TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY .14, mil Wash Goods ' : On Special Sale Guaranteed Genuine Navajo Indian Rugs on Sale in Oar Basement. Prices Exceptionally Low. Don't Fail to Seo Them. Clean-Up Silk Sale Monday Watch Sunday's Papers for Particulars of This Great Event. All At Extreme Reductions. AND WMtm ness of tho Committee of the whole wa egfeended this Afternouri end HetiMor Kemp was Invited I4alk to the tcnntf on the merit pfJhlsbUL BaJUnir, & can .etitutlonal conventions , roMMiTTi;rc roll co.nthoi. iui.ii Semite line Long I)lpn(p (hrr Iriliod of CuniililerrUlon. (Vrom a -Stuff ('orrenporwli-nt. liINCOI-N', Neb., Feb. 13.-(fp.elfil.)-TJie mumlng session of tho scimto tie vclopcd Into a dlitiiiislon In committee of the whole whether the section in Ollls' Board of Control bill ellralnattag from membership on tho board any per ron who Jived In a count where theio wag a utate Institution ahotiUl nUuiit. Nearly nh hour win spent In the dis cussion of tills section, .'an .amendment having hcca made by jth standing corn riiitteo favprfciff It ejlmjftatlon. OlIU eald that he was not carltiK very much whether t stood or not, .but Kave some reasons why ho thought t, should stand, principally the one that ha thought a member who had a state Institution In his own county would bo prejudiced in favor of that Institution, Dodge of Douglas grow quite .eloquent oyer tho matter and snld that ho thought nny map who was big enpugh to be n member of tho board' Would bo' big cnoujrh, to bo fair in tho matter. IIo wanted te, provlnlon In tho bill stricken out ue. ratlse he believed It' for tho best Inter ests of tho state that n member of th.tt committee should be ono .of tho faculty of tho state university and that the rent should bo selected because of their nbl! ity't TfKtirdltWof their locution. Ue did not think that any man ln Douglas county was a candidate for membership on the board and, therefore, It could not bo charged, that the" scheme was Insti gated to fiiypc Douglas, Ho even sug gested that If It was necessary to 3 out of the, state for a good man that It ought to W.'tTone, 'bufwhot called (o ex plain by Ordsaman .of Dougla be said that ho dld 'not lliliik It necessary to do that hVUiW 'wireMust Ms good' iKen 16 -Nebraska, 4MMru In , any., othorlM state, i Cirosoman. hon'oVei; challenged Ahe ad Msablllty of taklnff a member from the ta,to unlvrslti faculty. He thought thoro-.wcra jtcitv of men all .over. Ne braska better, qjilppe.d rom "a business standpoint to do efficient service on the board than wcro tho members of tho lac ulty. SIiK-Tnrlnud Mpenlts. JIacVarlahd ot Dodglan faVorM'striklng out tho section, as ho believed that Ihero should be no restrictions on tho governor In making the appointment. Ho thought that there were plenty of men In thq statu callable enough and big enough to fill tho position without favoring ait Institution which might happen- to be In tho homo county of tho appointee,, "Nebraska has tho best and bravest or men and the fair est and noblest of women,", said tho scna tor, "and any of .them arc-' big enough and "brood enough to forgot local conditions;" IMaceli of Baundcrs humorously saw a "purpose In the amendment." Ho did not think that alt of tho talent of the State Jay along tho Wlsequrt liver, and believed that Saunders, Dodge, Fillmore and VaJ. ley had jOUlfht to 'bo cMnsldered In the picking of tho board. i Klein of Qago said that ho did not think that the university profeeson should be. placed, on the board "Wo want buii; ,H. " JW. by , Talcott .pf Ccdar-Dro-neas men. or! hat board apd not. .theoreU- !?.. $nlWry, rostrlctlons jCorfctqrlea, , ' !. iK.,.rr. v, mills Tib d workshops. .,. ...nanr frnm DounlssL,?' A Hrnnn of Doujrlafe fDodon)! who wanted u. member of die tate inlxeiiity .faculty op he "board. Hoastand of I4ioon that Ije wait clod U seojlbfttt the people along he Mis uourl river were beginning to admit that there were sonu