Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 49

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    The Sole ourvivor
(Cuntinuvd from Pago 10
inn t ho 1'lnll tli it i-i -t up tr.mi I
klH'I'S till It WMX lll'fllllllllli; III llm'Mtl 11 ll
1 1 1 im. A !iltit'!irs was t'dnniiiL' .nmm
"I'm a prtllj food cool, but 1 couldn't male
bouillon like tbil."
"Yoa could, if you nud Stct ro Cutxi, at I do."
The perfect M nd'nc nt t ti- flavor of b, cf.
Yen, tildes and sencs in St, ero mal s d li
cious bum!, .in, vv til no trmible to premie
"ACuW rosin a Cup." Annies, soups. Slavics,
arc bitter with m. .to l ubi s added.
fl i til .
Made by American Kitchtn Products CCNewYoik
Write for Free Samples
HCi t." 1 cr or 1,11 ur-v ii-airr I
nth ,-r , I" I I s ! i name am)
i- I ,t i ,il i , , i .t n I . ,i . Ii f ,r i tips
It v, , . I ,, I i , , ,r. , i ,, ,1 (.
I.1T ll '
Ask: lor "Steern" Bouillon at Soda Fountains
238WilllamSt N Y
t, niter Cure. Fim.i lw
S,.nl So 1
If tir Iriiy
i 1
If on t send meontieent Just let me pro veil to
Tu as I bate. doiinfnr67,M2t)thers In tlin Install
months. 1 claim to lmtt the most successful rem
edy for blinking mer made and 1 want iou to let
mo t-end Mill n treatment Free, entirely nt niy
I'MieiiMj. 1 tlon't euro how many ho railed cures, or
Flileliln or rails ton eier trieil without nuccei-s -I
ilon t raro lionr ilUKUstedvoiiiirn Hitli them nil -
.""io not tried my remedy end I lnno such
aliMilutccontideuro I ntii cli'ir to send
) ou treatment iiti.olim I , I'UKIMtisaunndcrful
jet .iniidn home rcniisly which rcliewsjou almost
iiiMuwuiy in mo tiainj ii remotes
mi. ciiiiM. in mo minion mm tints
lliouitly iletormlty dis!iiciirs
all tills tthilo Mm are ttearinit
tluhter Nil,, thun i,n,r .In...
Feud your name and nddtcssnnd
treiitmcut ttlll tin went, v.,n
tiromiltlv In tilnlll n,nl.l nn.
3517 W. 2olh St.
Do Away With Bands
of Steel and Rubber
Siuart s pUPAOPADSsrMlinfrtntfrom
ine uum, twine nieiiirine applies
. ton made (M,llftdh'f.lienirpocly
V-L li,l,nj,lti.Bt.l.rtBafiir U In t .
j mil o Ht) I oiirii..liuckleiorinrfncf cid-
I nut ill), to raouot chafe ur com
H,Ny jtreis BCaimt the pubic bone.
tliemselvfi at homo without hindrance from
work and conquered the most obttlnate caiei.
..-- ipon&fm ir-v-j i - " -
YiS-w!03 I Uold Mettal. 1'roreM of recmery ii natural,
1 DT lw m --.. io no further me for truia. We
lltlAL OF PLAPAOiroif. vI.Mmc My by sendinK
you TrUl of l'lapao absolutely tULIU AVrito name oa
coupon and aend TO-IIO. Aridrrtf
PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 413- St. Louis, Mo.
Return Mall will brlns Vrte 1 rial l'lapao
V. fsiL l
A Course of Lessons in
Drugless Healing
Not one cent
to pay, either now
nr Ia(rfrnnnlilii7a
V tion; jost yoarnimplercquest hnna
you tnis vaiuame course 01 txu lu-
Bons uy return mmi, 11 nnuui t oi.
S2.SOOTO SO, OOO A YEAR it you want an esUb.
lished profession that is rexnarkably prolltable then Bend
for the free course and see what Druuless Healing has to
offer you. Hundreds of successful graduates demon
strate the wonderful efficiency of our methods. (U4)
Remember This Offer Is Limited!
