) V N. ANTKD TO RENT n,ivi"iTiin. to T.nX Pra h0Ufe 'r e.r 5.r,ctui: M,ow- Any town with ele, trlcity Theater. Box 4k. Arapahoe. UKAIj K8TATB AILS I H ACT OK TITI.K. ItKRn Ah.tr... ...... . . n..ir t. l . vl oiliest aosiract o. rice in Nehtasta. 20fi Brandels Theater. ACllUAGi:. West of Omaha, 10 Acres ni!'lh Ki"1 Kle very best view of . a,Vl ;,UK county. Rich ground, now In alfalfa. 410-foot south front on I R'mwood park. $Mo pr acre; $1,600 t ni . Hnce monthly. 6 per cent Owner will take on first payment up to $1,000 . .ii i'iisr or OUIKUIlg lots SMALL CASH PAYMENT. balance monthly, will buy a 6-room tot tape, modern but heat, rooms large nnd wen arranged, cemented basement, water meter, fine south front lot, all fenced, nice Iron fence In front, fine place for garden, has a row of grape and soino fruit trees; paved street, only 14 bljCK from car line. 3 blocks from 24th and Ames Ave. Hire Is a nice, neat cottage home. lrlce reduced to 12,400. ttASP BROS., IPS McCague Hldg, Doug. 1653. Houses for Sale to Be Removed Two cottages, nnp brick house and one frame store building. N. E. corner 13th and Capitol avenue. Rids received by George & Company, ivi-u ( ity Nan Rank Bldg. 'Phone II. 766. DUNDEE SNAP Six-room square house, all good sized rooms, hot water heat, largo south front lot. Price, $4,300. Owner leaving city must sell. BEM1S-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater. Apartmout House Sites Pax ton Ground 25th Ave. to 26th Ave-, south side of Douglas, finest location in the city; pilco tfrf) u foot and up. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE Handsome modern 10-room house on one of tho finest streets on West Farnam hill. Owner going away. HICKS. 219 Board of Trade Hldg. East and South Front Corner, $1200. N. V. Cor. 38th Ave. & Mason An Ideal location to build a home, on s. Rtreet with all desirable homes, fine snadu trees, paved street, permanent walks. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 535 SOUTH OTH ST. Nice home, alio fine for rontlng; new, well-built, squai'o 2-story house, all modern. Bold all other property ami wish to leave. Look It oVLr and make offer. Ml "ST sell modern 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3,500. D. 3607. NEW BUNGALOW $260 CASH. Just completed; consists of 5 rooms and buth; finished in oak; full basement ct mentod; located on car lino and near Mil ler park. Price $2,800. SHOPEN & CO.. D. 4216. Omaha Red Book, vest pocket site. GOOD building lot. No. 3606-8 Ames Ave., south front, on car .line; lot Is graded and has cement walk. Phono Harney 3002. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST 8T5H JOHN W RQ11B1NS. 1S03 FARNAM IT. ""uTroom house, KounUo Place, Omaha, 17,000, clear, " also other clear Omaha property. Want California. US3 W. .414 St.. Los ' Angeles.' Cal: " " SOUTH PART OF CIT10 5-room house, 1707 S. 11th St. For sale by owner. HlSnlj ESTATE . FARM ,v ll.txni I. AMIR FOll 3 A LB Arknnsn. LISTEN SO acre farm, house, barn, spring and 40-acre homestead for $650, terms; big list free. Ward, Mountain ' Home, Ark. FOR SALE A few good farms on which trades will be considered In part payment. Sims Land Agency. Hope, Ark. (.'itllfornln. California land excursions 1st and 3d Tuei. W. T. Smith Co.. 814 City Nat. Bk. Kaunas. KANSAS TARJIS and ranches for sale; 10 to 25,000Jacres; 'write, for free list. V. IE. VlyUETTE. Sallna. Kan. MlnneaiK a. FOR SALE-500 Improved farms South ern Minnesota; for terms, prices, write Morehurt-Atchlson Land Co., Mankato, Minnesota. Missouri. 407 acres, two good houses, barns, etc., good water, nearly nil cultivated, bal ance pasture, warm climate, plenty rain, only $J0 per acre. Look this up, und others. Q. E. Turklngton, C02 Bee Bldg. Nebraaka. A FEW GOOD FARMS CAN STILL BE HAD WITH POSSESSION GIVEN MARCH 1, 1913. ' A good 40; good fair Improvements', Jnust at the edge of good town In Wash ington county, Nebraska, with fine schools, churches, railroad facilities, etc. About S miles from Omaha. Three good eighties, .well Improved, cry best of soil, ranging from $100 per acre to J 140. upon the very best of terms, Two cracking good half section farms at bargain prtces, with possession Match 1. Your misfortune of being' thrown out of a farms may be your fortune in disguise. You can buy either of these farms upon the best kind of terms. Act quick if you want .something good and a home for your family. THE DIXON REAL ESTATE CO.. BLAIR, NEJI. A BARGAIN. Well Improved 60; JH miles out; easy terms; pbssesslon given. Irlce, J5.600. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. ARE YOU IN THE MARKET for a good 400-acre Nebraska farm 7 Good I land, 1H mile to good town, located on I the Wood river valley; 240 irf cultivation, ; A In nlfnlfu- bVi nrres nf this farm mut I as good us any (100 land in the lUte; balance cheap at JS0, and the price for It all Is only $00 an acre for a short time. Will carry back on farm J10.000 at . per cent Interest. Address Owner, 1S20 Spen cer St , Omaha, Neb. ""IMPROVED FARM-320 acres. 3 an acre, 12 miles from town; rich black soil; bO acres broke; all fenced; houic Six24; i ear school and in sight of twenty-flva . ther farm houses. Must have your fll-1 tog right J- A Tracy, Kimball. Neb. . " " FOR SALE BY OWNER. ' 110 ner acre ISO acres, good level land. t I fenced and twice cross fenced aood graiary. large horse barn, small house, well 'w feet detp, windmill and other our buildings. 3u0 acres In cultivation. ISO acres natural grass. Wll sell cash or terms 'n toh, balance terms to suit purchaser. Located 9 miles north of Mitchell. Neb. For further particulars In quire or write, u. w. ueArmona, uouon. , Cal i acres one mile from town on Bur- ' lington R- R ; has well, cistern, shade ( uees wladbrake and fance; tlB per aero, i I, lit mile from church and school. ItiO acres, three miles from banking town on Burlington R. R.; excellent soil and I entire quarter level: hu per acre; terms one-third cash, balance In five and ten '-ars at 6 per cent. Addrets M. 576. Bee. nUlnbnmn. FOR SALE At r bargain on easy terms to close up a partnership, 62 aeres of land adjoining the corporation of Fred rick, Oklahoma. Ideal location for i hi' ken ranch and truck farm Also 160 a' rt of land 4 miles from town. Address Uiu. Trultt, Frederick, Okl. jT O'Keofp Re.il Estate Co., 1 1016 Omaha Nat l Douglas 2715. ,1 Evenings II. 33S or H, 6134. oitv I'liin'KitTY you salhI GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET May Wheat Sold as Fast as