Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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6 A
Gains 30 Pounds
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
rr fr 'i rmrfirinr r.n a ( v rwior-in ry ira, fi ' tMAA'kAM'MMMAA
in 30 Days
Pwtone, the Kemarkable New Flesh- 4 " " "
Builder, Build, Tip Flesh Fast Mid Haphazard Methods Oct Nowhere in
Makes You Plnmpand Btrong. , City Building.
50-Gont Package Free iEXpEET WIR-T0IVEg TALK
jlpenk nt llnnqnrt nt tirnnd Hotel,
Gtvlnsr City Idrna on llorr Beat
to Improve I'nrk System
of Bluffs.
Proton Win Make Yon Round, Ptoanp ra
Protty as PUturt.
Ihln peoplo suffer a Rood deal of t.
barrassirnt and ridicule. As iei
poke fun at -a bony liurae, so arc bo-,
people the target for many humlllull. .
The plump, well-formed man or wo
man ii a magnet; Protone makes yon
Plump, strong, well-formed, normal, put
roior in your onecKs,
in your
whole body
is tlio most solentltlc nnd effective flea
and strength builder so far known, barf
ring none. V J
The regular $1.00 size, of Ironmtrl
for sale by all druggists, or will be
mailed direct, upon receipt of price, bj
Thp Protone Ca, 485 Protone 11 Us-.
Detroit, Mich.
"If you only have $5,000 a year to
expend on your jiarks, spend every cent
of It, It necessary, to secure the best
IrKtslblo set of working plans for the
development of your park system. " said
Theodore Wlrth, superintendent of the
Minneapolis park system, at the dinner
a: the Grand hotel last night. He Was
the gUest of tho Hoard of Park Com
missioners, the Commercial club and the
Ileal Estate exchange.
The declaration In favor of methodical
procedure was the keynote of the great
nmotint of valuable Information Mr,
Wlrth Imparted. The second Important
thing urged was tho acquisition of still
moro park lands while tho price Is low.
Tho unfortunate weather conditions In
tcrposrd a serious" bar to an Important
part of the program, which Included
niitnmoblln trips throughout tho whole
nnrlc HVKtuin nnd over many miles of
proposed boulevard routes. The blanket
of snow made it Impossible for tho cars
to climb the grades, and only a small
portion of tho parte property was In
spected. This Included a portion only of
Fnlrmount, Lincoln nnd Ilohrcr's parks
In the hills and Dayllss, Cochran ntfd
iIih now nark lands acquired on the
Minor Mention
OemacJl Bluffs Office
The Bee Is at 14 2TOBTX
Main nt. Telephone 4.
Southwest Editorial Association
Meets in Annual Session.
n your checks, a hnppy twinkle ,..- ront But It was sufficient to give
r eyo and a fine poise to your n.r. a ci,ar Idea of tho pos-
jody. It keeps you that way. U , the Park exvtrt a clear lueo. or. inn
.,. .ni.nifi nn,i rri. rio.l. . aihtlliUa that lie In the Intelligent de-
Free Protone Coupon
It will cost you nothing to prove
tho remarkable effects' of this treat
ment, Tho Protone Company will
send to any ono a free 50o packago
of Protone. If they will fill out this
coupon and enclose 10c in stamps or
silver to help cover postage. They
111 also send with It full Instruc
tions and their book on "Why You
Aro Thin," '
49S4 Proton Blag. Detroit, Mloh.
Name ..
City State
The regular $1.00 size of Protone la
for sale In Omaha by Sherman & Mo
Connell Drug Co., 10! So. Hth St., Ittli
and Farnam fits.; Owl Drug Co., 324 Ho.
16th St., Dcuton Drug Co., 1E01 Farnam
Ht . I.oynl Pharmacy, 207 No. 10th St;
1M1 Drug Co., 1215 Farnam St.
No free packages from druggists.
$100 IJM'CAasiH
la Proof of tits Paot Tkat Bonds Ax
tss Most Dei Irak If rorm of Investment.
jn rxamnio of one reason I
MAIUCKTAHU.IT V, Bonds are readily,
convertible Into cash without the an-
noying details or Austraet, I'uoiicuy,
Taxes, Insurance nnd Filing Fees.
A few suggestion's which may be work
id out as reajiunsl'.
