V HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: KEBIU'AKY 5), 3C 1 Us Boy S Shrimp Flynn is Getting a Bit Worried Drawn for the Bee by Tom McNamara Reentered Vnlted States Patent Offlrf SWNN SHANER'S 6006Lf DEPARTMENT SHRIMP FCINf. EDITOR. PRO TeW woTe- I CANT FIND THE ANSWER -v jl COIN' TO MAKE EMILY ) II IP cue SPEAK) ( CRIVIMAr ( (Jrl TH, TM,THf 1H,TH, THE II QH (5 MC CA.CAiCA.CA, CA.l sr, I ( 60SH HAN& IT. SHE ,' AV, wTffiTfijE Op TftiO I WON'T. lUW 5SwT5" V H ffeo?H(THS1 GorAWMiill SHE'S CERTAlNtfGCfr A 8A) llElLlS STOCK ) fl x(SMT MP I ( ittSHOVU HER SME CrNTAKE ME S WERETHEV CASE ON ThAT tj jti&t&T ON THAT NSW , S&Mk & kVN"J JEALOUS. lU WALK RIGHT OP r-Srr A 60 00UJN 7 &HK, BELIEVBj Jgi lAXfT SHSj h TiSSHE IS TO THAT B003 AND SL ' J fell f!Slf fl $PW Win WIH1- A. ' . FRECKLES WILL PAL v-j t I k. II SB imKV&X. rfHl Ifi5 Ai,E. I Mil i ) WWb f, ISif WSMVri v. i t OFFERED 1X)K RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT I PKRSOXAIi uonara nuil Cuttuc. lluunm anil CuKnicea. lluuaci nnd Cutlusr . NEW FIVE-ROOM eaml-bunifalow cot ' tagc, on nice lot, only one block from car line, located In good neighborhood and nlc urroundlnKS. This pretty cot tare presents neat and attractive outside appearance, has the lines of a bungalow without a great deal of expense merely for display. Largo front porch, extia deep; convenient vestibule entrance opening to cozy south si do living room, oxtrnt wide mission opening from living room to dining room; three high dining room windows to south', large kltohen ami nlot pantry. Inside ontrunce to full concrete basement, well lighted, two splendid bed rooms with large closet fot each, large bath room, fully equipped with high grade guaranteed plumbing, five foot roll rim porcelain tub, pretty lava tory, low down water closet, with quar tered oak tank; hot and cold wntor all through; electric lights, pretty four light chain drop shower with latest de sign celling pan for living room, artistic beaded amber dome for dining room; It'e complete In every way and finished with polished oak floors, and selected lnsldt woodwork. The construction Is first clasa In every respect and will stand rigid In spection; 2x8 lower joists on 16-Inch centers and double bridged; all floors doublo over No. 1 shlplap, with building paper between; clear rod wood siding ovel tar felt between walls. Let your rent pay for neat and attractive little cottage home. Price $2,126, J1S5 cash and per month, monthly payments lncludt the interest, warranty deed and com plete abstract of title given soon as deal 1b closed. See mc at once today, this la first cdttage advertised this season and will go quickly. Bold four high grade homes during the last week. Tako car now and come; get off at Halcyon Ave., Kenson, and come south to No. 115. Phones Denson 122 and 203. 11G South Hal. cyon Ave. "We have gas In Benson now. P. 8. TRUX.L.INOBR, HKNSON. HOTJ8B8 FOR RENT. $12.(0 per month, 3239 Evans St., 8 rooms, modern except heat. US per month, 2419 Blnney St., G rooms, modern except heat. $20 per month. 123 N. 24tji St., 6 rooms, modem except heat. $20 per month, 3013 Webster St., 6 rooms, modern except heat. $20 per month, 91S 8. 31st, E rooms, modern. $20 per monthr-3424 Franklin St., 7 rooms, modern. $30 per month, 1811 'N. 10th St., 6 rooms, modern except heat. $27.60 per month, 3829 N. 20 St., 6 rooms, modern, nearly new. $30 per month, 3415 Dewey Ave., C rooms, modern, nearly new. $30 per month, 2330 Fort St. 7 rooms, modern, hot water heat. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. $25 per month, 1703 Burt St., 3 rooms and bath. $27.60 per month. 1615 Howard St., 7 rooms, modern except heat. $30 per month, 130 N. 3Qlh St., 6 rooms, modern. $35 pec month, 619 S. 16th St., 6 rooms, modern. $S0 per month, 3324 Harney St., 9 rooms, fine repair. $110 per month, 1611-13 Howard St, 21 rooms, modern except heat. $85 per month, for desirable furnished house In West Farnam dlpjtrlct. GEORGE & COMPANY. 003-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. $12.00. 3414 North 29th. Four-room house, city water and gas, one block from Dodge street car, between 'Bristol and Pinkney; front and back porohes. Kev at coal office, 30th and IMnkney. Jeff W. Bedford & Son. 4140 Burdette, 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $15. 2235 S. 6th, 6-r., city water, $12. 3114 Maple. 4-r., city water. $8.50. 4712 N. 40th. G-r., dty water. $11. 3115 S. 16th St.. 4-r., city water, $8. 