Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1913, Page 4, Image 5

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Counoil Bluffs
freeman L. Kccd Makei Report on
, Iowa Security Company.
1-Mntls Ihnt Compnnr'n Asset Arc
Almost KslinuMcd nnd that Mitny
tilttn W'erf Mmlr o Insnr
cr OrirniliHn.
Council Bluffs
ppsslbln asset to about tM.(C0, and the
value may be muoh less than that.
Standing against thfm? prebl'ematloal
assets arc bills dun and which must' be
paid approximating more than WJ.O00, nil
of which have been Incurred between
January 1 and 16.
An Interesting feature of Receiver
Reed's report In the statement that the
books ahow that 180,000 of the money ad-
vanced by the stockholder of the Secur-
Ity company wan used to pay the office
expenses nnd satatlcs of tho men en
gaged In running the Insurance company.
ana wnicn the auxiliary company en
deavored to make In' tho form of nn ac
tual gift by ndnptlng at board meetings
resolutions exempting the Insurance com
pnny from all liability for the return of
this money. Judge Thornell will prob-
ably take some action In relation to th
report within tho present week. Mr. Itecd
was only made temporary receiver, and
the action will probably be to make the
appointment prmanont for the winding
up of the affairs of tho company.
Council Refuses
to Take Final Vote
On Moving Station
At the meeting of the city council last
evening nearly thenntlro time wo con
sumed In the dlscusnton of the proposed
new fire station for the west end. it
was-brought up by the report of Aldei-
men Iloyer, Fisher and Kuber. the com
by glittering .promises of the Inviolable millee appointed to Investigate the mkt
a.rurltv and value of Us stock, ana upon' icr.
ihl. renresentadon more than 200, of The report was prepared by Alderman
4he stock was sold throughout tho w st"r Uoyer, who has been almost alone In his
tii part of Iowa and eastern Nebraska, advocacy oi me aoauwnai lire ainuon,
All of the stock was sold at par val.iv ana, me repon wan inus unquomieuiy in
1100 a share, and. some Of It as high as 'avbr of It. The difference of opinion
tXft a. share. The evidence In court In the committee, he nald, related solely
.hAvc.rt thai ihe.onlv dividends paid were to the location of the proposed now
taken not from the earnings of the com- home. The committee was Instructed to
pany. but from Its stock receipts, and rtport upon the aUMsablllty of movlij
that In snmo Instances commissions ftlr tho'flre station now located at Broadway
the sale of this stock approximated olosj and Twentieth street further west and
to W. per cent of the par value. consolidating tho proposed now atatlm
Receiver Reed's report shows thst tho witn ii. ine report pointed out me im-
1 reeman U Reed, appointed by Judge
Thornell to make a careful abstraot if
tho books and nccounts of the Iowa He
mrlty company, which hs boon fore!
Into the hands of a receiver, filed hU
Jtport In the district court late yestel
lay afternoon. It Is very voluminous
nnd substantiates practically every ut
tentlon of Attorney J. J- "'. oounsl
for Victor laustrup. plaintiff In the ap
plication for a receiver, that the com
imny Is entirely Insolvent.
The icport UIcloses but little addi
Uonal Information to that brought o.'t
In the hearing in the district court Wicn
Judge Thornell alotnted Mr. Reed re.
ceiver The most Interesting dlsolosur
rclatrs to the large amount of mon.iy
.id.unccd by tho Security company t
j,.. the operating expenses of the West
i,i .Mutual Insurance company. whoa
blftrs, chltfly It presldenU C If.
Atherton, organized the Security com.
pany as n holding concern for the Insur
a -o company.
The Security ooinpany was promoted
assets are of very doubtful value.
Only "r.u I.rrt.
Of the more than 1200,000 received from
sales of stock, but tte remained nvollablo
as cash on hand on January IB, when the
milt was brought. There nre $5,800 In
notes, mostly past due nnd nearly all of
doubtful value, $16,000 which the company
had advanced to agents, many of whom
nro no longer working for tho Insurance
company, and .whlph can only be re
turned through tho medium of new busi
ness, a lot on I'earl street, which wu
bought two years ago for $8,000 and which
now has $9,000 of Incumbrances against
It. t(ie report showing that the final pos
sible assets comprise commissions on In
surance policies now In force, and whose
maturity covers a period of fifteen years
If all of these policies are continued In
force and nl of the premiums are paid
the Security company'! commission would
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Oonnotl Bluffs Office of
The Be Is at 14 MOUTH
Main Bt. Taltphons 43.
possibility of moving tho old flro station
"building, a two-story brick structure, an J
recommended tho erection of a new house
this year nnd to mako provisions for a
subpollce station In connection with It.
