Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Dr. Anna Howard Shaw Addresses
Large Audience at City Hall.
Attrlhates TronMp In nmttniul to
Vlhnt t Drulanntea n rlr
Ilrnileil Stupidity of the
"tf Englishmen had the sense that the
American men have In matters of
"einnn suffrage," snla Anna Howard
Shaw, tn addressing a large audience In
the council Oamber of the city hall
last nlsht. "there would be no smash
ing of letter boxes and the other ridicu
lous things that are occurring In England.
It Is the pig-headed stupidity of those
KtiKllslimen that has made all that
trouble possible. They have simply re
fused oven to receive tho petitions of
tho women In Parliament."
Dr. Shaw, president of the National
Woman Suffrage association, was to have
talked to the teachers of the city. The
audience, however, was .by no means
made up of teachers alone, for men and
women of all ages filled the house even
to the gallery.
Dr. Shaw was plenslng In her address,
and drew forth repeated applause. Her
courtesy to the long standing arguments
of men against woman suffrnge Was un
failing and never did sho grow real sar
castic. She simply laid hare some of
the stock arguments of antl-suffragu In
such u ruthless way that their absurd
Ity was self evident.
IMcnila for tlir llnllot.
"My appeal is that they remove from
us the stlcma of disfranchisement. As
teachers, how is it possible for a politi
cal nonentity to educate and train an
Intelligent political entity?"
Tho speaker took up the argument of
ono man In the south, who had said ho
did not want his wife to go down and
vote with 50,000 "niggers," adding that
If this wise man had bethought himself
a moment ho would have realised that
no person votes with 00,000 other Per
sons, whether "niggers' or whites.
"At the same time, what a reflection
on himself it was to assume that his
wife would loavo him on election day
and sneak away with 60,000 'niggers' to
"Wo have been given the right
to vote on school matters," sold tho suf
frnslsit leader. "Well, tho education of
the young of the land has been consid
ered of so little Importance that wo have
been conuldered competent to pass on
such matters, but never competent to
voto on matters of street cleaning, hand
ling of garbage and many other of the
Important things of city government.
"We Havo been told that Government de
rives Its Just power from the consent of
the governed. People havo romarked that
freely on Fourth of July and on other pa
triotic occasions Just exactly as though It
were true. As a matter of fact, not a
word of It la true. We have been told
Just as pompously that the voice of the
people is the voice of God. Thoso whu
,mouthed this sentiment forsf.)t that tao
volco of God consists of a soprano as
well os a bass, and that tho voice of tho
people will never be the voice of Uoa
until tho soprano and tho bass minglo
In dlvlna harmony."
Criticism for Wilson.
President-elect Wilson came In for a
, i . . i . i.i.. l..Aii.n Vi n la t.Vlnr tni
1 1 1 111; uiillulDltl ucvauou .v w -
I,..,.- in ,l..l,ntn Hin Ktiffrnea nueetlon w'th
himself, according to Dr. Shaw, Tin
mJenker referred to the article written
by Wilson In tho current tssuc of tn
World's Work, entitled, "Free Men
Need No Guardian." She said she ex
pected to send it back to him with some
changes and suggest that "Free Women
Need No Guardian, Either."
Dr Shaw told of how she happened to
take up tho suffrago movement. She
told of tho settlement work she had at
tempted to do In the slums of the cities.
She found she had nothing tho fallen
women wanted. She said they did not want
her religion, and so she went awav and
studied medicine. She came back to them,
hoping to help them and was satisfl-d
that sho had helped a few lndlvldua'
cases, but at last it dawned upon her that
the was not striking at the bottom of
"I found at last," Dr. Shaw said, "thJt.
1 was like a man with an ambulance
standing at thd bottom of a preclpii;?,
gathering up tho broken fragments of
persons that fell over tho cliff. I decided
I could not help them and I decided to
look about mo and find out who oould
I found there was no use talking virtue
to a girl who Is starving; I found that
what is needed for girls Is financial in
dependence. They must have an honest
day's wuge and they must have work In
conditions and surroundings in which thai
are ablo to keep their self respect. The
first thing we must do then is to take
away from women the brand of Inferior
ity which they now carry and give them
a chance. This brand .of Inferiority Is their
i -, I.