1510 S. Elst St.. 6-r.. well. $3. 3461 Miami, fl-r.. wH, 9. 4031 Parker. 5-r.. well. $9.50. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. 2601 S. 33d St., 8 rooms, modern, $25; with garage, $30. 2010 N. 18th St. nnd 180S Grace Sts 10 rooms each, modern. $30. 110 S. 25th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $35. 1906-8 Farnam St., 5 rooms, modern ox. heat, each $25. 603 8. 29th St., 6 rooms, modern ex. boat. $20. 3701 N. 21st St., 8 rooms, $17.50. 1033 S. 22d St. 3 rooms, $13. 915 N. 16th St.. 3 rooms. 11. TV. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam Tel. Doug.1064. $45 8-room modern house, 1318 S. 32d St., Hanlcom Park district; excellent lo cation. $25 6-rm. mod. house, 211 S. 25th Ave. $18 ! rms. mod. ex. heat, 1813 St. Mary's Ave., 2d floor. $U 1-rm, flat. 1st floor No modern ex. heat, 419 S. 19th St. $10 4-rm. flat, id floor, So., mod. tx. heat. 415 8. 19th St. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. "Phone Douglas 1151. 2433 Franklin. 12-r all modern $35.00 1010 8. 22d St., 8-r strictly modern.. 30.00 B212 Mason, 8-r., ail modern 30.00 4107 Irard. 7-r., all modern 18.00 408 N. 26th St., 5-r., mod. ex. heat.. 16.00 1623 N. 24th, So. Omaha. 8-r., c. w.... 12.00 1012 Pacific, 4-r mod, ex. heat 12.60 2317 Burdette, 3-r.. city water in yard 7.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4754. 6 ROOM house, all modern. One block from car. $20, New house, furnace, elec tric lights, barn. 3 lots; $15. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. FORMERLY SHIMER & CHASE CO. Doug. 357. DOS So. 17th St. Open Sat, evenings until 9 o'clock.' 5-ROOM cottage. S53 N. 25th Ave.. $14. 7-room, modern, 2109 Grant St.. $20. -room, modern. 050 N. 25th St., $25. THQ3. W. HAZEN. 307 McCague, D. 1300. Walking dlstonce, strictly modern 6 room square house, rental $32.50 a month and water rent Owner willing to least to right party by the year for $30 a month and water rent This Is a good house and will stand closest Inspection, SCOTT & HILL. Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. 620 8. 18th St, 3 ropms with pantry, washing room and coal bin; nice place; caII nnd se. WEST FARNAM New stucco. 3l N 83th Ave.: fine location and only $13. FOR COLORED. Seven rooms, modem except furnace; close In. Only $21.60. BARGAIN, Phone " Douglaa 1172. BIG SNAP $15 for E-room cottage, fine repair, city water, electric lights. Want good tenant and will make you a fine proposition. Some free rent Move at once. It will pay you. EARNEST SWEET. 1K6 City Jfat'l Bank. Doug. HT2. i j est jKKair ii Piip .i iraLruaii ii tlh miimtikii ii kf. m t-m iii viir ii rm.kwiii i HOUSES & COTTAGES. 210 S. 23th 6-r., partly modern; close In, $15. 1618 Clark, 5-r., partly modern, close to U. P. shops, reduced to $W. 2115 Nicholas, 5-r., for colored, $15. 2323 S. 18th, 6-r., modern except heat, $16. 3115 Vinton, 5-r., modern In every re spoct except heat; only $18. 819 N. 34th, 5-r., modern except heat; very choice location; $21. X43 Davenport, mod. except heat $21. l.r2 Dodge, 6-r. strictly mod. cottage, $25. 812 Park Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $22.50. 1GW Madison Ave., 7-r., mod. ex. heat, largo yard, good barn, $2T. 2S24 Ruggles, 7-r., strictly modern, $25. 4248 Ilurdetto, S-r., strictly modern, bar gain -at $25. 1035 S. 30th Ave., 7-r, strictly modern, cholco location, $30. 2708 N. 20th. 7-r., strictly modem, desir able residence district, within one block of street car, reduced to $30. 2212-14 Seward, 14 rooms, $39. lfios Hpruco, 7-r., strictly modern, very desirable residence district, reduced to $32.50. Ml S. 2Sth St.. 12-r., strictly modern, within cosy walking distance, bargain at $35. 3024 Cusb, 9-r., strictly modern, very cholco residence district, $45. FLATS. 140S N. 17th, 3-r., partly modern, close In. only $S. 519 S. 25th Ave., 10-r.. all modern, within easy walking distance, $30. C02 S. 30th, 4-r., modern except heat, only flO. 1910 Lake, 6-r.. modern except heat, $15. 217 S. 30th, a 6-r., strictly modern flat, hot wator heating plant, $27.60. 324 S. 25th Ave., G-r.. strictly modem, easy walking distance, $32.60. 10JJ S. 30th Ave., a beautlfut G-r., strictly modern flat. Field club district. $37.50. 3127 Pacific, the most beautiful . 6-r. St. Louis fait in the city, $42.50. 1818 Dodge, 7-r., strictly modem, very cioso in, J&o. we have others. Get our comploto printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BENSON & MYERS CO. 3 rms., 1819 No. 17th, modern, $12. 