11-A What the Omaha Theaters Offer to Their Patrons THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 16, 1913. A St I SIM PN TI. AMI MOUNTS. r 1 L K'ontlnurd from Page Ten. rontraltos. T. Roy Barnes and Dessle Jrawford will oKer an entertaining skit lentltled. Tlie Falclr anil tho Utdy." niitabeth Otto. ' The Girl at tho Piano," will clve a unique musical act Tho Arnaunt Brothers. European Tumbling Clowns, will plve a thrilling act consist ing of athletic work, comedy and must a. O Nenl and Walmsicy. original entertain err. will introduce a very novel act. This wock at tho-uoyd Miss Lang and her coirpany will bo seen In A. K. W. laeon's charmlnir comedy of English Ufo and manners. "Green Stockings." Thr story 13 of how Cella. Farraday aoldrd tho 'custom that required tho cider unmarried ua'ishter of tho family ti wear i'ocn st-cklnss on tho occasion tho marriage of a youncer sister. I'olla had worn green stocking! twice, and was threatened with a third time, t hen ohe Invented a sweetheart, sent him away to Africa to fight the natives rml t:-.en adventitiously killed him off. Rut It turned out that cno of the lettsrs the wroto to her fictitious fiance actually got Into tho malle, and did reach the colonel Smith, and ho returned to Kng land on tho day his death was an nounced. Out of this notorial Mr. Mason has maio a comedy that is Intensely In teresting, because it la human In its eve-y aspect and witty and bright and clever and funny. Miss Lang wilt have the role In which Margaret Anglln has starred for tho last three reasons, and will find in It much to her llklnff. The ntltera In tho company will be well placed. The first performance will bo at the matinee this afternoon and the bill will run all week with other matinees on Wedncslay and Saturday afternoons. Tho Orpheum road show is scheduled to be at the Orpheum the week of March !. This aeaann llartln Deck has planned a Breatcr treat than ever before. The special feature of the bill will bo Mils Naplerkowska tho famous Polish dancer, who Is considered tho foremost choreo graphic dAncer of her time. This claim Is substantiated by her repeated success at the Paris opera. Metropolitan opera and Grand opera at St. Petersburg and Moscow. Slgnor Travnto will furnish an art that will bo hard to surpass. It will consist of eccentric violin playing. The other features of tho program will b prrporteil by Oallaway, Kauffman & Co., Kobker's Whirlwind Arabs, Ben Linn, Wilton and Wilson, and Median's Dogs. The American Hippodrome, on Douglas street at Eighteenth stroet, comes right back for the week starting Sunday mat inee, February 16 with a program headed bv Ivowls & Evana, who will present a irclango of Impersonations; for the kid lets, a special entertainment of Swain's flook of cockatoos gorgeous hued birds from the tropcls in a unique minstrel first part to be presented by Russell's Beven Colonial minstrels. Two pretty girls the Lillian sisters said to be adepts on violin and piano, are listed for their contribution, as Is Jack Burdette, who, as a jolcologlst, takes the trouble to make everybody understand his wlttlolsms by some rapid cartooning and the lnlmltablq comedienne, Sadie Sherman, will at eaoh performance offer her sorles of "Photo Types." An unusually fine display has been arranged for tho Hlpposcope. As Is customary "Tho Universal Weekly" showing events In all parts of the world will be an added featuro on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Shown start at 7 and 9 each evening, a dally matinee being continuously from 2 to 5 p. m. .Saturday and Sunday afternoons two complete performances are given start ing at 1 and 3 p. m. Hero comes Bob, Manchester's Famous Cracker Jacks for a week's stay, opening this afternoon at the Oeyety, and it brings more pretty girts, more comedians, finer costumes and prettier scenery thnn any llko company traveling. The com pany is headed by the two well known travesty stars. Ruby LeonI, the Model Vonus, and Beatrice Harlowe, tho lyrlo queen. The first part 1b entitled "A Gat den of A-ffinltles," which brings to tho fore such comedians as Johnny Jess Dan Klley, James Coglan. Harrison Mack and William Slsto. There are twenty four pretty girls who will certainly enter tain. Tho olio has the Missouri Magnet. ' Beatrice Harlowe, In a