Buyers I Take Hold of PuroUp.ses. CORN LOSES SOME STRENGTH Reports from Arnentlnn Sn llnlns There Will Help Crop und Prices Take Drop Ac cordingly. OMAHA, Feb. 14, 1913. There was a disposition on the part of the trade to back away from the leal article yesterday. This was plalnl vis ible because of the selling of the May wheat In as large amounts as could be absorbed without causing a collapse of values. As It was the losses were rVl40 for the more deferred months and i'e for the May Advices from the winter wheat belt were the most tavorablc r. celved In years at this time One crop expert said that from personal obsrrvi tlon and from talks with turmers .he plant had thus far passed through tho winter under the best possible conditions. At the present there la no outlet for cash wheat, as only 100,000 bushels were sold to Interior millers in Chicago yes terday, and there was no business on export account Enormous stocks ale held In the northwest. Minneapolis and Uuluth alone credited with 33.u00.0iX buMi ela. and while the latter market reported a small trade In the way of foreign busi ness yesterday and claimed that a llttlo trade Is passing dally, hdlders there showed eagerness to get out from under the cumbersome load they are now car rying. , , Tho price of spring wheat flour Is be ing cut from 60c to 60o on a barrel una advices from the northwest say that an sales are being made at losses in order to dispose of at least part of accumu lated supplies theie as well as at eastern points. Minneapolis wheat stocks in creased 200.WJ bushels In tho last five days, which compares with a decreaso of 120.000 bushels for a like period last year. Besides tho heavy selling of May wheat bv the leadlnir Innss and the putting out of some short May contracts, there was .niuinii..,! laeiiiriir nt .inlv which many In the trade believed to have b,eon for a large professional, who wus only a few years agu an official of one of the large grain concerns. Cash wheat unchanged to He lower. Corn dlsp'ayed a lack of strength yes terday, as it closed at the loweBt prlco of the day and showed losses of H4BWc The recent rains In tho Argentine Repub lie was reported to have put now life In the growing corn, and one of tho leading concerns in the Chicago market received a message from Buenos Ayres yesterday saying that the exportable surplus of that country has beon Increased to 240,000,000 bushels against shipments since May A Cash corn was He lower to Mo higher. While the weakness In oats was pro nounced yesterday, that grain showed less In the matter of loss than the others. Cash oats was unchanged to Vc lower. Clearances of wheat and flour were 46fi,(KO bu.; corn, 376,000 bll.; oats, 16,000 bll. Wheat at Liverpool closed Vd higher to .id lower; corn. id higher to Vid lower. Primary wheat receipts were fc04,0fK) bu. and shipments 421,000 bu., ngatnst re ceipts of 693,000 bu. and shipments of 2S1,- 000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,464.000 bu. and shipments 906.0U0 bu., against re ceipts of 1,470,000 bu. and shipments of 703,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 684,000 bu. and shipments 523,000 Cu., against re ceipts of 578,000 bu. and shipments of 324,000 bu. last year. The following cash sales were reported today : WHEAT No. 2 hard winter. 6 cars,' 84c; 9 cars. 83ic. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, -83J4C; l car, 83c. No grade hard win ter: 1 car, 78c. No. 3 spring: 1 car. SJc. No. 2 durum: 2'cars. 86c. No. 3 .nlxod; 2 cars, 84c. No. 4 mixed: 1 Xcar, SOc. RYE No. 2: 2 cars, BSC. CORN No. 3 white. 4 cars. 43Uc No. 3 color, 1 oar, Uc No. 3 yellow, 3 cars, 44c-; 5 cars, 43ic. No. 4 yellow, 2 curs. 43Mc. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 43c; 4 cars, 43Hc. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 42Hc; 1 car, 42Mc; 2 cars, 42c: 2 cars, 42V4c; 1 car, 40c. OATS No. 3 white, 6 cars, 3Hic. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 31ia No grade, 1 car, 31c; 1 car, 30Vc. Omaha Cash Prices, WHEATV-No; 2 hard, 83V5(85Hc: No. 3 hard, 83HBHe; wo. 4 nam, nwuvttyH, No. 3 spring, SOHo; No. 4 Hprlng, 79V4S' SlUc. CORN No. 3 white, 4C345Uc; No. 4 white. 44S-i4io; No. 3 color, 44V444c; No. 3 yellow, 43i44c; No. 4 yellow, 43S UMc; No. 3, 43H3c; No. 4, 4042?ic; no grade. 35343c. ' OATS No. 2 white, 32',;I32?;c; standard, 32fc32c; No. 3 white, 314o; No. 4 white, 3m31ttc. BARLEY Malting, W00e: No. 1 feed,' 40SNEC. RYE No. 2. 67H68c; No. 3, 67667&C Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Onts. Chicago 78 907 261 Minneapolis 282 Duluth 128 Omaha 70 Id) fil Kansas City '63 Si 19 St. ' Ixuis 82 89 20 Winnipeg 150 Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111.. Feb. 14. CORN No. 2 yellow, ,47Ho; No. 3 yellow, 47ii47Ho; No. 4 -yellow, 45V3'467ic; No. 3 mixed, 4Sft 47o: No. 4 mixed. 464Sic. OATS Standard, 339i1j84c; No. 3 white. 32?4c; No. 4 white, Stfcc. Liverpool Grnln Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 14-WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 9d; No. 2 Manl- fobaT 7s6&d; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 4d. Kin tures. steady; March. 7s 51id; May, 7s 2Hd; July, 7s 2Jd. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, REAL. KSTATK. CITV PKUI'BUTV FOR MALI. Wisconsin. YOU cannot afford to locate on the buncombe of promoters. We will give you U. S. Census facts and show you how to verify them. Wisconsin Adv. Ass'm 324 Caswell Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. LIVK STOCK MAKKKT OF WI'.ST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage: Tour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. DYERS RQ8. &CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com, Co.. 22 Krchanse Bldg. MARTIN BROS. A Co.. Kxfhange Bidg. .GOVERNMENT NOTICES. FORT CROOK, NEB.. FEB. 5, 1913. Sealed proposals In triplicate, construct ing TARGET BUTTS. TARGET HOUSiili and RANGE OFFICE on military reser vation, near Plattsmouth, Neb., will he received until 11 a. m.. March 10, 1913. in formation furnished on application. Pro posals should be endorbed "Proposals for construction of Target Range" and ad uressed to Quartermaster. F6-5-10-13-15-17 I.KCJAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholder of The Bee Publishing company will lie held at The Bee office, Omaha, ai 4 o'clock p. m. on Monday, March J, i913, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for the tianj action of mucIi other business as mu ' properly come before the meeting By order of the president. F9-M2 N P FEIL, Secretory. FARMERS, ATTENTION! Ship your own OBAX9 to a decided advantage. Write today for important circular. Wo handle your grain and hay, regardless of location. We handle seeds. Also supply feeders everything. 