5a 6 rms., 2704 Seward St.. part mod., 15. 5 rms., 3010 No. 2Sth part mod.. $10. 6 rms., 315 So. 36th street. $12.50. 5 rms., HOT. South 29th street, $12.50. 7 rms., 1325 So. 28th, part mod., $25. 7 rms., 1519 So. 2Sth, modern, $20. 8 rms., 1737 Park Ave., modern. $25. S rms.. 421 No. 39th, modern, $85. 10 rms., 1041 Park Ave., modem, $30. 11 rms., 1029 So. 30th Ave., modern, $30. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bldg. Douglas 746. ONE 6-room and one 6-room house. 70 8. 17th St. 1411 N. 26th St., C-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. 1416 N. 26th, 6-r., mod.Nex. heat. $18. 945 N. 25th, 7-r. flat, mod ex. heat, $20. 91514 N. 26th, 7-r. flat, mod. ex. heat $20. 919 N. 25th. 6-r. cottage, $20. 3206 Emmett, 6-r.. part mod. $15. 1318 S. 32d St, 7-r., mod., fine neighbor hood, on car line, will repair to suit tenant. $40. Arthur J. McShane 319 First Na. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1575.' LL'AViisU next week for Los Angeles, I must rent my cottago home, 5 rooms and bath, all modern, hot water heat, beautifully furnished, furniture Invoices about $300, but will sell for $175, $50 aowiif balance $5.00 per month; will rent for $M; water rent $1 extra per month. ri hlB 13 a great opportunity for someone starting housekeeping; everything complete audi nlmost new. Phono Webster 3196. Byron K. Eaton. 1517 North 39th street, 2d door north of Ames Ave. 8-R, MOERN house, 3021 Marcy, $35. 7- r., modern. 123 N. 10th, $30. 8- r. house, 2318 Davenport $22.50. C-r., houso and bam, 320 N. 26th, $15. 3-r house. 1811 Nicholas. $12. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. MAGQARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ship household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 2617 CAPITOL AVE.-H-r. all mod.. JJ0; half month free; water rent paid. Rasp Bros., 1W McCague Bldg. $10-6-r. cottage at 3M Patrick Av $16-E-r. cottage at 1712 N. 33d St. $18-6-r. house at 2501 Emmet St; bath. $18 -r. house at lSUrCorby St.; bath. $20 6-r. house nt 1819 Locust St ; bath. $30 7-r. houso at 3901 N. 18th St.; hot water heat. $30 8-r. house ut 2201 Spencer St.; mod. W. H. GATB3, 611 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 12W, Webster 2688. 2705-7 HOWARD ST.-5 and 7-room modern cottages, $18 and $20; good con dltlon. Harney 1583. 8-room house, all mod,, 4223 Douglas, $20. 2 rooms, unfurnished, 2123 Cuming, $7.60. 3 room's, Pusey Blk 708 8. 16th, $11. 3 rooms, unfurnished, 1701 N. 21th St., $7. 6-room flat, mod. except heat. 1602 N. 21th St.. $20. G-room flat, mod. except heat, 1600 N. 24th St.. $16. 4-room flat, 707 a 17th St., $13. N. P. DODGE& CO.. 15th and Harney. 109S.i.CTH aTvE.. 7 rooms, modern. oak finish, combination fixtures; nothing1 ueuer. rnone uenson JiVJ, FOR RENT 2-storv frame dwelling rn Cass St., between 26th and 27th Stu.. all modem Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. 8-ROOM modern house at 112 S. 44th tit. on West Farpam-Dundee- line: warm. tomfortcble home. Tel. Harney 3361 710 N. 22d. 7 rooms, modern $35.00 215 N. 18th. 9 rooms 27.50 1219 S. 16th, 6 rooms, for colored fam ily 17.60 Otlws.' RINGWALT. Brandeis Theater Bldg. ITnnana In all parts of the city. nuustB Crelgh. Pons & Co.. Bee Bldg GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO. Stor age, 12 per month. We cpntract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 1223 r.nd D. 3785. Offices 117 8. 11th St. 530 N. 16th. 725 S. 37TH ST. Strictly modern hou.it; electrio lights. Phone Webster 2590. 574 B. 28th St. J rooms completely mod uli. Hall. 433 Itamge. D, 7406 A 4408. FOR RENT 5-room coCtage. 2020 Ban croft t.-ater and gas, $15. Tel, Tyler 1478. I " COTrAQB-8 NVUth. Harney "68. J Tg6 hau, yu-.rfs. i grit moving. D. iW I SEVERAL homes for rent In different parts of city- inquire 8:5 8. 29th. , 7-room flat, ti floor, 2308 Cuming St. I 7-room fiat, 2d floor, 2310 Cuming St. 8-room house at l N. 17th St. 8-room house at 1563 N. 17th St 7-room house at 972 N, 26th Bt O. C RBDICK, Att'y. 1617 Farnam St 8 ROOMS, modem, 112 N. X6t D. fill. BEAUTIFUL home, strictly modern. 8 rooms, abundance of small fruit, 22d and Brown. J. H. Johnson, 578 Brandeis. 