Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, Fife PAY, FKBRUAUY 21, 1013.
DR. FAST LANDS HIS JOBjLincoln Girl Killed,
Enters State to Go After it and Be- Omaha BOV Injured
as Auto Overturns
comes Beatrice Head.
'riini Out Kml f stntf to Other
Thr-j- Are Muttering (her Tnrti
down of Some Fmcirttp Son
l III r.icHlrnc).
i From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb. Feb. 20. (Special. -Dr.
W. W. Fait, of St. Joseph. Mo., Is
proving he 1b able to keep up with hi
name. At Falls City Tuesday nlsht he
annoonced that he was to tako charge
of the feeble, minded Institute at Hcatrlce.
and he got the place, lie and the .gov
ernor used to live In the same town in
Nebraska years ago, and the fact that he
now lives In Missouri makes no d(f.
The appointment of a bull moo?er at
the Lincoln asylum and other appoint
'ments made by the governor has put
most of the democrats over the state In
a bad frame of mind.
Bernard McNeny of Red Cloud, a prom
inent democrat, who contributes his
name, time and money to tho cause. Is
very much put out at the governor
While here today he said:
"I am not excitedly Interested In poli
tics, and there are so nianv other
patriots anxious to man the ship of state;
I have not found uny fault with the way
that they are doing It. but the democrats
of Nebraska have a right to make a note
of Rome of the Inconsistent appointments
that the governor's office has been hand
ing out recentlj.
Wnr florae Koroolten.
"In one breath they turn down for the
petty office of deputy game warden a
good old democratic war hotse like old
Sam Weaver, and in the next announce
tho reappointment of Dr. Williams, the
bull moose captain who did Aldrlch's
bidding and beat the whole state ticket.
"'ft Is now In order to announce the
appointment or Chester H. Aldrlch to the
board of control. The appointment of Dr.
Wllllms, when ninny good democratic
physicians were applicants for the place,
was an Insult to every democrat, who
made the fight against the combination
in- the last campaign. Somebody has
evidently been stuffing the governor with
the Idea that he can evenually land In
the United States senate, If he follows
the policy of rewarding those who fought
the cause, which elevated him to his
temiKirarry Job.
What Morehend Sir.
regarding the appointment of Dr.
Fast, the governor said:
"I regard Dr. Fast a really a Ne
biaska product, he having practiced med
icine In Nebraska for a good many years
before gojng to Missouri, and I know him
personally and he has splendid execu
tive ability and Is especially equipped for
the position. It Is the practice In a
great many states to call men to the head
(if Institutions such as this, without re
gard to their political affiliations or their
icsldence, and It will be- remembered
that only a few years ago the state,' of
1 1 1 1 -f i ,j -.-i i , . .
From u Staff Correspondent.)
LtNCOIJ. Neb., Feb. M.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Miss Katharine Yates of Lin
coln, a student of the fnlverslty of Ne
braska, was killed tonight In an auto
mobile accident and her companion, Krrd
McConncll of Omaha, also a student, wnr
Injured as was Ed Jones of Lincoln, who
was driving the car. The party wo
going' to the Oliver theater and at
Nineteenth and B streets-turned out the
car to prevent striking an electric auto
standing beside the road. A short dis
tance ahead was a cab. Jones applied
the brakes and the car skidded Into tho
cab, demolishing that and overturning
Miss Yates was Instantly killed and her
companions were bruised considerably
but their Injuries are not 'serious.
McConnell Is the son of F. It. McCoiukII
of Omaha and lived at 1014 Park avenue.
Miss Yates was the daughter of Kd O.
Yates, a prominent shoe merchant of
Lincoln. She was a senior, as is McCop..
nell, and was very prominent In unl
vorslty affairs, being n member of the
Delta Delta Delta sorority.
TAULK HOCK. Neb.. Feb. LM.(S,,ecial )
W. H. Donaldson, who was seMcn-vd
to twenty days' Imprisonment in the
county Jail, and escaped from the city
Jail on tho night of December 20, whcie
ho lind been placed over night for sr. re
keeping, was captured yesterday at Fair
bury by the sheriff of Jefferson county
and was brought to Pawnee City and
lodged In the county Jail this morning to
servo Ills sentence of twenty days. It Is
Intimated that ho Is likely to divulge the
names of the partleS who anlsted him to
escape, In which case some sensational
ariests are looked for
ALMA. Neb., Feb. 20.-(Speclal.)-R. F.