11 years experience. Absolutely reliable service. THB AK-SAE-BBS OBAHf GOOTAVT. 439-441 aranatli Bldg.. Omaha, xub. VALUABLE BOOKS FOR THE AMATEUR CHICKEN RAISER. Tell hov to feed for ens. hnr to bullj, House and yard ecoaomlcaUy, hov ta jrtveat and curt disease Vritt o. M lor FRE Bjoks a poalal will Jo. otO. IL UE CO. DeC I. Omtka. Nab, T1IF WE: 'rw. 4s '0 1 Am ,it M, Ameilcan tmxe.1 t isi.ni. s 7.1 Futures, M-dj . Murch lj l'latai. 5s Sd. Mart h lAmcrlrati mixed), 4s Sd. ( IIH ACO (ill UN AMI PROVISION i I'YnOirra of (he Trmltnir nnil (Muslim Prices nn Hoard of Tri.de. CHICAGO, Feb. II. Ill t'fe.U of tlr I weather In Nebraska and western Kansas j caused wheat to develop strength. The market closed steady at an advance of : to NfrV net Corn gained VrtlNe to I e nnd oats Mf4 to The outcome J In provisions was the same as last night to iwjsijc up. Short sellers, who displayed an aggres sive spirit In tho first nart of the day. took fright later at the mnnnei In which i .... . . ... . . uiieriiiKs oi wneai were ueing nosoroeu The buyers had been acting largel on Omaha dispatches telling of Impaired crop prospects. Afterwards portions of Kansas were added to the districts said to be handicapped by lack of moisture. Unexpected firmness at l.lveipool In the faro of yesterday's weakness on this side, put the wheat bears a,t a disadvan tage World shipments promised to be light and there was still need of rain for India It was not. however, until bullish advices came from the west that tho mar ket decisively took an upward bent On the wlndup prices were holding within Ho of the top point of the session. It became too iopular to press the sell ing side of the corn market. Offerings were taken In by strong Interests and there wns a general stampede to cover nt a material advance. Export call was lacking except at a wide discount. Oats veered lower because of hedging sales but swung around on resting orders to buy when wheat and corn both ralllsd. Re-Investment by longs who sold out provisions last week more than offset early declines, due to a break In tho hog market. Latest trading snowed n sub stantial rise In nil the active deliveries of pork, lard and ribs. Art'lle! Open. I High. I liw. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat I 92 i P2i! WHI91iV 9Hl May.j92t;$fH Julv. POV 93T(.l HI Sept.SnSM 89 H S3 MS B3 ( orn 1 May. July July. Oats May. July. Sept. M7j MVS raj, MH43Sl63Str64iH f-4H I 34Ufl 34S 34 33ft14 33 S4H 34 H 34U - "" S'll ' 19 KXfr lit Mi 19 34 34 34stf HI 34WV Fork r May. July. Sept. Lard May. July. 19 4W 10 B3H 19 65 19 40 19 62 19 47H 19 62 ft 19 W) 19 60 19 62HI I io 40a 10 42H 10 474 10 Wffl 10 63Hl 10 40 10 40 10 53 10 B7H 10 40 io nr I in 4i"h 10 ftfHi io OiH 10 RT. I 10 62H 10 47H Sept. 10 V. 10 50 Ribs 1 1 May. July. 10 S2HI 10 10 10 r.2H 10 40 10 B2HI 10 40 I 10 624 10 4i".j I 10 4.1 10 to I 10 42HI 10 55 10 50 Sept. I 10 42H Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 ted, $1.07(tj1.09; No. 3 red. IkScfdl .04; No. 2 hard. 9IHrift!Hc: No. 3 hard. SSVjiOOHo; No. 1 northern, i)lfoS2'c; No. 2 northern. 89 5r90c; No 3 northern, 8.VfY8So; No. 2 spring, S85j89c: No. 3 spring. S5ifSSc; No. 4 spring, S.va-85c; velvet chaff. S51591o; durum, hi 4J92c. Corn: No. 2, 49Hc; No. 2 yellow, 49ic; No. 3, 47'4iSHc; No. 3 white, 4Si BOc; No. 3 yellow. 47U'h,49Hc; No. 4. .jVi -l7',ic; No. 4 white, 4MT4SV4c; No. 4 yel low, 46Q47HC. Oats: No. 2 white, lifp SBiid No. 3 white. 33fir33Vic; No. 4 while. 824i324C: standard. 3i34c. Rye: No. 2. 63HI4c. Barley, raRllc. Seeds: Tim othy. 2.7Bia3.7b; clover, $12.0019.60. PROVISIONS-Pork, J19.50; Inrd, J10.42H; ribs. J3.87Hei0.62H. , ,.. BUTTER Firm: creameries, 28ft 3oHc. POTATOES Steady: receipts 42 cars; Mich.. 48S2c; Minn.. 4S05Oc; Wis.. 47rt2c. EGGS Weak; receipts 9.723 casus; at mark, cases Included, 17(priSc. refrlgorator firsts, 15a15He: firsts. 19SH9UC POULTRY Alive, easy; turkeys, 15c; chickens, IBc. r NEW YORK GRNISRAL MARKET Qnotntiona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEfW YORK, Feb. 14. FIDUR Quiet: spring patchts, J4.4Ca4.65; winter straights, J4-BO04.OO; winter patents, $4.7055.10; spring clears, 4.203'4.43; winter extras No. 1, J4.00i34.15; winter extras No. 2, 3.904.00; KansaB straights, 4.10S4.25. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, J3.60a3.85; choice to fancy, J3.90iat.00. Buckwheat flour dull, J2.25W2.35. CORNMEAL Fine white and yellow, $1.3001.35: coarse. $1.2GQ1.S0; kiln dried. J3.1S. RYE Easy. No. 2 western, 6Gfl67c c. 1. f. Buffalo. BARLEY Feeding, 58Hc c. 1. t. New York; malting, 69ig?70o c. i. f. Buffalo. AVH EAT Spot market flnn; No. 2 red, $1.08 .elevator, and $1.00H. t. o. )., afloat nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1,004. f. o. b., afloat. Futures market rallied from the recent decline on covering due to steady cables, larger clearances and some less favorable crop advices, closing unchanged to Ho net higher. Export sales, 20 loads. May, 98 &-l(VIfW l-16c, closed at 99o; July closed at 9Hic; Sep tember closed at 96!ic Bonded wheat: May closed at !C5Hc bid; July, 96c bid. CORN tipot market firm; export, 66ic f. o. b., afloat. OATS Spot market steady; No. 4, 38c. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 1912 crop. 2028c; 1911 crop, U16c; Pacific coast, 1912 ciop, 1723c; 1911 crop, 13lCc. HIDES Firm; Central America, SOc; Bogota, 294iaO0Hc. .FEED Western spring bran, $23.25; city, $24.00. HAY-Standard, 974c; No. 1, $1.0031.03; No. 2, 85B5c; No. 3, 75jj0c. LEATHER Hemlock firsts, 2829c; sec onds. 27028c. PROVISIONB-Pork, mess, $20.G0f21.00; family. $22.00024.00; short clears, $21.00ifl 22.23. Beef, mess, $22.60023.00; family, $21.5OS'23.B0; beef hams, $32.00034.00. Cut meats, pickled bellies, 13 to II pounds, $13.u, pickled hnms, 114.50. Lard, michlie west prtme, $10.6f.(5fl0.85; refined, firm; continent, $11.30; rkuth America, $11.63; compound, 7H8c. TALLOW Prime city hogsheads, 614c; 1 special, 7Hc; country, BTsQSHc. UlTTTKR-Steady; receipts. 3.312 tubs, creamery, extras, 36c. process extras, 200 26Hc; Imitation creamery firsts, 24Q25c; factory, June make, firsts, 224fc23c; pack ing stock, June make, 20921c, packing stock, current make. No. 2, 208204c; No. 3, 17ft 19a. CHEESE-Steady; receipts. 