Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1913, Image 1

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    Ta'k to tho Women
The Hw enters the home and inr
nos jour messauo Mrnltiht to
thoso who 1o the buying.
The Omaha
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLF-NO. 1207.
Battle Which is Exnintn tn Up tip.
cisive Begins at Eight O'clock
in the Morning.
, , i
iaaaero S Army NOW Said to Con9ist ,
of Seven Thousand Men.
They Still Occupy Y. M. C. A. and
the Arsenal.
Inhabitant Hnve (June to Suburb
or Are Ileiiinlnlnir Hidden In
the lliiftenientn of Their
MEXICO CITY. Feb. 13.-The artillery
engagement In today's fighting was re
sumed at 3:15 o'clock, with the rebels
asaln throwing thells In the direction rf
tho national pnlHce.
Lieutenant Colonel Uublo Navarre:,
tho commander of the federal nrtlllcrv,
was slightly grounded during tho tlgh
Ing this afternoon. He remained, how
ever, on tho firing line.
At S:40 p. m. the rebel cannon again lie
Kan a bombardment of the national pal
ace district, but the renewed action lasted
only about a quarter of an hour and at 5
o'clock there was a lull In the firing.
At 1:20 p. m. the firing of both tho fed
erals nnd the rebels ceased apparently
all along the lines.
. The rebels aro said to be In possession
of San Iazaro railroad station.
At 2:10 p. m. preparation which Is being
made to get a train ready at tho Moxlcnn
Central station Is creating some com
ment It 1 suggested that it is barely
possible that President Madcro Is pre
paring to fleo the city.
IVd.-rill Battery Shelled.
Tho rebels made an important forward
movement at 2 o'clock, advancing a bat-
ten' of artillery Into Independence street
doroc blocks away from their former pohI- j llrv neary jeOO.COO for an emergency fund,
tlon. They began shelling tho federal j The railroads have mado elaborate plans
battery posted at San Diego church ad- , for a seKe all(j mvP arPady begun hiring
jolmlng tho offices of tho Mexican I thousands of strikebreakers, It Is undcr
Heruld. i stood. .
R. M. Mcrjdlth, the representative here J
of an American manufacturing com
pany, was hit by a splinter of shell this
afternoon. Ho suffered a scalp wound,
but his Injury is not likely to prove fatal, j
The firing, especially that of the fed- I
erals became lighter at twenty minutes'
to 2 o'clock. Rebel shells, however, at
that nour continued to nn uuuuinga in
tho center1 of tho city and in the ra-
tlonal pnUuxtuHstrict. .
Two non-eombatants wore killed In
front of tho .American club today by
bursting shells.
Today's battlo was- begun between tho
federal troops supporting President Mil'
dero and rebels under Felix Diaz, In
Mexico Cly at 8 o'clock this morning.
The government forces had the advan
tage in ' umbers, their army totaling 7,0f0
men, against the 3,000 revolutionists under
General Huerta and President Mader
declared they would be badly disappointed
and surprised If Diaz and his mutinous
army were not reduced to submission bo
fore nightfall.
The battlo opened with heavy firing by
the federal artillery, which had been
strongly reinforced In the night. The
rebels occupied tho same positions as
they held yesterday around the arsenal
and the Young Men's Christian associa
tion building, and from there they replied
could long resist the fire poured In by
the federals, but they again showed tne
ame excellent marksmanship which char
acterized the previous fighting and thU
enabled them to offer a grim resistance,
with a hot fire.
The population' had either deserted the
tenter of the city or remained lldden In
the houses, as It was Impossible to stir on
the streets without running enormous
General Huerta placed in general charge
of the federal artillery Lieutenant Colonel
Itublo Navarrette, who had the reputa
tion of being the most capable artillery
man In the Mexican army. He gained
fame In th ecampalgn against Orozco,
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair Friday.
Temperature nt Omalia 1 estcrdnjr.
nour. ueg
r. a. m '.. 16
6 a. in 16
7 a. m 16
8 n. m 1G
9 a. m 20
M.a. m 25
Uji a. m xi
1 P. m 28
I P. m 42
4CTrN 3 p. TO 47
lOj P. m 4?
JsS 5 p-,n 46
6 p. in 43
Comparative Locnl Record.
1913. 1912. 1911. 1910.
