Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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3is Residence Telephone Number
Appears Out of Place.
Friend WIshlnK to fnll IIU Home
Thonr Nnmlirr Seem (o II r lin
nblr In I.ocntr IIU
1 Xnmr.
County Commissioner Frank C. Best 1
"mad" at the Nebraska Telephone com
pany. He declared to friends that the
eompany will have a hard time collect
ng his next telephone bill. When Best
refuses to pay the company probably wMI
Heft's two nnmes ami numbers, one jt
the immrs Is for J an Interior private
branch exi-hange, which ocruples fl
lines In the directory.
Beit says many person" huc told him
they wanted to telephone to him at his
resldenee.4 but could not find his resi
dence number In the directory.
motion and nmlnlt imtior of the road
w leh Joins iiast (o coast through
II. K. Krediickswn has been appointed
tilWslon altd field Mortuary west of In
M.stnurl river to work with the officers
of the lon-!lllno!s division. W. ('. llol
I In of Deulson. la., wilt !h field
tary of the division Hst of the Missouri
S. I?. Hradt of IV Kalb. III.. Is the
ttcisurer and 1). W. Nftrrl. Jr., of Mnr
shatltowti, la., publicity manager of the
W. 1'. Coan raH the Intention of .ho
organisation Is to get the state divisions
urganlxtd and latef combine them to
compete with the southern trauseontl
.lentnl route and tl.o nothein roiltV for
1 get ' ma" at the hoi se that made the lat
telephone directory, the printliiB tiouso
will Ret "mad" at some foreman, and th
foreman will get "mad ' at mmp "mako
i up" man and at some proof reader.
the approval of the gm eminent IkkuiI,
which will advise the national govern
ment on the most feasible cross continent
The central transcontinental higuwny.
lie says, will bo the most feasible loule,
following imrullel to the New York ("en
trnl the Northwestern and the Cnlon
lnolflc ral'.roads. The oiganlxntlon now
forming will work for the establishment
of the central highway through the vari
ous statn divisions that It may be In
condition when the government board
makes Its Investigation to merit the
board's approval.
Time for Barton
Funeral is Not Set
Chairman of Central Highway Says
He Will Boost for TlnVCity.
Here Is what aroused Mr. Host s Ire. His
residence telephone number In the latest
directory appears out of Its proper al
phabetical place. His office .number ap
pears properly, below the name Hesslt-
nd above the name of H. Best. His
residence telephone number appears be
low the name Herryman and above the
name ttortaclnl.. The residence number
appenrs.near the foot of one page of t h
directory and the business number near
the top of the succeeding page. There
are fifteen names and numbers between
The exact time for the funernl of th
late K. C. llartnu has not been set. The
family Is waiting for word from close
friends In the east, who are expected t'i
arrive In time for the funernl. It Is not
expected these parties can arrive i i
Omaha beforo Saturday night nt tho vci v
earliest. The funeral will be private.
ttiiiiirnoll W in-, Waterloo l iiii,
LIVKUPOOL, Feb. il.-The Wain loo
cup. the "(Ifcyiiountrs DjrlV' t.b rim
off. today at Al'car and won bv Hunr
well, aljrlndle dug, with Huldec. a puppy,
second.- Neither of thtm had been con
sldcred. promising and the favorite wa
1.000 to so against Hnngwel) and J.000 to
30 "against Htildee. The Waterloo cup Is
the annual coursing contest In which
sixty-four UreylioUmls compete' ,for a
Make of fittM.
jTlirre Const IHi;Iimii) Aro In tlio ,
I llnf, bill I In- Central Trull
I Throimh Omntitt Is Con- I
i nlilrrcil Heat.
W 1 Oonii. Joint chitlrmau of the town ,
' and Illinois divisions of the Central !
j TrHlsco(itluentnl Natloiwl iilshwa;.
while In Uma!tn tini""
ganUatloti vhlch will work for the pro
A CrlKblful Hpprlrn,
with biliousness, malaria and constlpa
tlon, la quickly overcome by taking lv
King's. New Life- fills. Only Sic T-.r
sain by Benton Drug Co. Advertisement
The Terslstent and Judicious t'se of
Newspaper Advertising Ir the Iloul to
liuslness Success.
