Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
Nnro TVTjinnrr of the Millinerv
Department of the Nebraska
-ti .it n r
His First Step in Running a
Successful Millinery Business'
My fust step r .! h my success
lias beui built commences with my con
tract or agreement that I make with the
cuntero whom 1 represent.
' When a concorn engages a buyer or
jiiar.aKcr of a department he usually asks
tho buyer how much profit he can make
Jn that department. Usually the buyer
tfils his employer of a profit which ap
peal to the employer. To encourage this
buyer to tnako this profit tho employer
very often agree to pay a salary nnd
In addition gives the buyer a bonus of
6 per cent on whatever profits he' can
earn. The buyer usually accepts tho low
ralary offered him with tho Idea of mak
ing up his renttmerntlon from the 5 per
cent of the profits of his department. In
other words, If he will show n profit at
tho end of tho year In that department
of $20,000, he will have Increased his salary
for himself $1,000. This Is an Incentive
to charge high prices for millinery. An
stated above, my first step commences
with my contract, and hero I differ from
most buyers, ns my contract alwnys rends
a salary nnd a percentage on tho volume
of business nnd nut n. perrontagu on tlio
profits. The man that has to show a
big profit in order to Increase his salary
will naturally charge morn for his mer
chandise, but In my ense In order to do
an Increased business to get my bonus,
I must sell my merchandise very low In
order to get tho voluma of business, be
cause the volume of business Is my suc
cess. It gives me tho largest buying
power which In Itself brings down tho
cdst of the merchandise. Where tho
Oliver buyer makes $10.00 profit on one
hat, It has been my custom to sell
twelve hats at 1.00 profit each mid ntlt
mako a bigger bonus tlian the manager
Who makes the enormous profit, because
I have still mado more, profit then hn
nnd have, at tho same llnio pleased twelve
women to his one
"This Is rhy first succsful step In the
Millinery business."
Manager Millinery Dept. Nebraska Clo
thing Cd.
You don't need to leave Omaha to meet
with commercial surprise", You speak
of the gigantic manufacturing institu
tions of tills city, or that city, but many
of you don't yot rcallsa lhat right hero
In Omaha you havu ono of the very
largest and finest equipped cleaning nnd
dyeing establishments in nil America.
Go through the Drcshor Urother's Dry
Cleaning and Dyeing plant at 2211-2213
Karnnm Bt., and you will agrca that It
Is a marvel. Hut you will nover give it
tlie credit that Is duo It until you do
pay It a visit.
Tho maze of whirling equipment; the
department after department of happy
contented employes, will amnio you; the
concise, modem offlco arrangement will
appeal to your sense of fitness; the im
mense dally lino up of dsllvery wagons
and the. thousands of packages ready for
tho mall and express men, will coll forth
& salvo of admiration from even the most
calloused ones.
And you uro welcomo to make a trip
through this plant any time you like;
Just stop In and oak for a guide and a
pleasant young woman will conduct you
through that which Is already known as
ono of America's foremost cleaning nnd
dyeing establishments.
Dreshers have a private telephono ex
change, and, If you win call Tyler S4J,
you will have access to any vxiert at
the head of any of the numerous Dresner
D rashers also maintain branches at
Dresher The Tailors, IBIS Farnam St.,
and at The I'ompalan Iloom of The 13 run
dels Stores.
Now don't rave about the large and
perfect establishments you have toen else
where until you have thoroughly In
spected the $57,000 cleaning plant that Is
kept busy every working day by Dresher
Brothers of your own town. Advertise
There was u housewife ficm Tower,
Who was a wizard at handling flour,
On days she would bake
Her reputations she'd stake
On the bread from PRIDE OF
OMAHA FLO fit. F. I. Klllck,
Omaha Printing Co.
A tl-lb. wok of UPDIKE'S PR.IDK
OF OMAHA PLUt'A for try verse
that we use for Advertising. WHITE
A VERSE and mail it to Jingle Man
ager Updike Milling Co.
