Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Spring Apparel
We feel certain that you will enjoy
our display of Ready-to-Wear for the
spring of 1913. Our showing is so
complete that you will be able to gain
a comprehensive idea of the newest
styles demanded by fashion for the
approaching spring season.
Including Tailored Suits and Dresses
of every description, Coats, etc.
"Yc announce a showing of the New Lenox Waists which
will surely interest you. ,
HKCOXI) ru)oiu
White Piques
Stylo forecasts for the
coming season indicate a
highly favorable demand for
Piques for Suits, Dresses and
35o Piques, 25c a yard.
50c Piquos, 39c a yard.
35c whito figured Piquo,
30c a yard.
Are in widths of welts
from the widest to the narrowest.
Oar Sale of
White Goods
An annual event featuring New Fabrics at Special Prices.
This annual sale event also includes embroidered Crepes,
Voiles, Ratine Crepes, embroidered Batistes and Piques,
Horringbone Linen Suitings, Art Linens, Handkerchief
Linens, etc.
Women 's Kid
Gloves $1 a Pair
You can have complete
confidence in a pair of dollar
Gloves when they arc the P.
& L. make. Wc have re
ceived our spring stock in
black, white, tan, brown and
gray. $1.00 a pair.
Remnant Sale
All remnants of Muslins,
Cambric, Pillow T u b ing,
wide Sheeting and Pillow
Casings that have accumu
lated during our January
sale will be on special sale
Monday at greatly reduced
Are Sold in Omaha
by us exclusively
The Newest Styles
are now here
Government Files Bill Against Com
bine at Trenton, N. J.
It Asks Trrnilnnltnn of Contract Ilf
tween fllir Xetr Jnnfjr Company
nnd Sererni Other Corpora
tion nnit Individuals.
tho 'doctor's" ability should be desired
several cancers removed by him might
be found In jars In the office of Dr.
Dr. Wells admitted to an Investigator
that she and "Doctor" Hornby "work to
gether" to a great extent. The "doc
tor," she said, sends her paUents he Is
unable to cure with his "remedy" and ho
"treats" her surgical patients with the
"remedy" after operation.
"I would not operate unless the 'doc
tor' would treat my patient after the
operation." said Dr. Wells.
Do Not "Spilt" Fees.
Pr. Wells volunteerod the Information
that he nnd "Doctor" Hornby practice,
no fee-splitting.
"I charge my fee, J100 or $160 or what
ever It Is for tho operation," she said,
"and he charges 'his fee for his 'treat
ment." it would ba a poor doctor who could not
obtain the endorsement of his associate
Though asjochitod'.wfth "Doctor" Hornby.
Dr. Wells 'could not put on paper an
endorsement broad.'fcnough to cover the,
extravagant claim' made by the " Doc
tor" Hornbjp. in . hi, (forts' to bring, to
himself newjfctfffntfc."
Another "Testimonial,"
Deception clenrly is tho purpose of a
testimonial of A. 1. Mayne, an employe
of the State Bayftigs and Loan associ
ation, which appears In tho pamphlet of
' Doctor" Hornby. It appears as follows:
ATION. Omaha, .Neb,. July 1. 1912.
It give me pleasure to say a good word
for ono who is a great benefactor, and
who is personally known to me to be
whflt hA ntnnrta fnr.
Dr Hornby has cured several cases that'
J am acquainted with, ana has given per
fect satisfaction.
It after examination ho says will cure
you, he will do It or it won't cost you a
cent. I know of no cose that he has
treated that was not a success.
lie certainly docs as well as he prom
ises. If not better. Respectfully,
A. F. MAYNE, Cashier.
A. V. Mayne Is not and nover has been
the cashier of the State Savings and Loan
association. IIo is employed as a clerk
partly in the service, of the association
and partly In the personal service of
Irving O. Baright, president of the as
sociation. Mr. Mayne once was a not
obeoure real estate dealer. For somo time
he was In charge of the Baright society
halls and mads his homo In rooms In
the Baright building. Inquiry develops
lhe InformaUon that Mr. Mayne now Is
about the office of the State Savings and
Ioan association, especially when Mr.
Baright is away; that he is a student if
"neW thought," and that he believes th
end o fthe world is iminent.
