J'HK UMAHA SUNDAY MK. MWHIWKY !), 1!)U 3-A Nebraska, Nebraska GENERAL HALL IS CHIEF Head of National Guard Will Be in Charge of Police at Fair. NEW MOVE OF THE OFFICERS Will Inntmurate Sr"(m Which Will He I.lkrlr o Place Member of National (iunrd Upon Their Mettle. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 8.-(Speclal.)-Ad-jutant General Hall will Inaugurate a new system of creating officers of the Na tional Guard of tho state, which ounht to Ko a lone way In making1 the guard a more efficient organization. Ho believes that simply because a member of tht guard Is a good fellow Is no reason wl.y he should be commissioned an officer un less ho has other qualifications. "An officer should have some natural ablllt to command In order to make him a it.h ruessful officer." said the adjutant cin- Indian Affairs Before Legislature (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. . (Special. l On Wednesday evening, before the point Judiciary committee of the senate and house, there will be a hearing on a couple of measures affecting the Indians of the state. Both bills were Introduced by Shum way of Dixon county. No. 73. rotates to tho sale of liquor to Indians and No. "4. covers the marriage of Indians. A delegation will bo down from the reservation headed by Frank Deaver, who will act as Interpreter for tho Indians, who represent a council selected by thorn to present the matter to tho legislative committee. No. 74, Is the bill In which they seem to be the most interested In and will legallte marriages by Indians In the fu ture. Any Indian, which at tho present time has more than one wife, tho re- I suit of marriage, according to the In Nebraska eral this morning. "Bvery officer m the dlan custom, will If this bill becomes a guard from now on must pass an exam ination as to his fitness. ThU examina tion will not ho rigid or hard to taki?. but will show whether the officer has real military caliber." General Hall has been appointed cnlot of police at tho next state -fair and will Inaugurato a system which will be apt to liven up the boys of the different com panies and result In more Interest and a better trvlc!. Kach company will be notified that they will be given an oppor tunity to select about three members of law, be required to contract a legal mar riago according to the white man's law with the ono with whom he hns been living last or at the present time. It Is understood that this meets with the approval of tho Indians and It was at the request of the Indians themselves, votcod at the meeting, which selected the delegation, which will appear before the committee Wednesday evening at the state house, that Senator Shuinway Was asked to prepare and Introduce the bill. The members of the committee aro GOVERNOR USURPS POWERS Names Heads of Institutions With out Waiting for Board. AMENDMENT IS VERY PLAIN Iloaril of- Control l to Take Charter of the Inatltntlonn niul to Name limit Kiirly In July. ROUGH WRESTLING MATCH .grant mum privii.mf. :hnrt';,l:?r':,",,',w ,,', . n y lrM DV 7DVC'7ln iiiiuuiim a tuiiuuuu i iimmi i hcmii- viiiiiimu u ctirr iwn ear lb I A KfcN bT tTolUt .. . of h.alth exhibits of Ur. Oscar Howling, Chicago. FebTIstamsiau, .i-ysiko1 State Rail Commission Makes r'n Hf, ,l,p '"'"'T "f w"l'u"-' rro- nisiaus ii'jsiKO Health to le used In Impressing tho won his wreMltnc match with Itavtnnmt Silling at LlllCOlU. iM.,,ni.. ., v..t.nin. m. it... vain. f health conservation, at a meeting of the SCHUPLER AND ASHLAND LINES Nebraska conservation conservation con- - - Kress to It-held In Uncoln. February 'jn Alltmn llurlliiKtoit to sini (i nil n at , and SI. whs grunted. Cn'lilliil Cl, Itluht Heretofore ot (iriuili'il Will furry Kvtillilt Cnrs free. Caxcati hero tonight In straight fall'. The first fall was with a