(P. B, We have hesrd that C. K.
Courtney writes no id poetry )
The Paper With a
Purpose The Paper
That Does Things
Council Bluffs
I Million-Dollar Estate Divided Be
tween Widow and Children.
Property to He foil vrrterf Into CiihIi
mill Invented In lloniln nml
Oilier XroiirUlrn fur llcit
pflt of Helm.
The will of tlio late iSrnest K. Hart wan
tiled for probate yesterday afternoon. Tho
wlilow. Mrs. Clara Ilehblngton Hart, Ih
given one-third of nil the property, to
tip hold by her absolutely Iri her own
right mid for her own exclusive use. Tlio
mil mentions Hint thin Is In lieu af
dower. All of the balance of the ostat?
m divided equally between the three chll
drtn. Mrs. Hart Is mado solo executrix
without Ixitnl. nml a clause expressly
exempts her from the necessity of flllnn
an Inventory. There arc no' other bc
iuiH of any character. It Is said the
rstate will approximate $1,000,0").
The will was signed July 3i, 1W7. lb was
drawn by A. H. llazelton nml witnessed
1 y him. Martha C. Wernlmont. Mr.
Halt's stenographer, and John T. Walton
The purpose of Mr. Hart was to relieve
Mrs. Hart of every possible annoyanco or
restriction In the administration of th-t
estate. The will particularly states that
she shall have full authority In all mattcrri
connected with the settling up of the estute
which she Is dlreced to do by turning all
realty and other property Into cash ns
soon as jHisslble, without loss, and that
she sign till papers, exeoute all deeds and
do all other business required, without
asking for the approval of tho court.
Account with Knoll Child.
After the deduction of tho widow's one
third all of the icmalndnr of tho cstato
Is to go to the children, Henry Bobbing
ton Hart, Eld red Schuyler Hart and Clara
Tlebblngton Hart. Mr. Hart directs that
his children sliall receive a liberal edu
cation, the costs of which nnd all tho ex
pensn Incurred In tho care of each child
s to bo tnken from that child's portion.
A separate account Ih directed to bo kept
with each child nnd ns the child arrives
nt tho ago of 25 years, the portion re
maining, after educating nil of these ex
penses, shall Imi turned over. Only the
persotinl expenses and tho costs con
nected with scouring an education Is to
be given to any child until thnt child
becomes 25 years old.
Mr. Hart directs that when tho cstato
Is converted Into ensh, It bo Invested In
first mortgngo real estato securities.
United Btutes bonds, or high grade, rail
road, stato of Iowa, county or municipal
bonds, to bo held In trust by tho widow
until tho children roach tho age of r
years. Particular Instructions are given
that no Investments bo made In In
dustrial, manufacturing and, mining stocks
nnd bonds. In the case of death of any
of tho children beforo reaching tho ng
of 25, the share of the child shall bo
evenly divided between tho other children
Mrs, Hart Ih particularly directed to
attend to tho collection of all Interest
coupons and principal sums for any
clients Mr. Hart may hnvo ha'd und to
look after tho Interests of such clients
with the same fidelity sho Is enjoined
to look after her own and those of her
children, or as Mr, Hart would if ho were
Tho concluding paragraph of tho will
directs particularly the payment of all
notes endorsed by Mr. Hart, "whether
paid or unpaid."
Seeking Pay for
the Work Performed
Mayor Malonoy left last night for
W aahlngton, to assist Congressman Orcen
in urging members of the Iowa delega
tion to secure un appropriation to reim
burse Council llluffs for tho money ex
ponded Inst spring to prevent tho Mis
souri river cutting a new channel across
Thlrty-sovcnth street, which, If It had not
been done, would have destroyed u largo
section of Council llluffs. perhaps leav
ing the struct railway bridge spanning a
lagoon Instead of the fiver.
