inces, on a 0 month investment
in- ,
Men's Wool Blanket Bath
Robes, mado to sell at $15, on
sale at $5.98, $4.98, $3.98, $3.50
Men's Laundered Shirt Pino
madras In all the now spring
colorB and styles, to $3.00 val
ues, choice, 81.45 and 98r
Muslin Night (Jouns - Mado to
sell at $1.00, all sizes up to 20
neck band 40
Cottaj anil Mercerized Hose 2Dc
and 50c values; light, medium
and lioavy, 25ei and 12
J.V- All Tiliicn Handkerchiefs, 3
for 25d
Silk Knit Four-lti-hand Ties
lingular 50c values 25d
Hoys' Wool Sweaters To $1.50
values, choico at Q0
uiiiiurcn-s unumuray itompci
50c to 75c values at SO, dftiS
Hoys' Hlouse Waists All sizes,
to 7Go values at 25J
much for your goods
Old Beets, Carrots or Turnips, lb.,,lo
Two bunches fresh Parsley. ...... .So
Two hends fresh Leaf Lettuce So
Three large Soup Hnnchew loo
Fancy IUpe Tomutoos. lb loo
16 lbs. Bed Globe Onions ,.18o
-Large Grnpe Fruit, each. ......... .Bo
7-Crown Imported Figs ,iaUc
Hallowe'en Dates, lb, 7io
Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, free
from frost, per do. ISo, 30o, SSo, 30o
The best quality fresh Loins of Pork.
pound 13Vio
Tho best quality fresh Shoulders of
Pork, lb Ho
Tho best finality fore quarters Mutton.
pound , 7o
The best quullty liluil quHrters Mutton.
pound 8V4o
The best quality Steer Pot Itoast
pound . . ioo and 3o
The best quality Hex Hams 16Uo
The best quality Picnic Hams, b,13U0
Ilome-Mado Sausugo, lb, 7Uo
Mutton Chops, first quality, lb.,13V4o
The best bulk Oysters (no water), per
quart ..35o
It's not the high cost of living, It's
the high prices you are paying.
Tllnll I urn nlni- -v a
inniLUNU rilUfc INIU nlVtn
lilt of firnulne nenll.m ,.,. ,m
with Motorcycle for the
Yells of warning were hurled In Sea
Bright, N. J., nt a young man with a
dramatically set face, who, with one
arm bandaged, clung with the other hand
to the handlebar of a motorcycle that
was shooting along at high speed. On
the seat behind, clinging to the young
man. her hair flying wildly, was a young
woman. The yolls of warning were sent
at them because tho cycle was aimed
straight for the drawbridge over tho
Shrewsbury river and the bridge wasn't
there ' It had been drawn.
Neither rider looked around. Indeed,
the noise of the motor seemed to keep
from their ears the yells of warning.
The young man was bent far over the
handlebars, looking straight at tho wlilz-
zing wheel in front of him. Not once did
he glance up to observe that the street
New Neckwear
A big new line placed on
sale Friday. See those:
Guimps, at ..25c, 50c, 75c
Flowers, at 25c, 50c
Lace collars, . .25c, 50c, 85c
Auto scarfs and feather boas,
very special bargains, 25c
I, 000 Now Hats, made to sell
nt $2.00 $2.50 rf-f f A
and $3.00 JHVU
A olean-;up ofth'(j surplus
of a jvell known -wholesaler;
all gool stylos, all colors and
"Sizes, stiff or soft felt; the
snap of tho year.
Sample Spring Caps, to $1.00
values, all colors, including
bluo serges,, silk lined or, uu
lined, men's or boys'. .45c
Matting Suit Oases with
metal frame, good lock and
catches, special Saturday
nt S1.35
Extra Special in Gas
Burners and
Mantles for Satur
day $2.25 Inverted Gas Burners,
complete; special for this
sale .,.$1.69
$1.75 lnvortedGas Burners.
complete,. $1.00
II. 00 Inverted and Upright Burn
ors complete v 50
75c Inverted Gas Lights, com-
,Iot 35
30;- Inverted
and Upright
Mantles, 23
15c Inverted
and upright
mantles -2
tor 25 d
10c Inverted
and Up
right Man
ties, o
'w 15d
I , . .
l",lru KaP With the river below.
1 TI, motorcycle fairly bounded nut
I Cc' " -Pmnln In the
U",. .1 . . K" welu wun "
uuurcuB oi persons ran up,. excited at
the news that a crazy man had driven a
girl and himself Into the river. Tnen tho
spectators beheld a mofirboat shoot up
and men In sailor's costumes throw life
preservers to tho man ana girl In tho
water and rescue then handily.
And Just about then somebody In tho
crowd shouted: "Aw! Qet wise, get
He pointed to the brjdge. There, amor
the girders, was a man rapidly turning
the crank of a camera.
Yes; Jt was done for tho "movies."
The participants In 'the wild ride and
cold duck In the Shrewsbury, the ob
jects of tho spectacular rescue, wens
Rodman Law, balloonist, ' and Miss Ilo-
setta Phoner, a moving picture actress.
Heavy blankets and hot coffee wero
given them and Miss Phoner smiled.
"All In the' day's work," said. hx.-t
New York World.