doublo bridge In SI minutes. The second came In 15 minutes 1J seconds with a croen body and wrist look. Tho bout was very rough and both men wero severely punished. the company to act as special' police at j Frank Beaver. Walking Priest. John Dear, Harry Have and Edward Lincoln. the fair. The men will be selected on ac count of their special fitness for ilie places. They must, among other mili tary qualification, such as neatness, gen tlemanly appearance and soberness, oa endowed naturally with considerable "hoss sense" in order to enable them to distinguish when to une force or persua sion. No man who thinks simply because ho has a uniform on that It empowcm him to show great authority will bo given a chance to come to tho state fair a a. member of the guanl. Kach man will oa furnished with transortatIon each wa given free maintenance and paid Jl per day for hie time. A cump will bo estab lished on tho" grounds and strict military discipline followed In tho handling of th.' camp. It will be a new Innovation with the state fair management, but It Is ex pected to result In a better condition of policing at the fair. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. S.-(Speclnli-More evidence Is being brought to light to prove that a nonpartisan board a delned by democrats who claim they aro nonpartisan Is a demo ciatlo board. The latest evidence Is the appointment by Governor Morehcad of heads of vari ous state Institutions In dlicct vlolatUn of the constitutional amendment adopted at tho late election. The men who aro appointed, unless tho Hoard of Conti al reappoints them, will servo only until July 1, for after that dato the state in stitutions aro under tho management of tho new Uoard of Control and the gov ernor ceases to havo any control over them. - I The action of the governor In puttln-r ( out heads of state Institutions at ttiH , time has given rlso to the talk that ho Is anxious to build up a democratic iiiu- chlno out of the state Institutions. Ho ; hts usurped tho powers of the Hoard of Control, as given to that board b the constttut(Or), In tho following. "The powers possessed by the governor and the Hoard of Public Lauds ami HulltlliiKS with reference to the mauage- They will bo accompanied by Rev. G. A. ,nent and control of the Institutions Kearney Defents York. KUA11NKY, Neb.. Feb. 8.-(Speclal. In a fast game of basket ball last night tho Kearney Normnl defeated York col- 1 lege. 31 to 14. lloger was the star for the visitors, while honors were about equal Iwtween Toole and Winched for the locals. (Fioni a Staff CorresKiinleiit.) LINCOLN. Feb. S.-il Special. )-Tho Stat? rullroaod commission today granted per mlsftlon to the Hurlltigtoit railroad to stun main In transit at Lincoln when ship ments originate In territory north of the ' capital city anil aro destined to ixilnts nit r,,yir,hr iVI"" ! east and south. This allows the Uinllng- StkeV oV Dodge. deLtd' 1 Pa'ka ton to -t',', UX W",wl '!,tB "T of VerdlRH'o. in a wrestling match tt over the Schuyler & Ashland branches. two straight falls liofort over 300 fans for purivoses of milling or cleaning. The Cuming County Telephone company , was granted permission to raise rates of I M cents per month for extension sets and 1 18 cents for Interconnecting systems on Its Wlstier exchange. The Garfield Telephone company was empowered to Issue $?.O00 In bonds for the purpose of erecting a new central building and to extend Its business. surplus thl- fiscal year Is $7,.Vil,!.y, i 1 against a deficit of S21.672.eri0 Inst j The figures for receipts and dlsbuist ments, etc , exclude Panama canal ai.l public debt transactions. DEATH RECORD The first fall went twenty-throe und one. hnlf minutes and the second In fifty, seccn minutes. Pavelka came here ex pecting a snap. George Gloil of Lincoln challenged the winner. The Persistent ar.n .H'.r:. clous fse of Newspaper Advertising Is the rtoad to Ruslntss tiucceas. whereas heretofore they have only been allowed to stop grain In transit when tli shipments originated In territory west of Lincoln. ' t'lirr? lleiiltti Htlilttltn. Application of il K Condra. Hinlrman or the execntlv. committee of the ivi- I'eorln MnrUrt. I'KOIHA. Feb. S.