8tora nnd Offices. FOR RENT-lNjr wholesale, light man ufacturlrg or retail purpones Farnam St after December 31 thi three-story and basement building, 22x100 nt No. 1011 Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bar It Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1211. , S-STORY brick bldg.. 16th and Cuming Sts. Tel Douglas 2474. LOT on alley between Harney and Ka nam on 13th St. Phone Harney S.14. For llent Stores and Warehouses $ 25-220S-10-12 Cuming St.. In new build ing, fine store rooms, full basements, tile vestibule and modern store fronts. $ C0-617 S. 16th St., room 22xC0 feet, full basement, thoroughly modern and up-to-date store room. $ S5-451.1 S. 16th St, on alley Just south of Union Outfitting Co., fine base ment, modern show windows, elec tric light, etc.; rental Is exception ally low-for 16th St. location. $1252553 Farnam St., street room 20x120 feet, full basement, modern In every respect; will be completed In about ten days. $150318 S. 15th St., room 15x00 feet, In shopping district. Look this over at once. Heat furnished. $210 2E.'9-2551 Farnam St , street large room 40x120 feet, with full deep base ment, very attractive and substan tially built building. Will be com pletde about March 1. George & Company 'Phone D. 75(1. 902-12 City Nat. Ilk. Bldg. 1311 DOUGLAS, rear store, 22x80, $15. BIRKETT & CO., Doug. 4751. 123 Bee Bldg. NEW, centrally located hall, well equipped, 1508-10 Harney. 2d floor. Store or salesroom, 2d fl., 1508 Harney. 3d floor at 1506 Harney St; new. Offices at 1517 Farnam St., 2d floor. Store, 1020 N. 16th St. Two stores, new, 2101-6 Cuming St. Store at 336 N. 26th St., South Omaha. O. C. RBDICK, Att'y, 1517 Farnam St. 160S N. 24TH ST. Large store room, $30. H. A. WOLF, 132 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. SOUS. OFFICES AND STORES. CO-room brick building formerly occupied by hospital. Can be rented for hospital or for hotel. Bath room on each floor. New steam heating plant. Warehouse or store, 1307-9 Howard St.; 3 stories; steam heat; freight elevator. Store room at TOG S. 27th St.. $12.60. Two fine, largo office rooms at 15th and Harney Sta. .See us about those right away. N. P. DODOE & CO., 15th nna uamey TWO up-to-date stores at 1812 and 1S20 St. Mary's Ave., The Sterling. Thcso stores nro well heated, have large cement ' , . .. .., 1 . In mfturlnir rnttill district FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 'Phono Douglas 1161. Will Build Warehouse To Suit Tenant 33x'l32 feet with trackage, on Dodge St., h,iu'An ith nnil 13th St. Owner will build to suit tenant f J. 11. Dumont & Co. "Phone Douclas 690. 1603 Farnam St. STORE and basement. 1907 Cuming; $30. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 Farnam St OFFERED FOR BAliH furniture, FURNITURE of 9-ioom home, by piece, 217 S. 23th St Phone Tyler 1626. HIGH-GRADE furniture, almost new, of four-room apartment, by couple leav ing city. AddresB A 657, Bee. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, Ji CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANtitt. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. ' Rent an L. C. Smith & Bros.' type writer of the makers, by the month, $1.00, or three months foi 17.50. L. C. Smith a Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam 3l Phone Doug. 2213 HAVE a new Monarch typewriter; will sell at sacrifice, as 1 am leaving the city; machine can bo seen any time. Address ! 012, care Bee. JUIaceltuueouB. Air and liquid burner. Heat and cook with air; interest for sale. 1620 Capitol. Kuit SALE -New and tckunu-ntuil carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix lures of all kinds: easy payments. I'll Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-l Bcuth 10th St. KINDLING, $1 load at factory. Acme Box Co., 11th and Seward. Doug. 183,. WE have a miscellaneous lot ot old gas and electric combination fixtures, some straight electric fixtures, we will ell very cheap. Apply Ueo Building Co., Omaha, Neb, v ij'ioui. elXTUUES, coolers, refrlgeia tor grocers' display counters. Ice ma chines Mhe United Line. IU7 Karnani . 1' ..B- Jt.-nai ii. Ani.-i :cjii .iupui w i. KiiiuJihh. it , j-r: Lu.ti.. it W j,o.,u, tiy a ou, best tvt J 'pw in.".., -tt Sli llaimun & Wes'.n, U m. I'. International H. Co. gasoline portable engine, in tip top shape. Address X k Uretna. Neb. ATTENTION. Smokers Don't wear out your trousers lighting matches. Use our simple device. Handy und Inexpensive; 10c. Coudeh, 127 E. 21th St.. Los An geles. FOR SALE Soda fountain, 1912 model "Liquid"' Iceless, with electric carbonator; excellent condition; must sell cheap at once. Address, Y 50. Bee. , FOR SiyLB A bargain In books from llbiary of. n retired lawyer. Write to Box 256, Central City. Neb, , PERSONAL A A fl IfSwedlsii movement. Apt. CS-DaV blood remedy. l.