1.680 boxes; state whole milk, held white, specials, 174U'18c; state whole milk, winter spe cials, 10&16Kc; skims, 2&13Hc EGGSWeuk, receipts 16,503 cases, fresh gathered extras, 2IQ25c; refriger ator firsts, 19a20c; nearby henery whites, good to large ulse, new laid. SOfi2c; west ern gathered whites, 23325c. POULTRY Live, rasy, western chick ens, J5c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 21c. Kansas City Grain anil Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 14. WHEAT No. 2 liard, 81H68c; No. 3, 834(3f8c; No. 2 red. bc0$I.O3; No. 3, Wcgll.oO. CORN No. 2 mixed, 45c; No. 3, 47',ic; OATS-May, 35Hc. No. 2 white. 4Sc; No. 3, 47Vc OATS No. 2 white, ZiiraMc: No. 2 mixed. 33431c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT May, 86;fcS6Tc; July, 850' 86c. CORN May, Slc; July. MHCSHc. BUTTER-Creamery. MHftWHc; flrsU, 31'4Wi24c; seconds, 29Ht!0Hc; packing, 2041(21e. EGG S Ex t ras, 22a; firsts, 20481c; aec onds, 13c, POULTRY Hens, 13Hc; roosters, 8c; ducks, 13c. Reo-lpt.. Shipment.. 63,000 42.000 81.000 28,000 1B.O00 14,000 Wheat, bu Com. bu Oats, bu .. .Mlmirapolla (irnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1(.-WIIEAT-May, 87Hc; July, 89?ic; September, WHo; cash, No. 1 hard, 87&c; No. 1 nortflern. 6&JiSiSt4c; No. 2 northern, 84 8 84Ttc; No. i hard Montana. 87e; No. 3. UtfsH'io. COIIN-No. 3 yellow. 44t44Mc OATH No. 3 white, GOfJMVjc. Hax-$ 331,4. UAllLEY-4ific. imAN-$irA FLOUIL-Iocal patents. $4.30!4.65; other patents, $4.15(4.60; flrbt clears, $3.10tfj3.40; second clears, K.WW-W- MlUrnuUee (irnln 3Iurkrl. MIIAVAUKKB, Feb. 1 1. W 1 1 EAT No. 1 northern, 9Hi02; No. 2 northern, o&tjWto; No. i hard winter, KWJWlc; 'May. WHc; July, WH4C COIIN-No. 3 yellow. ISc; No. S white, 4ic No. 3 474c; May, 62462c; July. 53C OATS-34Hl35c ItYB mti66c UAH LET -aWU OMAHA, SATl'HDAY, FKH1U NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Distinct Improvement Shown in Tone of the Exchange. BEARS MAKE LITTLE HEADWAY Ileellnes In Copper (ironp llnsril on I'tirllier llrriik In Metnl Mnrki-I liNrknnnniis llrenUs Tnrnl Point. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. -There dis tinct Improvement today In the tone of tho stock market The downward ino.e ment of recent days was checked nnd there was no trace of the nerou..ness which was evident at times yesterday Rear traders renewed their attack early In the day. but were able to make little headway, except In the .Hipper group. Operators on the short side apparently were let.s sure of their positions and evi dence that the market whs offering ef fective resistance to bear selling led to considerable covering. The market hardened itn.l during tho latter part of tho diiv rose well alno yesterday's close, wltli Union Paclfl. and Steel In the forefront of the advance Before the close there was a reaction and final prices showed small and irreg ular changes. The declines In the copper group weio based upon a further break In the metal market. Both Uie London mid llerlln markets were lower and, while the lead ilih selling agencies here were reluctant to concede that their quotations were tic lug, shaded. It was stated that some hhi.ih were being made at 154c fur electroix nc, compared with the recent figure of li4.. News of the government's prosecution of the "anthracite trust" was followed h a break of 20 points in Uickawaniia. Another loss In cash was ludtcnt".! b the week's known movement of mr rency. although It Ik probable the banks will lose less than last week Preliminary estimates suggested a loss of only about $l,,000. News from Mexico and In regard to the threatened strike of custom railway lire men was lacking nnd speculators Hire .llI)scd to awnit these developments. Business wns much smaller than on tne preceding day. London was a buyer ,n this market, taking about 20,000 shales on balance. Bonds, with few exception, were heat. Total sales, par value. $2,0W0. United States bonds wero unchanged on call. Number of saleu and leading quotations on stocks today were as follows: Etltn lllr n Low. Clonn. AmlsiimitJ oCptxr .... 11.900 iait CH MS American Acrlcultural IV Amnion Ilfct Sugar.. . 3 WV4 American Can :i,600 41 10 lOVi Ameilcan Can pM l.SiM 1U 131 HJVt American C ,fe K M American CnUon (Ml 0 (0 l)U (9 Am. Ice Securities 900 3JH 12 II American LlnifeJ 1014 American Locomotive 400 MU 11U 1S. American H. 6a JL Am. H. A 11. pld Am. sugar iletltilnn American T. ci T AmerLan Tobacco Anacutula Mining Co..... Atchlaou Atchiaiin ptd AtlanUo CXiaat Line llalUmore & Ohio lletlilaham 3tel llruoklrn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific t'entrul leather Oitatpeake fc Ohio Chicago (I. V Chicago. M. & SI. 1 Chicago N. W Colorado F. i I Consolidated (las Corn 1'roilucta Delaware It Hudson Ilmiter A lUo Oraude.... Denier & It. (I. pld DUtlllera' Securities .... Erie Krle lit p(d lirle 2d pfd Utnerul Electrlo Great Morthsrn ptd (Ireat Northern Ore ctta. Illinois Tentral lnterborough Met Inter. Met. pfd ... International Harreater.. Inler-Murlna pfd International Paper International Pump Kanna City Southern.... Laclede Una Lehigh Vallrj Ioulavlll It Naahvllle... M., St. P. & B. 8te. M. Mlaaourl, K. & T Mlmourl Paclflo National Olaoult National Lead N. it. R. of M. Id pfd. Ntew York Cantral N. V., O. A. W Norfulk & Wfitern North American Northern 1'acltlc raelflo Mall Pennsylvania Proplo'a Gai P , C.. C. A St. L I'lttaburgh Coal I'reaatd Steal Car Pullman 1'alao Car Heading 'liepubllc I. ft S lupubllc 1 & H. pfd.... Hock laland Co Rock Island Co. pfd St 1, fc S. V. ti pfd. . Seaboard Air Line Sealiuard A. L. pfd Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. & I.... 8.100 :oT ',o., IliO too H.'i KV. ltm I1SS IKS 1164 4,000 133 II) 1J1', 100 moh i'Mu :uiv, :.iuo :sa 36 , Jiv, i,m ioiv ioi, 10 loo 10m 101 10IH lis Too 101 lOi'H iw M0 3 3 36i l.fOO IU S.Vi e.ioo iMVi. :mh sat', too 18 lis 214 700 1(11 76 Tali 15 IWU. 10( 10si VliO 13F.H IMS lSf.i, 1,100 3S K4 3 (110 1S1H 113V 134 400 14U 1V 14 00 llt't 11H 11 204 3T !' MOO SOS 25 T 30 H 100 37 37 M4 ICO 140U H0U 13S 1,000 J1V 137k 1:3s tm it im 3t 1:314 17! eis 110s 11 llt is, li 1.300 300 1U4 (3 17W ei 300 li'i it 103 m 1,400 IS Hi 13.1H 1M4 100 1,100 17 40H 37 39 V 1HH tl MUj . . VJS icli lotVH ..1. 