r Silk Hat, Harry's Divorce Suit - rTr.,--: a. iff kit1' ,rJRrwpJvTR' V 0P peu y ic.. I ' -I 1.1 . . MAY RESUME JACE MEETS New York Jockey Club Stewards Issue Significant Statement. COURT DECISION HELPS SOME Oral llrttliiK Held Not Unlnrrfnl 'I'll no Frrclnir DlroctorN from Lia bility l nilrr Urn, stir I'ro tlolunx IllipoStO, NKW VOIIK. Feb. 27. From the word lug of a statement Issued after meetings of the stewards of the Jockey flub and of tho several racing nssoclatlon. the Im pression provalls among racing men that tho powers that govern horse racing In this vicinity have about decided to open some of the metropolitan trucks the coin ing HCRuon, Tho way In held to have been paved for such notion by n. recent court declxloti holding oral betting not unlMwful. thereby exempting directors of racing nKvoclntlotiB from liability for bet ting In thin form. Heoatiso nil racing associations were not represented, no definite conclusion was announced as to whether racing would b resumed. That such Is tho Intention, however, could be Interitd from the. state ment made? nftcr the meeting: "That owing to the great reduction In tho number of- horses racing nnd the definite programs announced by the Vir ginia and Maryland assoclatlotiBi which nlreadv have secured upprovnl from the Jockey club, thoso spring meetings will not be conflicted with." In a statement Issuid by tho stewards they declared that tho Jockey club Is only a supervisory body and does not control the business policy of any of the racing associations. It Is not In Its province to say whether thoro shall be racing, It was pointed out, but should miy associations decide to open their courses the Jockey club controls tho manner In which such racing shall be conducted. Chairman August llelinont presided at the meeting of tho Jockey club stewards, during which F. K. Sturgls was clcctod Vlre chairman In the place of tho Into James II. Kecno nnd II. 'K. Nnpp was elected secretary and treasurer, the of fices formerly held by V- K. Hturgls. Tho vacancy caused by the death of James H. Keeno remains unfilled. Culm AVI n r.xlilliltltin (Jninr. TAMPA, Fla.. Feb. 27.-Th Chicago Nationals. In training here, played tnttu first exhibition game of the season if day, defeating the Havana il'uoa) Atn letlcs, 4 to 2. Of the former Chicago rrf ulars only lteulbach nnd Kvera plaed. Iteulbach pitched threo Innings, but U tlrcd after Aosta got a threo-baso lilt. With the Bowlers Totals X0 ESI SSt 2.67 Slurrlson I.rnirnr. sTnyicRit bhor co. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Nealo 202 1B7 Bprague 193 133 Weekes 124 181 Conrad .'..217 181 UoK 214 179 173 1W 203 ISO W M MB Ml HI ALPHA CAMP NO. 1. 1st. !.. 3d. Total. C. Trlmeau 167 178 183 &27 Ilea ton 1U 179 184 618 Manning l.V 112 ISO 4S7 J I. Prlmeau 170 190 157 817 Hartley 139 143 1S7 471 Handicap 34 31 34 102 Totals 820 878 921 2,622 OLD SAXON 11RAU. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Frltschcr 171 176 169 SIS lrfam 181 1G9 1(9 K Kchaney .. 190 219 17S W Kelpie -170 ISO 1i2 B02 1'anton 167 190 202 tSt Totals 879 m m ZM3 KLKP. 1st. 2d. 2d. Total. Francisco U4 176 1SI B34 Cliambera M 194 132 Ell lrniua.n 814 Z13 214 C41 Orotte 182 177 131 49J Wakeney 194 218 179 Ml Jlandlcnp nr 30 x ids Totals , KM t.oil $78 2.87S WllOTII'S OLD HOTH. 1st. 3d. -3d. Totsl. rnniHiier v 174 Hi isi Merger l(? y m Kesclln 301 W W Bfiigele 1M 179 VtO Huntington 164 lw 19J 466 m m TCtals 847 846 OMAHA F1KLD CLUU. 1st. Id. 3d. Total. Kohn US 191 168 M7 Toman ;...!