Write NOW for rttEBCourteof Lessons. Get
the facta Send postal or letter 1IIUUT AWAY
Dept 743 f 1 W. Randolph St. Chicago. III.
n fx i iiricHAiN
sum si i i inir: ubt ui pju
w. pdftir r btkh AUtUbliH BET
in rsoiig noia stciiiiftruircas )n,ai a uaut
ftil Rlof, for lllaf SO bckuilfui.tnipoti '
l.erbat)La.l.ili alct hit t.ikial 1IM &r?t'
F . " - . f . St .
HcJ U II k-nd is ..nd
HKLLa DIU. 10., D I IT. 27S
fl I
Rapid, Easy, Legible, Penmanship
U inlit quirlilv throuj-hthe lelrhritrd Pslm.r Msthod Cor
respondanc. School. Write t..,lav for itif,,ruat,n and frr
a,i le i v .ittti tantlfiil n.,.nc U Amen n Pen an ' THE
A. N. Pslm.r Company. 30 F Irving Plica Ht Torli City
Motion Pictnre Plays Winttdyu'onwrUet,;ftQ; We
teach yon by mall Noes-
perience needed Wit demnn l & good pay. Details free.
ASB'D M. P. SCHOOLS, 639 Sh.rldan Rd., Chicago
Ins 1 1 is.
At racli upward swoop, ho scmmih iI tin
L'railually wiilfinnj; horizon for a uluupsc
uf tlto ll'iimniiii. Tilt1 wiirli'vx npii.iiui
luiil saitl that the stcniurr wnulil aiiiM'
ly dawn. Woll, it was dan nun. II
t fit the chill striking down toward Ins
illiows. lie tried not to think of it l
I'oncpiitratiii"; his mind on soinctliinn rlsr.
llo thought of .liinmy. How Im k lie
had been to seo him iiam. tlnnd old
Jiml He'd hcen a Isijj mhicss, and In'
and Huth had n baby girl. The stow
away's blue lips parted in a smile, lie
was glad it had been Jimmy that had
swum to his raft. If it had been some
one else, they would have taken turns
rest inj; on top; but with .liinmy it was
different. What would Huth say if he let
anUliing happen to him. And the girl
it woulil u t tlo to take any eiiauees oi
making her fatherless.
He felt the chill stealing into his
wrists. He raised hims-elf high, in a last
look for the steamer. A wae rolled mer
It nn. His numbed lingers began to slip.
' ' .1 immy 1 ' ' he gasped.
Ituike scrambled away from him, fear
ful of being seized. The white face of
Ins old friend was sinking lower.
".I numy, there's smoke oer there.
Thet '11 pick you up. (!ood-bo, .liinmy,
good "
llurke crouched for it bieath, staring
at the tiny swirling eddy. Then he fell
face downward, and began to sub.
Half an hour litter, a boat from the
It mittm picked hint up the sole sur
ior. Looking Forward to
the Next Number
TOLSTOY, a year before his death,
wrote a remarkable message to the
Czar of Iiussia, the Herman Kaiser
and the King of Kngland. It was writ
ten in tesponse to an invitation from tin'
three reigning sowroigns and wo ex
pod to publish this notable message, to
get her with its intensely dramatic hist on.
in the next Skmi-.Montiily
The message, which is really an astound
ing prophecN , foiecasted the Tuiko Ital
kan war and, among other things, piedict
that l!)bl will witness a cunwilsiou m
Kurope compared with which the I'remli
Wevolution was triual. This prophetic
document is fully authenticated ami is
furnished the HKUl-Movrill.Y M.uiA.IM
by the Countess Tolstoy.
Maurice Leblanc concludes the t'onti
deuces of Arsune Lupin with 77k
en; of Swan-Xcck far and away
the best, in addition to being the last
story, in tho groat detective series up
pouring exclusively in tho Skmi-Monthi
Mao zink. For the fust ami only time.
Inspector (inuimnrd proves himself cipial
in i li-M'i Hess to the famous Lupin in an
intensely diamatic episode.
Cardinal .lames (iibbons, speaking as
Archbishop of llaltimore anil as a close
student of political economy, contributes
a thought fill editorial on Sttitt.irtmi n
itrsus i'hurchwomrn to the next -number.