It also recommended that tho report of
the committee of the whole bo approved
containing Instructions for the city clerk
to advertise for bids for tho now nousc.
After much discussion tho clerk was
Instructed to Inform the board that t"is
council desired a report on the subJcU
from the fire and police commissioners
nnd agreed to meat as committee of iho
wholo on Thursday afternoon to consider
the report.
The Carter Lake club, formerly the
Omaha rtod nnd Gun club, asked permls
slon to construct a sower In Potter A
Cobb's addition nnd the Bast Omaha Park
addition along Avenue n and Ninth street
and Avenue O and thence southeast
through prlvato property to tho river.
approximate, tl,00a, of averages They said the work waa to be done under
governing lapses, however, shrink this I the supervision of the city engineer. The
How to Have the Beat Cough
Syttip ni Bare 93, by
Making It at Hosse.
Couch medicines, as a rule, contain a
largo quantity ol plain syrup. If you
Tana ono piuv vi Kreuuiaicu sugar, sma
request waa granted.
City Solicitor Btuart reported that the
offer of the city to settle for $00 the claim
of O. P, Langstrom for damages to lots
V and 10, block 10, Stutsman's Second ad
dition, by change of grado on Damon
street had been rejeoted. He said he
could not recommend a larger sum and
advised that tho matter be permitted to
go Int oihe courts.
The new ordinance regulating house-
movers, winch waa ordered drawn at a
previous meeting, was submitted and rend
and referred to .the committee of the
whole. The ordinance provides a fine of
npt less than $25 nor more than $100 an
penalty for violation.
An ordinance changing tho name of
Jesse avenue, a short avenue leading from
Kalrmount avenue, to Qrandvlew avenue.
was Introduced and passed under mis pen
slon of tho rules. Another ordinance was
similarly posted; establishing tho grade
6f Avenue 1 from Sixth to IStghth streets
through Itohrer'a Park addition. On mo
tion of Alderman Beebe the horse used
by tho chief of police must hereafter bo
kept in the police patrol barn. It hub
been cared for at the livery stable of K
E. Mlnnlck.
Davis, drugs.
Victrola, lit, a. Hesps Oo.
Corrlgans, undertakers. Phones lil
Woodilng Undertaking Co. Ttl .
l'or Holc-Oood buggy. Cull A 11M.
Hlank book work. Morehouse & Co.
Lwla Cutler, funsral dlrestor. Phone M.
Wntch irlven away free at Lfterls"
auction sale.
The highest grado optical work In the
city is clone nt Lcffrrts1.
Hce Horwlck for wall paper and paint
ing. 200 und 211 South Main St.
Scientific watch repair work, thu
kind that In appreciated, at tffcrta
Mutual llldg. 4 Loan Ass'n, 123 Pearl.
nUDWEISKIl on draught The Grand.
Iiudwoiser in bottles at ull first-class
lffcrts- great auction rale dally. 2
and 7 p. in., on diamonds, watches, solid
sliver, cut glass nnd Jewelry.
Bt. Albans lodge No. 17. Knights of
Pythias, will have work In the rank of
esquire nt tho meeting this evening.
The regular meeting of Mornlngsldo
chapter of St. Paul's guild will be held
this afternoon. The meeting Is of much
Importance nnd a full attendance of tho
members Is dpslred.
Council Illuffs tent No. 82. KnlghtB of
tho Maccabees Initiated a fine class of
.young men nt their last review and have
another ono for the revlow this evening.
All members are requested to attend.
Hegular meeting of Park City lodge No.
00(1. Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Tuesday at S o'clock. There will be work
In tho Initiatory diigree. All the mem
bers are urged to be present. Visitors are
Two babies died yesterday of pneu
monia after an Illness of only a fow days.
Alda Pearl Hherley died early In the
morning at the home of her parents, Mr.
and MrB. Thomas Sherley, 1315 Avenue
D; James, Infant son of Mrs. James Tur
ner, died ntlnlmost the same hour nt the
home of hid grnndparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Herdcn, Twenty-third avenue
and Twenty-third stroet.
