The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION THE WEATHER. Rain or Snow PAGES ONE TO TEN VOL. XLll NO. -J17. OM A 1 1 A. WIOinVNKKDAY COPY TWO CENTS. 'EOPLE OF MEXICO HOT DISTURBED BY United States Ambassador Issues a Statement Concerning Condi tions Existing in City. FRIENDLY TO UNITED STATES People of the Country Turn Thoughts to Election to Be Held. DIAZ TO HAVE OPPOSITION Francisco de la Barra to Enter Cam paign for the Presidency.. HUERTA INSISTS FREE CHOICE Pro IkIiiiiiiI I'rpaldpiit Spuds Kint! . llplirl Ihlpfo In Adtlap Thrm nf I'lun if (Jo eminent Proponed. Ill liliKTlV. MEXICO CITY. Kcb. 25. The MpxIchii government formally ilcclareil doted Uip place of entry at LnreJo on the Texas frontier, at the samn time ail milting that the rebels wore In pofsc Moii ot the town. WASHINGTON. I'ob. 25. -'Hie ktllin? by bandits of Hurls Comnv. mi American, Infl Sunday lit Los Laureled Hacienda, Topns. when tlucp other Anicr-ii- ins nnd h Spaniard escaped wai repot tpd hero today with the Information that Am bassador Wilson had requested the Ilil ertn government at Mexico City to send tiots for the protection of Americans In i nit ileum) ui mc uiiimi imm i . Ambassador Wilson. reporting that nub ile sentiment ill the Mexican capital seems undlstuibcd by the Killing of Ma lrn and Suarez, added that private and unofficial telegrams Indicate the same hltuatlon. with few cxei pttons. through iut the republic. Tho government, evi dently suspicious of the loyalty f Gov-crnoi- Carranza ot Coahulla. has refused to accept' hl- professed adhesion and Is tending troops against him. Volunteers In Chihuahua City an; re ported In arms against the new govern inriit Tim KtRtp irovernment has elected Ksibago. the military commander, to the governorship to succeed Governor Gon zales, now In prison. Consul Kdwards, who reports tho situation at Juarez (drained, savs the former millt-iry and el officials continue to hold their posts. Madero Hymiathlzors arc said to be de stroying railroad property In the vicinity of Chihuahua City. No trains left there for tho smith yesterduy morning. Some, excitement but no disorder Is reported from Nosales. Amb.imador Wilson reports that John Kenneth Turner, the writer, for whom fears were entertained. Is In no dans"' John 10. Chapman Is reported safe and consul Shnnklln ut Mexico City reports that II. H. Pond and family are iafc ; a ud that Dr. Harrison has left fur Dallas, To. Consul Garrett tcleginphed fiom Neuvo Laredo that he was osterday attacked on the street by a saloon keeper because he had caused the arrest of criminals who wore operating from the saloon aiid were robbing Americans. Political Tension in Europe Relaxes VIKNNA. Feb. 20. A reassuring state ment on the Kuropean situation was made today byJMho Austrian ,-iremicr. fount Kail Stuergks. to a deputation of mombcrs of the Austrian Parliament, lie -aid: Thcic is good giound for the nope that at no distant date a general i! in cf the present political tension will set In." This Is taken here as a confirmation if the announcement that Russia has agreed Jo the Austrian contention that .Scutari un st remain part of Albania It is anticipated that" orders will bo given shortly for tho dlshandonment of large bodies of Austro-IIungarlan 10 scrvlsts now In Gallcla near the Russian frontier. . The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Haiti dr snow: warmer. TruippriiturPN til Onlll.i.'. YcMerilny. ii - . Hours. Dcg. , 5 n. in 12 teTgGSJ ii a. jn 12 'Ii 22t'-s' ' " " 13 'Ki- a. in 15 (lJb- io a. m :o S VSfjX K- " m 22 X Jcfp 1 P. in ffi A NN P. in ft! 5 ! m 27 MODERATING- ? r Z: I S p. in K l'iniinrnllvc l.ocnl Ileenrri. 1013. 1912. i5u. 1910. Highest yesterday 27 38 U 30 Lowest yesterday Ii hi 33 24 Mean teniperuture 20 24 X 32 PieclpltRtlon (0 .41 .00 T Temperature nnd precipitation depar ting from tho normal: Normal temperature 27 Deficiency for the day 7 Total pxcefcH since March 1 3S4 Normal precipitation 09 Inch. Heflclency for the day OS Inch Total rainfall sine- March 1 . . . .SiSJO lnchs Ueflolency since March 1 4.37 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1811.13.7S Inches Deficiency for cor. peilod. 