8-D TJ1K OMATTA SfN'HW BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1913. uilders and Horne-Furnishers of Omaha ern Safe and Profitable Investments One of Omaha's Beautiful Homes Mod Home-B Newspapers contain fifUmit accounts of the pxploll of "RPt-rictvqutrk" nd vcnturcrs nnH '"Rfce' ninth? promotions with Ihcir )iatliettr 1 eta I In' of losses suf fered 1" Uio' to whom tho old arinKr applies "th fool and hta tnonev are soon parted Hut HU1i pnlilldtv hs been (5ltn to tlir pralsenorlhv wurl: which la KlnK done li- trust LMtnpatilps In this c'tt and In fart thlcxifcliont the country, not only In lulplnjr Individual Investors to make safe ami prnfltilblf investments, hut Itktvrtse In ndmlnlstrlnR estates, or as executor and trustee tinder will, where Inrsn proportions of i-stales Inft bv tho wallers of wills for their families consist of bonds and stocks. . It ts only within re cent enrs. find In response to a clearly defined public demand, that trust com pAtilcs In this city, ns elsewhere, have established sepnrnte bond departments, riamped tv an expu-t Jn lond values an4 with a trnlnrd staff of nppralters. itntls tlflai-s ant' attorneys nt the.lr command. Prior to IfOft practically all of the bonds, stocks and eeetrrUien offered tho public by corporations, publV; service nrnanlia tlons or municipalities were financed and dldtrlbutcd throunh private banking houses. Hut with the enormous increase, .n the volume of snch Issues, now amount Ir.ff to nn avernKa of IHfi,flrx,000 a month, and because of Die Krentr protection re julre3 for the clients of banks nnd tnist ompanles. It has become necessary for; trust companies, especially In the larger titles, to orftnrjao special bond depart ments, The primary reason for which trust compulses onouitsed separate bond de partments wa to bo able to handle more, scientifically nnd IntelllRnntly the vat amount of Investments arising out of the administration of all kind of trusts. With such tremendous responsibilities. It was both logical and necessary for trust companies to create- special depart ments through which all bond Invest ments should he attended to. For ex ample, there Is an estate, left by a testator, for the benefit of wife and chil dren, valued at JtOO.OftO, On tho basis' of averages, about $rt.000 of this consists of bond and stock Investment, t'nder th" will, the trust company, which acts ns trustee, executor or administrator. hn the power n sell or substitute new se curities. Were an Individual to look after tho estate. It Is hardly poatlble that he J would bo sufficiently well acquainted with ' security values or market conditions t make wife sales or substitutions. Th' trust company, however, through ll bond department. Is able, not only to si ,1 such trust securities at a profit, but or casjonally to substitute new Investments which bring In larger returns and which h'avo greater stnblllty. Another Important reason why trus companies hnve established bond depart ments Is that the depositors In their banking department often prefer to with draw their deposits and Invest them I" bonds which bring larger return than th Interest given by the' banking department Such patrons come to the officer mid a referred to the bond manager who shifts satisfactory Investments, keeps them in J safety vault of the latest construction which Is proof against fire or burglary, nnd attends to clipping coupons, etc. Then there aro countless transactions growlns out of tho administration of trust dutle? for Imth Individuals and corporations where the service of the bond export I demanded. Pointed I'nraKfiiplis. He's a good mnn who sleeps all the time. The best euro for kleptomania nifty bo arrest cure. Art may bo long, but It's different with most artists. Tho lova of money Is tho easiest of oil roots to oultlvato. An a sticker a porous plaster hasn t anything on a bad habit. When you havo a lawsuit to lose ton can afford to hire a cheap lawyer 1'latonio love. Is a good deal like a gun that you didn't know was loaded. It In far better to make your mark tr. tho world than It Is to be nn oay one An old bachelor gets u had case of statfe fright every time he thinks of marriage. Every man lives to congratulate hlmseli that he didn't marry the nrrl woman he thought he was In lovo wlth.