THE BEE OMAT1 . VEP-lvSn Y. FEBKl RY 2!. 101? he ee? jne aa z i re age ( f I i Oh! It's Great come on ovef 110 the CLUQ ND HAVE A iME OF POKER NO irtOECD IE FOR HOME WH( DON'T 00 BOXS COME OP TO M( HOUE TONKJHT AHO ' IV iqmt-5AM: Dr, Parkhursts Article on Agricultural Science Dreaded Bacteria Used as Fertilizer Generates Nitrogen and Turns Barren Land Into Highly Podu'ctive Soil. Hy O. H, PAnKHl'ltHT. Kvorythlpg lias, Its uses. . What vie call nuisances, -such jih snakes. mosquUoeH. nnd Hit. are, useful things, but whose usefulness we have not yet succeeded In discovering. Science Interrogates tlietn n n rt finds what they ire good for. Agricultural science Is now- turn ing to good ac count little , nil- croscoplc objects In nature known as bacteria It lids found what they can do. has caught them 'and seb them to work producing forage and kitchen vegetables They do not know that they are working and render all the better service for that very reason. Some of the read era of The Bee know all about this some do not. Even nil those who are raising crops do not, for they are rather a con servative claSB and do not always take kindly to new Ideas and methods. They all knqw this, at any rate-that poll that has In It lio nitrogen, no potash, and no phosphorus particularly nitrogen Is unproductive. And nitrogen Is ex pensive, thei most so of any fertilizer when purchased In the market. Now thoso little bacteria make nitro gen, and thq .beauty of the arrangement Is that they work for nothing. When I fay that they make nitrogen .mean It in the sense In which oysters make pearls, or In which rainmakers, if there are any such people, make rain. They" do not manufacture rain, but merely draw It down out of the sky. Po these bacteria do not literally make nltro gcn.'they extract It from the atmosphere and lodge It upon the roots of clover, alfalfa, peas and beans In the shape of nodules that fasten to the roots, and feed them; so that If. beore planting, the olover seeds nr beans are mixed with the proper variety uf bacteria, the seeds will come up and flourish oven though planted Jn meal or sawdust or even Jersey sand. So that there is agricultural hops even for Jersey. The ruason why, under ordinary cir cumstances, soil becomes less and less productive Is that the nitrogen that la In It becomes moro and more exhausted by each successive crop that Is ruiaed upon It. That Is whero these little creatures come Into pUy The Slim Woman Is Winnin The day of the slim woman's triumph nas arrived. "The thinner one li th more stylish," say the dressmaker!. This would have been aad news for the fat woman a year ago. Fhe would have had to try dieting: or exercUt. Nowa days, however, the woman who la too fat for the style roes to a druggist and geta a case of Marmola Prescription Tablets, one of which she takes after each meal and at bedtime, and so reduces her su perfluous flesh quickly. Thrse tablets, being mad In accordance, with the famous prescription, are per feciv harmless, and they are. also, the r . economical preparation a person can l'i' . for they cost only 76 cents a large us. one of which Is frequently enough to rtart a person losing fat the rate of 1) to 14 ounces a day. Pretty nearly every drusrglst keeps this tablet In stock, but should yours be sold out you can easily obtain a ease by sending to the makers, the Marmnla Company, Farmer rttilldlmr. Detroit. Mich. to Be Married WELL. rLL, 0 TOU IM OIN; OVER. To the club POR Dinnpp En I'll come OUT1 In considerate way. although not knowing that they are considerate, they make good to the soli what the previous crop takes out of it, and under certain conditions even more than mnke good, so that Um transaction .of, raining ti crop Miows a credit Imlunct;, .enriehe the fcoll Instead of Impoverishing It. thus solving what is so serious a problem that of keeping the soil up to a