The city appropriated a large quantity
of stone tho government had stored near
the Illinois Central brldgo, nnd has been
presented a bill for Its value. Tho total
cost of tho emergency repair work, not
considering tho value of the sbbno, was
about $1,000. Tho work nccompllshed was
that left Incompleted by the government
Cost of Keeping
Up County Bridges
To construct and repair the highway
'bridges In Pottawattamie county last year
cost tho taxpayers approximately $50,000,
according to the reports filed by the mem
bers of the county board after completion
nnd revision. Under the rules of the board
each member Is assigned a district com
posed of several townships und Is held
responsible for tlio work dono within that
Tlio tabulated reports show that the
average cost per township was tUW 46 and
that the largest amount was expended In
Lowl township, fJ.311.3S. Kano township
outside of Council llluffs, had the least.
$351.20. The receipts from taxation and
all other sources exceeded tho. expendi
tures by several thousand dollars, so that
the brldgo fund In all of the townships
Is in excellent condition. The following
shows the disbursements and balances on
hand available for the present year's
Receipts, menu. Balance
llelknap ...
Crescent ...
.$ 1 1S6.33
. 2,212.11
. 1.9H.W
. 1.M6.91
$ i,m.a
1. CJ7.&7
432. 3d
1.912. fifi
2, IKS. 85
274 4r
a rove :.3pa!
1.01 L
Hazel Dell...
Kane, outside
Keg Creek...
Lavtou 2.778.87
Uewls 3,777 U
Macedonia .... 1.GS7.ZS
Mlndn 2. lis. to
Norwalk 2.4ls.3S
Pleasant ..... Z.xtt.OT
llockford 3,419.87
Sliver Creek.., 1.7r9.3
Valley 2,211.75
Washington ... 2,L93
Waveland 2,0.53
Wright X.TS5.77
York 1,974.33
G0t S3
Totals 32.374.09
II3.C67.06 S3.3J7.03
Hot Ilrd Sash
' Is something that nearly everyone who
has a small garden or wishes to grow
a few vegetables should hare at least a
J few. Ve manufagture the very bt
del our price. C. Hofer Lumber Co,
Council Bluffs
Mrs, Wickliam Dies
of Heart Failure
During the Night
Mr. Mary Wlckham, wife of James P.
Wlckham, Jr , was found dead In her bed
yesterday morning at the home, 613
franklin avenue. The physicians say
death was due to acute heart disease.
Induced by gastritis while she slept.
Mrs. Wlckhatn retired at the usual time
Thursday evening. Mr. Wlckhatn had re
turned from the Omaha cement show ox
tremoly hungry and she prepared supper,
partaking of It as heartily ns he. After
the menl rlie washed the dishes and tidied
Up the house,
and after putting tlib
younger of hep four children to bed. layette, democrat, was In fact elected by a
down by tho side of her husband, who majority of olght as shown by the re-
I had fallen asleep.
When he nwoko at
j: h wbh still
apparently sleeping
peacefully. He arose qulety. and went
about tho house doing tho usual prelim
inary work. When she hnd not nrlsen
at 7 o'clock he went to her room. It was
then that ho discovered that sho was
Members of "t'nele Jimmy" Wlckhnm's
family nenrby were called and Dr. Hom
bach summoned. The physician nrrlvod
a few minutes later. An examination
disclosed that Mrs. Wlckham had been
dead several hours.
Miss Nell Wlckhatn nnd Mrs. IS. A.
Wlckham had the heurt-breuklng duty of
arousing tho four sleeping children and
telling thorn of the death of their mother.
The oldest nnd youngest children nre
boys, aged 9 nnd 1.1 years, respectively.
Tho other two children are girls.
Mrs. Wlckhatn was 30 yenrs old. Sho
wns formerly Miss Mury Tomcy. Her
nged mother, who resides east of tlio
city, reached the house within nn hour.
Tho funeral will bo held Monday morn
ing at 9 o'clock from St. Francis Cathollo
church. Itcqulcm tunsH will be said by
IleV. Father McMnnus. Hurlal will be
In St. Joseph's cemetery.
