Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 46

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Keep the cold
out ward off
chills-resist fa
tigue with Ar
mour's Bouillon
the best and safest
stimulant without
Reef or Chicken)
Drops culxMn a cup of hot water
and try it at our expense.
' - W.itt im!!p ronmlted his vwiteh listen
',it musty and emitted a I11II14 whistle.
In we must In1 oil'.''
Instantly, there was a rattle of ol-
l" ' HillM.
' ..thtnj; of tlio soft."
"We HOIl 'I K!Nlit it."
'We're uniiitf keep y'" '"nr 'nP n'"'
ti-riit.Mii. ' '
I say. you must liavo your revenue. "
U;ittiMllt nmintiiincd his tosit.iiiti
until tin' liat.s ami canes were delivered,
hkI then siitl'eretl himself to lie con
" Uully,
rewn eil ! '
yars, ami
Toner of
Dept. 257
One Piece Of
Lustrous Silver
' (list makes ' nn attractive sidclioard or lm-
iik titbit Wluic it KtticU' art n Ic ucH with
tarnish. siHJtls un otherwise beautiful ctTcct.
will keep everv nrticle lirteht and slniiins
witlilmrillvntn elTort Wuliest I'ltllsh with
least effort, l'ree from clieimcalu best n.r
i.olil Silver Nickel Aluminum. Dross, anil
all One metals. Send address for
Or. 15c. in tutiti Tor full sist-d box,
HHt Mld.
The Klcctro Silicon t o.. SO C'linst. N.Y.
Sold by Grocers und
DrtiKU'ls's Everywhere.
ll'efaci Hamilton Coufons.
. m
we hiie the eorner window
' said Liiiriieer joyfully. "Cl
ue 'II each hae a nice Iinijj
s in this thine;" said Stukey,
as a
"My friend. Mr. llortoti, if you'd
like tii areiiminniliitc Intii." said l,iiiiieer
to Wuttiville. "Mr. Wattmlle and Mr.
Stukey are ilntiyeis, llortou, that we're
tryinij to iiccoiumodate in a modest
Stukey. feeling the constantly grow
ill; pressure liehiinl him, continued to
take fair his hat and put it on niain in
the tit must perplexity, oldivioiis of e
erythin;; else.
"Vou have the liesl of us," he heard
Harridan say. " Five days out of six,
everything is nigger iliiwn from two till
"What's t lint 1 cried lNiadirk.
our revenue," stiid
lads, anil at 'cm.
I leads it is. Your
up N inner t'p for
l.e;mi tltc most tiiilcix-iiilcnt of all professions.
oil can leant Hint eusllj bj ilevntlntr
luur spare tunc font few ttccUs to our eorre
sitomlfiiro sjsteni Our wonderful Invention
the Tl'NK-A-l'lloNKellinliuilcsull iruess work
and assures success Itli or without n Unnivledire
of ititlslc. We furnish full size action model anil
utvevsry tools. Von can cant V to gift ixr day.
travel In any clvllled itiuntry. see the wnrlil
mid tvtrulrilo jour own hours for business,
svhool chartered by State lUplonta jrianted.
(uaraiiti'cd as ivpivsriiletl or tuition refunded.
Write toditj for free Illustrated book and ulu
ablo Information.
Niles Brjsst Sckesl. 103 Art tut.. Battle Creek. Mid.
gtva s Ana l.mtka Camera
ami complete outM. l4atrs.
ihenucals. etc . lth full tnstruUlont. Just
tcn.l tour name and address, we send vou
It papers lold Kye Needles. Sell I Wer
foe UK . giving a Thhnblc lire. When sold
send us the I.W and the Camera and
Complete outfit is yours. Address
GLOBE CO., Dept. 206 , Crecnilllt, Pi.
wjThe Genuine has I
II this Label and is j
f: j Guaranteed
i mm
"That 's an
"MfJKlT up
ojiera singer.
who tleliered each wortl tinj;erly
schniilboy passes a tea cup.
