12 Bringing Up H0OOY- YOU MUST bTAV UP VTAlt?i WHILE WE CO DQVN ANft TALK TO THE WANT ADS Want ads received at Uuy time, tout to Insure proper classification mast bo presented before 111: 00 o'clock noon for tho ovcnlnK edition ml before 7: HO p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads re rcircd after such hours will have their first Insertion under the head tag, "Too Lnto to Classify." DEATH AMI FU.NKUAL NOTICES. ItOLMBBRG-Mrs, Peter, aged 82 years 1 month 23 days, February 17. 1913, nt I family residence, 2723 Houth Tenth street Funeral Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from Swedish Methodist church, Nineteenth and Rurt streets. Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. Krlends Invited. The funeral of MlssFrancn n -XVUUy will be held Wednesday afternoon. February 19, 1913, at 2 o'clock from thn residence of A. Forman, 1602 8. 32d Ave., to Prospect receiving vault. DUFFY & JOIINBTON., undertakers; new location. 717 8. 16th fit. Tyler 1676. I.ODUU NOTICES. IT WILL pay any club, hotel or !odgo to Bet the newly designed settees, tables, etc.. made by Omaha Furniture Mfg. Co, BIRTHS' AWD DEATHS. (, .... nirUio-B.' W. and Lola A. Slnnett. 4530 North Thlrty.eighth. girl; A. F. and K. 'Ilimmell. 331 South Thirty-fifth, boy; Sam and Rosla Greco, 1210 South Twenty t,econd. boy, Fred and Sylvia Bovlns. SiH Hies, girl, Anton and Marie Hurtn. 1117 Center, boy; R IL and Nellie Wil son, 0025 Chicago, girl; M. and Clara Schneider, 2720 Charles, Ctrl; W. W. and Margaret Moore, 848 South Twenty-third, hoy', Clyde and Anna Mlckel, 2414 South Nineteenth, boy) Oeorgo 'II, and Martha Hermann, Sit South Thirty-fifth avenue, boy. It. and Lena Peterson. 2S75 Pierce, boy, Mat and Nellie Roy, 1123 North Elghteents, girl; George and Marie Ptnk, hospital, girl: John W. and Flora Herron, 1610 1 urth Thirty-fourth, boy. Deaths Joe Buonafcde, 2 months, 1207 South Fifth. Maria llonaccl. 72 years, 911 South Twenty-fifth; II. J. Daub. 38 years hospital, A. C. W. Drolgo. hospital; Anna Klest, 30 years, 3338 South Seventeenth: Mrs. Herman Klssler. (0 years, 3307 Dodge) John Sexton. 00 years, hospital; B. C. 8mlth, 84 years, 105 South Thirty third; Anna Gallagher, 62 years, S92I North Twentieth. ' MAIIIUAOB LICENSES Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: 1 Name and Address. Age. John H Nockels, Carroll, la..,. M Hazel F. Crackling, Carroll, la XI 11 earl e B. Weetmore, Omaha Gertrude Ltlpop, Omaha 23 Carl E. Epplen, Omaha , 22 Rath E. Dolen, Omaha 22 Wheeler O. Piatt, Chicago -1 Martha Lowe, Omaha 1$ BUILDING PERMITS. Bankers Realty Investment company, 4fT89 North. Thirty-ninth, from dwelling. $2,400. and 4E16 North Thirty-ninth, frame dwelling. 22,200. . - HELP WANTED FKMALK AajCBta a tad Saleswomen. WANTED High-class demonstrator. ""A salary proposition. Good chance for ad vanotraent. Call or address Acnslna Co., UU Vinton St., Omaha. Tyler 1336. Housekeepers and Domestics, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Ttie Bee will run a Servant Girl WanUd Ad FREE until you est ths desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to Ths Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. GIRL for general housework, smalt family, good wages. Douglas 3131. 623 a 26th Ave. WANTED Girl for gensral housework and assist In care with children; no wash ing or Ironing Tel. Harney 200V. REFINED, middle aged widow desires position as housekeeper in refined home, no laundry work, no Incumbrance, or as managing housekeeper. Webster 6741. GOOD laundress, one who can do washing and Ironing at home. Call Doug las 784S. GOOD plain cook. Mrs. W. W. Marsh, W6 Pine. GIRL for general housework; good wages, 623 8. 26th Ave. Douglas 3130. MAID for general housework. M. E. 'orseman. H HQS. 'U1RL for general twuse 'work. Small family Mrs. W. H. Taylor. 6041 Daven port Harney 4490. GOOD girl or middle aged woman wanted for general house work. 2121 Cass Bt TWO good scrub-women. Wise Mem orial Hospital. RELIABLE White girl for housework. 3040 Cass. H. 6C84. GOOD girl for general housework, one who can assist with cooking; no washing. 4011 Harney. Tel. II C64S. 