But the testimonial is cleverly designed
to give the impression that a high offi
cial of a savings and loan association
staunchly recommends "Doctor" Hornby
as a "great benefactor" and his "cure"
ua nothing less than wonderful. The
testimonial Is headed with tho name of
the State Savings and Loan association.
tho obvious Intent being to work that
name for all It Is worth, to lead the
read or to bcllove that a large financial
Institution has stumped the "doctor" and
Ids "remedy'' with thu seal of Its ap
proval. This would tend to convince the
skeptical and assure them that the "doc
tor" Is "what he stands for."
Tuts It an with Stick.
"Doctor" Hornby's "remedy" Is a black
liquid, applied sometimes with a brush,
somotimos with a stick similar to the
orangewood stick commonly used by
manicures. All but tho mpst serious
cases, tho "doctor" says, he can "cure"
In seven to nine days, but somo cases he
cannot "cure" becauso the "patients" are
"too far gone." He claims to have
"cured" most severe, coses of cancer of
tho brenst and facial cancer and cancers
of mnny other locations. Ileputable phy
sicians laugh at tho claims and call them
British Suffragettes Do Extensive
Damage in Kew Gardens.
Second Negro Lynche
For Murder of Woman
at Houston, Miss,
HOUSTON, Miss., Feb., a-Dlbrell
Tucker, a negro, In whose possession was
found a diamond ring, sold to have been
the property of Mrs. J, C. Williams,
murdered In her home hero Thursday
last, Was lynched late today by a mob In
the court house square. Yesterday an
other negro, who It was believed had
murdered Mrs. Williams, was lynched
The victim of today's lynching was
taken to the square and chained to an
Iron post
A Uettlo of tar was (toured over him,
.then faggots were piled about him. He
was allowed to talk for a short tlmo,
then a brother of Mrs. Williams touched
a match to tho dry wood.
Tuoker had scarcely begun to feel the
effects of the heat when tho father of
Mrs. William elbowed his way through
tho throng and shot the negro four times.
Tho negro Is said to have admitted the
crime and to have said that Andrew Will
lams, who was lynched on Friday, took
tho body of the woman from her house
and threw it into the pit where It was
Sleanairea to North of Rnsilnnd Are
Accepted Subject to Delay
Store Store Windows
Are Ilrnken.
LONDON, Feb. 8. Militant suffragottei
destroyed many valuable plants and did
other damage reaching to a toltul -r
145,000 In tho hot houses of the Kew
Horticultural Gardens during the early
hours of this morning. Thus they de
veloped another part of their plan of
'vunpalgn to forca the government to
give the vote to women.
it is believed a number of women hid
themselves in the gardens over night,
for this morning, long before tho day
staff came on duty, It was found that a
large number of rare orchids had beep
uprooted and scattered .In all directions
Thirty panes of glass la the orchid house
wero uroKen.
When the night watchmen inado their
rounds at one o'clock in the morning.
everything was still In good order and
the women must have laid their rlann
well beforehand in order to find hiding
places where they could lie In security.
No trace of them has since been found
The window smashing raids continued
In London today. Two Immense windows
In an establishment In Oxford street,
which has heretofore been Immune, be
cause of the proprietor's contributions
to the women's funds were broken during
the early morning hours.
Tho postal authorities today Issued a
notice that there would be delay on alt
telegrams to tho north of Kngland as the
result of cutting of the telegraph wires
In the provinces by the suffragettes yes
making- surveys nnd In trying to finance
the project. Strictly speaking, no new
applications wero approved. One or two
applications, which had been on record
fore sometime, wore nproved not becauso
they granted any further rights, "but be
cause it was considered by the board
thnt they covered substantially tho same
projects which had been entered upon
upder the approval of previous boards.
KnoiYledce of Onr'n Limitation
Helpful In DrcldlnK the
Ilonte. ,
Pointed I'nrHirrnpUn.
Many a man has been sold who .didn't
get his price.
There are times when the scales of Jus
tice look fishy.
The coming man usually turns out to
bo u bill collector.
Many a man boeomes resigned to fate
after he finds himself all in from fight
Ing It
Charge for the advice you hand out If
you want rxolMn to taKa It.
A won, van may know a man like a book,
but she can't look ahead and see his fin
The girl wno is ambitious to make a
name for herself usually ends by accept
ing some man s, cnicago Mews.