permanent con dition of productiveness. . , ; r And bacteria' nxo cheap,-too. ' I nip. told that i- worth of them will uitrogenlze an acre, . . . I have a dozen letters In my possession written from all parts of the country, showing what this method of fertilization will accomplish. They are almost enough t;o make pne want to qut the city ami go Into agriculture. ', :- One of theso letters I give entire, show ing that acid soil requires to be liberally overspread with lime and that by "In ocuhited' the writer means-mixed with bacteria. This one is expressive of the same sentiment as the rest and Is se lected In preference to the others, be cause more detailed In ItR statements and emanating from one whose agricul tural experience enables him to gpenk with authority: "Uouislana State University, College of Agriculture and Agriculture Expeilment Stations. "Somo time ago I , wrote you stating "that I would send you results of my al falfa experiments as soon as I obtained the data. In North Louisiana, In the hill region, an acre was planted which gave excellent results. The results of this plot aro as follows: "Plot No. 1 One-fiuartrr acre. Inocu lated and limed at the rate of 2,500 pounds to the ncre, gavo a yield for four cuttings at the rate of 6,004 pounds per acre. "Plot No. 2 One-quarter acre, limed, but not Inoculated, cave at the rate of Mn pounds per acre. "Plot No. 3 One-quarter ncre. Inocu lated, but not limed, gnve at the rate of .X0 -pounds per aero. "Plot No 4-One-quartcr ncre, not limed, not inoculated, gave at the rate of (30 pounds per "'acre. (Signed) "O. r. KDOKitTON. "Plant Pathologist." If the facts nio nil that this letter Im-plles-and they all tell the same story and come from places ns widely scattered ns Massachusetts. Oeorgla, ICansas. Nou Jersey, North Dakota, Pennsylvania. Montana, North t'arollna. ctc.-then there in offered In these highly-bred bacteria and In the newtywllscoverrd mode of their transplantation reasons for antici pating tho communication of a new im petus 'to agricultural Industry and such an augmentation of agricultural ef ficiency as will Increaso the product and reduce its expense. Advice to the Lovelorn Hy HKATIMCK l-'AlltPA.Y. Slip Duran'l t urV for Von. Hear Miss Fairfax : I have known a , young lady for the past tliice years and for six montliM hum i... imion. ...i.i. . pretty steadll. At a friend's house the other day, I asked her to dance. Khe re plied that she wanted to dance with an other J i-allad her up next day and told her It would be a long time before I aked for a dance again. I-ater, I took her a another friend's house, and whilo there asked if 1 could call on a certain date. Hhe aald yes and about five minutes later asked one of the other boyH to uome up that even ing I told her I didn't like her action? In either case. She said 1 havo no right to reprimand her and she Is under no ob ligations to me, and does not have to upologizo. Amlta. I think that girl doesn't like ou and I showing jou In a manner that Is far from considerate, that she doesn't care for your attentions. Don't pursue her with them: There are many other girls who are as nice. Per hups you may learn to love one of them. Crrtnlnlr. Dear Miss Fairfax: Would It be propel for mer to give a very dear girl friend of mine an onlargmi picture of h membei if b. r family, who died recently fur her birthday. I have known thin girl -vr kliie w were "kids" k-Hik to wchwil "urnl thins an awful tot of her. I kiww that khe will be wry much pleawtd with the wieture "PirZI.KD" It wi.uhl In- muri than pioptr It w.nH.I i ft" a I "f th" iKlif'i'n. -- il, i v, l pi' tst ti' t find oil it i , in l i opyrlght. ISIS nBv ' . I I I Ovf MP twa MIINIVTER AND Hl? WAV x S notc " ..Z f f " ' " n ' ' &OXE OF Cl5AR I 'FE ARE HERD I j 1 OUT' IflX' J T WAIT MERP r" S VE CAN ' ' 1 SOME POKER V y j J . M I PO HIM can't we ; ;t;i