Hand Bag Specials
A big new lino'of Ladies'
Hand Bags go on sale Sat
urday at
$2.00 Hand Bags . . . .98c
$2.25 Hand Bags ..$1.25
$3.00 Hand Bags ..$1.98
$4.00 Hand Bags ..$2.25
50c Chitfons 25c
A big line oN full double
width Chiffons in plain col
ors, made to sell up lo HUc
yard, all at one price Sat
urday, yard . . . 25t
$0e Veilings 25cyd.
A big special lot of Fancy
Mesh Veilings that sell reg
ularly to 50o yard, very
pleasing assortment, on
sale, at yard 25e
Wonderful Value Giving in Women's Auto Garment' Salur.
day samph Lines of Af?w Sprinq Goo s and : upi; Stocks
New Spring Hat Styles
sample Lines of two prominent New York concerns
on sale at Less Than Cost to Manufacture.
Soft and Stiff Hats, new spring
styles and Including nearly
all shapes and sizes, made to
sell to $3.00, all at one price,
your choice Sat
Hoys' nnd Children's lints, now
spring styles, made to sell at
5c and $1.00, at 45d
Men's and Hoys Cloth Caps
100 dozen, all now spring
styles, all colors and weaves
Including bide serge, on sale
at 45d
" ' .
475 handsome
New Suits that
were m a d e to
sell . at $25.00.
Bedford Cords,
Diagonal s
Whipcords, fine a
Serges, Chiffon
Taffetas, etc., in.
finding a beautir
ful line of Crcani
Serge Suit
(Greatest values
we ever offered
at Sii'tur day's
sale price, choice
of Winter Garments a Price 3 Which
Otier Opporium ics for tconomies
Linens, Wash
Goods Domestic Room
Full blenched pattern Table
Cloths, good heavy weight, as
sorted designs, 2 yards square,
$1.25 values g54
Bed Spreads, good size, scalloped
and hemmed, assorted pat-'
terns, good weight, $1.39 val
ues ; -.08'
Pontiac linen finish, round
thread, heavy welded Sheets,
72x99, 69c values ...... 59
ParkvilLo Pillow Case, size 45x
36, gbod quality muslin, 15c
values 1J2
Silk striped Poplins or Voiles,
new and pretty colons, 25c val
ues 19
Fancy Dress Ginghams, good
colors and patterns, 124c val
ues : 866
New Silk Shantung, new and
pretty colors, 29c values, Qfc
Bed Spread
Full size hemmed crochet
Betf Spreads,, assorted,
worth $1.25,. each $1.0p
Full size hemmed crochet
Bed, Spreads, assorted,
worthl$2.00, each $1.50
Full size scalloped crochet Bed
Spreads, worth $2.50, each,
at S1.98
Full size scalloped crochet BeJ
Spreads, worth $3.00, each,
at $2.25
Full size colored scalloped Bed
Spreads, worth $4.00. each,
at $2.95
Full size colored scalloped Bed
Spreads,,- worth $4.50, each,
t CjO OS
See the New "
The Peer, of all
Suits at.. J3
Children's Coats
'Chat sold at $5.00, $7.50 up
to $8.50, Chinchillas, Cordu
roys, etc. plain colors and
fancy mixtures, all sizes 2 to
14 years, 'choice, if QJP
till noon 4 -
r.WiWW H All "VU lit :
Percale W r 11 p ) e r s and
House Dresses, $1.25 val
ues, in all sizes, at..59
Flannelette and Percale
Dressing Sacques, 75c val
ues 29(
Your Unrestricted Choice of
in our entire Winter slock,
plushes and velvets excluded
Coats worth $2f)(T
Coats worth $25 V MZt J
Coals worth $110.
Coats worth $35.
Many Satin lined throughout,
Over (iOO Beauti
ful New Dresses,
nearly all manu
facturer's S a m
iples, in a d e t o
'sell up to $25.00.
Come in Silk
Messalines, Nets,
Poplins, Taffe
tas. Cli i f f o n s,
Serges, etc., in
but Ii iiht and
dark coloring,
all-si'ees, broad
assortment of at
tractive styles,
at, choice
You'll admire
The most beauti
ful, tho . r
best at...
A magnificent showing of
New Styles in
Special Satur
day Bargains
IS-ln. Umliroldercd Flouncings,
20c yd. quality, on sale, yd. XOd
2 7-ln Dross Flouncings, regular
35c yd, values, on sale, at
rd '....194
$2.00 DreBB Flouncings, full 15 in.
wldo. on sale, nt yurd....9Q
15u nil linen Handkerchiefs 7'.4i
20o wldo Tnffctn Hlbbon, yd. 10i
10c Torchon Knees,, nt ynrd..5
$2 ThonnoB Bottles at 98d
25o Dross Trimmings nt ..lOd
20c Shadow Laces, at ynrd, .10i
New Neckwear
We have received several
very choice lines of Jdies'
New Spring Neckwear.