-rhlcaho News. PETERS TRUST COMPANY i .ACTS AS. EXKCUTOU under wllU. ADMlNIBTRATOIl without a will, of with tho will annexed. flUAHDIAN of a minor or an incapable person. THU8TUH to execute trusts, disburao llfo lnBur- nnco, or hold funds impartially. DEPOSITORY for trust nnd court fundB at interest. AGENTS In the management of property. RECEIVER or ASSIGNEE in business embarras- ments. REGISTRAR and TRANSFER AGENT for register ing, trnnsforlng and counter-signing Stock Certificates, or Donda of Corporations or Mu-v nicipnlitles. 1 TRUSTER UNDER BOND ISSUES. FINANCIAL AGENT In tho INVESTMENT OF FUNDS in first mortgago loans nnd bondB. (Our loans aro tax free In Nebraska.) WILLS drawn, cared for and filed without charge, whew named Executor or Trustee. Capital $200,000.00 Surplus $190,000.00 Deposit With .State Auditor $40,000.00 3d Mhi'tc Brick and Stucco Residence of URanchrnan 3.Cor. 17 and Lothrop SU. Moving and house cleaning time will soon be here. You'll have some work for us then, if not nbw, and you'll want this done rapidly, yet carefully and safely.. We have be come established as one of the largest firms of our ki; "J in the west because we always do thorough, de pendable work. Be sure you call us when you get ready to move, to have goods packed or to store them away. The twin addition to our handsome fireproof storage will soon be done, giving us the finest building of its kind in this section of the country. Moving, Packing, Storage and Hauling Omaha Van '& Storage Co ' i - m-"i?l iSSSTmbimZSSiiImji i The Hachman resldeco Is a (rood ox ntnpln of Hirgllsh domestic architecture adapted to meet the needs of American Ulcus. The Kngltsh domestic Is a simple and dignified typo of residence archltJC- ture, and lis exemplified In this partial- tnt residence Is an excellent example uf brick nnd stucco construction, practically Indrstriictlblo materials ami Inexpensive. Architect George Ia Fisher states thut this same house constructed In frame. with tho outside finish of clapboard wou.J cost at least 90 per, cent of the brick and stucco construction'. In other words, the cost of the above houso as built 1b about 10 per cent more than ordinary frame, construction. Tho face brick, fur.ilshed by Bunderland Drothers company, are a dark brown, round ecjue. repress, brick of beautiful color and texture, olthougn tho Individual brick aro rather crude and imperfect. Urlck for tho lower story and stucco for the second story arc coining rao'i arid -moro 'into uso for residenco con struction. By tiBlng faco brick from th KriCdo 'lltfe to tlie second story window sills a perfectly dry house Is assured. The 'foundation walls from the footing and - to' the grade line can be of good common brlik or well-burned hollow tile, and 'by' fh'c'uso of stucco for tho second story. t wh'cr'e this material receives the minimum exposure, the results aro found satisfactory 'for this climate, although a fdll brick houso or a brick veneer house Is by far the very best of nil methods of residence construction. Tho Itachman residence Is considered one 'of 'the most arttstlo medium-priced homeal'ln'Omttha and Is another example of the 'progressive Idea of Omaha own e'rp who. have been convinced that brick construction, while higher In Its first cost, ,ls' the most economical construction in the' end. ' ' A brick house Is warm In winter and cool In summer. It costs less to mai'.' taln than the