January Arrests
Fewest in Months
The report of the police department for
January aggregated elghty-flvc, tho
smallest number of arrests during any
corresponding porlod for several months.
I'lnln drunks were nearly onc-hnlf of the
total number. There wero twenty nr
rcsts on suspicion, tho parties being held
for tnvcsllgntlon. Twelve persons woro
nrrcsted on burglary charges nnd a half
dozen on the churgo of being disorderly.
All of tho remainder wero for minor of
fenses, with an unusually small number
charged with vngrnncy.
Everybody Wins in
the Tri-City Debate
The debates of the Trl-Clty lenguo,
made up of high schools of Council
llluffs, Bloux City and Fort Dodge closed
last night, tho question discussed being
whether or not federal Judges should be
subject to recall.
In the finals flloux City won at Coun
cil Bluffs, Council Bluffs nt Fort Dodgo
nnd Fort Dodgo at Sioux City. As a re
sult each team gets a sllvor cup, at
least each winning team.
Prof. 'Earl 8. Carton of the Ames col
lego faculty sent a letter to Secretary
Towno of the Commercial club, received
hero yestorday announcing tho nwnrds of
prizes In tho Judging contests during tho
collego short courso held here n fort
night ago. Tho completo list and the per
centages follows:
Hoys' Judging of Cattle First. Hoy
Qarnor, 87.5 per cent: Becond, Arthur
Sohultz. Hi per cent: tied for third nnd
fourth, Wullnco Melton ond Fred A. Holto,
82.6 per cent: fifth, Clarence C. Dnrrlng-
ton, W per cent; sixth, Hugo Trede, 78.75
per cent; seventh, Scott Hemlngren, 70
per cent.
Hoys' Judging of Hogs Tied for first,
second nnd third, Fred A. llolto, Clnr
cnee C, Darrlngton and Hugo Tredo, 93
por cent; tied for fourth nnd fifth, Dud
ley Hnrdln nnd Elmer Dnrrlngton, 90 per
cent: sixth place, denn McNay, 87.5 per
Senior Judging of Cattle Tied for first
and second, W. Vorthman and Charlie
Peters. S2.5 per cent: third. S. F. Ladson.
SO per cent: fourth place, H. H. nice.
per cent: rirth, Ed O'Connor, C3.7G
per cent: sixth. Arno Ilamann. 62.5 per
cent: seventh. Hoy O. Campbell, 63.75.
Boys' Judging of Sheep First, Archie
Campbell; second, Wendell Hcverldgn;
ilea ror tnira ana rourth, James It,
Lovorott nnd Wallace Melton: fifth. Ar
ney Jensen.
Finicky Appetites
Put in Order
You ('nil Kit ItlKht Down nnd Kat
' Anything Scrvrtl If You Oct
Acquainted with Stuntt's
Dyspepsia Tablet.
With a most puthetlo sigh the dyspep
tic sits down and '.'views with ularm" his
hungry companions. Now, the best doc
trine for most people to hand out to auf.
leritig stomaens is to couple a square
menl with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
To sit down to a good meal and eat
whatever Is served is getting back to the
good old days when grand-dud curved
the roast: when the family mudo a clean
up; and when good appetites with sound
digestion produced the men and women
that have made our nation what It Is.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets uro the dys
peptic's hope. They aro a natural restor
ative of healthy action to the stomach
and small Intestines, beoauso they supply
the elements that the wen it Btomnch lacks
pepsin,, golden seal nnd other digestives.
If you are afflloted with nny symptoms
of stomach trouble; be assured that your
digestive organs are losing power they
need help nnd there Is no more sensible
help to be given them than to supply
elements which will do the work of di
gestion for them.
Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets have been
found uy test to have digestive powers,
one grain of the active principle of these
tablets being sufficient to digest 3,000 counties.
irrnlns of ordinary food It Is i.iatJ B? Cole To permit employment of
grains or "rainnn I'lal'Msupjintendents of schools for three years,
that no matter what the condition off Hy Iterubrook-For sanitation of lauu
your stomach, or hqw far your disease i dries.
