THE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. Automobile Orthodoxy Visitor fb'Hhe" Automoliile Show If you loltile yourself with the assumption that a claim Jh tho conclusion, If you delude yourself with i. hope that the Exhibitor f dellvdrllif you what you want to Use ih two parkaRe -one package an AMoniobllo for, nay It, 000.00, and the other package containing tyure conversion" for f 600.00 tnoie, then you will practice such hersy upon youmetfaji would In the Old Vnyn of the Mluo Laws, have burned you at tho stake. , Our hope la that you will not forsake that gonpel truth that you eaiii not "pet Kotnethlns Wr nothing' and that hen you visit tin unil Inspect the Marlon Una, the MatohLss Xfiarmon and the classic Standard Slec trlaue, you will conclude that caoli aro -worth the money asked for them nd will bo delivered In uie packnHe containing alt oais and the conversational feature railed ''Salesmanship" not In evidence. Our Creating to you for Next Week Is, Lot Us Together Consider the Whole Proposition, Automobile Company O. W. IXoSonaltt, Mgr.. 0101-8 Tarn&m Bt. Franklin C Hudson and Peerless LEADERS 'WHEREVER SHOWN YOU'LL ADMIT GUY L. SMITH DISTRIBUTOR FARNAM STREET. INTER-STATE SIX THE PERFECT CAR Tho only enr using identically tho snmo oloctrio lighting and starting systora ,thie Boaaon as was usod last yoar. No ohange has boon mado. It waB porfoct then and is porfoot now. Electric lighting and start ing; 132tnb& . -wheel baao; 4 speeds forward: 11-lnoh uphql Btery; lefWiand .-drive: center control. Double., Ignition, magneto and storaga battery: full' equip ment top, windshield, power iptim'p, electric iioip apeedo mtrr, tc. Inter-State Automobile Co. 310-12 So. 18th Street. Opposite Court House, '-r .-V '4Factbry-'Muncie, Ind. TIT TT V T7- AND POWER Aro synonymouB and always have boon. Tho Buiok lino at tho Auto Show1 isof sufficient interest , . - . ; to constitute a' show-in itself. Nebraska Buick Auto Go. 'Distributors. 1914 FARNAM BTRKEJT. Model T 8-50, 5-Pus., $2,386 . Wihs.the latest improvements for convenience and its many'lspeoial features whioh make it tho superior car of its class,, the Midland was tho most admired car at the big Chicago Show and will bo a big attraction at tho Ctaahetj&bit. Iceland Automobile Company 1124 FARNAM ST. r t- TELEPHONE 2252. FREE $50 Worth of Tires One "Long" Horn.. One Blue Book . . . How much do you know about automobiles? A Contest Exclusively for Automobile Owners and Prospective Buyers I HIS content is not for children. It is one of high character for intelligent men and women and will prove- amusing, interesting nnd instructive. You who own a car or motorcycle, or aro about to buy ono how much do you really know about the machines listed oh thlB paso nnd shown at tho Omaha motor show? What do vmi knnw nhnnt thn remarkable features and Improvements In the modern automobile or motorcycle its ease of operation Its sturdy construction Its simplicity and Its durability? Still, these are tho thlnss to know about If you are going to buy and hero aro prizes offered to you for ecqutrlng this knowledge so essential for you to have before making a purchase, Note the cars, supplies and motorcycles llBted on this page; glance at the diagram, then locate tho dealer at the Automobllo Show, get his literature, ask him questions, learn about his offerings and thon answer the questions below and send to tho Automobllo Contest Editor of the Omaha Bee. nr Motorcycle Exhibit MCI I ipr i HA m i I VyGsrsqt AUTOMOSUt X. CKTRAMCC ll.CTeut. Ilmnuil M WtlUer AvitoCt 3MOI1 CWilhsCuiMW TraynorAulo Co. rUmilcr Motor Co linuijerlagftaalS 3 jfACto awci? ffrAct.o u It VuimiUJJoinC WLHaffmiaCa Inl.rjW.MoCo cg OfACCJi SPAOt.ll ACI.0 ST 1 I g I . I I UiAMtrC OniUUrMaC UttatitimWhtCD . 7 smcu stack te : J (WaAjWnAnfeCaNflrDuiCAJWoCi WJWMfell Co " Sj t pacc zo jfAociB space la J -n JaaIltnirlia ColtMolorCj KtluuAubOji 1 MfMttS P 1 1-1 rM ffl ! if S i1 ? till n 4 2? lU wm 'iJL i j h iff i : Rules and Conditions of Contest: Each contestant must be the owner of n motor c May lBth. No other nr or motorcycle, or purcliaso one not later than t will be considered. lt Stat Hamas of automoMlt or motoroyol sola oh avrtier on tills pas' .(In th oast of tli aupply bouBe fflvo principal Una.) 84 Btata borsapowar of aaon machlua. 3d Btata prloo of eaob automoblla and aiotoroyoa. Ath Btata daalar'a tuilneaa location aftd nam. Slatl nnswers to Automobllo Con 0th Stat at leait one lmprovamant of each machine ovar lat year's model. 