Mrs. 'Mao Caster, aged 73 years, widow
of the late T. XV. Caster, died nt the
family homo near Underwood, Sunday
from heart fnllure, after an Illness of
only a few hours. She Is survled by five
daughters and two sons. They aro M. F.
CnHter of Lincoln, Neb.; Charles II. Cas
ter, ai nome; parah A. caster nnd Mnry
H. Caster of Vinton. In.; Mnrgnrotte nnd
Nellie Cnstcr Ht home; and Mrs. J. 8.
Johnson. The funeral will bo held at the
residence Tuesday nftornoo'n nt 2 o'clock.
Hlirlal will be In tho fam v ccmeterv on
the farm.
Mrs. Aunln Millar Lntulls. wlfn nf
1' ranK Iaild m. 124 South KjRvnnth uti-net.
died nt tho ICdinundson Mumorlul hospital
ycsirraay morning at 3:w o clock, after
an Illness oxtendlmr over a ierloil of
about two years. She leaves besides her
nusnana, two children, Clement, aged 11
and I'lormice, nged 9 years. She Is also
nurviveu uy ner motuer and sisters ana
brothors, all living at Nebraska City,
Neb. Tho body wim removed to tho Cor-
rlgan undertaking rooms and friends
wishing to seo It may do so there at any
time Monday afternoon or ovenlng. Hur
lal will take place at Nebraska City, the
former home of tho deceased, where the
body will be token Tuesday morning nt
Council Bluffs
Red Sox Defeat
Owls in Game in
Basket League
Monday livening leaKue:
Played. Won.
Progressives S 7
Stamps 7 G
Sharks 7 S
Oaks 7 8 2
lied Sox v... S 4,4
Imps N 2 0
Hoppers X 1 7
HaRleM 7 0 7
The lied Sox defeated the Owls
night nt the local "V" In tho llrst gume
of a doublo-hender of the Mondny Even
ing Itasket Hall league . by the scorn of
54 to 22.
The feature of the game was tho basket
tossing of Harris, Owens and Deffcn
baugh of tho Owls and Morrison of the
lied Sox. The lineup:
Marsh UF.
Puryeur lt.F.
Montgomery C.
Morrison UO.
Olies (C.) It.O.l
Uaskets: Marsh
rlKon (5), Giles (2), Harris (10), Owens (l).
Drffonbaugh (7), Nolan. Free throws;
Morrison, Olles, Harris 12). Itefereo:
ThomHB Timekeeper: De "Vol. Scorer.
wiener. Time of halves: 15 minutes.
The Hoppers won from the Progressives
In the second gamo by the score of .22 to!
20. This was tho Progressives' first de-'
feat of the season, through tho fuat bas
ket shooting of "Doc'' Hendricks of the
Hoppers. Crowl starred for the Progres
sives. The lineup:
U.V Harris (C.)
RF Owens
C Deffenbaugh
la Nolan
ItG Frank
Montgomery, Mor
Le f forts' great auction aale daily, 2
and 7 p. m., on diamonds, watches, solid
sliver, put glass and Jewelry.
pint of warm water and stir about
z minutes, you na
monev could buv.
If you will then rut ounces of
l'lucx (&u cents' Monti) in a pint bottlo,
nnd fill it un with tho Sucrar Svrun. you
-will haro as much cough syrup as you
couia uuy rcaay maae lor vmv, it
keens tierfeeUv.
And you will find it the best cougai
flyrun you oyer uca ven m wnoopinR
courrli. You can feel It tako hold usu-
all stops the most severs cough in 24
hours. It is juit laxative enough, has a
jKXrtl tonio elfcct, ana Usto is pleasant.
'jane a teaspooniui every one. two oc
ibrco liours;
It Is a splendid remedy, too, for
ihooplng cough, croup, hoarseness, asth
ma, chest pains, etc.
x'incx is ine most valuable concentra
ted compound of Norway whito pine ex
tract, ncn in cuoiacoi ana an the deal
ing pine elements. No other prepara
tion will work in this formula.