Highest ycsteiday 4S 32 46 42
Lowest yesterday 16 25 34 IS
Mean temerature 32 ax 40 CO
Precipitation 00 .S .-15 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 23
Kxcess for tho day 9
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
-Total rainfall since -March 1... .25.63 Inches
Deficiency for cor, period, 1911.. 13.C2 Inchon
Deficiency for cor, period, 1910.. 14.72 Inches
Ileport from Station nt 7 I". at.
Station and State Tempera- High- Rain
of Weather.. ture. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 31 33 .to
Denvor, clear 42 44 .a)
Davenport, cloudy,. 30 30 .oo
Des Moines, clear..A 36 40 .00
Dodge City, clear 42 50 .00
Lander, cloudy 36 44 .00
North Platte, clear 40 46 ,.o
Omaha, clear 41 48 .oj
Pueblo, clear , 44 46 .00
Jtapld City, part cloudy.. 42 50 .00
ftait Lake City, oelar.... 41 46 00
Santa Ke SI K .(f)
Santa Fe, clear r 34 SS .)
Sheridan, cloudy M 4 .00
Sioux City, clear 34 44 .00
Valentine, clear .......... 36 44 . .)
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L- A. WELSH. Local Forecast
Government Files Civil Suit in Fed
eral Court at Trenton.
n Mnllronil una i oni
Conipnnlr Aeeimed of Vlolnttlii:
Mherninh nttil Cmnninil
Itle Acta.
TRtiXTON. X. J.. Fob. 13.-Furthcr
prosecution of tho "hard coal tiutt" w.isj
begun li re taday by tho federal govern- '
ment In a clvlt'sult HKHhlst the Delaware.
IjickRWannn & Western Railroad cow-.
puny nnd the Delaunie. Lackawanna &
Western Coal ronumny. charging viola-1
Hons of both the Sherman anti-trust lawi
nnd the commodities clause of the Intel-;
state commcrco act.
It is understood that this move may be
followed by one or more similar suits
against other anthracite cnrrylng rail
roads and their allied coal companies.
Tho government's petition In equity al
leges that the coal nrrylng roads and
the'r affiliated coal companies. Including
the defendants, make and control tho
f. o. b. prices of anthracite nt the ter
minals of New York, the chief dlstilbut
Ing cent' r. which regulates the prices In
other markets.
Eastern Firemen
Probably Will Be
OaUedOut Friday
NKW YORK, Feb. 13. fnless some
middle ground of agreement Is reached
todny or tomorrow by the fifty-four east
ern railroads and their 31.000 firemen It
Is considered likely that a strike will bo
called Friday night effcctlvo forty-eight
hours thereafter. This wan the consensus
of opinion today of those following the
conferences, through which Judge Mar
tin A. Knapp of the United States com
meice court has been trying to bring the
two sides together.
Each has lefused to concede a point
and if no understanding Is reached today
President Carter of the brotherhood said
he feels that a strike will be necessary .
At the same time he Insists that If the
men do walk out tho responsibility lies
not with the union, but with Wall street
and the railroads.
u WHs suld the union has In its treas-
Daggers and Blood
I Figure in Notes
to Mayor Gaynor
NI3W YORK. Keb. 13.-Daggcrs and
tiooi aro figuring- in anonymous letters
! which Mayor" Garner' is receiving, no-
cortJnit lo intimations which h6 made in
au nudrcss at the annual meeting jf
Cooper Union alumni last night. Ho de-
clarod that the city, administration was
not disturbed by the "abuso" that had
been heaped upon It during tho last
three years.
"There are some strange people who
are disturbed by these things," ho con
tinued, '"SVen to the point dt sending us
letters written In blood and with daggers
on them, and evon fixing the day and
hour of our taking off. But some one
has said that lightning never strikes
twice In tho same place. I think I can
say more than that, it seldom strikes In
one place once."
New Jersey Senate 1
Passes All Wilson
Anti-Trust Bills
TUBNTON. X. X, Feb. 13. The senate,
after two hours of debate today, passed
the main measure of Governor Wilson'
seven ahtl-trust bills by a vote of 14 to 7.
Two republicans voted with the democrats
for the bill.
The measure passed defines trusts and
prohibits agreements for the purpose of
promoting a monopoly. It makes a viola
tion of the law a misdemeanor, an of
fense that In this state is punishable
either by fine or Imprisonment or both.