'WANTEDNeat girl for general home work. German preferred; must speak English Call Harney CXS4 or Mrs. J. M. Bateman. tm California St. WANTED Experienced cook In private family out of town In Nebraska. Wages 340 and transportation. No laundry. Apply 209 South Nineteenth street. MAID for general housework, family of 2. 3720 Lincoln Blvd. 11 3186. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. Apply Mrs. J. V Getten, 2SU Harney WANTED An experienced nurse girl; not under 26, U per week. 426 N. 33th St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 331i Burt Bt WANTEI Experienced maid fo7ien era! housework. No washing or ironing. Mrs, Frank Wllhelm, 2302 Harney St. Tei 224S, Father z f: 1 , . f v A .. jx r u ou i I '.LUk I Of UAT BNT 1 I 1 f-x 1 I tTT Lxnr, V UU" WOULD HELA MP I I T - W f f ...... . r- IN Mvrrtnnr, U ir.ci.uii 1 . ..k- err- l-toaroliXm ida' .-n W : T' I Tit SKT" i I TOUR I V ' " - . "CLP YOU' HELP WANTKD FEMALE Miscellaneous. VOITNO women coming to Omaha as stranners nrn Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building t St. Mary's avenue and 17th St., where thy will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide nt the Union station. OOVKIINM KNT Jobs open to women. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces sary. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 73211, Roches ter. N. Y. HICLP WANTKD MALE Aitrnts, Salesmen nnil Solicitors, Live Agents will write Jnrger Manufacturing Co., C07 Urandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. AGENTS Either sex; best selling ar ticle; start at once, 125 to $30 weekly. Success usstired. Investigate today. Cot tonwood Importing Co., 215 B, Cotton wood Bt., loin. Kan. WANTED-JCounty nnd local represen tatives for our great farm magazine. IJberal cash commission and over 12,009 In extra prizes; experience not neces sary. Write for outfit and Information to Tho Fruit Orower and Farmer, St. Joseph, Mo. AOKNT and collector wanted;' position pleasant ami permanent a money maker; experience unnecessary. For particulars write Great Western Accident, Des Moines, la. WANTEO-SalesmanaKer for fast sell ing newly-patented farm machine. Dig opportunity for right man, Call at Pax ton hotel, Room 4(0. AGENTS wanted for high-clues propo sition for llvo ugents; something new; everybody buys at sight. For particulars address Erlckson Specialty Co., Illuclt duck, Minn. AUliNTS Don't send money anywhere until you seo sample of our late quick winter specialty . money-maker. Wrlto for free sample today. Novelty House, llox W. Oakesdalu Wash. Clerical mul tidier. Foil office work sen n. F. Marti, CO-OPERATIVR REFERENCE CO.. 1016-10 City National Hank Bldg. Factory and Trndrn. "WANTED A cooper at once. N. Stein, berg, 1019 Harney. BPRINO rush is commencing n the automoblln business; learn now by prac tical experlenco In completely equipped shops; $100 to J200 earned monthly by good men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n, 2314 North 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. WE want men t ni learn tiio "barber trade. Do you want a position In a good shop? Two months will quality you. Wo give tools. We turn you out competent Call or write for catalogue. Moler Barber college. 110 S. 14th St. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business: learn It complete In ths largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairman, demonstrators and salesmen ar In demand, Write or oall for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE BC1IOOL, 1416-17 Dodg St. Omaha. Neb. New Home, 16 Ss 25c meals, lilt Capitol. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlsst, Ilea BIdg. A MECHANICAL draughtsman. Ma chine Mfg. & Eng. Co. 2801 Broadway, Council Bluffs. WANTED Young man Interested In machinery for position In wholesale sup ply hpuse: must havo had at least two years' high school education. Olve ref erences as to character and ability. Ad dress J 673, care Bee. WANTEJ A competent, experienced printer ut once. Permanent. State age, wage and full particulars. Signal, Geneva, Neb, Miscellaneous. 