THE. SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION 9 1 Y Light- Cool Soft- Strong Add the word "dressy" and you've the whole interesting story of Bachelors' Friend Hosiery in less than six words. These are the hose that give you service. If you hold Bachelors' Friend Hosiery up to an electric light, you'll see why. It will bring out clearly a strong rein forcing from top of toe, full length of sole and away above shoe line at the heel. And though they take all kinds of stubbed wear, ffOSERY have the feel of silk to the foot. Made of long fibre Sea Island and Egyptian cotton in all lead ing colors. Sizes 9's to I2's. If unable to get them of your dealer, order direct, giving size and color. Any Quality $1.00 a Box Box of 4 pairs guaranteed 4 months. Box of 3 pairs guaranteed 3 months. Box of 2 parrs guaranteed 2 months. Special Lightest weight guaranteed gauze hose made box of 3 pairs guar anteed 3 months. JOS. BLACK & SONS CO., York, Pa. DENTS The N egro and the Law tContlmml I'nmi 1'iiyr I) ' ' lixnrced f ' ' "No Mill, ain't pit tin 'wwliunit p;i per. ' ' "Vim belter look out; Lily miht U"i mail ami prosecute xou! " I'omp laughed. "No suli, no suli ; Lily wiin 'I make mi rooklts; she ilmir inn oil' to 1( lex iv camp wit! ilnt follei Hike Smith, an' Hike lip 's a p 'tickler f rit'iiil o ' mine. ' ' Mnrriujjo reulat ions, like nil other rules of the I'omnion law, jjreu out of limn established customs that Unclish people haxe observed from that tune wheieof the memory of man runneth to the contrary. The li.ved custom of Kiik land was one hiisliaml, one wife, one family. The usaie of centuries became the common law, ami the common law U'canie America's heritam. The Afri inn has no such heritage; theirs was iiiariiane liy capture or purchase, at the "ill of the man customs that formed their laws becoming the xery warp and woof of their blood. What is bred in . the bone must endure for centuries in the llesh. The principle is this: Law followed . tistonis; it did not cieate customs. And the iii'jjro can not be forced to reverse this tradition by adopting an alien ens torn pursuant to the white man's law. Dixorces haxe become so numerous in the south that some states require the "hancellors to keep records showing whether the parties are white or black. This is for the information of posterity, who niijjht otherwise infer that their ancestors paid little heed to the mar riage tie. As a matter of fact, dixorces are uncommon anions the white people of the south. The xvritten law for white and black is literally the same; yet, there is an elasticity of enforce ment, according to their variant mode of life. If a prominent white man should leave wife and babies to shift for themselves ami take up with an nihility around the corner, n xhite grand jury composed of his friends ami neighbors would promptly indict him; a white petit jury xxould eon ict, and a white judge sentence him to the penitent iarv. Hut the same grand jury would refuse to indict a negro bigamist, and the same jury xxould not find him guilty. In those cases xvhere negroes are in dieted for bigamy it hi generally because Mime other negro has "got a prejudy , agin him" and prosecutes for revenge. 'This dexelops upon the trial, and the jury prumptly nequits. On the name 'state of facts, a white man xvould per 1 Imps be convicted. The southern judge xvith a sympa thetic comprehension of his people, linds great difficulty in fixing the duration of a term in the penitentiary. lie feels that the white man, being better informed than the negro, should be more severely dealt xvith. Hut, to the xxhito man, a penitentiary sentence may in itself be a disgrace xvorse than death. The xvliite convict wears forever the stripes of his degradation, and can rarely live in the community from xvhich he was convicted. Hut the returning negro convict may re ceive an ovation nnd become a distin ,'iiished man. The blind goddess knows these things; she always peers through her bandage to see whether tho culprit be xxhito or black. j (A second article on the Negro and the Law I in the South will appear in an early number,) A Swell A Hair Stops the Ache. Cleanses the cav ity, prevents decay. Used by Millions for past 25 years. All dru ctures, ur by null 15 cents C. H. DKNT & CO. 1J01IO11, alien, .a MM ... j. ren, A MAN OR WOMAN all or (pare WAN I tU. time to MHMiromr .nnatlon foruii Work at tuiiuu or train r.iiwrieuce not iipvcuur). Nothing to Bell X -tatnu fur particular. xridretwM 8 I A .(7 1 Indiana To remove the fat from hot soup, care fully lay a large piece of clean inanila paper on the surface. It will absorb the fat and can lie easily lifted out and thrown away, leaving the soup clear and , hot. When making records at homo for your 1 phonograph, if the record does not please you, do not destroy it. If you clean it by xxashing in coal oil or kerosene, you xxill have another perfect blank, l'lates can 'bo used anv number of times. This field of beans at Wauchula, Florida, has netted its owner, T. S. Golding, $733.21 per acre. The same combination soil has pro duced the rich orange grove in the background Mi. liolding's ixpciiciHc at W.iui'hul.i, Kloiida, is not at all unusual for this region we can gixe you doens ot similar instances, many of them nunc icinarkable than his. The essential point in alt of them is that at Wau chula the soil grows