),. mnirrud one of Stuurt's nv.n.nd. i n" Shankland To appropriate $50,000 for
has progresses, one or httiart a Dyspepsia nM!ro exposition In Des Moinea.
Tablets taken at meal time will do the
work glvo your stomach an opportunity
to regain its lost powers, the muscles
will be strengthened, the glands Invigor
ated, and ou will be a new man.
All druggists sell Stuart's DyspepMa
Tablets, at 64 cents a box. Advertlse-ment-
J Iowa
1 1
Withdraws from Contest
Iowa Legislature.
Clonilvtln Ordered to Hnrr Ills Tes
timony All In by Next Tor ruin y
nml Decision Will lip Made
Iiuiiirillntely After.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DK8 MOINES, la.. Fob. 8.-(Special Tel
ogram.) George F. Coburn tonight with
drew from the contest for a scat In
the senate In the Cherokec-Ida-Plvmouth
dutrlct nnd ndmlttod that Senator Oil-
count of the ballots.
I?x(i-iii1 Commission Form.
The commission form of government
Is to bo extended to cltlos with as small
population as 2.000. Tho house has passed
a bill to that effect and the senate
will ngreo to tho same, after making
a graded scnlo for the salaries of the
city officials. The commission form has
become so popular that there Is demund
for It In many of tho smaller cities of
the stnto.
r.oiiilwln must Hurry.
The contest committee of the senate
handling tho contest from Pottnwattnmle
county today Issued n dcflnlto order
to Goodwin, the Incumbent, that he must
have nil his testimony in next Tuesday
and that Immediately thereafter tho com
mittee will decide. Klmbnll hns com
plained of deluy nnd tho belief was thnt
the Incumbent was delaying final action.
Will Hasten IliiKluess.
Tho sctiuto committee today adopted
now rules for hastening business, by a
requirement that individual senators may
not Introduco nny bill nfter March 30,
nnd thnt all appropriation bills must be
In by February 15. The Intent Is to get
nlll matters before the legislature early
and out of tho way.
Tho senate adopted a resolution asking
for a prompt Investigation of tho busi
ness of tho state fnlr so that the legis
lature may bo Informed before tho ap
propriation bills aro considered.
llenrliiK mi College Mutters,
Tlio sennte today amended the resolu
tion In rcgnrd to n Joint session of the
two houses to thresh out tlio collego con
troversy by prohibiting that tho Joint
session shall not be executive In Its na
ture, thus opening It to the public. Tho
plan, however, Is to keep out the largo
delegations who might pack the galler
ies. Two senators aro reported ill Jewell
and Francis. The chnlr mado n read
justment of committees.
llefuseil to Limit Fees.
Tho Benato today refused to accept tho
house amendement to the resolution
limiting attorney fees In the contest
Tho sennto adopted n house bill pro
viding for appointment of civilians as
officers nt the Soldiers' home.
Tho houso pnsscd a bill making it pos
sible, for cities of 2,. 000 to have tho com
mission form of government.
' The houso passed a bill to authorize the
Stnto Hoard of Kducntlonal Examiners
to accept collego diplomas ns ovldenco of
scholarship In regard to Btato certifi
cates, License Slot WcIkIi Machines.
A bill will bo presented to tho legisla
ture to provide thnt tho stnte Inspectors
of weights nnd mensures shall Inspect tho
slot weighing machines In use every
where In tho stato nnd If they aro found
out of order or weighing incorrectly have
the right to close them up. This also In
volves n license fee of $3 a year for each
of tho machines and, ns there nro over
10,000 of tho mnchlnes in use in the state,
It Is estimated this license would far more
than pay tho cost of inspection for nil
weights nnd measures,
I'liin us to Hluhvrny.