Legg, the expressman, was slugged and
robbed of $15 about 6:30 Tuesday morning.
He was unloading cases of eggs, which
ho had hauled from the depot to tho
Alma Produce house when he wnt
knocked senselsess from behind and the
money taken from his pocketbook. He
went about his work all forenoon in a
partially dazed condition, thinking ho
had fallen from bin wagon and did ,r.ot
know he had been held up until he missed
his money at noon, when he regained his
faculties. Ho had a bad bump on his
head back of the ear, apparently made
with a sandbag. There had ben throe
hard looking characters hnnglng aroind
town, a few days prior to the robberies,
but no trace of them could be found aft
erward. '
District court convened this week with
Judge Dungan on the bench. Ther"5 weie
seventy-two case" on tho docket, seven
of which wero criminal cases.
Early Monday morning the Hlldebrandtt
meat market wan broken Into by break
ing the back window out An $18 revolvor
was taken and tho till rifled of $5 In cash.
SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 20.-(Spcclal Tel
ORTam.) Charles Frost, the student who
ran away from the Lutheran Normal
school Tuesday under the Impression that
he liad killed a fellow student while
wrestling with him, was found this morn
ing near Ooellner, about eight miles west
of here, by a farmer. ,Ile will be brougnt
back to the school this evening.
Tuesday afternoon ' F"rost was on the
college campus with a number of his
companions, when one of them fell In un
KRAKNF.Y, Neb.. Feb 20.-(Speelal.
Albert Martin was brought to trial ind
found guilty of the forging of sever.xl
checks In this city some time ago. at the
sitting of the district court in this cltj
today. Martin was apprehended at Grand
Island after a short flight from the local
officers. Judge Hostotler sentenced him
to from one to twenty years at hard
labor In the state penitentiary.
Notes from Ilentrlee.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. M.-(Speclal.)-Willlaln
Turley. an old resident if De
Witt, died yesterday morning nt the home
of his son, C. W. Turley, aged 73 years.
He Is survived by two sons, his wife
having passed away somo years ago.
Two wedding ceremonies were per
formed hero by Rev. u'. G. Brown yester
day, the contracting parties being John
Svoboda of Liberty and Miss Mollis Husa
of Barneston and William rilialla of Odcll
and Miss Agnes Jurlck of Wyniore.
' Walton R. Nanco and Miss Florenco
O Lortou wero married yesterday at Hit.
bride's homo near Cortland, Rev. A. I'
Sollenberger officiating.
Nphii Notes of Hurrnril.
HARVARD, Nub., Feb. 20.-(Sp3Clal.)-A
home wedding took place this morning
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wetherald In this city, when their daugh
ter, Eva M., was united In marriage wish
John A. Bendix of Wellington, Colo. Rov.
Mr. Rousey of the MediodlBt church offi
ciated in the presence of a few Invited
friends from Lincoln. Harvard and other
places. Mr. Bendix Is a prosperous
farmer, owning o, farm one mllo from
Wellington,, where they will be at homo
to their friends after March 15.
Judge Hurd of this city Is holding an
adjourned term of district court this week
at Clay Center.
illlrioltt'came to Nebraska and tooktDr. epileptic fit, and as Frost had been
J. !L. (Oreene from the head of i the I wrestling with him Just a
asylumjat Lincoln to place him ovecone rore "O'ne of his companions told him
of their' Institutions. Political considera
tions, must always be second to the good
f the Institution, and, after all, the c6m
fort and welfare of the Inmates are of
first Importance.
"I shall make no change In the super
intended' nt Norfolk, because from such
Investigation as I have been able to
make I believe that the Institution Is
satisfactorily managed. After the new
board of control comes In they can make
thorough Investigation of the Institution
and its management and then make such
clinnges as they deem necessary."
