I IIK MIT.: OM WKIATSP Y. FKUKt M?V JH. mm i3 IOWA UPHOLDS AUTO RECORD Registration for Machines in that State Places it Among Leaders. HALF BILLION IS INVESTED AK-SAR-BEN SINGER GETS GOOD " nnniinTTi -J f t TAUIUUIIUIV .."I It. .1 , . : I il , HV t''ll It Will !.. I.. Hi. I II, ! rt iiphi! diMV HiitoinoMIc In tin t nllril Slutrx linn llir llnlf llllllim llnltnm Intmtnl In IMrnmirc lltonitMI-n nntl loiimnT t'litl TriioUa. With over 1,000,(WO automoHlr tvsn. tcrnl In the United States, tow a .1.13 upl-eUl Its percetitaKe In the iitimhet f arx owned. knn lays claim to oer 47.0'X) iitnni.. blh'f registered during the last ear Its 1 castration milks It high In the li"t of other states In the union and n conuvtri oi with Its automobile and human iouu lation shows that there Is nn automobile for eery forty-seven persons ltv the Mat" As great as was the Rain shown In thr litodtictlon of tniu'hlncs In 1911. the Mil 131- far surpassed even the prediction thh' Were made for tho year by the most enthusiastic of acitomoblle men. InirttiB tin- ear the various manufacturing acencles of the country put out over TT (Oil machines, which shows nn en irtnous Bam over tho year 1911. When the fn t . considered that the city of Detroit alo r put out more than 200.000 machines, tins, apparently enormous number of machines does not seem so Incredible. r.00,000 rr itt in. Richt alongside of the fact that the an totroblle manufacturers of the country produced nearly 40U.CO) machines In 1912 Is tho prognostication made for the pres ent year. It Is conservatively and author ltat.ely predicted that over X.000 ma chines will be tinned out before the next new year rolls around. Whether or not this Is tho actual um bel of machines that will be placed on the market during the coming year mat ters not. It only goes to demollstnite th? enormous increase which has char acterized the manufacture of the auto mobile, during the lost decade. Other predictions made by more con servative manufacturers and selling agents are that the output or 1913 will total over '00,000 but may not attain tho 600,000 mark. The Increase predicted Is easily possible, owing to the vnst amount of Increased facilities that have been placed In use by the hundreds of manu facturing concerns throughout tho coun try. 750,000,000 In Kxports. In the matter of exports alone, this country will send to Europe and otlor foreign countries more than &0.000.000 ;n automobiles and parts. During tho liist year tho exports totaled over $CO,000,w). I'anada receiving the largest part of the?.' exports. Ii the number of registrations 'or iln laht year, the state of J5n Yorl Is n tin lead. This Is to be expected from U'e number of garages that are in the slate. i-HAHI-HS H. GAItDNFIt j Mr ijnrdnrr fo some time associated : with the automobile department of t lie I John Deere riow eonimn. lias been 1 made general mnnager of both the wholesale and retail automobile business of this concern. The Announcement came with the open ing of the Automobile show. Tio posi tion was awarded to a limn who has gradually worked Into the place. Ills training In the automobile business came when motor cars were new and ho has kept the p.ice with Us advancement. .Mr. Gardner Is well known through his con nection with the Ak-Sar-Ilen opera of 1H1. their Stlttl According to official figures compiled in the registration 111 191.'. It Is Shown that there were I'.lS In the state last year. tmiium ln ADO, OOO.OOO, fonslderlng the cost of the automobiler In tho state on Ihe fHlr tmsis of about J1.M roi each and every machine sold re Igardless of maWe or cost. It Is estimate.) j that lowans have paid out over $!XVWiiX j te. ears. I Tlte largest terceiitaBe of these eats bought nie pleasure cars, there having been but coniparath ely few trurkf rui-- 1 .-based evcept during the last two or thri I years Tho advent of 'the automobi' , trorli into the commercial field Is but 1 1 eompara 1 1 ely recent factor. : Mgnres .will show that during 191? j trucks to the number of ST-OW wore built i Of these, those under $1.30 In cost iinni j beieil npimxcltntttely 1X000, thne In t j $1 JJ0 t Jl'.OM class numbered about 7 wo machines and III the $2.00(1 and ovn , las I tin number was near 7,8(0. nf tin. pleasure cars produced in 191 m find that there were KW.CO0 produc.-d It., sell at Il,3fl0 or less. Those of the , -iss In-! ecu Jl.'JM and S2W) tunnlu r, 1 iOOOO inbiattou of nearly $1&0.0).OV ! j the :oik and over class there were 90 ft'' I ears inanufacturiHl, the valuation helim over $li-AO0O,0no In the manufacture of electric trucks the total number w-as 300 tu the $t. :'.'