Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Image 20

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
II IT III n. I mm I. . . , , " J. I 1 ii I n. .. I , ' , N ' II ' ii 'IBuJx.
Copyright, 1911, by tho Star Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved.
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Emma Trenlini, the
Charming Light Opera
Prima Donna, Wear
ing the "Silencer"
Which She Suggests
for Talkative Amcr-
a cWman Silencer I"
.-issRsr. i v
. If" vithJMsters f
Soothing Bird Idea
for the Bedroom
of a Clubman,
Foods, Freaks, PestsThe
Newest Idea for Beautifying
the House and Making
It Restful for the Nervous!
LONG with the revolution la
art which has produced tha
"Cubists," the "Futurists,"
and so on, comes a now Idea lu
houso Interior decoration, with ani
mals of tho land and sea and Insects
for its leading motives.
Of courso, tho ancient Greeks de
rived many of their decoratlvo design-forms
from animal as well as
plant mo, wmcu
It Is pointed out that while tho
modo In interior house decoration
has grown moro and more subdued,
the nerves of humanity In geno nl
have gone to the other extreme. Tti
early Victorian times both men and
women had nerves without a kink
in them, yet tho rooms In which
they lived ate, Blept and eat worn
funereal monstrosities In both deco
rations and furnishings. Since that
For a Border or Frieze-
The "Veat Pocket" Prima Donna.
MAXIM has spoken the last word In war, tho last
oxcoptpoaco. Ho lnvontod tho silencer. Its
function ia to extinguish tho gases whoso ex
plosions produco war's loud alarms. v Husband's deaf
ened by continuous domestic sounds and bachelors
who long for tho comforts of homo minus its nolso
havo urged tho great gunmakor to lnvont a woman
silencer. Tho man who hosltates is often distanced
by a woman.
Whllo Maxim hesitated, I, Trontlnl, dlscovorod that
lire In tho United States is llko a thunderstorm. It Is
your own womon who mako it so. Thoy talk too much.
In America tho women talk, talk, talk". Thoy talk
a hundred times as much as tho men. Thoy talk a
hundred times too much.
And thoy talk not well. You moot an assemblage
of womon hero and thoy talk of whatT Personalities,
dress, scandal. Before my season began I accepted an
Invitation to a reception dreadful thing Is tho Amor
lean rec6ptlon. Wo do not know it on tho other side.
Clack, clack, clack 1 Clatter, clatter, clatter I A crowd
of women too well dressed, troadlng upon one nnothor's
heels and reputations I
At that reception I heard no ono speak of a beau
tiful painting she had seen, or an upllftblng book sho
had read, or an ennobling charity In which' sho was
engaged. No. It was "Look at tho red feathor on that
woman's hat. Most becoming, Isn't It?" "Yes, she's
rather pretty, but not young." "No indood. No, aho'a
not married, but" Bum, buzz, buzz.
Ahd throughout one hoard tho American voice,
whoao timbre I do not -like. An American woman
talks always In tho same tone. Her voice is a mono
tone. Sho strikes everlastingly the samo note.
They talk, poor things, because thoy think they
must, to entertain and Interest. That is tho great
mistake, v. woman allont Is a woman Interesting, be
cause we wonder what sho thinks. Thoro is no doubt
ono with mo, for if 1 did I would talk. Then I como
homo and tako off my clothes and rest on my bod, tho
Bhuttos drawn, for two hours. At B I rlso and tako my
dinner. At 0 I break tho silonce, for I go to my piano
and try my volco.
Slnco 11 tho night before I haVo lot down, down,
down. Now I lift up, up, up. Prom that moment I
must bo tho gay Trontlnl, tho happy Trontlnl, tho
Trentlnl who flashes and sparklos and sings and makes
you laugh and tries to coax you to llko her and doflos
you to forget her. I can do this. Why? Bocauso all
tho long day I havo not talked.
I havo shown you "how Trontlnl makes tho most I
can for mysolf, and do tho beBt I can with tho talents
that havo boon given mo. Now, may 1 show you tho
' Amorlcan woman how you may savo your own health
and beauty and talents, and your husband's fortune?
Try for ono week saying only what Is necessary
Say It softly nnd pleasantly, but ubo no word too much.
You"will bo surprised with how llttlo talk you can got
on, and your mirror will glvo you your reward. Your
faco will loso Its drawn linos.
Don'tgotoaftor-theatro suppers. If you go, you will
bo expected to talk. That la tho bad American habit.
You may not sit quiet and look lovely. In America
that Is not enough. In Europe It might bo. Go homo
from tho play and go straight to bed.