good men out In tint state and thought that the 'members of the board pf control ehould be named from points wpst of ,thp IWtJ) meridian. Amendment - Carries, The'amendment carHed -with. some votci to spared .t -, v 8o far the discussion had appeared 'to tm ojl sunshine Jid no eloUd. seemed to alwcure 'the sereolty of the occasion. But suddenly the wind began to blow, ,tbe lightning flashed and the thunder rolled across the senate chamber. U was all caused-by a little motion by Kemp df Nance, who moved that a committee of three Te appointed who .should take both board 'of control bills before the senate and go through them carefully, correct the sections needed to make them legal and report tomorrow. Ills reason for making the motion was that the senate had spent a long time on just one section and it It should contluuo at that rate it would be many days before the matter could be brought to an md and then there 'would bo no way In which the best points of both bills could be embodied In one. GLASGOW 2H In. BELMONT 3H la. - HEDOKA.3HU Kotdi COLLARS mGtl At hack of the NOTCH' Uc etch 2 for 3c Qaett. Feefcodr A Ce. Makers i Remnants S Friday 8 A. M. HOWARD STS. He favored Hie Oltls bill, but thought that the tnomheis ought to be perfectly fa miliar with both bills before they., took, up final consideration of tho matter, as, It was the, .moat Important legislation-prob ably, bofpro the session. , GUIs opposed any appointment. pf a com mittee with the object of comparing both bills, Wolr. of Dodge, who was Jo the chair, put the' motion of Kemp and dcclaredkthe same carried. Ollls demanded a standing vote and again the count showed the motion curried. ' The conimlttco then arose and reported and with lieutenant Governor McKelvIe presiding, a motion was made that, he report of the committee of the whole 'be adopted. Ollls moved a substitute that (ho'mortoYi of Kemp for the appofrrtm'eut of a'"cortlmltteo be stricken ouj' 'rind do manded a roll call.. The vote was si follows: For the substitute: Urookley, Cox, (iracn, Grossman, Hale, Klein, Kohl, Kruinbucli. .oilla, iI?lace,k, Robertson, tfmlth, Talcott, West, Wink. 15. Agalnstt Uartllng, lluahee, Cordeal, Dodge, Hnarmann, Heasty,- Hoaffland (Iancaster), iriimmel, Kemp, Kiecnel, Ji.ncfr.land, Marshall, Ileynolds, Kaun ders, Hhumwoy, iplrk, Wol. 17. Absent; Uoagland of Lincoln. In making tho motion for the appoint ment of- the committee Kemp had sug gested that Ollls, the author of the bill Under consideration, he made one -of the committee, but when the chair named as that committee, Ollls, Dodge and Cor deal, Ollls refused to servo and W place was not filled until Wink of Buffalo was Chosen, In the morning, session S. V. 26 was Indefinitely postponed. This blU woi, 'in troduced by Klein of a ago and raises th tax on county peddlers. Bills. on I'nasnKe. Tho following bills were passed: H. F17, by Bauhdera of Douglao-Tho Omaha, water bill. V. )as. by Hoagland of Llncoln-Pro- yiacB inuv no ;tiugment snail Do set nside or annulled In criminal cases on'immhda ,.SiSlXt"A!!fnyfnm - o, r. JTw, W lwofte- of Douglas rrovldea; ror appointment1 op deputy aeseesom In pouglas county by the. county assessor. I Tho vote on the Omaha water .bill ad unanlmcAs, Kelchel belngtiie onlsimem ber absent. Macfarland of Douglas ex Plained htsvota tUi follows! "t vote aye for the reason tliat 1 be lieve Die bill protects the stock yards and other' partlos'in Omaha and South' -Omaha In the use of their private property a'rid their private water works." In commute of the whole with WVJIs of Dodgo Itrfthe chair, the following bills were ordered engrossed tot third' read ing: A H, F. JI7, by Hoagland of ..Lincoln Apiendment to cjv), cod vaMthorlslnJi tho changing of prpcecduro in 'assign ment suits. H, p, lOtf, by Kemp of Nance-Provides far a co;wtlUitlonul conVjentlon. S. l ,by. Bprlk of Salne-rMakes sale of firearms to persons under IS unlawful, : lf. 1M. Tjy Ilushee of