.( t" JJ.C00 class SCO III the $2,000 to i3.W clas and M In the $3.oi1 nnd over class. N. deetrle trucks or steam cars weie mad. in 1912 to sell under 11.260. Totnl ViiIim .V"0,OOII,OOt. An Idea of the astuss of the automo bile Industry can best bo gained through n realization of the amount lecund through tho sales of uulomoblles In lh country during the Iat year. It Is estimated that with a totnl out put of SSO.IHX) cars of all tj pes. the total valuation Is over tho S5SO.wO.0i) mark The total number of gasoline auto trucks turned out In 1912 was 2S.0OO. an Ineiense of 21 per cent over 1911 and representing a total cost of over $10 000 000 OMAHA MAN SUCCESSFUL IN THE j 1 AUTO BUSINESS. I tin fact that It contains the largest eltv In the country nnd that this city Is the leading export and Import city of the country accounting for this registration Closely following In tho wake of N v York Is the statu of California, wine 1 hud a total registration that Is but i little short of that of New York. In tna stato of New York are some 105,000 ni 1 chlues. while In California the reglsti. Ir about 93.000. r.O.OOO for Iimtii. Tlie registration for the state of Iowa for 1913 will be easily over the 50,iK mark, as tile registration at present has passed the J0.OO0 marh. Taking the registration at tills tlmo of the ear as criterion bv which to estimate tin- registration before 1 m 1 n m nrnitwu ' ! Tho t'nno 1st 1I10 rnr of hlitilon values nnioiiniiiiK to Hevoral luin tlrrilw of dollars n ear. in addition to tlio usual faro uiluea thai an one nn see sk nboui tho roller push roils that nrt found olRoyhoro only In t ho highest priced ears. Seo tho nullalor used on ears In tho $5,000 class -on this ear at $2. 200. Then take our word tho word of a $4 0,000,000 rom-orn with a To -nr reputation at stake for the following hidden essentials to car life Hut tho Paso wouldn't thon tin Rood for a llfetimp Wo put In these extra alues to make it 11 ear to keep. Our Manufacturing Advantage Vi have been making the fin est machinery for the past sev enty years. We created no new business Wo had all our iiKontB before a ear was turned out. We saved that expense, added no officers', sales inanaKers' or ad erttsliiK department Rahirles, no office rent or other overhoiid. We saed on a stems, on costly experiments Wo put all theso sin lugs Into the car. Our biiB iness for these seventy years has been run on close margins ot profit W are selling, these cars to old customers, some of whom havn dealt with us for fifty years, You know we will put tho heat we know into-them. Don't miss the Case "10" at tho Omaha Automobile Show. Booth No. :ts. Note Its stylo and equip ment. Take our word for tho hidden values until you havo proved them out on the road Se, alio, the Caie "30" at $1500 Good at 60,000 Miles CASE FORTY Leading Auto Men Coming to the Show KKXOS1U, Wis.. Fell. 25.- (Special T legratn.) A conference of great Im portance to the automobile trndo In the middle west will take place In Omaha on Wednesday when Oenernl Sales Mnn ager 11. H. Kicld nnd Secretary H. S Jordan of the Thomas H. Jeffery "onipany will arrive to discuss with J. M. tlaffney 1 plans for even further extensions of the cross-country sales and service organl-' zatlon. If. K Kleld. who is a ircont .Irffeiv n. nulsitlon. was foinieili lee president and general sales manage) of tlu llurttini Rubber work-, now a pait of the l'nlle1 Mi Hinliiml. i 11 pioilii. t of 1'ie tutuitia public si bonis Initio)1. lM'i u born and lalsed 111 IliN ilt A tew Mars ago he became idi ntH'L d with autunuibilo fac tories, fluall.v si tiling with lic I'alK lietroll company, with a ptotnlnenl posi tion In the sales department. With the beginning of the 1013 season Mr. Ibirbnnk secured tho dlstt Uniting agency for the 1'alge car throught Nebraskn and opened for himself at Twenty-fifth nnd li'ar Imm streets. The I'alge prov ed a very wise selection because the 1DI3 car Is one of the most advanced motor ears produced tills season. Already Mr Unr bank 1ms contracted for his entire allot ment of over 200 cars, so Ms first v. -at has proved at this early date a most suc cessful one. StutcB Tire company. ' lille a "Jor dan has been with Jeffery company for a number of years. These men will bo followed on Thurs day by Charles T. Jeffery, president of tho company, as the concentrated effort of the whole organization will be turnert upon the middle western field during 1913 Sales of cross-country cars to farm owners over tho middle western countn have largely Increased