i N Replies ta Critic on Corporal Punishment "Love, Not Rod, Should Rule Public Schools" JJy V'KAXCKS L. GAKSlDi;. I honor tlit-m all; but 1 honor. t"u Tho Infinite Wisdom's plan Uf putting a man behind the gun. And a wdman behind the man When asked what shu thought of tin plan proposed by Prof. Frank II. ,M -Murray, director of elementary ertue tlon of Columbia university, for the t ftoratlon of corporal punishment In pui Ud schools. Mrs. Robert G. Weber, living at No. 490 niverslde Drive, quoted i1. above little poem and laughed softly. "I think," she eald. "that If It wc not for the women there would be ii fcchoota nnd t lint ns the women pruritic, the children that fill them It should in their privilege to say how the school should be conducted. The men hnc their theories. Tlnit is all right. It rims them good to express themselves occa sionally, but have you rver noticed that while the men may talk nnd Iheojlzc It Is always the woman who decides? ' Mrs. Weber Is an Ideal inotjver. nnd no one Is better flttfri to. judgC'ftfwliat ! the best help In the training of ctiliriret thnn she. Horn of one of the first fain llles In St. Ixiuls and an extensive trav eler nil her life, alio lias had the environ ment and the opportunity of observation that mako opinions Invaluable. Alwas a thinker on such subjects, a devpted lover of children and absorbed to the ex clusions of iinduo social activity In the training of her three little ones. kIu speaks from an experience that knows none of the narrow limitations tlnM donilnntc the average woman' life. "In every city of any size In the world." Rhe said, "thero aro societies that have for their aim the piotcctlon of dumb ani mals. They are the outcome of the knowledge that a dumb brute can be con trolled without the use of tho lash. The controlling power is love; that Is the thought tlint Is pounded Into the head of tho man too Ignorant to absorb It. He Is taught thnt his home will obey quicker IhrouKh lovn than through fear. "isn't a chili) as Intelligent as a horse? To say that a horhe shall not be beaten on tile streets- and a child may be beaten In schools, Is to ascribe to the horso a gl eater Intelligence, a greater receptive arcs than to the child. "The Idea Is both slanderous and rldlcu Ions. If based on truth then no ope may claim that the human raco has pro gressed. 1 have three children and I rule tliem solely by love. I havo never whipped one of my children, nor have I laid an angry hand on one of them, yet. I ,douht If there are any children who are' moTo loving or tractable, and I am sure there are no children who are happier. If I admitted that I had to whip to enforce my rules then I would also admit that my physical strength Is all tho strength I possess; that I am weak In mind 'and without will power. "That Is practically the confession made by every teacher Who demands tho restoration of the rod In the public schools; he or she depends solely upon Physical strength, and that. In the control and guidance of children, Is tho weakest How the Devil Works The Good People of Earth Could Have the World Run ning Smoothly, Justly, Happily, if They Wore as Much in Earnest and as Sj;tematjc and Per sistent as His Satanic Majesty. X Hy KlihA viii:km;u WILCOX. Copyright. l13. by Star Company. The decade before 1S12 had been a busy and mircomfiil one fur the devil, lie had organized sexeral new trusts, raised the prleea of fowl, fuel, clothing and -. nts anil kept the aei- Sge wage of the working girl ilutn to JO a week Kverytbing li a d moved satisfactorily In hih central off I. r and In his branch fetatlons on t-arib Ills emibsarles had crealii! t h l s e atarulaiilR of life anil men and wo men In high rlea had g innuev mad Wasteful isi ii : a- gun i li (urnl a ir' 1 nut National News Aatochttlon MUS. HOHHHT G WKBUR. Tin- mother of several i hlldien herself, and n