Kimball Slate aid to eojiool districts over twelve spare iplles, B. F. 91, by Dodgo pf Pqugjas-Pro-vldes for the Immediate 'removal ' of In sane xoiivltfs from tho' pepittttlary. K-Kr 4, by Talcott jf KnoxVl'rovldea tiut.crr.a1u testing Jlccuscs may be re voked by'puro food commissioner when testers are found guilty o"f fraudulent lTuvt iceswn ' . Provides that local registrars in Omaha and cities pf tllo .'first class' shalU ri celvo no compensation tor tlylr'.wprk.. Aid for llurnl Districts, . A bljl which took up most of tho time pf " the committee of the whole was i llusheo's -state1 aid to rural school dis tricts. Tills bill will effect abput school districts and over 9,009 children and covers thirty-four counltes. It Vflll give seven months of school Instead of five 'and: 'will Apply only to districts- of lKeU..'B.uare mites "or more, lt'wlU're- iurp from 1100,0ft) to 1W,000 to meet the requirements. j- HOW OVKIl AVIM.IAMS I'ltOIClC Governor's Selection of Dr. Ilnius Causes' Trouble. Wll- (From a 8Uff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. .-tipeclal.)-lf a bull rnooser Is to a republican like a red rag to a mad bull, to a democrat he is like wo red rags to a down mad bulls. At least the kicking going on among the faithful over tho appointment of Dr. n. J Williams to continue as superintendent of the Lincoln asylum Indicate that. Democratic candidates for state offices who w'ere defeated and have pot yet been cared for by the governor lay their de eat largely to the activity -of Dr. Wil liams, who got up the 'bull moOSeTveti- j tions and helped them endorse the repub lican candidates on the state ticket. ' In his campaign' Governor Morehead Is Skid to have repeatedly stated he would never appoint a bull moose r to office. These defeated democrats now charge ;hlm with having thrown them down and i thrown down the party.4 Soma of those ! kicking object to being quoted because ith'ey do' not want to .get in a row with ;hts excellency, and they fear also It would hurt the party, for It to become publlo Just what they f.hlpk of their gov arnor. And besides the democratic majority in the house may need to us the governor before the session Is over. and'whUe they pro carrying .bombs for hlmthey do pot j ant to use them publicly Unless they have to- Persistent AdvertUripg to. the Road to Dig ruturns. FIERCE ARTILLERY DUEL IN PROGRESS IN STREETS OF MEXICO (Continued from Page One.) when he was under General Huerta s command. It wns difficult to see how the rec-ela I'Vilerals Are llrlnforcrd. The federal forces were reinforced last night by the arrival of detachments of a!l arms of the services. Many of the rebeU had fortified themselves In the district, tho center of which, the arsenal tell Into their hands lately. The rebels, howevor, had not lncreasd in number and the size df the army under th command of Diaz is believed to be only a little over 2,t00. Most of the federals who arrived In tho night were those commanded by Gcniral Angeles, which he had called from Cuernavaca. The total of these Is said to be I.S00, and they brought with then two pieces of heavy artllcry wlth much ammunition and stores. Lieutenant Colonel Daron, who has con ducted dashing campaigns during ' the revolution In Mlchoacan and Guanajuato, arrived with a small force, while Colonel Ocaranta, another young' oflcer with a reputation for brilliant work, came In r.t the head of 5)00 federal troops from Vera Cruz. Kcdernl Detachment Defeated. Straggling federals who arrived at the American embassy at noon declared that a detachment of government troops -was shot to pieces on the western edge of tho city early today. This Indicates that Diaz has a mobile force outside his lines In the central district. United fitatcs Ambassador Henry I vine Wilson prevented the Issuo of a general order to cut off all telephone communi cations this afternoon. He protested to President Madero that the rebels were not connected with