Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 13, Image 47

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m VVe finv
V 1 " jrs.
r If m
t $92.50-0ur Price
f for Next 30 Days!
ir.-i i t. I .lw iinI
I v I I I ' III f H ( - 1
1 i ' mi nth i' i i u i r .
I In ,,11, . ml ,
luiilt J iifit li Mi-
Our itit 1"1'
Ktit to prulw '
1 uti-d wt ohI ii tilhi'
V t Ii m record l'l H'i"
iu vu .!." or limn .
Edwards Fireproof GARAGE
Quickly Set Up Any Place
An ii rt i"t H In i 'pi r Hli-t'l mm 1 ii tr for i t lult uv
itivf ilwi ii n t. li.'M f nun (tt'faW Hi it;i" joy i'kIitw
lit- hullllllMt! n . uli'llt- ffllfll'-itlfafs I'll MItl ?-tl to
Hi hit i i ir (1- i i'ii t . SiHf 1 1 n h i
, Co i lit'- l nt to Mt up 1 1 put f f cut ami tilted
Simple (.unplfifil m. iiitno furiM-luvl AlMotuii'l rul
1 1 r h i f .1 mil i ml m im xi iniiiiiMii I it: ht I'rm't lcull
i iitlfHt i in 1 1 hit- 1n'kiM'iiiiih. iii li mum for luriM-nl
it unit nil t'iinint'i ' M i'ii l ne of tin liUUfwt
in ikflHof i'( i.ihl, Inept .! Inn ll k I'lolllpt filf !
I ivor ii ml f it mf m l lot i i ii in t i-t i I'.mt 1 1 font tot) iy
hi iht! tii'w "if p ktz' 1Mhi i (toil (In (t ldok '" turn
mm I
G3I-GH1 KkkIi'iIo" Avt-. Cincinnati. Ohio
rthe Namo i"?" 1
. j
Highest Quality
'?v? Our Guarantee
l'iuc it at mr i i w v asNcn max
'JSc is the tup limit for rial alue in any
lWtlcr; if any one knows how to tnaku
it, we do,
Hu , lor JSc. a Un of Fret' use lialf. if it
docs not unit. or ,ou don't tlnnk il tlu ciimIuI am
foe or$l 0U Powder 'U cur, fi Hun the bal
ance to votir dealer and in t all imir numo tack.
As a spr. ill iintu-ftm-nt tn tt t i' our purse puff
with tie -ek s supplx "f I" ler. uill t-e sent if mi
eint ii- the 1 si al him1- tlir ln in I im fm postage
iniinaiknu I lir p"tl il'nie isnrtti Samples sent.
Freeman Perfume Co., Dfpt.55. Cincinnati. O,
Flowers That Anybody1
Gan Grow
Ti:.N MAII.I'.Y of ('(irni'll says tli:it
tin' llcuM'is lie likes best liajipen t..
lie tlinse that ale easiest to e,io.
the dean's litiow h'ilj;e of tlouers is mil
limited, for in his allien lie has (jiunn
rai'tii'all, even UiiiiI that :iiiikais iti
the cataloni's.
'I'lie llouers that aliyliod.v pan niou iir
so many that there in little cxi-use tin he
ill; without a jjarilen, lie it exer so sm ill
or one's time eer so little. ( 'on--uli
the annuals alone. With nastui t nim-.
Diniiiinoiiil 's plilux, nii'otiana (imri
M'enteil toliaei'o) poitulaeas, salpli
lossis, zinnias. mnrif;ohls, storks, (illi
llnuer) sunflowers, jiansies anil eo-iiiiis
one can hne a delight fill gulden .im!
that without winking hard for it. Ml
these varieties are very easy to fjiow.
asking only that tliey lie kept flee fioin
weeds, ami the cost is the meiest trille.
Cvervliody knows the mist in I iuin. Or
aMonalh , a garden rjrourh sneeis al il ,
it im"l ganli'ii makers love the waim
and rheerv looking llowers. (irowu liv
' Inure in lather poor sod, it produres its
lilnssums lavishly. (liven rirh sod, it
makes a tremendous growth of leaves,
tin you want tinner in piofusion or a
living srreen Take your elioico.
nitimiuond's i1ilo (not to lie eon
fused with the hardy phlox) is exceed
i ugly easy
amount of
he seeds
short time
llowers in
pink, rose,
Hire white.