The senate then passed the other six
anti-trust bills favored by Governor Wil
son and they will bo taken up by the
house next week. Only three of tho bill
were seriously opposed arid each of these
received It of the 21 votes In the senate.
There were only scattering votes In op
position to the other four bills.
Fugitive for Many
Years is Pardoned
JACKSON, Mich., Feb. 13.-After being
a fugitive from justice slnco 18&8 when he
escaped from the penitentiary, Thomas
Atkinson of Wlnslow county, last nlgllt
surrendered to Governor Brewer and In
stead of being remanded to prison, was
granted a pardc-n.
Atkinson told the governor that for the
last three years he had spent his time
dodging the authorities and that he was
tired of that sort of life and wanted to
place himself In the governor's hands. In
granting the pardon Governor Brewer
"Well, old man, I have concluded to
I restore you to your wife and children,
believing that the good reputation your
neighbors have given you is true and
that the ends of justices already have
been served."
Atkinson left immediately for his home.
CHEYXNK, Wye,, Feb. R-Spocial.)-The
senate passed house Joint memorial
No. 1, by Mr. Hrook. This Is the pioteit of
the legislature to the fedora) KovernnUnt
against the present administration of
public land laws, and Is directed es
pecially against the special agents of the
Department of the Interior. The wisdom
of the passage of the memorial has beep
the question on the floor of both houses,
members alleging that it may result In
discrimination by the generul land office
against Wyoming Irrigation projects.
Fan-American Union Suggests Sub
stitute for Intervention by
United States.
Mexicans Would Be Asked Tempor
arily to Stop Fighting
Taft Regards Situation in Mexico as
Extremely Grave.
HlKhent HnnkliiHT Officers In llolh
Service Mnp Mill lMnn for
Joint Action In 'ne It
llccomrn .Vfcrmnry,
WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. Mediation In
Mexico rather than intervention, by the
appointment of a Pan-American com
mission, was urged today upon President
Taft, Senator Cullom of the foreign re
lations committee and Ueprcscntntlve
Flood of the foreign relations commit
tee, by John Harrett. director-general
of tin- Pnn-Amerlcnn union. The com
mission, which it Is suggested, should
feek to bring about n readjustment of
Mexican affairs, would be composed of a
statesman from tho t'nlted States, au
eminent Iiitln-Ainerlcan diplomat now
In Washington nnd an Influental Mexi
can. Mr. Rarrctl suggested for tho commis
sion such men as Senator Hoot or Will
iam J. Bryan. Senor Calderon, mluUtcr
from Bolivia or Dr. Do Pena, minister
from Orugua nnd Senor Uo La Hnrra,of I
Mexico, former ambassador to tho United
Stutcs. The inedlutton proposal was i
made after conferences with incniborB of !
tho Kcnatu and houho und following re-
newed assurances from the Stato depart- j
mcnt Unit there Is no present Intention J
of departing from tho established policy j
ofdeallng with the situation In Mexico.
Would Plily TVciv Doctrine. I
In his letter outlining his plan, Mr. i
Barrett says that "It Involves mediation
rafher than Intervention, International
American co-operation, rather than In-,
dividual t'nlted States action, and ap
plication or the Pan-American rather
than of the Monroe doctrlie."
The commission, ho suggests, should
investigate tho situation In Mexico on
tho ground nnd make recommendation i
lO mum lliijuni diiiwhuii
In favor of permanent peace and stability.
Through Ambassador Wilson In Mexico
City the plan would be represented to t"ie
Mexican government and to tho revolu
tionary leaders, who would be urgud to
cease hostilities "pending the action aii'
report of tho commission nnd It should
be made known to tho Mexican govern
ment and peoplo that they would bo ex
pected with this moral support nnd In
terest of all America to carry out tho
conclusions of such international cjm
mtsslon." "If Latin America and Mexico fall lo
act on this suggestion,' says Mr. Barrett,
"they will still bo obliged to admit tlwu
tho United States has first tried to pro
ceed on the fairest lines possible anl
with every effort to convince (Latin
America and Mexico of Its good fnith and
Tnft Krninlnic 3Icmiikc.
Rumors today that President Taft is
framing a messago to be sent to congress
to lay before that body nn exact stat
ment of conditions in Mexico nnd solicit
ing an expression of Its will for guidance
of the administration was donled by of
ficials who would be called upon to supply
data for such a communication.