deep student of all questions re latlliK to child government and Welfare, Mn Weber sass that Professor Mr Murray of Columbia, Is wrong In pioposlng the return of the rod Into the public schooli. of all weapons, and tho one they leain soonest to despise. One must havo a strong will, and he firm and Just nnd al ways tender and merciful. "The trouble with the public school system is that It deals with chlldrun Just as a farmer deals with young cah bagj; plants, lie puts all on the same plot of ground, where tho dlstllhutlon of Minshlue and rain Is equal. He novcr differentiates In ills trentnient. necnure cnbbage (ilants bear no sign uf Individu ality. "Hut children aro not like cabbage plants. Two plants are alike and will mature under the same treatment, but thero never were two children who were alil'e, yet the public school system clase IflcH them so. Thn children In achool to day are given the tame treatment ns that given tho olilldrcn of generations past Your child must bo like mine, the public school system decides, nnd that Is not all, for it must be like the child of n century ago. J oral appetites, and an .utter disregard of the rights of others characterized th financial ami social world. Then came the rumors to the central office of great uniest among the people. They wero waking, they wero thinking. lalKjr unions, co-onerntlv-n auiteiufinna , singio tax organizations wero becoming l alive and active. ' The devil was at onco ulort and on the defensive. He rend over the reports snt In from earth and was concerned as ho noted the growing tendency of tho modern re f jrmer to nay mtlo of the rewards await ing the toiler In heaven, and much of he riKhts of each toller to an acre of earth and free sunlight and air. and of the turning of the minds of the world's workers back toward nature and the r n.ple life. This will never do-It will never do " ouulh he "Hefore the w.irklni; pcipl. in-... me Inoiiilatxl wilh this Iml.. , "." t-lue u must Ini", u iraeitv t Drawn for The Bee by George McManus "The teacher with forty or fifty rest less chlldi cn In her cure Is not to blame for this classification. Sho does the best she can 'under such conditions, but the result is not a credit to the Intelligence of tho people. "Hut, as I said In the beginning, all this theorizing by' the men will not re rtoio corporal punishment. Why, 1 will wager that If Prof. McMurray has a wife she has told hlin since he made his opinions public that no timelier shull ever whip her children. And that Is what all trill) mothers Ulll say. lfour children aro to be, whipped, let ua do the whipping. And too much emphnsls cannot bo laid on this statement; no inqtiier who Is fit to have thn care of children will ever whip them. ""The world owes great homnge to the man behind tho gun, but there Is a greater debt due the woman tlelilnd tho man. 'And that Is the welfare and happiness of childhood." ' must stimulate their taster for some of tho 1oy of earth " So the devil arrayed himself In evening dress, nnd ho sallied forth to inako calls upon the working girls In tho tenements. Wherever he went he talked of the (healer, the opera, tho cabarets, tho gay motor rides to road houses; the shimmer of silken gowns; the gleam of Jewels, and the pity of letting youth pass with none of theie pleasures. Then ho mtnornnda of tho girls' wrtgeg-ic a week am! below he placed a little Item of 3 a week which a friend would, gladly contribute, to Increase her Income for awhile, and later on she could pay him hack. Then, leaving hor to think It oier. the devil went his way smiling. And his smllo was one of Irony, think ing how easily the good people of earth, could have the world running smoothly. Justly, happily, ultli peaceful homes, wholepotne food, healthful, well-paid toll, and time enough and money enough for pleasure and repose, If thoy were as much In earnest