The Omaha Daily Words Backed By Deeds Tint's wit) 'Cl,c Uco lin friend na enemies, nnd why It wlcltls an Influence for public good. THE WEATHER Generally Fair VOL. XL1I-N0. 203. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FKMiTAHY W, glNGLB COPY TWO CENTS. r n TROOPS REVOLT IN MEXICAN CAPITALS REYES MURDERED ' j Armv Takes PncBq?n f Wo 1 n. , . . , ,,. I xaiuuc una mncipai rUDiiC Buildincrs. i ' MADERO nPPnKTT.S WTTV T1TA7 . I rresiaent Leads Loyal Troops in I Part of Fightinc. DIAZ AND REYES ARE RELEASED Insurgents Let Two Noted Prisoners Out of Jail, MUTINY PARTLY SUPPRESSED Utnnt One llnndrpil nnd Fifty Per son Killed IltirltiK Street I'IkIiI- tjcnernl Vlltnrnrn, n--ulNl, In KHIeil, MEXICO CITY, Feb. 9.-The nrmy re volted today. The troops took possession of the national palace and nearly all the I'llnrlpal public buildings. Gustav Ma- ut-iu IS 11 prisoner. ' After .-mine street fighting. In which ' nboit IS" persons were killed, tho govern-! inent succeeded In legalnlng paltlal eon- trol. President Mndero led tho loyal j ironps for a part of the time. The Insur-j gents released Felix Diaz and Hernardo ; lieyex General Vlllarara, a loyalist, w'ai J killrd in one of the conflicts. Felix Diaz nnd hU followers gained con tiol of the city early In the afternoon. He took po-sesMon of tho palace nrul cap-, tinert the arsenal by assault. Only a few scattered companies of the city garrison! maintained uli appearance of loyalty .i the administration. (leneral Bernaido Iteyes, cx-rccretuVy of; war. wa Sshot through 'the' head and killed in front of the national palace. The ro- t of the troops took place curly In the morning. Disturbances continued nt fro- ititiit Intervals throughout the day. Muilero Wire to Kl Pnsii i.'t. iAn Tov i.-fti, n n0,n.i was killed and General Vlllarara wounded ' in the attack on the national palace H- I mvi,. n.,. .,iv .,m,Hi. m l received from President Madcro by the commander of the federal forces at Juarez tonight. Tho telegram states that the mutineers were repulsed with heavy V , . . , V . I...., Boston, was also added to the list and Its giving the federal and official commander ln,tructed t0 ho,d nls version of tho revolt of the army ar? j shp , readlne t0 relleve tlle vessel3 being received by federal commander on tlie Atlantlc coast ot Centrai America, n'ong the northern border of Mexico to It a lnUmated ,n offlcftl flU3rters tilKlit. tjint tle purp0Se of the naval movement Piesldent Maddro ideclrtfes tbe (fdverp- j wag to maltkln the status quo In Cen inent has tha situation well In hand ami jtral America until me Incomtlu; adniJnls uigcB that order UMkepltat all posts. ' I tra'tlon lias had an opportunity to decide .MI Is quiet at Juarcx and Chihuahua pon Its attitude toward the Pan-Amerl-(1ty. , can republic?. Naval Caucus Fails j Nurses Testify in Among Democrats Hyde's Third Trial WASHINGTON. F"eb. 9.-No caucus pledge will bind tho house democrats this year when they vote on appropriations for battleship construction. "An economy caucus," called for last night by members opposed to the authori zation of any battleships In the naval appropriation bill at thlssesslon, failed to materialize, as a result of tho absence of practically Mho favor an all democratic members Increased navy. ! Only seventy-threo members appeared i ml as 112 were needed for a quorum, tho meeting adjourned nfter listening to a ptnslon speech by Representative Sher wood of Ohio. Speaker Clarke and Democratic Leader 1'mlerwood were present, although It Is nn oi en scciet that both opposed the calllirr of the alliens. Only three mem bers if the naval commlttcc'attended. York Stores Burn in Early Morning Fire YORK. Neb., Feb. 9. (Special Tele gram.! This morning aliout i o'clock tiro was discovered In a stor occupied by Charles Shreck with a general stock of electric supplies. This building together wun a cigar store ana mo hinger Hewing .nacnine company s store waB a total loss, uamage was estimated at ,W On the south a two-story brick structure occupied by the Baer Furniture company j wus Hiiuosi completely aesiroyeu a1,,,! loss on etc-ck Is estimated at $1S,000 a damme to the building flO.000. Th,e bulJ Iiigs ami stocks were only partially ln sured. The Weather Forecast for Monday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Gen oral)." fair. For Iowa Fair. . r.irrunr, j ft "r Bel?. . vCt 7 a- m M I A Sr. m I.rt Temperature nt Onmliu Yesterilnr. S a. m. In n ro ll a m 30 12 m M 1 P. in. m. m. m. 2 p. 3 p. 41 42 41 P. 5 P. m. s p. m. 7 p. m. IS Comparative Local Record. . Official record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond ing period of the last three years: 1913. 