ALLIANCE, Neb., Feb. 20.-(Spedal )
Representatives of thirty newspapers In
western Nebraska met in convention nere
today and formed the Western Nebraska
l.'dltorlal association, which has for its
purpose and object the mutual Interests
of the newspapers contained In the pan
handle formed by the Northwestern,
I'nlon Pacific and Burlington railroads,
covering eleven counties In this district
Officers elected were: John W, Thomas
of the Alliance Herald, president; F. A.
Uapen of the Sidney Telegraph, vice
president; George. C. Snow of '.he Chad
ion Journal, secretary-treasurer; mem
bers of the executive board, John W.
Thomas, George C. Snow and O, E.
Marks, the latter of the Mitchell index
jetton waa taken by the association to
induce the legislature, now In session, to
favor the newspapers in this district wit 1
some of the state printing, which 's now
being done elsewhere.
The papers represented were: The Uav
ard Transcript, Bridgeport Blade, Broad,
water News, Chadron Journal and Chad
ion Chronicle, Chappell Register, Craw
ford Courier and Crawford Tribune,
tiering wasp and Courier, Gordon Jour
nal, Hay Springs Enterprise and Xew,
Harrison Sun, Harrlsburg News, Hem
lugford Journal and Farmer and Rancher,
Hyannls Tribune, Kimball Observer,
IJewellen Gaiette. Llsco Tribune, Lodge,
pole Express, Marsland Tribune, Mlna
tare Free Press, Mitchell Index, Morrill
Mall, Mullen Tribune, Northport Herald,
Ofhkosh Herald, Rushville Recorder and
tUandard, Scott's Bluff Star-Henld and
Republican, Sidney Telegraph, Alliance
Herald and the Semi-Weekiy Times.
(Speclal.)-A lively fight among elgh.
men took place last evening across the
river from here. Four of the men wen.
from Hamburg and the others resided
near the scene of the figh(. The trouble
was over two women. One of the Ham
burg men had a finger torn off when a
revolver which he drew and attempted
:o use was wrested from him.
he had killed the lad. It was lrost'
first experience with epilepsy, and m
terror he started running from the field
and was soon lost to sight. He was
thinly clad and ran away without his
coat. He suffered a great deal from
'hunger and cold.
Three More Wolves Killed.
FATRBURY. Neb., Feb. 20 (Special. )
Six' hundred Jefferson county farmers
and sportsmen from Fairbury partici
pated In a big wolf hunt in the southern
part 'of the county yesterday, nd sue
-teded In shooting three large prairie
rolvr. Lon C. Church had supervision
aver the "round up" and a numoer of
captains had charge of the side linen.
Each line waa six miles long and th-i
farmers encircled Antelope precinct armed
wtth shotguns and afcompanled by dogs
Several hundred Jackrabblts and -ottou
alls were killed.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Feb. 20.-(Spe-clal.J
County Clerk Osbourn Is In jo
cetpt of the abstract of lands In Custer
county that has beet) entered M tho
United States land office at Broken Bow
and North Platte and which Is subject
to taxation for the first time this year.
The aggregate number of acres In Cus'
ter county 1" 23,374, which means no
small Increase In the assessed valuation
of the county. The majority of tliiB land
Is In- Victoria, Hayes and Arnold town
ships, and to a great extent Is sandy
Mr. Osbourn has figured out that assess
ing the land , at $2 per, acre, which is
based upon last year's county levy,' this
will bring in, approximately, $1,500 addi
tional to the county's funds alone, to say
nothing of tbe benefits derived by the
school districts wherein the land is sit
uated. SENIOR REC?Gm0N
YORK, Xeb., Feb. JO. (Special.) Yes
terday was .appropriately observed at
York college as senior recognition day A
special program waa given In the college
chapel at 10 o'clock In honor of the col.
lege seniors. Representatives of the sev
eral college classes gave addresses. Prof.
