THE REE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, PBBIU'ARY 2, 101.1. Automobile Orthodoxy .Visitor to the Automobile Show If you deluiln yourself with the assumption that a claim Is tho, conclusion, If you delude yourself with hope that the Exhibitor Is deltVerlnp you what you want to use In two packages one package an Automobile for. say 11,000.00, and the other packRRe containing "pure conversation" for 1500.00 more, then you will practice such heresy upon yourself as would In the Old Days of the Bluq, havo burned you at the stake. pur hope Is that you will not forsake that sospel truth that you can not get something for nothing" and that when you visit us and Inspect the Marlon line, the Matohless Marmon and the classic Standard Eleo iSn.e' I0U. W'H conclude that each are worth the money asked for them and win be delivered In one packane containing all car, and the conversational feature called . 'Salesmanship'- not In evidence. wi.-?.u?,arM,.,.!?K to 'ou for Next wek I-et Us Toeether Consider the hole Proposition. Automobile Company O. W. MoDonald, Mgr., 3101-3 Tarnam Bt. Franklin Hudson ' ' and Peerless LEADERS WHEREVER SHOWN YOU'LL ADMIT GUY L. SMITH DISTRIBUTOR FARNAM STREET. INTER-STATE SIX THE PERFECT CAR The only car using identically the same electric lighting and starting system this season as was used last year! No change has been made. It was perfect then and is perfect now. Electric lighting and start ing; 182-Inch wheel baao; 4 speeds forward; 11-lnch uphol stery; left-band drive; cental control. Double ignition, masneto and storage battery; full equip inent top, windshield, power tutup, electric lumps apeedo nfir etc Inter-State Automobile Co. 310-12 So. 18th Street. Opposite Court House. Factory-r-Muncie, Irid. BUICK AND POWER Are synonymous and always have been. The Buiok line at the Auto Showi is of sufficient interest to constitute a show in itself. . Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Distributors. 1014 FARNAM STREET. Model T 4-40, 5-Pass., $1,685 Model T 6-50, 5-Paas., $2,385 With the latest improvements for convenience and its many special features which malte it the superior oar of its class, the Midland was the most admired car at the ' big Chicago Show and will be a big attraction at the Omaha Exhibit. Freeland Automobile Company TELEPHONE 2252. 1124 FARNAM ST. DRUMMOND " MOTOR COMPANY The Best in Pleasure Cars and Trucks. Pleasure Cars Commercial Cars Locomobile, G. M. C. Trucks, Woods Electric, Haynes. Chase Delivery Wagon. 26TH AND FARNAM Automobile repairs Painting and rebuilding. $50 Worth of Tires One "Long" Horn.. One Blue Book . . . How much do you know about automobiles? A Contest Exclusively for Automobile Owners and Prospective Buyers I HIS content is not for children. It is one of high character for intelligent men and women ami will prove amusing, interesting and instructive. You who own a car or motorcycle, or aro about to buy ono how much do you really know about tho machines listed on this pajco and shown at tho Omaha motor Bhow? What do von know about tho remarkable features and Improvements In tho modern automobile or motorcycle Its ease of oporatton- lta sturdy construction Its simplicity and Its durability? Still, these are the thlnus to know about If you are going to buy and hore aro prizes offered to you for ocqulrlng this knowledge bo essential for you to have before making a purchase Note the cars, supplies and motorcycles listed on this page; glanco nt tho dlngram, then locato tho dealer at tho Automobllo Show, got his literature, ask him questions, learn about his offorlngs and then answer the questions bolow and send to tho Automobile Contest Editor of the Omaha Hoe. 1 rci i mm i Auronosir CHTRAMCK N. Motory;le Exhibit WUeauloC SMCEl JMCC 3 I II J TrjynorAulo Co. RamiJfrrWsrCb Umrtftr ImpltpoJG Ej 4PACC.0 3 T ACL 7 SPACt. 6 ! HWrnAAMoiUkCi WLHuffman Co. InUnUlt AsUCo "2 arAczj 3rotn ST P ftrdMdoi-Ct OrrHtWitt Ca SlfffjrtlonarMotrQi u S JMCU 5MCE.I8 STACK It 4 ar (WAokumAirtg& (Mir-ButekAuUCk TONoilhwall Co gf SPACE 10 JMCCIB 3PA lO .UaanSurifftia atucxti n cr CoU Motor Co cr HiluuAuUCo erACt ts a l& 1 sir pi t 5f H I -if hi i "llr 1e "if T Iff fflillllllll I Rules and Conditions of Contest: Unci) contestant must bo the pwner of a motor c ur or motorcycle, or purchnHo ono not later than May lfHli. No others will be considered. 1st State samoi of automobllo or motoroyclo oold by onoli MdTertllsr on thlii vffo (In the caia or tlio oupply home givo principal lino.) OS 8tato noriepowor of each machine. 3fl fltato prlco of eaoh automobllo and motorcycle. 4th .State dealer huatneca looatlon and name. 6th State at leaat one Improvement of each machine over lait year' model. 