-.i naimrtp 12th nndUode. THE SALVATION ARMY soiuTu "cii.it off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at lit N. 11th St, for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor, Phone Douglas 11U and wagon will call. ( Massage, Mrs. Rlttenhouie, 303 Boston SU. Massage Expert treatment Mrs Steele. 20S H. 13th Bti Room 20V Close 10 p. tl YOUNG women coming tn Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where the) will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travulers' aid at the Union station. Scientific mnssngu. Mrs ih-dluncl P. 7Uf. M A kJU A nit' "Corns rotmned. Jftc Mrs! iiIuvn"s' ""' s- ini1' - ini ANNA "MARKS "'nE;'lP, isofrSr" nnm Apt3. P. C5J1 MassagerMrs. Ooldsburg. 30S HostonTlid." K. BELLE, scltwiiiric massuKo; bothsT druglesa trnatments 70.1 S Pith. Apt H. MAGNIOTLC e hum, 1 Over 710 S 16th. D. 7S9S. MASSAGE, salt glow.' Mine. Allen of Chicago. 1U0 S. 17th St. Douglas 7K03. WANTED, 1,000 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, whose complexions nro endangered liv accumulations of dirt, mi and dust lii ttiolr pores, to try Venus' Hath, a do llcloiiHly perfumntl skin rlennscr that will rid the skin .of nil Impurities and give the user a sKIn clean and puro as virgin snow. Write for full particulars and special offer today to The Uiiiveisnl Sales Agency, Drawer 1114, Kansas y, Mo. SUPERFLUOUS "lmlr. wnrt.l and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation freo nnd confidential; nil work guaranteed. MIbh Allender, 621 Bee Bldg MASSAGE Mrs. Snyder, baths, electrle treatments. 448 Brnn. Then. Bldg. D. 863. POULTRY AND MUPPLIUH ' EGGS F,or Hatching From thoroughbred R, C. Rhode Island Reds; vigorous, hardy stock; great lay ira; country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 100. A. H. BAKER. Benson. Neb. R. F. D. No. 2; Tel. Benson 717-V.. FINE Rosecomb Rhode Island Red Cockerels from egg-laying stock. Corre spondence answered. F. S. King. Benson. 12 Black Mltlorca pullets, one cockerel. Phone ilarnoy 2989. SINGLE Comb White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Telephono Florence 218. T Gradmnnn, Florence, Neb. BARRED Plymouth Rock cockorols, pullets or hens of our champion exhibition and heavy egg laying Htraln. Prices Very low. Alhqulst Bros.. Box C, Ames Ave. Station. Omaha, Neb.. Tel. Florenco J01. ONE brooder and ono lncubTtorTljiand new und in perfect condition; Incubator capacity, 60 eggs. Will make very mod erate price. 630 8. 20th St. RI3AL ESTATE Allb'I It ACTS III'' TITl.tC. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of flco In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. ACItEAOn FPU SALE. West of Omaha 10 Acres Ten acres, highest ground, very finest view, rich ground, now In nlfalfa; 110 foot frontage on West lcavamvortli road; only 1J4 miles to Elmwood Park car line; $500 per acre, $1,500 cash, balance monthly nt 6 per cent Owner will take on first payment cottage or lots up to $1,000 at cash value, If clear. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 2715. crenings, jj. sas ,or H. 5131. . ACREAGE BARGAIN 20 acres near Florence; old house; good well and pump and windmill; 2 aero grapes; 2 acres raspberries, Ji-acre straw berries; aero asparagus; 7 acres for truck garden; balance bearing cherry, apple and plum trees. Price $5,850. Will take some city property, Improve, for part. P. J. Tebbens Solo Agent. 760 Omaha Nat Bk. Tel. I). 2JS2. Acre .Tracts 10 acres near 16th & Grand Ave., well Improved with all kinds of fruit 6 acres, 17th & Ames Ave., well Im proved with all kinds of fruit fl acres on main street west of Benson, unimproved. For sale cheap. Bostwiek Sole Agent. ' 218 S. 17th St. aiTY I'UIII't'.IITY FOR SALE. FOR SALE 13-room house; arrange ment and location stilted .for boarding and rooming; town of 1.20J; cheap for cash If taken at once. Address O, A. SUven, Loup City, Neb. New 7-Room House 32d and Mason $400 Cash bdlar.ee in monthly payments like rent, buys a new 7-room, all modern residence at tiao Mason St; reception hall, living loom, den and dining room flnlshtd in oak, handsome buffet built in wall or dining room: butler's pantry and kltch-n ' iinienea in naru pine and noored with maple; three large bedrooms and bath room on secona noor miiMied In pine, white enameled; glnni knob nnd brushrd brass escutcheons on all tlie doors, tMei floor und