( IK 1S5 497 uougnerty lffl m 162 004 I'ollard 141 170 146 4S7 Ztmmermah -. 16) X 190 KM Handicap ....... 35 35 38 106 Totals 853 925 llrntnl liragne, COSMOS, 1st. 2d. 164 197 97 91 X20 150 8S6 !,664 3d. Totat. Cox Patton ... Jones .... Totals 1ST . !U0 15? ISO 416 300 . 3S3 DIGEST. 409 2d. 166 IIS 120 1,H 1st. "Waka u... 187 AValiem 128 James 120 Total 4 BRIBF. 1st. Novak 137 Crandell 10C Punk S) 3d. Total. lit 470 US 381 120 360 424 8S2 l.tll 2d. 131 157 130 3d. Total, ISO 398 123 Nisi, 130 360 Totals ... ... 362 408 373 1,113 SUMMARY. 1st. Sd. Williams 1 106 IJarnhardt Va lzs KoNOtsky 13d 120 Totals 484 308 REVIEW. 1st. Sd. Olevten US 14T 3d. Total lilt SI3 16S 462 139 360 397 M64 3d. Total 191 W0 Ill 129 HJ, 3M 401 450 1,24$ Jd. 1 nr. 1X1 3d. Total. 119 141 ICO IV. :pi 337 Totals HT6 4t in (In I'ompmiy l.eumir, COTTAO H AltCS. 1st. Jd. iJalhrop ISO US IB IMnrtlg inn i:w IS Shames !'S 1 II Total. 471 412 3f. Totals ; 403 402 INTISNBOS. 1st. 2d. Campbell 1W lit Wrytnullor 222 1M Nobody 8S lOlt Total 470 474 1.2M 3d. Total. 1$1 M2 12 fc-S 118 3 K4'J1 iTlK 3d. Total, llit m 1M .HI 12S 421 DOHS 1st. I.ueeiii 125 C. Hltcbcn 1M Nelson 11 Totals .. 407 2d. 118 102 167 417 IIS 1.230 TAIl HAllll. 1st. 2d. NpbI ir 145 Kracher J1J 1M Warnlck .....134 136 Totn' Kc.-iL. 1st. 2d. MacDonald )J2 MaoAndrows W i- J faster J" Totals 4 HKZNOnS. . 1st. Id. Westegard 141 17 J. T. Wood 2W Hcrg Totals 4S4 4SS 3d. Total. 142 112 133 14'J 41!) 424 1,301 3d. K.2 132 1I-.1 Total. 432 34a KM 4I'J 1.31V 3d. Total. m x liW 4W 43.'. 4V) 1,120 llnvrllnK Notes. Lemon already has A design drawn up to put on that bowling trophy his team Intends to win. Tho committee apiwlnted to tako enro of tho bowlera" theater party Is working on It and will announce tho ilato soon, Terrell says the ten pin Is his favoiltu spare. He makes It about as often i the rest of the liook and dodo" throwers. McCarthy showed up for ploy Tuesday night. Mo don't like to come down when It Is cold or when there Is snow on tho ground. This will be tho lust season for tho Old Btyle Lagers. All tho members of the team aro singers and will bo seen In vaudeville next. Four OfiO games were rolled In tho Hooster leagUH Tuosday night. Wartschuw led with 0l. Ilammnnrtroni. Wj Churlen lllce. iw5. and II. Howers. . AVftrtschow camo close to rolling nigh flnnator InilSllA total Willi II Siring Of games of Its. 247, 249; total, fM. Ilemlobon lolds lilgn toiai now wiwi w. vv.li won the third game for the Pnnel.Olllers by blowing a pin In the tenlh frame. The Htorz Malts finished with 813, against tho leaders' 81U. ti, rinm llnllps got back Into running order and rolled a total of 2,910. taking threo from me urannes ihkiiohiis. i ney had three consistent gancs of WD. M2 nnd t0. The Urnndes put up a strong opposi. tloii Willi a .,it-s loiai, roiling viu in iiie last gumo. The Maseppas Is a train of bowlers to look out for. They are liable to produce a good total any time. Tuesday night they rolled 2,761 nnd won thetr series. Thn ni.ni.nii bowlers are certainly there on entertaining visiting bowling teams. Good fellowship during the game and a big spread after the game is not so bad. Urlimrll Man Dies on Train. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Feb. 27.-(Spe- claU While on his way to this city to appear In court to support his claim of 12,000 against A. J. Clark of Oraml Island, Neb., Jacob Vlele, aged 82 years, of Qlinnell, died at the Union station this morning soon after he got off the train. Heart disease, brought on by bronchitis, caused his death. Vlele was suing Clark for 812,000 for alleged irreg ular transactions on the board of trade. and the case had been especially assigned for Wednesday. AT DENVER DENVER. WATCK May 4. 