6th Btata ona feature In which each machine ex cels other makes. (Ton will find eaoh ma chine distinctive and poaiesalngr eeveral fea tures not found In any other). tost Editor, of Omaha Bee. JACJC ft )" ..A SHARP DISTRIBUTOR ALCO Pleasure and Commercial Ckrs. In Either Glass Without a Rival. OFFICE: W. O. W. Building COST OF MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR CAR IS SHOWN "How much does It cost to run an au tomobirq a yetir? What la tho life of an automobile?',' These and many other questions ot similar nature are asked by enthulastlo people, who, while Interested In the au tomobile, arc not driving nor had any experience In the handling of a car. A gentleman Sn the real estate business In Tcrre Haute,' Ind., 'who has driven his Inter-State, model 30, more than 43,000 miles with but 10 cents repair blll, chari$ed ngalnst It, aMd It has never been over hauled. In Omaha the police department used one, of .these models,, later purchas ing atnodel 35, which has run more than 66,000 miles with .little - expense, and still In active service, lri Peoria, 111., the fire chief Is driving a model S2-B Inter-State, costing the city J1.750 and la doing the work of cars coating any amount more that could be adopted to the same use. i Dorr Will File Appeal. 3ALKM, Mass., Pel). 28. Attorneys for. William A. Dorr of Stockton. Cal.K who was convicted yesterday of munrderlng George K. Marsh of Lynn, announced to day that they would appeal the case. Dorr slept well last night and was In good physical condition today. Harley-Davidson and Yale Motorcycles Victor H. Roos The Motorcycle Man 2703 Leavenworth St. Omaha, Neb. LITTLE "4" ROADSTER SO h. p, 4-cyl., equipped. $000 f. o. b. factory. LITTLE SIX TOURING OAit 30 li. p., O-cyl., equipped. $l,i!80 f. o. b. factory. DRUMMONT) MOTOR COMPANY The Best in Pleasure Cars and Trucks. Pleasure Cars Commercial Ctrs Locomobile, -G. M. C. Trucks, Woods Electric, Haynes. Chase Delivery Wagon. ,'26TH AND FARNAM j Automobile repairs Painting and rebuilding. REO THE FIFTH ROADSTER FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING OAR 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. $1,195 P. O. B. Factory. $1,195 F. 0. B. Factory. Reo equipped with Gray & Davis electric )lghti and electric starter 1200 extra. DOTY HATHAWAY Exhibit Booth No. 1, Auditorium. 2027-20 Faroam St., Omaha, Neb. The real big offering at all previous shows , and .now at the Omaha show is t Line Studebaker 25 Studebaker 20 Studebaker Delivery Car See The Electrically Equipped Studebaker u35" By All Means Studebaker Six Studebaker 35 Studebaker 30 On The Stage at The Show E. R. Wilson Automobile Co. Local Dealers 201012-14-16 Harney Studebaker Corporation of America Omaha Branch ( 2026 Farnam Street Mighty Michigan "40" The Greatest Car of the Season Electric- Lights. 4 Forward Speeds, fibres 35x4VL'. 14-inch Turkish-Cushions. CompleteiEquipment. All for $1,585. You should see these by all means at Space 30 or at our showrooms, 1117 Farnam. Michigan Automobile Co. See this Beautiful Car 81,600 1,1,600 83,000 53,350 '4-4B" Touring car, S passengers "4-6'- iioaaeter .....- "4-BB" Touring car "SB" Tourlns car, 7 passengers All cars fully equipped. APFBBSOir JACK BABBIT AUTO CO., j 1304 rarnom street. VOU men who are going to buy cars this a year see wnat i m& car oners.... Pair 6-paiMrr Tour lnjf car. oKo&tl oln-rood. PA166 36 Gray k Dvla Blcctrla tlghtlnff and Starting System X,ft Bide Drive Center control Sl,275 Paige Company of Nebraska, Distribators llB-ln. wheel toaae 34X4 lull. Silent chain driven motor gears Cork Insert Clntoh 4xB-ln. Motor a new cross country $1,875 with gasoline and electric long stroke motor and a 10,000 mile guarantee SEE THIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL OAR AT SPACE NO. 7, AUTOMOBILE SHOW Rambler Motor Company 2052-4 Farnam Street Chalmers 1913 MOTOR CARS lUOS XX THE OKAZ.XCBBS SHOFS. Come See the Chalmers "Six"--The Maximum Car-$2400 Sverr day this wonderful car makes a bigger hit. More people talk about, more people place orders for It. Of the many Instant Chalmers successes this Is the most pronounced. Maximum Comfort Is built Into the luxurious Turkish cushions; the 11-lnch upholsteryi the long wheel base (ISO-ln.); the Improved springs; the big wheels .and tlrv Maxlumum Convenience in to he found In the Chalmers self-starter; electric lights; demountable rims; dash adjustment for carburetor; ideal arrangements for all, -control Apparatus on the dash. Maxlumum Beauty 1 seen in the long graceful lines, the roomy, flush sided body, the sweeping- bell back, the nickel trimmings. No matter what cur you may decide to buy, It's worth your while to investlcate tho Chalmers "Six." "Thirty-Six" (four cylinders) 81950 "Six" S-passens-er , 63400 "Six" 7passeng-er 63600 (Prices Include full' equipment.) Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.. Successors to II. E. FREDIUCKSON AUTO COMPANY, 2044-C-8 Farnam Street. Also Agents Pierce Arrow. Omaha, Neb. You're welcome at Powell's "Right in tho heart of Automobile Bow" 2119 Farnam Street you will find this store the most con venient for trading and visiting. See our displays at tho Show and our immense stocks at the store. Noto especially: Republio Tires. Panhard Oils. Columbia Red Top Ignitor Dry Cells. ' Blue Rjbbon Metal Tolish. Bosh Magnetos and Plugs. Golden Star Body Polish, Etc. POWELL SUPPLY CO.