Tho subcommittee on highways, which
hns been laboriously at work for some
tlmo on n plan for n highway -law, hns
agreed upon the main points and will
soon bring out a bill to the effect that
tho stato highway commission be
strengthened nnd Its force added to, and
thnt the commlsKlon employ nn engineer
and competent forco to look after nil
highway matters; also that lit ench county
thero shall bo n county engineer nnd a
classification of roads; that the township
road tax bo expended on surfacing town
ship roads, while the county and state
.taxes be expended on tho county roads In
accordance with plans approved by the
stato highway commission. No recom
mendation has been made cither as to
borrowing n largo sum of money or a
Clinnnc nn to Military Code,
stato tax.
Hills aro pending to make an Important
change In the military cods of the state,
as, for Instance, to repeal that port of
tho law under which n sheriff mny call
out the mllltln company In ills own county
nt the expense of the county. This would
mako It necessury to secure the order of
the governor before nny company can be
culled out for police duty In tho state,
und In all cases the state will pay the
expense of such special work out of the
general funds. A bill also provides for
Increnso of armory rent for each company
and organisation from W0 a year to 31,200
a your.
lleorituiitxe Department.
A partial reorganisation of the labor de
partments of the stute Is proposed in
a bill to provide for workmen's compensa
tion. The bill contemplates that the laoi
bureau be enlarged nnd that the commis
sioner of labor become tho hend of a do
partmeut of Industry, under which shal'
be all the faotory Inspection, the mine in
spection, the hotel Inspection and all mat
ters relating to labor. There will be a
commissioner at 13,000 a year with two
deputies and a woman deputy and six
Inspectors. It would abolish the mine in
spection und examination departments as
at present and the hotel Inspection busi
ness, This feature of the bill is being
urged by the manufacturers' association.
State Kxiintlnvrs.
New Illlls.
Ily Webber To appropriate i00,000 for
an oulleptlc colony.
By it.'i'-To Inerease pay of county
H" Thomas For three additional nor.
mal schools.
By Wilson of Appanoose For taxation
of hedge fences.
Hy Mattes For state) examiners fur
Uills are now befpro the legislature for
state examination of county office. It
is provided that the state auditor shall
have u corps of examiners whose duty
it will be to go about among the countlr
and mako full examination of every
county office and report tho same to
some central place. In case anything is
This Dining Room Suite
Consists of Six Oak Leather Box Seat Diners
and a Solid Oak Extension Table--Price
FOHKWOIU): This Is nn opportunity
with up-to-date, now merchandise, at
Price $21.00
A moment's thought will unable you to see cloarly
how low this price really Is. Tnke Into consideration
that tho tablo and chairs are made of solid oak.
What you save
That you may make your pwn calculations we offer
you tho following foots;
The chair aro worth regularly $2.75 apiece, the tablo
enslly $16.50, making a total of 333.00 for tho sot.
Our prices save you $12.00.
Made of Solid Oak
They aro built of genuine solid oak throughout, and
nro made to last n lifetime and they will do it. Tho
chairs are mado with a box sent and nre upholstered
In genuine leaUier. Table extends to six feet.
Hill H J
found that should come to the attention
of the attorney general a report shall be
made to him. Tho purpose Is to cut off
the graft nnd extravagance in many coun
ties. Iovra New Notes.
TrtABIt George Bear, a young man cm
ployed by a local hardware firm, was
fatally burned today when a can of gaso
line exploded while Bear wns thawing a
frozen pipe of a gasoline engine with a
blow pipe.
MAItSHAIjITOWN Edward H. Brown,
who was mortally Injured when his eon
was killed on a grade crossing yesterday
morning, died at a local hospital in the
afternoon. Brown has a sister-in-law,
Mrs. F. J. Jlilllard, living in Minneapolis.