This reelra for makinir couch remedy
with Pinex and Sugar Syrup is now
used and prized in thousands of homes
in the United States and Canada. Tha
plan has often been Imitated but sever
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or
money promptly refunded, opes with this
recipe. Your drunrUt has Finer, or will
pet it for rou. if not. Send to Tha
i-iuex uo., v wayne, ins;
Orrine for Drink Habit
Wt are In earnest when we ask you to
Slve ORRINE a trial. You have nothing court proceedlnss possible. She was not
to risk and everything to pun. for your required to file an Inventory of the es
money will be returned If after a trial tate a8 the law directs and Is further
you fail to gdt results from OIUUNB. relltved. by the express provisions of tho
This offer gives the wives and. mothers will from securing court approval of her
of those whp drjnk to excess an oppor- administrative acts.
tunlty to try the. ORItiNEJ treatment. The will directs Mrs. Hart to turn part
When you buy a piano at A. Hospe Co.
you know that you got the best for the
money paid on the market, protected by
the guarantee of the best reliable musl:
house In the west. 407 Broadway.
King Estate Gets
$8,180 from I. C. Road
The sealed verdict reached by the lurv
In tho district court in tho suit of War
ren HouKh, administrator of tho estato
of Willis King, ngalnst tho Illinois Con
tral Railroad company, waa opened when
court convened yesterday morning. It
gave the administrator n verdict to the
amount of 12,180. The case occupied the
llt-iuuu ui ilia l-uuil Ull Ol nui weoK
and was vigorously fought by the rail
road company.
Tho action grew out of tho death of
King when lo Was Btruck by a passenger
train on a grade crossing neur tho vil
lage of Ascot, a small station Just north
of Council Bluffs, on December 23, 1910.
He was Instantly killed, ns ias the horse
he was driving. The suit was for $15,000
for tho death of King nnd $250 for the
value of tho horao and buggy. Tho rail
road company was held to bo negligent
through failure to keep the right-of-way
clear of underbrush, which obscured the
view of approaching trains, and further
negligent through the neglect of tho engi
neer to sound the wIiIhUo and ring the
bell as the train nppronchod the crossing.
It wan announced yesterday that tho
company would appeal the case.
Mrs. Hart Appointed
m Charge of Estate
The will of Ernest E. Hart waa ad
mltted to probate yesterday In accord
ance with the desire nt Mr. Hart to save
Mrs. Hart, whom ho made sole executrix
without band, from all the nnnoyance of
It Is a yry strnple treatment, ran be
given In the home without publicity or
ld of time from Business,1' nnd at' a'
small price. '
ORRrNB Is prepared In two formsr
No'l. secret treatment, a powder; OR
RINE No. I. In pill form, for those who
desire to take voluntary treatment Costs
only J1.00 a box. Come In and talk over
the matter with us. Ask for uraklet.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., I?th
and Dodge St,; 207-8 North 16th St.; 34th
and Farnam 8ts.; Owl Drug Co., 16th
and Harney, BU.
I Toothache Gum
Clcssnw kite csrity, ptvrsat dscacr,
AITiUua; (tar at m n. I5
C. S). Dsnt A Co.. Drrsorr. Mich.
of the estate Into cash' as, on as prac
ticable and Invest It In secure Interest
hearing bonds and real estate securities.
She thus has full power to transact any
part of the business Mr. Hart waa en
gaged In and to execute all deeds and
bills of sale required In her work as ad
ministratrix, all without seeking tho ap
proval of the court. The will gives her
one-third of all of the estate and directs
that the remaining two-thirds shall be
held in trust for the three children. UBlng
whatever Is necessary for tho mainte
nance and. education and i as. each arrives
at the age of IS years to turn over the
portion coming to each.
The private banking business , of Mr.
Hart, known as Ernest E, Hart, inc.
will be the only part of Mr. Hart's large
business enterprises that will not be
affected by the execution of the will.
was the desire of Mr. Hart that this
branch of the business should be con
tlnued under the active management of
Frank Blank, who has assisted Mr. Hart
from the start In building It up. Mrs.
Hart wttl have general admlnlairntlv
charge, but Mr. Blank will continue to
look axter all details. Mr. Hart's real
estate holdings In Counoil Bluffs will
probably approximate close to 1300,000.
Now la H flood Time
To put on your rubber roofing, before
spring rains set In. Price per roll o
JOS," square tt , Qne-pjy. 11.26; two-ply
1.; three-ply, $175, There Is no better
C Ilafer Lumber Co.