1912. 1911. IHO. Highest yesterday 42 18 Jl H Lowest yesterday rs 7 Mean temperature 32 12 Precipitation W .00 Temperature und precipitation tires from the normal: Normal temperature Kxcms for the day................... TVirai rirnii since March 1. ....... IS 16 24 23 ,00 .00 depar- ' r Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day... 04 Inch ?ofarrafaT..r. Deficiency since March 1 4.57 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911. 13.77 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1910 J4j69 Inches Lm. a. tvcuuii iucsi rorecuier, Nolen Must Come to Omaha to Stand Trial for Deed! MKMP1HS. Tetin.. Fob. f. -(Special Telegram.) Krnest Nolen, formerly oily. I detective, must be tried nt Omaha charge of bavins attempted to dell brother. "Dlggs" Nolen. from the that city. United States .Commissi iMnthews. us a result of the hoar which has continued since Thursday ruled yesterday that Nolen must bo tried j 1,1 Nebraska. He fixes Nolen's bond at i (7,r0. It Is understood that Nolen'B friends arc attempting to mako up the bond Should this be done In the next few' dais Nolen will be allowed to go at llbert, on tho understanding that he .appear In Omaha for trial. J. M. Jones, held as an accessory with Nolen, was released on his own recognlr anco with the understanding that he re port to tho United States district attorney at Omaha every week until the trial of the case Is taken up there. Uow Ethel Nolen's love for "Dlggb'' Nolen forced her to attempt to slip saws U him while he was a prisoner at the 'Savannah Jail was told by the attorneys of both sides hi their arguments. It's'.- Ing her life In climbing n ladder to pluv I her put In the proposed Jail deliver;-. It was said, the woman lost her mid. ' slipped and fell to a deep pit at the rear j of the Jail. Her Injuries were severe, and accoidlng ovMnonn in il.n trlnl .hi. went (o . r mriuv in ,i,' ,,... oi. H nest Nolen's house licreNln November. where she remained until she went to Omaha. H Is said that Kthcl Nolen since has divorced "Dlggn" Nolen Not a witness was put on the stand for Nolen's dofetib. Latin Legations in Flutter Over Order to U, S, Warships WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. -Movements of States warships to Central Amer- ; lea, which became fully known today, put i the Central A inert can legations hero In ja flutter and sent the I.atln-Amerlcan ! ministers hurrying to assure Secretary ' Knox thut all was tranquil In their eoun- tries. To a" "url(,s Ulp """ a,,8Wer wns 'eturued-that the naval movements were merely precautionary and In large part Insplred by Information of activity of revolutionary juntas In this country. In ( addition to the 'our warships either ' under way or about to be ordered to Cen- tial America, the gunboat Tncoma at KANSAS C1TT, Feb. 9.-Attempts by the defense's attorneys to prove inac curate the memory of the nurse, Mrs. Pearl Keller Roy, state's witness In tho third trial of Dr. B. Clarke Hyde for the murder of Colonel Thomas II. Swope were made today. "Why did you destroy all the medicines and records of medicines after Colonel Swope.B death7" Attorney Walsh for the defenso asked. "Because they were of no further use. That was the customary procedure," an swered tho witness. Mrs. Anna Bauniann,' who at the tliuo of the first trlul of Dr. Hyde was .IIfs Houlehair, then took the stand, Sho tes tified that she went to tho Swope house hold as a nurse December 4, 1909, about two months after tho death of Colonel Swope, und pund Chrlsman und Mat garet Swope and Miss" Nora Dixon 111 with tj phold, Over repeated objections by the de fense, Mrs. Baumann was allowed to tell her story of the events leading-up to and Including the death of Chrlsman. It was ttjis testimony In the first trlalWhat tho supreme court ruled out In remanding the case for new trial. Mrs. Baumann testified today that Dr. i Hyde Instructed the nurses to take six teen-hour shifts alternately with the . patients. By doing this, she said, no one Would hnve complete knowledge of any 1 ono