"What isn't?" said Harridan reas
suringly. Wattiville immediately proiosed mi
ni her, in order scient ilically to analy7.e
it. Stukey ditl not like the tenor notes
which accompanied the demand, and
scanned his sporting partner with a lit
tle rising concern, forgetful of his per
innal fortunes, lie repeated to himself
-iiileinnly :
"Hat up, hat down. 'Phut 's it I 've
got it."
Then, at the thought of the dusky bat
talion assembling back of them, on Mad
Mm aenue, and the iimaeineut of the
kitchens and the attics, lit; burst into a
itileiit fit of coughing.
"Another Tower of Habel," said l,u
iiueer instant lv.
"And now for
Wuttiville. "lTp
Heads or tails?
choice. You take
I you; Mgger Down lor us.
"One hell-hop for us going up with a
bunch of flowers," said Luqueer's meth
odical voice.
"Watch the other sidewalk, Stukey,"
aid Wuttiville. "Ha, what was that'"
"A 'libel) or a Dago."
' 'Correct. ' '
"Nigger up on the delivery wagon,"
said Harrigau, marking it down.
"I say, Stukey, get busy there," said
Wuttiville in a changed, excited tone.
"See something! "
TD I'T Stukey was too overcome by :i
sudden horrible thought to answer,
lie repeatetl to himself:
"Hat up. hat down; that's it, that's
right." He felt of his head and en
iiiuntered his hat and said solemnly,
"hat up." The next moment he re
moed it and gazing solemnly at it in
his lap saitl with etpial conviction, "hat
down." Then he replaced it, tried des
perately to puzzle out a problem that
; hail two such perfectly satisfactory so
lutions. "Nigger up," said Lutpieer joyfully,
"a mammy and two pienninnics on the
other side."
"Five for us," said llnrrigan. "I
say, what are we playing fori A dollar
a coon"
"Make it two," said Wuttiville joy
fully. "Two it is," said Harrigau, nodding
ill around.
"We're out for blood," said Watti
tille, oblivions to the signs of distress
stukey was desperately striving to semi
lum. '" Bring on your friends, we'll take
others on all on! "
Mr. Flint and Mr. Fosdick, two gen
tlemen with business like cordiality, im
mediately insinuated themselves as to
the party, which was presently aug
mented by a military Kiiglishmaii and a
languid bony youth, who rather osten
tatiously ran through his fingers a roll
i of yellow -backed bills.
I "At last! Nigger down," cried Wat-
I tiville. "Stukey, my boy, we're off."
"Nigger up." said the Englishman
in the back. "Two of the beggars on
I the box."
' "Nigger down, chauffeur back of the
! 'bus." said Wuttiville.
"Hold up! "
"Wait a minute."
' ' Nigger down it is. "
"And two just getting off the 'bus."
"Four, uigger down; six. nigger up."
Nigger down."
Suddenly Stukey found the right con
junction of ideas and hastily snatched
oil' his hat. lie glanced at the clock.
It was (he minutes befoie thiee. The
next nionii'ul he dimly perceived the
shining ebony fuce of Mr. .lackson, peel
ing caiefully into the window.
".lust in time," he said to himself
with a gulp of ii'lief, "shave - close
shave. ' '
Meanwhile, the count went on briskl.t.
' ' Nigger up. ' '
"Nigger down, a couple of bruisets,
too! "
"Ten nigger tips, ten nigger downs."
"I low about an Octoroon?"
" Not black enough."
"Theie's one."
"Here's a couple more."
The clock rang three and Stukey, re
lieved of all responsibility, burst into a
roar of coughing.
"In fie minutes," he saitl to him
self, wiping the tears from his eyes, "in
lic minutes, they'll come, humlicds of
them, thousands of them, anil all black.