Council Bluffs
Uiixjti II. K.
Hendricks (O....C
Beok I..O.
Hmlth R.O
UP Olles
H.V Clowl CD
C R. Cook
1..C1 Snuffln
lt-O Albert!
Democrats Plan
Inaugural Train
N. V. Reed, chairman of the state cen
tral committee of his party and actively
cngag-Hl at all times In promoting the In
terests of democracy, has planned for nn
"Iowa Innugural train" to carry a crowd
of enthusiastic Iowans to Washington at
least to witness tho Inauguration of Wil
son. Tho plan Is to havo an nfl-stato solid
train, which will leave Chicago over the
Pennsylvania line and be nt tha disposal
of the party from tho moment they board
It nt the station1 In Chicago until Us re
turn there. It Is planned to stnrt from
tho Union station nt Canal nnd Adams
streets on Sunday morning at 10:30, March
2, and arrive at Washington tho next
morning nt 9 o'clock. The train will pro
vldo hotel and all other accommodations
for the entire' trip.
The round trip tickets may be secured
dating from February 28 and limited to
return before March 9, so that those who
may care to spend more time in Wash
ington nnd the east may do so. The
round trip from Chicago to Washington
will be $30.75, with IMllman accommoda
tions ranging from $4.B0 to $18.
Chairman Reed Is sending n circular
letter to prominent democrats throughout
the state urging them to Join the party.
Money saved by attending Icfferts"
money-saving auction sale.
Strictly efficient optical work at Lef-fcrts'.
strike while the wage demands of the
men are 11 rig drawn up.
The strikers' wage scale committee ex
pects to complete their work tonight and
present their demands to the arbitration
board and to their employers tomorrow.
Conservative estimates place the nun.
her of strikers at nearly 9,000 men and
women. Almost as many more are olt
of work because of the closing it foitr
big plants.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Feb. 17,-Charles D.
Hllles of Dobbs Ferry, secretary to Presi
dent Tnft and chairman of the republican
national committee, was appointed to
night by Governor Sulzer as a member
of the board of malingers of tho New
York State Training ."cliool for Girls at
When the nomination was received In
tho senate. Democratic lender Wagner
moved immediate confirmation.
"In view notinly of the distinction Mr.
Hllles has game" n ono ui um .,u-ub
this state." said Senator Wagner, "but
also because of the very valued and vali
ant service ho rendered the democratic
partv In the Inst campaign, I move his
immediate confirmation." The nomlna
tlon was confirmed.
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertslng Is the Road to
Business Success.
Free! Uric Acid Solvent
There Is No Need of Any Man or Woman Having Aching Back,
Kidney or Bladder Troubles, or Rheumatism
50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE
Substitutes: Mllotz for Lursen. j. Cook
for Hnuflln, Hovoy for Albertl. Baskets;
Bussln, Hendricks (S), Beck, Smith (2),
Mllotz, Giles, Crowl (7), Hovey. Free
throws: Bussing (3). Hundrlcks (3), Ullcs,-'
Crowl. Itefereo: Thomas: Timekeeper:
Do Vol. Bcorer: Wiener. Time of halves.
Ui minutes.
Boy Auto Thieves
'Will Appear Today
Elmer Boston and Ilaymond Taylor,
lads 14 yars old, will be brought Into po
lice court this morning by their parents
to answer a serious charge to which one
of them has pleaded guilty. Thoy are
uccuscd of breaking Into the Iioubo of
P. J. Wade, 916 Fllmoro avenue, formerly
known as Mlddlo Benton street, and steal
ing 111 cash and u ,32-caltber revolver.
Tho act was committed Saturday after
noon during -tho temporary absence of
the family. Sunday, afternoon Wado
heard shooting on tho hill In the rear of
his premises, and approaching the local
ity cautiously discovered the Poston and
Taylor lads shooting nt a target. Ho
discovered that young Poston was using
tho revolver that had been stolen from
the house, whllo tho other lad was using
a now .22-caIlber revolver. He suld noth
ing, but notified the police. Yesterday
Detective Richardson went to the Harri
son street school und took tho Taylor lad
Into custody. The boy mado a full con
fession, not only to breaking into tho
Wade house, but alsp, declared .that tho.
two were authors, of all the depredations
that havo lately caused much annpyance
to nutomobile owners. Later In the' aft
ernoon Detective PJciinrdson and Proba
tion Officer Herner went to tho homo
of Dr. I.. Ij. Poston on Hyde avenue and
found a quantity of tho stolen automobile
.tpols and $9.75, whero the boy had hidden
his loot. At the home of tho Taylor boy,
S26 Fleming avenue, they found concealed
In the cellar $15,60, which the boy con
fessed was part of the stolen $40. Ques
tioned concerning' their disposition of the
remainder, tho Taylor boy aula young
Poston hhll ' bought a pair of field
glasses and some police-' flash lights and
that he had bought the ,22-callber re
volver he had been using.
