THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION 7 "Mister Taylor, get a gang Ht tho pumps, iiml for Hod's sake hurry! D'you think tins is :i tea party!' ' Abbott's companion turned anil ran hack along the deck. Abbott stood still, lie would have been glad to lend a hand; but bis passive nntnri' forbade bini oll'or ing bis assistance, lie waited for some one to Bhotit at him. Clrndunlly, he noticed a variation in the motion of the vessel. There was a halt ing stagger between each forward lunge. "She's nilin fast!" he muttered. lie fought his way up the ladder and bunched along the reeling upper deck. The wireless house loomed in front of him, and he crouched in the lee of it for shelter. The wind shrieked through tbo braces like the high pitched wail of vio lins. It awed him a little, lie felt do pressed by bis loneliness and the lack of anything to do. Always before, he had been fighting with cracking sails, or clinging to n bucking wheel. The swish nf lubber bouts coming around the other side of tbo wireless house, startled him. He heard the creak of mi opening door, saw a strip of light I' loin it sweep across the deck, and heard it slam shut again. Through the port hole just above him, boomed the voice that had shouted from the bridge. "Clot anybody yet I" it questioned. Then, nfter a pause: "Well, hurry 1 Tho old scow 's Bettlin'." The door banged again, and tbo swish of boots died away in the direction from which it had come. Abbott hesitated; then slipped around tbo corner and tried the latch. It lifted under bis fingers, and tho door swung onon. Tho wireless operator vouchsafed him n quick glance as he softly shut it behind him; then turned back to "his table. Abbott stood staring at tho man 's figure, crouching over his instruments. Ho watched his lingers manipulate tho key that regulated the blinding groeniJi llashes of the spark. ' ' Aash vraaash uassh nnsh I " hummed the call of the wireless, and died nwny in angry spittings. Abbott ttolo over to a battered plush chair nnd sat down. Tho operator i cached out for a pad and dragged it to him. lie scribbled long lilies and circles upon it. After an interval, ho once moro turned tho room into a bedlam with his "send." llo waited n moment or two. Abruptly, his shoulders drew lower over tho table, and he began to write. Suddenly ho twisted bis bend arouuil and grinned. "liy (lolly, I did get 'em; and I told tho 'old man' I couldn't! hong rango for so much breeze! It 's the Wampum coining dowu from tho 'Soo.' " He whirled back to bis key, and sent another string of dots and dashes crash ing out through tho dark. Before ho spoke again, he scribbled down tho an swer that camo back. "She's coining; but it'll lw daylight beforo sho can do us any good. That's three bonis." Tho operator shook his head. The door banged open to admit tho captain again. " I 'vo got tbo Wampum I" cried tho operator. Tho captain's faco lightened. "When 'II she bo herot" "By daylight." "Wo '11 hold out," ho growled. He turned menacingly toward Abbott. "Who'n blazes tiro youf" " I 'm a passengor," stammered tho stowaway. "I don't remember ye. Git down with tbo rest of 'em any way. 1 don't want yo iliterferin ' round here." ' ' I 'in an able seaman, capt 'n. Can 't ' 1 help? ' ' be begged. The captain scowled a minute, then snapped: "Tell Mister Taylor 1 sent ve down to take a hand at the pumps." Abbott sprang eagerly to the door. Here was a chance to get busy, to do' something that would keep him I'lmn thinking, lie dashed across the deck and slid down the ladder. At its foot. In waited while the ferry dme her Hunt Hose down iito the trough. .Inst at the bottom of her lunge, she listed heavilv. He heard a scream of grinding metal lie neath bis feet ; then a battering crash that shook every liber of the steamer's construct inn. She wallowed her av through a big toiler that swept a curling, white sheet of spray over the rail, From her bowels came staggering blows, us it some giant titan were trying to pound his way out. "Them cars are loose! " the stowaway gasped. Slowly, the ferry's bow lifted, lie felt as if he stood in the center of an enor minis see saw. fascinated, he stared hack along the deck. He saw a wave of lilack water roll in over the rail. It seemed to come with the sluwness of the bonis. He htood and gaped at it, till it yawned above him like a steep wall. Then, some spring within his brain leleased Ins inns clcs. lie gulped a deep breath, stood poised for a moment, then leaped up and out. Abbott, fighting desperately with arms and legs, felt himself drawn down, down; then he was spewed upward. .lust as Ins lungs were about to burst, a gust of wind whipped into his straining nostrils, lie barely caught a mouthful before another wavo buried him. As he rose a second time, something hit him across the shoul der. Instinctively, he clutched at it. His lingers gripped wood. It was a ear door, wrenched some how from its hinges in the sucking whirlpool of the ferry's sink ing. lie got