The next day do what must bo done, but not so
furiously as you havo a habit of doing ovorythlng in
this country, and whatovor it is ordering breakfast or
going to markot, or seeing your dressmaker romombor
that every word Is a shining gold coin of your life, and
don't fling away ono. Use It to good purpose or bo
sllont. Thon don't go to receptions. Of what use aro
thoy? Throo or four hundred persons crowded Jo
gethor In a stifling room and losing tholr tomporB and
reputations! Havo .courage to docltno Mrs. A.'s invita
tion and refuse to go to Mrs. B.'s conversation Btorm.
Don't hustle Into a taxlcab or cllnb upon a can but
wero commneu
and adapted In
patterns more
chaste than re
alistic. In tho
present Instance
tho living mod
els aro faith
fully partrayed
on dadoes, frizes
and oven on
Thoro 1b real
originality un
derlying tho uso
of such decora
tlvo material,
however. Joseph
Gautler, tho col'
obrated French
designer who
Is demonstrating the advantages ot
Its uso abroad, defends It warmly
upon psychological grounds. Ho
rotors toahe growing prevalence n
nervous irritability owing to tho
hard pace Bet by modorn conditio.
of llfo In all classes, and declares
that rooms decorated In a manna
Intended Uo produco a quieting
Boothlng effect havo, in fact, an in
fluenco to the contrary.
Briefly, It is futilo to expect, to
gain repose of mind and nerves In
rooms that a?o decorated In a re
poseful mannor. What you need la
your homo Is a counter Irritant "a
hair of the dog that bit you." Sup
pose you find yourself, financially,
In tho grip of a great trust tho
Standard Oil Company, for instance.
It won't'sootho you at all to sit and
-Toucans Facing Each Other, as in Spirited
Bird Gossip. S
tlmo our interior louso decorations
havo grown more and moro subdued
or frngllcly pretty In tho eighteenth
century French fashion. And our
nerves have gone to pieces with
increasing expedition.
Furnlturo and wall decorations, lit
tho houses of -tho rich, havo always
been kept in more or less conso
nance. So, if the new decorative idea
for walls galiis general acceptance
probably we shall see lobster, skate,
octopus, grasshopper and caterpillar
furnlturo as veil.
New that tno cost of llv'ng has
gono up so 1 rightfully espeel
eggs a favor' to decorative dec!
for breakfast oom walls mlj-ht well
consist of armies of little flulfy yel
low chickens in the act of brijakliu
out of tho maternal shell, rha. m
an inspiring natural phenomeiv. i
In Itself, and used as a break
fast room wall jlesign would
apply to two of tho principal
high-cost necessaries of tho table
tho egg and the
Tho fuzzy cat
erpillar is high
.ly recommend-
ed as tho ground
plan of wall de
signs in tho
houses of con
vivial gentle
men who havo
reached tho
stage of pick
ing imaginary
worms, cobwebs
and spiders off
their faces.
booties and
dragonflles are
among tho larg-
N er Insects tho
decoratlvo usefulness of which ls
highly commended. Not only beau
tiful and graceful birds havo al
ready servod In Gautier's wall do
signs, but such ungainly ones as
tho toucan, tho penguin und tho
English puffin.
Snakes, with their sinuous forms,
are used In a great variety of flg
ures, while the common garden
snail with its scroll-shaped shell,
with Its two telescopic eye-wands
protruding, Is all that could be de
sired for the room of a man who is
nervous because he is lazy.
I jplli I
Lobster Decorations, Suitable
for Apartments of Chorus Girls
and Other Broadway Habitues.
It is probable that, as this new
psychological principle In houso in
terior decoration spreads over the
country, many other animals, crus
taceans, fish, Insects and other forms
of life will bo made useful in this
way. A great many persons will be
willing to try anything to reduce
tho pressure on their nerveB caused
by their efforts to keep up with tho
modern pace set for both business
and pleasure.
New Idea Treatment of a Newly
Hatched Chicken. Splendid
for Breakfast Rooms.
what tho woman Who talks thinks. Sho tells It all, and part tho sheets ot your bed and crawl gratefully be
more! The talkative woman seems to mo always tho
rattling of a dry gourd proclaiming Its own emptiness.
There Is this truth that all the wise mon and only a
few wise women know that when wo talk wo give
out our life. Wo should be as grudging ot our lite as
of the money In our savings bank, but instead wo act
us though wo stood on a street corner and toased our
money into tho air.