case. Wilson Not Pleased With Own Address PRINCETON. N. J., Feb. 9. President elect Wilson today completed the first draft of hlB Inaugural address. He acted as his own stenographer In producing the document. He began sketching It In short linnA on Thursday and resumed the task today, copying the notes himself on a little typewriter In his studio. It Is about 1 2,000 words long he said, but be may Jadd to or abbreviate It. ; add to or abl "I haven't I I don't know w shorter." looked up any of the other addresses," he said, "so hether this one Is longer or He Indicated he was not satisfied with tbe address and might change It some- ! what before giving It to the newspapers 5 ! for udvance distribution. Gibbons Rejoicing at New Divorce Act BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 9.-Cardlnal Gibbons today expressed gratification over the passage of an amendment to the Nernila dlvorc law. "The legislation which affeets Reno i a atep In the right direction, but only a i step, the cardinal said. "I am b I Uertr In a law making the obtaining cf ia divorce Impossible. Although it Is net ttr to have certain limiting statutes in f . ' iChrUtian people of the nation should not Ns BcUafled to allow matters to rest where they art now.' SOLICITORS WANTED l( .. D! JgfiSJJH HUHNbY 'Man Has Good Prop- for Men Who Arc Real Hustlers. rFAYS WELL FOR SERVICES, Twenty - Five Per Cent of Fees 111 Good Cases.' MORE LIGHT ON THE GAME; Personal Interview with the Great Chief Operator. HORNBY EXPLAINS HIS WAYS Any Sort of Grnvrth In Hood Knoiiuti Cnncer to Get n (Jooil Fro for Treat ment. "Kasy money may be "earned," by persons willing to solicit "business" for "Doctor" William Hornby. 510 North i wentlctli street, who pretens to cure I ""r surgery or cauterunuon. So H'oroughly iirofltahle Is the "doctor's" Uttlo game that he la willing to pay I K"0'1 rcvH 10 solicitors nnd divide rich I iTO""r) rewarus mat are urougnt to him by what he describes ns his "world famed remedy." Recently n young man called upon the "doctor" nt his home and office on North Twentieth street. He didn't look a bit sick, but the doctor hnd no way of know ing thnt the young mad did not have a cancer, wfirt. wen or other growth con cealed somewhere about bis person and the visitor was affably greeted. The "doctor" Is a clever operator. It must be admitted, and doubtless could achieve no Inconsiderable success If he should devote his talents to some legitimate busi ness, though ho might have to perform more nctual work than painting suspicion looking growths with mysterious looking ! bluck lliiuld. i Wliiil the "Dtivtor" lloes. ! The young man explained that he was I not nt deaths toor and had not been "given up" by any refutable physicians or surgeons. According to the "doctor's" literature, he has performed many cures "after the patients hnve been treated unsuccessfully by eminent physlelnns and have been operated upon by them with tho knife, often tho second time.". The doctor offeres no proof of this, but then, people, who have been driven to despera tion by disease arc not Inclined to bo Insistent for proofs' when hope of nny kind Is held out to them. At nny rate, the visitor did not pro- pose to be added to tho fictitious horde of mythical suffers snatchert from li. fore tjic keen sickle of tho grim reaper. He cpnfesscd. to the "doctor" thqt he had seen the "doctor's" ndvertlse'ments In newspaper, and thought that perhaps he and the "doctor" might "do business together," to mutual financial advantage. Solicitors Are Ilniidy, He Informed tho "doctor" that he had been employed ns nn ngent for tho ex ploiters of a fake "cure-all" In the form of an electric vibrator until those faklrn had been exposed by Tho Omaha Bee and dlven out of business In Omaha. Ho told the "doctor" he knew the vibrator was a fako and lacked all the curntlve vir tues claimed for It. This seemed to Impress the "doctor." who made evident his appreciation of .the value of services, such a young man might be oble to render him. "Doctor" Hornby said ho never before had employed solicitors regularly to get business for him. but It would be a good scheme. Bo fore tho Interview was ter minated the "doctor" urged tho young man to go out and "get busijiess" and handed him xeveral pamplets to aid him In this noble work as a, public bene factor. Instruction Are Simple. The "doctor" said in part: "I charge whatever tho patient can pay. You don't havo to find out If they have a scancer. I can cure any kind of a growth except a cancer that Is too far gone, and they can't tell whether It Is cancer or not. For good cases, say from 1100 up, I will pay you 2C per ceht of what I get out of them. That Is the kind I am after. I don't care much for the Uttlo cases, hut when thoy come to me I taek them, nnd If a man hasn't got anything I cure him for nothing. On the little ctustal will give you 10 per cent of what I egt. "I don't see why you j:ouldn'tpBt some business for me. It Is easy when yon find a pcraon that lias got something wrong with them, I gave, a man JSO Just the other day for getting me a good case. It required no work at all, Just a few minutes' talking. There are plenty of peoplo who have cancer or something like It and have plenty of money and are able to pay well. I got $1,500 for one case not long ago." Dlxpiite Between "Doctor." The visitor noted In one of the pamh lets a purported testimonial from Dr. Myrta A. Wells, physician, surgeon and osteopath. He asked "Doctor" Hornby If It was not unusual for a physician and suregon to arrove of his work, even in tho rather "left-handed" stylo employed by Dr, Wells. He said It was, but he had convinced Dr. Wells of his nbl A patient had tried to employ him nnd Dr. Wells at the same time and a dispute between the two doctors had arisen. "Doctor" Hornby said he had Insisted that the patient require either him or Dr. Welia to "step out." Dr. Wells was required to withdraw and he effected a cure, 'he said. Since then "Boctor" Hornby asserted, Dr. Wells has had faith In his mervclous power. Conference Interrupted. On the following day the young man called upon Dr. Wells for Information re garding "Doctor" Hornby, 'AVhlle he was discussing the cancer "specialist" with Dr. "Wells. "Doctor" Hornby came in for a talk with the women physician and aurgetfn. Dr. AVells bade him wait for her in her private office while she fin ished her conversation with Ttfe young" man. From the private office "Doctor" Hornby ttepped Into the corridor. The I young rnun. mm micnici. wnn vv. ieiia concluded, emerged from her office, affected not to observe "Doctor" Hoornby, and made hurriedly for the -v tContlnmd an. Pact TwoJ From t he. Chicago News. JOHN GRASS GETS A CHANCE Great Sioux Orator to Address New York Audience. INDIANS JOIN IN CELEBRATION lleKlnitliiu Construction am Wmi iiiiiuker .Memorial to He Mnile Oecnxlon for Notnble !nthcr Iiik ot "eel -Men. (From u Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 9.-(Speclal Telo gram.) Arrangements have been icopiT pleted by the, Indian bureau for tho por tlclpatton of Indians representing all tribes In the country In the ceremonlos Incident to tho beginning of tho construe- tlon of u memorial Jo tho American In dlan to bo placed (n New York lmrbor by j John Wanamukcr, former postmaster general. Tho cercmonle? are to take place Februury 22, Washington's birth day, Indians from South Dakota ani other northwestern states will form tho larger part of the representation from iho descendants of the original Inhabitants of the North American contlnont. John Grass, a Sioux from the Standing Rook reservation, will be the orator for Ihi Indians. Hollow Horn Bear, a Rosebud Sioux, whoso portrait Is printed in ona of the bills put out by tho Treasury de partment, will also bo a member of tho delegation. All the representatives of the red men will be tullbloods. Ilrpreneiit Different llnniln. The entire Indian delegation will com prise thirty members of different bands and six interpreters will uccompany them to translate tho speeches. Thoy will be In charge of Major James McLaughlin, tho veteran Indian Inspector. The Chlppo was of Minnesota will be represented by two delegations, ono each from Whin Karth and Leech Lake. There will be eight Sioux from tho Standing Rock, Pino Hldgo and Rosebud reservations; one or two from Fort Berthold reservation In North Dakota, representing the Man dnns, tiros Ventres and .Arlckurci; ona or two from the Blackfoet reservation In Montana and a similar number from to? Tongue River and Crow reservations in that state. There will also bo delegations from the tribes In tho southwest, Includ ing thoHe In Oklahoma and the Apathe.i from Arizona and New Mexico. Tyvlcn! lied Men. Tho delegations wilt1 be entirely from among the fullbloods of the vu- rlous tribes," said Major McLaughlin today. "Cure was alfo exercised In th7 selection of delegates In order that only thof-u of commanding presence and typical featureB of tho red men of eenturlen past might bo there to represent the North American, to whom the memorial ' to do erected." ' Following the cereonles the Indians will be brought to Washington to remain unt'l ifter tho Inauguration of Pruidont Wll eon, DAKOTA SENATE KILLS BILL PROHIBITING FALSE ADS PIURRU. 