The Omaha Suni day Bee want-ads I PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT i l VOL. XLH-NO. 34. Polly and Her MAIL OKDElt UUSINKSS CRUEL Dr. Van Vleck Found Genuine Relief for This Malignant Disease, Which is Heal ing Thousands SENDS $1 PACKAGE TO TRY FREE Don't neglect Piles, or the Irritations which warn ynu that Piles are coming:, If you would ward off their terrible loriuro; ior a true case never cures It self. Don't delay, hut let us send you Dr. Van Vleck s 3 F o 1 d Absorption Remedy for a 1 I rectal troubles at once, to try FREE. Then If you are Hatlnfled with tho relief and comfort It brings you, send us One Dollar. If not. It costs you nothing-. We take your word. Wo have thousands of letters from people all over the world who write uh that they have been cured. some even attar 30 and 40 years of pain, after everything else, Including tip e nalre and painful opera tlona, bad failed. You tan see tnat we couldn't Bend the treatment on approy al If Dr Van Vleck had not found a, remedy more effici ent than anjthlnf neoDle erer tried be There'e Itellef In Brery rukife." fore. How can you Juatlfjr failure to try auch uccesafui remedy when you can try It fre nd par only It aatlafled? Valuable booklet In colors cornea free with the a.pp royal treatment til In plain package, prepaid. Addreas Dr. Van Vleck Co.. 08 Mtleatlc Bldg,, Jackaon, Mlchlran. Write today. RHEUMATISM Nature's Way Best then Help Nature Use the Great Foot Pores to Expel Acid Poi sons. Try My Drafts Postal Brings $1 Pair to try FREE Don't take medicines they cannot cure only nature can do that But you can assist Nature you can hasten the expulsion ot pain causing Impurities from the system through nature's outlets, the pores. Let me send you a pair of my Magic Foot Drafts, the safest, simplest, but surest remedy for Rheumatism I know of. I have many let tprn telllne of cures almost unbelievable) by wearing these am now sending them on approval. Bend me your name Return post will bring you a regular FREDERICK flYER Cor, Bec'jr Dollar fair or urarta prepaiu, to try Pree, together with valuable Illustrate! book on Rheumatism, In colors. Then If you are satisfied with the benefit re ceived from mv Drafts, send me One Uoiie-r. iz not. they cost you nothing. I take your word. You can 86 that I couldn't afford to do this If the tae tutu Drafts did not give quick and positive relief. I stake my Drafts on their merit. You risk nothing. Then why hesitate? Write today to Magic Foot Draft Co.. GS8 Oliver Uldg.. Jackson, Mich. Send no money only your address. FHEt & RUPTURED TRIAL OF PLAPAO Awarded Gold Medal and Diploma Over AU Competitors, International Expo sition, Howe, and Grand Prtx, Paris. STUARTS PLAPAO-PADB are a wonderful treatment for rapture, curing u they do the worst forms In the privacy of tho homo with out bindranoe from work and at slight expense. RUPTURE GURED by STUART'S PLAPAO -PAHS means that yon can throw away the painful trnss altogether, as the Plapao-Pas are made to cure rapture and not simply to hold tt; but a they are made stlf-adheilre, and when adhering closely to the body slipping Is im possible, therefore, they are also an important facto la retaining rupturo that cannot be held by a trass. NO STRAPS, 11UCKLE8 OH SPRINGS. Soft as Velvet Eaay to Apply. Plspao Laboratories, Block 117 St. Louis, Mo., U sending PUKK trial Plaoao to-U who write. l'UN, MAUIO AND MYSTERY. New book, KO Jokea and rid- aamS&Ba money making aecreta. 43 eo. taphs, 40 experiments tn maiie, SI pussies, 10 feats In parlor made, 13 trloks with carda, 14 fllrtatloni, 11 parlor paatlmea. lO tunny readlnra. 7 fortune telling secret. All lOo. postpaid. Walter Co.. StaUbU J. Ilox 22L. Brooklyn. N. X. HELP WANTED FE:.tALE Agents and Saleswomen. WANTED At once, several good sales, ladles for house to house demonstrating. Good salaries tn responsible parties. Call at 1616 Vinton St. The Acnelne Co. TEACHERS One of the largest New York publishing houses can use an ag gressive young teacher In this city wio can give two afternoons and Saturday to the work. An exceptionally profitable op portunity. State age and whether you nave had any business experience asldb from teaching. P, F. Collier & Son, 2 Paxton block, f . wpvp hfutatf MOT" I STEADY, OLD CHAP, TDU NEEDN'T -Hcnrrj . J5?U HERO ) r I WILL REWARD tOU- llNEVER. HBSTA-re,NOTI, A I'LL. HAVE" YOU OUT X ! XOU'V6 SED Mt LIFE ! IJHfWE OU CHANGS TQ A DIRIN V 1 - RIP V J V VfOR CKEL ? PILES Pals-Just a Question of Style WANT ADS Want wis received at ttny tunc, but tt) insure proper classification must be presented boforo 12:00 o'clock n0m for tho cvoninE edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after such hours will lovo their first insertion under tho head ing, "Too Lato to Classify." CHARGE RATES. Six words to the line. One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more cousecutlvo inser tions O cents per line. Ono lino per month $l.HO. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements chniged to patrons having accounts are measured by the line, not by the word. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono Insertion it cents a word. Two or more consecutlvo Inser tions 1 H cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE Tho lite will not bo re sponsible for more than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after tho 10th or tho following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone canceUatlons cannot be accepted. CAIID OF THANKS. "We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the IllnesB and death of our mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings. Nets O. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hurd and Family. Charles E. Kelson, Frank W. Nelson. aiAIUUAOIi LICENSKS. License to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Kxel Krtckson, Malmo Tillte Dckman, Malmo 46 Wilbur J. Holtzman, Florence 23 Norma Morgan, Florence 18 Joseph Posteryl, South Omaha 30 Elizabeth Ulack, Omaha 20 John F. Heckes, Fremont 21 Ruth Goodwin, Ewlng IS Frank S. Runyan, St. Joseph 28 JeSBle Stone, Panama, la 23 Fred G. Henderson, Omaha Geneva M. Louther, Omaha 0 Richard Landrock. Omaha 20 Alma Truax, Omaha 18 IIIUT1IS AND DEATHS. Births R. and Virginia Decker, 415 South Nineteenth, boy; A. 55. and Alta Cain, hospital; boy; 8. and N. Con senUno, 920 South Thirteenth, boy: Ray and May Edwards, hospital, boy; G. H. and Bertha Elliott. 2713 Pacific, boy; M. and Bva Gaetl, 1922 Dorcas, boy; P. and Ida Kaufman. 1010 Pacific, boy; Theo dore and Ruth Leonard, hospital, boy; John and Mary Mllota, 2U5 South Seven teenth, girl; Delos and Mary Rule, 1014 Davenport, boy. Deaths Mrs. Mary McCormlck, 63 years, 3611 Jones: Mrs. Anna 9orensen, 44 years, hospital; Helen L. Bagley, 1 year, 3917 North Thirteenth: Fred Moore, 4 months, 1110 Fnrnam; William Mac Dlarmld, 64 years, 2618 Camden; T. W. Schroeder, C2 years, hospital. UUILDINU PERMITS. McCague Investment company. 1719-21-23 Davenport, brick building. 110,000, F. H. Davis, 2524 to 2f32 Fivnam. brick store building, 125,onO; Andrew Murphy & Son, 1410-12 Jackson, brick garage, $10,000; W. D. Seaman, 1407 Spencer, frame dwelling, K.OOO. LODGE NCTirEs. It will pay any club, hotel or lodge to get the newly designed settees, tables, etc. made by Omaha Furniture Mfg. Co. HELP WANTlEi -FEMALE Airents and tt I '.Muium. WANTED Young woman of business experience to make a house to house rec ord ot families In outside town In the in terests of educational department of prom inent publishing house: must be of goud appearance, energetic, tactful and furnish references; salary, $12 a week. P. F. Col lier & Son, 223 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Saleswomen of exnerlence In wash good soctlon. Apply Superin tendent, J. L. Brandels & Bona. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER who Is willing to do extra work a while for the experience; pleasant office. Address at once, O 635. BTENOGRAPHISR. $50: stenogranher. , $35; Typist (8. Premier), $35; assistant I oooKKeeper nna casnier, $to; dlctophone 1 operator. $; clerk. $25. THE CANO AGENCY, 000 Bee Bldg. ' BOOKKEEPER and stehographer. out ' of city, $45; typist, beginner, $20; stenog rapher, Implements, $60; assistant book ! keeper, $40. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank r1g. Housekeepers and Domestics. A GOOD reliable womnn wants day work. Phone Douglas "tftl EXPERIENCED cook; no laundry. 41 8. 3Sth St H. 20. WA.NTED An experienced cook. Mrs. Arthur P. Gulou, 41tt and Harney. II. 962. WANTFD Woman for general houo work; rould use men nnd wife. I.jnia 1 T, Shusait, lxlgewood Farm, Council Bluffs. la. CAPABLE white girl for general house work If WM. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small flat, two tn family Address 214 S. 41st. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, KKB1U-AUY A. B. C. of Omaha AARON'S, corner 16th and Karnnm ' Prlro winners: 1ft, No. 2t97; id. No. i 1733; M. No. SHI; 4th. No. 1570; 5th, ! No. WS; 6th, No. :002. j BU. DiYt'G Cur 1216 Farnain. Orutah lubbers, crutches, elastic trusses, I all kinds of rubber goods-anythliui you want trom a drug stor. , CACKLLY BROS.. 121 N. "ltith. Homo' made grape wtne. 51 gallon. Two quart bottles beer. 25c. 1 D UNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, lMh and Harney sts. lis suits una overcoats made to order, guaranteed to III. E CO.NOMY Electric Signs bring busi ness; save cost in uguung. a. m. Clark, ltith and Douglut, Omaha. kUhTliR-UAllk. 11.11 CO, tOO Brandels Hldg. Doug. 29. General Insurance cariled In tellable companies. GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. All kinds Laundry, Dairy second-hand mach inery, pipes, shafting and belting. I F VOU have scrap metals, rubbers and rags, write tor prices to Omaha Metal and Rubber Co., 101 S. 8th St. J. A. HCHROKDER will tell you any thing you vlsh to know about the Moose lodge. Tel. D. 682a 418H. lull. KERR Abstract Co.. 30u S. 17th at. Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. ANKTREE Electrical Co., 80S B. iStn . St. Tyler 1011. All kinds of elec ' trlcal contracting. Get our prices. M ONHEIT'S. Mir Of wigs, toupeuo. switches from combings, si. Mon belt's beauty parlors. 4W t). 10. DW. Nl-JDRASKA. .iTCLlS CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1662. We rent, re. pair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. OMAJIA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water fronts, grates for furnaces, steam and hot water heaters In stocky Petroleum Coke, per ton. Greatest heat-glvlng fuel on the market. No ashes -or smoko. Give ub a trial or der. Union Fuel Co. uougias w. Q UAL1TY printing; prices right. Pnon uouc, aioo ana lei us ijuuic units prlntlhg. Burton Ptg, Co., 006 B. litti. R ElO Hotel, now open for business. Modern every respect Special fam ily rate by wk. or mo. 1W9 Cumins. SISTEK tailored suits. Gowns, remod eling and repairing; reasonable cost. 201 City National. Douglas 6m TAKE your friends to the Mandarin cafe, 1409 Douglas, upstairs. Omaha a rhtt,ua rnfA ttlalC SV'n LS T T NITED Clothes onop, 1612 Farnam dt Uauus, overcoaia, ruiiituain to-Wear $10 and $16. Why pay more? Western Millinery School, 412 Paxton Blk. Spring & summer classes start lng now; prepare for early positions. X ) CELLO QRATB, TON $8.50. The nearest to antnracne; auauiumijr smokeless. Coal Hill Coal Co. D. J7s. XT OUR rlnnrM and windows made cold. Y dust and rattle proof by consulting j F. H. TURNBi Sc. CO.. 0W ware Blk. Douglas 4596. ZEIGLBR Coal. All slies, per ton. '7.W. D., L. ft W., Scranton, Chestnut and other sixes, per ton. $12.00. People's Coal Co. Phone Doug. 930 or Tyler 17S4. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics THE SERVANT CURL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WIDOW lady wants position as houae keeper, olty or country. 1700 Dodge. GOOD girl for second work, 2006 St. Mary's Ave. EXPERIENCED linen room woman, j Apply Housekeeper. Hotel Rome. WOMAN to work for hUBbarld's board. 1 120H S. 11th. Phone Rod 7K0. family to usslst with baby. Apply apart n ent 7. Normondle, Pacific and Park Ave. Phonw Harney 1748. WANTED Bv a middle-aged widow. thoroughly competent housekeeper and ; first class cook, position In small family of refinement. References. Address Y-t9, cure Bee. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general housework. Call Web. 6021. GOOD, steady girl or woman for house work. 2T.H Harney. Private family. WOMAN with a" small baby. Webster 12042. Without washing. j COMPETENT maid for general house ' work. Harney 2248. 3S62 Harney. GIRL for general house work. 3217 Capitol Ave. GOOD girl or woman for general house work. 2561 Dodge. It. 6143. WANTED At once, a girl to assist with housework, and who can do good, plain cooking, Mrs. H. G. Brown, 4940 Under wood Ave. Miscellaneous. WOMEN wanted for government posl tlons, $80- per month. Omaha examination soon. Write Immediately for specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 731 A, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as att angers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's avenue and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boardlnr places or otherwise assisted. Iok for our travelers' guide at the Union station. " WOMEN to do plain sewing at home for a large Phlldelphla firm; good money and steady work; no canvassing; send reply onvelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Desk 1. Walnut St.. lhildelphla, Pa GOVBRNAIBNT matrons wantea;""exl amlnatlon March 12; (GO monthly: free liv ing quarters. Write Ozment, 55 