1910.13.71 Inches Heporln from Statlnna lit 7 P. M. Station and State Tempera- High- Italn of Weather. turo. ost. fall. Cheyuiili, cloudy 31 .00 Daenport. miow 25 .10 Denver. clr 30 31 .00 lies Moines, snow f i .04 Dodge City, cloudy 11 .iX) l.msJer. clr 1R u .no North Platte. PI. cloudy. 5 ) .00 111 laliM. cloUJly Ji J7 .00 I'm bio, pt. cloudy 4C SO .flfl Rapid City, cloudy JO 31 .) i-'all iMke City, snow 32 34 .31 Santa Fe. i-lear 40 44 .00 H'lrndan. itnow is .01 i"ii l'lt. cllow tt 5!ti T alentlne. loudy. . ..IK ;'4 10 T indlrats tra' c of precipitation. It. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. KILLING OF W1ADER0 ; BIG TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT Trooj)s Rushed to Brownsville Un , der Misunderstanding. TOWN QUIETEST PLACE ON MAP inerlcnn :t Mnlettpd In n 1 nj t'nmnintidcr "f ItniiAr Mtpnnatriie llpttinrk f ClIllVll JllllllMOII. i HUOWNSVlLLi:. Tex, Feb. 35 -The . dispatch of several companies of state and federal troop last night to 'protect Americans against alleged dangers from Mexican soldiers In Matamoras. Mexico, appeared today to have been the result of a decided misunderstanding. Mata moras. according to Americans arriving here today, was about the quietest place on the man during the alleged trouble. Tlie troops were ordered out when 'Captain Mead of the focal stto forces de- claied American Consul Johnson at MRtamoras had asked hhn whether he Ulead) could enter Mexico if necessary. Captain Head Immediately wired this, to Governor Colrjitltt. Consol .loliii.on to day laughed at reports that ho had been In peril. The military commander In Matamorns If led on .Mexican residents of tho city lo maintain hli soldiers as protection against bandits. American."!, however, were not molested. While tho rumors were in circulation lest night Texas state troops were or deicd lo the border. LAHKDO. Tex., Kcb. a-.. -Tho Tixis KaliKcr force here received orders this morning to proceed to Hrownsvllle, J ex. One troop of the Fourteenth United State.i cavalry has left here for lirownsvlll?, carrying etpilpment for thirty day' lie.J service. The cavalry is due at lliowns vllle tonight. f.nxprimr Colquitt ttxpllpd, ArSTINTcv. IVb. Ho. "Cessation of apparent hostilities at Matamoras and Hrownsvllle Is but temporary. I believe, declared Governor Colquitt of Texas to day, "fo one not understanding the situ ation thoroughly the action of this office might he misconstrued. For tho last f.uv lajs telegrams and letters hao .jeer, received by mo requesting protection and aid. not only front people In tho vicinity of Urownsvllle and Matamoras. but nil along the border. Kvery means of se curing protection from federal troops wns. resorted to, with no success. The in quests for aid continued to pour Into hcadqiiniterH here and It was necessary to do something to protect the people of that section, their property nnd In terests." Tlie governor Bald he felt that the sec retary of war and officials at Washing ton did not realize the situation along the herder. General 13. 'A. Stecver, In command ot tho federal troops at San Antonio. It was understood suggested to Washing ton the advisability of border guards, but received no reply. The American consul at Matamoras ap pealed to tho Texas ranger force for as sistance, according to reports reaching here Inst night, and this was partly re sponsible for the order to the Texas national guardsmen to go to Hrownsvllle. "This office does not caro In any way to Interfere with federal action, hut bar- (Continued on Page Three.) Two-More Explorers Are Frozen to Death in Antarctic Region SYDNEY. N. S. W.. Feb. 25.