The youngsters were not placed under
nrrest, but were lfft In tho custody of
their parents. In police court this morn
ing they will detail nil they enn remem
ber concerning tho thefts of automobile
tpols, and all of tho tools recovered will
be there fr Inspection and Identification
of the numerous automobile owners whoso
machines havo recently been robbed.
Tho boys Bald they got Into tho Wado
house by prying up a window.
Lcfferts' auction sojo. continues dally.
2 and 7 p. m.
AKB.ON. O., Feb. 18. Members of the
State Board of Arbitration today met
tho striking rubber workers and city
officials. Tho purposa of tho meeting,
acoordtng to Hev. T. I. Reese, one of tie
board, was to discuss how best to coil
tlnue the peaceful character of the
Jut bvcuw you start th day worried nl
tired. Mre, stiff Irs and arm and muacl, an
china; head, burning and bearing down paln In
the back worn out before the day beglnt, do not
think you hare to stay In that condition.
Thanka tf a new dlacovery you can be strong,
well and vlgoroua, with no more trouble, palna
from atltf Joints, sore muscles, rheumatic suffer
ing, aching back or kidney disease.
Kor any form of bladder trouble or weakness
Ita action la really wonderful. Those sufferers
who are In nnd out of bed half a doten times a
night will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength
thla treatment gle.
And here Is the best part nf It all. It need not
cost you a penny to eee whether this treatment
will do this for you or not. as a full-sits (Oo buttle
(3! doaea) will lie sent to you by mall wunoui
charge. If you simply send the coupon In another
There Is no Impossible thlna- reoulred of you. no
need of staying sway from your work, no drastlo
diet necessary. All you hare to do Is to take four
tlmea a day Just a little or the famous Williams
Treatment for kidney dleesse and rheumatism, the
new uric acid solvent snd elirainnior. men you
see yourself grow joung and strong.
Ileal IX ate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers wcro
reported to The Bee Monday by the Potta
wattamie County Abstract company:
F. J. Schnorr and wlfo to Sarah M.
Keys, part of lot 3, nwli neU 29-75-43.
wd $ 1
Zle Calllson to T. Karl Calllson, lots
8 and 7, block 2. Huffs addition to
the town of Oakland. Ia., wd 1
Henry Belong and wife to Broadway
Methodist church, lota ll and 12.
block 17, Hall's addition to the city
of Council Bluffs, la., wd 1
. B. Cousins and wlfo to, XV. F.
Mathls. lot 16. block II, ttvans Sec
ond Bridge addition to tho city of
Council Bluffs. In., wd 1S5
T. W. Phillips nnd wlfo to Mrs. C.
Udet. part of lot 14, block 22, Neola,
la., wd. 1
H. P. Nicking and wife to H. H. Tur-
ner. part swu nw Vi sevi nwji 27-74-43,
wd..., 1
Six transfers, total
If you appreciate good watch repair
work bring your watch to Iefferta.
Flro Chief Nicholson received jvord yes
terday from the local committee In charge
of tho work of arranging for the annual
tournament of tho state firemen at Perry.
Ik,, announcing that July 22 to 25 would
bo tho tlmo most desirable for holding
tho stato meet. When tho officers of the
Btato Firemen's association held their un
mini meeting last fall and voted to hold
the tournament nt Perry the usual cus
tom was followed of permitting the local
men to select the dates for the event nnd
thus avoid any other meetings that might
conflict. Tho approval of tho dates se
lected Is thus nado In advance. Chief
Nicholson says the people of Perry are
extromely proud of the distinction given
their town and are going to do every
thing possible to mako tho coming tournu-
meat one of tho most attractive and Im
portant ever held In the state.