Cardinal (iibbons deplores, rather than
denounces, woman sull'rage and the enn
nent churchman frankly states his con
ict ions.
Not so serious, in fact quite frankly
amusing, is A Deep Purple Finish by
Arthur M. Hopkins the story of a bar
her who gets even with a wily customer.
His revenge conies as a surprise that
haves the rentier chuckling in hearty
sympathy with the knight of the chair.
Some extra Fresh Finilints from Moil
Tutiiii are contributed by Albert Mine
low I'aine, the authorized biographer of
the famous humorist. If anything, these
additional anecdotes are funnier than
those that we publish this week ami
they also aro wittily illustrated by
Horace Taylor.
Tlie cover design, It Happoml Our
nitiht, is n story done in colors by H. ,1.
I'eck and among tho other clever i litis,
trators who have combined to make the
next issuo tiptop nre Adrien Machefert,
Franklin Booth and II. Q. Voaburgh.
ffi i- n ( ins mattiiK Mnm ,r,i im Mv nr I
!. I I i v flih i H '-I iii i i lit I 1 ii t I
i.i.p .r m i MH1., ii,n-- Ml (In tutu In ti B
.f .xn ! tn i ,-bi tiftt ,1 voiiri all it I
ltcntlri ronrnnllltlln', tirip u tvi Hi- n hnm.
man' in, ii W 500 00 to 000 00 per iar nM
(Men Itii 'rt I- ' Hi n - n . iiLli-rTnl
tiitutv toinnkt tin 'turt Sfiitl tir '
tuning iiink iittf IJ H vnruum Clettnera tn
30 Days' Trial
Tr nut tin' ritMitlin 31. tlfHH -ni lin inn. Ii tlit-r.-In
In It It e h yr nt i tuitiif t ntfirt Imfiiit"- r.r
Pl'lf Jilht W mi i- In'fl WHlllllitf (n il,i (In Mty
(ipt'llllli! oll W Ihth l-mkinii lor i .in- nf tin mt
wttmU rful iiiiiiH-j ini.kinu propiitionc'r hivcnttnl.
Tremendous Profits
Tin' tiAi!Uni If-tvMiMTVHtUe, $15 to $30 n ln olinultt
ht'i-arsth lliilile Sonif nurk thrrr iiihi lilnt'H .ipt'rtttt'
din i iit'tti' i i ntri iiH'ii tii wttrk im (HtnT.
Tlie tniikr tilij! prntltn fruin ittlirr" Inlwir Minim
thut HliHt tsi.tiii'ntii' I- tin inn to M'M mrrc dm tin
ttn wirk fur miihII m llr h ttitlni: thu pmlltit.
riiHiurf that Work for yourself bi t
an iiit pnuurt. n itKh'pt'inii'iit
Bir Demand For Profes
sional Vacuum Cleaners
oil Hlumlil (Ti't lutw nf hil-Hli'-H
r.iT limni' hn to Ih rcprrtti'ilU
rlcniirtl. Kvcr tnnl iinu wniitn
Hi'imni Hriuithif. 'h the urn'r UttiTMv of I'li'iinliiK
IhkIv wnntu to ti'Hr up crtrpct- nti.l
ni'iM nint pttiiml tlitm tn pu-ct'H
Tlicrrn n lilK tlt'liiHlHl fur lln intui
Mint i'iiii rlcHll the wlH'lr
riiiiis iniittlni.'H frprt- nmttri om
pi Mow purtirrcM I'lirlHhi nptn'1
Ftrrril furn'turr rti i In tin lmli
Juli Hi ii fw Iiiiiit-h llli. nit luriiin,'
ttio tutiiM' tiiltlt il ii i hie man enn
rU-an orvlliiar limne In ftnir Ihui.
nr uiuiinii runairrrt mi thi'ti ni-xt
(lour til'luhlmr wan I" mmi So tt
goon. 'I h Ink of tin honii - 1 hat n 1
clranlnit think .if ili'inhi- IihII-.
loitiH' rooms lioli h it- Unit lie t
'toaninii extra hit: i Mint rvtril
Ml! Ml 'I .