Itig ones and little ones, thin ones ami
fat ones, thousands nnd thousands of
them, marching rigid DOWN the ave
nue, the greatest, grandest, gloriouscst
hoax ever pulled oil'. Then, he added
magnanimously: "I'll tell 'em, tell 'em
all, be generous be noble."
All at once, in the avenue outside was
a sudden stir anil a craning of necks.
Suddenly, above the hum and rattle of
traflic burst the glorious strains.
"Oh, the black four hundred
Jre comiiiji up the xtrrrt . . . "
The next moment, the group about
him was shouting like mad, throwing up
their hats, shouting like bookmakers.
cheering like frenzied baseball fans, cry
"Ten, fifteen, twenty."
"Foity-two, foity-si., fifty."
" Hundreds of 'em."
"Come on with the smoke."
" Keep a comin'. "
" Hurray! "
" Hurrah! "
"llurroo!" i
Anil suddenly, struggling to tho front
of the window through the crowd that
had pressed beyond him, Stukey saw the
avenue choked with the ranks of the
Dixie Grenadiers Club, marching glori
onsly HI' the street !
TJALF an hour later, as Stukey clung
to the indignant Wuttiville in the
taxi that the sympathetic Uratinigan sent
whirling up town, he said in a feeble
bruised voice:
"I don't understand how'd it all
happen f"
"Signal twisted," said Wattiville.
plunged in gloom. "Well, 1 compro
tniseil for a thousand."
"Hut 1 had my hat down," said
Stukey, a little doubtfully, "on my
honor, I had my hat down."
"Of course you did so did 1," said
Wattiville with Napoleonic gloom; "but
wo were only two, and there were a bd
lion standing around us and every one
had his hat on Hence! "
"How did you get out of it so
cheaply" said Stukey faintly.
"Wo declared bankruptcy at a thou
sand," saitl Wattiville; "had to do it
why, boy, do you realize I paid those
black myrmidons fifty down, and ten
dollars every extra time they got around
the block. They'll march around there
cheering and singing until the fire tic
pnrtmcut is called out!"
i I' ml iw'
fejLX. -I.
The Genuine has
this Label and is
Elastic feat, does not bind
in erotih. Ills tight.
1 he genuine is uncondi
tionally guaranteed. Get the
Bund when you buy.
For MEN AnyStylr For BOYS
("A Slurtland Dratvrri OC
3UC prr uatlnrnt adiJL
Union Suits $,5
Any Slli
1 1 tile Jot IllmtruteJ Stile Umlc
Chalmers Knitting Company
80 Waihiniton Street
Amsterdam, N. Y.
1,1 1 M I I I 1 1 I
Published for Private Distribution
Not for Sale
Be Cured?
A free copy for your name and address io
S. M., Postoffice Box 1489, New York
Restores color to Gray or
Faded hair Removes Dan
druff and invigorates the
Scalp- Promotes a luxuriant,
healthy hair growth Stops
its falling out. Is not a dye.
$1.00 unclMJc at Drugstores or direct upon
receipt of price und dealer's name. Send 10c
for sample bottle, l'liilo Hay Specialties
Co., Newark, N. 1., U.S.A.
For the Voice
Among- pnblle spfskers and untrrrs the most popular throat
remedy Convenient enil promptly effective.
lUc, JJc, II. IX). Simple Free.
JOHN I. BROWN & SON Hoston. Mant.
mmm mmn
' Original and unequalled.
Wood or tin rollers improved
requires nota, ks. Inventors
signature on genuine.
1 SSSi ssssj
I Snd ktrti for free
To pntronUr AdsertUern Is to htlmtiliite enterprUe.
S?nd Mkatrh fnr fruo ua..pfil. nf Pilot., MHi lt"0
?.r'!' .1ow ,0 Obln a Patsnt nnd What to Invent witli
nil or inventions wanted and Prises ottered lor m
tentlonv sent free t'etrnts ndvirti-d tree.
Bend for our list of l'atent Uujers.