5. May 29, (80), (30) July i U) U) Sept. 30; Oct. 1, 3 LINCOLN. April 28. 29. 30 June . T. 8 WICHITA. July 24. 28, 26 Aug. 23, 24. 25 April 25, 26. 87 Juna 9, 10, 11 TOP13KA,, juty is. . so Oct. J, 4, 5 May 16. 17, IS July 14. 15. 1C Aug, It IS, 16 Sept. 7. 8, 8T. JOSEPH. Mky-18. 14. 15 July &. 6, , 7 Aug. 20. a Sept. 13. It, IS DES MOINES.. May 7, 8. 9 July 11, 13, 13 Aug. 11, 12, 13 Sept. 4. 6. 6 HIOUXQITY... May 10. 11, 12 July 8. 9. 10 Aug. IT. 18. 19 Sept. 10, 11. 12 OMAHA. Whltcomb I0G Tagart la) Totals m ITHAIH. 1st. Newton 156 Heed I0T MoMartln 1U . Holiday games in Darenthesea. TMK BKK; OMAHA, FRIDAY, lBRIWHY 2. 1013. - - Futurist Pgig8 JPortr ait of Our Hero Canadian Bowlers Make Good Showing TOLHDO. O., Feb. 27 Out-of-town bowlers competed today f6r the first time no fur In the American Rowling congress tournament. The OiWos from Calfiary, Alberta, were the objects of much attention among the five-man tCHUIS. The Wooster-limberts of St. Iouls rolled Into first place In the five-man event tonight with a total score of 2.7S8, while the Callles took second plnco with S.0KI. The Pioneers, a team composed of civil war veterans from Toledo, mado ft cred itable showing. Among tho men nominated today for tho executive committee were O. O. Fran cisco, Denver; H. (1. Hchutick, Sioux City, la., nnd M. It. Huntington. Omaha. Two-man leadors: Cunningham and lliirgln, Toledo 1.17J Irlam mid Irlalii, Toledo 1.159 llrooksbank and Zelglnr, Toledo 1,141 Krntizer and Cainey, Toledo 1,138 Individuals: Hrariy, Toledo 622 Palm, Toledo. .1 61K Alexander, Toledo 614 Hnrtrlng, Toledo 611 H. Zimmerman, Toledo 60l Five-man team leaders: Wooster-Ijunbcrts, Ht. 1auIs 2,758 Callles, Calgnry 2.699 College Inn, Toledo 2,574 Oodfroy and It of man. Monroo 2.069 First Assembly, Toledo 2,W0 Two Clubs Tied for Indoor Revolver Title SPRINUFIULI), Mass., Feb. 27,-Two clubs aro tied for the championship of the United States Revolver association ns the result of the. Indoor leuguo matches which closed last week. As this title Is emblematic of the championship of the United States, the outcomo of the shoot-off between tho Manhattan club of Now York City and tho Spokane club of Kpokune, Wash., will be watched with considerable Interest. Other ties In the league aro; Columbus, Iiulsvlllc, Km cryvlllo, Cal and Providence, with four teen matches lost, nnd Ilcllovllle, Sault Saliito Mario and Tiicoma, with twenty lost. It Is also iMisnlbln that St. Louis and Youugstown will flume In this tie. Portland, Me., and Cincinnati aro tied with tuenty-oue losses each. Thn shooting off of the ties will be started at once, as the results will de termine the various division champion ships. PETER FR0MM TO MEET JUD THOMPSON ON MAT HARLAN, In., Feb. 27,-(Speclnl,)-The only 163-pound wrestler In the mlddlo west who has any chance with Petur Fromm will wrestle bore Wednesday nlghtMarcJi 5. This man Is Jud Thomp son .of-'Spencer, la., Who throw Fromm early In tho season before Fromm was In ahapo, having Just completed the har vest on hlH farm north of this city and not having trained. Thompson, aside from throwing Fromm, has thrown such men ns Ren Reeves, Kid Ondlcr nnd Iikerst and has met de feat but twice In his carcct. In his match with Reeves ho bent that wrestler twice In thirteen minutes. Frorni's decisive defeat of Con Albright here last Monday evening appears to make his chances of beating Thompson very good. Fromm has Wrestled almost 100 times r Official Schedule for Western League , AT LINCOLN AT WICHITA May 1. 