I.OOAN Notwithstanding reports to the
contrary, the safe) blown by burglars lit
the Hetcrlck dry goods store AVednes
day night was neither completely wrecked
nor whs nitroglycerin used as an explo
sive, according to Mr. and an ex
pert safe man who examined tho safe
here yesterday. For good nnd sufficient
reasons Mr. Heterick declined to state the
amount nnd nature of his losses. Gun
powder whs used and the sate door wns
blown off nnd n certain amount of change
and chips taken.
Are Medicines Wholly Useless?
Can The Masses Get Along Without Them?
8. B. HABTMAN, H. B.,
Coltuubns, Ohio.
I give a portion of a letter lately re
ceived, which was to me very interest
ing. 1 also give a portion of my answor.
The writer sayBt
"Dear Doctor Hartman: I am very
much Interested in your articles. I have
no doubt they will do a great deal of
good. Sometimes I am almost tempted
to buy a bottle of Pe-ru-na and have It
on hand, because of your convincing
talk, but I belong to a healthy club. It
Is one rulo of this club to have nothing
to do with disease or medicine. Our
whole talk is health and things that make
for health. We aro determined, all of us,
to never use medicine In any form. Of
course we do not attempt to deny the
usefulness .of medicine on some occa
sions, but for ourselves we have decided
that we will so live that we shall never
need the services of a doctor or the as
sistance of amedlclne. What would you
do If you were in. my placet"
My Dear Boy: -Your letter Interests
me greatly. I am glad to know that you
uro reading my articles that are appear
ing now In the papers. You have per
haps noticed that a portion of each ar
Terms, $2.00 Cash; $2 Monthly
mi miiuiiil HWHjHIHHil' Ih
to furnish- your d ining room with a substantial set of chairs and a tablo,
a price which will bo an actual saving of one-third.
Prompt Delivery
Stack-raJconer Co., UnderUku.
Have Root Print It Now Beacon Press.
Lighting rlxtnrsi, Barg-ess-Orandtn Oo.
Hailsy the Dentist, City Nat'l. D. 2566.
She Ksbrsska Savings ana I.oa'n Ass'n.
offers a safe and profitable plan to help
you save. 1605 Farnam street.
Install Bakery Machintry Machinery
is being Installed in the Jay Burns Bak
ery Company building, now being com
pleted at Twentieth and Cuming streets,
at a cost o$ f50,000. Everything in con
nection with the manufacture of bread
Is constructed of steel and coated with
white enumel. The Interior of the build
ing is In white.
Railroad Cases Transferred Four
civil cases against the Burlington and
Northwestern were transferred from the
district court to the United States court.
They wero: Howard Thompson against
tho Burlington for tSO.OOO; W. F. Lewis
ticle is devoted to the subject of keeping
What would I advise you to do under
the circumstances? 1 should advise you
to go right on as you have been doing.
Get uiong without medlciuo if you pon
blbiy can. Look toward Nature for as
sistance Clean habits, frugal diet. Early
to bed, in a well ventilated room. Work
every day at something you like to do.
Keep up your enthusiasm. Have faith in
Nuture nnd Nature a God. The laws of
.Nature are Inexorable, but the rewards
of Nature are Hind and beneficent beyond
ull expression. If you do these things
you may during your whole life escapu
the necessity of using medicine, but even
with all this you may occasionally need
But you must remember that you and
your club aro exceptional people, that
the great masses of people go on thought
lessly. Their diet Is very illy fitted to
sustain their bodies properly. Their ex
posure to cold nnd wet and heat and
latlgue Is very reckless. In short, they
do not know how to take care of them
selves. Consequently, a medicine is nec
essary often.
The medicine Pe-ru-mv Is a climatic
medicine. It is Intended to reach cli
matic troubles, troubles that arise as the
direct result of exposure to climate.
It is also Intended to meet those dif
ficulties which arise 'from Improper
nourishment of the body and improper
diet, producing Indigestion und bilious
ness. The priclnpal climatic trouble In our
country is catarrh, and a largo number
of people have catarrh. Perhaps one-halt
of our people. Such people not only need
to take care of themselves as you boys
are doing, but they need a medicine to
tender them a little assistance. Pe-ru-na
is exactly what they need.