M Bt.. St Louis.. Mo, "LAD'iKD mike shields at home. (10 pet 10C. Work sent prepaid to reliable women Particulars for stamped addressed envel ope. Eureka Co.. Dept. t-B. Kalamazoo, Mich. "Persistent Advertising is ths Road to Big Return. Copyright, 1913. National New AH'n. I 1 1 KM' W'A NT li I MA 1 M HUM' WANTED MALE HUM WANTED MAMS 11111.1' WANTED MAMS Airnits, Snlenitirn mill .HoiU'ilir. Auciita, ful-n unit Solicitors. Attentat Snlcameii nutl .Hollcliori.. Clerical Mini Office. WANTED Experienced salesmen In silk j and dress goods departments. Apply Superintendent, J. L. lliamleiH Sons. LIVE UKtntH wanted to help me put Ion a purely Nebraska enterprise that will appeal to NrbriiKkann Interested In No biHska's development. You will find this better thnn a snlaiy proposition If you are the light sort. Address Will At. Maupln, Uncoln. Neh. WANTED Salesman for state of Neb raska to handle our now line of snappy iissoitmentH; liberal commission or (Haw ing account to right man who can sell mcrchutullsn In hukiII towns. Import Co., 4M Market St.. 8t. I-oiMh. Mo. HALKSMAN wanted for new article. Earn big money weekly. Easy sales; big demand. Send for free Instructions today. Tho Rice Specialty Co., Porter, Okla. , SALESMAN, experienced specialty men wanted. Sell to merchants, auto and piano contests, guaranteeing Increased business or refund. Easy Bcller. $5,000 annually. Howard Company, Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. N. LEARN the realty bulsness. Complete Instruction hook Just out. Teaches Listing. Management, Salesmanship, In surance, Advertising. Renting Agency, Forms. Etc. 121 Subjects. Excelts 2).tM (Correspondence Course. Paper covers, Kc. Silk cloth. $1.00, postpaid. Realty Book Company, 6030 Euolld Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio. WIANTED Reliable representatives. Very nttiactlvo terms. References re quired. This ad will not appear again. Write United Orohurds Development Co., 10 Bernard Street. Spokane,' Wash. WEwant salesmen of ability and good character In every county of every state to sell our groceries at wholesale prices to ranchmen, farmers and other largo buyers. Exceptionally good opportunity to active and energetic men. Writo today, state In what district you wish to rep resent us. GEORGE MBLDRUM & Co.. Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, III. SALESMEN Protectod territory and big commissions to actlvo hustling mon to sell an established guaranteed line. Genuine demand. IJno sells dry goods and general suflply houses, etc. Hutchi son Mfg. Co., 326 Wood St., Wllklnsburg, Pa. SALESMAN wanted. Enrn $200 per month; sell dealers highly ndvertlsed ar. tide; exclusively or Hide line. No sam ples to carry. Mammoth Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS Make $12 dally. Write for our premium neckwear proposition. High class salebmen Wanted. Clinton Sales Co., Columbus, O. AGENTS If you are looking for the llvest proposition on earth and aro nnxlou-i to make $! to $15 a day, send for free partlculais regarding our old Mammy's 10 In 1 Kitchen Helper. A house to house neoesslty that every womnn nepds nml buvs at sight. Over 300 percent profit to agents. Wlleeler Mtg. Co., Dept. 1T7, Crcedmoor, N. C AGENTS-Just out. hard bottom corn cob pipes, finished with horn or bone mouthpiece. Write today for exclusive territory. Manufacturers' Agent, 175 N. 6thHt.Newark, N; 3 -AjGiENT&-BIk seller. Durable, low priced glove. Guaranteed one year. Just the thing for farmers, laborers, , teain sters, railroad mon, automoblllst. Pro tects hands from severest cold and rough est work. Write quick for terms ando sample. Guaranteed Glove Co., 000 Hopper t Dnyton, O. A GOOD opportunity In this territory to u man character and ability as a salesman, must havo thorough, practical knowledge of steam plant conditions. Ono who Is at present handling steam specialties preferred. Staio age and full particulars. Address. Y 42, Bee. "WANTED-Salesman "to carry side line, culling on drug stores,, groceries and general stores. Two easy selling specialties on 25 per cent com mission. State territory and reference. Address, The Husch Remedy Co.. Evans ville. Inl. ADVERTISING novelty salesmen every where, to adopt the latest lino of ad vertising pencils on liberal commission; standard line. Pencil Exchange, 102 Booraem Ave., Jersey City, N. J. SALESMEN Wo make a line or ad vertlslng calendars and thermometers, absolutely different from other lines. Wo want experienced salesmen who are real producers. We have several openings for