frame house, ns tho latter muBt be painted at frequent Interval", and. If appenrance 1b considered, the frame house must be painted every two years at a cost which, In a short time, amounts to as much as the difference between the first cost of the brick and the frame construction. The percentage of brick homes erectcil in Omaha during the last three years Is large, and from the record of building permits granted during that time It is found that there are more brick houses being erected every year. Some of the notable examples of brick houses erected during the last twelve months aro those of J. M. Baldrlge, Charles C. George, G. D. Tunnlcllffe, Charles P. Junod, John F. Flack, John McDonald, F. A. Wash, Barton Millard, Jr.; J. K. Barstow and B. F. Marshall. Building Operations for 1912 Official reports from some fifty cities regularly reported to the American Contractor, Chlcugo, bIiow an aggregate lncreuse-of-26 per cent during the month of December as compared with December, 19J1. , Tljo year 1912 shows an Increase of 6 per cent as compared with 1911. Tho latter'ypar was considered quite satis factory by the building fraternity andi the .Increase -noted Is accepted with pleasure. Cities which scored n gain of over 60 per cent. fo-Docember, 1912, are: Atlanta. 183 per cent, Birmingham, G8; Boston, G6; Fort Wayne, 298; Harrlsburg, 213; Kan sas City, 100; Los Angeles, 68; Minneapolis, 640; Nashville, 349;'Gronter New York, 64. 8t. Joseph, L6; 8t..Ixuls, 1S3; Shrovoport, .223;, Toledo, 63. The greatest gain for tho year was Manchester, 82, and Atjan'ta, 80 per cent. Particulars will bo found In tho following tables; Cost- Akt'on Atlanta Bnltlmore , ., lllnnlngliam... Boston ....... Buffalo , Ctdar RapldH I hlcago Cincinnati ... Cleveland iff HOME BUILDERS' SHARES SOLID AS THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR because Home Builder fund, are "u' ft'kfcurity In houses built by us for hoinea only THE SAr KaT bKtuillT ijn iiiu WOULD. v TKZS MEANS N Igt -No loans aro made to speculators or on old buildings. idNo loans are mde to these compelled to borrow because of adversity, who may be unable to make the monthly payments. ... . 3d No loans made on owner s valuation or other's appraise ment. We know the value of every security and know the exact amount Invested ty the owner because we put up the dwelling. ' ...--...v., . Home BUUdera manager has made a specialty of this oluss of se curities for twelve years without the loss of a dollar of Interest or principal. . y 7 OUASAHTSSD HOMK BU1U11IS guarantees 7 semi-annual-dividends on Tre: ferred Shares,' and also a pro rata share of the contractor's prj'flt we receive on every dwelling we build. THE iriJW WAT Our booklet. The New Way, explains fully Home Builders plan and how to secure a home on easy monthly payments built to suit you on any lot you select It Is free for the asking. Home Builders, Inc. American Oscuxlty Company, Plscal Ag-onts, 309 Bo nth 17th, Bt, Between funtm and Harney. TeL Donjlaa 38S7. around rioor, Omana, Kb. Building Loans Money to loan to build homes, o improve property or to pay existing loans. Uorroivcrs may pay front 10 to HO ptr cent on loans on Interest dntes. Inter est rcasrw on amounts when paid. Loan closed promptly. Vour business solicited, W, H. Thomas OSO--.0 STATU BANK KfAKi. This Page Is Growing Are You? Doc. 1912. A SM.OXi 918,490 , 5lt.M:. 172,194 . 2,119.135 3.V).OOJ M4.CO0 4,8?8,rM 352. -!. 2,517,130 Columbus 157.173 Denver Detroit Kvansvlllo ,,,, Kort Wai'ne... Grand Ilaplds, Harrlsburg . . Hartford .... Indianapolis... Kansas City., Ixs Angeles... Iwoulsvlllo ..... Manchester 273.700 1.5W.00O 83,.T 32S.8M 124,105 S9.3ri0 220,450 5.7,UG 878,ftJO :,J70, 1X3,020 67-.020 Memphis 374,156 Milwaukee Minneapolis .. Nnrhvllle Newurk New Haven... New Orleans.. Manhattan urooklyn . Urnnx 610.