Imitation tile on s.do wails of bathroom; full basement, furnace, a HI room, laundry tlnk, etc.; lot Lotus, drlvi wav on the Bldei complete with fixtures, walks, etc.; $4,7tO on above terms. Head ing will be completed In tho spring. The Byron Reed Co, Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17tn $500 Cut . $2.560 Close In, 7-room. nil modern house; furnace heat; cemented basement; large lot; room fovonother house; paved street Owner says sell -quick. OJST BUS x . Glover & Spain k '1-32 C'ty Nat Pank Writ Do" ?n TO Ubl, bbl.L uu j, i. P iiu. ar.l, JOHN W. IIOUBIN8, IttJ FARNAM ST. REAL KSTATU CITY l'lUHMJHTl KOIl MAI. IS $185 Cash ! $22.50 Per Mo. ' Price $2,225 .Sen It-room Heml-bungalow cottage, m 1 n Vf lot. only one block from car lino; I Ii cn'eil in good neighborhood nnd ulon NiiiioiindlngH. This pretty cottage picsents neat nnd uttrnethe outtldo nppcnrniiio; tlu. llut'H'nf a bungalow without n irnt of expense merely for dlsplny. liru fiont porch extra deep, convenient vesti bule untranre' opening to cony Houth stdei living room; extra wide mission opening from living room to dining room; tluo high dining room windows to south, largo kitchen and nice pantry: inHlde entrance to full concrete basement, well Ugotod; two nplondld bedroom", with large clOM't for each; large bathroom fully equipped with lilgh ginde guaranteed plumbing, five-foot roll-rim porcelain tub, prwttv lavatory, low-down water closet with quartered oak tank; hot and cold water all through; electile lights, pretty 'our llght chain drop shower, with latest de sign celling pan for living room, artlulc beaded amber dome for dining room; it Is complete In Kvery way and finished with polished oak floors und Htilectcd in sldo woodwork. The construction is first rlaHs In every respect and will stand llgld Inspection; 2x8 lower Joists on 10-ln. centers and doublo brldgi'd; all floors double over No. 1 shlplap, with building paper be tween; clear redwood Hiding over tar felt between walls, lit your rent pay for neat and attractive little cottage home. Price $2,225. $1ST. cash and $22.60 per month; monthly pnymentH Include the In terest; warranty deed and complete ab stract of title given soon a deal Ih closed. See mo at once today; this Is tho flrtt cottnge advertised this season nnd will go quickly. Bold four high-grade homcH during last week. Take car now mid come; get off nt Halcyon Ave., Hen.wn, and coma south to No. 115. Tels, Benson 122 nnd 202. 115 South Hnlcyon Ave. AVe Have Gas in Benson Now. P. S. Trull inger . Benson. Owner Must Sell Walking Distance $2,600 Five-room cottnge, modern except heat, having largo II vlnv room and dining room. Two good sized bedrooms and bath with best of plumbing fixtures; houso newly decorated throughout; elegant lighting fixtures; Iiouko has Just been painted on the outside; good diluent walks; In a good neighborhood; handy to schools, storeH atid car line; lot 30x119. Owner would consider a good Ford car as first payment on this property or a few hundred cush and balance like rent. SCOTT & HILL DouglaH 1WJ. 307 McCague llldg. New Dundee Home $6,250 Two-story. 8-room modern house, completed this fall nnd Ih offered fur sale only on account of owner leaving the cjjy. Jjirgo living room with brick fireplace, dining room, brenkfust room and kitchen firm floor; finished In oak except kitchen; Ihreo lnrge, bedrooms and sleeping pitch, finished In birch; . stairway to floored nttlc; south front lot, 60x135 ft. Located at 6111 Burt St. George & Company 902-12 City National Bank llldg. Phone DoligluH 750. Two Bargains Scveiv-room modem bouse, with lrnrd wood fltilFh. nartiuette floorlnir. ono lied I room and bath downstairs, 3 bedrooms ! upstairs; lot 15x138, fronting on paved street and nouievnni; paving iwju. I'nco; $5,000, vnay terms. A beautiful 9-room, strictly modern bouse, with hardwood finish nnd oak floors in fir"it story; 2 esst front lots, with gara go; on boulevard, one block from car Una. Price, $9,500: $3,500 cash, balance, nt 6 per cent; or house and ono lot (6,500; vucant lot and garage, $3,003. J. H. Dumont & Co. Phone Douglas CM. 1601 Farnam St. Another Good House Sold tho one advertised last Sunday. One block to cathedral and three car lines. East front; paying paid. Level lot; fine big trees. Four rooms nnd hall down. Four rooms and bath up. Best plumbing und hunt Not new, but excellent condition. $1,000 cash, balance to suit. O'KEKFK KIOAL 13 STATIC CO. 1010 