Discussing the Mexican situation In the
houso today Representative J. Hampton
Moore of Pennsylvania, snld it would bo
deplorable "If In order to maintain tho
honor and dignity of tho United States
wo should bo obliged to send troops Into
Mexico, but If our well-lntentloned dip
lomatic negotiations arc to be trifled
with, then of course, the matter assumes
n different nspect."
Approximately 300.000 American citi
zens nre either temporarily or perma
nently residing In Mexico, according to
estimates of the stato department.
President Taft tulked with callers to
day about the situation in Mexico and
they said he rcgarder tho case more
gravo now than It had been at any time
slnco the abdication of Porfiro Diaz.
Those who consulted with Mr. Taft de
clared tho fact that he was to go out of
office within the next three weeks would
Jiave no weight in determining his ac
tion toward Mexico. Tncy declared th;
president was ready for, action up to ihe
last moment of his administration.
In regard to reports that Mr. Taft wou'd
consult President-elect Wilson It was said
at tho White House today that the presi
dent considered tho Mexican problem ono
for him alone until March 4.
Army nnd Nnvy Hoard Meet.
A significant proceeding of tho day was
the early assembly of the Joint army
navy board In Admiral Dewey's offices.
The call was issued by direction of Ad
miral Dowoy himself.
It brought together at an opportune
time for consideration of Joint use of :he
army and navy the highest ranking oftl
cers of both services and the ablest
Besides Admiral Dewey and Major
General Leonard Wood the urmy and
navy wore represented by Major General
Withorpoon, assistant chief of .taff ;
Brigadier General .Weaver, chief of the
coast artillery, and Brigadier General
Orozler. Rear Admirals Osteihaus and
Vreelani and Captain Potts.
By executive order this board Is charged,
with the preparation of plans for the co
operation of the. army and the navy when
It becomes necessary to conduct Joint
operations "either offensive or defensive.
The sessions were secret and may be
known only through the resulting orders
to ships and troops Issued by the secre
taries of war and navy. The board Is
advisory In scope and not capable of ex
ecuting Its own projects.
Wnrnlnir to American.
Ambassador Wilson's over-night dis
patcher were laid beforo President Taft
Immediately upon hU return from Phlla-
(Continued on Past) Two.)
According to State Secretary of Agriculture A. P. Sandles, if the Girls Can Only Be Induced to Remain on
the Farms, the Boys Will Stay, All Right.
From the Cloveland Plain Dealer.
Candidate for United States Senator
in West Virginia Arrested.
Deleirnte Who Hnd Jli-ru A'otliiK
AKnlnst ISdwnril Tell of At
tempted llrlbcr Investl
Riitlon I Ordered.
CHARLESTON, W. V., Feb. 13.-Colohol
William Seymour Edwards, cnmlldato for
United States senator, wns arrested this
morning on u warrant Issued by Justloo
Marlon Gilchrist, charged with bribing
Delegate John M. Smith of Tyjcr county.
Tho warrant was Issued t tho Instance
of Delegate S. U. G. Rhodes, ono of Iho
five men arrested Tuesday. Edwards
furnished bond.
Intense excitement was created In thai
hoUflo.of, delegates today wlicn Kev.
Thomas J, Smith of Westimlon, Dod
dridge county, spcnltlng on a question nf
persounl privilege, declared that Dele
gate U. G. Rhodes and nnothor man had
thrust $500 In his pocket In a room In u
Charleston hotel, after, ho dcclnivd.
Rhodes and the other man had offered
him J3.0C0 If ho would vote for Colonel
W. 8. Edwards for United States senntor.
Smith deol'arcd ho did not know how
much money hod been put Into his
pockets until he hnd left the room.
Then he went to Delegate H. C. William
son of Tyler county, had him count the
money, enclose It In an envelope and re
turn It to Rhodes. Smith, explaining his
position, snld he hnd refused to accept
any money from Rhodes or the other
man, whom ho did not recognize, but
Rhodes had Insisted It waB not a bribe.
Smith has been voting for iBaac T. Mann
for senator.
At the conclusion of his statement
Smith nsked tho houso of delegates to
investigate the alleged uttempt to brlbo
In compliance with a resolution tho
Joint session adopted yesterday. Presi
dent Wood In the senate appointed Sena
tors O. S. Marshall and O. A. Hoods of
the committee to Investigate the alleged
bribery In tho legislature, and Speaker
George In the hoube named Delegates
Sherman T. Robinson, Charles A. Sutton
and W. S. Wysong.