1 on -h m,mI Im Imim ai u oi i- W rk
Powerful Proof
Munt nay thut tin- II 11. mar hint ha
KIVi H Jinffs-i 1 HMf IHfn llilll I hi' I 'I'M tn I
tlay after it rm l v. i l.-nrtH) SJ ' ('
M.iiittctinierjr ijf I'ortrr, Mo.
Yuur favor of the SnHnttt rtM'fWeil The
II l lismiillv Uim i will kntNk
uut fiom tltii t2t lit m hi'tnti runt
A i) IUiuiIhiw, Meiiro.
I nlitrtt l out vt it 1, m unit Ii
IJ i.n.l iii Io t),. i' m
li.. m.i.i. f f.t M 1 .il
IIIHI lllllf llfvt HI MH"tl I I
It lx thKnRtfft .tirt itil. i
" t.i.k.- t I v with M
tr U" t for Ih. IIIV. -1 lit
nr Wfll i.l.-ms. .( v. itl. n v
tlir.-. ur tout is'KUi.u i tint
imiiilii. A t
Lei Your Profits Pay For Machine
U i' -.I'll for .-a-h or on inMallini Ml- on hhoiit.l ,hiii
in. mi ironi ih-t tint Whm paincnt romea due
jiV it out of our prnlito
I In H II H.'iiinn I'li-aiMT l a on.rr hiniplr n
llahli , on pU i . U nn tilad to m ini It on 30 iUl'
trial U kin it ill maki v t
OurH'ltlt t Mai'litnt fomthita of a powerful tiam'hiu'
toili nUrh-H rn i nr pi-rlfitU lulJtiHh'tt iHi.l
tliHps., tr It Iihm nil thi' iHtot-t attai hini'liN ami im
prowmi'iitt ol lit'Mt quallt tliMile to I ft it t ami f.t.i
jtlrtf In v vr it I'roterteil by Kenney haur patent
i in" iioir in rn-ftiHi upon a Miiminin mi !
v hi'i'ii'il aifoii titl or rulilH't tlrrn full ,iii.
tit- hprllll!" tftt!KlnHl tttl'i'l Hpokl'h Ntroiitt ami
hiitMautlal vt no mnpait ami light limn In
uioe from plaiftti plait uitlt lilt
ciiori r(UipMn witn atMinn
iteiiMT water tank anuiti .
Illfh pIVHhlll't' MIK'tlotl III it-r i l .
wr allot) Bla-" ami i lean tn it tool- nil
pnitHTH eonnei toil ami ailln. ,
rerith for work Ml tlttlM? tet .
the nmrket sittipleot ami , n-i, t
uorkltii; Vai'uniti t leaner iiom-i
thm tojfr net up MIourunerH prni-i
It Hay It Ik the l.r-t ewr
Rem! toilay for free book ami full
PtirticuUra remling our 30 ila
trial A 2 ettt fttntnp hrtna it U -tell
tun how t.. -larl how t- v, t
IhIsIih -Hinl mnke a .iieeeK- a. mini
leaiilutr I new -tuiuthlMi;
hoiU waulM mill nn alloril ll - h
tri'liielitl.iiii iii'itM tiinkei N. " lx
the time to tn'-l livwer tlo- an
noiiint nn nl i ' w He r hI f,r
the -prlnj; rn h Itemettther nil
miKht just hh well make $2500 tn
$3000 or more thm year
i Marrli
...I th.
Uliiiw kv
t..n l!,'th
St.b v. III.
McCreery Mfg. Co.
90G Dorr St., Toledo, 0.
aWTBiTi iiiiLiiiio L."!!!!!"' " "'" im 1
Hom. Damaln
w-i on cumiTI
CEND your name nntl address rind enjoy the Iujc-
tiry rind mmf .rtof lmv.i exactly vv-iiat ymi vvnnt fir vnur
IV"-" 1 I'., h-.-m I 1,11, I. - I, ,1, s. j t,
.,.-i4i , ,""1 m.J Hill,
iliiriiik- .sjpnM(1f nn Dontnait A
t ii, .oi
uuh,r i .iHiniiiers uf ours
Wli-vv. i,,t. r llirui-Ht liollll,.