and an system atic nnd persistent us he, tho devil, had been In hie own affair. A pim-iikIiik tin- Doctor, "I thought 1 told you 'not to eat any porterhouse steak without my pernua tlon." "Ho you did, doc; no you did " ."Then why are you tllnobeylng my or dei ?' Thin n,,iit del.n the paying .if v ,n. i.lll dm Tint u being paid fu. my fried lure' -lluust'Jii Pew Eat Less and Be Happier and Stronger Scientific Investigation Proves Truth of Mr. Edison's Contention that a Little Food is Better Than a Great Quantity. . - - Kv (JAHltKTT I". SlIUVIKS. V Iml tile hllUfir. tlHIIIi 1 1 Ull II-' I' ' tlgln. ning Ills hell Tli'inni ' I- ilinon lilli .iihleved. in cm ding In III" own Stllle ui-'it b HiiipreNHlnu IiIh iniiriiti In I iltli . IISCM the II'- i 1 1 i ntitiin thin 11 the Ktnlll in h Mr Kills, ,n iiM'in I .nit with Mm the i-uiiti.l' I Ion Is pei main nt ami bits this luil'ii iihiiII that hi 0i hi i es less f ioil rut I I'M- and fei'ln I n't tii Nuturnlh. the t r a m p tines not lake so phlluhn Hih ill a iuw of the unutfi us I m the great Imi'iiloi. and has no desire to produce n lasting diminution of the aiea of Iiih Htuinin Ii .Mr Kriisoii's concliinliiti iiliout the bene ficial effect of iIIhcoiii aging the linndl imte demands of the itiuniich Iiiih re cently been e-ortoboi uteri b the rxpeil inents of a Oerman physician, Hi Hu dolpli lenh'iff. who hns found that arti ficial compierslon of that organ causes n decteiise In the quantity of food required to produce a sense of satiation. The body Is Juki as well nourished by the smaller quantity of food, anil the only sufferer Ii Hie stomach, when It re turns to Us expnnded state. In which It demands more food solely for lis own satisfaction. , It Is a matter of coufmon observation thnt overloading the Momurh usually re Hittts In an expansion of tho orgun. It calls for more and more food, which Is not at all needed for supplying the re quirements of the more Important organs. The larger the stomnch becomes the more It demunds for Itself, but. the extra quantity e-onsumcd Is of no heneflt to tho muscles or the brain. Dr. I.enhoff's method of experimenta tion Is In Itself Interesting. II rnnkcs usu of the revealing Jiower of tho X-rny. Hy mixing metallic siiIIh with the food of his patients he win able to truce Its progress through the stomach by means of radio graphs, or X-ray photographs. Tho metallic particles being npnquo to tho rays, produced shadow a In tho photo graphs which disclosed the operations of the stomach. That orgnn wu seen to The Second Coming iij i:ma viii;i:u;u wilcox. Copvrlghl, 1313. by Hie fitar Company. (Copyright. 1HIS. h tho Htar Company, llow will Christ come back agiitnY lluw will He, be seen, and when? Where Ills chosen way? Will He come at dead of night, Shining In ills mlim of light, Ur nt dawn of day? Will it be at Chlrstmas time. When the bells arp all a-chllne, That He Is reborn? Or will He return and bring Wldo and wondrous wakening On putne Knster morn? When will this nail World tcjutco, Listening to that golden voice Speaking unto men? I, Ives there, one who yet shall cry, lyouri to startle passtirshy, "Christ hui come again?" I,lst the answer. Christ Is heie. Seek and you shall flnri Htm near. Dwelling on the earth. Hy the world's awakened thought, This great miracle In wrought. This tho Hccond Hlrth. Whllo you wonder whero anil how Christ shall e-omt behold Him IJ0W, riitlont. loving meek, looking from your neighbors' oya. Or In humble tollers' guise; XiO the Christ you seek. Reurch for Him, in human hearts, III thn shops and In the marts, And beside your hearth; So-iroh, mid rpeak the watSbworri "Ijve." And thn Christ shall rtio and prove Ho has cquiH to earth. Sorrowful ofttlmea Is lis That wp have not i-ypa to see Havo not ears to hear; Ah we cull to Him ufar, Out beyond some distant star,' While He standi no near. "Seek Him. seek