30S 4D0 1M i. 00 1071, 107U 10714 i l.lCk) nts ins 1I7S aoo 19 39 n 4,400 119H 119 aoo 111 111 1U4, 111 tJt'i J1U IS 1(0 lM'i 3fiS 8S4 3S (9 : lS 4414 1,100 :m :i " ioo 160' " io ' 11,400 leis iso 100 21H 2S14 100 100 100 324 39S 37 '47" s 37 100 41 13,600 101 10OS 1014 700 2414 341i W 100 7914 79H W 700 33 S 52 Vi 9114 19V4 33,110 1C7T4 IMS M'.i 100 II 83 llVi : 70 l.afil M 4(14 IS l,400 CS'j (3i 6J'4 3(f) ids; loss 10IV4 7.401) tt 4 as W4 : SIS V4 Southern Taeltlo Southern Hallwar 80. Hallway pM Tenneinea Copper - Teiaa A Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific nfd United States Itfnltj United Stataa Rubber.... t'nlted states Steel U S. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va.-Car. Chemical Wabaah Wabash pfd Western Maryland Wettrn Union Wentlnghouao Electrlo ... too 100 100 too It 71 n 43 7014 71 Mi 4114 71 Wheeling I U K. s Total aalca for the day, J03.S09 aharta JVov York ainney Market. NEW YORK. Fob. 14.-MONHJY-On call, firm, 4fl4H per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent: offered at 4',i per cent. Tune loans, stiou. sixty days, ninety days and six months, 4H'H Per cent. l'KLMH S1BUCANTILK lAPlSn-o per cent HTEItLlNO EXCIIANOK-Steady, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4.S310 for sixty-day bills und at $4.8735 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.t2. HILVBIl Bar, 61Kcj Mexican dollars, 48Vic. UONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. . .'losing quotations on bonds today were ns follows: 11 s ref 3a, rg..l'l K. ' . So. ref. f . ., do coupon 101 L. S. deb. 4s 131 3 U S 3s! reg 0HL & N. uol 4a 9U "do coupon . K- T lit 4a. M 11 g 4s, I't lui 'Ul " 4Sa &4 rto coupon . 'I'JiWo. Pacific 4a 70 P.nama 3a coupon. .10314 do .oonv. U 87)4 Am.V Ag 6 K'iN' V .' g. ma.... sH4 A T A T. v. 4...104H 'do dab. 4a m Am Tobacco 4- .V. V N. H. & II. Armour & Co- "..cr- M AUhMa gon. ... 4 W.J l.t c 4... 1,1.4 do rr. is im r- . iln cv. Sa . . .1"- WJ VT. t U, . 93 No. Pacific 4a tfj. . 87b do 3a (114 91 0. 8. L. rfdg 4a... 9014 A. C. U lat 4s Hal. A Ohio 4s do 3tts llrrrtll. Tr UHI'ann. . Ha 1816 . 1r7'i Can. 01 ua. os .107 00 con (a 101 . ISUlteadlnt ren. la ... mu Can. Leather as Chea. L Ohio 414a. .1007.8, L t S. K. fg 4a 7S Chicago it A. Jbs. 0 St. U B. W t. 4a.. to c ' U. U. 1. 4a... 96V A. L. adj. 4s .. 73'. do eonv. ',", m do gm 4 SOh00- I'ac. col. 4s.. .: M C M & 8 I' ct 4HS..10J do cr. 4s C. I I t P. e. 4.. ! do rfg 4a alwy I, 109 C & 6 r & 41ia. 94 do gen. 4a ... . !?, , S'-JyU. V."Sr.'?.' ?.. ' " Ju I ,t,iera' 6e ... ( ..? lat raf. 4... i I oKrie r .. I. 4a !,U' "ubbe, ,..jm2 I do gen. 4a... ... U. Bttl: Sd t. ..101s im r 11 7K va.-f ar. Chem. Im sti III. Cen. lat ref 4s MSWabaah lat 4t ,,. u (,t Inter. Met. 4i,ia 0Utt,a'tem Md. 4a. .. lis i"n.r. M. Ha- JHW"t. Elyo. or. t...ti5 Japan 4Ha M1wl Central u Ilnatou SIlnlliKT Fltocka. HOSTON. Feb. 14. Closing quotations mlnlne stocks " " Aiiouet - "Wohawk Amal Coppar Hr.'eTa-U Con .. A Z. L 8 '1 Nlplaslng Mine Arliona Com. .. . JHNorth Uutta ... Cal Aritona. 1 Old Dominion . Cal! & lleala-. u Oacaola i15 I's 41 S 33 t 10vi t Vtitennlal l.uinvf U . Illflsnnin M .. llliSuMrlor Cop. lUBga C. I.. llutlA l Franklin Glroux Cos. .. Oranby Ctm. UrDi CananM 7 Superior &. U. M... ,3 SVTeinarack m 1iU. H. n It. & M... as . H Di piO 41 lal Itoyala Copper RW'llh Om Kerr IaJie SUlh Coppar Co. ijk. cvKioer llUWInona a Bll Copper . 4'iWolyerlna Mian ami Copper (oiidllton of Treasury. WASHINGTON Feb. 14.-The romlltlon of the United States treasury at the b AHY 15. 1913. RinnliiR of t-ualtuss. toda was Workup i.nliin.e $7iiHUia. In Imnks and Philip pi. treasinv. $W.fi0.' total of general fund. $Hi.lM.ai. receipts esterds $: :T5 Vi, disbursements, $.RCMt Th surplus this fiscal year Is JS.MVJM a. agMlnst h deficit of JK.3H.8T7 Inst ear. Tho figure for reeeplts, disbursements, etc. exclude ranainn catinl and public debt transacUon iiKi'iiii i' or ( i. f.ahim; not ni TrnnsHct Ions of Assoclntrd llnnka for (he Week. NI3W YORK. Feb. 14.-Bradstrefs bank clearings report for the week end ing February 13 shows an aggregate of $3,U,t3(,0M as against $J.vU.3l4.0.X last week and $2,S9S,733,ixxi In the corresponding week lnst year. Following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. Amount. 1 Ino. Dec. New York Chi cm go lidtsou Philadelphia. t. Louis Pittsburgh Kansas City San Francisco ... Baltimore $1.7ltt.H4,(0O R 7 37n.Wti.1IXi P lfa.wi.nxi a.fi .... 140.702,0110 9.1 7S, 201,000 6.7 4S.47S,X) 9.0 M,4!,000 .1. 4S,miX.1 1 13.8 SIMM.OiX) a ! ,;i,(W . 1s.filJ.0iX) 9.0 S0.80I.IXX 1.4 I K.Wil.lXX) 1A.0,. .. . 19.715.1XX 5.4 . . . 1MS2.CXX 1S. 16,?77,X 11 1 1S.070.1XX1 20.1 i7,4M,cxxi i?.f. !.70i;(XX 9.1 10.S0(i,(XX) 2 4 I 7,4W,XX) 19. R I 7.77ti, .8 7,NVI,rxX fi 1. 42,1XX) f..5 4,M8,000 J4.fi 7,W2,IXX) 10.6 R,rai,CX 8.4 2,3f.2,0IX R.S 4.2t5.1XX 7.0 5.IHW0 4 a a,aMxx 10.2 3,402.000 8.3 3,S1,000 i.i 3,Ca,(X( 16. R 2,0M,tW 1S.S 1.7SI,IXX yi.7 l,78rt,IXXI 81.6 1.144.KX) P..ri I.X,IX10 fi.l fv.t.ixxi ar.7 (i4,ow) is.a tViS.(XX 1.4 4!X000 10 4 3.12,000 3.2 7.312,000 2.7 7.4iS.OX) 2.5 1.7n,X 1.3 2, 71.U 6.4 I S.402.IXX 2.6 1 Cincinnati MlnurHiHills 1.0S Angeles Cleveland IMrolt New Orleans OMAHA lioulsvllle Milwaukee Seattle Portland, Ore Bt. Paul lndlaimiHills Denver Topeka Salt 1-ako City.... Columbus Toledo Duluth i 1 leu MnliiM j Spokane Tacoma Oakland ; Peoria San Diego j Dayton Sacramento J.'edar Rnplds I Waterloo 'Springfield. HI... Qulncy, III Bloomlngton, til.. Ogdon. Utah Decatur, III Jacksonville, 111.. Washington St. Joseph Lincoln Sioux City Wichita London Stock .llitrkrt. LONDON, Feb. 14. American securities were nulet and stuiiilv during the unrly trading today. Prices opened a fraction higher and later Improved under the lead of Canadian Pacific. At noon values ranged from t; to 1 higher than yosteidny'a New York closing. 1Oiulon closing st "Ck limitations: Conaola. money .. 1ISIulavlllfi Naah 114 do account .... 74 -l.Io.. Kan. A Tel.. 17 Amsl. tapper . 73 New York Cantial 107S Atchison lOISNortolk A Wratarn.110 HsHlmore Ohio lOSSOntarlo Wntero. 33 Canuillan radio SiOSPenhayWsnla . 1 ... JH ... 3IS ...lots ...111 ::: ... a ... 7-10U llieiiapeake. Ohio, 7ISHeadln iTil. (Ireat Wostern HSSouthern Ity ... '....1 1111 j, hi r ini:iL.lii.. t. .1 ,, . Denver Hln n . sisunlon racirio Ilrle .10VU. B Steel. do 1st pfd llrand Trunk Illinois Centrsl .. KI1.VKU liar, ner ounce. HSWalKisli . . tI) Hears ISlVtHand Mines .... steady at 2S MONICY 4V44Hi per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills 6 per cent; three months' bills, 4?i per cent. New York M Inline Hlpeks. NBW YOIUf, Fob. 14,-Closlng quota tions on mining stocks wero: Com. Tunnel stnrk. I Metloan 10 do bonds 13 Ontario SB0 Con. Cal. A Va ...11 Ophlr tt Iron Sliver 110 Small Hopes is ladvllle Con. ... 