0th State one featnre In which each machine ex cell other makei. (Tou ttUI find eaoh ma chine dlatlnotlve and pooeeeolnf aeveral faa tnroe not fonnd In any other). Mall answers to Automobile Contest Editor of Omnlia lice. JACK SHARP DISTRIBUTOR ALCO Pleasure and Commercial Oars. In Either Olass Without a Rival. OFFICE: W. O. W. Building Freeland Auto Co. Keeps Midland Oar The Midland Motur company hnvoJ awarded this territory for 1913 to thd f Freeland Automobile company, who werjj tho distributers for 1912. Mr. Freeland; nays that anionR the chnnRea from Inst year's model nre a larger wheel-base. 132 Inches to tho 4-40 and 135H Inches In thn fi-50; electrlo starter and lighting system. Insert dash lamps. Oorch Ignition; left hand drive and center control; long stroke T head motor; full floating axle; 86x4V4 tires; Warner automcter; rear double tire-Irons; silk mohair top. The lines and body aro superb In appearuncu and the power Is ampto for any demand put upon It. Tho Midland will be found at Auditorium Automobllo show. Cur Clliulm Slomitnln. Two hundred and fifty-four miles straight over tho summit of the Slerri Kevadus, a rglso of 7,000 feet, with snow and Ice and mud and boulders for high way. In fourteen fours and forty minutes Is the new record for motor cars from Oakland to Tahoe tavern, Tahoo Lake, Ca. H beat the former record by flvo minutes. The men who mado It wer? Fred Gross and Claude McOlll of Oak land In a Dulck ". Harley-Davidson and Yale Motorcycles Victor H. Roos The Motorcycle Man 2703 Leavenworth St. Omaha, Neb. LITTIjB "l" JlOAPSTKIt 20 h. l, 4-cyl., equipped. $000 f. o. b. factory. JilTTliK SIX TOUHINC1 OAK il(l li. p., (l-cji., oq nipped. $1,280 t. o. b. factory. REO THE FIFTH ROADSTER FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING OAR 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. $1,195 F. O. B. Factory. $1,195 F. O. B. Factory. Heo equipped with Gray & Davla electric lights and electric starter 1200 extra. DOTY ? HATHAWAY Exhibit Booth No. 1, Auditorium. 8027-20 i'arnnm SU, Omaha, Neb. The real big offering at all previous shows and now at the Omaha show is The Line Studebaker Six Studebaker 35 Studebaker 30 Studebaker 25 Studebaker 20 Studebaker Delivery Car See The Electrically Equipped Studebaker "35" By All Means On The Stage at The Show E. R. Wilson Automobile Co. Local Dealers 2010-12-14-16 Harney Studebaker Corporation of America Omaha Branch 202$ Farnam Street Mighty Michigan "40" The Greatest Car of the Season Electric Lights. 4 Forward Speeds. (Tires ;i5x4'. 14-inch Turkish Cushiona. Complete Equipment. All for $1,585. You should see these by all moans at Space M or at our showrooms, 1117 Farnam. Michigan Automobile Co. See this Beautiful Car "4-45" Totirln car. IS pasnengers JJ'SS! "4-4B" llondntcr "4-65" TonrliiK car 52'22S "4-65" TonrliiK mr, 1 punmmKcrn , .$a,Bou All corn fully nritilppcii. AFTEitaorr jack rabbit auto go., 1304 Xtarnara Btreat. VOU men who aro going to buy cars this a year see wnat 1 niis car oners.... Tig &-ptnfr Tonr lnjf or. Modtl Glenwood. Oray Si Divli Sltotrto tlghtlnff and Btwtlnf Syatcni X.tft Bids Drlv OenUr Control Sl,275 110-ln. rhl 1M 34x4 Tlr.a Bllant chain drlTn motor s;kx Cork Znatrt Olatoh 4xB-ln. Motor Paige Company of Nebraska, Distributors a new cross country $1,875 with gasoline and electric long stroke motor and a 10,000 mile guarantee SEE THIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CAR AT SPACE NO. 7, AUTOMOBILE SHOW Rambler Motor Company 2052-4 Farnam Street Cahners 1913 BLADE IN THE OHALMBEB SHOPS. Come See the Chalmers "Six"-'The Maximum Car--$2400 Every day thli wonderful cur mk a bltrgar lilt. Mora paopla talk about, more people place orders for it. Of the many lnatant Ohalmeri ucceiceu tula ! the moat pronounced. Maximum Comfort la built Into tlio luxurious Turkish cushions, the 11-Inch upholKtery. tho long wheel base (tau-ln ); tho improved eprlngs; the hl wheels and tires. Uaxtumum Oonvanlanoo Ih to ho found In tho Chnlincrn Helftarter: electric llKlit. deniountitblo rlnia. cIhhIi Hiljuntment for carburetor; Ideal urraiiKemciith for ull coutrql apparatua On the daHh. Maslumum Oaauty Ih eeu In tho long rfraoeful linen, the roomy, flush aided body, the Hweeptng- bel) back, thn nickel trimmings. No matter what car you may decide to buy, It's worth your while to Investigate tho ChnlmerH "Six" "Tulrty-Slx" (four cylinders) $1060 "Blx" S-paiaengTer S340O "Six" 7-paaaeng-er $2800 (Frloaa lnolude full equipment.) Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.. Htircessors lo II. K. FRKDRICKHU.V AUTO COMPANY, UOM.fl-H Pur mi m Hlrfot. Also AceutH IMerco Arrow. Onmlift, Neb. You're welcome at Powell's "Right in tho heart of Automobile Row" 2119 Farnam Street you will find this store tho most con venient for trading and visiting. Seo our displays at tho Show nnd our immense stocks at tho store. Note especially: Republic Tires. Panhard Oils. Columbia Red Top Ignitor Dry Cells. Blue Ribbon Metal Polish. Bosh Magnetos and Plugs. Golden Star Body Polish, Etc. POWELL SUPPLY CO.