-Anothor was added to tho list of Antarctic tragedies by the news received here today of the death of two members of the expedition commanded by Dr. Douglas Mawson. The party left Tasmania In 1011. accom panied by a largo body of scientific men to explore thoioughly the regions around the southern magnetic pole. Once, again tho British army Is affected by tho loss of a brilliant officer. Ucu tennnt Ii. U. S. Ncnnls of the famous Royal Fusiliers regiment. He was a cioso friend of Captain Lawrence Oates, of Uh limlskllllng dragoons, who perished while leturulng from the south pole. Dr. Mawson also suffered from the death of Dr. Mcrz. a prominent scientist and sportsman. After winning the ski. jumping championship In .Switzerland in IMS he offered his service to Dr. Mawson. Lieutenant Ninnlu was the expert of tho expedition on surveying and Pledging. The wireless messages hitherto received from the Aurora do not stato the cause of his death or of that of Dr. Merz. Tho expedition started out. not with any Idea of rushing to the south pole, but with the-lntention of exploring and naming the unknown lands of the Ant arctic and making numerous observations around the magnetic pole. According to the wireless reports re ceived from Dr. Mawson. the principal objects of the expedition were uttalned Unfortunately Dr. Mawson and six of his companions, after they had been plclud up by the Aurora undertook an other expedition and were unable to re join tli ship, which was compelled to leav i-e JJicm to spend another year In the Antarctic. Banner Presented Cardinal Gibbons By Suffragists HAIriMOIUi Md.. Feb. Glbbonf received the buffrnglst army of the Hudkon in audience today and wis presented with a "votes for women" tiag 1 by "General" Itosalle Jones, who also ex. pressed tho hope that the cardinal would Join them In their fight for woman's rights. The cardlpal aocepted the banner, bit declined to commit hlmvlf aa to the cause his callers advocated. He assured thermthat he felt honored by their .viMt and hoped they would not find the heart of the legislators aa hard as the grown J I the had tioddcn on or 111(10118 iney! had stumbled over on theii long journey , He shook hands with eaeh of the hiker 1 and gave them his blessing upon tnclr I departure. After a call upon Actfng Mayor Hubert at the city hall, to whom "General" Jons delivered a letter of greeting irom t v mayor of Wilmington, Dpi., the army wa. entertained at lunchen Jiy the hyiui f Jove, an electrical engineers' organization. SIX MEN PICKED FOR Definite Information Supposed to Be Had in Washington for the First Time. BRYAN SECRETARY OF STATE , Choice of Commoner Said to Be ' Settled Beyond Question. I BURLESON ALSO SURE TO LAND No Men Yet Selected for War and Agriculture. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT SOON Sclprttnn of A. Mitchell t'nlnier In ooip INixltlnn Prnlmtilp, lint Wljanii Would MUp lo Keep lllni In llmiKp. WASHINGTON. Feb. 36,-Cablnet gos sip took n decidedly active turn about the capltol today. Democratic leaders ptofessed for tho fltst time to speak with deflnlteness regarding the official family of Presldent-to-be Wilson. It was evi dent that something more than specula tion had come to the knowledge of thoie closely Identified wild the new adminis tration, but the sources of this Informa tion weie not disclosed. It was said that the cabinet as a whole had been completed Willi the exception of a sccietary of war and. a secretnry of agriculture. The choice of W. J. Ilryan as scrretnry of state Is looked upon as definitely settled. Another appointment spoken of as definite Is that of Albeit S. Uurleson of Texas as postmaster general, although it was said Mr. Hurlcson might bo shifted to the secretaryship of the In terior before the personnel of tho cabinet Is announced. Others believed to have been decided upon for cabinet poittollos aic Josephus Daniels of North. Uarollna and William G. McAdoo of Ifpy .York. Democrats be lieved to bo In pyetfHlon of accurate In formation riom Trfhlflil decline to Indi cate the portfolios to widen Daniels and McAdoo might be assigned. Tvi liOKPrn In Hupp. Some of the Information Is of a neg ative character. It was asserted with considerable posltlvncss that neither Representntlvo Robert L. Henry of Texas nor Kdwnrd R. Walker of New Jersey would ho designated as attorney general. Tho selection of A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania as attorney general or in somo other cabinet position was consid eied probable, but In some quarters It was' said that Mr. Wilson was desirous ot utilizing Mr. Palmer's services In tho howo of representatives. Dompcrntlc leaders today declared that the cabinet formation ,had now reached a stage where formal announcement might he be expected In u few days. Strength was added to tho report of Mr. Burleson's selection as a member of tlie cabinet wjien. as chairman of the hotiso democratic caucus he Issued the following statement late today: "When 1 call tho democratic caucus to order 011 thb fifth day of March I shall ask It too select my successor. 