Weller and President Schell also mnds
short speeches. The music was furnished
by the conservatory. Many of the towns
pcoplo attended the exercises. The can
didates for the A. R. degree in 1813 pro
Guy T. Bushwell, Charles A. Bowers, Al
fied Clifton Graham, Wayne Soper, Ros
Ware, Robert H. Weller, Llrile A. Hall,
Irene Hamilton, Jennie Edith Johns,
Ruth Alda Loomer, Lydla Schaum find
Eva May Stuckey. They were 'given a
banquet in the evening by the sopho
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 20.-(Speclal.) Colonel
John G. Maher, who has been In corre
spondence wltl the president regarding
the raising of a regiment to go to Mexico,
should this country Intervene in the trou
ble down there, received a communication
from Washington this morning Insisting
upon his being present at the Inauguration
and invlt'ng him to dinner at a hotel near
the peace monument.
Colonel Maher declined the Invitation
to dine because the peace monument is
too far away from the War department
and peace dliturbs the soul of the colonel.
in nebraska city
(Continued from Page One.)
(Speolal.)-The Infant child of lr.
"The third and fourth questions are,
what are tho proper formulas or theories
for the apportionment of earnings on In
terstate business to state and tho proper
apportionment of expenses of operation
as between stale In interstate business
In tho event that the supreme court
should reverse Judge Sanborn on tho first
two- questions, theso Inst two propositions
are vital to the proper solution of the
problem. This commission and Us de
partments collaborated with Beven other
state 'commissions, to-wlt, Iowa, Kansas,
South Dakota, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Missouri and Texas, In analyzing the
testimony presented In the Minnesota
case, and Jointly prepared a brief of 3S9
pages, presenting their views on tbe ques
tions at issue in that case.
Pnrt NehrnsUn Plnyed.
"This commission and Its departments
prepared over one-third of that brief, re
lating particularly to the questions of the
proper formulas or theories to apply
the apportionment of earnings nnd the a
portlonment of expenses, and the views
presented by It In this brief were con
curred In by the seven other commissions.
This case has been under consideration
before tho supreme court f6r over a year
and the handing down of Its decision Is
expected dally. If the decision, when
rendered, will leave It within the Jurisdic
tion of the various states' to regulate their
intrastate rates, the commission will pro
ceed Immediately with Its investigation,
following the other principles laid down In
such decision ns may be made, and will
make such reductions ns It Is reasonably
satisfied It can sustain In the courts.
Advise No Reduction.
"If the legislature were at this time to
pass rate legislation we mlgnt have the
fcnme experience had by iflnriesoti. Ha
csjnmlBslon promulgated a schedule of
rales which was a reduction In th rates
existing prior thereto, which ''was ac
cepted by the. carriers. Subsequently the
legislature of that state enacted rate leg
islation further reducing rates, and
thereupon an Injunction Issued, not only
against the rates fixed by the legisla
ture, but also thoue promulgated by tho
commltslon. For this legislature to fun
ther reduce rates at this time would not
only Invite an Injunction as to the rate
passed by It, but might possibly .Jeopard
ize the enjoyment of the 2-cent fan
rate and the reduction under the Ald
rloh law which wo are now enjoying,
but which are being contested In the fed
eral courts.
Wonld Delay Proceed urr.
"If the matter of rate regulation, .s
left to the commission It will make all
the facts developed by It a part of Us
record as a condition precedent to til"
Issuance of Its order, and no carrier can
secure an Injunction against Its order j
wimoui uroi presenting lo me couri a
transcript of the evidence adduced be
fore the commission. If the conclusions
of the commission with reference to the
reasonableness of the rate schedules
finally adopted by It are sound, It
highly Improbable that any court would
issue an Injunction against such an or
der when the record s presented to It,
and that the rate will go Into effect U
the time specified In the commission's
order. If, by reason of the enactment
of rate legislation by this legislature, an
Injunction were secured against sucjv-i
law as it might enact, the people could
not secure the benefit of the rates until
such time as they were finally passed
lnnn V . , li .11 nr. rr .nil. n f V. . ITnUul
n . . . i a , j ,
laicv. ill m aiaio ui missuuri curiam
rate laws have been tied up tor elgnt
years, and In the meantime, pending the
action of the courts, If the same were
to happen In the state of Nebraska, the
jcommlrslon would be precluded from pro-
A Sale involving our entire stock
of women's and misses' winter
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Fur Pieces,
and Fur Sets in a x
Whetker the former selling price was $22.50, $25.00, $29.50,
$32.50, $3(5.00, $37.50, $40.00, $42.50 or even $45.10.