Commons Afraid
to Punish Editor
Maxse for Contempt
LONDON, Feb. 13.-The House of Com
mons today did not send Maxse, editor of
the National Review, to the clock tower
for his refusal to reveal tho source of
Information on which he had based al
legation of Improper conduct ngainst
some of the cabinet ministers. Tho hous;
evaded giving a definlto decision on the
issues Valsed by agreeing to "do nothing
at present."
Premier Asqulth pleaded as an oxcuso
the lateness of the session, but It is sail
that ridicule threatening to overwhelm
the House of Commons In the event of Its
attempting coercive action was probably
the deciding factor.
Million in Gold
Moved by Sleds
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb IS. More tnuu
Jl.OCO.OOO In gold wa's brought down on
( the steamship Mariposa from Cordovu,
Alaska, today, having been more man
two months In transit from the Iturld
districts. From Itarld to Chltlna, moro
than 2,100 miles, the gold was hauled on
ddgsUds. At Chltlna It was placed on a
train and caught between two iiowslId8
that tied up traffic more than a month.
During that time the express company's
guards, heavily armed, watched over the
NKW YORK. Feb. lS.-DIrector of the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company today
declared a djvldand of X pur cent on th
preferred stock, a totul of about Jl.tSO.OCW.
The payment represents an accumulation
of back dividends after a record year ot
Leaders Planning
Rival Campaign
BOSTON, Feb. in. If plans of nuti-suf-fiuge
lenders uro carried out, Washing
ton Is to he a battleground on which
small at ink's of suffragists and nntl
BiiffrnKlsts will contend during Inaugura
tion week for popular supiwirt. Tho pro
posal of tho suffragists to carrjthclr
cnmpalgfi for "votes for women" Into tho
nation's capital In connection with the
Inaugural program, wns followed today
by formal announcement of nu opposi
tion movement, which provides for tho
mustering In Washington of nil the avail
able campaigning Btreugth of the nnti
suffragists. Delegations nf women from sixteen
stntes are expected to go to Washington,
according to leaders of tho "untls." who
aro In this city Miss Alice Hill Chit
tenden, president nf the New York nnti
suffragists' association lias been complet
ing the iirrnngcmcntn here In consulta
tion with officials of tho Massachusetts
nspoclntlon opposed to tho extension of
suffrage to women.
Leaders of tho opposition plan to pre
cede tho suffrngctto "pilgrims" to Wush
Ington nnd to havo tho nntl-suffrnglst
cnmpnlgn under way beforo thoso In
favor of suffrage get started. A public
meeting In a Washington theater, street
displays and campaign of posters, hand
bills, hndges nnd buttons aro Included
In tho program.
Would-Be Officers
Unable to Pay for
Their Uniforms
WASHINGTON, Feb. IS.-Gloom- us
black as the blackest midnight has set- j
tied on the lending military tailors of the
capital as a result of the souato'H fail
ure to confirm tho appointments nnd
promotions of army and navy officers for
tho land nnd sea fighters In considera
ble numbers nro falling to take off the
hands of tho tailors, uniforms and other
"glad" raiment until they aro authorized
by a dlctatory government to donthem.
Uniforms to tho amount of between
J2rj,000 and JDO.OOO. made up nnd waiting,
are now lying Idle on the tailors' shelves.
A number of those appointed to the
army and mnrlno corps as second lieuten
ants nftor successfully passing competi
tive examinations gave up their civil po
sitions in expectation that they would be
appointed promptly. As n result tho ma
jority of them aro short In funds, and' it
Ib not probable that the uppolntincuts
will be confirmed In this session. Ac
cordingly the nsplrtng officers and per
spiring tailors must needs mark mourn
ful time. ,
Two Sorties from
Adrianople Are
Repulsed by Allies
SOFIA, nulgarla, Feb. 13. Two at
tempted sorties by the, beleaguered Turn
Ish garrison of Adrianople on Monday
nnd Tuesday of this week were repulsed
I by the Uulgarlans. Tho Turks lost luoie
j than 1.000 killed and wounded, acordlng it
the official report of the Uulgnrlan war
offlco today.
