Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Saturday HOSIERY Specials
10c TOILET SOAP, Cake 6c
Chocolato creams, assorted, 1
1b. box, or-
spoclal J
Chocolato clipped Maraschino
ZT: : 69c
Women's black cotton
hose, full fashioned, high
Women's black lisle
thread hose, full fashioned,
JerRen's Vlolot Ulycorlne
or Jap Hose Simp. Cn
regulsrly 10c. enko. UU
IMnmid's 7Rc l.llas and
9-Inch rubber revelation
unbreakable combs, Rc
nea, nign
carnations, assorted
colors and white, reg
spliced nooi,
double sole
with doublo
garter tops,
pair. . . ...
high spliced
heel, double
sole, silk
thrtH(l toe.
for .
ular 7Bc
a dozen
quality, at,
lolet Toilet
ttater . . .
ltogrrn k Clallot I On
35c Illce Powder I5U
Tho BEST STORE for you all tho timo
A Sensational Eiiort Xo Close Out Every Woman's Winter
In Our Entire Stock Beginning Saturday Morning at 8 O'cltck
AND if price has anything to do with it there'll not be a garment left when the store closes Satur
day night at 9 o'clock. It's the one grand final effort sensational to say the least, and we
naturally anticipate a great response, and have provided accordingly. But the best selections arc sure
to go first and we would ndviso being hero early if you wish to share in whnt we believe and know to ba
The Greatest Ready-to-Wear Bargains of the Year
TKn Pnafc i Your Choice
Represent the season's choicest and most
favored models In a wldo range of selection.
All beautifully tallorod and finished through
out, many lined with Skinner's satin. The
materials Include
The former prices ranged trom dnr (Zf
$22.60 to ?46. choice Saturday. . P OU
The Furs
Represent our entire Block of separate pieces,
such as neck pieces, muffs and sets, all made
of the best selocted skins and splendidly fin
ished. Such furB are Included as
The former prices ranged from dj'y Etf
$20 to $45.00, choice Saturday. .. P OU
Former Prices Were
$22.50, $25.00
and even to $45.00
The Suits
Llko tho coats, nro representative of every
thing that was popular and desirable for this
Benson, many of thorn are In accord with the
new spring stylos. Tho materials are
The former prices wore $22. SO, d7 Eft
$2G and ovon $45, choice for. .. P tOw
The Dresses
Not many of a kind or stylo, hut all vory do
slrabln. In some Instances, only ono of a
particular style. Tho materials aro
Tho former prices wero $22.50, frtj j
$25, $30, $U5 or oven $45, choice. J .01
SANITARY Baking Ware, rich brown color with a
clean, milky whlto llnlnB the product of soveral
flrBt class factories; must be closed out in order that
we may In tho futuro handle one lino 1
exclusively. In the lot aro Itemoklns, j
custard cups, pudding dishes, ossser- "pST
oles, tenpols and hot water Jugs, on V
unit Saturday at
Inverted Gas IJht, 85c
Complete with mantle,
chimney, burner and globs,
regular selling
price, 69c,
this sale
rinniilnn English Willow
tea cups and saucers, and
dinner plates,
worth -2S doz-
HUB oELiO, OttlJil.
Tumblers at 3o.
Colonial Tumblers,
good quality, Sat
urday, each
Bad. Irons at 09o.
Mrs. Potts Sad AA
Irons, regularly UVC
11.00, sold at v '
Hand Saws at 49 o.
Hand saw, 26-ln., Attn
fully warranted, fftVC
vaiucu a.k
You Can Save o Every Pair of SHOES
You Buy in This Sale of Sherwood's Stock
DO you fully realize the full moaning of that? That every dollar you spend does doublo duty,
in other words, $3 shoes cost you but $1.45, and so on throughout the entire offering. The
i,ni unnwn makes of shoos are Included. In tho beBt leathers ana styles. L.ei tneso servo ns wmnyien.