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. Evenings II. 338 or II. 6131. SPECIAL IIO.MKSEEKERS' RATES first and third Tuesday each month to southern status; grasp the opportunity to visit the south nnd Investigate the possi bilities of tbu six richest southern statex traversed by the Seaboard Air Line rail way; rich fruit, truck and farming lands can bo secured at low prices; crop grow ing stiuson 260 to 315 days, 2 or 3 crops per year easily grown; excellent climate. Write today for special literature. J. A. Pride, General Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Line Railway, Suite 358, Norfolk, Va. Hanscom Park Bargain Six-room, nil modern home, only 1V4i blocks from Kust and West Slue 1'nrK cur line und Ixavenworth St., south frort, on paved street; lot 60x1; roums are a'l large, light nnd aTry: gnu mantel In living room. The house was built by owner for a home and has nevur been occupied by nnyono else. Armstrong-Walsh Co. : New lunation- .il'MJ-ll Statu Hunk i.lilg Tylr 136. 17th nnd Harney Bts. Near 24th and Ames Ave. Noat 5-room cottage home, modern ex 1 cent heat; nlco south front lot, with con 1 sldorable fruit on It; nice paved street Pr'ce only $2,400; $260 cash or good lot j taken as first payment. I See Rasp Bros. First. 1 1; Mct'itgue Bldg. Douglas 16C3 REAL KSTATI3 PROPERTY FOR fl.TC CITY Homes AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICE 1 Want Offers on These Properties, No Matter if They nro Ijow. 5 room cottriRo, south of Lnku St., good ropalr, city water, newly pnporutl, electric lights. Prlco ? 1,500; very easy tormB. Want offer. New C room Iiouho In Dtimloo, thoroughly modern, full size basoninnt, lmrdwood finish, on first floor, nlcoly decorated, lot G0xl28. Ownor hrm loft city permanently and wants an offer. His price Is only $2, COO, and It's a low figure at that. Now 7 room, 2 story modorn houso In that flno neighborhood of now homes nonr 24th between Ames and "'"oft SU ICast front, lot 53x128. Prlco only 3,200. Investment OPPORTUNITIES $ 4,500.00 for doublo frame flat 18 rooms, closo In, rents for G00 pet annum. WANT OFFER. $ 7,850.00 for steam heated building, Rental $1,020 per annum. dny. WANT OKK13R. Tl 1,500.00 for handBomo now doublo brick flats, east front, near 25th and Harney, routing to first cIubs tenants under yearly lenso for $1,500 nor annum. Iluilt less than ono yonr ago. Flnlshod in hardwood throughout, Including all floors. Plumbing, heating and wiring all by high claBs firms. This property pays over 12 not. THINK OF IT. $C,500 will handle it. Owned by non-resident who Is nnxlouB to soil. ERNEST 1236 City Notional Bank Bldg. Vi 1 Beautiful Bellevue Beautiful Bellevue Beautiful Bellevue For a HUniTRHAN HOME no place about Omaha Is moro attractive to the limn of MODERATE MEANS thun BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE Hero are 15 attractions as many more might bo named: iow Priced Property. Healthy location. lnterurlmn Connections. Great Burlington Route. Widely Extended Water System. Miles af Cement Walks. Romantic History. Charming Views. Choice People. Good Public Schools. Finn Old Bellevue College. Cheap Living. Convenient for Business. Opportunities for Garden, Fruit, Cow. etc. High Moral Conditions. The increasing Interest in profits that enn be made from a few acres or several 1c ts, because of tho cases coming to light of those who nro riklng good In this way, draws particular attention to BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE where thero nro unsurpuaMng facilities for Fruit Rulslng, Gardening, Mowers, Poultry, Dairying or any kind of In tiusivo Farming. Don't forged that It Is aivtdeal place to rnlno a Family. Choice lots 820) to 7260 on very easy payments. Got particulars. Visit Beautiful Bellevue at your eiullent oiipottunlty. George G. Wallace 311 urown iilocic OWN YOUR OWN HOME $50 cush, balance $15 a month will buy a thrum! new 4-room cottage with space on second flloor for two more rooms, finished In natural wood, birch dooTs, maple floors, nice cellnr, electtlc lights, good well, east front lot, located on pro posed Fort Ciouk bouluvaid, a few blocks Houth of Missouri Ave. on 13th St Price only $1,000. BEMIS-CARLBEUG CO. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. 12-ROOM house, Kountzn Place, Omaha" 17.000, clear, utao other clear Omaha property. Want California. 