8. D.. Feb. 9, (Special Tele gram.) Both houses were In tho talking mood yesterday and the grist ground out was Kmull. Tho senate killed tho bill to prohibit false and misleading advertising after It had been amended to exempt r-al estate men from Its provisions, and put over the bill to cut out publication of Insuranco statements after a fight on tho part of the friends of tho country news pupers. As Lieutenant Governor Abel leaves for the south tomorrow, tho mcmbera it ml employe presented htm with a gold headed cane and Hhrlner pin. The principal senate bill today was by Flnuorud. which provides for a state civil service commUsIon and places state em ployes generally on a classified Hat. The bouse mixups were on the senate bill to appropriate 310,000 to send sur vivors of the battie of Gettysburg to the anniversary celebration nxt year, which was psutsed after the fireworks ere over, with a like action on the senate bill which Increuses the scope of the Aberdeen Normal school, putting It in unlveralty chus. "That's What They All Say! G-lover Announces Will Not Withdraw Suit Against Will IjHAD. H. D., Feb. n. That ho him not nor will not withdraw his suit to the will of his late mother, Mrs. Mary Raker OlOvcr Kddy, founder of tho Christian Science church, was the state ment of Clcorgo W. (Hover of this city today. Ulover declared most emphatically tba ho had never authorized his attorneys to abandon the .contest,. .tfiot. ho'"H-a, in vestigating tbe report from, Boston tn that effect and that If true, other steps would tin tnkpii nt onen to Dress tbe suit ! Ho maintained ho will still get a portion ot tho estate and says he Is prepared t') fight hnrdor thnn over. MINER KILLED IN RIOTING Militia Ready to Ruth to Paint Creek Strike District. WAR CAMP ON MOUNTAIN SIDE Six Conninnles of Went Vlriilnln Niitrounl (iiinril Wnltlntr lov ernor's Order tn I.enve for Mines. CHARLESTON, W. Vu., Feb, 9-Slx companies of the West Virginia Natlqnal Guard are being held In their armories tonight ready nt a moment's nolico t' depart tq the Paint and Cabin Creek dis tricts to take charge of tho strlko situa tion, Governor W. 10. Glasscock, accord ing to Information from persons close n tljo executive, probably will take action bite tonight or early on .Sunday. According. .tolnformatton received here luto today, Robert ICstep, a miner, was kjtled just night during tno rioting at Mucklov. There was considerable ahoct- lng this afternoon at Holly Grove. It, is said that men employed In tho mines wore fired upon and made attempts to drlvi strikers away from thut locality. The military authorities here bellovo toe strikers are gathering ut some point on Paint creek for a night attack. Tho minors occupy strong position in tho mountain sides nnd aro said to be guar! Ing all approaches to the camps. Attorney General Agrees to, Plan to Dissolve Merger WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. Attorney Gen oral Wlckersham announced tonight that ho had reached an agreement with the representatives of tho Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads for tho dis solution 'of the llarrlmau merger ns decreed by the supreme court. The Union Pacific agrees to soli lt l.JiM.501) shares of Southern Pacific stock to Its own stockholders and those of the Southern Pacific In what the govern ment regards us safe proportion, Tlu Union Pacific will ncqulro the Centra) Pacific from tho Southern Pacific giving it an, extension from Ogden to the Pa cific coast. PRINCIPAL IN NOTED CASE ' ONCE NEBRASKA RESIDENT (From a Staff Cortespondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. ' .-(Speclal.)