UdNDS A lit! aefure. Marketable, Is.
uil in rtinVonleni. amounts. Sold on
small commission. Oood collateral. A
contlnulhg Investment, Kaslly trans
ferred, a secret Investment.
Bonds Increase In value. Are saleable
abroad as well an at home. Pay a
ftood rate of Interest. Are Issued by
business men. Are issued against a
mortgage. .
earn, can railed interest easily. May
diversify their holdings. Are free from
personal ox'umlnatton, May leuvo the);
esiaio invoxicn.
1 -Among answers of equal merit
preference will be given to the
shortest No reason shall be over
30 wordB.
2 All answers must be at Burns,
Drinker & Company's office,
Omaha Nat. Dank Uldg., not later
than 12 o'clock noon, Saturday,
March 1, 1913. nt which time the
contest will close.
3 There will be four cash prises.
Kirst prize $60.00. Second prise
$26.00. Third prlxo $16.00. Fourth
prize $10.00, Announcement of
winners wm ne maoo in me nun-
day papers, March 8 th, 1013
Contest Is onen to everyone.
6 No inanuscrlnt will bo returned
liurnMw ir.i
A. cutuoert potter
6 Samuel
uruiHcr nuu
will be the Judges, and will make
awarus or prises iq me contest-,
ants whose answers In their Judg-'
ment arq moat deserving.
7-Manuscrlpt should be addressed to
Soaas nna Stocks for Xavtxttnant
449.4S0-4S1 Omasa Mat. Bank Blag,
raoae Bouglaa 88.
a butox jzxaz,s.
Should Bpfllke's flour, yunt for Irish
Vy not for Dutch! I don't can see.
It makes rust shptendld Kaffa-lvake,
I'nd Noddles und fine tirotlt It nuke.
iMfs ler yery bekst flour dat efer
I saw,
Dat UpdUta'a Pride of Omaha,
Mrs. l'Yntik Schuetx,
202t Howard Street.
Free Flour
A 24-lb. sack of Upillko's IVtde
of Omaha Vlmir frco for ever Jin
gle that wo usQ for advertising.
A DIbcuU cutter mailed to all who
tsond jingles. Mall your Jlnglea
tp Jingle Manager,
ike Hilling Co.
PSA certain party named Frank
I ruum is very snenv
Camnletf vittti
csst, bovr and x
Ira trluc at,
tU.OO. 7.O0, SH.O0.
910.00, 913.00, 23
and up.
Sold nl EUisy Pay.
Write for Free Catslo of Musical
ISM Douglas St, Uuakc, Hob.
aihtiitica that lie In the Intelligent
volopment of the property aircauy
acquired and tr-at wmcn no .jtoi.j
urged to bo ncqulrcd In the ntar future.
There Is no Investment, he declared, that
will return a more desirable aivweno or
be a better asset man
nrsalta In MIneaioiio.
xr ivirih told what had been aceom-
r.n, In Minneapolis within the period
of the seven .years of his administration
of tho park eystem. The city had ex
pended about $7,000,000 for the acquisition
and development of tho park property,
and le securing, by a, l mill levy ior w
maintenance. $200,000 a year, inc cii
parks comprise an urea of .1,700 nrrc.
with sufficient boulevards and lakes un
der control of tho park ooaro o ni
tntal area un to 8.700 acres, which
gives a ratio of one acre to eighty-eight
persons. The Ultimate purpose li greatly
to Increase this are, probably to tho ex
tent of 65.000 acres of paras, uouKnuruo
nnd lakes. He strongly favored tho lssu
bonds for tho purchaso of park
land while tho price was low, nnd thus
i.t th nresent generation licquiro un.
park lands and futuro generations pay for
the improvement",
tnnthtr thought prominent In all he
said was that the parka belong to the
peoplo and that alt Improvements should
bo for tho purpose of oncouragtng and
n.,n,mlnp thn widest possiDio "
,'v ,,.-....n - . ...
.t.l,ii that a sign, "keep off the grass
.... 1 .k.l In Ihn first
tnn-nWM mi BOUI. ... ' -
year of his work In, Minneapolis he burnt
pp more thin two Mrofronloads. "
signs. Another thought' strongly empha
sized waa to put walks where the people
want to walk,
mtv tn Control Trees.