1133 W. 12d St., Los Angeles. Cal. NICE home, also excellent for renting, 536 South 2th St.; new, well built; 6 rooms and reception hall; all modern; cheaper now than next spring; ownor glad to show through. $2,500 Must raise some money. Will sell my 7-room, part modern residence ut a sacri fice. A substantial, well built house; not new, but In good repair; near 25th and Seward; 114 mile N. W. postofflco. All street improvements In und paid loi. Property worth $3,000, but need the money; so make me an offer. Bu sure to look this up ns this nd means what It suys. Address II OCT, care Bee. $1,200 $7 caiih and $15 per month for n, I -room cottage. 3111 No. 20th, ono block from Dodge and 3Cth St. car line. Has gas. electrio llg,ht and city water, front and baok porches. House In good condi tion. JEFF W. BEDFLORD & SON. Phones Tyler IW or Douglas 115. SOl'TH PART OF CITY. 5-room house, 1707 S, lltli St. For sale by owner TO YESTERDAYS. WU S0M6 BOW PLEASE SEND IT TO ME RlCHT AvuAY ? m if anybody Forgets what yesterdays owoly WAS. HERE IT IS A&AlM. WHERE DOES 0UR LAP GO To VVHfAl YOU STAND UP ? GOSH, That's a hard one'. $.TF. kcYLto- cUimx -Trs FR.0M3 EDYTH R. KIE M DENVER. COLO. mftb THE FiR5r 7hm6 YOU 00 WHN SOU WAKE UP IN TUB AWRAI PA6r FR BREAK- REAL ESTATE CITY IWMMM3n.Tr FOR SAI.H 17 rooniB, near 24th and Harney. Uullt G years and never' vacant a SWEET Douglas 1172. SPECIAL BARGAINS WEST FARNAM 203 S. filth St.. being tho Derlght home, 66x135 feet, with beautiful trees nnd shrubs. Well built, beautifully arranged, handsomely finished 10 rnom house; tiled vestibule and fine billiard roam; three fireplaces; hundsumo lighting fixtures. One of the best bargains we have offered In years. Shown by appointment any dny. Call us up. 3512 Dodge St., 18x135 feet, lot with a good, well built, modern, up-to-date, 2 story, hot water heat oak finished home; 8 rooms. Owner moving to Denver. Consider reasonable offer. $3,000 cash or terms, balance $8,500 mortgage loan. DUNDEE SPECIAL $6,800 Being $500 loss than actually cost Owner's health bad, must leave soon. Location Ideal. Paving taxes paid In full. Seven large rooms, beautiful living room with fire place; large dining room and sun room, splendid hot water heating: 1 T.I. . .. ., 1 . 1 1 I . , . yiaiu, -inie kiubs in nil winuowa ' .1 l. 1. 1 I .1. mm v,uuiiiucriui(i woHiuer suiy. Beautiful lighting fixture. Nicely decorated and a. delightful place. Shown any day. HANSCOM. PAXHC DISTRICT 1723 S. 32d Avo., overlooking Hanscom Park. One of the very best built, bent arranged and perfectly Ideal homes, with beuutlful large living room, dining room In finest of quarter sawed oak, library In solid, mahogany; five bedrooms on sec ond floor; servants" quarters on third. Ground 83x214 feet Might take In smaller place In part. BRICK HOME 2116 8. 81th St, 'phone Harney 93 and we will meet you at this house and show you through. It Is brand new, well built, 7. large rooms, finely finished, every convenience, 2JK S, 33d St., best part of Crelghton' First, u block from car and school, 60x110 feet, with a. large 2-story, 6 room, modern house, well arranged. Owner leaving. Now vacant Can be seen today by 'phoning Uamey U03. It Is a bargain. $3,C00-On 33d St.. block from Hanscom Park, Just north of Center Bt, 200 feet front, .with one nearly new 4 room house, modern except heat, with room for three more houses or a block of flats or apartment. This Is a snap for anyone who wunts to build for an Investment. INVESTMENT $11,000 Income $1,536. Southeast corner 23d and Burt Sts.; 76x132 feet, with large double frame house and two modern 6-room cottages. First tint offered. Want a proposition. $14,000111 come $1,620. The best Improved brick bargain we have on our list. Three new, well built. 7-room, mod ern bricks, oak finish, choice loca tion, sure renters. If In tho murket see us before you buy for other bargains. I). V. SHORES COMPANY 913 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 19. Offer Wanted on 22d St. Lot 82x264 East front on 22d St., about one blo-1: south of Leavenworth St; paved strett, paving paid. Eastern owner needs tn rnouy Whut will you give for the lot The Byron Reed Co. ' i Phono Doug. 27. 212 So. IVtn. ; CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE To Bottle an estate, we are authorized to sell that fine home at 3012 Mason t iv uujiiuiiip tv kuuu mums unu is mouerii In every way. If you want a well built, commodious and comfortable -home, buy this property. Price, $1,600, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Douglas ;si Ware Block.