2. 3 April 21, 22. 23 May 31; June 1. 3 June 30; July l, 2 Aug. 20, 27, 28 April June July June 16, 16, 17 July 31. 22, 23 Sept. (I), (1). 2 Aug, April 18, 19, 20 June 9, 10. 11 July 27. 27, 28 Aug. 2y, 30. 31 April trb sun June Juno Aug. April 23, X, 27 June 3. 4. 5 July Is. 1, 20 May BAIXY June July uul. 3, 4. 5 ept. April 28, 29, JO May 31; June 1, 2 July 34. 25. 26 Aug. 23. 24, 25 May 1. 2. 3 June 15, 16. 17 July 3. (I), (4) oepi. m; oct. u x May 13. 14. 16 July 8. 9, 10 Aug. IT. IS. 19 Sept. 4. t. May 7, 8. July 11. It 13 Aug. 11, 12. 13 Sept. 13, 14. 15 May June Aug. Sept. May It, IT, 18 July 14. U, 16 Aug, 11, 12, 13 Sept. 10, 11. 13 May 10. 11. 12 July 8, , 10 Aug 17, IS. 19 Sept. 7, 8, May 10. U. IS July 8, i, 7 Aug. 20. 21, 22 Sept. 13. 14, 15 May 16. IT, 18 July It. 15. 16 Aug. 14. 15, It Sept. 10, 11, 12 May July Aug. Sept. May T, 8, 9 July 11. 12. 13 Aug. 14, 15. 16 Sept 26. 27. 28 May 13, 14. 15 July 5, , 7 Aug. 20, 21. a Sept. 4. 5. 6 May July Aug. Sept. r r :rs,::,fcIrws.Dyo,,r,,p.;iAK-SAR-BEN opera pleases Wes Cobb for the championship of Ne braska and ono with Albright last Octo ber. DE 0R0 INCREASES HIS LEAD IN POCKET BILLIARD MATCH NKW YORK, Feb. 27 Alfred De Oro, pocket billiard champion of the world, further Increased his lead over Thomas Hueston, the challenger, tonight In tho second night's play In their match for the title. Tho score now stands: Do Oro. 400; Hueston, 239. Do Oro made high runs of thlrty-flvo and twenty-five; Hueston, fif teen and, fourteen. The final block will bo played tomorrow night. PETE FROMM THROWS' CON ALBRIGHT AT HARLAN HARLAN, In., Feb. 27 -(HpeclaU-Peter Fromm completely outclassed Con Albright of Rochester, N. Y., In' a wrest ling match hero Monday night for the IflS-pound championship of the United States. Fromm was tho aggressor at all times and only 6nco did Albright show signs of superiority. That was at the beginning or tho second fall, when ho went at Fromm with a rush, but Fromm- blocked him successfully nnd was soon on top. The first fall was gained by Fromm In forty-four minutes with a scissor hold nnd arm lock. Tho second fall went to Fromm In faster time, seventeen minutes, with n leg hold and half nclmn. In the preliminaries Jess Hopkins secured one fall from Kid Tnguo In thlrty-rivo minutes. Yound Schell of this city, ind Tony Klein of Defiance, went fifteen minutes to a draw. Moro than 1,000 peo ple wltnosscd this match. Dr. Will Lux ford of Decatur, Neb., refcreed. IOWA COLLEGES WILL DEBATE SHERMAN LAW AM BP, la., Feb. 27.-(Speclal.)-The Sherman Biitl-trust law should be wiped from the government statutes." This question will bo argued by Ames, Orln nell and Drake, March 14, In triangular debate. Ames will propose the affirma tive on the Grlnnoll platform nnd the negative against Drake at Des' Moines, Hryn Mawr women's college. Bryn Mawr, Pa., has Informed tho president of Ames that one Ames student Is eligible to a Hryn Mawr scholarship. Tho fellow ships nro worth $525 unnually and a num ber of them nro given to students of other higher Institutions each year. The Ames facultj will recommend a candi date. .N'oteR from (llenirmiil. GLRNWOOD, la., Feb. 27.-(Special.)