-CHItN-No. 2 Willi". tV; No a white. We: No. 4 white, 4i,c; No. 3 ellov. 4SV; No. 4 yellow. ilOl :c. No. :i mixed, 4s4i4'Ho: No. 4 mixed, 4',.ff4Sl4c, sample. WH6V'. OATS-No : while. KHtttlc; standard. Wc: No 3 while. riHT.II'tc. No. 4 white. Xh t'ouilltlini of the Trrnsnry. WASIIINUTOV, Feb s -The coudinon of the 1'iillnl States treasury at the be ginning of Innings today wits as follows "VUirklng balance. JV0.T4.i.:'M. In banks .m l I'lilllpplt.e treasnr. .U ISiO.f.M). total of gem-nil fund JMS 7.13 101. receipts veatci day, J2,2!i..;. dlslmrsementM. J2.S13.7HI The tlavlil Khrrlr. HttADSHAW. Neb.. Feb. 8 (Special i Mr. David lCberle, living north of town, tiled Thursday morning, after several weeks' Illness. Mr. Kberle was one of thn early settlers of York county and was highly esteemed. iRSo Appefste "I could not eat anything, had no strength, no nppetlte. pimples and sores came nut. I then began to tako Hood's Snrs iparllln. and my skin cleared up, my appetite returned, strength came back, and I was soon enjoying the best cf health. Three hearty meals find mo I equal to them every day. I work hard I and sleep well." Wm. Semple. Christo pher, III. It Is by purifying the blood, strength ening the nerves anil building up tho system that Hood's Sarsapnrtlla restores the appetite and makes sleep sound and refreshing In so many cases Get It today In the usual liquid form or In the tablets called sarsatab. The 2d Week of H iR ALLIANCE MAKES EFFORT TO GET BISHOP'S RESIDENCE ALLIANCE, Neb., Feb. 8.-(Speclal.)-An effort is being made on tho part of the cltlLens of Alliance, to Induce the newly appointed bishop of Kearney dlo cess to make Alliance his residence. The hew James A. Duffy of Cheyenne, Wyo., being the newly appointed bishop, a com mittee consisting of Messrs. Hampton, Newberry and Guthrie, carryln a peti tion signed by nearly every business man in" Alliance, called on Father Duffy and presented tho advantages of Alliance over Kearney or any other point in tjie new djoccss for the location of the Episcopal See. The committee was very kindly received and while they received the promise of Father Duffy to visit Alliance soon after his consecration -as bishop, he could not give any assuranco that a change would be made until the matter had been sub mitted to his superiors. In addition a Slster'a hospital, a largo academy and other valuable church prop erty, Alliance has the largest Catholic church In tho new dloceso and Its loca tion Is more nccessable to a greater num ber of tho parishes than Is Kearney and for these reasqns Catholics of Alliance as well as those of neighboring towns aro hopeful that Alliance will be made the Episcopal See. A fire alarm at 5:30 this morning called tho firemen to the city hall, Where a defectlv flue was the cause of about 1200 damages. The question of closing the moving pic ture theaters on Sunday, was presented to tho city council' and after much dis cussion It was decided to leave tho mat ter to a vote of the people at the spring election on April 7. Sokol Hall nt Crete llnrned. CRETTE, Neb., Feb. 8. (Special.) Fire destroyed the large Sokol hall at Crete late last evening, and seriously threat ened five or six houses that were In the Immediate vicinity of the building. The building was doomed before the fire com pany "arrived and nothing could bo done, except put out the fires that the