Touching upon' the subject pf making
h. TOhn1 rltv beautiful ns well as Us
iiuit svatnm. he advocated the placing of
HU street ahadt trees within the absolute
control of the municipality, he is none in
Minneapolis, and he advised the request
in thn ritv rnuncll to enact such an ordi
nance here. The planting and; enro of all
such troes would men be uniform and
thnlr nrnrvr care assured. They would
bo planted with a view of beautifying
each street, and location, variety, manner
of planting and care would not be left to
the caprice of individuals, eacn imoucu
with iiiHcnrdant ideas.
This feature was. received to heartily
that n motion was put and unanimously
carried rcuucsUng tho city council to en-
nct such an ordinance. Mayor Maioney
nnd v Aldermen Boycr. Stone, .Evans and
Huber were present und agreed that If
uch an ordinance can bo enacted under
the present state laws It should oe aone.
At tim conclusion of the dinner, which
lasted an hour and a half. Superintendent
Wlrth spent another hour presenting the
subject of an audience In the ball Yoom
of tho hotel on the sixth floor,. Using a
stercoptlcou to Illustrate what "had been
.rmmnlliihrd In Minneapolis.-
ummet Tlnley. who was. Chairman oi i
I the meeting, gave a brief history of the
park acquisitions of Counou hiuiib. show-
ling that the actual cost, oi m
than 700 acres of park Janas ns w.
but a few thousand dollars. He caught
the spirit and approved tho plan for
bi eater acquisitions, urging the early
procurement of sites n tho south side
of the city and a large area In the north
west portion. Throughout the course of
his Illustrated lecture. Mr- Wlrth pointed
out the splendid possibilities for the de
velopment of a magnificent park eyitem
.In Council tiiuiis.
At the conclusion of the lecture, Mr.
! Wlrth and nearly all et those present.
.with the exception of the women, rep
resenting the Clvlo Improvement assocla
turn, repaired to the Armory and spent
the remainder of the tventng eiijoylng
the entertainment provided by the Inltla-
I ton of a largo number of new members
ot the Knights of the Full Moon.
I Ileal BUte Transfers.
i ... rnnwinir rpsl estato transfers were
- r.nnrted to The Bee Thursday by the
I Pottawattamie county Aosiraci com
r nt xtMVtueii to T. F. Ilealey.
I part nwk. neli, JI-TS-tl. w. d.....$ 3,000
m' k enn lr.. and wife to Kate
M Chase, lot 10. block SO. Flem
ing & Davis addition to Council
Hluffs, q. c. d
llattle B. Sherwood and husband
to 8. It Ferguron, lot 7. block 7.
Mynkters addition tq Council
llB,W.fVoss and wife to Milton C.
Clark, lot 25, block $3. Ferry ad
dition to Council Bluffs, w. d...
F V. Fullbeerg and wife to 03. C.
Archibald, lot 4. block 27. Everett
addition to Council Bluffs, w. 4...
A. J. Brown and wife to W. O.
Greenwood, Jot . block 28, Bayllss
& Palmer addition to Council
l Uttiffa w. it
W. 8. Rodman and wife to W, F.
Whltbeck, a. 10 feet of lot 3, end
liu 13 feet of lot . block 31.
Avoca. w. d
W. HUford and wife to John W.
n,.h. nW mU I1-7I-5S. w. d
John II. Von Dollen and wife to J.
' A. Waaser, part seU seH s-n-39.
w. d
Davis, drut.
Vlftrola. $11. A. Hespe C. .
Cerrlmna, ualertakers. Pheaee iX
TToilng Uadertaklng Ce. Tel M.
Blank book work. Morehouse & Co.
Lewis Cutler, fuaeral dlreetor. Phone 7(
Watch given away free at Detferts'
auction sale.
The highest grade optical work In the
city Is done at Lefferts.
See Borwlck for wall paper and paint
ing. 209 and 211 South Main St.
Scientific watch repair work, the
kind that Is appreciated, ut Lefferts".
Mutual BIdg. & Loan Ass'n, 12J Pearl.
BUDWE1SEII on draueht-The Grand.
Budwelier lit bottles at all first-class
A C. Bcltsch of Iowa Falls, la., Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. J. C. Baker,
ior a tew days
Bluff City Dancing club. Moose Hall,
every Saturday night. You are invitea.
Admission 26 cents.
The United Commercial Travelers will
hold their regular meeting this evening
In their halt In the Merrlam block. There
Is going to be something idolng and alt
of tho boys In town are expected to be
on nana.