Fred BanV.t. or 80G North Sixteenth
street does not believe In banks and Is
short $13 as a result He was walking In
the vicinity of Tenth and Capitol nvenue
with hla week's wages snugly tucked
, away In a secret pocket when a large
. colored dame thrust a gun against his
Bide and,' escorted him Into a dark alley.
She "experienced little difficulty In flnd-H
lng tho roll of bills, which sho approprl
ated and told Banks to make a noise like
' t summer breexe and fade away.
Nellie Wright was arrested on suspicion
and Ib being held for Investigation.
Hearing In the case of th water board
vs. the City of South Omaha, has been
set for February K at 9:30 o'clock In the
Vnlted States district court room. Judge
T. C. Mungcr will preside. Tile water
board Ib trying to prevent the City of
South Omaha and the packing Interests
from erecting and operating a water
plant of their own. The water board
claims under contract with -South Omaha
and the packing houses that the latter
eannot supply themselves with Water,
Tho ground, on Capitol avenue on which
the Iten Blscut company will erect the
Wr addition to thr present cracker fac.
tery, Is being cleared of the old build
int's, some of which have occupied the
site for more than half a century. In most
of these buildings, the dimension lumber
is cottonwood, cut and sawed along the
river, above and below Omaha.
Big Values in
QPPfl AT I Ilero' a co1
JullfiJbJ loctlon of do
strable weaves worth to $1.50,
offered for Monday at 79c. In
cluded aro 64 Inch wtdo Walo
suiting serges, fancy striped
and checked serges, chalk lino
suitings, tweeds and Panamas,
good lino of col
ore, worth to
$1.50, Monday at
20c Chiffon JJsso, 15c
Chiffon LIbsb, Boft and pretty
wash fabrics In a largo assort
ment of dainty strlpod and noat
color combinations. Regulnr
price 29c, on sale Mon- -j t?A
day, at yard 1 O
ilOc to 5c Ginghams, 2ilc
New French ginghams In over
threo hundred different styles,
including stripes, checks and
plaids. Tho regular prices ire
ivc to 35c, .Monuay in
tho sale, very special
at, yard..
itoo no
AN exceptionally wide
range of now Ideas
In valentines Is now on
display and sale In the
U o o k. and Stationery
,1c to $5
Don't Overlook
The announcement of
other Orkin IlroH.' special
sales printed on other
pages of this paper todny.
Thoy merit your attention.
Bargain Section
ON items advYrtlsea in the bar
gain section W refui to uo
oapt phone or mall orders ami
limit quantities to each buyer.
Girls' lints 10c
Fancy trimmed velvet and cordu
roy hats for little girls, originally
$1.00 and $2.00, j Qq
Women's Sweaters $1.18
Womon's all wool aweatera, repre
senting values lo $3.60; P jj O
sale price Momlay 01 l0
Hoys' Sweaters lOo
Boys' heavy cotton swoators, les
34 to 34, regular price COc, Q.
sale price, onch ,, I5JU
Mcii'h Union Suits $1.30
Men's ribbed union suits, a Bam
plo lot, $2.G0 to $3 00 el QQ
values at VliwU
.Men's $2.00 Shirts 80c
Men's flannel and khaki shirts,
most all sixes, orljlnal prices
$1.50 to $2.00. salo 89C
$i.()6 Corsets nt 00c
Women's "F. P." corsots, good de
sirable models, most all sixes,
originally $1.00. 690
75c Corset ut HDc
Women's corsets, nRsorted styles,
originally priced 7 tie, salo QQn
prlcft. choice uJU
The NEW Spring SUITS and COATS
Individuality is the key note notable examples of the most
approved and exclusive models for the coming season.
sgggfotetfSjS-. HP H10 new Hiiits mul eonts for spring aro coming out oi thoir
JL boxiis: trom now on wo shall bo unnauKinir oxomsito now
oroatioiiH daily and oven of toner. Not a groat many at a time,
but onch of importance from the fashion standpoint, and not many of
a kind, In some cases only one.
It'fl that Individuality and oxclualvoness with superior workmanship
and finish combined with valuea thnt aro recognized to bo tho best to
. bo had anywhere tn Omaha thnt has helped to build for this roady-to-woar
section such an unvtablo prestige an It now enjoys.
You'll Be Charmed by the New Suits
CAItEFULLY chosen models, notable for variety and superiority
charming' creations just from the hands of master designers.