Casket of Pearls' is
Found in Street
WABIIINGTON, Feb. U.-Under guard
at police headquarters today Is a small,
flat, tan-colored leather casket, contain
ing a fortune In pearl Jewelry and de
tectlve are keeking Its owner. It wai
picked up yesterday In tho middle of a
street in tho fashionable section of the
cupltal by W. B. Dixon, driver of a de
livery wagon. Dixon promptly turned th
jewels over to the police Tho collection
Includes two bracelets, several pins und
bionahen, a number of rings und a peiur
chain. More than 100 pearls form the
settings- In addition to the pearl Jowelry
ono of the brooches Is Net with turquoise.
There Is nothing about the Jewelry or the
casket Itself which gives any clue to the
I Measure Goes Through Upper House
Without Opposition.
It Provide that UIkM tn Mink nnd
Use Well Nhnll Not lie Denied
lo All)' Person or Cor
poration. (From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb,. Feb. 13.-Scimto fllo 17,
tho Omaha, water works bill, pnsscd tlo
senate this morning unanimously with
tho following amendment;
"Seqtlon JO. Under tho provisions of
this act, no person, co-partnership or
corporation shall be denied the right to
sink a well Op wells upon their property
or Immediately adjacent to tho (property
of n d, perron, co-partnership or corpora
tion., fur the purpose of supplying said
person, rd-partncrshlp or corporation
Wltlt Water for his or its individual dom
icile and mechanical use upon or Im
mediately adjacent to said property.
"Provided, That wlicro Hitch wells or
wells aro not upon the property of said
person, co-partnership or corporation,
hut Immediately adjacent thorto, that tho
municipality forming a pnrt of snld dis
trict within which said property shall bo
located, tiny grnnt tho right to tho use
of any street or ullcy therefore under tho
terms and conditions provided In connec
tion with such grautH of such character j
In tho charter of said municipality. i
ICxtrn Man lllll I Killed.
Tho houso, In committee of tho whole.
Indefinitely postponed H. It. M, providing
au extra man In tho crew of passenger
trains. An effort will bo 'mado to send
nil the 105 railroad bills to tho State Rail
way commission for export advice as to
whether any of them nro needed.
The special commltteo to Investigate
wages paid working girls decided this
morning they did not havo tlmo to mako
a, thorough Investigation, nnd It probably
will usk the houso to permit It two years
In which to do tho work.
Coventor' Siilnry II 11 1 Ailvnticeil.
The houso spent most of tho morning
on tho proposed constitutional amendment
Increasing the term of the governor to
four years and his salary to $5,jno a year,
Tho bill was recommended for passage.
Crown Jewel Scandal
Has Another Airing
I3NDON. Feb. IX The mystery of the
theft of the crown Jewels from Dublin
eastte In HOT had another public airing
In tho House of Commons today.
Augustine Blrrell, chief Becretury for
Ireland, declared emphatically that
"nothing has been discovered to ,'xplaln
tho mystery of the thoft or to Justify the
nrrost and prosecution of anyone," He
. "Tim story that anyono Is being shielded
is a lie, and I am sorry it has been lately
revived In connection with tho name of
lrd Huddo. The introduction of his
name Is a particularly cruel outrage, for'
he was not In Ireland for months befo-f
or after the robbery. Ho had no connec
tion with the office of arms and was
only In that office onco In his life.'
Lord Haddo Is the son and heir of tlu
earl of Aberdeen, lord lieutenant of Ire
land. 0'Neil is Given
Term in Prison
COEUR D'ALIINK, Idaho, Fob. 13. For
having mado false statements as to tho
financial condition of the Statu Bank rf
Commerce at Wallace, Idaho, where lie
waa presldont, B. F. O'Nell was sen
tenced today to serve from two to ten
years In the penitentiary. He waa al
lowed sixty days to porfect an appeal,
durlnf which time he will be held in the
county Jail. His sentence Is to run from
tho hour he enters the penitentiary.
R15D OAK, la.. Feb. 13.-(Speolul Tele-
gram ) Clarence L. I.amh. general chair
I man of the Order of Railroad Telegraph
ers for the Burlington system, died this
morning from peumonla after an Illness
of two days. He was serving his third
term as head of th organization.
Measure for Park and Work House
Issues Goes Through Com
mittee of Whole.
Speaker Unable to Control Unruly
Members of Body.