It's our one great final effort to close out every vestige of winter apparel, and
we believe this price will do it. Don't let anything keep you away.
Large Section of Tokio is Destroyed
by Fire.
TJilrty-Tliree Hundred IlulldlnK"
Dnrnril by Conf InKratlon "Which
Started In the SnlVntlon
Army niirracUs,
TOKIO, Feb. 20. Store than 15,000 people
arc homeless as a reaulf of a fire which
swept through the penter of the Kanda
district of the city yesterday. Tho fire"
started In the Salvation Army hall. A
high wind fanned the flames and they,
spread rapidly from street to street,
destroying 3,300 buildings. The loss Is,
estimated at several million yen.
Among the buildings burned wero sev
eral churches, Including the Haptlst
tabernacle and a number of educational
Institutions, Including the school of
foreign languages. Troops were called
out to assist the firemen, but they were
almost helpless against tho wind-driven
Many of the homeless were being shel
tered today In Kudan park.
The official report of the fire states
that two persons wero killed and 100 In
jured. The damago amounts to J2.500.000.
Champion Kilbane
Whips Kirkwood
NEW YOItlC. Feb. 20.-Johnny Kilbane
the featherweight champion, practically
knocked out Oeorge , Kirkwood of St.
Liouls In the sixth round of a Hcheduled
ten-round bout here tonight, the referee
stopping the contest to savo Kirkwood
from further punishment.
The champion showed great Improve
ment over tho form he had ijhpwn in
recent bouts here. From the' third round
on he was master. Ho knocked Kirk
wood down three times In the fifth and
the St. St. lotils man was on the floor
when the bell stopped the referee at the
count of nine. Kirkwood came up for
tho sixth round somewhat dnzed. Kil
bane rushed his man and floored him
with a hard left, when upon the referee
Friedmann Tells
of Plans to Make.
Cures in America
Large High Schools
Criticised in Senate
WASHINGTON, Feb. SO.-I'ubllc high
schools fared rather badly In a debute
In the senate today which arise over u
small Item in a local appropriation bill
Senator Hoke Smith held that a lire"
high school was unwise, both from an
educational and economic point of vie v,
nnd that the small country schools pro
duced the bt results.
Senator Works declared high schools
''have been warped out of all oropo
tlon as a means of giving to the chll-
dien of this country the useful education
that should be Imparted through tnu
public schools.
1'L.YMOUTH. Kngland, Feb. 20.-Dr.
Fried rich F. Friedmann, who anserts he
has discovered a euro for tuberculosis,
gave an Interview today on board the
KroiiI'rlnzcssin Ceccllle on his way to
'America to demonstrate the value of hl.i
remedy. He said:
"I feel that the urst step I should take
In the United States should be to treat
cases of visible tuberculosis In th
prcscnco of Amarlcnn physicians, I
thereby could accomplish the double
purpose of Instructing them' anil' prov
ing the efficacy of the use of live germs.
What I mean by visible tuberculosis ls
fungi In the knee, fur instance, wliluh
a r visible to the eye. I shall be glad
If any doctor or Important Institution Ih
tho United States will give mo a chance
to treat such cases."
Governor Appoints
More to Serve State
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IilNCOI.N, Neb., Feb. 30.-(Speclul.)
Governor Morohead got busy today and
gave tho old plum tree a seVcro shuklng.
Following are those who were remem
bered: Edward Itoye of JJncoln, "secretary of
the Hanking board. This Is a reappoint
ment, and tho coming two years will
constitute Mr. Ruytio'i nlxth consecutive
10. 10, Kmmett of Arapahoe, reappointed
bunk examiner,
10, II. Mullowney of IJucoln, reap
pointed bank examiner.
Kugelin Moore of .St. I'nul, batik ex
aminer, M. C. Wilde of Wlnncton, bank ex
aminer, H, C Herge of Wahoo, clerk In tho
statu banking department.
Anna Gass af Colunihuir. stenographer
In the banking department.