&7.1 :.sa,aM U8,C) 1.161.2SS 227,131 12U.1U 14.33S.619 2,618.026 2,732,783 Dec.. 1911. S 175,770 324,678 702.810 102.277 1,119,436 1,191.000 238.01X1 6,806.300 691,300 2,330.800 129.637 S70.160 l,l'83,7O0 75,135 67,350 117.522 31.S25 a,130 759,445 436,806 1.431,525 213.490 68.715 3t5,O0O 78i,635 400,225 33,053 814,124 257.320 l 7.193,151 2,618,949 2.1S0.230 -Pct.- G. U 44 183 .. , 1912. Akron. 4,793.927 Atlnnta- 9,987.141 6S 65 40 74 8 21 3S 10 298 6 213 10 100 68 20 30 18 C40 349 43 21 liultlmore Birmingham... 1 (( ton Buffalo Cedar Ititblds. Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus ' Denver Dotrplt, Kvansvlllc .... Fort AVayne.. Grand ;iuplils. Harrlsburg ... Hartford' Indianapolis ., Kansas City... 1.03 Angeles... Ioulsvllln Manchester ... Memphis, Milwaukee .... Minneapolis .. Nashville Newark New Haven.... New Orleans., 8,049,57b 3,813,079 21,161,34V 12,992,000 2,344,550 88,064,MX) 8,967,316 18.1S0.078 4,675,333 6,332,075 25,581,470 1,530,872 2,785,215 2,456,516 1.167.125 7,379.625 9,l&0t!fl 12,396,328 3l.f67.995 6,652,730 2.720.641 7,16i.21I 15.257,163 14.2:9,175 1,411, 114 11.C26.3VS 4,762,341 3,493,426 1911. $ S,6i2,597 6,215,9)0 9,325,833 3,554,157 14.217.22S 10,364,000 2,021,450 105,269,700 13,383,000 16,991,677 4,Cf,S,242 6,084.260 19,012.670 2,007,015 1.908,020 2,608,714 1,249,075 6,890,244 8.319,477 13,310,791 23,004,185 6,129.641 1.4S6.781 6.89,146 12,I9),166 1S,7J5,2S5 1.209,619 10.975,S!4 B.S0S.519 3,155,160 -Pct.- G. U 33 .. CO .. .-. 13 7 .. 48 .. 25 .. 15 .. .. 16 .. 32 I :: .. 12 34 .. .. 33 45 .. .. 2 .. 6 23 .. 9 .. .. C 36 .. 7 .. 82 .. 22 .. 24 .. 4 .. 16 .. 6 .. .. 18 10 .. January Building Official reports from some fifty cities throughout the United States, as compiled by Tho American Contractor, Chicago, show an aggregate gain In building oper ations of 12 per cent for January, 1913, as compared with Junuary, 1912. Gains of over 100 per cent were made In Cedar Rapids, 1C6; Chattanooga, 122; Chicago, 252; Cleveland, 114; Columbus, 10S; Detroit. 236; Manchester, 139; Milwaukee, 381; Nashville, 198; Newark, 124; St. Joseph. 147; Scranton, 207; Toledo, 227. Particulars will be found In the following table: January January 1913 City Cost Akron 208.230 Atlanta 39u,oou Baltimore 635.670 Birmingham ... 362.626 Buffalo 478.000 Cedar Rapids .. 143.000 (Chattanooga ... 108,725 .Chicago ,. 7,041,600 Cleveland' 704,740 Columbus 20S.335 Denver 181,600 Detroit 2,029,605 Duluth 6S.G75 Grand Rapids . 81,625 Harrlsburg .... 54.475 Hartford 191,750 Kansas City ... 669,40i I.os Angles .... 2,078.726 IUlsvllle 217,250 Manchester .... 48,405 Milwaukee 411,111 Minneapolis 319,675 Nashville 100.457 Newark 1,310,339 New Haven .... 612,218 New Orleans . . . 237,842 CHAS A. MANN Consulting, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer. Design, Construction. Valuation GAS-ELECTRIC-WATER SUPPLY 1015 Ashlnnd Block, CIiIcuro, 111. Use this page each week to reach the householder. 99 1 25 Manhattan ,.,.127.4C9,91 Brooklyn 40.537.784 Bronx 36.4C9.870 111.190.498 37,711,067 24,413.307 4' 11 New York Norfolk . Oakland Omaha Vaterson I'hiltulelphlu... I'lttsiiiirgli .... Portland . ...i. Itochenter St. Joseph at. Paul St luls Pan Antonio... Fan Francisco Scranton Shreveport .... South Bend.... Toledo wllkcsbarre .. V orcesler . 19.719.3S7 ra.Wl l'67.7l4 168,050 69.427 2.3J8.UH) 314.RO 711.110 649,612 (VV891 312.850 1.60M73 113.174 1.0SS.U6 H4.C76 90rt . ,113 cs.roi 235,537 11,997,800 &2.157 517.539 164.000 128.713 1.737,840 867.419 1,293,626 fOUOOi 15.240 419,301 -K,10S 165,161 1.307,42a 7.675 21.601 SS.3tXt 111.757 216 69.S 298.317 64 47 266 153 229 63 46 40 44 21 New York,. Norfolk .... Oakland .... Omaha Paterson .204,(67.146 . a 393.617 . li,0!2,24S . 4.646,761 2,123,528 4 9 36 67 70 21 Totuls J53.lS2.2J5 42.f9l,S06 26 Philadelphia... 37,73.'S5 Pittsburgh .... 