-A. R. Cruzen, who, with two other men, paid a flno of I'M) each at Boise, Idaho, in connection with contempt proceedlngH for publication In the Boise Capital-News of ciltlolsm by Colonel Roosevelt of rulings of the court In not allowing tho progres. tdve electors to head the ballot In Idaho, was formerly a Nebraska man and re. sided at Curtis, Ho was several yeurs ago a candidate for the ro publican nom ination for secretary of state and It Is said was responsible for breaking the deadlock In tho Nebraska legislature which resulted in the selection of Senators Millard and DelUlch. n GO AHEAD AND ftfcVISC THE. TAfclfF. POISON CHARGE IS MADE Woman Formerly of Trenton, Neb., Arrested in Pueblo. HUSBAND DIES IN FOWLER ClrciiiiiRluiiecs Ileclileilly Suspicions ii ml Authorities TnUe Vv Cn IVIien Woiniiit I.enves Under Assumed Niiine. I.A JI'NTA, Colo., Feb. I.-(Bpeclal Telegram.)-Frank 15. Caldwell and Mrs. Bva Rlanclinrd wern arrested at Pueblo today on the charge of poisoning Clyde Hlanchard, husbnnd Of tho woman, De cember 1, 1912, . . Thoy were taken to Fowler, Colo.,, tn bo arraigned, after which they will he brought to tho county Jail here. The pair wore living In Pueblo unaer the namo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robins of Denver. Blanchard died tho evening of Decem ber 1, isfo., When Dr. O. K. Vanderschow of Fowlor wus called In at 10 o'clock that day Blanchard was unconscious, Mrs, Blanohnrd explained that her hus band had' been unable to sleep the night before nnd had taken morphine. In the morning who had called Caldwell, but the three failed to aroilso Blanchard. The body wns taken to McCook, Nob., for burial. Jesse Blanchard, a brother of the dead man, tho widow, and Caldwell ac companied the body. After the funeral, Mrs, Blanchard nnd Culdwell returned to Fowler nnd lived with Mrs, Blanchard's mother. A family row caused Caldwell and Mrs, Blanchard to niovo to Pueblo. Blanohard lived In Fowler about three years before his death. He moved there from Trenton, Neb. His wife's maiden namo wbb Kvn Thompson. Caldwell was h. ball player on tho Fowler club and worked for tho Blanchurds. He went thero . last summer. Blanchard waa 3J years aid and his wlto 28. Police Graft Inquiry Given 'New Impetus NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-Tho most drastic Investigation of police graft that haa been attempted since Police Lieutenant Charles Becker's hired gunmen shot Hermann RoMonthal to death last July Is snld to day to be under way as a result of tho story told to the aldormanlc committee yesterday by James Purccll, who ran games of chance In many houses under police protection for nearly seventeen years, according to his testimony. "Purccll's story will be Investigated in ,811 Its nullifications" It waa declured at police headquarters today, on behalf of Commissioner Waldo, who had before him tho four precinct captains still membeis of the force who were accuaed by Purcull. Each ot the four denied In sworn state ments tho truth of Purccll's charges. One of tho quartet Is Patrick J. Cray, brother-in-law of Charles F. Murphy. leader of Tammany hall.- Purcell did not tell his whole story on tho stand yesterday, It waa learned from tho district nttnrney'B office. The re mainder of It will be reserved for the extraordinary grand Jury, which will resume Its work Monday. Girl Worth $25 to White Slave Gang NEW YORK. Feb. 9 Tho existence of a white slave gang that veils girls for $$S or $30 each to owners or keepers nf resorts in Chicago was described to Judge Maud, In federal court today, by assistant United States District Attorney Walker, who moved for heavy sentences for Frunk Fllasto, a wine merchant, and Joseph Robuffo of Paterson, N. J con victed of forcing n young woman to enter a resort In Pateraon, Sentences were deferred pending decision on mo tions for a new tiiul. According to fedorul counsel, money order receipts lire In the government's possession showing that white slavem here have received $13,0)0 fur girls sent to Chicago, T LEGISLATURE STAYS BORIEDJ TRIFLES Publio Servants Among Lawmakers Beginning to Speculate on What Will Be Done. TEN MILLIONS ASKED IN BILLS Many Demands for Appropriations Will Get Short Notice. NUMEROUS CLAIMS ARE DOOMED Several Lawyers Among Those Who Will Be Disappointed. LACK OF LEADER IS APPARENT tiovernor Mnrehend ('otitlnne to Turn Drmocrntu Into Sorehends nm Morn nt Faithful Full tn tiet ,lolm. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) MNCOI.N. Neb., . Feb. 9. (Special.) With twenty-three days -of-'the Session gone and more than 1,300 bills to consider and a half dozen "Important" Investiga tions yet to bo made and appropriation bills to bo Introduced, nnd with the green grass about a month away, speculation In rlfo ns td what this legislature will really do. In so far an tho house Is concorned It will not rculrevcry much time to dis cuss bills which are really important In that they change present Important laws materially, but tho unimportant measure will require more tlmo than Ot hers will bo able to discover ti At least that Is the way things h going. The housfl Is dallying along with I things and such a matter as changing tho taxing system ot tho state creates no more Interest than 'tho appearance on the floor of n lobbyist. Ono member who really has tho welfaro ot the state at henrt and who. If laws are to bo changed would really tlkn to see them changed to suit present conditions and In line with what the people want, Is get ting anxious over the situation. Tie did not want his name used and one can readily understand whyIt would simply li rntiimltlnir milelitn for hl hlllii. Ha Laid: "I ronlly bellovo tho house la not giving enough consideration to Important t,mii nllrn Anil lilt. mml.Ar mr flnvnllnv entirely too much tlmo to trivial mat-, ters. 1 nm fearful thnt Uttlo for the gool ot the state will bo accomplished. Ten Million Demnnilril. There Is now pending in the houae nnd before the tlhanco committee yet to com before the house, bills appropriating t the neighborhood ot $10,000,000. Of courso this sum Will hot bo appropriated by tho leglslaturerind the Indications are prac tically all for a great majority of tha special bills for money will be defeated. Thla will Include of course tho SllO.OflO asked by sbmo persons In Dodge county with which to buy the Fremont Normal school for tho state. The excuse for th proposed purchase Is that this prlvatn school has to compote with the state school, competition starting after It had been established. The atnte having pur chased the Wayno school adherent nf the bill Insist It should also buy tho Fremont school. T. P. Kennard Is making his hardest fight for 310,000 alleged to be due him for commission In collecting from the govern ment money due the state. Thin claim has been up before and It waa killed the last time in 1903. Mr. Kennard haa pub lished a circular which ho sent to al the members setting out his sldo of the ques tion, In his circular he says this will b his last flgl)t. He has a formidable array n ftulont helping him. Tho Panama exposition to bo held Jn fan Francisco Is anxious for Nebraska li havo an exhibit there and Its friends her.) are asking for nn appropriation of $160,000. Representative of the exposition who havo been here insist they will re ceive favorable action at the hands of tho legislature, but members so far are not expressing themselves probably a ma jority of them do not know the bill has been Introduced. Several of the atate In stitutions desire more land and havo asked for large appropriations to buy tt. Then there is tho usual request for the lovy for tho state university, and the, nor mal schools want to get their money the same way hereafter. Clnlina tn He Thrown Out. Tho'clalms committee will throw out a bunch of claims. The indications now aro that John O, Yolser will not got a look In for his $2,400 'asked for services ns a mem ber of the ptate pardon board, and neither will Jcfforls and Burbanlc get anything from tho Btute for looking after the in terests of tho members of the Douglaa delegation against whom contests were filed?" Chairman Fries of thla committee believes It Is not up to the stato lo pay these hills. This committee will try to finish up Its work Tuesday night. Tha big salary and general appropriation bllla probably will be Introduced by AVednes day. "A lot of sentiment exists against tha primary system of'nomlnntlng candidates, but no ono Introduced a bill to repeal the law, though one was Introduced to permit n iKinpartiaan primnry. that is, to permit a republican to vote for democratto can didates or the reverse at the primary. This bill Is in line with the primary bill paased some years ago by a democratic legislature and against which all tho (Continued on Page Two.) fT Winners in The Bee Eye Drawing Contest will be announced Tuesday Evening MPDRTVN WORK