Htorks, Jabots, Gimps and 1'inicy
Pleated KffectN which will bo
placed on.sixlo Saturday, special
25c, 9c, and 85c
, Length Cdafs
$10, $12.50, $15 up to $49.
Sum's Surplus Stock of Shoes
Two big purchases mado by our buyer who has
just returned from tho east, will bo placed on sale Sat
urday at about' 50c on the dollar. Take advantago of
these romarkablo bargains Saturday.
jMon's $4.50 and $5.00 shoos, in
all leathers, patent leather, tan
calf and gun metal, button or
lace, sale price $2.98
Men's shoes, values up to $3.50,
in patent leather, gun metal and
tan, high cut shoes, all sizes,
at $1.08
See 16th Street Windows.
AVomen's shoes, all leathors, all
styles, values up to $5.00, in 2
lots, in nil sizes and widths,
at $2.98 mid $1.98
MisBcs' $2.00 laco shoos'ftnd boys
$1.50 school shoes, all sizes, $1
Women's white' Nu Buck button, broad high toe,
Cuban or low heel, the last word in stylo ..$2.50
infants' button shoes, a regular 85o value, while
they last '. 50c
Beautiful Chiffon Waists,
also Messaline and Net
Waists, made to sell to
$7.50, on sale, (T J QO
at, choice
Children's New Spring Dresses Manufac
turer's samples, sizes from (5 to 14 years, val
ues to $1.50, on sale, at 79t
Ladies' Black Petticoats, worth to $1.00, Jer
sey tops, Moires and Snteeim, on sale, at,
choice ; 39c
30o Mantles, each . .' .'. . . .23c
25c Mantles, each 19C
20c Mantles, each 15C
15c Mantles, each 12C
10c Mantles, each , 5c
75o Inverted Light, complete
with globe and
mantle, ready ,
to put up. . .'. .
Rubber Goods af Fraction of Worth
A Big Special Purcfifte All Ptrfcot Naw Oooda Qreatly Uaderprlced to
Sffvct Quick CUnrano.
75c ami $1,00 llnpUrFIow Fountain
Syrlnscn In red or. white pun mini
rubber, KimrantceJ jicrfoof; snle
price ,,l , 39o
One tliouisancis nnd 3-unrt cam
le?s red nnd white rubber Hot
Water Hottien, nono better miule,
rcsulnr price $2.00 nnd $2.50
sale price, each B8o
$3,00 Wellington SyrliiKe and Hottlo,
gunranteed for five yearH ...93.00
$2.00 Wellington llpt. Water Bottle.
Kduronteed for five' yeorn. . .P1.03
$2.00 'Seamiest! Fountain HyrlliRO
nnd Ilottle combined, Kuurnntoed
for two yearH; nnle price . ...90o
75o pure sum Tlubbcr aio'ves, brand
new stock, guaranteed perfect; nl,
the pair a 5c
Five feet of Itnpld Flow HyrlnRo
Tubing for 18c
$1.00 Atomizers, noso or tbront, 39o
25c Infant Bulb .Syringe, sale price,
each 13Ma
25c and 50c Kar nnd Ulcer Syringes,
nale price 12o
Some Mighty Attractive Value Giving Saiurday in Furnishing Goods and Underwear
Quality Is tho keynote that lins Riven us this senson the hlRRest liuslncNS on ftiml(.hinRH wo hnvo ever
known. You'll do well to take Hilvnutngo of tills offering in lii(llty Roods. ANKortmcnt! nro niniosi unit
Inverted Gas Globes, half
frosted, eali ..7c
Gas Lighters, eacli 7c
iau' H.T7 Tleeetd, Jtriey Blbbd
Undtrwesx Hlilrtn and draw- Qr.
era, to $1.00 rallies, 49o and UUu
lined and Unllncd Olove Dre.fH uml
work, values to $2.00, rltalre, MOn
98o and . IC
Outlngr rianuol.Nleht Shirts Mndo
to stll at 75c, Saturday QKn
nt ,., v. uJU
Outing- riannal PyJnia Mado CQ.
to Hell at $1.50. on aale nt UJU
All Wool Sweater Ooata A big as
sortment of fine garmentH, In QQn
3 hi,; lots. $2.98, 91.98 nnci.. O Oil
91.00 and 91.80 &aundred Shlrta
New Hprlng colerlnsa and styles
nearly all samples, AQC
93.00 nnd $3.50 HhlrU Spring styles,
Including ,n splendid line of fine
light flanriel shirts, $1.45 900
SCen's Linen' Handkerchiefs 4Cn
FleeuIarM5c values, at 3 for OC
Other specials ut 25c, 17o and lavjo
SBo and 60a Books Nearly nil kinds
and colors, on sale Saturday 1 nl.
at 33o and I &U
91.BO and 92-00 Union Suits ir.