600 MEN, 20 to 40 "years old, wanted nt once for electric railway motormen and conductors; H'O to 1100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; wrlto Immediately for applica tion blank. Auaress v-(6. care Uee. WANTED FOR U. a ARMY Able- bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 26; citizens of United States, of good character and tempeiate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Building, 13th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; C06 Fourth Bt, Sioux Cay, la.; 130 No. 10th St, Lin coln. Neb. GET prepared for railway mall and, other government "exams" by former U. S. civil serv ceexamlner. Write now for free booklet 81. Patterson CIvO Servlau School, Rochestor, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL examination every where May 3d. Clerk-carrier soon. Hun dreds needed account parcel post Work for Uncle Sam. Salaries raised. Write American Institute, Dept. 19, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Religious young married man to work on the farm. For further information write to A. Gatterman, Route 3, Lewis, Kan. HKliP WANTKU MAI.U AXn FHMAMB. WE FURNISH competent stenograph ers services fro to employer and em ployes. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., ,llt Farnam St 'Phone Dour. 2213. MEN-WOMEN Get government parcel post Jobs, X20 week; write for list of po sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 2141J. Rochester. N- Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By first class colored chauf feur driving Job In private family or delivery truck; six years' experience; can run any car; now employed, but de sires change. Address Fred O'Nell. IMS Harney St INDUSTRIOUS young colored married man wishes Aav work. V1I nvn.rlnnnl 1 in house cleaning and all ktnds of Janitor woru i-nt-tb riusonau.e. full Dogg Ins 1064. MAN wants to work morning and even ing for room. Address A 797. Bee. Copyright, IMS Notional THANK "TOD - I am here to see IF TOO LADIES WOULD HBLt ME IN My EFfORTS 70 abolish -IdUOF? SALEb IN 7Ml Community; i JSSM ' n f COMMUNITY! I II I II I I IV A. B. C. of Omaha AAItON'S, corner 16th and Famarr, Prize winners: 1st, No. 2697; 2d, No. 1730; 3d, No. 2221; 4th, No, 1570 ; 5th. No. 104S; 6th, No. 2002. Bhl.L 1JRUO CO., 1216 Farnam. Crutch lubbers, crutches, elastic trusses, all klndM of rubber goods anything you want from a drug store. CACKLEY BROS., 121 N. 18th. Homo made grapo wins. ?l gallon. Two quart bottles henr. 25c D UN DEE WOULEN MILLS, 16th Slid Harnoy Sts. 316 suits and overcoats made to order, guaranteed to fit E CONOMY Electric Signs bring busi ness; savu coal in ugniing. - is. m. Clark, Klh and Douglas, Omaha. OSTEH-UARKEIt CO., 600 Brandels BIdg. Doug. 29. Genoral Insurance carried In reliable companies. GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. All kinds Laundry. Dairy second-hand mach inery; pipes, shafting and belting, F YOU have scrap metals, rubbersand I rnas, wruo or prices to Ultmha Metal and Rubber Co., J01 H. 8th Bt A. ttCUROLUfc.lt will tell you any thing you tflsh to know about the Moone lodge. Tel. D. 416 M. litli. J. K ERR Abstract Co.. 3UC S. 17tli nt. Better be safe than sorry. Huv Kerr do your title work. ANKTREE Electrical Co,, ZIH ti. iMn . fit. Tyler 1011. All kinds of elec uicai contracting. Uct our prloos. M UMIEIT'S. Mtr. of wigs, toupee , tiiivuea iiuill t.utIlullJKa, ti. 41UU belt's beauty parlors, gyt ti. it. UMU. NEBRASKA viUll CO., 16th aU Harney. Douglus 1G62. We rent, re pair, sell needles, parts ot all sewing .ituchlncs. OMAHA STOVE UEI'AIK WORKS, 12U8-8 Douglas. Tel, Tyler 20. Water fronts, grates for furnaces, steam and hot water heaters In stock. Petroleum Coku, iiu.fc) jier ton. Ureatest heat-glvlng fuel on thu market No ashes or amuko. Ulv us a trial ur aer. Union Fuel Co. Douglas 268. Q UAL1TY printing; prices right, nion louk, u una lei us quote puces oa printing. Barton Ptg. Co., COS B. 14tb. R lilU Hotel, now open for business. Aioarrn every respect, special ram llyruto by wk. or mo. lwu cumins. 1STE1C tailored suits. Gowns, remoit k cling and repairing; reasonable cos' 2U1 City National. Douglas 6969. TAKE your friends to the Mundurln cafe, 1409 Douglas, upstairs. Omaha s exclusive Chinese cafe. Muslo sv'n lis UNITED Clothes ouop, 1612 Farnam et Bulta, overcoats, raincoats Hoady to-Wear 810 and 315. Why pay more? W" eefurn MllllneryBchooT, ii2 Paxton Blk. Spring & summer classes sturt Ing now; prepare for early positions. X ) CELLO GRATE, TON JS.60. The nearest to anthracite: absolutely smokeless. Coal Hill Coal Co. D. Jf s. YOUR doors and windows made cold, dust and rattle proof by consulting F. H. TURNEY & CO., 603 Ware Blk. Douglas 4694. ZEIGLEK Coal. All sizes, per ton. D.. L, ft W., Scrsnton, Chestnut and other sizes, per .ton, $12.00. People's Coal Co. Phone Dofig. 