11.145.403 Portland 14.782,707 Rochester' 12.03J.46; Bt. Joseph 1.119,797 St. Paul 8.051.417 St. Iufs 20,675,503 San Antonio... Xf7.'92 Rati Kranclsco 2S,338.&fn Bcrantori ...... l.DtM.T9 ShreVeport .... 1.E22.633 South llentl... 942 0 Toledo 5.381.791 Wilkesbarre .. 2.335.217 Worcester .... 6.8t 6,117 Totals.. . $7182.961 173.414, 2,933. 7.108, '5.421, 2.204, 40.060, 12.330, 17.419, 9.3JS, 693, 3,916, 18.607, 2.191, 2U.916, 1.854, Lit 9, l.4! 3.72t, 2.104, 4.796. 17 ,m 15 ,19S 27 ,863 ,697 9 .. ,963 .. a .. ,775 2S .473 12 ,vx . . ,665 It ,940 27 474 11 ,067 .. OS 20 .710 .536 277 42 10 .504 32 Jti70.K2.490 6 1912 Per cent Cost Gain Loss 121,450 71 .. 294,295 34 .. 400.166 38 . . 243,277 49 ., 427.000 11 .. 60,000 166 .. 48,895 122 .. 1,999.300 252 .. 328,107 114 .. 99,930 108 .. 327.650 .. 44 G02.2S5 236 .. 67.625 1 . . 78,885 8 .. 36,675 48 .. 157,185 21 .. 426,,851 33 . . 2,456,872 197,6iO . . 20,185 139 .. 91.630 3S1 .. 264.335 20 .. 33,698 198 589,401 124 .. 391,183 56 .. 28S.6S5 . . 17 15 Manhnttan Brooklyn . , Bronx 4.740,786 3,213.001 1.716.0SS 6,947.250 2.0C7.947 3.442,754 66 New York .... Norfolk Oakland Omaha . .. Paterson Philadelphia .. Pittsburg Portland Rochester St. Joseph St. Louis Salt Lake City. San Francisco. Scranton Seattle Shreveport .... Spokane Toledo Washington ... Wllkes-Barre . U'orchester ... 9,669.965 169,064 5S6 238 100,725 93.148 1,556,740 3S5.4SS 1,126,315 445.131 25.095 616,869 155,414 2.061,001 1S6.278 660,775 74,133 26.7J0 374,906 707,262 82,329 159.222 12,447,951 349.SHO 326,712 131,860 99.143 1,250.220 250,359 906.623 266.629 10.160 3,418.032 235.0G0 1,870,617 60-.60 7741810 101.6S7 S3.43S 114.435 757,954 41,670 131,440 54 Total ,...J38.071,007 $33,732,915 4 w Face Brick Experf HBs Suggestions Are Free I'lminiiiK; to build f Expect to uso brick, of course! Want something just n little different and distinctive in your walls or foundation? Call Klein. Make an appointment for tomorrow. Klein is tho best posted face brick man in Omaha. It will be his pleasure to adapt the best face brick effect tp your peculiar needs. The cost? ; Nothing for suggestions. Mighty little for brick. UfiDEHLiyiD New Display Itoom 103 Panels. Entire 3d Floor State Bank Bldg. FREE INFORMATION TO HOME BUILDERS Through the kindness of Arthur C. Clausen, the noted archi tect of Minneapolis, The Bee Is able to givo freo advice and guid ance to those who are contemplating tho building or remodeling of their homes. Any particular in connection with the construc tion of a building will be thoroughly discussed for you by Mr. Clausen, and without charge. No matter what you wish to know about a home, you can learn important facts that will bo of assistance to you through advising' with Mr. Clausen. In writing Mr. Clausen, in care of The Bee, be sure to explain, in detail, just what you wish to know. If you intend to build-a home, stato the amount you wish to spend, the kind of a home you want, the number of rooms, tho material to be used, etc., etc. Be sure to make all things clear. Though you may not intend to build until next spring, it would be well to write Mr. Clausen now, and get your plans completed early. THE BEE, BUILDERS' DEPT. Omaha - - Nebraska hstax, MCanntc TT1 1H TBflMtirl '1 fl What you don't use . don't heed sell quickly and profitably In Omaha, as in any city, are persons with many belongings that they never use things too good to throw away. Of course you c'ould give them away, but you don't. They s'uiply stay around the place.. Sell them. You CAN sell them through The Bee. There is a ready market in Omaha for suoh things. You'll find c.-viehody asking for them every day. The Bee Want Ads- are searched daily for such bargains. Any thing you don't use, and that you ought to sell, can be sold--profitably thrmicli T'rt Bee classified columns. Our copy department will arrange the (ui. Phone Tyler tOOO