Di iv T t an underpaid, over
viorki-H lerk (ft out uf
the lire earner lass nnu intu
th )n if)J r i uiltrii Ht nitlndt
UrAtnt U linl tUt il ! ' Miow
rldUtvu ran tpIIi1u litre U
in Thr &1ii ordr t.iitioMl U tie
rrntMt Brl ( Kwtav fr It nun of Umllml mrini
tt itrika cut for tiunelf. (Jet out cf iba rut ind
MAKE $25 TO $100 A WEEK
Wnn finufirturri rJ rrtrltt our Ittrttrf hrcclt)
't if i tt mnrti ur driUrt. W furoUh ft
Ihttif N'irinii fntV rtttiit No rtntkMtfif. aNoti-
rtnr nrociar I'mid kl t t mn bonn Kikrctltna. (irafn
TOt'R orivortiinttT nrlt ut riehl now for full trtlculn Oort-
J. M. PEASE CO.. S Pent BIJ.. Buffslo. N. Y.
Mf Magazme Investing for Profit
FREE For Six Months
Send me our name and address nrit N V and 1 will semi
ou I NVBS I INvj F' H I iPi i " J ' frfm L
sit months It tells h- t. et the utmost earning from onr B
11 ii .tie huu tu tell imh! investment In. u to pi ktheniokti
protitaMe of iml unesnnenls It ieea stum banker and
ta('iiaii4( iiish.c 9 ivuv ktow to vivwu hi 11 1, ;
ii the itat lnehtini inlurmation ttiat inoutd enatle ou to
maka your mony grow proportionately. I have
decided this month to yive f i month mhnriptlon to
Invfstinu for 1'KuPiT fre. Every copy is
Worth at Least $10
tn etery m eitor-perhaps a fortune Send y.ur name and
ail'lre nw , menti' n this paper and Ret a frea introluLtory
titn nptiun ( undition ma peet repeating tin otfer.
Itettei take it ni' V u I he willing t pay ioc a iup after
v i havr read it tnontiis
II. L BirUr.Pob..R409,30WtitJclionBlTd.,CLicsoP
ar x m m m cr-nr
Reduce Your Flesh
on rule nt am I it jt weanni? ft will
pennant 1 1 iy rfuoe all superfluoui flesh
that 1 mad It Ir--. without deposit When
you see our shapeliness speed' Iy returnnnj
l kn.m v ii il i my it i ry ii ru my
mm'im. A rite itwiii).
jin nHv cdcc tdiri both
fu umi rntu iiiihl
PDflC DDWClswiMhSi,.t
1 IVl,UUiUlkJ
A I Cll I d Send Strlch orModel(oiSlch.
Watton E Coleman. utrni I amer Washington, D. C,
to urow, needing only a fair
sun and average garden soil,
geim'uiate iiuirklv and in a
the plants aie eovered with
beautifully delicate shades of
lilae and scarlet as well as
They look best when a num
her are giown together, so as to produce
a mass of color.
I'our o 'clocks make a tine low hedge
mil may lie used picturesquely to border
a garden or lawn. Also, they look well
glow u along a fence. As they spread
when growing, at least a foot of room
should be allowed each plant. They will
grow anywhere, have handsome llowers
and are interesting because of the pane
tual way in which they close their llowers
at four o'clock in the afternoon.
When the four o'clock is nodding, the
nicotiana, curiously enough, is just wak
mg up. This white, tall growing (lower
slumbers during the middle of the day,
but glorifies the early evenings. A few
plants will perfume a garden, and yet
the odor is not oppressive and the (lowers
will last a long time when cut.
While the nicotiatias are llowers of the
night, the poitulaca is a sun worshiper.
Only the sunlight will tempt it to open;
but it revels in the fiercest heat, and its
wonderfully bright colors are shown in
charming shades, l'ortulacas grow well
in sandy soils, and aie especially good
for seashore gardens. They may be
transplanted when in full bloom, so ro
bust lire they, and will keep right on
dowering. Often, they sow themselves
and multiply rapidly, which is explained
by the fact that they are cousins of that
execrated garden weed known as "pus
ley." Portulaca seeds mixed with a lit
tie earth and scattered broadcast over a
bank will soon cover it with shining
green foliage and a wealth of blotmi.
Hut don't plant the seed until the
weather is settled warm, say the first of
dune or even later.
Many amateurs do not know the sal
pliglossis, or painted tongue, and
should get acquainted with it this season.
It is easy to grow and the llowers nre
handsome both in the garden and when
cut for the house. Heed should be
started as soon as danger of frost has
passed, or may bo started in the cold
f rame.
Stocks are handsome at all times, but
especially to bo appreciated in the fall,
because when the other llowers look
ragged and forlorn, this brave garden
soldier will stand sentinel through blow
anil bluster, hardly yielding to the frosts
before November.
