Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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BBiBkWmWNHHkwt " -
II ;prmil"lllllllllllllllinil
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See the New
Motor Cars
Have You Heard
That Chassis Lecture?
A LITTLE experience in the pulpit a little on the
stage and a personality you will not forget, made
v John Rose a lecturer worth hearing.
He gives that remarkable chassis talk at the Cross
Country exhibit. It's the big educational feature of
the Automobile Show.
Stop and listen to the technical talks of salesmen
at any other exhibit. They are able men but do they
make you understand?
Then hear, John Rose.
He tells the story of the Cross Country in simple
words. He drives it home with a laugh-provoking
yarn. You are not bored, but educated and enter
tained. He demonstrates the U. S. L, electric starting and
lighting system in such a way that you leave with two
thoughts in your mind it's silent it's efficient.
The crowd is always large, but Jeffery men are
trained to practice courtesy.
ambler Motor Co.
2052 Farnam Street
Exhibit No. 7, the Auditor! urri
Rook Island Seizes Cars Wherever
it Happens to Find Them.
Jimtlflr Its Action on Till (ironml
firnln In Ordered to He De
livered Kitrlier Than Unte
of the Contract.
Omaha jrraln companies that secured
Kovernment contracts for the delivery of
fiom 1,000,000 to 1,600,000 pounds of oats
at points alone the Tcxns border at any
time prior to April 30 have been notified
that the. delivery of tlio bulk of the grain
will be required before that date.
Notice now comes that delivery mint
he niado at once and as a "result there Is
u hustling1 to Ket cars to load for the
south. In the bidding for the movement
of tho onts the Hock Island secured the
contract. Officials of this road take the
liosltlon that this Is a time when con
ditions are near war, stage and that they
have a right to take and uso cars
wherever they can be found, regardless
of ownership. As a result tho Rock Isl
and 'Ir picking up cars wherever It can
fjnd them and loading them out with
oats. A special train of this grain was
moved out last night and another will go
n,way today. These trains will go ahead
of everything except trains loaded with
New Law May Affect
Men Who Rob Oars
The three railroad employes of the
Northwestern road, arrested by detectives
some time ago for the theft of mer
chandise from the company's cars, may
have to serve a long term In the pen
itentiary as the result of a national law
enacted four days before they robbed the
On February 13 congress passed a Jaw
making it a serious offense to rob Inter
state railroad companies' cars. The law
provides for a fine of $5,000 and ten years
In the penitentiary or for either one. W.
K. White. John P. Johnson and Edward
Brown, three brakemen, broke Into the
enrs'on February 17. They will be tried
under tho new law.
A $10,009 bond Is to be, raised by labor
unions of Omaha to secure the release
from federal prison of Frank Painter,
one of the many recently convicted on
the charge of Interstate trafflclng In
dynamite for Illegal purposes. Com
mittees from tho Pentral Labor union,
tho Iron workers, the Odd Fellows and
the Voodmon decided upon this at Labor
temple last night, The bond will be
executed through a surety company.
Fifteen Individuals and business estab
lishments raised the fcW.OOO. t L. Shamp
and George K. Norman presented the
case of Painter before the committees
last night. Mrs. Painter It at present at
the home of C. I Shamp In Omujia.
4ix5i Motor, 120-inch Wheel Base
36x4 Tires, Full Floating
Rear Axle,
Fully equipped, including Electric Starter and
Electric Lights. In fact, everything the purchaser
can wish for in a Motor Car. Don't fail to see
our exhibit at 216 S. 19th St. during show week,
which includes several models.
See us about territory in Nebraska and Iowa.
Six Models
Prices from
$1,250 to $1,750
Factory Representatives
Good Territory Open
Good Proposition
Good Dealers Wanted
I'lre Chief J. V. McGee of the Dallas
fire department recently elected presi
dent of the National Fire Chiefs' asso
ciation, has had a Bulrk for three years
and has Rone W.OO miles In it You know
Im kind of miles a fire chief rides. Hut
McBeth Bros.,
J. G. McLean ,
Kelly Models
at the Truck Show
Our new vvatcr-coolcd models
created a sensation at the New
York. Chicago and Philadelphia
Truck Shows.
An inspection of these trucks
at the Show or at our local branch
will repay your serious attention.
arc shown in two tonnages one
and three.
We are pioneer builders of
motor trucks. Wc build nothing
but motor trucks they arc not a
1410 Jackson St, Omaha, Neb.
M'J&miXl TT Iiiiiiu i
All That You Demand
In a Superior Car
"If You'd Drive
the Car You'd
Like to Drive "
Left-Hand Drive, Center
Control, T-Head Motor
Electric Lights, Electric
Starter, Superb Appearance.