1 will not ho a candldnte to succeed myself. 1 have nothing to add to this statement." Bryan Blocks Deal to End Deadlock at Springfield, 111, CHICAGO, Feb. 25. A telegram foin William J. Hryaif to Governor 1)1111.1.", made public today, calling on the dtmo crats of Illinois to sacrifice both s-en-Htorshlps rather than to accept the shon term only. Is believed by members of ihc legislature to have made Impossible nnv termination of the deadlock through a Shcrman-Ivcwls ileal. This Is the message from Colon.-l llrynn: "Papers report the republicans Jemand the long term as the only condition 00 which they will co-operate. I think t would ho a serious mistake to agree 'o that. The democrats are entitled to the long term. Hetfer ullow the rcKuWr re publicans to combine tvlth tho progress ives than that." OPPOSE CAPITAL PENALTY BUT FOR ELECTROCUTION iFiom a Staff Correspondent.) MNCOI..N. Neb., Feb. K. 1 Special Tel egram.) in the committee of the whole this afternoon tlie house went, on record as being opposed to 'capital punishment, and then turned around and recom mended for passage n bill to electrocute condemned prisoners Instead of hanging them. Most every one talked for or again I capital punishment, but the other bill went through with comment. ZIMMER OF LEXINGTON HEAD OF SOLDIERS' HOME (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 23. CKpeclal 'IV egram.) Ferdinand Zlinmer, a hotel mar. at Lexington, has. been appointed coin mandant at the Grand Island Soldierti home to fill the vacancy caused by thr death of 10. c Kills. Mr. dimmer was -. member of the Ninth Uhto regiment dur ing the civil war. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED BY MOBS IN ONE COUNTY MARSHALL. Tex., Feb. 35.-Two ne groes were lynched In Harrison county last night. A negro named Anderson was hanged near Iilyslan Fields, and Itohert Porrj. charged with horse steal. Ing, was shot to deuth near Kantail:. TWENTY-FIVE FT. OMAHA I SIGNALMEN TO GALVESTON I Major llartminn of Fort Omana re. I celved a message yesterday ordering tint j tent.flve men from the signal be sent at imee to Galveston, Tex T.h men left here under command of Maioi ! Gregg. I MO IvN IMS. l';IiA' Jii. linrr TWKNT-Y I'.UIKS. ' SINGLE j p A Greek Bearing Gifts From tlie New Yolk World. GREAT CROWD AT AUTO SHOW Council Bluffs Night and Many from that City 111 Attendance. MUCH INTEREST IN EXHIBITS Kxiiertn 011 Hand KxiiIhIiiIiik Mci-Hn of the .Machine Hint lime llepn IMnppil In Mip ICvhl hl llon. It whs Council Uluffs night at tlie automobile show last night, nnd the crowds that flocked Into tho Auditorium numbered thousands. Hundreds of Coun cil llluffs people Interested In automo biles came for the special Ight dedicated to them, although in the vast Jam throughout tlie evening one could not tell who were the Council llluffs, who were the Omaha people and who were those from out of tho state. Tho show was popular all day yesterday mid last night. Hundreds visit the show mornings. They are generally the men and women actually Interested In buying cm a. Mornings muny farmers mid others can ho seen pricing cars and tnlklug business earnestly with representatives of the various concerns. This Is when the deal ers and representatives havo more tlmo to give to the Individual, and this Is the time when many of those who are nc timlly dealing for a car have chosen. There is no Inch of sales afternoons ahd evenings, however, hut In proportion in the crowds present, the greater number of snles are closed in tlie morning. i'iv Krn llntviiliiK'. looking over tho automobile show this jon- one realizes that a now era Is dawning In tho automobile show business, the era of tho featuring of the parts of machines, tho demonstrating of the work Ing of details of tho machinery, espe. dally with reference to new Inventions and Improvements In one detnll or the other. ICverywhern oil tlie floor where nn exhibition of partr. of a given machine Is made, or where a demonstration of