Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 10, Image 44

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YOUK home, ii( matter how modest, should have a
Bathroom that is sanitary in the most modern sense
and beautiful and comfortable besides. Its relation
to your own and your children's health and habits is so
intimate that you cannot be too careful in its selection.
See the model bathrooms in the local
Showroom of the Standard (Sanitary TDfe. Co.
before you plan your own.
f rLUMtSlNvj
V 1 rrvriinrp
BliSIDliS these model bathrooms, completely equipped accord
ing to the most advanced Ideas of sanitation, comfort and beauty
you can see here all the equipment for the Kitchen, Laundry
and Toilet, from the least expensive to the most elaborate. You
can select for yourself the entire equipment for your home and
see how It will appear when finished.
Everyone Is welcome at the "StstulariT Showrooms welcome to all
the Information and help our experience enables us to mive. We
will submit floor plans and suggestions for your own Bathroom,
if desired and show you just how to order through your plumber.
If you cannot visit one of our Shon rooms, be sure to tend for our beautiful book, "Modern
llallirooms," nhich in addition to the illustrations of all the separate futures, contain! photo
(raphic reproductions ol complete llathrooina (ranting in coil from $78 to $600) with floor
plana and prices. It is the ncit beat thing to seein one of our Shon rooms. You should not
install a new Bathroom or improve the present one without this Hook. It simplifies every
problem. It salefuarda you against an unsanitary and unsatisfactory Itathroom. Sent on
receipt of 6 cents postage.
Standard cSanitarTDlg. Co. Dept. go, Pittsburgh, I'a.
New Yoik . 1J Wnl list Street
Chicago . 900 S Michigan Kit
I'hlladrlphla 11J8 W.lnul Street
1 or unto, can 59 Kichn.nutlSt .1;
I'tltihurg 106 Federal Street
St I uuil . 100 N 1 ourth Street
Cincinnati . 611 Walnut Street
Nathalie . US renth Ave . So.
New urleanit,
IUrnne and St Joteph Sti
Boiton John Ilamoik HMg
I uuuttllo 119 a W. Mam Street
Cleveland 649 Huron Road. S I'..
Hamilton. Can JO .'ttJacltsonSt. W.
lloutton, Te rrrton&smlthStt
Washington. D i' Southern Bldg
Toledo, O . In l-'l I.rle Street
FortVVorth,Te.,l mnt.VJonraStt
Do Not Putter
With a Corn
Don't pare it,
for paring often causes
infection. And it
merely takes oil the
top layer.
Don't use petty, un
scientific treatments.
Such things bring
only brief relief, and
the corn goes on for
ever. Thu modern way js
Blue-jay. It is used today on a million
corns a month.
It stops the pain instantly. Then a
wonderful wax the B& B wax gently
undermines the corn.
Within 48 hours the corn lifts out,
without any pain or soreness.
This invention gives a way to end
the corn forever a simple, scientific
way. Go now and get it. It is folly to
have corns.
A In tlio picture Is tlio soft II & 11 wnx. It loosens tho corn.
B protccU thu corn, stopping tlio pain at once.
C wraps around tlio too. It is narrowed to bo comfortable.
O Is rubber adhesive to fasten tho plaster on.
Blue -jay Corn Plasters
Sold by Druggists 15c and 26c per package
Sample Mailed Free. Also llluo-jay Ilunlon Plasters.
(250) Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York, Makers of Surgical Dressing, etc
1 M
11 iy
The Sole ourvivor
i Continued from I'agr T)
si rctihfd out wriiklv Mini shut Ins eye.
His toot It chattered till they ached.
Abbott put Ins weight to tlio edge of
the door, and assured himself that it
would not hold two. Then, lie clung to
the raft close- beside t ho face of tho liinn
lie had rescued, and gazed up at hint with
a collie's look of blind admiration in his
"My, .liiiuny, but you'ie lookin' pros
p'rous! How's things, any way?" ho ex
claimed. The Ihunboyaiit checks of Burke's
cheaply loud suit spelled nllluenco to his
boyhood worship. Tlio bloat that puffed
his chocks was tlio rotundity of health,
mid proof that he had always had plenty
to cat.
At. the sound of Abbott's voico, the
man on tho dour opened his oyes iind
stared into tho fnco of his rescuer.
" Von tiro Tommy Abbott, ain't you?"
he saitl at last, as if ho found the resem
bianco hard to trace. " Whom you lieeu
all this time?'' I'ven his fear of sudden
death was forgotten in the strangeness
of this meeting.
Nhaine-facodly, the stowaway told his
story of his failure. An occasional wave
broke over his head and strangled him.
But his heart was warm with admiration,
and ho laughed. At times, ho noticed
that Jimmy boomed hardly to bo hearing
him; but ho did not lot that halt his nar- i
rative. Jimmy had always lteen smart1
enough so that ho did n't have to listen
to every word a follow said, to know
what ho was talking about.
"So, you see I ain't done very well,
Jimmy," ho concluded. i
Jimmv stared at him blankly.
"What's that? Oh yes! "
"An' how'vo things been with you,
Jimmy? You'u Huth get hitched?"
"buro! Two years ago.
"An' have vou got a got a "
"Yep. A girl."
"Now, ain't that fine! "
The weak faco in tho water glowed
with a kind of benign joy.
"An' are vou still livin in Baglev?"
"What are you doin' there?"