Cosmos is another flower that carries
i the delicate colors of summer into the
fall months. Many people fail with
cosmos anil say harsh things about it sim
ply liecause they do not get an early
I blooming variety. If thev are careful
they will have llowers lor many weeks.
sssssssssmHLsssssLssssk 'Xr' BHBH
HB . v.TYHIbssssssssssssssW
iT" ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssli BSssssflsssssssssssssBssssssssssssssI
IbsssssssssssssVHPbsssssssssV HeLssi1isssbssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
I I 1 'J
"I Saw Myself Face to Face"
1 Jim voiir own real self." sbe said.
At last 1 av in self, face to face! 1 stared woiuleringly, disupponitctllv
"Aren't you satisfied?" she asked.
"No!" I answered. "1 1 know now that my mirror lied to me. my photograph
lied to me; my friends politely fibbed. Tomorrow 1 shall begin to eorreet
my sliorieoinnigs.
Thai us in a iIii uiii In ri al life too inan.v women won't confess their physical slun l
i'i ill l ll iu's and won't i . .1 n 1 I si i almiil lo nil rei'l llirin l'or example, aclear flvsli .wiulh
ful skin is imssllile I Hie raillidil iist-of iiniieiaii MassaircCivaui. Several million
Users of I'oliilieiuu hav e pinveil I his. Man. mole mil I Inns have failed to makeev en a si ail
Have .von tiled i'nmiM'laii ami iriven II a faithful test? Itome wasu'l hull! In a ilav
In it- was a trood holiest (natnial) complexion ciealeil without slnccic elloil I'onilH'ian
.voiith-i-lles I realise il irivrs a clear fiesli.viiulhliil ei implex inn licncllelal liiass:u;e
ai-liiiii. I'oiniieian .voiith-l-lles. It does.
A CL: Hlnf l oii ii'iille whv n cheaiilv-maile Imltntloii or suhstltiite Is
V OllOppiIlg mill, oilelvd al some stoivsc liecause it costs the suhstltlllor less, and
he makes niniv al 1 our exiK'iise. mi ran 1
In I. mi raiefui w hat v on nil I on .v nil I' fare.
roliipelan. Al all dealeis,
;.h' Mini
Get Trial Jar
Soni tnr tV (coin nr Ktanipsl. Kur
vi-ars m In iinl alxiul I'mii-pt-i.ui.
You liuve nii'iinl in tr It Iml
li.ivi' li'lart. Kui-h tta 1 1 us I ymi
delay iii nutkn It Just ho nun Ii
li.irilrr tu pn-MTvo tir rcyiuii utir
iimlliful ht'iiut. i'hp t'ltiipnn imw.
fttt iltnij I hii Ilii?, Jill in unit until ttfliiy
The Pompeian Mf Co.
175 Prospect St., Cleveland, O.
(ii-ntlt'tut'ii DndoHi'd 11 inl tli- (HtHiiipH ir i-nini
h trlnl Jur of rinipilun Muiii 'renin
Tori 7ffnten
50c HINDS HA?5d CREAM cctim25c
Relieves at once, quickly Iieals, make clear, velvety tkin. Complexions are greatly im
proved by its uie. Endorted by refined women. Sootheiinlants' skin troubles. Men who
shave prefer it. Is not greasy; cannot grow liair; is absolutely harmless. At all dealers.
Writ, (or Fr Simp!. Bel lie tail Tub.. A. S. HINDS, 117 West St., Portland, Maine
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Rider Agents Wanted
l.lcyeleH. Write fur our latent uttrciat ofTrr.
rint OuaranUad &07
1813 Modals V w V-
with CoPter-lira ken, iniopture-Prouf tlnw.
mil luiz ivtoaaia 1?7 . sfffO
allofbaat makaa.... ip I lO&gjZ
1UU Socona ' Hand Whootm
All makaa and modala, sdv
Rood aa mw TO
We Ship on Approval without a
rent ttrimit, the frriuht, and Uow
10 OA it's FREE TRIAL.
tires, coaatar-brah raar vwhaala.
Umpa, aundrlfM parta ami repairs at half utual
liHert, DC NOT DUY until iuu s?ft our ralav
lora utfer Write tune
MEAD CYCLE CO., Oapt. A-194 Chlcaco, UL
Km ;
'I hoU'ian'N l.ave u -sIulU "
tit in fdriiiiiiii ti rinovf
trut cH of tttv iIIiichm or
uurr 1 oz of mru
illftMil nil in k lit wtt li huzi'l
uho ua a facit iuh '11m itlfit-t
it ulmoNt mauli'iil IJimmm-kL wrinklia. rrow
fft, hm well um tlnwt 1 1 ii hm. mmplrtrly ami
iiuti kly vanish l'wn Ihhhih linn. biiiimUi
frvsiK ftin you lunk jrvsr youritrrr No rmrm tu Undrrnt
kin inrt irriiiioKitlit 'iMvilr(ii at sn drutj Btur