It we could have the world full of peo
ple that nre living as you ure, perhaps
I should then not advocate the use of
any drug, but you ark only one in ten
thousand. The rest are going on heed
lessly and recklessly, and It is for them
that I nm recommending my Pe-ru-na.
The average household needs Pe-ru-na
more than 1 can possibly describe. The
small children, the father and mother,
th grand children, are all stumbling
along heedless of the laws of Nature. A
The low terms quoted on this suite give you ten
months In which to pay for same. We feel that this
is all any reasonable person could possibly ask. arid
32.00 a month will certainly not incur nny hardship.
We have ample quantity for all, and have made special
arrangements to give you prompt delivery on this
beautiful set. f
Your Money Back
Our rulo of refunding your money if merchandise is
not satisfactory holds good in this salp. You may use
them thirty days, and if not satisfactory at the ond of
that time, you may return them and wo will cheerfully
refund your money.
against the Northwestern, $10,000 dam
ages; Vajo Gnvrllovlc,, ndmlnlstrntor for
the estato of Splro Gavrllovlc, against
the Northwestern, $5,000; Anton Gliatotic
against the Northwestern, $30,000. "
Ad Clubs Conclude.
WATERLOO, la.. Feb. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Tho third annual convention
of the associated advertising clubs of
Iowa closed its session In tho city with
the following officers elected: President,
Prof. C. II. Heller, Iowa City; first vice
president, II. E. Klester, Waterloo; Sec
ond vice president, E. T. Hamilton.
Marshalltown; secretary, II. M. Harwood,
Iowa City; treasurer, O. J. Benjamin,
A Life Problem Solved
by that great health tonic, Electric Bit
tors, Is tho enrichment of poor, thin
blood, and strengthening the weak. K)c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise
ment. Key to the Situation see advertising.
sudden attack of cold, a chill, cough,
hoarseness, tightness in the chest, bil
iousness, dyapepsiu, any, one of these
things is llablo to occur at any time In
such a household.
Now. such people ought to have! Pe-ru-na.
At the first symptom that pre
sents Itself, or any disturbance of the
body, a few doses of Pe-ru-na should bo
taken. If tho disease is acute Pe-rurna
hnd better bo taken a teaspoonful eveiy
hour. If it is a disturbance that allows
the patient to go about his usual busi
ness, taken according to the directions
on the bottle is best. If this Is done it
will save tho people untold expense ond
suffering. Not one case In fifty that
comes under the care of the doctor
would occur if Pe-ru-na was kept in the
house and taken at tho very outset of
the trouble. Yes, all this Is true and more.
I havo hoped all my life to live to see
the day when obedience to the laws of
Nature would be prevalent, when the
people would llvo so they Would not. In
vite disease or provoke disturbances' In
the body. But I have not lived to' see
that day yet. But I havo lived to Bee the
day when the people and even ihe medl
cal profession are very much mora in
terested in hygiene and sanitation than
thev used to be.
At one time, as a writer, I seemed to
be nil alone In trying to got tie r.cdple
to listen and become obedient to' tho laws
governing their bodies. Now there are
writers galore saying the same things. 1
am profoundly grateful that this is so.
So long as there are disobedient ones,
so long we must have medicine. Even
those who aro trying to be obedient to
the laws of Nature, trying their very
best, need medicine for unavoidable cpn
dltlons that often bring on some de
rangement If such little derangements
were met promptly with Pe-ru-na the
day would more quickly come when even
Pe-ru-na would not be needed, the day
when the drug doctor would absolutely
go out of business. May that day hasten.
I Bhall do all I can while I do live to
hurry on the coming of that millennium
when all drugs will be relegated to the
rubbish heap and all doctor books laid
aside as curiosities.
Pe-ru-na, Man-a-Hn and La-cu-pia
manufactured by the Pe-ru-na Company
Columbus. Ohio. Sold at all drug stores.
No. 7.