competent men to act as Btate man agers and will be glad to hear from alcsrnen who have made a success of selling advertising of any kind. Full Information as to ability and character required in first letter. Mueller Bros. Art & Mfg. Co.. Chicago. EXPERIENCED salesman to represent Chicago manufacturer in exclusive sur rounding territory upon high grude spe cialty line selllnir to wholesalers 11 nil r. ! tailers; unusual opening for persistent salesman who can get the business. Ad dress In confidence. Cruver Mfg. Co., Chicago. SALESMEN Sell merchnnts sales nnd order books; large demand; liberal com missions! pocket samples. Wlrth Sales book Co., Chicago. WANTED Man of ability nnd class I wuii Knowieagn or stock Jjrokerage husl I riess to sell high class Investment securi ties. Tho man we want must be able to I furnish A No. 1 references. Wonderful , opportunity for right man. Address Mis sissippi Valley Security Corns Rlalto j BKlg.. Bt. Louis, Mo. I , AGENTS It's patented; nutomatlc;new. I I-or factories, hotels, stores, homes. Al- ways In season. Profitable business for ' yourself. Exceptional opportunity. Write rinuru iJiBinieciam JUtg. Co.. 2CH State St.. Rochester. N. Y. AGENTS Drop, dead ones. Awake! Grab this new Invention; low priced water power home massagn machino- magical, marvelous, mysterious: new field: big profits: sold on mnnnv.liunk guarantee; Lewis, sells 4 first hour; Marg warth 22 first day. Address Blackstone Co. 660 Meredith. Toledo, Ohio. AOBNTS-$J to (5 dally in minimum profit for hustlers selling our product 100 profit Experience unnecessary Particulars and territory free, Write Kewley Supply Co., Dept. R, Council Hluffa, la. !), VMX Drawn WANTED-Halesnnii In every stale by old established nmmiructiircr to sell line In small towns. Side-line on liberal com mission. Samples flee. Goods well known and advertised. Reorders credited salesmen, lted floss Co., Dept. 1), St. liOllls, Mo. AGENTS. rilKW MA NAG El IS. YOU NEVEH had n better selling pro imsltlon put before you t tut tl the GOL DEN ROD VACIT.M Cleaner. II Is the simplest machine ever Invented; light In Weight, efficient, to show gets an order, agents nre. making from $50 to $20i) Weekly, factories running night and day to supply the demand; do not go to bed tonight without writing for particular!. Get your territory, selling plans and gallop with the successful ones. THE IIUGIIO MAN UFACTI'RING CO. Chicago 111. AGENTS ASIC "l'S ABOUT Ol'R SNAPPY HOUSEHOLD specialty line that will clear you J.K) to $! weekly, Na tional Aluminum Mfg. Co., Box 1W.1, Im mont, 111. NEW proposition to agents and sales men; Swedish Vibrator for home vib ratory treatments; 1W profit; one sale a day gives you $.K) a week; 100,000 already sold; a million to be sold this year; some men now averaging 5 to 10 sales a day; most amazing real money making offer ever made; grand, new, easy Helling plan; exclusive territory ; complete Information free. Write todny. state county yuli desire. Address Swedish Vibrator Co., Dept. OS, Chicago, III. AMAZING INVENTION. Entirely now kind lamp burner, genet ates gas, makes extremely largo powerful white light. Smokeless; odorless. Soils overywhuro. Nothing like It. Exclusive territory con tracts granted. Positively not sold In stores. Agents making big money. Ex perience un-necessary. Samplo outfit 3!i cents postpaid. Purttculais FREE. Butler Mfg. Co., Dept. 101, Toledo, O. AGENTS-$25 a week for two hours' work a day. A bruud new hosiery pro position that beats them nil. Write for torms and Bamplo If you mean business. Guaranteed Hoisory Co., 1130 Hopper St., Dayto Ohlo AGENTS to sell cigars to rutall trade. Have premium with goods so attractive sales easily made. Liberal proposition to agents and samples free. AJax Cigar Co., York, Pa. BIG profits for you. Munufacturo Bar ley Crisp. New confection; Ec package costs you lc; machine, Instructions com plete, $7.50 prepaid; send 10c for samples. Burley Crisp Co., 1031 Hyde Bt., San Francisco. ""AGENTS sell Pals' Changeable Scarf Pin, make $30 weekly; e.cnd stamp for free sample. Pals Manufacturing Com pany, 25R 14th St.. New York City. "SIMPLEX Disc Sharpener, sharpens In the field. All farmers want It. Particulars write Simplex Co., St. Joseph, Mo. "AGENTS Would you Jio satisfied to mnkri lil dullv. Write for our latest catalogue. Wo Rlvo premiums and sumple free. Lawrence Specialty Co., 233 W. 43d St., Chicago, ill. AOENT8 Send for free sample and now catalogue of new specialties. Quick sales; big profits; malco $10 dally. House hold Salts Co.. Mason City. Ia. AGENTS-Homethlng different. Wrlto for special proposition. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 310, La Crosse, Wis. WE start you In business, furnishing everything; men nnd women; $3o to $200 weekly operating our "New System Spe cialty Candy Factories" home, anywhere; no canvassing; opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdalo '!. Drawer D, East Orango, N. J. WE I WANT agonts for a fine hair dye. Tonlllne Mfg. Co., Box 147, Des Moines, lowa. WANTED Salesmen, experienced mon preferred, to Immediately work with our unexcelled lino of advertising signs, calendars, fans and ncveltles. Only those who aro ready to give the proper amount of time and effort need apply. Million Novelty Co., Kenton, O. AMBITIOUS salesmen, mat appear ance, call on merchants In their territory; elegant side line: convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. OS LARGE manufacturer of speclulty line with established trade, wants experienced traveling salesmen, salary position with expenses advanced, state age, expi rlence and references In Initial letter .Iroqunlr Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O "EXPERIENCED "automobile salesman, fumtllar with Nebraska trade. Good posl tlon for business getter. Address Y-El j caro Bee. CAPABLE salesman to cover Ne braska, with staple line. High commis sions, with 1100 monthly advance. Per manent position to right man. Jess II Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. I PAY $50 for each sale. I want high class salesmen tn act as general agents for the sale of my Florida I-hihI. No ex perience necessary. No capital required. Good men. earn $100 to $M0 weekly. Send for "Confloentlal (3roulnr to General Agents." and "Selling Manual,'' both free. E. C. Howe, 765 Hartford Bldg. Ctdcago. "WANTED Ambitious young men to bo come traveling salesmen nnd earn whllo they learn. Write for particulars. Brnd street. System. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen calling on carpet, furniture ami general stores to carry good Hide Hue on commission; tKicket - I fi,,.,l.t,,.,l fnlf A..., f lilt.,.....,. I Mfg. Co., South Bond. Ind. I AGENTS are coining money selling our I big 10c package of 20 assorted postul cams; o,oj varieties; uig proms; sen everywhere at sight; sample package, 10c. Particulars free. Sullivan Cnrd Co., 1234 Van Burcn St . Chlcugo, III. "READ the Agents' Magazine und make more money; 2 months 10c. Agents' Mag azine, Chicago. "AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our high grade household specialty : J perlencc unncci KBrv. Write nt once for free "articular. D. ( Caibman, Atwood, I Knn. . 1 AGENTS wan led to Introduce "article 1 whlrh helps reduce household expenses t Wrlto today for free particulars Wilson rpeuixuy 1 11.. aiuiii 01. 1 union, ivari. LIFE Insurance solicitors r j Bowch t4 Brandels Bldg. SIXULH for The Bee by BIGGEST agents proposition In te world. That's what v.u have got and If vnu ilnn't find nut nlinut thin notnehodv else will walk away with the plum right j under your nose, inrst tlmo oiinr lias been niadti this way. Big company, S years old. We don't mean $IW a week with nothing tn do. but if you are n man or woman with "get up" wo will give you the eliunco to make $30 every week of your life. No money required sample free. You don't need any experience to sell our famous products. Biggest line of household necessities In tho world In cluding coffee, flavorings, spices, soaps, talc. face, powder, cold creams, perfumes nnd 132 other household necessities. A million families now use them. Our ad vertising helps you take the orders. Ex clusive territory. We start you with free outfit and samples. Answer quick. Tho Llnro Co.. Pept 'CO. St. Iuls. Mo. NEW model Hand Vacuum Cleaner tliat gets tlui dirt. Ibices wholesale and retail nre below tho IowcfJ,. Quick sales, big profits. Address, 1030 Gas llldg., Chicago. SWEEPER TYPE VACUUM CLEANER. New model three bellows machine, sells Itself on demonstration becauso It does the work. Salary guaranteed hustling crew managers. Agents wanted In all territories. Address, Sweeper Dept., 1041 Gas Hldg., Chicago. FRECKLE ointment, positively removes) freckles, giving beautiful complexion; all ilrugglstH; mall, Mo free book, "How to Ho Beautiful." Dr. C. H. Berry Co., Chicago, Desk 19. Live Agents will wrlto Jaeger Manufacturing Co., 007 urnniieis Theater mug., omahn. ,, ,,,, i ,ji I'ri ifiiiuiiiik junior,, mrcu energetic, ambitious salesmen, capable of earning $3,00(1 annunly or better, to boII high grndo specialty to all lines of re tall trade In towns and smaller cities. Heavily ndvertlsed In Trade Papers. Itoutes circularized In advance. Want clean, rellublo men only. References and bond required. W. Box 539, Chicago III. WANTED For permanent placo, three energetic, ambitions snlesmon, capable of earning $.1,000 annually or hotter, to sell high grade specialty to all lines of re tail trado In towns nnd smaller cities. Heavily advertised In Trado Papers. Routes circularized in ndvanco. Want clean, reliable men only. References und bond required. W.jJJox 639, Chicago. 