-The snd news was received by Qlonwood f i lends of the death at New York City of Ella Hanson Drnke during or Imme diately following an opratlon. Mrs. Drake waB born nnd grew to womanhood In Olenwood, and her home was In East Orange, N. J. A short term of district court was held In Glenwood this week. Several actions In probate nnd emilty were acted upon. This completes tho January term. Thj next court here wilt be April 15, Judge Thornell presiding. The girls' high school basket ball team defeated the college girls of Dlalr, Neb., Friday night, 16 to 8. In the timber west of Tabor this week Ray Weatherhead found n newly built hawk's nest with a freshly Inid egg In It. This Is considered a sure sign of nn early spring. AT TOPEKA AT ST. JOSEPH AT DES MOINES' 18, 19. 30 3, -4, 6 27, 28, S) May 20. 21. 22 June 21, 22, 23 s May 26, 27. 28 June 27, 28. 29 Jiuy 90, si; Aug. 1 Sept. 20, 21, 22 Aug. fi. 6. 7 Sept. 26. 27, 28 29, 30, 31 21. 22. 23 May 26. 27 May 20, 21, Juno 21. 22, July 30, 31; Sept. 20, 21, 6. 7, 8 Juno 27, 28.9". 29 Aug. 5. 6, 7 Sept. IT. 18. 19 30; July l, 20, 27, 28 4. 6. 6 May 29. (80). (30) June 18, 19. 20 Aug. 8. 9, 10 Sept. 23, 21, 25 May 23. 21, S June 24. 25, 26 12, 13, 14 21, 22. 13 Aug. 2, 3. 4 (U,H1). 3 Sept. 17, IS, May 23. 21. 25 May 29. (SO), (30) June 18, 19. 20 Aug. 8. 9. 10 Sept. 4. 5, 6 TOB. July 6. 6. 7 Aug, 20. 21. 23 Sept. 26. 27, 2S 10. 11, 12 24. 25, 26 2. 3,- 4 10. U. 12 April 25, 26. June 12, 13, July 3, m. AX, I. THE sept, so; uci. May7. 8. July 11. 12. 13 Aug. 1C16, 16 Sept. S3, 24, 2D April 18. 19. 20 June 3. 4, 5 Juna 30: July 1, 3 Sept. (I). (1), 3 X.XVB 13. 14. 16 April , 23. 23 May 31; Junu 1, 2 July 24. 2$, 26 Aug. 23, 24, 23 May 4. 6. June 15, 16, July 21. 22. Oct. 3. 4. 5 8. . 10 17, 18. 19 7. 8. 16, 1718 II. 16. It 11. It. 13 13, 14, 15 May 1. 2. 3 June 15, 16, 17 July 27. 18, 29 Oct 3, 4, 6 April 28, 29, SO May 31; June 1, 2 July 24. 26. 26 Aug. 23. 21. 26 v,. . "Wizard of the Nile" Presented to Big Crowd at Brandeis. STARS SHINE IN BRIGHT LIGHT Operatic Society llrlniv Out Spirit or Piny In Fashion Hint Urntrn Forth I'mniriit iirroliitliin of Many Admirers. Rgyptologlst.i mlglu rind some fault with tho biological and historical char acters nnd situations In the beautiful songs and funny story which Victor Her bert and Harry . Smith put together for their comic opera. "Tho Wizard of the Nile," but even they would have for gotten tho verities during the three rol licking hours during which the Ak-Sar-Hen Operatic society presented tho piece at tho Brandeis last night. Beforo a house almost filled with the atergoers, and some, It could be seen, who were not confirmed ns that, the Ak-Sar-Hcnltes presented the humorous story and tho catchy music of the piece In a manner that would do credit more over, would probably flatter a cast ot professionals. From the dispensation ot the roles among tho members or the society It would seem that the pleco had been created for their express presentation, each character having been put upon him and her who carried It out with almost complete exactness and to tho thorough satisfaction, Judging from the applause, of the audience. Clinm In Kf recti vr. Kspeuially delightful was tho work ot tho chorus. Through this shone the handiwork of Frederic C. Frecniautel, and the work Inst night should have ben full compensation to him i-.h well as the cast for the many hours of hard work spent In preparation. Wherever accom paniments to principals fell In, and In tho magnificent ensembles of the piece, this chorus came out strong, full, har