during the last yiar and a large number of new distri butors will be taken in before the oihI ,.f the nrcsrnt season The Jeflen official will exi t to meet In Omaha the most linpoilatit dealers In the llambler M0I01 nmpnnlcs organization. e eould make large savings on the cost of our motors by using, cheaper materials. Wo eould fitvo on our clutches, transmissions, drive j shafts, wheels, and In other vital parts. Wo could mako largo savings on axles If we used other than com plete Tlmkcns. We could cut our as sembling, cost Jn two. and tlilH cost Is one of tho greatest. Wo could use cheap er steels and luotnlB throughout, and even Inilnc d englneors couldn't tell save by laboratory tests. The Car With the Famous Engine This K111 b I e m o 11 an a 11 t 11 mobile has the same h I g 11 I r I-t- 11 11 c e im tho Sterl I n g mark on silver 6-Passongor Touring, Fully Equipped, $2,200 Westlngliouso Kleclrl. starter esttngi.ouse Kie ti l. I ig'umg svstem for all Lamps Side and Tail l,atipn. ' intimation oil ,uut i;lei"i- Warner Aiilometei Kleitrlc Horn Haiti Vision Ventilating Wind Shlehl Kngllsh Mohair Top. Side Curtain and I'omr Si t Vj-tnch Vires Klre.itoim I'nlver shI Quick lielnebabln 1 lemouultilile ltims rM-lneh Wheel Itase Three (,'iuiriei i;iliith Spring" 4 'ti vli 4 -tin Ii l yllnder. Hrovrn-I.lpo Transmls lon. Tlniketi Kull I'Moatlng Axle ltaj field Carburetor with Dash Adjust ment. Hosi Ii Magneto Pual Svstem (-".Ingle I'olnt Ignition The usual Tool, The Repair Kit. Jack, el' And in addition Extra Tire and Tuba on Btm, Extra Tuba Separata, Tlra Ohalni, Tlr Cover and Handy Work Xdght on lonir wlrt. J. I. CASE T. M. COMPANY, Inc., RACINE, WIS. Case Cars nre sold tlirnuli 1 1,000 Agents anil (15 llrntteli Houses t They will be on exhibit at, nil leaning motor shows. 11111111 in Oj mm 1 II See the New Kelly Models A Better Car than the $885 Studebaker "25 Cannot Be Built The Studebaker "25" is built exactly as well as the $1290 Studebaker "35" and the $1550 Studebaker "Six," and that means as well built as any automobile at any price. ' ( The same tested iron and steel, the same carefully cut gears, the same in flexible inspections enter into its manufacture. All vital steel parts are heat-treated from three to six times in' our own ovens. No other low priced car is made under these favorable conditions. It is not so large as the Studebaker "35" and the Studebaker "Six," but the quality is there. See the Studebaker Exhibit at the Automobile Show THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION, 2026 Farnam Street 3383 Studebaker U2B' THREE GREAT CARS 512B0 Studeb3ker "3B" $1530 Studobakor " Six" m at the Truck Show Our new water-cooled models created a sensation at the New York. Chicago arid Philadelphia Truclc Shows. An inspection of these trucks at the Show or at our local branch will repay your serious attention. KELLY TRUCKS are shown in two tonnages one and three. Wc arc pioneer builders of motor trucks. We build nothing but motor trucks they are not a side-line. ANDREW MURPHY & SON 1410 Jackson St., Omaha, Neb. wTm Studebaker 25" $885 complete Five Passengers, Pour Cylinders, Long Stroke, 3 1-2 inch bore x 5 inch Stroke Demountable llinis Ktouttrt & Clark Sit'elomc(or Acetylene Jns I'rimor Studelmkcr .Jiffy ( iirlains J'Jlertrk Horn Silk Molmlr Top Kull Klliptlc Spi-liiKs ltl I) I iliolstci j, ample i iisliious VelitilatiiiK WlniMilcM Iti 'io Hull Tire Holders I'ull Set of Tools I'resf-O.Mto Tnnk Tool llov IvMia. Itlm .E. S, -WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 2010 HarnEy Si., Retail Agents lllllllllUllllllillllllMlllllllllllllllllllllijlllllilMIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil Illl iSi III The Caclillac rar of todtiy lias behind it tho experience o ten years, during whieli period its makers havo produced moro high grade cars than any other plant in tho world. Bveiy oar morn thiui 11 fly thoiiBund of thorn is a monument to tho high ideals of the organization yhich produced it. The Cadillac organization is an organization of specialists, each an expert in his particular vocation. There aro specialists on motors, specialists on transmissions, specialists on gears, specialists on tools, specialists in foundry work, specialists in electricity, specialists in body construction, specialists in fin ishing, specialists in every branch, trained in accordance with the high idealB of tho Cadillac Company. Cadillac Company of Omaha, 2054-56-58 Farnam St. N GEO. F REIM. President Phone Douglas 4226. To locate the Cadillac at the Show just look for the busiest exhibit.