vegetables as well as grape fruit and oranges. Ami this means that you can support yourself and pay for your land xxith c;ctables until your giape fruit anil mange lu es conic into bearing. Put out part of your plot to trees, part to xegctablcs, or you can set out the entile plot to trees and put xegctablcs between the rows. There are men at Wauchula xx ho haxe paid for their land with the first crop of xegctablcs. And as for grape fruit anil manges the proved returns of the growers here is from JH, 11(10 to $10,000 a year. Come down here and look things over. Talk to men who ate timing their oxn cars, sending their children to col lege, luing on the fat of the land. You will find that their entne income is from a few acres in grape fruit and orange trees. Wauchula Combination Soil is equally well adapted to vegetables and citrus Iruits. That's xxhy jou'll be self-sustaining that's why you'll be earning a good lixing from the start from vegetables until Xotir grapefruit ami orange trees begin in bc.u and maki X"ii milcpendeut for hie Remember that excrxtlnng xc s.ix you can do, has been done repeatedly anil U being done today by lncic.'tsinglx l.og numbers of people. Don't imagine you'ie going into a wild, tin developed country. Thcie aie sc-oics ot gum-, dotted throughout this region inanv ol the m from ten to twenty yeais old. W ain hul l. Zolfo and Howling (.iieen aie thriving town within tluee hums of Tampa . Four banlcs in these towns with nearly $500,000 deposits indicate the prosperity of the grove owners, Wauchula with Us 1,5(10 inhabitants is on a par with noitheiu luixiis of the same size. Chinches, an up to dale school system, lodges, xxcll equipped and stocked stoics make It possible to enox all the benefits of eixihatioi,. First-class trans portation facilities and a live cash market assure you of easy sales for everything you grow. Ami nil 'II tind no negroes in Wauchula. Good xxatcr, gooil drainage, hcalthliil ill mate the year 'muml. Homing am! Iisliniv nearby. You'll not onlv make more money but you'll feel better than cur beloii Bankers Guarantee Your Satisfaction at Wauchula, Florida The auelmln Comlilnation soil the climate anil the j leltl are nil nliovc criticism And the hemic coiiipaiu of hankers liclnud the liiml Is ileiH'iulalile even man in It has an oien record for strnlirlit dealliiir that sou can easily verify to yoiirown satisfaction. Our trcasuivi' Is presi dent of the I'lorlda I'll i ns Kxelimiiri'. an associa tion of thc Ieadin4:t.'rciwei-Niif the entile state for the pun lose of mtukctliur their own oiumrct and i;raic fiult. TlieseliaiikeiN guarantee the land you buy. You haves year to inspect jour plot . I'lenti of time to urrnntrea trip dim n herv make u xucallonof It. Then, if after ieeing the land, looking over the neighboring groves and talking to the owners, you're not entirely satitfied, every cent of your money will bo returned with 6 per cent interest. Ymi can start the payments at once xvith the ccrtalnlv that if .xhii don't Hud eoiiilitlims as jem eiei't you'll tie on the iafe tide. It's an option on land of wonderful richness and fertility It's an cipl n hi linl miii fui fi it n.illiint' if miii clout 1 1 1 1 1 K Hie land Is all it shcuilcl lie and 1 1 1 fill ii ii' here as prosn'iniis ii miii ei mill ish inl liankc rsnf lomvc I alilishcd ivpiilatlcin an In In oil this oiler to retui n lour iimney with t per cent lotcivst. We do not Know of an.x other liiml oiler as fair unci liberal us this. c could nut make Midi an oiler if the opKirtiiuit.x for .ciii ueri' not nil xve I'liilm and mini'. We can do this ul. liei aiisc we l.nun that when .ou ccune Into Ihe I'eac-e lliti l Valley mid see the j If Id of xejret allies mid i-'l :im fruit and oiani.'es fintu Wauchula ('iiiiililnalloii Soli jou'll lie convinced. You'll see thill you can make your own way with very little money loilnrl. ( A small nun mil I dim o anilil per month per line pax s for ymi r I and ) You'll see t lint noloeallH Is more attractive as a pit to lixe ImiIIi fm jou and Mini' family nu'll see thai joiii rilicile misH'inx Is unliinitcd Mill can mal,c it w hat .miii u ant If You Are Ambitious for an Income of $3,000 to $8,000 WRITE for FACTS ffi Don't inalfe an.x decision uIkhiI Wauchula until you know all alum! the SS.imo mile search for u tract Unit could n- uiuiketed under a iriiaranlee. A ICead how and win these rich lands held liaeU for ears aiv mm a will- j alile to exerx mini and w cuiioii who nuiils an iissuieil Income w ilh 1 ccitnlnt.v of I net ease In the fiiturv. I f jou'll w I lie us we'll send miii free some of the most liiteivsllni.' IkkiKs on I Icirldayoii ever ivuil, V ".Xj lieailllfilllx illustrated will) liholocr aphs Cetthevitalfacts and ..O'' SVC figures. Head the letters of men who i-arne heie with almost TO iioinuur ami wnoari1 now wean in . us leu you uou easy It IsloproM' to join own satisfaction exerj statement we imil.ii Tlieli nnr nffr iiiiiIi'In.1 lllill rtllle vplnil . moderate prices we oner uiiii wnai easy terms you 'y .ft'x" can pax on. And almve all leineiulier the guarantee jv t' backed by bankers. XX rue now ror eomplele In- -A .r,o a' iV A I .it - -s-y formation Aclcln Miiilalettel ol imstul or the column. . .o ." sV WAUCHULA DEVELOPMENT CO. v Box 304, Wauchula, Florida r s' KeMcr (u rend 11 thuiitiiiHl mlt rrUfiiieiilH thuii iiiIhn Hit ihic ton nnl.