Watches given away free at Lefferta'
auction sale.
flourish in the most unexpected
places and quickly attack a
body weakened from colds.
or general debility, but if
the lungs are fortified with
their progress can be prevented and often over
come. SCOTT S EMULSION is used in tubercu
losis camps because its highly concentrated nourish
ment builds strength and resistive-power faster than
disease destroys. It assimilates without
taxing digestion, and contains no alcohoL
Absolutely nothing eqaah SCOTT'S
EMULSION to strengthen the longs and
drive oat colds and coughs.
Scott & Bownb, Bloomfield, N, J.
Symptoms Mean What?
Physician Advises Men.
(From Health Record.)
A general failure of the vital or
gans, such us the stomach, liver,
kidneys, heart, etc., to perforin
to the full extent their normal
duties Is responsible for many
symptoms, often classed as "dis
eases" by tho unlearned. How
ever, such symptoms are not to
be regarded lightly, for they are
the lorerunneru of diseases aijd
premature decline. These symp
toms ure in tho nature of warn
ings of the approach of low vi
tality, despondency, brain fa,
and all the moro or less dreaded
ailments to which mankind Is
heir. ,
Tho faithful use of tho pre
scription given below . will so es
tablish the normal natural func
tions of tho various organs of the
body as to cause to disappear all
.ot tho following symptoms; Uo
spondenoy. 'fatigue, dull, sunken
eyes, "cold extremities, pains In
smnll of back, pains In back of
head, spots baforo the eyes, weak
ness in spine, twitching and trem
bling, Impaired memory, loss of
appetite, wasting to thlnnes (or
overfat), shrunken, flabby flesh,
premature wrinkles, dull head
aches, constipation, kidney irreg
ularlltles, irritability and a gen
eral break-down of ambitious
spirit and manliness,
FlrBt get compound fluid balm
wort In a one-ounce package, and
three ounces' syrup sarsaparllla
compound; take home, mix and let
stand two nours; then get one
ounce compound ossence cardlol
and one ounce tincture cauomene
compound (not cardomom). Mix
nil In a six or eight ounce bottle, '
Bhako well and take one teaspoon
ful after each meul and one when
retiring, followed by a drink nt
By mixing It at home no man
need be tho wiser as to another's
shortcomings, and expensive fees
are avoided.
Lack of polso and equilibrium
In men Is a constant source of
embarrassment, even when the
public least suspects' It. For the
benefit of those who want a re
storation to full bounding health
and all the happlnes accompany
ing it, tne auove nome treatment
Is given.
In Cody's Second Addition
and Scout's Rest Addition
to the City of North
Platte, Nehr.
(Buffalo Illll) On tho Orounils.
Lunch Served On the Grounds
Whllo tho IMirchnscrs Were
Picking Their Lota.
Thla new treatment absolutely conaur urio
acid and the troubles It causes on a thorougtur
scientific principle, anJ gives the comfort that
alwara comes to thoe mho. have perfect health,
t. AM,...... tt, Affect nf urla acid poison, drives
It from the system and prevents Ita csuae so as to
give, perfect health una swenmn
To prove The Williams Treatment conquers kid
ney and bladder diseases, rheumatism and all urlo
acid troubles, no matter how chronic or stubborn,
vre will lve one 50c bottle (2 doses) free If you
will cut out the coupon below and send It with
your nsme snd addreas. with 10c to help pay dis
tribution expenses, to The Dr D. A. Williams
Compsny. Ppt 20, Bast Hampton, Conn. Send
at once and you will receive by return mall a.
regular Mo bottle, without charge and without In
curring any obllgatlona.
This coupon (please send 10c In atarnps or
silver to help expense of distribution) Is good
for one Me bottle ( dotes) of The V, mns
treatment for rheumatism, kldner and bladder
troubles, Oood for ten days only. The Dr. p. A
Williams Cb.. Dept M, East Hampton. Conn.
Samuel's Three-P Capsules Really
Do Relieve Indigestion At Once9'
Hon. Chas. E. Albrook
This expression from a man whose
sincerity can't bo questioned, tells in a
few words why thousands of former
stomach sufferers are find
ing In this remedy the an
swer to stomach health and
This Is not so remark
ablo when you consider
each harmless and taste
less little capsule contains
Paplan, Pepsin. Dlatase,
etc., which aro the natural
digestive elements found In
a healthy stomach and lack
ing in a weak stomach. ,
Two of these little capsules placed in a
pint of food and kept warm like tho
Judge Eleventh District of Iowa.
body will digest It Just exactly what
th" natural gastric Juices of a healthy
stomach would do.