novel and artlstlo melange; Coglan & Mack. In military tactics; N'lblo & RIloy, the black fac duo and William Sleto & Co.. the great Italian In "His First Speech." The clos ing skit. "The Model and Girl," is o corker and offers many surprises of novelty and brings out the entire cast of the company. Ladles' dime matinee dally, starting tomorrow. A distinctly dlKerent'show, Sim Will lams' "Girls from Joyland," will be the Krug theater's offering for the week commencing with the usual Sunday matinee. While the company title Is a now one. It contains many favorltlei known to burlesque, the foremost of which Is Harry I Cooper, the "Original Happy Heinle;" Fred Bulla, Eugene West. Harry Gray. Ulllan Raymond, Mmlly Nice and a chorus of twenty-five beauties In musical numbers. First and second ports called, respectively. "Flirt lng Flora" and "The Rich Happy Heinle,' were written in i.ir. Cooper's happiest moments. In the olio the heavily adver tised "Blanohe" gives much scopo to the Imagination and is the general topic o' conversation after tho show. Fred Bulla and Harry Gray, who call themselves the "Folly Jolly Boys." offer a run of clover nonsensical talk, and Emily Nice, the sweet chlo little soubrette, will sing songr of thi period. Friday night as usual will bo Country store night. A very strong program has been ar ranged for the Empress next week. It la to bo headed by Molbourno MacDowell. who lakes the leading part in a sketch tiled "The Sheriff and the Widow." Mr MacDowell will be remembered by ;maha. The sketch which he Is produc ing how Is said to be one of the cleverest comedies ha has ever appeared in. Mis iFubclle Evesson Is his main support in tho sketch. Another feature act is Marion's models giving "reproductions of famous paintings." The act Includes five eople and some of the world's most fam ous pieces of art axe portrayed without a detail lacking. Mabel Harper, the eccentric comedienne, will appear with new material and songs. Davis & Allen :he "Dialogue Duo," will offer some very lever up-to-the-minute banter and do s ime new tricks in the way of dancing 1 he regular Monday feature photo play I be offered. It Is called "The Lost t-'o:." and tells of the battles of & respectable lad when he Is thrown Into the world to fight for himself and hi family. The month of March holds two concerts of particular importance, each presenting artlBts who bear the title of "world's greatest" In their respective and diverg ent fields. On the afternoon of March 13 Mme. Julia Culp, mezzo-soprft.no, cele brated Dutch lleder singer, will be heard In roottal at the Brandels theater In th lost of Miss Hopper's series of subscrip tion concerts. Mme. Culp has been re ceiving the unrestricted praise of Europe's eminent critics for some sea sons past and her first American tour has been but a confirmation. New York has been lavish in Its tributes of the throe rocttals already given. Aside from Mine. Culp's uplifting and remarkabl) interpretations, she has a magnificent voice, beautifully cultivated and wonder fully controlled. Mme. Culp will be assisted at the piano by Conrad V. Bos, tho eminent artist remembered In company with Dr. Wull ner. Eugene Ysayo, the great Belgian vio Rebukes the Knockers Strange, Indeed, Is It to see that so many, many of the foreign element In drama and light opera, who como to American soil to earn their bread and butter and a life of modern ease, which, the meager salary In their country would not permit of, should entertain the Idea that In order to expound their marvelous talents and gain a little newspaper notoriety and explode their artistic tem peraments, must take a long weary sigh. recline with arms, beautiful arms, folded to the back of their coy heads and sigh "alas," how tho American woman with her high, thin monotonous voice, her 'frivolous mind' do annoy me." They do not stop at our voices and brains, but out talk and the manner In which we use our mouths also suffer. In fact, we are altogether disagreeable to them. I often wnnder if they, poor things, ever realize that the American women grow weary of their choppy eternal self praise. But, no, poor, blind mortals, they can see only thelrselves I think some European subjects should be awarded medals as the champion knook ers on American women. In the first