"in 'S .-ji'iintdi mi, -w, llill I. wall A' l-ni'VV l,,T, r tiirui-t
, umiKnina-estainff ever ' Imlill.hcl, olie yuur time In neliM-mur , t.u.lnu- t,ut iret
Lanmin. sod uhi averyUuns you IIU ilunsy Ula It uut ulutlwi aUulultly.
Credit FREE To All!
Easiest Payment Vent to Pay
Save 15 to 50 Easily
Cli'i" ' . i
Oanrau narsaln
I' 'e ll I OlM'tt, Ini llllhlf H ITlMMMlVH CC1
nulls i Lir'inlH.t ! in-' il ui-jwirtrii,
iv. n wire h l eeruia a ij Hi ft It tup
All our dealings are confidential.
You give us no security no
chattel m'rtrtKe no note. We let
ynu pay qh ni pliMsi, nil our Mnltt pa
iiicnt plan. Wowml no collwtorM -liaro
no inturt'bt ami thero U no puhllclty.
llesidcs that we treat our eus.
tomers most Hbemlly of nil incases
in eu-anuHa tr mini int'K uimn tmt oil
nti. Ami mi ko nu from ljto00ler
tvia uu uur i'iv.vri uirt-vi, vu juu.
Send Name for Big
--Then Try !Ji No matter Iiow much or
iiuw yuu uuy w uta ynu intr urtnec cwwary ci
imjiiimi. fiet ifu I sent ImsoIc of all liUtorroii Ikiw to
tnatln-H. t. it It, f l iiint fin lull
tiiii'i ifr-ne'iatti i
-inih M tun ficuM Im
lhl. I; ..only
'IVrnis if 1 Cash, 75c Monthly
D0nl Wall! "r-lerthlnelemint
rtlntieilmilirn lJ1.rr a..t .1 .... ofwofnj ink l-rautifully IliiUhvU
iiviuoh hi r 'Mini MSS.
home or office, t-te VVran nutkti aurt)
iuw iiiri mtcauae in aucn rnnrtnuui qutnu-
t ' tii H to over a million in),. h eve rywhera.
WrltAUa today fot uur cjnti.icntial (iroioaiU"n and
biir WH-niraraUkir, lUitratwiti cvlur. A tn
111- ti 1 n iibi'i 1 1 111 i" ui
Vv 1 ssLIJ M I
ft 111 1 I
full ai of temiiererl aorlnM In chair an.l rorkrr. tipMUtrett In Imperial FpanUh
Ifalhvr wl'Wti haa th carttiir qualitiMa of m-tiui r. katliwr 1 h taOils iiMuurs
4JiJil fnchaa aixl haa UrKlrawer ami hn k nl.lf Ixluw Prirnta CO OC
oa uuui tsaJJ what rou woukl at any 1 etui I tir I rW uuly. 4k'aCJ
'Icrmi $1.00 Cuh, 7Jc Monthly
IsaririHil. iiliUt final tMar.
knot 11 liomt'f iirnlnlilnir
U A E9TIUI A hi Furniture & Carnet Co
"a IwIaTT.1 3930WentworthAve..Chlcatro.lll.i,ncrii in tlio world
Establlshod 1855 -50 Years of Succo.s 22 Great Store-l, 000,000 Customers
Roots Fresh from the Soil
Ouarantccd true to name, and to nach
ou in pfifect condition Nut a tlissa
fled cualunier L J --ar One-hitf tree
agcnti prlcn rrrlght paid oa orders of
7 00 and ovrr Wlilli; lur calaluuc
WM.P.Rupitr&SoN.Bu BS.Smci.N.Y.
This Beautiful 20 Year Watch S3.75
t I(ik1 j aDriafat
Tjtati Acatricaa.
aai hl,4(Mlj van
$3.Z5 1
ri..lf onat4TltlN IJ()I)iL OOLO Ft Mill IE n luati .f ca
liwti Aaarlcaa larai nfita ' atau.tiat n aM' I larnuaraaiaa
aai libtMB vaiett Urn r -4 fialaLaJ LaiB fur tallai. f tb aficLaja t i
ssMuuailllllll Ull llUIIII,U"Ji M'JDLL
EXiHIATllS lltrK. Ul UIM14I1 ' four .IHMMeB-t u.
A itadent of Advertisements profits In two najri.