monious. And in this respect it might be said that If the work of the cast presented any added luster during the progress of the opera it was at tho tlmeu when the whole company a most select cast of nearly eighty persons, were on tho stage. Then tho action of tho play seemed to take on Increased zest nnd spirit. Their dnnclng and drills were a compliment to the abil ity of W. M. Chambers, who trained them in this part of tho work. As for costumes nnd scenic Investiture, few comic operas have been seen In Omaha that were more handsomely equipped. Not only wero the principals strikingly garbed In silks ami satins and sldmmerlng cloth, but the entire cast pre sented a plcturo artistically nnd harmoni ously colored and attractively vested. Palo pinks and blues and cleap whites formed the background, the chorus setting off tho more brilliantly colored and oddly designed costumos of the principals. These harmonized completely with the beautiful scenery of the tlu-ee acts; tho first, n public square iti Alexandria, Kgypt; tho second, the terrace roof of the king's palace, and the third, the Interior of tho king's prlvnto pyramid. Each scene was Invested with greater beauty, helping out tho action of the piece In lead ing up to a spectacular climax. I.lelien lit Ills llest. Tho mcmbors of the Ak-Sar-Ben Operatic society acquitted themselves ad mirably In their various roles, none of which could be declared easy to handle. Carrying tho title role, nnd hiving ,v preponderance of the lines, tv Is natural AT SIOUX CITY AT OMAHA June 13. 14 May 23. 24. 2fi June 18, 19, o Aug. 2. 3. 3, I Sept. 17, 18, 19 June 24, 25, 25 Aug. S. 9, jo Sept. 23. 24. 25 22 - 23 Aug. 1 22 May 23. 24. 25 June 24. 25. 26 Juno 12. 13, 14 June 18, 19, 20 Aug. 2. 3. 4 Sept. 7, 8, 9 .Aug. 8. 9. 10 Sept, 23. 21. 25 May 26. 27. JS June 27, 28. 29 Adg. 6. 6. 7 Sopt. 26. 27, 28 Mav 20, 21. 22 June 21, 22, 23 July 30. 31; Aug, 1 Sept. 20, 21, 22 19 May 20. 31. 22 June 21, 22, 23 July SO. 31; Aug. 1 Sept. 20, 21. 22 MaySS. 27. 28 June 27, 28. 29 Aug. 5. 6, 7 Sept, 17, 18. 19 2T 14 (4) April 28. 29, 30 June 8. 7. 8 July 18. 19. 20 Aug. S6. 27, 28 May 4. 5, 6 June 9, 10. 11 July 21, 22. 23 Aug. 29, 30, .31 i, z May 1, 2. 3 June 9. 10, 11 July 27. 28, 29 Aug. 29, SO, 31 April M, 22. 23 Juno 6, 7. 8 July 18, 19, 20 Aug. 26, 27, 28 IT 23 April IS. 19. 20 June 3, 4. 5 July 3, (4). (4) Sept. (1), U). 2 spoaTxxro April 25, 26, 27 May 29. (30). (30) June 30: July 1. 2 Sept. 30; Oct. 1. 2 KXWB Drawn for The Bee by Tad that the work of Oscar G. Llcbcn should stand out. He had much or the comedy to present, Hiid that he presented It, to gether with a goodly amount or apt "business." In u way to bring much Hearty laughter goes without saying ti Omahnns. In this he displayed marked ability and possibly oiit-Llcbened Lichen all or which Is not a slight compli ment. With his, there shone tho work of Henry W. Dunn. Mrs. Edith 8pcncr O'Donnell, Mib. Clifford Boyles, M. T . Swartz, S. S. Ilnmlltou, Miss Inez Latcy. a. J. Aivorn ami .miss uorret Arndt Chief of Police Dunn presented King Ptolemy In his usual good manner of characterization. He read his lines ac curately and with a naturalness of man ner that was quite entertaining, and sanr tho scores allotted to him In splendid voice. Mrs. O'Donnell's work throughout marked her as the professional actress, As tho king's second wife, amusing, dictatorial and emphatic, she convulsed her audience with the adroit manner In which she gave her lines. Mrs. Boyles also was