flying embers wero causing on the roofs of the nearby houses. These embers flew to all parts of town and caused a good deal of anxiety for some time. The build ing was built entirely of wood and was old and dry, so that It burned like tinder. The Insurance on the building1 was $1,400 and upon the fixtures J300, but this is said not to cover the loss sus tained. The officers of the Sokol or ganization seem to be entirely ignorant as to the cause ot the fire, but say that they expect to build a J30,000 building for their gymnasium and opera house in tne near future. Wntermuldcr, a mlsslonery, who works among the tribes of the Indian" reserva tion In northestern Nebraska. Notes from Ohadron and Dawes County CHADKON. Neb., Feb. S.-(Speclal.l Mrs. Isabella Dickinson Smith died at Crawford at tho residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Nelllo Ellswlck, Thursday. She was born In England in lS.'G. Funeral services were held at tho resldonce, con ducted by Rev. A. T. Carpenter, and in terment was In Greenwood cemetery. In Chadron, Friday, Rev. U. S. Grant of the First Methodist Episcopal church con ducting tho services here. Mrs. Smith leaves three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Qiunn of Chadron and Mesdames Georglauu V. Hlgglns and Nellie Ellswlck of Crawford and six grandchildren. Deceased had lived In Chadron from Its beginning In AugUBt, 18S3, until feeble health last yea- Induced her to so td her daughter's homj In Crawford. Rev. Harold Lascelles, lately from Eng lnnd, hns been appointed rector of Grace church, which has been without a rector for almost a year, when Rev. FrederlcK Graves left for tho larger parish at Mun cle, Ind. 'Dr. C. B. F. Grantham has bought tho brick drug storo and stock of drugs if L. W. Gorton. County Commissioner "Walter Gallup re signed his position this week and leavs for AVashlhgton after d twenty-five years' residence here. Francis B, Carley, formor county clerk and clerk of the district court, has been appointed to fill the va cancy. Messrs. Corbln of Johnson county, Rey nolds of Red Willow and Hostettler of Buffalo, from tho house of representa tives, are here today Inspecting the nor mal school. NOTES FROM FRANKLIN AND FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKLIN. Neb., Feb. 8.-(Special.) Al Fleshman of Wilcor has sued the city of Franklin for $10,000 damages on account of being arrested hero a couple of weeks ago, charged with carrying Intoxtcatln? liquor Into the city. The police Judge dis charged him on account of lack of Juris diction. Tho case will come up at the next term of the district court. Miss Luella Mason of this place, was married to George E. Mead ot Ware, Colo., Wednesday, at the home of the bride's parents In this city, Rev. G, F. Fink officiating. The newly wedded couple, will make their home In Colorado. The Frarfklin High school basket ball team defeated the Alma High school team at the opera house here Tuesday night, by a score of 24 to IS. At tho regular meeting of the school board here Wednesday night, the follow ing teachers were re-ejnployed: Super intendent E. M. Hussong, A. E. Steven son, Miss Lena Morgan and Miss Ger trudn Brlgga. The Farmers' Institute will be held hero Monday and Tuesday of next week, and several of the'best known Iecturesr from the extension department of the Btate university will be here to address farmers herein named shall, on July 1, 1913, cease to exist In the governor and the Hoard of Public Lands and Buildings and shall be come vested In ft board of commissioners of state Institutions, and tho said board Is, on July 1913, and without further process ot law. authorized and directed ' to nssume and exercise all tho powers ' heretofore vested In and exercised by the ; governor and Board of Tubllc