8 'Stands. 140 Utile Chief 3 Yellow Jacket to Olfeied. Conanmptlon of Cotton. WASHINOTON, Foh. 14. Cotton ton sumptton In the United States .luring January amounted to, 533,1 running hales, compured with 445,287 bales In De cember, tho census bureau announced to day. Cotton on hand January 31 in manufacturing establishments was 1,311,. 157 bales, compared with 1,704,430 bales December 81, and In Independent ware houses 2,6!9,07(i balfH, compared, with S.200.G1C bales December 31. Imports "wero o3,2.ri3 bul us of M0 pounds, compared wllh 2S,07G In December and exports of 600, H 4 running lmles, compared with 1,391,3SS bales In Dcceinber. , Cotton aiHrkrt. NWW YOrtK, Feb, 14.-COFFEH-Futures market opened steady ut an ad vauce of 11 UM6 points on covering. Prices weakons.l again In the afternoon under renewed liquidation. The close, was wonli nnd from 16 to 2 points net lower. Sales 123.000 bngs. February, 12.11o; March, 12.44a; April, 12.60c; May. 12.68c; June. 12.50c; July, 12.D0o; August, 1167a; Sep tnmher, 12.7rks; October, 12.63a; November, December and January, 12. Hoc. Spot coffee, quiet; lUo No. 7, 13a; Santos No, 4, lEc. Mild, dull; Cordova, 1d17Hc, nominal. 1 Snarna- Slnrbet. NBW YOKK. Feb. H.-SUOAn-Ilaw, easy; muscavado, 89 test, 2.92ii.03c; crm trlfugal. 96 test, ZMftXikc; molasses, 89 tist, 2.u7iS2.73c; refined, quiet. CHICAKO LIVK HTlTV'K MAIIICET Demand for Cuttle SIott Hogs Weak Sheep Hlea.il)-. rilllMAfin Vh 11 CATTf.Rne.lnli i2,0J0 head; 'murket, slow; beeves, $6C6.g 1 11.16; TexaB steers, $5.00tR.bS; western I ..... . ' 1 1 t.:r ... ....... 1 ... .. .....1 9. 1 . 1 1 1 1 H 1 fU.IO'U'l.vo, BlUVHCin U1IU icnucis, J4.a5ij6.lB; cows und heifers, $3.106.70; calves, $6.765P10.25. HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head; market, weak: light. .H8.30: mixed, $7.if4!8.30; heavy. $7.Ki.2fl, rough, $7.8.'i'a8.00; pigs, $0 60718.10; bulk of sales, $8.1MK.26. SHEEP AND LAMIM-Itecelpts, 10,000 head; murket, sternly, native, $5.0036.60; western, $6.0066.00, yearlings, $i5.764(8.00; native lambs, $7.OOgt.10; western lambs, n.oo6o.i6. Kuiisiin ( Ity Live Mock Jtlurkrt, KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14.-OATTLE-It.o-celpts, 700 head, Including 200 southerns: dressid beef and export steers, Tl.WiW).0i), fan tu good. $7.tWip7.kri; western steers. $ii.7fi8.26; Miockers and feeders, $8.0O8'7.K); fiiuthern steurs, $6,OOJj?7.60, southern cows, $!00ifl.60; native cows and heifers, $4 26W bO); bulls, $5.250.60; calves. $6.50110. HOGS Receipts, 600 head; murket steady, 60 to 10c lower; bulk of sales, $7.W j8.l)6: heavy, $7.l4I7.fi5; packers and butchers. $7M18.10; lights, tS.OOHfl 10; pigs, 1 f6.rt7.60. SHEEP ANJJ LAailJM-ltecellitS. 3.S00 head; market strong, 10u higher; Colorado lambs, $1 0Ojt8.s6; yearlings. $6.7637-75; wethers. $6.307J.26; ewes. 4.2f7.16. 1 - St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. I5U18. Feb. 14-CATTLE-Ile-i (clpts, 2,700 heud. Including 1,200 Taxans; market steady: choice tu fine steers, $8.60 0.OO; good to choice steers. $7,003160: Mockers and feeders, IS.21fi7.2.': cows and heifers. $6.60S8.rO; bulls, $4.6007.00; calves, $4.60fi7O0; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $0 35fi7.H0: cows and heifers. $3.75y.60. HOGS-Itecelpts. 0.000 headt market 15c lower; pigs and lights. $6.76fl8.40; mixed and butchers, $8 20f8.40, good heavy. $8.25 j.30. SHEEP AND LAM US- Receipts. 2.0CO head; msikrt steady, muttons, t5.60fj0.2fi; earllngs. $7.(Ttf8.15: lambs, KOOitiS.OO. Hlour City Live Hlock Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 14.-ReceipU, 600 head Market steady; steers, $7.2606.60; cows and heifers, $5.O0ff7.2G; canners, $3.60 V4.60; stockors and feeders, $0.267.60; calves. $G.26ftf7.10; bulls, $5.267.00. IIOOS-Recelpts, 6,000 head. Market 10c to 16n lower; heavy. $7.'70S'7.86; mixed, r7.ttWM.90: light. $7.761r7.85; pigs, $6.2611) 7.36; bulk of sales, $7 S0U7.S5. 1 SHBBP AND AM 118 Recolpts, fiOO head. Market steady; wethers, $5.26Q 6.76; ewes, $.76St.; lamDS, i.Kuti.7ti. Slock In HlKbl. Receipts of llvp stocK at the six prln. olpal western markets yesterday: V Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1,000 9.100 2,100 St. Joseph 7W 4.0W I,0f) Sioux City 6,0-10 800 Kanaas City 700 JOO 3.S11) St. Ijuls 2.700 9.00J 2.KH Chicago i.") Sn.'JiO 10,000 Totals. 7,600 64,60) 20,800 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light, with Trade Active and Steady. H0Q8 ARE FIVE TO TEN LOWER Nherp In (.ooil Deniniiili While (lie Prices Arc Sternly to Ten (o Klflrcn HlRhrr nml Lautlts SIoit, lint .Htcnily. SOPTlt OMAHA. Feb. 14. 1913 eeelpls were. Csttle.Hogs. Sheep, lelal Mondnv R.W1 7.01 H.h It Offlel Of fit: iciai Tuesday s,sai lu.vii lelal We.lnesdiy ... 4.177 l,l2 l". lelal Thursday 3.M4 10.S"lfi Ofil Off 1 Official Friday 1.071 Five days this week lff.77rt 2.1l 4.t.i2 Some days last week..l7.S efi.SSi? I4..a Same days 2 uks Ago 1S.5W 6'VW .to.b.s.s Same, ilny a 3 wks. ar.l.2l,3.ti 6W04 Hi.bW Same .lays 4 wks. ago W, 104 l.4:ci 49J4 Nim days last ear. .19..T)lt S8.S4& 40. iM The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last' year: 1913. 1912. Inc. Dec, Cattlo 121.SM 134,6V, .... 12.IW Hojts ...41S.I9J 611.714 W.322 Sheep Wi.TSfi SaS,6W M.IM .... The following tnblo shows the rnnse ot prloes for hogs nt South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons : Date." I 1913. 111112. 11911 lio.ili.ll08JlWlT Feb. 4.. Feb. 6.. 7 42 7 46 1740829 4 01 1 17 69J 6W 8 32 6 14 4 2 S 06 7 49 6 IS 4 a 1 6 W 7 42 8 61 4 16 6 SI f Wl 7 St. 8 47 6 07 4 JU h S.7 6 Oil 7 S3 S 47 6 If. 91 6 IS 7 as S 48 6 SO 4 09 7 21 S 61 6 30 4 17 l ."0 6 K 8 71 6 13 I 22 6 91 6 98 6 99 6 16 4 13 91 6 1)6 6 i0 8 77 4 tC 6 8 Fob. 6.. 7 SS 7 62WI 7 UTi 7 ttt 7 M Feb. 7.. Feb. S.. Feb. P.. Fob. 10. Feb. 11. Fob. 12. Feb. 13. 7 961i 7 ii Feb. 14. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock nt tho Union stock yaids. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. in., yesterday: RWCEIIT8-CAltJ. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, II. A 8t r 3 Missouri Paclflo.... 1 ,1 Union Paclflo 9 32 C. & N. W., eaM.. 2 14.. C. N. Y, west.. 13 64 3 1 C, St. P., SI. ,, O.. 2 ! 3 C., It, A Q east.. .. 2 C, H, A. Q., West.. 9 20 .. 1 C. IU I. A P., east .. S 1 Illinois Central 2 I C. Q. W 3 Total receipts ..!H 129 12 2 DISPOSlTlON-1 1 ISA D. Cattle. Hogs. Shcop. Morris A Co 79 1,041 113 Swift and Company.... 