DOWN OOES the cost of living If you
trade at this store. Strictly fresh country
", per dozen, 20 cents; best country
nutter, per pounu. sv cents; gooa aairy
butter, per pound. 26 cents; dressed
chickens, per pound, IS cents; Colorado
Jonathan apples, by the box, $1.60; Wine-
sap apples, Dy tne oox,; lien navii
apples, by the pecK, M cents; cauunower,
16 cents and 20 cents head; lettuce, rad.
lahn nnd irreen nnlona. ner bunch, t
cents; large flat can salmon, regular 25
cents, now 16 cents; 7. cents oil sardines, 26
rent: Tnnnv fish. In can, minced, as
white as chicken, for salad, per can, 16
cents; rice, per pouna, a cents; ueuns,
nr nminil. K rents: flaked hominy, per
Douna. e cenie. j.ry a buck ui . i-urum.
flour, a bread knife given with every
sack today, per sack, $1.25. U Green,
1S4 Broadway. Telephone 2710.
Black Cat Door Track.
Hafer's Black Cat barn door track and
hanger Is the beat traek and nanger
made. This traok Is entirely,
no rain or snow can cause it to rust
or decay, neither can It get out of place.
C. Hafer Lumber Company.
Entire Afternoon Is Devoted to
Tnlklngr Shop, nnd In Erenlns;
Visitors Look Upon the
Full Moon.
Plans for West End
Hospital Progressing
Physicians and others intereetedV In
establishing a hospital in tho western part
of the city have scleoted a board of di
rectors and planned for bylaws and rules
that will permit Incorporation under the
state laws.
That those Interested In the enterprise
ore determined to make the strongest ef
fort to carry it through Is indicated by
their willingness to como forward with
substantial promises. It was stated yes
terday that there had been pledged be
tween $9,000 .and $10,000 toWard the equip
ment of tho' propoeod hospital. 8eve"n of
the promoters have each agreed to bear
all of tho expense of equipping one room
apiece, and this expense is Included in
the pledges named, In, the board or di
rectors are the three phyelcians em
ployed by local fraternal orders, and
whose difficulties In getting patients ad
mitted to the other hospitals in the city
was the inoentivo that appears to be
leading toward thi establishment of tho
third hospital. The personnel of the
board of directors:
Dr. W. M 'Oroen, Dr. H. A Itelchen
boch, Dr. II. P. Benjamin, Dr. R, S
Moth, Mrs. Edward Schlcketant. Mrs.
John Nugent, Mrs. ,W. M. dreen, Mrs.
Allen O. Mason. Mrs. Lewis Patterson,
L. Field, Henry Pete-eon, Edward L
Tile location for the proposed hospital
has been practically selected. It la
proposed to take a purchase option and
a long lease on the double tenement house
on West i Broadway near Nineteenth
street, known as tho Bell flats. The
building Is two stories. It was erected by
Conductor Bell of the Union Paclflo about
1S90, but has never been a profitable In
vestment. The proposition to use the
West Cpuncll Bluffs club building for the
hospital has been practically abandoned.
A committee to draft the constitution
and bylaws has been appointed and com.
prises Attorney Henry Peterson. Charles
F. Paschel, Dr. W. M. Green, Mrs. A. T.
Hofftnayr and Mrs. Allen . Mason. A
meeting for completing the organlzatloa
is soon to be held.
The largest number of members who
have yet been present at any of its an
nual meetings hero gathered yeaterda
to attend the midwinter meeting of the
Southwestern Iowa Editorial association.
The' sessions were held In the auditorium
of the public library building, and be
ginning at 11 o'clock continued, with an.y
a slight Interruption for dinner, . until
after 6 o'clock In the evening.
It was not necessary to waste any tlnu
In speeches of welcome, for the Iowa
editors know that Council Bluffs tlways
oxtends both hands In a glad welcome to
them. The forenoon session waa devoted
to the business matters of the assocli-
lion, presented by President R. E. Cun
nlnKhnm of the Olenwood Opinion and
Secretary A. E. Stevens of the Silver Ci y
There were two periods when the talk
was not all' shop. One when Dr. II. B.
Jennings of Council Bluffs explained
"Why Physicians Do Not Advertise," and
when F. A. Turner, an attorney of
Avoca, scorched the "Republican Con
tributor to a Democratlo Paper." AU
the rest was matter pertaining particu
larly to the affairs of the newspaper
owners and editors.