111.; CHEWING GUM Bell "to dealers in your territory. Clean, profitable bUBlnoss built up quickly with uqr now brands. Four flavors, novel packages. Wrlto to day. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANEIt. Patented and guaranteed. Over 197.000 satisfied customers In United States and Canada. Best known vacuum cleaner on market. See now metal flexible spring adjusting nozzle. Wrlto for prices. LANNINO STONE SALES COMPANY, Gas Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED Salesmen and salesladies; now article; earn $ a day easily; par ticulars free; samplo 25o. Tho Camden Mfg. Co.. 1S15W Capital Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo. AGENTS, cither sex. best selling ar ticle; start at onco; $25 to $fjO weekly. Success assured. Investigate today. Cot tonwood Importing Co., 215 B. Cotton wood St., lola, Kan. AGENTS You can make quick sales nnd big profits with our specialty. Bond for partlculara The J. E. Dcweese Co., Box 71. D Siitn. Kan. AGENTS Ono cent Invested In a postal card will bring vou u $T to $60 a woek proposition. Galloway-Bowman Co., Dlv., 100, Wnttrloo.Iowa. . AVE have them, genuine farm land bar gains; ten years to tmy; free, offor: I agents wanted In every town. Wisconsin i Dalrv Laud Co., 13.TJ-40 Marquette Bldg.. I 'hlcngo, 111. ! WE pay $3(i a week and expenses to , men with rigs to Introduce poultry com : pound; year's contract Imperial Mfg. Co., i Dept. 78, Parsons, Knn. I Vou r" inn1!- $ ns our general or i local ngent; houpuhold necessity; saves ' ti1) per cent: peimanent business; exclu sive territory; snlnry or commission; frco ipmp!e credit. Pitkin. 191 R St.. Newnrk, New York. THIS GETS THE MONEY PATENTED article; everybody de mands It: ivu for agent, unlimited field. 110 competition; opportunity to establish permanent paying business. Crowell Mfg. Co., Newton Center. Mass. KEMPER-THOMAS CO., Cincinnati, wants traveling men for advertising fans at sldo line. Quick money. $,V) to $75 weekly. Copyrighted designs. Selling season now m. A pply Fun Dept. $1.04 safety razor 25c. Complete samplo outfit and of other agents' spe cialties for seven two cent stamps. Ornum C , 24 Vandewoter Stree New Yok. " SELL" Fire" Extinguishers that kill gasoline fires. 500 profit. Auto Prize. Richmond Chemlcul Co., Dept. 33, Wheeling. W. Va " AQHNTtf-i 11 day. Spare time. Sells on sight. Woman's necessity. 100 pro fit. Write Enrcngle Co., 1C48 N. Prank- li1' J11iL',ll EARN $50 weekly selling collection cab Inets to merchants; write for freo Bum pies. Sayers C, C02 Iicledo Bldg.. St. 1x111 Is, Mo. AGENT nnd collector wanted; position pleasant and permanent; a money maker; experience unnecessary. For particulars write to Great Western Accident, Des Moines. Ia. DISTRIBUTING agents; distribute our samples, $2 per hundred puid; stamp for reply. Crown Mfg. Co., Station G, Wash Ington. D. C AGENTS W'ANTED-100 per cent profit selling useful specialty, used In homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners; good repeater; rnmple free. Auburn Specialties Co.. Dept. 1S3, Auburn, N. Y. Young Men to Solicit In city and on roud. Magazine propo s.tlon. S Brandels Bldg. Clerical uml Office. FvK office work see B. F. Murtl. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-10 City National Bank Bldg. I COPY F1VI0 CENTO. Cliff Sterrett WANTED In our department devoted to cashing checks nnd drafts, u mu who has held position us paying toller In a bank. Must bo well acquainted In Omnha. Apply A. I). Brandels. Offlco third floor. J. L. Brandels & Sons, WANTED High-class demonstrator A salary proposition. Good chance for ad vancement. Cull or address Actielne Co., 1016 Vinton St.. Omaha. Tyler 1395, TWO offlco clerks, $&0-$60; ledger clerkT $Ti0; lsmkkceper, $75; stenographer, PV), stenographer, $75; stenographer, $70; salesman (Inv. rcq.1, $76-$lU0; clerk (out-of-town), $50; stenographer (out of town!, $05: salesman, $.. THE CANO AGENCY. f?X) Hon