MMIR TAOlvhYPS aro plain tailored and fancy models with n llttlo touch of
lilu ' trimming In self color, tho linings nro tho finest silk mes-
sallnas, lengths aro medium and tho short cutaway and Hulgarlan hlouso effecta.
SILK Specials
for Monday
uiacK wasn
CP!?!1! ATI Ovor 6000
Ot EtKflH Ltl yards of flno
silks Including foulards tn all
shades with neat designs, also
plnln mcssallnes, cropo do
chines, cronra nnd black wash
silks, t a f f c t as,
etc., made to sell
to 85c, Monday,
91. !M Mcsmllnca nt 80c
Princess Mcssallno sIlkB, soft
finish In every favorable shado,
also cream nnd black, QCkii
reg- $1.25 valuos, yard OU
$ lllack Diirhcsso 08c
Heavy black satin duoheaso, 30
Inches wide, our reg-QQA
lar quality, yard 70r
91-00 Koulnttl nt 00c
Klgured foulard silks, 30 Inches
wide, also plutn popllno, all shndes,
regutar price $1.00. snlo ft On
price, yard ..."
TIDD SKIRTS nr" pl,lUl nml ,,r"i,m,
,' somo havo soml-flt-
tlng girdles which nro very graceful and
protty, giving a touch of smartness that
Is only found In Orktn Suits.
TIIM At ATKM Ali a r A mannish
, aorges, diago
nals, bedford cords, poplins, English
worsteds, chocks, Btrlpes, etc. Every
now shade Is represented as well as
blaok; tho prices rango
$23, $29.50, $35.00 and $45.00
The New Coat Styles Will Please You
NEW, smart and practical garments. A more glanco carries with It the gonoral conviction of tho
superiority of tho garmonts wo offer for your npproval. The stylos aro oxtrdmoly nttraettvo.
Stunning throc-quarter cutaway and full length models lined throughout with plain or fancy silks, tho
collars aro tailored, half turned military and heavy lace. Tho sleeves aro tho now Duc1iosb modols,
the linings and trlnuulngs aro self color.
THE MATERIALS aro Epongo, plain BorgC, diagonals, whipcords, pop,llns, chocks, plaids and stripes.
In all shndoH Including Dolft, Copenhagen, Navy llluo, Tan, Coral, Amortcan Ueauty, plain white ami
black. Tho prices aro:
$19.30, $25.00, $29.50, $34.50 and $45
NOTION Specials
SPOOL silk, lilaok, 100 cJ
yards O
N y e'n Rowing liatrpln cabinet,
?V 50 value. g0
Slip-out col 1 11 r al
supporters, 4 on Chldren'H took-
a card, Cj, inff supporters,
Rt Uts hiack only, Qn
Honks and oyes, Kovals., ut OU
black or white,
14 on a card. 3 Barely pins, 2
rtlte. Bo Qn sltea, 12 on On
quality... uu a card, nt
T?Tr?T?Mon,y lutroduce
F IH K Williams' Dentn.1 Crown
"""wo will slvo nlisoliilely
free a nickel plated tooth c rn
brtiflh holder with each l5oC
tubo of cream at,,,....
norax, Ib, pliR., 3 for BSo
r.Oo rubber kIovos at.... 99o
2Bo l'nckor'n tar aoap ........ lBo
60o JnrRen'n perfume, oi 19o
SBo Prophylactic tooth brushei.
Kuarnnteed, Monday 3BJ
Pompelan olive oil 43
WINCS to the ertremel7 low price wo r.sorvo
the right to limit quantities and refuse to fill
mall or phone OTders on items for 8 to 1 only.
-Ific Damask, 20c
Full bleached table da
mask, mercerized, 5S
Inches wide, all now
designs, double border,
45c value, Monday 8
to 1, yard, 29
$1.00 Comforts, 05c
Ded comforts, largo
Blze, that sell regularly
for $1.00, Mon. K
8 to 1 only. . . DO
O0c Underwear, 30c
Women's white vests
and pants, part wool,
regular price 69c,
Monday 8 to 1 OQ()
only, garment. J
$1.25 Union Suits, 50c
Women's white union
suits, cotton fleece lin
ed, reg'lar prlco $1.25,
Monday 8 to 1 CQ
only, garment. OSf
Spool Cotton, ile
I. O. King's spool cot
ton, 600-yard spools,
white, regular 5c
spools, Monday o
8 to X, only J
lluttons, 2 doz. 5c
Pearl buttons, gool
quality, two,
JoToniy Dozen OC
Tumblers, He
Colonial t u m b 1 o r o,
clean crystal glass,
worth GOc a dozon,
Monday 8 to 1
only, each J
Knnuielwnro, 50c
Blue coated white lin
ed, enamolware, 12-qt.