930 or Tyler 1754. WANTKD SITUATIONS YOUNG lady wants position as ste nographer: cun operate any kind of machine. Douglas 6174. WIDOW wants light housekeeping with widower or aged couple a few hours dally: no laundry. Address E-ASZ. Bee, EXPERIENCED auto repair man wishes position In or out of Omaha. Ad dress A 796, Bee. STENOGRAPHER and reporter: twelve years' experience; excellent references. Call Underwood Typewriter Co. WANTED Job on farm, man and wife, where wife can do cooking; experienced; everything furnished. H 684. Bee. AN ALL-AROUND good farm nsnd wants a steady Job; nave references; have good health. Address A 799, Bee. WANTED Position by German girl In home to do general housework. Call 1124 H. ZlMt St. REFINED middle acred widow iWlr position as housekeeper In refined home, no laundry work, no Incumbrance, or as managing housekeeper. Webster 6741. ATTRA42TIONH. OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and dim bargains. ANNOUNCEMENTS Multigraph PLATES We make ptates that will print clean and clean Your orders solicited. Prlcs very reasonable. Information cheerfully given. BKK PUni.IHHIlcri rn Electro Deft. Ontaha. Neb, The Harney X, New 77-room hotel, corner 14th and Harney 8ts. European plan-Buffet and barber shop In connection -44 rooms with bath; close to tte retail dMtrict and theaters; .strictly modern; plenty light and ventilation' first-class service and courteous treatment PARALYZED TWELVE YEARS. 1.937 subscriptions to the L H. Journal 31.60; a R. Post. 11.60. and Country 0n tleman, tl.&O. will earn 13.000 for the In valids' Pension Ass n, which will insure myself and fifteen other sufferers 810 a month each. Must have 197 In Feb. Your renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone Douglas 7163. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neh. Knti.rtalnfriAntM. Cotfen machine equips Mrs Roejaard. I fi ment and servlcn. Wedding announce ments. Uoug. ti. Co. THE TIE THA-" ENDURES Is a lucKy wedding ring from Fred Brodegaurd .'ewelry Co.. 16th and Douglas Sts. At the -rr- ' thn Crown up the Ooldeu fltalr.. I EVERYONE CAN WEAR JEELRY ' At low prlre. Our descriptive cats logue sent on request The Robert Frank Specialty C.O., 1161 Broadway, New York city. THE BEE: OMAHA, AVEDNESDAY, FEBIU'ARY" 10, 1DW. News Association ANNOUNCEMENTS Masquerade and theatrical costumes to rent nt Lisbon's, 1614 Howard. Open ev'ngs MONEY TO LOAN LO W rate. 310 Bee Bldir. Tel. Doug, 1901. Union Loan Co. Ttn 1 rvr- n-CflMaltB an? gentlemen; J aiStaH B0.od atmg; popular -"iJ -"-- prices; 310 So. ICth St.. Inn Cnfp Board of Trade BIdg. Ladles, ttLt' entrance on Farnam St. HAZEIi LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 60o postpaid; samples freo. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha.- RENOVAfE FEATHERa" Co., Dome. 2467. AVe also carry a fine line fUtVTp'Sl TPAtllVfl QTAMDO .Hlk groceries and meats at Ablon's Grocery, quality goous at lowest prices. J. S. Griffith, wig mfr 12 Frenzer Blk AL'TOMOIJI f jES DRUMMOND'S Big new garlTge at 26th and Farnam. ROBES And radiator covers at 82.60 and up. BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 22. Murph jrDid It fSf ' 3-TON Kelly truck, tires, used 4 months, National Bank BIdg. B dual block rear Apply 1302 City SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES 1 0(1 PalJ for magneto we can't repair, coll rep'lng. Bayadorfer, 210 N. 18. WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about; never been used. Address A 427. care Bee. FOR CASH A bargain for some one. E. M, F. 30, 1911 model, fully equipped and In good condition. See Wallace Ben jamin, Rooms 1. 2, 3. First National Bank BIdg., Council Bluffs, la. Phone 203. J3USINESH CHANCES MONEY MAKJN'G DRAY LINE. Has all the desirable business, southe;n Minnesota, .prosperous manufacturing town 6,000; value, 812,000; nothing for g.cd will; easy terms; owner retiring, mlgnt tako part good land. Elllman-Foriuer Realty Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. TO get In or out of business, call on GANQESTAD. 