the sycitcm and the order would cause unnecessary hard ship. ShrlU gtrl'ke Cable Office. Uetweoti o'clock and 10 o'clock1 shrap- ImU- ralnod on, the walls and shutters of thq .catyo, office, but.lho clerks and op erators remained at their stations, A short tlmo,afterward a solid shot from a field gun entered the JardJn hotel. The cannonading soon lost some of Its vlclousness and it eeemed that tho rebels were conserving their fire, although they continued to throw shells toward tho palace. Ono federal battery kept steadily in action at the Oolonla station, on thn Paseo lie forma, and another on Boa Juan de Letran street. Thn, first sharp small arm engagement pf the day occurred at 10:30, when a party, of federals moved Into range of the rebel sharpshooter Tho battle was very brief, ns both sides placed their chief reliance on a steady battery flro. The Infantry fighting lasted only a few. minutes and was succeeded by a more Intense cannonade from the rebels at tho arspnai, Tho federal battery stationed In front of the Brjtlsh legation replied and arew mucn of tho rebel fire. Many women and children In the foreign colonies were conveyed during the night In automobiles flying white flags to places of comparative safety, but a large number 0f foreigners still wero penned HP today in reglops not free from danger, People Sleep In HsuraeBta. Thoifeantftf ot"Mei!can families conceh trtarion ths 4o weir floors' Wnd tfr base- mm afctttatinees building, trusting to tin. rieia(of"XloorBabovo to protect them. 'Iwrlka American embassy dozens of American citizens were provided for. blankets and nuittresses were spread on the floors and every chamber In the place Was utilised as a sleeping apartment. dlowflver, there was little or no evidence ol panic or undue- excitement Francisco do La. Itarra, former provi sional president, became a refugee In the British. :legatloh yesterday after he approached President Madero on the question of compromising with the rebels. Madero refused to listen to him. Lack of food supplies throughout the capital was not solved today. The rebels managed .to obtain during the night seven big wagons -full of bread and two wagon load of milk, but provisions gen erally whln the, zone pf mutineers were said early this morning to be scarce. A picturesque scene during the night was, made by fires on the pavements In many parts of the city, where the sold iers under .the orders or their offjeers had raked the garbage thrown irom tho buildings and burned. Jt, Jha disposition of he rubbish la . serious problem as !t Is fast bocomlng a menace to the publlq health. . , ' , , Thp. army pideta at Chaputepee, who were the first to rally, to the call of President Madero for aid, have, for the most- part, been withdrawn froni the line of action to .Chapultcpec, where they act as a guard under command of General Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska FINANCIAL CONDITION, JANUARY FIRST, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ASSETS Cash in Office nnd Banks 5 125,li38.95 First .Mortgage .Farm Loans 5,047,400.00 Cash Loans on Company Policies... 305,775.37 Interest Acorucd, Not Duo '90,870.53 IJoino Offico Building 249,040.90 Bills Receivable '.....11. None Doforred and Unreported Premiums None Furniture and Fixtures Account None Collateral Loans None Premium Notes ., None Stocks and Bonds . .'. . , . None Agents' Balances None "Other Assets"'. :. .J '. .'