Sherwood's $3.00 shoes for men
and women, special
sale price Saturday,
Sherwood's $2.50 Velvet Shoes,
all sizes, special In
Saturday's sale,
Sherwood'B $3.50 to
for men and women
special salo price Satur
day, pair
Sherwood'B $1.75 to $2.00 shoes
for children, boys and A
girls, special sale price $lyC,
$4 shoes
Saturday, pair
Sherwood's $4.50 to $5.50 shoos
for men and women, fl 0 A
special snle price Satur- J 4 a)
T "
$3.00 shoos
day, pair
Bhorwood's $2.75 to
for boys and Rlrls,
special Bale price
Saturday, pair
IHen's $1.50 SHIRTS, 89c
MEN'S white pleated shirts, made coat
style; extra good valuo at fg
$1.50; spooial salo Saturday, your ftJ
choice, at , " 7v
$1.00 Swontcrs, 08c
Men's Jersey Hweat- gQ
ors, Including val- flff.
ii a to 11.50. for
Men's flfl.OH Union Suits,
nt 91.80
Men's wool and mercerized
union suits In heavy, med
ium and light weight, In
cluding values to iM Oft
S3.98, special tll.liv
Hutllrdav at
78c Neckwear, aOo
Men's silk and knit 4ln
hand nocktles, Including;
values to 7Bc, "
BRlfl- price, aUP,
choice WVW
H5o Hondkorcliicfs, 19c
Men's linen hondkerchlofs.
noil regularly at 4A
36c, .special nalo 1C
fir I no. tin f lir.ln v .
v 1 .
, f
George Nicholson ' Admits Making
Dollars on His Homestead. .
Gives Ills Confession to (Jo vcriimcnt
Officials, but Bar- the Throe
Men Arrested with Him
Are Nut Guilty.
Dollars of a combination of babbit and
tin wero made by George Nicholson on
his homestead near Hecla, Neb., accord
ing to a confession he mado at tho hear
Jng before United States Commissioner
Daniel. The three men arrested with hlni
were dismissed, as he said they had noth
ing to do with tho counterfeiting. Nich
olson Is held to tho grand Jury, which Is
to meet beginning March 10. Nicholson
mado a signed statement as follows:
"My name Is Goorgo Nicholson. I nm
63 years old. I reside at 7TO North Six
teenth street, having resided there al
together two months and a half. With
reference to the charge against me of
having In my possession certain counter
felt dollars, I have to Bay: That I had
In my possession when arrested throi
counterfeit silver dollars; I also had In
ray'trunk at tho Maggard Van and Stor
age company In Omaha, Neb., approxi
mately 405 or W counterfeit silver dol
lars. I knew all the time this money was
counterfeit, and had It In my possession
with the Intention of passing the same.
I also had In my possession two molds
for making silver dollars and one pol
isher. The molds wero made by me. I
ordered the polisher from Chicago, 111.
I had the molds and polisher In my pos
session on my homestead, twelve miles
southwest of Hecla, Neb. All of the sil
ver dollars In my possession were mado
on my former homestead by me. 1 am
guilty of the charge against me, and am
ready at the first opportunity to enter
the plea of guilty. None of tho other
three parties charged with me knew I
had the money In my trunk except Uar
ton, whom I told two or three days bo
fore the arrest that I had thorn, do
never Baw any of the money in the
After the hearing Nicholson In conver
sation with Captain Haze Bald the dol
lars were made of babbit and tin. Asked
how long It took him to make the 400
and more dollars In his possession, ns
said: 'I can't hardly say how ,ong, fcr
I worked at them nights."
Nicholson and three other men were
arrested a few weeks ago nt 709 Norih
Sixteenth street. Later Captain Haze of
tho United Statcs's marshal's of'Ice lo
cated Nicholson's . trunk at the Btorat
house and found over 400 counterfeit do'
lars as well as molds used In maki 'g
them. Tho dollars ore rather cruda.
They are devoid of ring and havo a du'l
leaden appearance. Besides they will
write on paper like a lead pencil.
Health Wnrnlnir.
Mako every effort to avoid having damp
chilled or wet feet. Chilling the feet
results In congesting the Internal organs,
and Inflammation of the kidneys an
bladder, with rheumatic twinges and
pain In the back, generally follow. Use
Foley Kidney Pills. They are the best
medicine mado for all disorders of the
kidneys, for bladder Irregularities, and
for backache and rheumatism. They
do not contain haUt forming drugs.
Tonic In action, quick In results. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
White Wet Blanket to a Depth of
from One to Ten Inches.
farmer Ilejolae Alonsr with Hall
road Officii! anil (irnln Men,
for It In of Immense
Value to Crops.
the famous bayous and y
jL. iBF inlets that make a Paradise for the sportsman.