193 916 1.42S Cudahy Packing Co.... 142 4,4!; 190 Armour A Co 215 917 362 Schwartz A. Co 666 J. W. Murphy 2.9W Ilenton, Vansant A 1 H4 HIM A Son 44 Huston A CO 10 J. It. Root & Co It J. II. Uulla I L. F. Husx DO Wertholmer & Degnn.. 152 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 1 Cllno A Christie 17 Other buyem 164 678 Totals 1,30(1 1L103 2,671 CATTLE Receipts of cattlo worn light today, as usual on a Friday. The total for the week, however, foots up 19,776 head, being the largest since threw weeks ago nnd slightly larger tbah a year ntfo. Considering that It was a Friday, tnc market was In very HAtlsfactory condi tion. All kinds of killers seemed to be In good demand and wero free sellers at prices that wero fully steady and In spots strong as compared with yesterday, At the same tlmo prices on both beef steers and butcher stock are fully U&c higher than at the close of lost week, and In some cases operators on tho market are quoting the advance more than that Stock cattlo and feednis worn naturally n little slow, as thoy ulways are near tho close of the -week. Hut they have beon strong every day during the week and supplies have been kept woll donned up. Quotations on cattle: Reef steers, good to choice, $7.9OS.40; beef steers, fair to good, l7.no(ir7.rK): beef steers, common to fair, $6.7&tf7.60; good to cholco heifers, $6.26'7.O0; good to choice cows, $6.2&ti).75; fair to good grades, $6.606.2fi, common to fair grades, $3.76f5.60! good to choice stockers nnd feeders, $7.007.7G; fair to good stockors and feeders, ifl.76a7.OT: common to fair stockors and fewlurH, $6.25 tf6.76; stock cows and heifers, $.r..00fli7.W: veal calves, $5.60fl9.W; bulls, stags, etc., fu.26Q4.60. HOOS-Recelpts were light today, there being about 129 curs or 9,111 head re Ported In . This Is a trifle smaller than last Friday, 2,000 lighter than two weeks ago and over 6000 short of the supply on tho corresponding day last year. While there wns only a moderate supply In sight this morning, advices from other points were bearish, and opening bids were lOfflfio lower than yesterday's early market and fully lOo lower thnn yester day's closo, As a result, trade during the opening rounds was slow and draggy with hardly anything being sold before 9:30, Some hogs sold early and went at figures that wero about 10c lower than Thursday's average, but the majority of salesmen hold their hogs, and refused to let go at this reduction. For a while buyers refused to trode at any except their own figures, and business was practically at n standstill. Ulds were gradually raised, however, to meet the sellers' figures and the bulk of the hogs finally changed hands at figures that were around SfllOo lower than Thurs day's average trade. Values wero better on the close than at any other time, and there was a fair degree of activity noticeable at this time. Most of tho sales ranged from $7.60 to $7.90 with the long string at $7.86, and as high ns $7.96 was paid for several loads of good light and butcher weight stuffs. It must bn remembered In making com parisons, that Thursday's market closed at the low point, being In some, cases us much as 6c lower than early trade, so that while today's trade Is no morn than 6tfl0o lower than yesterday's average, It is about 10a lower than yesterday's early market. HH EBP Receipts of lambs and slm.'p were very light for a Friday, as only about twelve curs, or 2.003 head, were le celved at the yards. This Is only about half of what arrived here a week agn and only a third of what was received on the corresponding days one year ago. The hlg end of the supply was made up of lambs, the remainder being principally ewus with a small sprinkling of yrarllnija No wethers of any consequence were of fered for today's trade. While the were more lambs than any thing else on sale there were none on the prime order, thn bulk of them being fid westerns and only of fulr quality. A bunch of fed wnsternH brought $8.60 and Homo shorn lumbs sold at 37.36. Tradu was slow all the morning and prices tvero steady with Thursday, thero being a wean undertone In evidence. As noted abovn ewes comprised tl.e smaller proportion of the total recu pt and were active sellers when compared with the trade In lainbfc. Fat ewes v.jru generally regarded as strong to a dlim higher, with a strong undertone it the advance. Fed western ewes reached as high as $5.90. Among the tew yearllnus offered some on the medium order brought $7.26. For the week the prominent feature ot the trade has'been an Increase In the lc relpts, accompanied with u little move ment In values. For tho first five days tho receipts foot up around 41.400 head, us against 44,920 head for the same time last week and 40,760 head during the corre sponding day one year ago. Considering an Increase In supply and the presence of the Lenten season the trade has been very satisfactory from the seller's view point, as the week closes u shade hlghir on lambs and 16ff26o higher on ewes and yearlings. As for several woeks back low wethers have arrived on the market, but what were here showed In sympathy with yearlings und ewes the same advance. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs good to choice, $S.7iIJO.O0; lambs, fair to good, $S.K36"0; yearlings, light, $7,660 7.S5; yearling, neavy, t; wetners, good to choice, $6.26(fi6.60; wethers, fulr to good. $3.&696.2C; ewrs, good to choice, $j.iB42j.lO, ewes, fair to good. $5.60)r6.86, cull cheep and bucks, $2.76H.OO. HI, Joseph Live Stock Mnrket, ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 11. CATTLE Receipts 700 head; market steady; steers, $6.76S.60: cows and heifers, $3.767.50, calves, $6.604110.00. HOGS Receipts 1.000 head; market lower; top, $8.16, hulk. $7.9i0f.Q6. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Receipts. 1.200 head, market strong, lambs, $7.0Mi.b0. 