Him. wher he dwelt," Chime the ulceH of the hells (Hi tin i 'hi'istiiias air I'lniM ha mint, to earth again. If. Ii in the h.aiti "t men, Seek and find lllm there - - J iiihtiact In order to bring the iiiecsuro of im wall upon tlie Included food Winn th.' quantity Is small more cmiti e Hon Is needed. If the orgnn Is habitually ex I'niiilcil It would nppcnr that the power to i lose contraction Is diminished, and the ii urcuter quantity of food Is demanded to i nnblo it to do Its work with fin tun I'.it this eiuiiiiltty may bo Imrcised fa i.i Mind the needs of the system, and win thru serve only to clog It. mid to Incrcirr ii already Inordinate demniids ns wen in the size of the stouidcli. i 'i I.enhoff's experiments also iiuow mil upon Hip part that persistent h-u mr Idays In the effective absorption of riiml 1t Iiiim gchcrully been thought trun t e great value of thorough mastlr itiou lea in the Increased quantity of i.Umi, ti nt Is ml.Md with the food, as wed in .. the hcncflcliil effects or complnn ,r "tlon. Hut I.enhoff hns trhsorri that the mechnntciil motion of the juw., together with the act of nwullowlng ex rts a ,r..fex action uj,,,,, tlu Htoni,nCll i aiming It tn contract inoi o rapldlj thus producing a quicker nlnorptlon of ho fiHid. nnd nn earlier sense of satiation Uiiulri foods, which require no njaati union, nnd relatively little exeitton of tho muscles concerned In su allowing. caiiHe less contraction of the siomach and must be tulmlnlsterpri In larger qimntllleH to etiii.10 satiation. When such foods aie Introduced Into, the stomach through a tube, tmt t1Pro , nct of swallowing, twice ns great a quantity Is required to produce satiation as la needed when the food Is swalowed In the ordinary way. Thousands of peupln hnvo probably dls covered during tho recent lelgn of high prices, that usido from tho mere pleas, ures of the tnlile, they can live junt as well, and bo Just us cnpiiblo of work, tiKin two-thirds, or ono-hnlf, tho quan tity of food which they formerly regarded as absolutely ncccssnry to their comrort and well-being. It Is all a matter of practice. Kxplorers undergoing extreme exer tion, but utiuhlo to obtain a large supply of food, havo found themselves in a surprisingly good Htuto of health aul activity notwithstanding, nnd possihly In consequence of, tho doprlvntlon And It Is noteworthy that such persons almost Invariably wear belts which they habi tually tighten when the food supply runs low Then the demunds of the stomnch for Its own gtutlth-Atlou are disregarded and that self-ludulgent and Importunate organ Is taught that It Is only Intended to h a purveyor to the physiological army and not a consumer on Its own ac count. ; 5 BEST CATARRH DOCTOR Hits llcnc-fiunl TIioiimiimK Will lr I he Hump Km- Vim or Money Unck. Tl is la the IIVUMM i I aler, tho llttlo doctor unit bus cured many thou in .is of sufferera of a ,j il. nuiffles, brom huts, ighs und colds 1 1 eusy und pleasa t i are yourself mill IH'iMKI Just pour j, ie vt drops in the inh r . I loeathe It In 1 tie eating, hoothlng and net l-ci'ii. nil- will rem h every .' "ii ii ud crev Ice of ii-o en . "i membrane of the ami throat . will nt p e in nation almost lin .conn. I , will allay ilio . i iiniiiul ion, ilrlie out foul eirior; kill t h o Kt'ii.a Hiid banish I jca-c to Mi wife has been i.Mni! I1YOMKI for two avl blio ramirniigiimia I months for catarrh Exact Size, ..uimonary trouble. ha-, 'citvc'i m.iir relief and henen; than fr.1,,1 nt oilier treatment." K. H. Parren .leffersonville, O. "lfYuMr;i has i u reel me of terrlb'o earache and buzzing in tho head. I would not be without it In the house fur A Mingle night." Mra. S. P Fuller. IIVOMr I Coll mbiu. S. C. lirtiggiMta everywhere sell (pronounced III jli-o-nie) A ompicio outfit, Including 'nhaler, tmlv io-i (I 00. and an extra bottle If aftcr- wardu needed, is Jiui. &Q cents,