. None Assots, Doeembor 31, 1912 $5,818,195.75 Gain in Surplus Gain in Reserve Gain in Assets Ask the man Ileltran, former principal of the sohool, and the officer who reduced Kellx Dlas at Vera Cruz during his first abortive revolution. The work of caring for the wounded has been limited by the government to the White Cross society, as It Is oharged that the lied Cross society harbors many political enemies of the government. Ilnttle Is Indecisive. lp to noon, when tho shells of the contending forces had torn their way through tho heart of the city for four hours, nothing like a decisive result had been achieved, either by the federals or the rebels. It had been practically i an artillery duel, although occasionally small arm fire played a vicious part In the battle. The swift and crushing action promised by the government was not eullzed. On the contrary tbo fighting was of a monotonous regularity, tho federal troops slowly pounding tho rebel position and endeavoring to silence Diaz's guns In order that the final charge might be made with lesa sacrifice of life. To this the rebels replied with' a steady fire, but they were more chary. In throwing away their ammunition and appeared to take better aim than ever. Much of the rebel flro was directed at the fedoral batteries, but one of Dlaz'a batteries from time to time dropped shells over the city Into thn national palace and onto that ancient building Itself, "UiS waiIs"of 'which withstood tho 'bombardment .well. . At theUbegipnlDK of this firing thero was n great force of federal soldiers In the rlulilije, . grounds. When the shower of shells becamo hcavfer a federal bat tery received orders to reply with vigor and under cover of tula the federal soldiers moved westward Into cover of Indcpcndecla street. It was explained by the federal commander that, this movo was merely to placo his men In position where they will bo more easily avail able for action at tho front. MANY AMERICANS STRANDED Ilnnka Closril nnd Itnllrnndk Itefuae to Accept OlircUn. LARI3DO. Tex., Feb. 13. A passenger from Mexico 'City on fast night's train riiiuricu inui ui least i,u Americans ai juaroz apu(in oiner paris vi inu ami.- were without funds to leave tho capitol I J C" ' even If tho opportunity presented', be- AMERICAN bT'KICKRS ATTACHED cause tho banks had been closed since ' ' Saturday. A largo number of Americans , Anll-Porcljrn Outlirenlt nt Acnpnlco were at the railroad station, ho said, j Seems Probable . eagerly seeking to take tho northbound' 'WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-AnU-Amerl-tratns, but checks wero refused as pay-1 can filing at Acapulco, Mcx., culminated mcnt for tickets. In an assault on two officers of the Many Americans, tho passenger be- crulser "ver before It departed jester lleved, wero practically marooned at the ' ltty for Acaiut'a. Salvador. The victims station without fond ahMtAr nr r,,n,,v of the ossault were Surgeon Came-pr Ho said railroad officials wero doing everything they could to afford .shelter to tho women and children. 1 Numerous passengers arriving from , Mexico City assert that the American of ficials In Mexico should provide special trains on which Americans could leave. Passengers from Saltlllo said today that one ircium iram was enure.y aesiroyca uy tire, iyia inui 1110 jmo ai anoiner ; freight was m doubt, since it was ru mored It was attacked. Thn southbound passenger train which left Laredo Tuesday night at 9 o'clock proceeded In safety until about 18 miles Boutli or this ctty, at fa Haiado, where it was attacked by a band of fifty to a hun dred rebels. As the- train, was entering , in iuiiuii uiu qiiKinecr was i.p iron. upon. I, Realizing, .the danger,, . heu,rqvered tho I foyer and backed, full.apeed, toward. Bal-i FJKldONT, . Ncb.v.( ,Fb- 13J-(?Pec(ai tlllo, pursued by the rebes on horseback. ' (relegram )-rrs Fred Peters of .thhj city The speed of tho mounted band was not committed suicide this forenopr by tak. sufficient to overtake -the trajn. The inK pojson which she had her flfteen passepgers wero endangered by rebel gun j yeur-old son buy for her at a, local drug ilIe- j store. 