13 DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Business Maintains Its Position of Steady Expansion. RAILROAD PURCHASES CONTINUE ICiiroprnn ('nip AiIvIccn Are Dlsnp poliitlnn. Iml AVInlrr "Whent Ont loiik In This I'omilry Ap pears I'll vornble. NEW YORK. Feb. 14-Dun's Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Husluess maintains Its position of stfiidv. conservative expansion, aa yet unaffeiUed, In on material respect, by the stirring events happening or Impend ing In ninny parts of thn world. Al though the renewed war In the Ralkan peninsula continues to put a strain upon the International markets, It Is note worthy that the situation In Parts seems easier. European crop advices are dis appointing, hut the winter wheat outlook In this countrv Is favorable In spite of considerable snow deficiency The weather In the west and southwest has recently been quite severe and this accounts for some falling off In the rato of gain In railroad earnings. Whlln thn eastern rnllmnils arc threatened with a strike hf firemen, thero Is still a prospect of ntnlcnhle ndjiistmeut by arbitration. Railroad purchases of equipment con tinue to bo tho leading feature of thrt Iron and steel trade, which maintains Its favorable aspects. Grain .prices huvo tended downward, but cotton displays a firm undertone. Domestic conditions are against wheat values and the markets nro palpably In need of support, which has been derived to somo extent from tho situation abroad. European crop advices aro discouraging tu certain respects, yet tho outlook at homo Is generally favorable. IHIADSTUHIIT'JI TllAllB IlKVtF.W lllslrlbntlve tluslness ns Whal Pre seitts Cheerful Anpeol. NEW YORK, Feb. 14.ltradRtrcet'ir to morrow will say: AVhllo thero aro many cross currents In trado nnd Industry, distributive business as a whole presents a cheorful aspect and shipment on spring aovcount go forward with alucltv. Relatively most activity Is shown In dry (foods which Is running In excess of a year ag:o. Western reports lueathn a distinct tone of confidence. From those the shading Is downward to tho rather slow conditions reported In parts of tho south. in purely wholesale trade for distant deliveries conservation Is still in evi dence. Strikes, existing or prospective, also act ns a restraining feature in trade, hut thero seems to be rather less stress laid upon tlte trniff as a disturbing foaturc, either because preparations have Ikmmi mruln accordingly or because fuller knowledgn lends to lesn unraslness as to pmspectjvo changes. An Interesting featum In thn general situation Is the closely restricted private operations wit nessod allko In securities, cereals, cotton a and othor commodities. IrualueHd failures for tho week ending February 13 wero 285, which compare with 305 In tlio Uko week of 1912. Thero wero twenty-serven failures In Canada. Wheat, Including flour exports from the United States and Canada, ending February 13, aggregating 4,3&4,16S bushols ngalnst 2,229,193 last year. St. l.ctnla General Market. BT. lOUlS, Mo., Feb. 14.-WIIEAT Cash: No. 2 red. $1.071.08; No. 2 hard. CORN-No. 3, 48ijS49c; No. 2 white, 61 DIMe. OATS-No. 2. 34fto; Np. 3 white. 35H36c. RYE-63C POULTRY- Steady: chickens, 13e: springs, 14Hc turkeys, ISc; ducks, 16c; geese, llr. RUTTER-Steudy; creamery, 2036c. Kaas-Lowcr: 19Ho. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-May. wmnKoi July. S3ttc CORN May, WliWlio; July, 52?ic OATS May, 34Ho; July, S4H. FLOUR Weak, red winter patents $4.90 (3616; oxtra fancy and straight. $3.90Jp 4.76; hard winter clears, $3.4083.80. SEED-Tlmothy. $10. ('ORNMEAL, $2.90, RRAN. OSc. HAY-Tlmothy, $12.0Ofli6.00; prairie, $10.0OHlR.O0. RAGGING, lOo. TWINE Hemp. 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, Jobbing. $17.,26; LARD, prlmo steum. $I0.17J48,10.27H: dry salt meats, boxed oxtra shorts, lie; clear ribs, 11c; short clears, Utto; BACON Hoxed extra shorts, 2o; clear ribs, 12c; short clears, 12Hs, Receipts. .Shipments. Flour, bbls 0,000 23,000 Wheat, bus .... M.O0O 132,000 Corn, bus 177000 137,000 Oats, bus 34,000 63,000 Metnl Market. NEW YORK. Fob. 14.-METAL8-Coiipor, steady ot the decline; spot and Februury. $14.25. bid; March, April and May, $14.25g'14.87; electrolytic, $16.00; lake. $16.23; castings. $1476. Tin, steady; spot and February, $18.6&R4S.76; March, $48.25 348.&0; April, $48.8648.30. Lead, quiet, $4.264.35. Bpelter, dull, $.3SQ.45. AntU mony, dull; Cookson's, $9.36Q9.5p. Iron, easy, unchanged. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 14. METALS Lead, steady; $4.22H. Spelter, quiet; $6.221 6.26. Coppor arrivals, 346 tons. Exports this month, 15,628 tons, London copper weak; spot, GG, 6s; futures, 65, 5s. London tin, easy; spot, 220, 10s: futures, 218. London lead, 16, -0s, London spelter, 25, 6s. Irln, Cleveland warrants, 63s In London, ST. 1UIS, Feb. 14. MEATS Lead, steady; $4.22. Spelter, quiet; $6.22H8.25. Apple Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 14. APPLES A fair business In barrels Is reported, but tha trudo In box fruit Is quiet. The market Is well supplied with both kinds. As to prices dealers say there Is no change to note and quotations range as below and aro at Jobbing prices. In a small way, especially for fancy grades, better prices are asked. Western box apples: Prices quoted aro for sales In a small way. Large lots could not be moved at those figures. Delicious, outside of a few ox tra fine, extra large, $1.6033.00; Jona than, $1.0031.65; Grimes Golden, outside fancy, fl.00tfl.60; Wlnesaps, fL25iffl.75; Spltxenberg, $1.60tfl 76; Northwest Green ings, $1,001(1.25, Rome Beauties, $1.2601.60, sonio fancy large, $1.76JT2.00; Stamen Wlnesaps, $1.25j1.60; Arlsto Black, $1.25 1.60; Rellflower, tl.26Ol.60; Wagoners, 76u51.00; American Reds, 75c1l.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 13.05c; middling 'gulf, 13.30c; sales, 132 bales. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids February. 12.66c; March, 12.4no; April, 12 33c; May, 12.33c; June, 12.2Io , July 12.21k!: August, 12.09c; September, H.600; October, 11.61c; December, 11,61c, January. U.tSc LIVERPOOL, Feb. 14. COTTON.-Srot In Increased demand; prices steady; American middling fair, 7.49d; good mid dling, 7:16d; middling, 6.93d; low middling, 6.75d; good ordinary, 6,81; ordinary, 6.05a, Sales 10,000 bales, Umabu liny Market OMAHA, Feb. 14. HAY No. 1 upland. $9.00?i9.60. No. 2. $8.xa9.W; No. 8. $6.00 8.(0; No. I midland. $8Jo9.00; No. 2, $8.00 iflH.60; No. 3. J6.0ODS.H0: No. I lowland, $8 00 fc.W; No. 2, $7.0OS.00; No. 3, $5.007.00. Alfalfa, No. 1. $12.0001100; No. 3, $10.00 12.00; No. S, $8.00910.00. Straw, oats, $6.00; rye, $.60; Wheat, $4.5006.00. Dry Goods Market. NBW YORK. Feb. 14.-DRY GOODS Imports of merchandise and dry goods at New York for the week ending Feb ruary 8 wero $21,606,946, imports 01 specie ior ins weeg ending 1 today wero $243,252 silver and $194,645 gold. ! Exports were $1,229,038 silver and $4,035,000 I gold. it AVool Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14. WOOL-Steady; medium grade combing and clothing, 38V44jfS0o; light fine, 19Slc; heavy fine, nijl&c; tub washed, 2706c. The Persistent and Judicious Use j Newspaper Advertising is the Road to UuslnesB Succeu. J f