Bldg, WE NEED AT ONCli-Offlco miinnger and accountant, $1,500-$1,SUO; bookkeeper, manufacturing firm, $75; cashier and stenographer who can Invest $1,000, salary 75; billing clerk nnd stenographer, $75-$M); slock clerk, experienced, Jiii, orrice clerk. It R. experience, $60. CO-OPERATIVE RICKE HENCE CO , 1015-lf, City National Bank Bldg, WANTED Experienced sign writer. must thoroughly understand sign writing requirements for large store and bo a re liable, finished workman; apply at once J. L. Brnndols A Hons. Factory nnd Trades. LISA RN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Oat Into the automobile business; learn It oomploto 111 tho largest and best equipped training school In this territory, Repairmen, demonstrutors nnd salesmen are In demand, Write or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. WANTED At Boone. In., two good me chanics. Ono wngonmaker and one black- smith. Must bo first class workmen. Steady work and good wages It suitable. Theo. Thomson, Boono, la. Drug store (snaps) Jobs, Kntest, Bee Bldg. New Home, 15 & 25a meals. 1514 Capitol. COATMAKER wanted nt once. F. U Holmes, Ames, In. WANTED All around blacksmith. F C. Bock. BluoHlllNebJ YOUNO MAN BE A BARBER. Wo teach you quickly, cheaply, thor oughly; tools furnished; wo give you actual shop work and you keep half tho receipts; our students In big demand; big wages; always sure of work. Wo havo 33 colleges 111 principal cities. Writo us for catnlogue or call. This may mean much to you. Molcr System of Colleges, L J!!!L s WANTED To non-union puper rulers, steady work nnd highest wages for first class men. Address Ruler, 412 Machcsney Bldg., Pittsburg, Pn WANTED Young men to learn the typo business. Biggest field for young men today. Big pay, short hours, pleas ant work. Wo prepare you at homo In 10 weeks; nBstst you to secure good position. Free keyboard to each student. Reason able. Wrlto today for particulars. Na tional Lluotypo Institute, Rochester, N. Y. TAILORS, cutters, etc.. $50 easy terms Pays for completo course ot Instruction in cutting und designing men's and wo men's garments. Supremo System. Uni versal Corresiondence School Garment Designing, 1181 Broadway, New York. Wrlto for particulars, Mtii'ellnneoa. Air and liquid burner, consumes 75 per eent air, interest for sole. 1620 CapitoL WANTED A mlddlo-nged man from Pennsylvania wants a position as fore man of a farm or some other business, ns I am moving west about March t, 1913. Address C. (1. Hull, Hatboro, Mont gomery county, Pa, Wanted Two men experienced in Oxy-Acyteleno welding. Must bo capable of hnndling any job. For information address A Mfg. Co., Y 40 Bee. $1.25 week rooms, Carey Hotel, 18th and Howard Sts. 600 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted nt I once for electrlo railway motornien and 1 conductors; $i to $100 a month; no ex 1 perlenco necessary; fine opportunity, no I strike: write Immediately for appllca I tlon blank. Address Y-40. oare Bee. I ARE YOU UNDECIDED AROUT YOUR I FUTURE? Then Investigate tho United I States navy either as four years' train 1 lng or ns 11 life's business. From thu day you enter the navy you will be earning a good living, You will l.n ,..., In,. !,,. rlna., Iralnlnr. .tt, l 1 . ...ab .., D.t., and mental. You will be leading a healthy life. You will eat plenty ot wholesome I food; go with ambitious fellows and see I something of the world. And If you qual- Ify for one of the nuvy's 50 different trades you can ulwiiy-j muke a line liv ing, even If you do not stay In the navy, Call at Navy Recruiting Station, Post office Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Officer there I will gradly answer ull your questions. tree uook, "me Making ot a Man o'-Wnramun" tells everything about daily life on the United 8tutea ships. Writ for It today to Bureau of Navigation. Box 309, Navy Department, Washington. D. C 1 ARE YOU THE ' MAN? Here la your i pportunlty. No mutter where you live If you want to make big money and establish yourself In an Independent bus uess requiring no capital wo teach vp i by mall all tho secrets of the real ejtnt business. Including a thorough com me clitl law course, list with you rea Hi salable property, co-operate with you ant afs'.st you In permanent suocess. Our 0 1'iige free book fully explains our methods and tells what It means to he thu lor a' lepresentntlve of the oldest and largest co-o'ierative realty and brokerage cor poration In the world. Write toda' ti INTERNATIONAL REALTY CORPORA TIO.N, XOMnhntton Uldg., Chicago, III,