place, If America and American women are so distasteful to the foreign actors or prima donna, why do they come here? Easy to explain. They know we are not bred so dull but we can accumulate that much envied coin. And. too, they know we will spend it. In other words, the American men and women are not as the common ex pression goes, "tightwads." And lucky for them we are not. Hence, the Italians whom I principally mean this for along with many others, scurry across the pond to liberal. America to gather unto themselves Its big, round sliver dol lars. It does seem just a little ungrate ful that they should presume to stretch ! themselves up and point the finger of correction to their gracious benefactors, j I have Just read the article In one of ( our leading western papers, namely The ' Omaha Sunday Bee, that prompts me to sit down In my gingham apron and dust cap to write this. In this same 1 article I read that one of these foreign artists admits accepting an Invitation to a reception or "thunderstorm,"' as she i Is pleased to term the United States life "Dreadful thing Is the American recep tion." she says. I wonder If she accepted through curiosity or thinking It would perhaps add a few dollars more to the box office receipts. We consider it very Ill-bred for one to, here, In America, accept extended hospitality and then make silly, jeering remarks. It only goes to show us how ungrateful and unbecomingly bred you are. "For vanity's sake do not talk so much." This extract from the article re fers to the American woman again. I would say to the foreign novice, "For humanity's sake do not advertise so grossly." We give little thought as to how you Crape your graceful form In soft noth ingness on rising at 10 a. nx, brush your linist, has returned to America after an absence of eight years and Is Including Omaha In his tour. Hr will be hoard nt tho Brandels theater on tho evening of March 20, and already Mia? Hopper 1b possessed of a considerable number of orders for scats both from In town and from out. When Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, president of tho Tuesday Morning Musical cluo, learned of Ysayo's engagement sha con ferred with her board of directors on securing tickets for tho entire club mem bership, Instead of Investing Independ ently In a less expensive artist. The ilan was approved and the entire club Will bo present on that evening. New York critics linve had abundant opportunity for comparisons this season, for they havo listened to Ysayo, Elmai, Krelsler, Zunballst and Powell, yet havo unanimously declared that Ysaye proved himself to be tho master. hair and enjoy your ooffee and papers In silence. The American women Is too busy with higher and more Interesting thins of life. You Europeans do not know us and that Is why you do not appreciate us And perhaps It will not be your fate to know us, or what wo do. for we do not advertise. We let our country and the material things show and stand for what wo are. However, If tho various professions and AMU81JMENTS. Starting Mat. Today 2:15. Tonight and All Week. Mats. Wed. and Sat. EVA LANG and HER OWN COMPANY Presenting A. E. W. Mason '8 Comedy, Green Stockings Prices 25c50c. Boxes 75c. Noxt Week: THE CHORUS LADY. JtlJRLCflJ Iboypi 1 GIRLS FROM JOYLAND Harry L. Cooper Blanche? STAB DELIGHTING FRIENDS AT BOYD THEATER. Q , T Sll HM12TH. In I Tlio Bharlff and the Widow j E tllf D Bantlful - Nature Painting" j U 1ByESHiSttSi H Continuous Fsrfonnnnce H BmSSmSK i J H nn uro the rAani,Y I aaWfm9Wk'lJt ' M ALL BEATS lOo ALL THE TIME I M.isJ.'fis;, I i EtaLeL Harper -M ihe Empress business corporations must need to ad vertise, we do It legitimately. Not by tarlns down some fellow man. Wo ure content to live and let live. One thins, our minds are not narrow and stinted. If the writer of tho article I Just read would look further than tho fashion ABIUHISMUNTM. Phone Doutr- 494. Matluee Every Dny 3:16. Every night OHO. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK T O O A. "V BTAHTIWP H U m i". X The Top O'Td' World Dancers With tho Original TolUe llallut" in "KRIS KRINGLE'S DREAM" MarioFLittlBfielu's rXOttEMraTB BINOEHS T. Boy Belli Barnes & Crawford "Tho Fakir nnl tho L.aly." Elizabeth Otto The Girl at the Piano Al Rayno's Bull Dogs Bully Comedians Introducing; a Slide for Life And "foot Hall Doks" Arnaut Brothers . European Tumbling Clowns O'Neal & Walmslty Orlclnal Kntertalners. PATHE'S WEEKLY REVJEW OF THE WORLD'S EVENTS I Prices Night, 10c, Mat., Oallery, 100, except Saturday S5o, best and COo, 7So. eatl 230 Sunday. BURLESQUE I JS a a. WILL PLAY AT BRANDEIS THEA TER TONIGHT. .iV, , OC V? , ) ( 11ZSS CfflBZOTJZ WAZKER notes and Intent fads she would soon lfuin l;ut tho Atm'rli'tin wonun urc do ing, uiut I lun not ii suffniKi'ttK elttu-r. I am un American uptrend. Htrunge, It Is not ' IIKI'LAH MONROE. PlitllnsburB. Knn. The Fairy of the Skyscraper Each day twenty fivo of our customers are exempted from payment of their lunch check, no matter what the amount. This little girl draws tho free numbers. Will she smile on you to day at Omaha's Smile-Corner, 14th and Farnam Sts. ? Woodmen Cafeteria A smiling and satisfied crowd daily bustling around the skyscraper corner. Sanitary Home Cooking. You buy only the amount of food you require. Music evenings. The Chesapeake 1508-1510 Howard Street SUNDAY Table d'Hote Dinner From 11 :30 a. in. to 8 p. m. 50c and 60c February 16, 1913. JACK DhNNIS Manager. N SF sun n ssr w ta X and KLAW and ERLAMGER Present THE MOST PRONOUNCED DRAMATIC oUCCESS OF THE SEASON TME TRAIL - F THE BY KUOEIin WALTER From the Book by the Same Name by John Fox, Jr., with LIT Saw t Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 SWSATiraEE SATURDAY Curtain Rises Promptly at 8:00 O'Clock. Matinee at 2:00 E. SHL and JULIA IN SHAKESPEAREAN REPERTOIRE Thursday "RtiUGM ADO ABOUT NOTHING" Friday "MACBETH" Saturday Wat "AS YOU LIKE It" Sat. Wight "TWELFTH RIGHT" Prices 50c to $2.00. Seal Sale Tomorrow, A. M. March 2 and 3-GOUNTESS COQUETTE. March 4 and 5 EUGENIE BLAIR in MADAME X. fin; THiinsnnv FRinnv FAVERSHA&rS J u LSUS ALL STAH SPECTACULAR PRODUC- m EFftfg m 13 TION OF SHAKESPEARE'S fuAtt&Aif Moll Orders Now. Devoted to Strictly High Qrado Extravngma ana vauuevuio TWICE DAILY WEEK Mat. Today Ketnrn of the Show That' Always Oood OH MANCHESTER'S CRACKER JACKS A Brand New Show In Every r articular Ruby Lconi j Beatrice Harlowe Model Venus . Lyrlo star JOHNNY JESS VAUDEVILLE SSSfiSf NIDLO & RILEY; IV m. SI8TO a. CO.: COQLAM & MACK; BEATRICE HARLOWE. "set" BEAUTY CHQRUSnSSST Dear Ilnndfr: I'or fltefn yfra. to my rrnonal knolnlK 'hi ihnw'a till lmti atood for unly Uia hwt . narer did llob Mun rheatnr 'iieat the public lla'a uheat Inc hlmaelf (Ma aeaaon ilvri too grrat a allow (nr t ho jiricrs charged. I ihoulil worry C U JOHNSON1, Mir Oayaty Evenings and Sunday Matlneeo IDo, SBo, 00c and 7Co 2S?k MATS. 15c and 250 Chew gum If you like, but no RmuklnK. LADIES' jTbar AT ANT WEEK TICKETS "v DAY MATINEE llaliy C"arrluRe OaniKO In tho Iobuy. Certified Milk for tho Asking Howdy P. Happens Feb. 20, 21, 22 And it is to be a joyous affair from I Btart to finish. See Omaha's prettiest club house. See the quaint, novel booths, singing, music, etc. to cheer. Entertainment wherever you look. See what's offered you and you will conclude to join the MOOSE. Fair to be given by ADMISSION Omaha Lodge No. 90 - rv at their Club House. 1 i C 416 South 17th Street WW DR. SHIPHERD Careful Dentist Associated with Macb it Mach 312-314 Paxton Block MflRfiM fi.7 special matinee ntlDAT ITlfflita, COo to 5X00. Wit.. 6O0 to 81.50. Ou Douglas St. at 10th Today nt 1, 3, 7 and 0 P. M. Tomorrow and Week, 3 to S; At 7 and 9 P. M. Dally. A'S "POP" VAUDEVILLE High drade Bill Inclndes That Big Time Team, LEWIS & EVANS Xn a Potpourri of Songs, luiper sonatlons and Dances. SWAIN'S COCKATOOS Gorgeous Zlued Birds rrora The Tropics in an Uniqne Display. SADIE SHERMAN A Comedienne Who Can Comede. 7 -RUSSELL'S COLONIALS- 7 in a Typical Minstrel first Part. LILLIAN olSTERS InstrumentallBta and Vocalists. JACK BURNETTE Cartooning Comedian. iSTioB HIPPOSCOPE Conceded Omaha's Beat Movies. VA&SS -5c 10c a 20c DIME MATINEE DAIX.V. Hraervs cuupon tlcketi (20c) are gold tor the orcheatra cbatra tor tha arenlnc par lunnanra atartlnx nt 7 o'clock. Such tlcketa will be reaened for ticket boldera until I P M Alter that time thoy will be reco nlied only a adraliiloil ticket! to any un occupied 20o aeals. A. P.,The Whose Children's Birthday Today? Tho Keo'B "Little Folks IHrth day lloolc" answers that question every tiny for your boys and girla. FAIR