Lands and i Buildings with reference to the tilstltu tlons of the state named herein." ! Regahlless of this section In the constl- i tutlon, the governor Is appointing demo- crats as .heads of state Institutions, and . . , . . . ... , i . . ... ...in .IA i nt me raie no in kuuik iuwiw viu i. nu selections to bo made by the non-partisan board ot control which he will nppolnt. SEWARD BUSINESS MEN I FOR TELEPHONE ACT SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 8. (Special.) A mass meeting at, tho court house last j night, called by the Commercial cluo, adopted the following resolution: Ttenntved. That It Is the sense of this meeting that we heartily favor tho pass age or house rou no. 3 and mat wo com mend the efforts of Representative Miller In assisting In Its passage by the house, and that we urffe Senator Smith to use his best efforts t bring about Its passage, by the senate. Cupid Iltiny nt Fnlrbnry. FAIRBURY, Neb., Feb. 8.-(8pec!al.)-County Judge C. C. Boyle Issued marriage licenses to six couples to wed during the last week, being an unusual number for this place. The couples Included Melza II. Brown and Grace E. Garber, Henry Jarchow and Marie Warnke, H. F. Sydow and Dora Huber, Fred Obermeyero and ', Minnie Marlitn, , Leonard Kenny and i Jennie Sturm, Agatha Grabowskl :ind August Hucske. IliiatnrBn ChniiKen ut Wutmu. "WAUBA, Neb.,. Feb. 8. (Speclal.)-Otto Ilult has closed a deal for the Blenklron lot, east of the Golden Rule store, on which he will build a brick garage. W. J. Foreman has leased the Palace livery barn to A. P. Larson ,and will move to Kimball, S. D. Tho Commercial barn, at present occupied by Mr. Larson, has been leased to Bloomtleld parties, who will tit It up for a garage and auto Uvery. W0LGAST MATCHED TO FIGHT TOMMY MURPHY Cedar Illuffa Haa Klectrlc LlichU. ' CEDAR BLUFFS, Neb., Feb. -(Special.) Cedar Bluffs turned on electric lights' last night. The bonds wero voted last summer for a home plant to cost IC.600. Before work started the FrevJnt Gas' and Electric Light company made an offer to supply the town with twenty-four-hour service at a great deal less cost and the city board submitted It to a vote and the Fremont proposition carried by a large majority. The system as It now stands Consists of three wires run to Fremont and crossing the Platte river on three steel towers near where the dam of the proposed Kountze brothers power canal will be. The streets are lighted with some thirty-five 250 watt lights. Drainage Work to Benin. TECUM8EH, Neb., Frb, 8.-(Speclal.) Contractor O. P. Herrlck of Des Moines, la., who secured the work of excavation for the main ditch and laterals In thn Johnson county drainage plan along tha Nemaha river and tributary streams, hat written W. rt. Abbott, president of the drainage board, that he has sublet the lateral work to Contractor Marrow .if Council Bluffs. He says the subcontractor till begin the erection of a dry ditch ma chine on the McPherrln place, some two and one-half miles west of the city, wlth'-n , few days. Kearney Superintendent Ur-Hlcctcd KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 8.-Speclal.)-Supeiintendent R. E. Cochran, of the city schools, was elected to succeed hlm stlf In that position for the next year at the salary of $1,800, by tho school board at their meeting Thursday. Arrangements have been made to place a complete system of a domestic science course In the city schools. It Is planned to start this course In all grades of the city schools at the beginning of the next school year. A special committee wac ap pointed to Investigate the cost and equip ment necessary to give the course In a useful and Instructive way. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 8. Ad Wolgast, former lightweight champion, was today matched to fight Tommy Murphy of Now York, 'now In Chicago, on February 2i, taking the place of Joe Mandot of New Orleans, who was suddenly taken 111 The bout will be scheduled here tnr twenty rounds. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8.-Ad Wolgast. who Is. In Portland, denied today he na.l definitely agreed to fight Tommy Mur phy In San Francisco February 22. Wol gast said he had referred the match t his manager, Tom Jones, who Is In Chi cago, and expects to make a definite an nouncement of his plans within a day or two. Wdlgast said he weighed 134 pounds and would havo no difficulty making nu weight oii the 22d. I Don't lot your cold run Into Grippe Nothing- pulls you down more than Grippe. It effeett ore often serious and per manent. Get rid of that cold now. "t lavkd Dr. BalTi Couth Smp rood km. dJoircouliliilo hi cold." llt. P C, upl, in Mnr A., Brok!ri, N.V. fe?4 FftEE SAMPLE &-rtete.(fo A Conservative Laundry UMAHA B QUALITY LAUNDRY An Vgclr Gash should be covered with clean bandages, saturated with liucklen's Arnica Hulvc Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 25c. Is conservative in tlmt it makes absolutely no promises it does not fulfill. "We ask your patronage only on the quality of our work. A trial convinces. Douglas 2560 artmans Great Remodeling Sale and I ! Bigger Bargains Than Ever Our great Remodeling Sale is proving a wonderful success. Inter est and enthusiasm on the part of the buying public is running high. Never were such truly extraordinary values and such vast quantities offered at prices so alluring. No previous selling event ever offered such money-saving opportunities to home pro viders. Our one effort is to dispose of all odd lots and broken lines in two weeks, so that room can be made for new season's furniture. To this end we have made reductions varying from 25 to 50 below regular prices. Wc want you to take advantage of these wonderful prices. Read this advertisement carefully and you will secure a fair idea of some of Hie splendid bargains possible at llartman's. Liberal Credit Terms On Every Article Advertised Bedroom Furniture It i El 1 1 tS! 1 1 kXMI A Bargain In a Fine Colonial Dresser MAD K O V heavy gonulno iiolld oak Ameri ca n qunr t o r o d finish. Hand rub bed and polished, lluse lias four 1 a r k o druwerj fitted with wood pu 11k and heavy I'UlUIIItll 1UUI. trn size French ill b o v o 1 d nlato mirror. Our ox ceiitlo nal It w ! sale prico on this dresHor Is $11.25 Solid Oak Chiffonier. .Five roomy draworu and beautifully finlHhod. A $7 00 d value at ipTT.O Very bcBt American quartered oak. DresHor. Frondi beveled plato mirror In a colonial de Blsn. A ? 13.50 fcry qc value at J) 2 v Massive Mahogany Dresser. Pattern shape mirror and hov eled. An $18.00 tf i jef valuo at M 1 1 .OO HIkIi grade and masalvo colon ial Chiffonier. American quar ter sawed oak. An rtQ C $18 value at PI7.00 Quartor sawed oak mahogany voneor Hlrd's-Eyo Maple Dress ing Table, llrllllantly polish ed. A $28.00 (hi7 qj- valuo at - P JL MushIvo Colonial Drew or (Jenuliio MnlitiKiiny nr (Mr- Ann r--v ciisHlim walnut M J Kll r.8 vnluo at. . . PJWV Special Monarch Rocker Values A POSITIVELY wonderful bar gain at tho prico. Made of specially b o 1 o c t o (1 hard wood, finished in a richly grained Amorlcan quar ter sawed oak. HiKhly glossed, u p li o Istorod in Nantucket leath er, over full steel spring construc tion. A regular $8. 