palls, 14-qt dish pans,
No. 8 tea kettles, $1
to $1.25 values, Mon
day, 8 to l
CORSETS Reduced 55
rr Tt rra -i un.rntti nnwd fmm ihn rnrsnt enctlon for Monday 4-wo'vo too
many corsota our stock is too big for this soaBon of tho year and wo have de
termined that it shall be reduced and that Immediately. Every corset price has
been cllppod 1-3 tho regular prlco, regard loss of tho stylo or mako, to bring about
this result.
Ab you no doubt realize tho corsota aro all now, roprcsontlng the
very latest modols for present day wear, Including a comploto assort
ment of all tho best known makes In tho country. Horo's an ldoa of
what to oxpect nionuay:
$1.50 COItSHTS $1.00
Corsots of Various
makes and styles,
regular price $1.60,
Monday at
$.00 CORSETS $2.00
C o r b o t b, best
known makes,
reg. prlco $3.00,
Monday at. ... .
$0.75 COKSETS $4.50
High grade modeiB,
best makes, regular
price $0.75, Monday
at t
- m " Mfr Ulan a m i
S1.33 mR
nt (mm
$3.00 II
Kruii i
$6.00 m
$2.00 COHHETB $1.U
New corsets, soverai
styles and makes,
regular prloo $2.00,
Monday at
$4.50 COIISETS $U.00
Corsots, all well
known ma k o s,
rog. prlco $4. CO,
Monday at
$0.00 CORSETS $0.00
Corsots, hlah grado
models, rojgular
price $9.00, Monday
oxpect to soil Monday at, 18-lb. sack
mm. mi-
VI. ft
Jail lani's ini
COnN, Sweot,
renuiar 101 fen
Monday canvu
H io it it IN r,
Kippered spa-
srf..??r ioo
COHN, Capitol
brand, apnolal,
S canA OKn
fox 00
Capitol brand,
S".. 25o
OltAI'Kh. Cap
itol brand, sp-
ca... 160
IUC15, w Ii o I o
Japan, Cn
peolal, lb. OU
HAL.MON, 1-lb.
tan can
for ....
HARDIN Hi) -Unde
r woo d'a
nniHtard or to
muto, a OE.
cans .. &UU
flOAl, Hweot
Heart or ilfo
... 2Bo
8 to 1 Only
Diamond O or
Heat 'Em Alt
12 Bars 25c
o phone order
Spaghetti, spe
cial Monda'
Llbby'S 2H-lb.
ss r: 25o
DER, Cap it o t
brand, 6 7C.
lb. can. 1 00
COD Ft 8 It
Hhredded, 1 ftn
Ourliitf the
Lentsu , period
wo wllf carry
at all tirnoB a
generous aj
nortment of
fresh caught
fish at tho
lowest prices.
per can, hn
at mv
T U.R f r o s ti
from tho OCn
farm, lb CQU
T10A Hlftlng
apoclal, I nn
Mb. pkr. I UU
tucked and tailored f
$2.95 and $3.95 Values
SIL,k petticoats In a g-ood
aRHortment of colors and
styles, made of m essallne
and brocaded Bilk, plaited,
tucked and tailored riounce er-
rects, vai
uos $2.95
and $3.95;
oh o Ice.
$5 Petticoats $3.95
Made of extra quality niessa
line In all popular shades
finished with folds of shlr
rlnga; also Persian strlpod
with plaited flounce, regular
JD.00 value, choice 395
$4.95 Petticoats $2.95
Made of Rood quality messa
llne and taffeta. In all the de
sirable shades tucked, plaited
and tailored flounces.' Regu
lar 14.95 yaluo, Q AC
choice Ci5J
A Carload of LINOLEUM From the Nairn
Mills Monday at Just About One-Half Price
THERE'S no old stock in the offering, all now goods, dirckit from tho
mills, representing tho newest and best designs and colorings for spring.
Owinjy to the fact that wo were fortunate enough to consummate a
trado deal effecting a big saving that's tho way we offer them to
you Monday morning.