DucUa, Snipe, Papabotta. and other game birds aro plentiful. Deer are often
round; nsbtng for Bheepshoad, lied unsn, Ureen Trout, Bpanisn
Mackerel, rompano, etc., is excellent nil winter long,
The balmy climate, unique scenes and pleasures, the fun-loTlnc, hos-
pttabla people of New Orleans, all conspire to make your stay too
short, and always to be remembered.
Principal Hotels t
The Grunewald Cosmopolitan
New Monteloone St. Charles
Write for rates, illustrated booklet, etc
Illinois Central
The direct line to the Crescent City, with tiiple daily
service irom Chicago ana bt. Louis, including the
Panama Limited
24-Hour Train From Chicago
with through sleeping car service from St
Louis (also through sleeping car Chicago to
san Antonio, lexas, nt New Orleans). In
formation about winter tourist fares, tickets
and reservation and a beautiful book enti.
tied "New Orleans for the Tourist," can be
had 1 your some ticket agent or by ad
City Ticket Office,
407 Month 18th Strut.
Jfnoas, sougias fcdi,
out. Pus. Art..
A blanket of snow from one to ten
Inches In thlcknefw covers Nebraska and
as tho hours pass it continues to grow
thicker, for It Is still snowing. This !s
thu report coming to all of the Omaha
dJ Itallroad and Krain men do not hesitate
dTto say that tho enow that has been gen-
eial over all Nebraska, most of Kansas,
Colorado, Wyoming and a greater portion
of the fcouth half of South Dakota will
bo of Incalculable value. No attempt
has been made to make an estlmato on
what tho snow coming at this particular
time means, but It Is agreed that It will
add millions of dollars to the crop yield
of the state.
The enow is damp and heavy and Is not
drifting. Tho fall Is heaviest from tho
central part of Nebraska west, but all
through the Missouri valley reports Indi
cate from one to three Inches, with the
fall continuing.
Railroad reportB Indicate that the snow
fall began on the oast slope of tho
Rocky mountains and worked east. In
tho vicinity of Denver and north through
oentral Wyoming the reports to the Bur
lington headquarters hero Indicated from
ten Inches to a foot of snow and at al
most evor" station still snowing.
Along the Northwestern line there was
snow all the way from Omaha to Lander,
Wyo. From Norfolk west and In South
Dakota along the Bonesteel line when
the morning report was sent, the snow
had a reached a depth of from two to
four Inches and was still snowing haid.
Temperatures generally were around lb
to 24 degrees above zero.
BnoTY ISveryiThere.
On the Burlington there was snow ev
erywhere. On tho line to the northwest.
Broken Bow, Benect, Whitman and u
dozen other points this sldo of the Wyo
ming line reported four to six Inches. On
the Lincoln division Palmer and liar
vard and the tributary territory riported
four Inches, with thiee Inches over prac
tically all of the Wymore division, which
covers much of the South Platte eoun
try. On the McCook division-, much of
the territory which Is in tho South
Platte section, and where winter wheat
U a leading crop, there was a fall of
three Inches at Mlnden, Holdrege, Repub
lican Cltv. scores of other points, with
four to five Inches over the entire coun
try around McCook, and Red
Cloud, From McCook west the snow had
attained a much greater depth, there he.
Ing from six to eight Inches over south
western Nebraska and eastern Colorado,
For more than 100 mliut tetwee Brush,
Colo., and Alliance, Neb., the snow at
8 o'clock had reached a depth of from
five to ten Inches, and more was coming.
On the SJ, Francis branch of the Bur
lington and way down Into the central
portion of Kansas the snow ranged from
three to eight and In a few places ten
Inches In dertli.
Along the Union Pacific there was a
heavy fall of wet snow from Omaha to
Cheyenne, being heaviest west of Clran-1
Island. At Grand Island there was a
fall of two Inches, three at North Platte
and flvo tn six around Kimball and writ.
Along the Missouri Paclflo heavy snour
was reported u.i along the Nebraska ar,
Kansas lints, In many places It attaining
a tlenth of from four tn six Inchn-i. 1'h
?snow seemed to bo heaviest west of a
.line Q.Ut fifty , to .seVenty-tive mlfes west
of the. river. Between Oinulia und Kan
sas City there was snow ffll tho way, but
generally net to exceed on Inch.. How
ever, It wan wet and filled with water,
much of It melting about as fast as It
Communication la Cut Off.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 21.-Tho middle
west was cut off from) communication
with the est of the country. A series of
snow, slept and rainstorm) provalloJ,
trains were deluyed and telegraph and
phono wires demoralized.