J. (1. I. Hlldebrnnd of Uncoln, dairy
1. U. lllglan of O'Neill, dairy Inspector.
Vincent Stnhl of Lincoln, food and
li UK Inspector,
K Werner of Beatrice, stownrd nt
Uratrlco Institute for feeble minded
youth, '
Dr. I ,D, Plllsburj'f reappointed first
assistant superintendent at Lincoln his
pttal for In mm'.
Or. W. 6. Fast of St, Joseph, Mo.,
superintendent of Ueatrlce Institute for
feeble minded youth.
JVehntTkn fiiffrnne Clitli.
NiailAAVKA, Feb. 20. (Speclal.)-An
Equal Suffrage club of slxty-lhreo mom
hers was organized here last night. Mrs
Oella Klrkpatrlck was elected president,
Mrs. Lois' Pollard vlco president, Mrs.
ttoplit Flcsehniau nccrctary and Mrs.
Kate Went treasurer. It Is tho plan of
the club to carry on a regular systamatlc
campaign of HUffrage Instruction through'
the summer months. Tho club voted to
serve chicken pie at every meeting.
Terrific Battle Between Turks and
n Bulgarians Concluded.
Hundred Tlinuannil Jlnlflrnrlnn mill
Hcvcnt- Thonsnnil Tnrka Are
Snlil to lliiTf llecn Kn-icnurd.
lXNDON, Feb. 20. A terrific threa
days' battle between 100,000 Bulgarians
nnd T0.0U0 Turks at Dulalr has just con
eluded, according to a dispatch today
from Constantinople. Kach side Is said
to have lost S.600 mem Enver Dey, leader
of the young, Turks, Is reported anion
the wounded.
Tho , Persistent and JudlcloiiH Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Itond to
Uuslnes Success.
Showmen's League
Honors Buffalo Bill
CHICAGO, Feb. 20. The Showmen's
League of America, an organization com
posed of owners of various kinds of tent
shows and outdoor attractions, was
formed hero tonight. A plan looking to
tho erection of a J1O0.000 clubhouse In Chi
cago within the next year was adopted.
Colonel William F. (Buffalo Ulll) Cody
wan elected president.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
;oMi'iiOMin o.v i.Aiioa hill
Aiiinidment to Mrnnurt- for Nine
Honrs "Work for Women.
Mis. O. K. Berthold died yesterday of
Infantile paralysis and the funeral was j
held today. This is the first death irom
and i reeding along Its owns lines."
l.tfo I'rntili-ni Solved
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feu. 20.-(SpeoIal Tele
gram.) A large delegation of buMlness
men of Omaha and Lincoln met with the
labor committer of tho house this evening
on a healing on Ilousi Bolt 270 by Foster
of Douglas, relating to hours of labor for
gills and women. The bill as originally
drawn called for an eight-hour dny and
forty-eight hours per week and no time
to be put In between 10 o'clock at night
and 6 o'clock In the morning.
The bill was amended by Foster during
the hearing to a nine-hour day and fifty
four hours pr week, the clause regarding
time being stricken out
The committee will report the bill for
j passage In that form.
; The bill was reported to the house some-
th's dlreaie that has been reported in ' '"". Is the enrichment of poor, thin J tlon of Qulgglc of Lancaster, who wanted
this county for nearl two jears. blood, nnd t engtlie .lug tlir weak wk- i to be heard on It Qulggle did not show
Key to the Situation -Bee Advcrtls.n;
Ir tulv tv Ltuljii L i Co. Advertisement.
up tonight Foster Mid lie offered
amendment as a conip.t'iuUe.
fT j3fN VsfsalialiafliK vslsElsJilililillM ialialV BPl ViJ""W T-Ti W 1
The Biggest Thing Yet
In a Hot Porridge
is a smooth, rich, creamy blend i the
flavors of wheat, corn and rice-
Post Tavern Special
This surprisingly good hot porridge is noted for a distinctive flavor,
backed by the nourishing qualities of the greatest three American
field grains. V-
For a winter dish, served piping hot at breakfast time, it is aAvinner.
Tomorrow's Breakfast
At Grocers everywhere Packages 10 and 15c except in extreme West.