50 valuo, sale price $4.79 PARLOR FURNITURE Quarter sawed oak Morris Chair. Imperial leather covering and beau tifully designed- A $10 hj- QJ- value fPJjO Large Mahogany Sleepy Hollow K'ocker. Beautifully tufted and up holstered in high grade imperial leather. A $13.50 valuo (Jjr QC prlcod at j) acO Over tufted Turkish Rocker. Genuine leather upholstering, plateform base. Regular prico $30.00, (Jjl O 7C special at CPlO.I O Genuine Leather Mahogany finlBh 3 pleco parlor suite. A $30.00 value. A wonderful bargain JJ 05 Massive, highly polished genuine leather 3-ploco parlor suite. Beauti fully carved, brilliant- dQ fiC ly polished. $38 valuo ipU.OO LIBRARY FURNITURE American quartered oak, colonial Library Table. Strongly made, beau tifully finished- A $14.00 &n 7C value PO O Ladles' fumed or golden can W'ritu g Desk. Large and roomy with numer ous compartments. A rvr $8.60 vnlue 4)f-.i70 Massive Colonial Pedestals. Finished In fumed or golden oak, Ti qq worth $4.00, special .. P 1 .tO Massive quartered oiik huio.iuI r-1 Davenport, upholstered liAf n fr genuine high grade I in l fs "i-tX perll leather, JSC valui -' O Ijarge and roomy Fabrlcoid u, Couch, quartered oal t f frame, full Meet construe K I f I tf I tlon. TXtg. price $18, novVivtUU Guaranteed cM Proo AM Brass Bed m h ii ii in n n lrW L lS?r-5?d II H fc tt XJW 9-. LlJ-il Kl If Ml V u JartmaN A GUARANTEED MASSIVE 2-INCII POSTS i lm Ti-i-in . i-VTri-r i"iicim BRASS BED Every bod wurriiiilcd to last a life time. Covered with the best lacquer that wm bo ut-,ed. Has ten heavy fillers, and massive two-inch posts. Comes in all sizes, all finishes. Regu- fto lur $18.00 value, offered for fexSfl J&W 1 this sale only, at KITCHEN FURNITURE Maple Kitchen Cabinets. Two large bins, two drawers and kuoadlng board. $7.00 valuo fljo JQ at P3c70 Solid Oak Kitchen Cabinet Sanitary biiBu, largo china compartment with glaBB doorB. An $18.00 fiQ Qfl vnluo, special at .... ipSiV 8ellor'B Colobratod Kitchen Cabinet, waxed oak finish, sliding motal top, absolutely dust proof. t01 GkC $35.00 value Drop-leaf Kitchen Tables. Made of solid oak, nicely pollBhed. Always a. $5. 00 value, Bpeclal 85 Qenuluo solid oak Kitchen Chnlrs. Strongly constructed and made for hard ovory-day ubo. worth 7Q $1.50, special at .- iC FINE METAL BEDS Artistically Knamcled Irou Red. A largo selection of colors, all sizes, strongly made. $2.70 (ft- a q valuo P 1 TC7 Heavy Brass trlmmod All-Steel Beds. Selection of colors, all sizes, $7.00 value, specially t3 QQ priced p070 Massive 2-lnch post, chllless Vornle Martin or white A $15.00 value, special for this" f7 QC sale iP .170 Guaranteed 2-lnch poRt Brass Beds All sizes, all finishes, A dQ OA $17.50 vnluo Pi7I7U Massive continuous 2-inch post Brass Bed. 10 heavy fillers, satin or bright finish. A $30 (ft 1 C QQ valuo at 10.0I7 A Groat Value 6-Foot Ex. tension Dining Room Furniture Solid oak C-ft. Ex tension Tablo, high ly polished. A $7.50 T. . . $4.75 Amorlcan o,uar tor sawed Pedestal Ex tension Tablo. A (13.50 value. . $9.75 nKAUTIFUL SOLID OAK KXTKN'SION TAULK. Mas- slvely constructed, with laro top and heuvy pedestal bane, supported on four hand carved claw feet limit throucnout or men Krone material and finished In a brilliantly pollahed golden oak An exceptional value for this sale, at .. i in vv ical uuiu $9.98 $10.50 MaBslvo Extension Table, heavy pedes tal, richly finished. An $18.00 valuo, spe cial . Colonial Buffet American quartered oak. A high grade $25.00 value, spo- priced $14.95 I Beautiful gcnulno quartered oak I China Closet, bent ! ends and mirror top, a $25 valuo. Priced? j 4J5 Colo nlal design China Cabinet, golden or Early English finish, very massive a ?3& $1 7 80 valuo lit Quartersawed oak dining chair, full box seat, strongly made, n $3.00 It!ue $1.89 .npiiulnu quarter Hawed oak diner. Colonial mroll leH, Kenulnn leather, u gS.&O val- JQ or us ut OOiOa Quarter Sawed Oak Slip- seat Colonial Dining Chair Bargain B E ADTIEULLY pollshod, o x t r p. broad back, full slzo Blip seat, up holstered in gon ulno 1 o a t h o r, Early English, fumed or golden finish, only 6 to a customer, $4.50 value $2.95 R 141446-18 Douglas St.