gearing In operation Is In progress, tho crowds flock. Here lllld there over the entire floor may ba seen little groups examining details on a table instead ot rpendlng much time admiring tho out ward appearance and finished polish of the car as a whole. Ubually It will he found that only men spend their time examining the details of mechanism, while women ndmlrp tho finished product, without regard to whether there is nn engine Jnsldo or not. If. J. Orr of Detrolf, who was a con splcious flguic last year at tho aliow, wound up for an eight-day vocal run on the merits of tho Chalmers is at the show again and Is demonstrating parts. He demonstrates the fine balance crank shaft, calls attention to the temper of the steel In shafting, the brass or other metal in the boxing, the tempered steN In even the bolts and burs, all of which ara to go to make up the perfect ear with every part inoant to stand tlie proportion ofiktrain It will be called upon lo stand. Men who havo operated cars for jenra find booths like these the most Interesting In tho house as they havo all had exper ience with breaks of weak parte, and most drivers of any degree of pxperlqtice have some notion of which aro the parts that need to he strengthened or iin proved. Anmnir I lie Cars. The Chalmers ieople arc occupying a booth with a ft-eyllnder. four paHsen gr ear: 'a 4-cylinder, five Mwiger, and a I'hwoe. 6-eylliider, fity-lght H. Tlg-ee Stearns-Knlght cum of varied qlzes arc on exhibit, having the hiwm-Ih! featuic of the rllent motor. While then Is no detail exhibit to go with this hoo'th, the Mtlent motor Is nevertheless featured and Is attracting attention as many drlv ei have long wished for something that (Continued on Pan Two.) Governor Names Board of Control; Senate Will Act (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. r..-(BpeclaU-rTlvate Secretary Mori Issey found his ivny to the senate chamber 1I1I1 afternoon andilehv. eird to tlie swretary of tlie senate a com munication which he snld was from "Ilu Fxiellency, the Governor," who requested that the senate would set soino hour fo ils consideration. The commiinlcjitloii contained tho nil liiiportnnt and long-looked-for appoint liients for tho Hoard of Control and Is supposed to contain tlie names of Heiuy Gerdes of Falls City. CharlcH Graff of West i'olut and C. 11. Gregg of Kearney. Tlie three G's will receive coiisldcratl in at 11 o'clodi Wednesday morning In ex ei iillx e session. ATLANTIC ROAD SOLD AGAIN Shaw is High Bidder and Buys Rail road as Attorney for Purchaser. ONLY' THREE BIDS ARE RECEIVED .Indue Arthur SeD Next Siilurdll)' nn the Diilp for onliriiitiiif I lie v Snip nf Hip lliillrmiil I'mpprl j Tho Atlantic A Southern railroad was resold at Hiirlnn, In . w sterility by He eelver Harlan under orders Issued by Judgo Arthurs thirty days ago. Leslie M. Shaw, who nov haa nearly $75,000 of his own money and fuijils of personal friends Invested in the mad. sums paid out during the time ho has been trying to fiunticn tho deal for taking over mid cnm-oliihitlng tho Atlantic nnd Troyuor lines, filed the highest bid, act ing as attorney for one of the creditors. There weri two other bids. Ixit Ii by cred itors, and both of whom posted: tho D per cent certified check required by the terms of the sale.' There wiib a ehick for IS.OOf) I with Shnw'H bid, and llceelver Italian ! accepted It for reference to Judge Arthur. Two of tlie bids wero for parla and Shaw's hid was for tho entire line. The bids were: The first mortgage holders bid on the north end of tho line. iiImiuI eighteen miles from Atlantic to Klmballton. IS7.0X), by J. A. McWnld. Itohert Alleles, contractor, second lien holder. JhiS.OOO, on the south end of the line, or about thirty-eight miles. Hlakedoll company, by I-slle M. Hliaw, attrney. JSTO.lOO. bid for the entire line. The bids of the two creditors did not aggregate the amount of the Ahaw bid I for the entire line Judge Arthur ban fixed jiext Saturday for confirmation of tlie sale. The court fixed the compensa tion of Iteeelver Harlan, allowing him J.V'jiK) fur his woik. It tielng JD00 per month. A total of $ii.irt was allowed to his at torney . MRS. SICKLES AGAIN COMES TO RESCUE OF AGED GENERAL N1JW YOltK, Feb. S6.