65c Nairn Printed Linoleum 39c
CPTTPT A T I Printed linoleums from tho Nnirn
Jl JLiVA.ra.jLfi
Mills, 0 feot wido and in a wide
range of venyi desirable patterns. Qualities that
would soli regularly for 65c, sale price, square
85c Nairn Printed
Linoleum 48c
Printed linoleum, full 12 feet wide,
tho very best quality
made, regular price 8Cc,
sale' prloo Monday, ,
square yard y
$1.35 Nairn Inlaid
Linoleum 75c
Inlaid linoleum, C feet wide,
rango of protty patterne,
full rolls, regulur prlco
$1.35, salo prlco, square
$12S to $2 Values 78c
WERK you part of tho crowd that responded
to our kid glove announcement for Satur
day? Did you got your share of theso -excellent
valuos wo offered? If you did
not, como Monday, for the as
sortment Is still extremely,
good and the values aro sim
ply extraordinary.
The gloves are tho surplus
stock of FrunclB T. Simon's,
Chicago, bought at about half
the real value. Two clasp style
Jn pique and ovorseam sewn
with Purls Point or fancy em
backs, all now
spring styles
In the latest
shades and all
sizes, pulr
A groat opportunity to supply your needs for
Eastor and benefit by a saving of about half
real value. Posltlvo $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 7Q
and $2.00 values, aC pair t O
it or fancy cm-
County Attorney Advises Board Old
Rate is Not Be-Established.
herlft la 1'ald lleurulnr Salarr ana
Any Slrtney Hrorircu iuui lie
Turnfil Over tto Connty,
Harm thr Attorney.
Sheriff McShane'n claim against th
county for feeding the prisoners at th
rata of GO cents a day a prisoner, will be
rejected by the- board of county com
missioners on advice of County Attorney
George A. Ma&ney. Mr. Maguey has In
formed the commissioners that In his
opinion the action of the supreme court
In holding the contract feeding law un
constitutional, does not re-establish tho
old law, giving the sheriff the privi
lege for feeding prisoners at SO cents a
day etch. Arthur Mullen, attorney for
McShane, says the snerin can ciaim u
cents a day and win.
"I have studied the statutes In th feed
tnc matter." said Mr, Marnen "and I
anr convinced that the sheriff can collect
only the actual cost of feeding the pris
oners. While tho supreme court held
against the contract feeding law Its rul
ing does not affect the statute fixing the
sheriffs salary and providing that he
must account to the county for all his
fees. That law still Is In effect In rav
opinion. The ruling agajnst the contract
law simply places the feeding In the
sheriffs hands, but does not permit him
to arbitrarily charge B0 cents a dy. Tho
sheriffs salary Is t,000 a year; he must
account to the county for alt monies
that como Into his hands. All he can col
lect from the county Is the actual cost or
expenses he Incurs In feeding the pri
soners. If It costs him 60 cents a day each
ho can collect that; but If It costs htm
only 19 cents or 30 cents or any other
amount, then that Is all he can collect.
In my opinion."
Nevertheless, the board will continue
to urge enactment of the bill now In tha
legislature to make feeding graft Im
Rev. 0. W. Savidge
Is Ready to Debate
With Dr, Anna Shaw
"I see no man In Omaha will dcbktv
the question of woman suffrage with
Dr, Anna Shaw," says lie v. Charles W
Savldgo. "That's a mistake, I'll debate
It with her and I'll promise those of the
male persuasion to Rive them no cause
for chagrin when I'm through."
"Will you Issue a formal challenge to
Or, Shaw?'1 was asked.
"Issue nothing; Isn't It challenge
enough to say so through The Bee? Any
how, she has done the challenging; all
I've got to do Is to accept. If the doctor,
for whose learning and skill I have th
profoundest regard, wants to debate with
me and will appear at the Gayety theater
where I preach every Sunday morning,
at tho proper hour next Sabbath sho
can have- tt'r
Services for Late Burlington Auditor
at Westminster Church.
Unatchtrr tArlng mt Han Kranelaeo
Is Unable to Come Omaha
for th Fnnernl of Her
Benson Wants Gas
and Extension of
Street Car Lines
Funeral services for the lute William
Ilundall, I auditor of freight and ticket
accounts' of the Burlington, will be held
this afternoon with burial In the family
lot at Prospent Hill cemetery. The
pallbearers will meet at the Itandall
home, 820 Park avenue, at i o'clock and
escort the body to the Westminster
Presbyterian church, where the services
will be held at 3:30 o'clock, Rev, T. H.