During the afternoon C. E. Corey, see
retary of the Ben Franklin club of
Omaha, talked on "Cost." Ills Ideas
brought out a great deal of discussion.
The only other formal paper was by
Hodge Jonca of the Shenandoah Worli
Council Bluffs was again selected u
the place for holding the next mldwlntsr
meeting. When It came to the election
of officers, A. E. Stevens, who has been
secretary-treasurer ever since the ass-
elation was formed twelve years sg.
declined another re-election, A commit
tee was appointed to select the most de
sirable men and after a short conference
reported tho names of W. C. McCllnto'jk
of Tabor for president; J. C. McCao,
Logan, for vice president, and C. C.
Schaeffejr, Randolph, for secrctary-treas
Near the close of the meeting Secre
tary Towne or tne commercial club ex
tended the welcome to the editors to al
low! the meeting of the Knights of thb
Full Moon last night, giving them suffi
cient assurances of personal safety to
remove their fears and hinting at imough
that was going to happen to exctto the
keenest news sense. All presents accepted
when told that If any attempted lo es
cape they would be kidnaped. Tickets
were distributed to all and later the
handsome gold buttons were affixed to
tho lapels of their coats.
Strictly efficient optical work at Lef
reek Boy Asks
$5,000 for Arrest
George Zees, a Greek boy, employed
as a 1 waiter and dishwasher at the
Greek restaurant owned by Anastatlus
Pulopulos and managed by William
Sltherls, has brought suit In tho district
court against his two fellow country
men, asking Judgment against them for
$6,000 fpr alleged false arrest and Im
prisonment, The petition was filed yes
terday afternoon.
February 3 the Zees boy was taken
Into custody by the police upon com
plaint of his employers charging him
with the theft of $15 from the restaurant
cash register. The story at the time
was that the boy was known to have
arisen from his bed In the room occupied
by several other Greeks, and that his
conduct excited the suspicion-of Sltherls,
who dressed and went to the restaurant
and discovered that it had Just been
broken Into and the cash register rifled.
Sltherls claimed to have discovered evi
dence that Justified tho arrest. The boy
was locked In tho city Jail part of ono
day and all of one night, but the case
' . I . - .1 I . !. . mIIma Atl.l
was not invsiisvcu hi mo j.ivw w.
U was dismissed during the following
Watches given away free at Lefferfs
auction sale.
8. 400
Nine transfers,
total .$U,79
Money saved by attending
money-saving auction sale.
Key to the Bltuatlon-Bee Advertising.
Ex-Labor Offioial
Declared a Forger
Bert Sanborn, local manager of the
Jlarrtman railroad strlko. has been ad
vised by President Ryan that John
Walker, former organiser of the Brother
hood of Railway Carmen, has been dis
missed from his office and that his arrest
Is being sought Walker was In Council
Bluffs quite recently and was the guest
of Mr. Sanborn for a couple of days.
Walker told Sanborn that ha had sur
rendered his office and was engaged as
boiler Inspector, working under the
National Safety Appliance bureau. After
he left, Mr. Sanborn conceived the Idea
that' thent might be somothlna- wrong
and communicated his suspicions to
President Ryan at Kansas City. Ryan
replied tn a telegram, asking Sanborn
to procure the arrest of Walker on the
charge of forrery. u was stated tnat
Walker had forged the name of the labor
assoclattbn'a officers to e check for $79,
which he passed at a hotel in Fonduiac,
Sanborn's efforts to nnd Walker, now.
ever, were rruuiees. n mi um
learned that when he left here he went
to Dickinson. S. D., where be lorueo.
anothr check for $30 and passed It on
a hotel man there. The police of both
f those towns are looking for him and
Fresldsht Ryan has asked the other
officers of the carmen's union to give
ii, widest publicity to the untalhtful
former official to prevent, aim
pther vjetlme and to aid tn securing his
.rival. Tne OIllCIKI v
.i.i. e.k has the man's plcturs and a
full account of his actions on m
Lefferts auction sale continues dally.
3 and 7 p. m.
Mnrrlage Licenses,
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following named persons:
Name and Address. Age.
Louis Longo. Council Bluffs 22
Jennie Saltsman. Council Bluff 11
v. V. Taylor. Wsgner. Mo S5
Birdie Castle, Omaha.....