Senate Passes Bill and House Makes
it Special Order.
Committer- Report University Uc
iiiotnl llllt tn HiiiiNC, Accepting
l'riipoHitl to liny Mix Block
to KnliirKc Campu.
(From a Special Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 13.-(SpecIal Tel
egram.) "Gentlemen, threo times I have
asked you to bo quiet, I bcllcvo It Is a
courtesy duo mo that you bo quiet."
This llttlo address delivered by tho
jjpeakor Just beforo adjournment this
afternoon, indicates tho manner In which
tho houso transacted business during tho
nttornoou. At regular Intervals, the
chairman of tho committee of the wholo
rapped on his desk for order and thcro
rnma back the echo from tho sergeant-nt-nrms
who tupped on tho fenco with
n enne, nil of which ndded to tho con
fusion, which, by tho way, stnrtcd with
a row In tho Douglns delegation.
O in n It it .Moil Start It.
Smith and Lavls of tho delegation
objected to cLo'b bill providing for tho
Issuance n fbonds to tho amount of
100,000 by tlit city council of Omaha for
Improving boulevards und grounds around
pnrkB and for tho establishment of n.
Smith nnd DavlB assured tho houso
Hitch a bond Issue hnd been defeated at
nn election whllo Simon mado an clo.
tlcnt plea for It, saying tho bond lacked
only H.t votes of receiving a two-thirds
majority. Ho mild the people demunded
a workhouse. Tho bill wits nmended to
makii tho Ijpnd Issuo $i0,000 ntid then was
recommended for pasnugo with Davis
und Smith opposing It.
When thn Douglns delegation lets Its
self looso for a scrap things get lively
nnd the lively tlmo kept up nil tho re
mainder of tho session, until tho speaker
beggod the members to bo quiet. Rather
than become orderly thoy adjourned,
for Constitutional Convention.
Tho senate passed tho bill prnviulng
for a constitutional convention aTtil '"The
houo litis mado a similar measure u r-po-rial
ordrr for '2 o'clock next Thursdny
This action ciiiuo after several hours nnd
been spout In discussing a proios 'd
umendntunt to Increase tho salary of tho
Htntn offlcerH nnd to lengthen tho term
of tho governor to four years. It wiu
decided to teconunend this hill for pass
iy;o and then somcono thought of thn
proposed constitutional convention bill
and It wns mado a special order to bo
disposed of beforo nny more proposcl
umotidmeutH wcro tnkeu up.
Competition Not Smothered.
Tho hill to permit the Stato Ranking
board to rrfuiui to grapt n charter fi
banks In towns wlicro tho board thought
another bank was not needed wua kill 1
ufter Trumbull of Sherman had told
Iluckuer of Lancaster, who fathered thi
hill, thlH! "This hill simply cuts off com
petition In tho banking business, Vin not
asking any luw to cut off competition in
tho hardware business, If you can't di
business ngtUfist your competition, get
out of business."
Another measure sponsored by Buckncr
provided bankH may loan money, not In
accordance with their cupltal stock, but
up to nn amount decided upon by thn
bunk officials so they kept tho reserve
In nccordnnco with tho law, wus discussed
a long tlmo anil no decision was reached.
Removal Up tn Home,
Tho queHtlou of university removal has
been unloaded on tho houso by tho com
mltteo without any recommendations.
Tho commltteo nmendmcnt
to Include In tho bill tho proposition mado
by tho city council of Lincoln that tho
city would buy six blocks nnd give to flio
stnto for fiiOO.OOO to enlarge tho present
The commltteo of privileges nnd elec
tions recommended for passage tho Ous
tufsou bill to abolish tho party clrclo In
oloctlons and Indefinitely postponed the
bill by Fullstoad dividing tho elections
bourd into nu election board and u can
vnsslng board to keep the count up with
the voting,
(i I ven TIiiki, to Talk on Constitu
tional Amendment.
(Fro ma Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb, 13.-(8pecIal.)-On mo
tion of Placek of Saunders, the bust-
AVuut anything? A
man or woman employe,
u job, a bargain, a
partner in business, u
chanco to invest, want
to buy or sell or rent?
Go to ,tho Natural mar
ket tbo Want Ad col
umns of Tho Bee. You
will find what you want.
There you will bo given
the widest selection, the
highest quality the
best of every bargain
Try, aud bo convinced
Tyler 1000