1)1 health and despondency caused Aboard the train was a party of fifty I her act. Her 'husband Is In the real Welshmen enroute to Necaxa, a point estate business hero, and was at ono beyond Mexico City, to take employment , wt)i a light and power c6mpany. Today's passenger list from Mexico Qlty Includes Bishop Hendrlx of tho Metho dist Episcopal church', south, of Kansas City, He was a passenger on the south bound train which was attacked by rebels and returned north. Bishop Hendrlx said that the whereabouts of the northbound train from Mexico City was not known at the time of the attack at Ft Salado. Bishop Hendrlx said the rebel band ap peared to bear a special grudge against the National railroad and, Immediately after robbing the cars of everything use ful, burned the rolling stock and unde sirable freight. RELIEF FUND VOlt REFUGEES State Department Cables Ten Thou sand to Antbaasndor Wilson. WA8H3NGTON,. Feb. 1S.-TO protect Americans ludangered In the firing In Mexico Cty, Ambassador Wilson was to day ordered to draw. on the state depart ment for $10,000. This -could be used for relief of the destitute or getting Ameri cans out of Mexico. Ambassador Wilson's dispatches today report many houses occupied by Amcrt RECORD OF NINETEEN $260,770.73 639,424.12 908,842,16 Insurnnco in Force December 31, who owns one of our policies. cans have been seized by federal troops, and the occupants driven to the streets. Homeless and exposed to the fire of both rebels and federals, the dismayed refugees made their way, at tho risk of their lives, to the American embassy, which la now open to all refugees. Ambassador Wit son, however, Is now distributing the ma jority among the adjoining houses by means of a committee which he ordered. All dlspatehea to the American embassy from tho Btate department urge the am bassador to exert every Influence to keep non-combatants from the streets. He reports the arrival of several Ameri can men and boys; he has given refuge to between 600 and 800 Americans. moTS iy chihuahua city Trouble Due to Attempt to Itclenne Prisoners, 1SL PASO. Tex., Feb. 13. The riots at .Chihuahua City were .caused by an at tempt of rebels to liberate prisoners in the penitentiary, say American refugees who nci-lved this morning on a bela'-d pascnger train. They reported that a truce had bce.i mado between General Antonio Itabago, the federal commander of the northern military zone, nnd Marccllo Carraveo, a rebel general. The rebels were permitted to camp within five miles of the city and on Tuesday they attempted to opon the prison. Federal troops prevented the attempt without bloodshed. A riot fol lowed. - Jt wa-J said that the situation showed Uie best feeling between the rebels and government troops, but that General Ttabago lnslsted"that opening the stato prison was going' too far. Quiet had been restored Wednesday when the train departed, only to encounter two burned bridges below Juarez. These were repaired, but all telegraph lines to the s.tate capital remain cut. Tho refugees reported tho federal, troops were expected to welcome the Plaz revolt In event of Madero's defeat and would, be Joined by the rebels. A prp- Madero sympathy seems to exist amontf tho volunteers, or troops, many of'whotr fought as Insurrcctos In the Madero roy.o. lutlon, These, however are In the minor- lty. This same condition appears "to ex'tt and TCnsIgn Guthrie, who wero passing through tho streets. Neither was Injured, Officials here are alarmed. Acapulro baa been a storm center of revolutionist! for soveral weeks and the Denvor wan protecting Americans there when the assassination of President Araujo nf Sal vador and the gathering' of war clou id over all Central .America made It necei 8ary to ed tho crulfler to Abulia, Salvador. Officials at the. State department tcel the gravest concern for the safety cf Americana in Acapulcq pending the ar rival of tho cruiser South Dakota, due there Sunday. . FREMONT WOMAN ENDS , LIFE. BY .TAKIP ,P0JS0.N t(.mo. a part owner of the Lyric theater. Sho was 37 years old and leaves three children. PLNiH iBBiK bJ r Meal KHL&riSL ..KJ'rLlLV Ht3lVr SpMtlrinr. favonr dish oi LNgr JlKX'WvSx ' iHb fVv Pautt Spuhettl in .Iwtntr IQTvr jBC I nJ'Iju8-(j jAnd whit t dish mwvlslV tLH Kr ''Spaghetti and Borne ol Its Uses" Is a ktLcT'CSahXm.PiH reape book that tells hew many teinptint MV x5W3&SS5J? dishes can be made ol pfllll FAUST SPAGHETTI iH ' NfiT "HfNw Write tor IMo-dsy-It's Iree. 