McConnell, pastor, preaching tho ser
mon. Pallbearers an as follows:
Active-- Active
Frank Waterman, Ht E. Maxwell.
Warren Swlttler, It, j. Stirling,
Keuben Forbes, Dr Bwlng Urown.
Geo. . Holdrege, lldward Clark,
& x unf,' k W. Wakeley,
W. P. Durker, R. u. Oraff,
a. W. Ixomls, It. D. Coles,
James Hodge, Krastus young.
W. H, Anderson, ;, t. Scott.
C. J. Ernst, ' '
The daughter, Mrs, Florence Laven
seler, residing In San Francisco, was
expected to b preent, but a wire from
her (s to the effect that it will be impos
sible for her to com to Omaha at this
At tho mooting of the North Kldo Im
provement club of llntison lust night tho
extension of gas mains Was demanded and
the secretary waa Instructed to take tha
matter up and seo what the gus company
proposes to do In tho matter.
A resolution was adopted asking the
Omaha & Council llluffs Streot Itallway
company to put In nn extension from the
Military road to the Orphanage, several
blocks to the north. A committee was ap
pointed to call upon the company officers
und urge the building of the Una.
City Commissioners Exonerate Him
After Hearing Testimony.
Had Hern Churned by Yonntr Olrl
vrlth PlarlnR Her In u House of
Ill-nepute of Which Ho
Wiin Part Owner.
Georgo Ashcrort, released yesterday
morning by Judge A. U Sutton of the dis
trict court on a chargo of wife abandon
ment upon promise that ho would con
tribute to his wife's support and treat her
vlth due respect, returned to their rooms
in the California hotel and gave her a
sound trounoliiK last night.
lie was arrested by Officer Mansfield
und a charge of drunk and disturbing tho
peace was registered against him. He will
be given a heating In police court und
probably will have to stand trial for wife
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
City Prosecutor Anheuser was exoner
ated yesterday by tho city commissioners
of the charge mada against him
by Virginia Ilurkett, who alleged that
he had taken her to a bath house of III
rrputo In which he had an Interest and
had Installed her there In company with
the sort of women with whom she was
not used to associating.
After a hearing, an the commissioners
signed tha following resolution;
Resolved, By the city council of the
otty of Omaha: That this council, after
an examination Into the facta In relation
to the charges 'of Improper conduct on
the part of City Prosecutor Anheuner with
Virginia Burkett, and, after hearing evi
dence thereon, hereby finds that the
charges are unfounded and untrue and
tho said city prosecutor, Fred W. An
houser, Is exonerated and found not
guilty under said charges.
Ask for Illuhtialla.
John O, Yelser conducted Anheuser's
defense. Ho rcai a doxen affidavits from
various city officials of Nebraska ami
Iowa to prove that Vlrgle Burket, with
whom Anheuser was supposed to havo
had Improper conduct, was a girl of bad
reputation when she came to Omaha.
Homo of tha affidavits declared she had
consorted with negroes.
The girl's testimony In the United
States court was proved to have been
untruthful, according to her own ad-
iiiiviions autTWHrtiH 10 I'riiuauoi) umccr
Mngy Bernstein, County Attorney Magnoy
and Deputy County Attorney Neble, who,
with twelve or fifteen othor witnesses,
were put on the stand.
Mayor puhlman, as chairman of tha
Investigation committee, asked Yelser to
confine himself to prove as to the girl's
character, whether or not the offense
With which Anheuser was churged was
committed before or otter he had been
r.ppolntcd city prosecutor and whether
AnheiiBer ever took the girl to the bath
house, as alleged. Theso charges were
all disproved to tho satisfaction of the
During the examination of G. R, Mor
gan, formerly a soda fountain clerk at
the Merchants drug store, Morgan said
that Vlrgle Burket had come frequently
Into the drug store to get a highball.
"A what?" asked Police Commissioner
"A highball, sir."
"You mean this drug store sold night
"Yes, sir."
"What did the oustomer ask for when
he wanted a highball?"
"He asked for a highball."
"Were they real highballs?"
, "They sure were."
On leaving the stand Morgan testified
that the drug store no longer.. sold high-
hnllR. TTa atiM li wan lw' inn ..
.... -. - .. m m nuca VirglO
Burket came there. A
Persistent Advertising Is tho Road to,
Big Returns.