May 1 tell, you so that you will not bolleve I am
talking tor my own amusement as you say in this
country, through tho crown of my hat how I lvo?
The inotuent have finished with "The Firefly," at 11
o'clock. I place my fingers on my lips, and I am silent
until thB next evening at C. Nineteen hours ot stlenco
every day.
People, wonder how the little Trentlnl works so
big, how aho can elng and dance and laugh so gayly
every night It Is becaure she takes all day the stlenco
cure. And what Trentlnl can do your fine, big Amer
ican women can do.
I go straight home from the Casino. An after
theatre .supper? No. Ho, I come to my room and
bring not my maid so that I will not talk, I place my
mouth qrer the steam from an alcohol lamp for threo
minutes. That Is to tako from my throat the dust ot
tho theatre. Then I feel better! I havo my very light
supper bread and cheese and an apple and go to
bed. I am up at 10 and stirring about my room,
dressed in something soft and weightless. Thus I
brush pay hair and enjoy my coffee and papers. There
are orders that no one no ono at all shall ever tele
phono 'wa between 11 and 11, 1
After 11 If any one telephones I answer, but I do
not talk. I listen.- That is possible. 1 merely breathe
into the, receiver1. "Oh" or "Ah." or "Yes" or "No."
So the rest of tho hours pass. I write letters or
look after my wardrobe or listen to what my manager
t&J-s by telephone listen but do not answer and at
2 o'clock J go forth for a walk. I do thirty blocks,
nhtprfne along, never hurrying. 1 never taka any
tween thorn. Remain there or two hours. Let nothing
except tho houso burning down interrupt those hours
ot rest and silence.
, You aro never home, you American women. Stay
at' home. It Is a luxury and becomes a delight. At
least do not go out every evening. 'It Is well to go to
tho theatro sometimes, yes. But two ovenlngs a week
stay atVhomo. Go to bed at 10.
I have heard that to soothe the nerves for sleep
ono should undress In tho d-rlc. That is very good.
Darkness is part ot the sllonco cure. It lulls the
tempost of nerves.
For vanity's sako do not talk so much. You have
heard tho gorgeous bird, the poacock? Then you know
what a disappointment is that voice after seeing his
magnlflcont feathers. So tho handsomely dressed
American woman Impresses tho European. Wo think
her hearing is not acute or refined, else she would be
shocked at tho Bound ot her own thin, high, monoto
nous voice.
You have in this country a habit of makibggestures
with your mouth. Do you not know that you use your
nioutlu as we Italians uso our bands to talk? You
twist them about to supply the expression missing
from your eyes and other features. The American
ye tloos not tnlk. and the mouth tslks and twists. It
seems that, being conscious that your faces do not
reflect your thoughts, you try to make your mouths do
all that work.
And now let me tell you that you waste your hus
band's fortune by wasting his time. Or it may be that
you waste another man'B time by tulkiug too long at
the telephone, or it you have business at his -office.
For every great work wo need to think. We cannot
think amidst strident voices. It Is with lax hands
crossed in our laps and head bent In meditation that
groat work is planned. Planning Is doing. Learn to
bo silent, dear American wotuei-. Talk llttlo and you
will become not only moro bpautlful. but you will
rniu-h th greatness to whlfh our brain entitles you,
The Ornamental Skate A Sug
gestion for the New Idea
contemplate subdued walls cover'-. I
with pnle water lilies; they should
bo vivid, should positively shriek
with red boiled lobsters scurryli.i:
out of reach of tho viciously curling
tentacles of octopuses. Possibly
tho birth ot a sense of humor Wl
make the treatment even moro effec
tive. Many chorus girla are addicted
to "nerves,''' largely due to the fre
quency with which they Indulge in
.midnight suppers of lobBters. Ac
cordingly, when thoy wake late In
tho morning they should gaze up n
bedroom wnlls papered with boiled
lobsters, pop-eyed and in every nt
tltudo of belligerency.
Similarly, tho bedroom walls of
clubmen should be decorated with
designs in which the fish known as
skate is tho principal motive. Half
grown boyB addicted to annoyia?
their older sisters and their beaux
havo been almost completely re
formed by confinement in roo us
decorated with shrimps.
Tho pathologically minded devotees
of this system of interior decoration
do not appear yet to have gono .o
far as to advocate wall designs
pink elephants Jleelng In terror from
purple rats for the rooms of men
afflicted with that extreme iprm ot
nervousness knuwn ns delirium
tremens still the suggestion rauy
not beMnopportune.
A Design for Large" Wall Spaces in Which the Voucan and Interlaced Branches Form the Motive
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