404 Bee BIdg. Tel. D. S4T7. FOR high-class Investments of any kind see Franklin Brokerage Co., 1523 Douglas. FOR SALE Grocery business In a live eastern Nebraska city. Reason for selling on application. Address Y 60, Bee. WE have fine buslnese opening for party who can Invest some money. The business Is established and we can give referenco which will satisfy anyone. Ad diess O 6SI. Bee. The Nebraska Blau-Gas company has Just completed Its 8150,000 plant It wants an energetic man to act as manager of the distributing company covering Doug las and Sarpy counties. He must hold a resonahle Interest In that distributing company. Blau-Gas Is a new gas for lighting, cooking, etc., for use In suburban and village residences, farm houses and such. Is sold In steel bottles which are attached to the house piping similar to the use of Presto tanks on automobiles. References, Secretary of Commercial club. City National Bank or Nebraska National bank. Phone or see Mr. Bolcn, Douglas 3S77, at 812 City National Bank BIdg. TWO Brunsbalk bowling alleys for sale cheap. Address Y 22, Bee. A GOOD live hardware and furniture and undertaking business for salo If taken at once; new, growing town; owner wishes to return to college; no trade. Ad dress Y 879. csre Be. ANY kind retail store furnished or sold. Kennebeck Co., 605 Ben Bids., Omaha. YOUNG man with some money to In vest can buy Interest In established firm, and work up with the business. Address K 65?. Bee. FORTY-FIVE-ROOM hotel, fine busi ness, a bargain; no trade. H. Llndeman, Crawford, Neb. BUSINESS PERSONAM Architects. J. F. COTTRKLL. 4102 N. 19th. W.JUl Attorneys. JUDGE MACOMBER, law office, t24 State Bank BIdg. Ilcnuty Parlors. TiRirfWqqinrr Manicuring Maasags, xl,UIUlt-sslub Elect Treatment. Chll dren'b bobbing. Welndlnnder Smlth.317 a 10 Chlropriivtora. " J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 2322 Howard. D. 8401 Chiropodists. Carrie J. Bufqrd. C32 Pax. Blk. Red KST,. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective A gey., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. L. W. IX)NGNECKER, 517 Karbach Blk. JAMES ALLEN. 312 Neville Blk. j;vl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Dreasmakln , Miss D. Malloy. altering or ladles' suits, refitting, re lining. 206 Boston Store. D.3478. Dressmaking by the day. Webster' 7WS. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Dressmaking by dsy or at home. W. 7W1 Al dressmaking at reasonable prices. Mrs. E. Yeager, 1916 Chicago. D. VXA, Drugs. DIH'OS at cut prices; freight paid on 310 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, Drawn for THAT SALOON I'M NOT 0IN' TO WAIT W lom;er- ME THROAT IS ON FIRM! OER THERE MAT lb A OlSCftACE TO OUR CITT.' BUSINESS I'UTtSONALS Everythlnir Elrctrlciil. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee BIdg. FltirlntK. A. Donnghue, 1A07 Far., D. 1001, A1001. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. "'IT1 PS. florist Boyd Theater BIdg. I.. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 123S. BRANDE1S cut flower dept., new store. Movlnu, Htoritue nnd t'lcnnlna. McLaud & Son. Van & S., 3-horse van. t men, 31.25 hr., 2 hi s., 31 per hr. D.4339. W.543 Furn. moving; 2 men, 81 per hr. W.J748, Foundries. McDonald Brass and Bronze foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. .Music il lid LnnuritnKCN, Experienced violin teacher. Web. 7213. Numeric nnil Seeds. STEWART'8 SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. OsteapntllN. Allco Johnson. 308-9 Brandels The. Bldk'. I'alnts nnil (aluas. BARKER Brothore Paint Co.. carry a big stock of Keytsona tho waslmblo and durable wall paint Full Una Sherwln Wllllams paints and varnishes. Carter lead, Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bert's varnishes. Get our prices. 1609J4 Farnam. Doug 4760. Print! nir. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co.. qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 8. lath. DOUGLAS Printing Co, Tel. Doug. bl, Low W. Ruber, Printer, n?ugphiw BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. , Patents. HIRAM A. STURGBS. patent lawyer, 646 Brandels Theater BIdg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nl7. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2it. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2519 N, South Omana. Trees, Plants and Seeds. ALFALFA seed and sweet clover seed, finest quality. Write for samples. Sevier Valley Mercantile Co., Sallna, Utah. Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRELING & STE1NLE, 1S03 Farnam St. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigaia, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 502-3 8. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large not tie. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLL'EOE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates u'.e guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalorue and full In formation, address Mosher-Lampman Cv.- lege, 1815 Farnam St., Omaha, wep. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLE8 COLLEGE Is now open, yet It Is not too late to en ter. Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Serv. loe and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phono for it at once. Address Boylea College, 1807 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. Danoln, For the best dance music call Web. &0o5. Special prices In Feb.; learn to daiicn where all the others do. 1S16 Harney et. Mackle's, 3 times per week. Doug. 1V6. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some artiUe would do well to oall up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET .RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST In down-town district, brooch, pink cameo, surrounded by pearls and gold leaves. Reward for return to Mrs. E. W, Getten. 3335 Harney. LOST A Boston bulldog, answers to name ot Bradley, 4-months-old, brlndle and white. D. 4C28. BETWEEN Aulabaugh's fur store and Orkln Brothers, plain brown sealskin col larette. Reward for return to Aula baugh's, furrier, 19th and Farnam. t. i 1 i a MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee BIdg.. Omaha. Gall Stones. Home Remedy (No oil). Medical Book Free. G. R. Co. Dept. O. 219 B Dearborn. Chicago MRS. FRANCIS Medical massage treat ment at patients, homes. Tel. Web. 7126. -MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. BTOPf Here If you need MONEY. LOOK!! City over and you do no better LISTEN!!! We will negotiate a loan at Lowest Rates, Easlets Payments, Quickly and Privately on Salary or Chattel Security RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d floor. Suite 308, Paxton BIdg , 37 South 16th St. Phone Douglas 1111. The Bee by George McManus 7 ,tiaS W THAT SOUNDi S C" "V&- MONEV TO LOAN Snlnry it ml t'linttels. DIAMOND LOANS at 2& and 6 per cent. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 6619. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Om. Na. Bank BIdg. FURNITURE 8ALARA' LOANS. I.ct us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe and with only one place to pay; you'll be moro satis fied and surprised how cheaply wo can do It NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Established Twenty-one years. 16C3 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 2295. Room 213 Board of Trade Building. CHATTEL LOANS 15 to 8100. SALARY LOANS, You can get It today of STAR 1X5AN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 nnd 5 per cent. GROSS LOAN CO., 410 No. 16th. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. St: at N. llth St.. or 216 S. 17th St Tel. D. 394, 1SU FARNAM Bl. Second rloor ot Quivet BIdg., 3-room apartment with large room adjoining suitable for artists or professionals who wish their homes con tlguoua. Hall Dlst Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7400 FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartment In the Dunsanry apartment, 10th and Pierce. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater BIdg. Phone Douglas 1571. ONE of the very best 4-room apart ments In Omaha, east, west and south exposure. Close In. Party leaving city. Phono Harney 2029. STRICTLY high class, 6-room apart ment on West Farnam St., with steam heat and Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM! ST. FOR RENT-STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS of 4 rooms each; private bath; gas range In kitchen; to only small families, under lease. 