his shoulder over its edge ami tloated. As ho rose over each wine crest, he strained his eyes for a trace of tho steamer. At last, he became convinced that she had gone under like a bar of lead. Frothy clots of spindrift splashed into his face. Haeh crumbling wave top surged over him. 1 lie chill witter began to con geal his very blood. Carefully, ho climbed upon bis frail support, till he lay spread eagled on it, gripping the edges tightly with his fingeis. It held up under Ins weight, and the cold air was not as numbing as tho water. He nestled his faco under his arm pit, half strangled bv tho spray that swept over him. Ho raised his head for another look around. Suddenly, a white, face peered up at him at his very side. He heard the gasping, whistling breath of a spent swimmer. Two hands came up and scratched liko claws at the door. Abbott crawled over till ho could reach the other man's wrists. He gripped them and held him up. The eyes in tho white faco stared into his for a moment; then they closed. Tho stowaway slipped olT Ids" life raft, and kept the drowning man's head abovu water by holding bun under tho arm pits. "Don't worry, .Jimmy," he sputteied. "I got you now. It's me, Tom. Ihin't yuh know me, Jimmy 1 Tom Abbott." Hut the man in his arms did not reply. Kventually, .Jimmy Burke's exhaustion passed somewhat, and ho revived. He exerted his aching muscles in an elToit to climb over its edge and, by dint of heavy lifting on Abbott's part and the batter ing of a wave, he succeeded. Then he Continued on 'age 10 ) iyi Your Son's Future Fathers, Mothers and Sons Read This: HAVK vnu plan nd out the bov is to do for a b villi; ' ( i .lie vmi It tluu him th ill bum one job t .mother without getting ,inv vv hcicJ Is helloing vvoik that is making a steady sclf-t espcet ing man ol bun' Or is lie doing anv thing he can yet , and growing careless and dissatisfied.' I'nless heis settled at some tegular vvoik or trade which will make him a muccssiii hie, Iiml out what the UNITED STATES NAVY . will ilo (or bun. Call at the Navy Recruiting Station ncai vou, and lintl nut lioin the otlieers theie everything about the Navy. Kind out about the good pay. the steady promotion, the tegular hours. The Naiy's.S2dillcient trades, and the chances to learn ami practice one. The healthy life, the line training, the good, wholesome (noil. The good company jour boy will be in, the chances to sic something ol the world, and to lay by lnnnev . hook (or the Kceruiting Station adihcss in your Saturday or Sun day papirwauts columns. Or write us (or it, also for the interesting (reebook all about Navy life "The Making of a Man-o' " Simple language. Clear putim s Kvcry parent and son sin mid h ail it If you put nil .sending, V"Uie sine to forget. So vvnte a post card for it now hi Ion vou lay aside this wciklv. Aililn-s IV: BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Boi 91. Navy Department, Waibint ton, I). C Gazed up at him with a collie's look of blind admiration Sold in Your Town Tlio Bciiulno "Holeproof" urn Mill! Injmir town. VVo'H tell j mi ttio dealers' names on risiucst. or slilp direct, whero them's no dealer near, clinru'cs prepaid, on n Iil of rt'iiilllnnco. H pairs of eotlon lioso imar untetsl hlx iiionlliH. for iui'ii, rosllIJM to U per bin; for women unit I'liiltlrt'ii. t'J to fc'l per box: fur pit box of four pulrs. r-uvrral welirhts: all slitw untl colors. Ttirco pnlrs of silk "Hole proof." iiuarnntctsl tlireu m.. niiis. for men and wwii- uni! ii! a box fur women, colors. ucn. All A Million People Give These Stockings and Sox the Hardest Wear Hose Know. They Buy Them for Style and Consider the Wear as Merely an Extra Advantage. Could any but the Best in a Product Gain such an Overwhelming Preference? i an- making a vvondciful hose in "Ilolepiool." sK.iti in them, wall, in them, dance in them. Kvcry siitih is i ii.ii antccd (or six months, not just heels ami tots Hue aie hose that will stand the most stnntioiis sports, or give, ina balhonin, that " evening" appearance. Wo even guarantee, fot men and women, three pairs of silk 1 1 t I Muse b.r three munths. iioleproofliosieru FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN Silk From Japan We cuultl buy common silk foi the silk "Hole proof." Hut we send to the North of Japan for ours, for t licit' it is giovvn as it is nowhere else. 74c Cotton Yarn Vc could buy ordinary cotton yarn for as low as thirty-two cents per pound. Yet wc pay an average of icventy-fnur cents. Our inspection department alone costs us JGO.OOO a year. For the past thirteen years, since "Holeproof" were first made, 05 have outlasted the guarantee. Try it buy six pairs of "Holeproof" today. See how they are wearing six months from today. it no j'irinr m,h. llmr lo.lMhr Vnur ttil llni'l'll- HOLEPROOF HOSIERY CO., Milw.ukee. Wii. Holeproof Hoiierr Co., ol CtDidi, Ltd., Loudon, Cm. 111 II s I'sl. Otlli IVOQ Advertising, commercial activity, gouil literature ami Individual beiu-nts are Interdependent.