a central figure because of her naturalness jnd good stage presence. She had a difficult role too. In Abydos, the apprentice of Kibosh, tho wiznrd of tho Nile. Simrlr, iin l'turiiilKiui. M. T. Swartz sang In excellent voice of wide range. In his song serenade to attract Cleopatra, he gave a beautiful solo and came In for his share of en cores. Next to Llcbcn In carrying tho comedy of the opera came S. S. Hamilton. He wns "Cheops," the royal weather prophet who, because he had failed to cause the Nllo to rise and save the crops of Kgypt, was about to bo executed, when tho "wizard" camo upon the sceno. Hamil ton could be said to have lived his part, for even when he was not Participating in tho dialogue his facial expressions and pantomime attracted the audience to htm. A. J. Alvord was conspicuous ror his pleasing singing. His role, "Odcllsk, captain of the royal guards," afforded him opportunities to display his good voice. t'lropn t rii Attracts. Miss Inez Lntey was a most winsome and beautiful Cleopatra, even though her physique did not 'correspond to the Gen eral Ideas anent the great historical beauty. Hers was tho work of carrying the high notes in tho scores and sho did It meritoriously. Miss Dorrctt Arndt did not have enough singing to do In her role ot "Netra," a page. She opened tho second act with a splendid solo and responded to a hearty encore. Her short number gave a hint that the operatic society has more In dividual talent to display than there were roles In the piece this time selected to offer. In terpslchorean art, Miss Georgia Gideon was tho star. Tho show will be presented again to nightthe last performance. It may be Omaha's last chance to seo Chief Ddnn and Oscar Lteben, as well as some other local stars, as they have said they In tend to quit after this year. The Cnat. The cast which was seen last night follows: Kibosh, a Persian magician making a professional tour of EcyiU Oscar G. Lichen A:,ydos, his apprentice.. Mrs. C. H. Boyles Ptolemy, king of Egypt W. H. Dunn Ptarmigan, Clopatra's music teacher M. T. Swartz Cheops, the royal weather prophet.... S. S. 1'aml.ton Odallsk, captain of the Royal Guards.. A. J. Alvord Molbls, Egyptian gendarme Douglas Melcher O'Pasht, Egyptian gendarme S. P. Conover Chop Chop, headsman K. A. Blermitn Chop Um, headsman O. f. Drefold Special Guards to Ptolemy What R. E. John on Ho Bert Ml'ier My U -I. Hart Guards .. II. E. .TohiiH7n A. Priest F. L. tllukl-y Cleopatra, a princess who knows naught of love....,..,..MIss Inez La-.ey SImoona! Ptolemy's second wife Mrs. Edith Spencer O'Donell Netra, a page. Miss Uorret Arnut Merza, a dancer Miss Georgle Gideon Royal Guards W. , Prentiss, A. E. Soderberg, G. I Egatl. C. J. Ochiltree, .1. E. Moore, J. Sorensod. George Blerma-i, Marshall Dillon, Bert LeBron. K. Hatcl. Reporters and Citizens J. I Beecroft, W. J. Johnson. II. A. Lane, Ed Thompson, Harry Felber, William H. Hunt. George Relfert. Cecil Wlthnell. H. J. Deems. Slaves U Eudon. F. Meek. Henry Thompson, F. W. Nelson. Ladies In Waltlng-Mlsa . Ora Mouck, Mrs. Bertha Chapman, Miss Esther Nor den. Miss Cassle Blennan, Mrs. R, E. Johnson. Miss Mabel Cole, Mlsa Enna Fitch. Miss Frances Melcher. Miss Kath erlno Fitch. Mrs. O. G. Lieben, Miss Gladys Jones, Miss Helen Cunningham, Mrs. W. E. Cady. Miss Florence lloye. Miss Blanch Manning, MUs Marie Sco lleld. MUs H. Martin. ' Pages and Maids of Honor Miss Maud Davles, Miss Bess Latey, Mrs. S. 8. Ham ilton. Miss B. Smith, Miss Beatrice Uloughton, Miss Mattle Smith, Miss Ethel Kates,' Miss Alice Gideon, Miss Nellie Merron, Miss E. Kellog. Mrs. M. T. Swarts, Miss Florence Melcher. Musical Director Frederick C. Free mantel. Stage Director Oscar G. Lieben. Assistant Stage Director C. Docherty, Stage Manager C. H. Boyles. Dancing Director W. Chambers. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. Art I Public square at Alexandria. Act II Terrace root of the king's palace. Aot HI Interior of klnsTs private pyra mid. - tioldrn Wt'ddlnir at Tabor. TABOU. Ia., Feb. 27. (Speclal.)-Mr , and Mrs. Samuel J. Kills celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday at their home here. Three sons and one daughter were present, besides the largo majority of their twenty grandchildren, Mr. Samuel J. Kills and Miss Mary Blair were united In marriage February 25, 1M3, pear Qeorgetown, Brown county Ohio. They moved In the spring of 1871 jtoyFremont county, Iowa, which has ) ham e rr ( ABOUND OH VNEU. wMat Dost HE KNOW LiUOT bcn their homo over shut, excepting several years .spent In Colorado Springs. Colo. MrT Ellis waB for many years ono of tho leading merchants of Thur mnn, or Plum Hollow, as it was then called, but moved to Tabor about twelve years ago, where he has continued to reside. AMUSKMliJVTS. Auditorium TONIGHT BRANDEIS THEATER SUMDAT AND MONDAY The Countess Coquette VERA AXI.E2T and JOTOX WILSON Tuesday and Wednesday. Mat. Wed. Eugenie Blair in Madam X Thursday and rriday. Mat. Friday. WILLIAM FAVERSHAM. Presents Rig Spectacular Production ot JULIUS CAESAR With an ALI, stas CAST including Mr. Paversham ITank Keenan Fuller Melliah Barton Churchill Miss Julio Opp And a Supporting Company of 300 Owing to the olaborate nature of the production, the curtain will rise evenings at 8, matinees at 2. "OUAHA'B FUN CENTER." ZJUtt J JtfJ'j t. Ualljr Mat., IB-as-BOo 7AAfX ETg., 10-05-80-750 Purposely Booked For Auto Show Week BERT BAKER EXTBAVAQAITZA A VAUDEVIX.M Orfttt.t Lauihlm Show In. Town. Bet"? Chonii ot Joy Rldera. uir "oim Jimi Matinee Today "Worth CTlmblnr the H1U7 fin nnntt atn4 a o. M Vatl dA Villa ln1llrfa 7 TTnplvD-ll Auio Show 1 mat " ale 3 J - y"a lA-iioiiq imp tet: Swaln'i Rata and Cata; SECOND OUT. TO TBI! Dei cotta Trio; Vernon & wj. ; uippotcope nciuraa. ATITn Hwnro Tff xr , " . " 4BU AJU1J. Mat. Every Day 3,10; Every Night 81IS ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Tbli Wek JULIUS STEQElt AM) HIS COM PANY, Lmddle Clirr. Keno. & Ori). O'Brien. Uatel & Co., Caeur Rtol. Doc O'Kcll. Mile. Lorett am: Bud. Pathe'a Weekly Iterlew, Prlcea Mat , Oallery 10c, beat soata ill, ixrr.t Saturday and Sunday. Night 10c, il. Me, Tic. ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW NEXT WEEK. Tickets Now on Sale. FREE LECTURES OX TIIH HOLY LAND BY APOSTLE COMER T. GRIFFITHS These Interesting lectures will he Interspersed with atereoptlcan vlewa taken by Apostle Griffiths during Uts two year'n aojourn In Palestine and by appropriate illuatrated HOiiKf. KVHKYBOIIY WELCOME. Frltlny Nlghl, Feb. 28th, 8 P. M. Snttirdny Xlglit, Mar. lht, 8 P. M. At the Beorganiied Church of Jeaue Christ of Latter Day Saints. Northwest Corner 34th and Ohio Streets. KrugTheater Matinee Today, 3:30 Wight, 0:30 MONTE CARLO GIRLS Ladies' Daily Dime Matinee BOYD THEATER Tonight, Mat. Wednesday & Saturday EVA LANG UNIQUE in gPABKr.T! ft EUMOB The Chorus Lady Next Week THE TKZXS SBOBXIB EMPRESS FAMILY THEATRE CONTINUOUS Cts. 10 vaullla starts at tieo.siso.r.e r.u, PHOTOPLAYS Always Crawdtl' -Tksrs'saRssssa si