Sixteenth and Farnatn Streets
now give
The Famous Green Stamps
, with all cash purchases. -
The values of the PREMIUMS given in
exchange for &C GREEN STAMPS are
well known by all Omaha's thrifty shoppers
Wo particularly call your attention to tho display of a few of the HK.
PREMIUMS in our Wtat Window, and we earnestly request you to yisit the
&?C PREMIUM PARLOR at 1417 Harney Street, so that you may moro
fully realizo what this great PROFIT SHARING PLAN means to you. Tell
your friends of the great Free Stamp Offer so they may participate.
50 Green Stamps Free 50
at our storp each day during opening week Feb. 24 to March 1
30 Green Stamps
Free in a New Book to Every Visi
tor to Our Store.
20 Green Stamps
Free for Coupon Below. Out It Out
and Bring It to the Store.
Hamilton (Jotcone
Trado Marks, Coupons, Tobacco Tags, etc,
that come with goods you buy. They can
be exchanged for GREEN STAMPS
at the
1417 Harney Street.
Not good after March 15th, 1913.
This Coupon entitles the
bearer to
addition Uo those received on a 25o
cash purchase or over at
10th and Farnnm Sta.
Drug Merchandise at very attrac
tive prices and "S. & H." Green
Stamps with all cash purchases.
8 boxes Safety Matches 5
Vi peck Good Matches 10(5
600 boxes Writing Paper, all worth 40c to
50c, on sale 25 ci
50c box Gold Initial Cards 25
Fresh new crop Sassafras Bark, lb. . . .25ci
1 lb. pure powdered Borax 7,
60c Java Rice Face Powder 19
60c La Blanch Face Powder 45 d
60c Hind's Honey Almond Cream ....29rf
25c Packer's Tar Soap 15i
$1.00 Peruna 80d
$1.00 Gray's Glycerine Tonic 894
$1.00 Fellow's Syrup 896
$1.00 Llsterino 896
60c LlBterlne 456
special notice y SrSKt
lster Checks. Heretofore wo only redeemed
them In $6.00 lots, but In order to cloan up
outstanding checks, we will gladly redeem
any amount you may have on the same basis
as before, allowing 26c In trado for each $5
worth of checks or any part. If you prefer
wo will give you "S. & H" Green Trading
Stamps in exchange.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam
Iowa Will Let Women Vote Whether
They Want Ballot.
Stock Shippers of , llnvflteyc State
ricad wtth Legislators to Appro
priate Sloner to Make Fight
Against Hoar Cholera.
We have a ble stock of organs- taken
lit on pianos, wo must close them oui.
You can get one at a, big bargain on
easy payrnsnts. wo will tako it uacK
any time at the price paid on any piano.
Hospe Co,, m qroaaway, wouncu
Bluffs, la.
rri, Thtrv.iifpond street school 0
..,i ,h. l-iirhih ktreet school, ootn
alxth irrade teams, last night, at the lo
cat "V," by the score of 1$ to 2.
The Thirty-second street live nna me
Eighth street quintet outclassed frdm the
start. Their guards prevented tho losers
from getting ft basket througnoui uie
The features or the game were mo
ket shooting of Nlllus and Clayton and
the passing Of Slnderson and Lewis.
The green and white five took the lead
In tho fore part of the first half through
the basket towing of NIHua ana Allan.
and held tt to the nair wmcn rnueu,
Thirty-second street, 14; Eighth street, 1.
The Klghth streets put up a
game In the second half and held their
opponents down to five points. The half
ended, Thirty-second streets, 5J Eighth
etreets,' L
The lineup
'(Kroih a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES, la., Keb. 22.-(8pccial
Telegram.) Members of the loKlsUtutt
expressed their view that tomorrow they
will be able to put sn end to tho discus
sion In favor of an amendment to tne
constitution for woman suffrage ami chat
the amendment will be disposed of In the
Tho plan Is to sustain a committee re
port adverse to the amendment and "
claim that the adaption of a bill giving
women the right to vote on the question
as to their own wishes will be a fulfill
ment of the pledges of the parties on the
Unless some hitch occurrs In the mat
ter this will be done.
Fanda to Flgat Cholera.
Representatives of the stock shippers
of Iowa and the leading veterinarians ap
peared before tho legislature today anJ
pleaded with the members for the pas
sage of a bill to authorize an effective
fight against the hog cholera In Iowa
by the establishment of a new serum
laboratory and placing a large fund in
the hands of the State Live Stock bord
to maKo the right.