Note tho low. rakish, Kracoful linen in this car, tho Midland 1913. you sit
IN the body, not ON It.
Mark tho trim, clean-cut nppearance. how tho dash lamps are hidden, how
extra tires aro cnrrled In tho rear how overythlnu Is constructed to make
this an Admlrod car.
The powor purts aro built with tho sumo enre, with tho name thoujrhtf ill
ness for economy, speed and case of operation. Head over tho specifications,
then soo tho car Itself at, tho Automobile Hhow or at our Display Uoomn, Yon
will find MORIS than you expect at the price. You will find It a superior car
on comparison point for point You will find it tho car you want to drlvo and
to own,
Mlrilnntl InntAntniicoiiN Borvlco
A n.w lfiea In Motordom. A eervlce that
eliminate delaya and troublea. that furnlahes
jou tMtatannP WIIBN and WHKHK you i,rd
It IM u explain.
Phono for DcmoriHtratton
WoMl gladly maka appointment to demon
atrata either the M0 or the -M) Modal T Mid
lajid at jour convenience without tha lllillt
vt obligation to you.
Model T 4.40 Five Passenger
Whe.1 Ilaae 11 inches.
Motor-T-head cylinder! la pair, t-lnth
Icnltlnn nnach Maaneto.
BlarterOray & Davt ejectrlo,
Huatwnalon Three, point,
Cartwrator Rtromberff.
Lubrication Clrculatlnr aplaah celt-Mntaltied.
Oratrol I.arthand drlye center control.
Bterlnt Worm an nertor typ.
Mutch Multiple dim Raybeetoe.
Trannmlaalim SetecUTO type, thrae forward
epeola iwd ravaraa. Annular bearing!, op-erate-1
through It alot,
near Aile Full floatlnr.
l'ront Al t-beara. drop ftred. Artillery type, twelra apokaa, De
troit demountable rim.
Tlrra Ji4 etmlrfit aid.
Bprlnta Front mmlelllptlo. It Inch: rear,
elliptic, (0 Inchea; ireaaa ctipi on bolts
and ahackJca.
Drake Internal and external, 14xlH-lnoh
naybeatoa lined.
Body Koredoor, metallic, hand-bluffed leath
er, deep curled hair upholaterlnc.
Color Deep maroon, black trimmed.
Knulpraenl twit raohalr top, top coyer. K.
J. powerful electrls head lampi. Inaert
electric alda latnra and electric tall lamp,
clear ilalnn ! front, electric atart.r,
generator, 100 am para hour atorate bat
tery, Warner (0-mlla auto meter, coat and
foot ralli, electric horn, double) tire lroni,
full ael toola and tlr repair kit.
Also See the Midland
Model T 6-50
Five Passenger
12th and Farnam. Omaha, Nebraska
I Telephone Douglas 2252
Midland is now on
exhibition. Booth 27.
he's still dolus It. And down In Hoston
the fire department boasts a BuIck that
has turned 100,000 miles and is In such
condition today that when they had a
chance to turn It In on the purchasw
of another, tbrv wouldn't even r'on.
skier it
Wins Hill Cllinli,
In the fourteen days of the Imperial
reliability trials In KuhhIh. the Ilulck
landed a score of 1.4O0 iolnt, Id) points
a day and not another entry, American
or foreign make, was even a tloso second.
The start was made In St. I'etorsburif
and the rtulck arrived In Moscow on time
to tho minute. In nddltlon to the gold
pokal, tho Uulck won tho hill cllmblm?
und speed contests, too.
Hi ifl
Design, selection of materials and accuracy of workman
ship aro the three greatest essentials in a real motor car.
Cadillac, materials for every individual part aro determined
upon only after application of definite and coucroto knowledge
as to their adaptability and fitness for tho functions and duties
which they must perform.
Cadillac designs ore approved only after tho most severe
tests which prove to. the greatest possiblo dogreo that they are
thoroughly efficient and worthy to bo entrusted to uphold the
name Cadillac and all that tho name implies in the motoring
Cadillac workmanship is famous tho world over, whorovor
the scienco of mechanics is known. It is famous for its accu
racy, famous for its uniformity, famous for its standardization.
' Cadillac Company of Omaha, 2054-56-58 Farnam St.
GEO. F. REIM. President Phone Douglas 4226.
To locate the Cadillac at the Show just look for the busiest exhibit.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising
Concentrate your advertisings in The Bee.
There is a Bee in almost every home.