"IJunnin' dad s orchard.
"Haven't made vou mayor vet, liao
" I 'm servin' my first term now." i
"Well now, Jimmy, what d'you think
o' that? I always thought they'd pick
you for mayor! " i
Tho minutes strung themselves on the
endless chain of time. An hour passed
two hours; but still one man lay on,
the car door, while the other clung to
the edge; one man iiestioned eagerly,
whilo the other answered. Sometimes
Burko hesitated over his replies; but that
was only natural, because ho was lying.
He had expanded from a domineering
youth into that rare thing a man with
so little good in him that it is imper
ceptible. It was more natural to Burke
to lie than to tell the truth. Perhaps that
wns why, when Abbott had startled him
by asking if lie had married Huth Haw
ley, whom he had not seen in five years,
he had lied about it. Perhaps it was,
that behind the shifty eyes that peered
out of his puffy face, there lurked n
crafty wit that told him that Abbott
would do a lot for his boyhood idol; more
than he would for a Milwaukee saloon
keeper of bad reputation, with a wife
that he had culled from his own wine
room. After the first plunge, there had
been no drawing hack and ho needs must
flounder straight ahead.
Dawn began to cast a wan, gray light
oer the angry rollers. Abbott looked up
at Burko apologetically.
"D'you think you could trade places
with mo a few minutes, Jimmy?" ho
asked weakly. "I'm purty chilled."
"I can't!" gasped Burke, his faco
pastv and purple-mottled in tho garish
"All right, Jimmy. I'll hold on here.
1 guess I 'm more used to this sort o '
thing than a man like tho mavor o' Bag
ley Md bo."
The door plunged and climbed and
bucked in silence. Burke had hidden his
lace in his sleeve. Abbott was busy fight
Continued on Page IS)
- i ,
i'-'H M
. I I aasrawmiup.isam
3 icXk
TIipv II suit vou ton let)
AN ettvine Iri nl these appetiz
ing. whoU-siuiio little Sardines
from the deep. cold. uuMluted salt
w liters of Noi w ny.
Thoy'te Mother's ever-ready to
sorve luncheon for the children at
home or at school.
Skipper" Sardines- In the pantry
for unoMM'ctctl visitors Is tho proper
culler those days.
They come In l'lrst Grade Olive
Oil or Tomato Sauce, and keep in
definitely In any climate.
I f on rifrooor refuses tosupply you
send ushlsiiunieantlil.tHi and wo will
send Jim by "Patcel Post" prepaid,
seven l."i cent tins of "Skipper" Sar
dines as a sample order, with the
undoi-standlnc that If the Sardines
do not irlw entile satisfaction we
would refund the purchase prlco for
all unopened tins In addition to the
cost for lefiirnliiir them l. Parcel
Sole Proprietor!
1005 Cheitaut Street Philadelphia, Pa.
lies' Office. Ne aatle. on Trne Klur.
rri l I 1IJ mntna n n w
Wind of shoes watefDrOOI.
It makes them wear better by keep
intf them soft, and does not chance
tin ir a p pf ar a mi uui uickh,
tiuiishinif. Send for rRLfc Tea lag.
J5t a can at hoe dealers or direct from u.
Fltz Chimlcal Co., 436 Broad St.,
rniiiipiDurg, n, t-
Easily Secured Under
New Homestead Law
The Korerunipnt Irrisnted ftirmi In the Big
Horn Matin the Mnndell U2U ncre free home
teudi in Wjorauig mid the 040 acre free Kin
kiiid hnmeiteud in Nebrusku ore all arallable
under the new law
It li a great chance foramen with imall capl
tal to set n ittnrt and become independent.
Write todHV for jour copy of folder describing
ttiene ianilif oro, that can be crown, etc.
Immigration Agent.
R.2B7 Q Building
1004 Farnam Streat,
Oaiaha. Neb.
TR. 100 Pro,,t
FORGED STEEL PatiIi Uttfnl-Uw Pri4
A tool of a buadrrd uici, SIU to auto owotri.
far inert, mcchanica. and in lh hom Tt
repair btlli. H. M. Kin. Waih., told 60 tool In 6 daT
probt 145.00, Alfrtd 4ohnao, Mloo,, ftrat order (or 40 looli.
Mcchaolo la Pa. ahop told 50 to fellow workntn. Uoworkcd
territory Terywbcre. Write quick for terme-a poital will
do. 10'locb eample FRI1H to workera.
THOMAS TOOL CO. 2188 West St. Dayton, O.
J8 PID lor carta's 1 853 Ouarttrii (100 for certain 1853 Half
JlOOIar DIME 1894 S mint t-ti- Ws plr hlgtiHt caiK pr.mlgm.
on all rars mona, Is 1909. Keep all olil money senit only 4t
for Larga llluitrat.d Com Circular Itu bin nothing to lots.
REMEDY sent to yoa on FREE TRIAL.
Ifitcnre. sendfl 00 If not don't
rllve eiprena ottlre Write today,
. K. Storlmo. 873 Okie o . SldniiOklo.
Facta about i'tuzit. Rewards, Inventions Wanted.
etc. Send 10c postage for Valuable books.
SLS.4 A.B. LACEY, 40 WnUmtoo, D. C. UUUUW1U9
Enrouraicr AiltfeHlslne bjr your uttriitlon. tlit lienrllta are yours.