Jt Is expected a bill will be favorably
acted on In a few days.
Supreme Court Decisions.
Stato against Gordon Davis, appellant,
Davis county; assault: affirmed.
Joseph Wiggins against 13. Meredith,
KeoxuK county; rramisnmcnt;
. . . Iefebure, appellant, against
American Express company, Linn county;
carriages; umrmea in pare.
oiaia against James Henrietta)
pellant, Muscatine county; larceny;
Allan lF.
Clayton ..........c.
Slnderson U.U.
Achats (c.) u.u.
II.G (o.) Ollllgan
L.G Tlmberman
O Coyle
n.a Hansen
L.G Lewis
with him soon released him with tho aid
of an axe.
Ida Grove Farm House Burned.
IDA aHOVE, la., Feb. 22 (Special.)-"
The big farm house on tho Ed Benedict
place, seven miles northeast of Ida
Grove, burned to the ground, and tho
tenants, Mr. and airs. Itoy Kalrchlld.
saved nothing but their piano and sew
ing machine. Mrs. Falrohlld had a coU
loctlon of hand-painted china, which was
lost The house was one of tho oldest and
best farm-houses In the county, and for
many years had been a landmark. Word
was phoned to town for help and many
automobiles loaded with citizens wcro
Bent out. but the house burned like
tinder. Benedict had $1,500 Insurance and
Mr. Folrchlld !S00.
Cliinio and French
Clocks Skillfully
mm iota ft Ksrnsy
others who have investigated the accident.
A Horrible' Death
may result from diseased lungs. Cure
coughs and weak, sore lungs with Dr.
King's Now Discovery. 60o and J1.00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Bubstltutrsz Williams for Coyle. Bas
kets: Nlllus. 3; Allan. 2i Clayton, s;
Achats, 2. Free inrqws; oinuerjii,
Ttmberman and Hansen. Referee: De
Vol. Timekeepers: Hynes and BPrx.
Bcorer: Bneparo. nme oi
minutes, . . . ...
If you appreciate gooa whcu repair
work, bring your watch to Lefferts.
BOONE. Feb. K.-(Speclal.)-Mlss
Elolse SnAl. 9,no of the best-known Sun
day school workers In this country, left
this morning for a tour of the world In
the .Interest of the Sunday school move
ment. Miss Snell goes to San Francisco,
where she soils on' March S for ths
Orient. She there gives a number of
addresses and participates In many con
ferences before going to Russia via tho
Trans-Siberian railroad, Bhe will be pre
sented to the heads of the governments
In Japan, China, Korea, Russia and
other European countries. The object of
the trip Is the World's Sunday School
convention which will be hold tn June tn
Zurich. Miss Snell Is one of the few dele
gates from this country to appear on the
tlrlef mdtns.
rri.. .i-mhnl, nt arfltnt llf m&V nOt SUST'
gesi tt. but one of the true characteristics
of true greatness In man Is modesty.
All the world loves a lover, because at
one time or another all the world has
Some women, with a reasonable oppor
tunity lor nanpineaa on umr biuuw
would rather be unhappy than out oi
A JivDocrlts. son. Is a person who posts
moral commandments In conspicuous
places about his premises and goes ut
ana lorgsts wwn.-vuasi.
SHENANDOAH. Is.. Feb. 3.-(Speclal.)
-Joe Davis met with a very serious ac
cident Wednesday evening while bring
ing a threshlpB machine to town. When
some five miles north of this place the
traction engine went down through the
bridge, pinning him between the engine
and water tank, breaking his right leg
And crushing It so that amputation will
be rtecessary. This s&ms leg was broken
about two years ao. The man who was
Iowa News Note,.
LOGAN With the exception of birds
killed by thoughtless hunters the partridges-
and pheasants shipped and lib
erated near Logan are reported as doing
won up to tne present time.
LOGAN Tho Masonic lodge of Logan
will hold a special meeting for exempli
fication of degree work nere Tuesday
afternoon and evening, February S. A
good attendance Is expected.