In Kansas, Nebraska and South Un
kota ii snow of from una to threo Inchei
was general. Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas,
Oklahoma and north Texas experienced
cold rains, which at many points turnud
to sleet, while Illinois reported a blend
ing of sleet and snow,
II a I ii nnil Hleit In CIiIvuko.
CHICAGO. Feb. 21,-Raln und sleot
partially paralyzed street car and cla
vatcd lino traffio in Chicago for .i time
today, for tho icy coating of tho streeti
later melted Into a disagreeable slush.
Hundreds of telegraph and telephone
wlros were reported down, not jnly In
this city, but In tho surrounding country.
Railroad trains had hard going over
glassy rails and malls tn consequence
wer delayed for hours.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Harry D. Reed,
who dlod Wednesday ovenmg as the re
sult of an attack of heart failure fol
lowing a severn 'case of prieumonla, was
held yesterday afternoon at 3 from tho
family residence at 4911 Fnrnam street.
Rev. Manfred Mlllefors or tho First Unity
church conducted the services and spoke
feelingly of Mrs. Reed's work In the
church. Flornl tributes -were many and
beautiful und tho services wero attended
by a host of friends from Omaha and
surrounding cities. The pall bearers wero
Honry S. McDonald, Frank A. Rlnchart,
Frank B. Johnson and K. 10. Klmbcrly.
The body wan Interred In Prospect Hill
Saturday afternoon, 'March 8, tho High
school will keep open hauso to celebrate
the completion of tho building and its
opening for school ubos. No formal
opening followed tho completion of the
building and Miss Kate MoIIugh, princi
pal, has announced that tho public Is In
vited to visit the school on "open house"
On accpunt of some mtsuuderst Hiding
the charwomen of the fodcral building
hove been working a ily four (hours p?r
day for many yeors Inntoid of five hours
ns tho regulations roqmre. An ord'r Ins
Just been Issued fram iicadqu:irters at
Washington that tho womun are to it
In tho full five hours per day, as llioy du
In all other federal bulMlnus In the coun
try, Thoy coma ut (S-.30 In tho mor.nntr
and clean offices until 'i o'clock. By that
timo they are suppo ltd to lj nut of the
way with their work so that the offices
nru ready for the da?. At 4 n'clock In
the nftcrnoon they como bad: and work
until 6:80 In tho ovsnmg. During IK
tlmo from 9 In the morning until 4 In
tho afternoon many of them work at
other Jobs In tho city.
A Viper In the Htomuoh
Is dyspepsia, complicated with liver and
kndnoy troubles. Electric Bitters help
nil such Cases or no pay. Try them, 60c.
For salo by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Better Clothes Value Giving
$15 I is5SWKBi 15
That a great army of good drossers know what it means to
get their choice of such a stock of
Hart, Shaffner & Marx
Fancy Suits and Overcoats as ours at $15.00 is evidenced by the continued great demand
through the last few weeks. (
Ordinarily such an offer would have dopleatod our stock in short order, but tho oy
trnordinariy heavy stock of winter suits and overcoats which wo had on hand gives you
still the opportunity (probably the last ono this season), t6 select suits and overcoats of
choicest fabrics and patterns, tailored in a manner you'll seldom find equalled. Bornilar
$20.00 to $35.00 values, at
Your Unrestricted Choice $15.00
All our men's fine dress trousers di
vided for February clearance in three
big special lots.
Men's Trousers, that sold
to $.'.50, choice
Men's Trousers, thnt sold
at $4.50, your choice
Moil's Dross Trousers, that
sold to $0.00, your choice. .
Boys' Winter Suits Go at About y2 Price;
Snappy styles in choicest of fabrics
and patterns for selection.
Boys' Suits, worth An fir
Boys' Suits, worth in n
$0.00, at SO.UU
Boys' $7,50 and $10.00 mi ii r
SuitB, at S4.00
Many of them have two pairs of
Knickerbocker trousers:
vjy Pays
Try Hayden's First