98o and I OG
Besnlar 93.00 Onion Suits g
Tint All Wool S. i and Ml r
Drawers To $ .nines MaQ
Boys' Furnishings, Specially Priced Sat.
Boys' Blonse Waists 50c values,
with or without collars, 4 En
good colors, all sizes. OUu
Boys' Olnffham and Sateen Blourjo
Waists Also fine madras waists,
jtaciai oaiuruay. cnoice, si On
Boys' Wash Suits Klhe Hssortment
of most wanted wash fabrics, nn.
sles 2H to 7 yeurs, special 30U
Boys' and OUUdrsn's Sweaters A big
lino of all colors, that uol.l i Ii nn
and $1.60; In two lots at 69o Mi
.. . 3U
A Complete Showing of
alt rtew Spring Models
The wonderful assort
ments here insures your
finding a model just suited
to vour figure. Prices from
n to $5i
Specials for Saturday
$3.00 and $4.00 Corsets
Broken lines, but includ-
ing all styles and sizes
on sale to close $f 69
Saturday at
Broken Lines of Corsets
That sold to $2.00; long
hi), medium bust models
with 4 and (i hose Q O -supporters
l)e Ilovolho HmhHlers In two
l)1g lotB, at
50c and 75c UrasBlers. . . .JlOd
$1.00 and 1.50 BrasslerB 50
Suits and Princess Slips Mnde to
n niu-
bell nt l.r) to tz.uu. mre ana tiw
broidery trimmed, on huio
Combination Suits, Frlnoess Slips and
Skirts To $3,00 values, handsomely
trimmed wlth-luco and embroidery
Sm!!"1..!1'!? Si .45
Kuilln Corset Covers and Drawers
To 76o values, lace and embroidery
trimmed, Saturday nt
49o and
Ladles' Knit Union Suits, In silk and
wool or all wool, or mercerized, tin
to $3.50 values; on sale g JQ
rieeced Union Suits To $1.00 MQn
values, on sale nt 69o and , U
Ladles' rieece Vests and Pants QQn
that sold nt S0c, Saturday at JU
Outing- Plannel Nightgowns $1.00
values, in white and colors, RQn
on sule at ... UOU
Children's Union Suits Heavy fleeced
In nil sizes, Saturday bpo- uQ.
clnl at ,
Ladies' Hosiery Specials for Saturday
Xayser and Esoo Silk Xtoie $l.i0
values with double sole nnd high
spliced heel, nil aires, on snle QOn
at, pair 300
Klrole Silk Hose Black, white and
tan only, every pair guaranteed per
fect; snap Saturday ut, fi90
3 60 Wool Boss Gray or black, ribbed
or plain, to close at, per 9fJ
16o Cotton, or Cashmere Ptnish With
wnite reel; special at, I nn
........ 1 UU
Saturday, pair
Children's Wool or Cotton nose neg.
mar values 10 -ie; on sale I qin
1 cau
Read Hayden's Grocery, JButtter, Cheese, Vege
table Cracker and Meat Prices for Saturday
The Greatest Money Baring' Market
for the People In the West.
22 lbs. best Granulated Sugar . .91-00
K C. Corn Flakes, pkg. ., ,6o
(rape-Nuts, pkg. . lOo
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal 17 Ho
10 lbs. best Holled Rreakfast Oatmeal
for 3So
6 lbs. .hand picked Navy Beans... 35o
i lbs. fancy Japan Jtli e, 10c quality 250
The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or fipaghettl, per pkg....7V6o
Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. SOo
8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. . .880
10 bars Beat-'em-AU or Diamond C
8oap 25o
Tint Jars pure Strained Honey. ,. .S6o
Large bottles of Wprcester Hauce.