318.60 and $21 each winter rate. Thos. W. Hazen, 207 JIc Cngue BIdg. D. 1300 833 New 5-room modern St. Louis flat, 2817 Jackson St. $20 5-room flat, 1904 S. 10th St. H. A. WOLF, 432 Brandels BIdg. Douglas SOGS. 11-ROOM modern flat, 614 8. 13th, $50. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague BIdg, Douglas 1300. 6-room apartment, completely modern. Scargo BIdg., South Omaha, above 516 N. 24th. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. STORE AND steam heated apartments, close to Postofflce. Low rent. Q. P. Stcbbtns. 1610 Chicago. FOUR rooms and bath, modern apart ment, $30. Tel. Doug. 1272. 2607 DEWEY AVENUE. Btrlctly modern brlqk flat of 7 rooms and reception hall, ady at house will show you through. Then see me. W. AV. MITCHELL. OWNER, 414 Bee. Douglas 1873. Hoard null lCoutna. Merrlam hotel, 25th and Dodge, under new management; single and ensulte. D.S5 Elegant fur. front room for gcntlemon. Close In, private family. 2618 Harney. 29th & L'venworth: nice homelike place; walk distance; mod. excel'nt board. II. 2339 BEAUTIFUL rooms and suites, with board If desired, In very fine private home. Prices very moderate. 2ES3 Harney. Famished Apartments. HANDSOMELY furnished apartment; 3 rooms; modern; $500. 604 B. 28th. Phone Harney 1836. Furnished Dooms. 131 N. 31ST AVE.. Bouth room; modern. FURNISHED rooms. In salte ot four, single or tor light housekeeping; choice, reasonable. Douglas 6877. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat. 1708 Jackson St Tyler 1521. ONE large south room, will accommo date threo or four persons; one small room, will accommodate two, Douglas 6721. 617 South 18th St ONE large south room, will accsmnio date 8 or 4 persons; one small room, will accommodate two. 617 South 18th bt. Doug, 6274. WARM, modern rooms, suitable for one or two. ziw uousjias m 2040 FARNAM Small front room for two; 33 per weeky vr' k tu t,nt w ntr hrflt. nlnctrlc light, bath; rates reasonable. JUS Harney St Phone Douglas 6001. Furnlshud Housekeeping: ltooma. 2018 DAVENPORT 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. SUITE "of two southeast rooms, alcove and bath; good neighborhood; modern; references. Tel. H. WOL HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modcri; walking distance. 1900 Farnam. Hotels and Apart eataw DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. r TL-nnVIl TinTRT Klonm hfltftft vvj. ....... ... - - . -r . . , rooms. $2 per week and up; free bath. Houses and Calluses. Mr.ATTn S ii move trunks, 2io J-AUJJ Me Douglas 4338. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling fn Cass St. between Wth and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. Ths Crelgtuon University. Tel. Doug. 232a 1GO hauls trunks, light moving. D. ztaf. BEAUTIFUL home, strictly modern. 8 rooms, abundance of small fruit; 22d and Brown. J. H. Johnson. 873 Brandels. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N th. l. TI12 Dybbra & Fletcher, mover of household ' goods, pianos, worn guaranieea. u. jbj. 1 Movinc Hacking and storage of house- J hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha van ana storage to., iirupiooi storage. 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office. 209 8. I7th St Tel. 1. 4PU WEST FARNAM New stucco, 31 N ISth Ave.i fine location and only Hi- 6-ROOM hoube 624 So. lull. TELL HIM TO FILL IT UP AND NOT 0 NUCH FOAM.' OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Co It uses. rTnilHPH In all parts of the city. XlUUHia crelgh. Sons & Co.. Bee BIdg MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships houseboM goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 8 ROOM modern house at 112 So. 44th St.. $30. Tel, Harney 3361. 7-ROOM, all modern house; walking dis tance; .sacrifice sale, party leaving city; $1,000; $2,000 cash, balance easy payments. 619 S. 26th Ave. GLOBE VAN & BTORAGE CO. Stor age, $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4238 r.nd D. 37S5. Offices 117 S. 14th St 620 N. 16th, $15 Nowly papered and painted, modern C-room, splendid location, on 24th St. enr line. Inquire 2419 S. 24th St. FOR RENT HOUSES & COTTAGES 5-ROOM cottage, 953 N. 25th Ave.. $14. 