It Is Just a question ol"
getting at your druggist a
largo DO-cent bottlo ot
Samuel's "3-P" cap
sules In order for you to
say "good-by forevor to
Indigestion, that sour, out-of-order
stomach." Ono
little capsulo will provo to
you how quickly you can
bo enjoying all the bless
ings of good digestion.
A trial size sent upon re
ceipt of five two-cent stamps by Tho
Samuel Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
KM klHSiAul
h teif
5K 'Pi
il illi
f mm.
Purity and age guarantee Good Whiskey. Rlegcr's Monogram Is ab-
oa we
eniutely pure an
favorite i
linhnv Rleirer'a Mnnnrratn TOhfilrnv tHhaM,l.,
wholesale 'dealer's price, and save money by ordering- year goods shipped direct.
vholesorne. Guaranteed bv urn undsr that Pure
Food Laws, its exquisite, smooth, mellow flavor has made It a lasting
rite With over 250.000 satisfied customers. Wbv nnv f-ThnrhUnnt
pnccB, wncnyou csu dot nicger s juonoram wniss
8Qts.RieierJsMonoiram SC.00 1 FREE WITH
4Qts.Rieocr'sMonoaram SQ.OO i..fcSIS.'S
PRIVATE STOCK U wnpe?'oi'.dndK
Send ui an order and when you net the Whlikev. teatlt fnrflavnr
smoothness and all the essentials ol GOOD WHISKEY. Compare It
with other Whiskies (no matter what the price); test It (or medicinal
purposes; let your friends try it; use bait ol It II necessary to satisfy
?ourreU on these points then If you are not thoroughly convinced
hat Rleger'a Monogram" Is as good or better than any Whisker
you ever drank, return the balance to us and we will pay return
cuorscs aim nt uuco eenu you every ceni oi your money.
J. RIEGER & CO., 1712 Genesee St., Kansas City, Mo
iced M
ikey S
turn H
via Rock Island Lines
Electric lighted drawing-room sleeping cars Omaha to
Jbort Worth connections lor Oklahoma City.
Tickets and reservations
53 Farnam Street, Cor. 14th
Phonal Douglas 423 Nebraska.
vaT 1
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Feb. 17. (Spe
clal Telegram). Today was the opening
day for sale of lots In Cody's Second ad
dition and Scout's Rest addition to this
city and the sale was up to expectations
In every respect. Col. V. F. Cody (Uuffalo
Dill), the owner of the lots, was on the
Krounds and held on Informal reception
to all comers, the majority of whom were
purchasers of ono or more lots in tho new
additions. Lunch was served on the
grounds and clgnra passed by Agent C.
V Temple and then those present scat
tered out to select their now home site.
Promptly at 12 noon, automobiles formed
In line Just west of the Union Pacific
roundhouse and the workmen were In
vited out to lunch and to see the addi-
1 tlons. The old Scout delivered a brief
address to those present, telling a few
stories and thanking them for tho Inter
est shown by the home builders of his
old home town.
The tracts of tha land In above add!-
tlons are port Of the old Scout's Rest
ranch (the home of Buffalo Bill) and
being adjacent to the new shops and
roundhouse that Is being built here by
the Union Pacific Railroad company at
a oost pf 1750,000, they are Just Ideal loca
tions fc)r tha men that will work around
these shops.
C. F Temple, real estate arent at North
Platte. Nebraska, certainly has demon
strated his ability In the handling of such
tracts. The first tract of this land was
laid out last fall under tho name or the
Cody addition and was opened for sale
December 10th. This addition consisted
of 193 lots and was practically all sold
out In ten days. The sales for the open
Ins day in the last two additions were
forty-one lots, showing beyond doubt
that these tracts aro not going to last
Furnished rooms
Comfortable, home - like,
furnished rooms can be found in
the Bee classified pages. The best
apartments and rooms in Omaha
are advertised in the Bee.
If you have a room to rent
tell the large crowd of Bee
readers. You'll get a desirable
tenant get him quickly. v: V
Phone your ad in; we'll collect
Tyler 1000