rirklesi inire Tomato Catsup or
Horseradish, bottle ,...BUo
Tall carts Alaska Salmon 8U0
2-lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn.. 00
2-lb. can fancy Wax, String, Green or
Lima Beans 74o
Jello or Jellycon. pkg. 7o
Yeast Fbam. pkg. .30
The best Tea yif tings, lb lOo
Golden Santos foffee, lb ...SOo
The beat Presh Sggs, per do. . . 30c
The best creamery butter, carton dr
bulk, per IB. , 370
The best country creamery butter.
per iu. ...330
The best No. 1 dairy butter, lb...38o
Good No, 1 dairy butter 3So
Extra Special Box Apple Bale
1 bushel boxes fancy Missouri PJpplns
from Monterey, Colo., box. 91.00
1 bushel boxes fancy Yakima Valley
Jonathan apples for 91.00
Farley Black Ling Apples, peck.. 35o
. Tb Vegetable Market of Omaha
15 lbs. Early Ohio potatoes, nothing
finer ,....16o
Fresh Spinach, per peck 16o
Large Head Lettuce, per heaij 60
3 bunches fresh beets, carrots, turnips,-
shallotx or radishes 100
Fancy Hothouse Mushrooms, box of
1 lb., for 60a
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. ...lOo
Anything you want In vegetables
at a savin of 50 to 100 per cent
A full line of fish every day during
the Lenten season.
IVe Have Received From the Publishers a Big Lot of Popular 50c Copyright
Try HAYDEN'S First
Books at Half
hmMlP THECirrorf 1 f fC rVeir
ll ly
hips' smk
As a matter of fact, It Is almost without parallel and If yon fall to take advantage of It to the
fullest oxtont the loss will be yiurn - not ours. Hero aro tho facts: We bought from the pub
lishers 2,000 volumes of the best copyright fiction- now, clean stock heretofore soil b. us
at 50c; and to effect a uulck clearance wo are going to sell them at JubI exactly half prlc, 25J
Market in Omaha
Is Hayden's
Our aim is to give the people
the best quality meats at the low
est prices.
The best Wo. 1 Pork Shoulders at,
P b 10?o
The best Wo. 1 Pork Loins, 13V0
The best Wo. 1 Porequartsrs Mut
ton, per lb, ,74o
The best Wo. 1 Hindquarters Mut
ton, per lb. 8i.j,o
Wo. l steer Pot Boast, lb., loo, Oo
Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak, lPo
Wo. 1 Mutton Chops, lb 134o
9 lbs. best Leaf Lard 98o
Presh Dressed Chickens, lb. 13o
Presh Home Made Mince Meat at,
Pr lb. 7Vio
Presh Home Made Sausage, wic
Presu Bulk OysteVs, 'altars. . . .33c
(Wo Water, Solid Meats,)
Try HAYBEH'S First
Traveling Goods
The largoststock of Suit
Cuses nnd Bags in Omaha at
prices which, quality consider
ed, cannot he duplicated in
Suit Oases ...$1.25 to $25
Traveling Bags $1.50 to$35
Roller Skates
Greatly Reduced
The vary best grade ball bearing
roller skates, either tho famous
Ilnrney & Kerry or Union Hard
wnro Co.'n make, for tf Q Q
one day, nt iPjleOJ
Tools Aro Cheapest nt Hqydem's.
Saturday Specials.'
Itroad Ifntrbct, size two, your choice
of two finishes, mado by one of the
best tool smiths in tho United
States, every tool warranted, 79
Itroad Hatchets, size two, Crescent
bnd 59i
Carpenters Pry Bars. This la absolutely
the best tool bargain ever offered in
Omaha. Theso are the very beat mater
ial; overy tool fully warrapted. a new
tool or your money buck any time you
are dissatisfied.
30-lnch pry bars 45o
Si-Inch pry bars 35o
House Cleaning Time Is Coming,
Be Ye Prepared.
Special Sal Step
A 6-ft. clear Nor
way pine ladder
well made and se
curely braced, B9o
.Mop Sticks .....5c
Cotton Afops,... 19o
10c nlco Root Scrub
Brushes . . . . , .So
Window Brushes
for lOo
Window Hubbers , ...19c
Dusters Chemically trcqted dustless
Mop, large size, fit Biiy mop stick. .39o
Medium size Mrs. Vroman Sink Strainer
for 9c
Large slzo white enameled Mrs. Vro
man Sink Strainer 39c
"Ideal" Flour Sifters , 5c
Solid Zinc Washboards, full size.... 19c
Genuine Wilson Toasters , ...,16c
Any size Drip Tan ......10c