'aut B t NJwfcsf NT?Lx. Si Spaghetti Is nourUliinx.bdnz extremely iH - 1 Nfifc, f rfcrJaV rich In luten,th bone.musclcandlleth K MAULL v a 3su ou"der' Cn" 'n aled packages, BROS. NL SjMwI M all grocer' 5c HrSt. LohIx. Ma. NT and 10c package. LIABILITIES Reserve, Actuaries Four Per Cent (Full Reserve) . , $4,171,769.00 Agents' Credit Balance's- 11,084.41 Death Losses Reported, Proofs Not In 18,000.00 Promiums Paid in Advance. .... .1 .".V 3,903.3'J Surplus . .'. ,. 1,613,438.95 . . HUNDRED AND TWELVE Income Exceeded Disbursements $ 895,735.86 Gain of Insurance in Force ;'.'..'.... 6,425,622.00 Insurance Issued 9,300,058.67 1912 .$38,022,411.88 Write us for an agency. MEDIATION IS URGED ON PRESIDENT TAFT (Continued from Page Otic ) delphia. They contnlned principally an account of the most disquieting feature of the fighting In Mliclcb' Clty-the killing of two American women yesterday. Administration officials look with much apprehension on the offect of tho killing of two Americans, nnd one of the first re sults of the Incident was last night's order to Ambassador Wilson to warn all Americans out of the danger zone. Ambassador Wilson's course so far naa the unqualified approval of tho admlnlK tratlon, though some of the army nun question his attempt to stop hostilities Admitting that his aim was to protect lives of Americans and other foreigners, they believe there will bo less bloodshed and a speedy termination of tho rebellion If the combatants are allowed to fight :t out Secretary Knox and his Immediate ad visers, however, do not accept this view and although instructions have been sent to the ambassador to do everything pos sible to Induce the American residents of Mexico City to vacato their homes tempdrnrlly and go to somo place of safety tllere Is no disposition there to criticize Mr. Wilson for his actionj of yesterday. Navy In Ready Prepared for a call of battleships, the Navy department has kept Admiral Bad ger, In command of the Atlantic fleet at Guantanatno, advised of developments. The ships, with hanked fires,' are ready :to movo at onco to Vera Cruz or Tarn plco. Tho marine corps, always ready, Is pre pared for Immediate embarkation oflts companies at the Atlantic coast navy yards and stations. The marine force on the Panama canal zone Is ready to move. Telegrams to the War department from tho threo posts In New York state, where the regiments of tho FJrst army brlgudc are stationed, report that body of about 3,000 mcp Ip. condition to start for Now port News within three hours after an order from the. chief of staff. EBERHART SPEAKS AT LINCOLN BANQUET LINCOLN, Feb.1 13.-Governor Kber- h?rt of Minnesota was the chief speaker tonight at tho twenty-fourth iin'nual ban quet of the 'Young Men's Republican club pf LJncgln,. The dinner, planned origin ally for tiio date of Lincoln's birthday, was delayed a day to permit tho accopt anco of Governor Eberhart. His subject was "Abreham Lincoln." Other speakers wcro Judge John B. Iiarncs of the Nebraska supreme court, anrf members of the Nebraska legislature. "The heritage left by Lincoln," said GdiVPrnor Kb'erhart, "has made possible the, preservation of our national Integrity and rapid., progress In rthe realization of popular government. It Is true we can not eradicate, Belflshness. nnd establish perfection, but every year a"s It passes by marks some distinction achievement which brjngs us nearer to the Ideal form ofgovernment. We are constantly open ing now highways along every field of thought and action, political Industrial and social." ECZEMA CkUnEU IT lb TO 30 DAYS, Tho Paris Medicine Co., 2tS4 Pine street, 'Lptiis Mo'.. manufactures of Laxa tive Bromo Quinine, have a new and won derful discovery. GROVE'S SA-NABE CtJTIS, which they guarantee to' cure any case of ECZEMA, no matter of how long standing,' In 10 to 30 days, and will refund money If It falls. GROVE'S SA NARE CUTIS is perfectly clean and does not stain. If your durugglst hasn't It, send us COo in postage stamps and It will be sent by mall. Advertisement ?; . : ' i . I.' ' ' $5,818,195.75 , , i E F Broke Out as Red Pimples. Great Itching and Burning. No Relief . Until. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Cured in Short While. Lock Box 8. Ntauls, Mich. "My case waajawwn m oexoma. It broko out as rod pirn pies on my hand and fingers. They then formed as lUUe vesicles and tho Itching wa-i intense. The Itching and burning wore so great that at timers I bad no rest whatever I had tried rernodiea all of which proral taUuros. Not until I recetved some Outl aw Boap and Ointment did I find any roHof. In a short while I was wholly enrod." CXgnod) Mto Anna Manmcn. Juno 21, 191 2. PIMPLES ON CHILD'S BACK BU Jaznos. Mo. " Last summer I noticed on my graodHon who looked liko small pirn pfes on his back, stomach and limbs which dovetuiml Into bofis with a orost on top. Ho wooM scratch cassmg thorn to pain and bteed. Tbo sUo anmod them was red and Inflamed. Ho scratched bo that I bad to put Boen undejtwtac jurat to his skin.a3he wool en garment soemod to hrttate especially at zught, making him cross and fretful. "I used home roroedtaa which seemed to have no effect, so I tried Cuticura Ointment sod Soap and noticed an improved ont after the flat application, no was ouUrely troll In two months." (Signed) Mrs. F. 8. Ntjw eomb, Apr. 18, 1912. OvUcura Soap (25c) and Outtenra Oint ment (Oc) are sold throughout the world. A slnglo set is often sorDcieat wbun all chw baa failed. Liberal samplo or each mailed free, with 32-p. gkta Book. Address post card "Outfcuxa, Dept. T. Boston." -Tendcr-facod men should UaoCuUcma Ooap Bhaving Stick, 25c. Sample free Cold In Mead Can be relieved quick. Get n 25 or SO cent tube of sanitary I 0 D IS s , Catarrhal Jelly The first drop used will do good. Money bact if It doesn't. Sample free it you write quick. KONDON MFG. CO Minneapolis. Minn The last unique drawing contest similar to The Girl Without a Mouth .STARTS NEXT SUNDAY Watch for it The Business of Life Is hinged on tbo subject of food. You can look into that a littlo closer when you lunch at the 'Woodmen Cafeteria 14th and Furnani Hts. AJIt'SEMIJXTS, BEANDEIS THEATER Tonight Saturday Snttirduy .Mutince, THE BLUE g 1 0 People 1 00 Sunday Monday, THE TRAIL OF THE Kehriinry 20-21-2, SOTHERN and MARLOWE , in .11 miMii.i 'OMASA'S TVXf CENTEB." ' " Dally Mat., lS-35-EOo Svers., 15-35-50-75O Tb Feeileei Ecoentrlo Couttdlan, DAVE MARION As "Anuffjf' the Cab Man And Tba MngTUfloeat "Pni,OOQ p0f DsrAMLAKD co,, in -ousse Laie EZTIIAYAOAITZA. AITS TAUDEVIULI Bnuffy Saya; "Chca fellera, 1 cun't tell yer all about this one; yer Jist cotter o$ IV" Xiadlcs' Slina Matinee Every Week Day. "Worth Climbing the BUI." DOtjptAB ST. AT ETQHTEEI.i- Hytone Vandevllle includes tlio 3 llldlnt; Davenports, Eauemrlans: ,i0e Mnlnr uora Han; titeeio &c McMaatcr; I.lQttland, Gwynne & Gossette, JUST I.IKE A XtEW BHOOM DVEftTf WSEB mpposcopo i'lciuros, rrom a to 5; at 7 ana 9 P. M. sally, BOYD THEATER Tonlrbt, Matinee Saturday, Slid. EVA LANG xir he a new piay Malting a Man of Him Hext Week OEEEN STOCKIUas Mat. Every Day, 3:15. Every -lirnt, eilS OiJVUIWbU V AU4JJU VXXfijli TbU Week DON. THE TALKING DOO. Elhtl Qreen. Th. Mlkido'i Itoml Jtpentte Athletei. Col. J. A. Title, and lll Cmpnr of OI4 Soldier Ftadlen. QIdyi Al.xandrta i l -j.. Merlin. Del mar D.lmar, I'atbe'e Weekly Rerl.v. Prlc.t. Kc, tie. Wo, It. Matlnc. Oalltry 10c, bert Mate Jp". cept Siturd.v and Sunday. Krug Theater Matinee Today, 3:30 Klsrht, 8:30 DANTE'S DAUGHTERS with Gladys Sears COUNTRY STOKB FBIDAY KIOHT Ladles' Sally SUne Matinee empress; , CONTINUOUS Cla. 10 vaue.xii. si.n..i ..no ...A at. rAKIkl inuilL PHOTOPLAYS ! Cnm44- Th.r.'. . H.a... 9C I 3k 1 "