7-room modern house, 2109 Grant, $20. 9-room modern house, 950 N. 25th, $25. THOS. W. HAZEN. 07 McCague BIdg. Douglas 1300 Stores nod Offices. 8-STORY brick bldg., 16th and Cuming Bts. Tel Douglas 2471. $30 Large, nice, new, attractive store room and cemented cellar. 1508 N. 21th St. H. A. Wolf. "FOR RENT 1-or wholesale, light man ufacturlng or retail purposes Farnam St after December 31 the three-story and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Barik Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1242. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an L. C. Smith & Bros.' type writer of the makers, by the month, $3.W. or three months foi $7.60. L. C. Smith a Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam 3l 'Phone Doug. 2213 TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, . CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. HAVE a new Monarch typewriter; will sell at sacrifice, as I am leaving the city; machine can bo seen any time. Address caie Hen. Miscellaneous. SAFES 2d-hant American Supply Co. KINDLING, $1 load at factory. Acme Box Co., llth and Seward. Doug. 1827. FOR SALE New and second-nan carom and pocket billiard tables ani bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Ths Brunswlck-Balke Collendcr Co., 407-vj Scuth 10th St. $r COAL; It's good; try a ton; best foi money. Web. 848. Mnrmon & Weeth. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, rcfrifceru tors, grocers' display counters. Ice ma chines. The United Line, 1117 Farnam. FOR SALE Two carload hedge posts. Heck & Wamsley, Falls City, Neb. WE have a miscellaneous lot ot old gas and electric combination fixtures, some straight electric fixtures, we will sell very cheap, Apply Bee Building Co.. Omaha, Neb. "HALL'S safes, new & 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzIo Pt'g. Co., 1417 Harney. D. 2644 FOR SALE A beautiful $75 black Jliy fur coat (woman's), size 38; will sell lor $50 cash, Address F 669, care Bee. Kindling. M. II. Gross, lumber & wrecking, TWO high school cadet coats for sale Address F 685, Bee. I'ERSONAL E. BELLE, scientific massage; baths; drucless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B. Scientific massage. .Mrs. Hedlund. D. 7943. f AS5S A riirSwedlsh movement Apt. 63-DaY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not heed. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. llth St, for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglus 412$ and wagon wilt calL MACrNETlO treatment. E. Brotl. iiiau-uj.h 0v(;r no 8 i6th D -j MASSAGE, salt glow. Mme. Allen ol Chicago. 109 S. 17th St Douglas 7663. Maseage Expert treatment. Mrs. Stte. 20S 8. lath St., Room 308. Close 10 p. n ANNA MARKS M""- YOUNG women coming to Omaha, i strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where the will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for ou r travelers' aid at the Un lo n station Massage, Mrs. Rlttenhouset 308 Boston StrT MASSAG-K ,Corns removedTaoc. Mis JLtiroitUL Haynes, 7u7 S. 16th. D. UJl. FOR SALE A beautiful $75 black pot.v fur coat, woman's slzn 38; will sell fj'r jj emu, uureis v msj. care llee. It Ktlf.l.rt fro ,1 n o fn np..Wrvl... schemlst, 213 No. 25th. Free delivery Douglas 1072. " POULTRY AND SUPPLIES EGGS For Hatchincr From thoroughbred R. C. Rhode Island Reds; vigorous, .hardy stock; great lay rs; country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 10CL A. II. BAKER. Benson. Neh. R- F. D. No: Tel. Benson 747-. ADDRESS m'.M. Johnson Company! Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for u,uumi uilwucih, I'muiu.UQ iree. Island Cockerels from egg-laying stock. Corre spondence anatier-il. F a. VTIni- nr..n.. V T,t --.. ".iuai NO trouble to gtveConkey's Roup rem edy. Just a pinch In (he drinking water. The fowls take their own medicine. Guar- . i . . . .. i ...... t.-. i . . . umi-iM J ncuiacAa eccu .o., io. xlOW- ard St RKAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans nd" warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St HARRISON MORI ONT 9160ra. Nat" $100 to JW.OOO made promptly, P. Wead, Wcad Bldg., l$tn and Farnara. 1