-Mrs. Caroline O. Sickles, who pawned her Jewels severaj months ago to wive the household effects of her husband. General Daniel K. Sickles, from going under the hammer, again may prevent the sheriff from helling him out. General Hckles' effects were to haej 1 .. i. ,,. ....i.ii.. .,....,. r..t. " ijt-ttii n.r.j tik imifii,- n....iuii .11u1.11 1 (11 BMtUfy a Judgment held b a bank, hut Mrs. Sickle filed with tlie sheriff today u chattel nH-ttiuge coveting all furniture In lh general' Fifth avenue home. The mortgage Is for $l3,Ufr. W8 executed De cember fi. I!M. and was witnessed by Gen. eral fiiokli' lawyer. Sheriff Hamburger will hold a hearing un the claim Thursday afternoop DECISION HASWIDE EFFECT Original Railroad Grant of 400 Feet Extends from Omaha West. COMPANY TO RECEIVE RENTALS Allornp- for bp Unliin llnclflo Hnyn Will llerenflpr llnvr lo lie I'nld lo l.'ompnny. The decision of the Ut'illcd States su preme court, substantiating the claim ot tho Hnlott Pacific to a right-of-way feet wide practically from Omaha to tho western boundary of Nevada, was the subject of much 'comment In the law de partment at Union Pacific headquarters. Attorney Kdson Itleh of tho Union Pa cific believes that tho decision of tlie siipienio court settling tho tight of the company to this land is IIRclytto cause the cases In the stato courts wherein the right of the company Is being tested, to be dismissed. Ilecnuse the compUny fenced a strip lesH than 400 feet wide along Its load and leased the land outside tho fenco to fnrmerH and to municipalities, the ques tion lias arisen at many places as to whelheer the railroad company really had a light to the land. The United States supremo court has said the company has. The city of Oreeley, Colo., has streets and buildings on the strip nf ground which the supreme court snys belongs to the I'iiIoii Pacific mllroad. Tho sumo conditions obtains practically nil along tho lino whelevcr towns nnd cities havo been built close to the road, inland, Willie the road runs through tlie farms, tho farmers have been farming part of tho 20) feet 011 either side of- the rail road, and have been paying runt to the Union Pacific for the lease of these Still).". Title In Question. In recent years many of .!:aso occupy ing tlieso 1 trips of ground lit tho cities and In tlie country have come to believe that tlie I'nlon Paflclc's claim to the strips could not lie substantiated. t Henco arose tho dlsputo Just settled by tho supreme court. Congress hy an ni t or 1SCS granted the Union Pacific a right-of-way from a point nenr the 10) merhhiii In Nebraska between tho south margin of tlie valley of tho ;tcpuhllcaii river "and the north margin of the valley of tho Platte, the strip of land to bo 200 foct In width on either sldo of the truck. This right-of-way was to extent to the western border of Nevada. A later section of tho act provided for n right-of-way for the Union Pacific from the 100 meridian to Omaha Thus, according to Mr. Illcli, the decl slon of the supremo court does not effect only the strip from the HO meridian to Denver as stated In the press dispatches, but ho Is Inclined lo believe the decision must necessarily affect the right-of-way of tho Union Pacific from Omaha to the western coast of Nevada as provided by the act of congress giving the original grant. "It will not make any material differ ence hi the state." said Mr. Ttlch, when asked about tho effect of the decision and whether or not some of tho cities that now had streets on the company's land would have to move streets and buildings. "Nothing will likely havo to be moved, as they have operated this way for years and can continue to do so Tlie question had simply risen as to whether the railroad mum ..,.. owned this ground mid whether those us. Ing It reallv had to pay the company for a leue on It." GERMAN AVIATOR KILLED IN TWO-HUNDRED-FOOT FALL COLOGNI3, Germany. Feb. 35-Hruio Werntgoii, an aviator, fell today from a height of XO feet at Haiigelar. nesr Bonn, and was killed- MANY ARE FIGHTING TO PUTQUIETUSUPON HOWELLWATER BILL Towns Near Omnha Send Men to Legislature to Attack Water Board Measure. PICK HOLES IN STRUCTURE Do Not Fail to See Bifj Salary Clauso that is Attached. LOBBY WORK- HARD FOR IT Howell Misses Scarcely Day When Members Gather. DUST IN MEMBERS' EYES A run in put a Hint Stock 1 nrila lniip Object In lllll ,rp S lion 11 tn Hp Tnlsp lij- Plenillims ut Interested l'crnonn. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. S.-tSpeclal 1 Tho hearing 011 tlie Omaha district water bill Inst night has ben considerably discussed today around, tho legislature. With tho exception of Mike Lee all the house dele gallon from Doiiglaa oppose the bill ns it conies from the senate. Driiesedow went to tho committee meeting last night fa vollng the bill, but ho has decided not to support it In Its present form The legislators from nut In the state side with Florence, South Omaha and tho other towns which tho bill permits Omaha to tako In. Attorney Haller said that the main street In Klorenco hud been torn up for six months for a water main Installed by tho present Omaha Water board As he Interprets the hill, permission Is given tho Water bojird to dig tip any street in any town In the district without asking odds of anyone. And ho says there Is no provision to miiko tho Water board re pair tlie streets thus turn up. The spokesman from Kloreiu-e also ob jects to tho property that will be relievi 1 of paying taxes In that city. It was ex plained that under tho hill theso llttio towns should bo taxed to keep up tho Onialm. water plant and they could not hnlp themselves because, ot course, Omaha would, bo ablo to outvoto nil ot them combined. Kffiirta Are Fnllnrp. Tho efforts of tho defenders of thn Oiiuiha. Water Hoard to mako It appear that only tho packing lndu.strlea and thn stock yards company of South Omaha, op pose tho bill, are not meeting with thn success friends of the bill hoped. R. 13. Howell's talk to members In that thn touk yards U trying to "Junk" thn Omaha water plant or Hint portion of l which lies In South Omahn. Kloroncn anil Bottth Omaha Insist that tho water hoard Is trying to "Junk" these cities in tho interest of tho wnter board. Kvery body sees through It that ho Is trylnsr to cinch his J5.000 salary for the rest oC his natural life. According to some out-in-the-ststn membors, Omaha neuer appeared to worse advantage than last night when represented by Mr. Howell, who is try Ing to put his protecting arms around tiu towns in tlie neighborhood of Omaini. It was made to appear last night that Mr. Howell had sanctioned the construction of a plant by the Stock Yards, company mid hnd passed on the ordinance under which tho work was done. Iniojar ns n lobby Is concerned, tlieri has been at no session as persistent 1 lobbyist us Mr. Howell. If ho ever gor heme or If he has been away from Lin coln since tile session started, no one nn.i tho dntes, for he has not been linked here. Mi'Klsalpk Denies. Chairman McKlssIck, who has been Jumped on by the Water board lobby ot Omaha, denies thut ho tried to take snap Judgment 011 those favoring thn Omaha water dbtrlct bill last night. He notified the nuthor of the bill of tho hearing dur ing tho afternoon at tho same tlmo l o notified the members of tho committee, nnd he feels, as do the others, that It was the duty of the nuthor of the bill tn summons Its friends I ftlio measuro had nnv, and not the chairman of the com. mlttee. . More I'nlillp llcnrlnus. The bill by Anderson of Doiilass tu plare the Omaha water works under thn control of the city commission will ho discussed before tho committee on citic-i mid towns of the houso Thursday night. Tlie Omaha district water bill will bn discussed again Monday night. Chairman McKlssIck announced these meetings thl.s afternoon. A majority of the committee at thli time Is said to bo In favor of the An derson bill. DESCENDENT OF NELSON DIES, AGED NINETY YEARS I.ONDQN. I'b. J6.-IIoratlo Nelson, thn third Earl Nelson, a descendant of tho celebrated English admiral, died today. He was born In 1S23. Look over tho oppor tunities in the easy-pay-niont rcjil estate bar gains and you will be come interested in the best offerings of their kind in tho state. The opportunity to get a homo or a piece of land is awaiting you in this1 special department ot this paper today. Turn to the classified eectiou now. Tyler 1000.