CRESTON The Burns detective agency
has Issued a warning to business men In
this part of the state cautioning them
against check raisers who are said to
be operating about here. A number of
Instances arc noted where parties have
been swindled through their operations,
LOGAN According to Information re
ceived here, the Soldier river is now
nvnrflnwlnc its banks and flooding ad
jacent lands notwithstanding the, major
portion or tlio drainage system nas ocen
completed. The overflow Is said to be
attributable to obstructions in the river
BEDFORD Tho Bedford Free Press
has been sold by R. V. Lucas to A. CV
Brlce, Jr., who will at onco assume
chargo of tho publication. The plant will
be the property of tho Ormsby Printing
company. Mr. Lucas has been in charge
of the Free Press for the last seven
PRBSCOTT A contract has been en
tered Into between Charles L. Denney of
Des Moines and a number of citizens of
Prescott whereby Mr. Denney agrees to
put down a four-foot snuare hole not
less than 135 feet deep and not more than
150 feet In prospecting in the coal vein
found east of that place recently.
AFTON Saturday, February 23, the
annual school of .Instruction In road
work and weed destruction will be held
at Afton. This school Is under the su.
pervlslon of the board of county super
visors, which has arranged a program
that will appeal to all who attend, and
Is In tho interests of the good road move
ment. CRESTON "Brooklyn Red," the al
leged Ottumwa crook brought to the
county Jail here last night by local police
officials, suspected of being Implicated
In the Thayer bank robbery last yv- n
ber, declares hs had no hand I that
affair He admits oems an ex-vunvici
and says he has been guilty of a number
of safe robberies and Bafe blowings, but
says he can prove he was In Ottumwa
the night the Thayer bank was robbed,
CRESTON The first carload of ma
terial for Installing the telephone system
of train dispatching on the Creston di
vision of tho Burlington road arrived here
vAutcrilav and work will begin at once
stringing the copper wires between
here and Paclflo Junction. It Is said a
large number of workmen will be busy
all spring putting In the system. It Is
also stated that the telegraph system
will remain Intact In ths offices, as tho
telephone will be used for dispatching
trains only for the present Other busi
ness will be handled over the telegraph
as at present.
LOGAN George Milter of near Wood
kin, has niMi a claim of 110.000 for dam
ages against Harrison county for injuries
sustained by being precipitated twenty
five feet to the bottom of the creek west
of Woodbine becaue of absence of a
guarding rati on the approach or D. B.
Hatton bridge No. 17. Attorney H. L.
Roberta of Logan appears for Mr. Miller.
The case will come up before the board
March 4. and will be watched with no
JltUe amount of Interest. Just how Mr.
and Mrs. Miller escaped Instant death la
a matter that pussies ths doctors and
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Dyspeptic Philosophy.
The best thing about many a man Is
his good opinion of himself.
A man nnd his wife are one when they
are tied for first place.
There Is quite a difference between
taking a brace and taking a bracer.
Many a man overestimates his capacity
especially when he Is looking for trouble,
Manv a man will moke an affidavit to
a thing he wouldn't bet on.
The race Is not always to the swift.
Some people run right away from pros
perity. Homely girls arc generally clever, but
tlipre are mltrhty few girls who would
care to be clever at the price.
When a woman discovers that a man
doesn't admire her she naturally sttrlb
utes It to his stupidity. -
There ore timers when every woman
feels there should bo a school for the
eduction of husbands.
We don't know who sets the fashions
In feminine attire, but It must be some
one who Is trying to crab the human
race. New York Times.
Get Rid of
Piles at Home
Simple Home Remedy, Easily Appli
ed, Gives Quick Relief and Pre
vent all Danger from Operation. '
Send for Tri Trial Package and Provs
It Xn Tout Cass.
Don't even think of an operation, for
plies. Remember what the old family
jjoctor said; Any part of the body cut
away is gone forever. One or two ap
plications of Pyramid Pile Remedy aud
all the pain, fire and torture ceasss, In
u remarkably short time the congested
veins are reduced to normal and you will
soon be alt right again. Try this re
markable remedy. Sold everywhere t
drug stores. Send tor a free trial pack
age and prove beyond question It Is the
right 'remedy for your case, even though
you may be wearing a pile truss,
i Just send in the coupon below at once
for the free trial treatment. It will
show you conclusively what Pyramid
Pile Remedy will do. Then you can gvt
the regular pockags for CO cents at any
drug store. Don't suffer another need
less minus. Write now.
nam coupox
Pyramid Drug Company, 451 Pyramid
BIdg-. Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me
a trial treatment of Pyramid Pile
Remedy at once, by mail, FREE, la
plain wrapper, so I can prove its
splendid results.
City .,
saJfWjBBjjp, is II I ss i