Collars Laundered With
That Velvet Ede
And Shirts Ironed To
is what every man
with personal pride
This is the kind of work that he
gets if we do his laundry.
Our most modern methods coup
led with unexcellable service,
makes us leaders.
rnomo dodo, sis.
(Continued from Page One.)
ntod and applied to a beneficial use.
When It ceases to bo used for that pur
pose, the rights of tho applicant are at
an end. The state at no tlmo parts with
the title to tho water, but simply confers
upon the appropriator the right to tVj
use for the purpose designated In the
Fixing Priority of Itlghtn.
The law further provides that It there
Is no unappropriated water In the source
of supply, or If a prior appropriation haa
been made for the same purpose, tho
stato board shall disapprove the applica
tion. The last legislature passed a law
by which It required the State Hoard of
Irrigation to meet and determine the pri
ority of ull water rights along the
streams of this state, and during the
early spring and summer or 1912 the
board was In session many days, having
the whole subject under consideration.
Tho parties interested appeared, through
their attorneys, and these matters were
fully argued, briefed and considered in
open session of the board.
Tho state board of irrigation has, at
na time, granted any water rights as It
never had any power under the law; to
do so. During the consideration of these
matters, the board cancelled a largo
number of applications under which no
work had been done. Trior to 1912, the
matter of approving or reectlng an ap
plication for a permit was performed
perfunctorily under the law by the sec
retary of the board of Irrigation.
In view of the act passed by- the last
legislature requiring these matters to be
disposed of as rapidly as possible, the
board held open sessions and all members
thereforeof participated In the hearings
and orders made therein In relation there
to. -The llabcocU Kill uk.
In ono matter before the board, the
evidence showed that the parties had ex
pended in tho neighborhood of $400,000 In
building Irrigation ditches under a per
mit which called for both Irrigation and
power purchases. It was shown by the
evidence In that case that twelve or fif
teen miles of ditch was to be utilised in
perfecting a power project. This was
known as the Babcook filing. A large
number of his filings were cancelled at
that time.
In another project known as the Fre
mont, project, it was shown that the ap
plicants had expended about 120,000 In
Stop and cnlmly sum up yourself. Plot
your progress curve and find out if you
ure doing thu thing you want most to do
That which Is progress for mo may be
stagnation for- you. Figure It out per
sonally and see If you are keeping pace
with your measure of llfo. Within each
of us i a simple, durable metronome
regularly 'ticking off thu miaiure of ia
man; Koch ofus ie uncomfortably fcorv
scldua of the fact that he8om'oUmes lags
behind tho beat, that he pften 'endeavors
to ruih or confuseit: buttthe Instrument
ticks On accurate!, always' a rf ody jfaffc
to consult.
Ego1, soul, conscience, whutover tho
trade, name 'of that metronome, It offers
each man a fixed mental, spiritual and
physical standard which ho ought con
stantly to approach.
Have you taken time to study butter
flies? Have you helped send that deserv
ing young fellow through collego, an
you've always wanted to? Havo you
built that model boat you linvo had In
the back of your brnln so long? Aro
you going to take that trip to California
tills year? Havo you bought that phono
graph for your family? Have you taken
up the study of tulip culture, as you
had hoped to do by this year? Are you
really going to make that wished-for
garden this spring? Have you helped
lighten the burden of that cripple who
lives ncross the way? Havo you started
reading the history of Kngland or gone
In for tho study of African Javelins?
The years are stealing bases on you.
(let into the game.
Put n few peaks on your personal prog
ress ohart.
Do a little living by tho wayside.
Stop to consider how much more you
aro worth to yourself and society whon
you are actually doing the real thing
you feel you must do some day.
Move to a cheaper house so you can
really rent nnd occupy a larger castle In
That's progress. Everybody's Magazine
Cooley Sells Out.
Chet Sutton, n Salt Loko City theater
man, will ho business manager of the
Suit Lake club for John J. McCloskey.
The club has been Incorporated for t3O,O0O
with $20,000 paid In. Otic-half of that was
tho purchase price paid Dick Cooloy, the
rest will be used In rebuilding the ball
park. '
TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 8-The federal
government made Its third anti-trust
move against the United Shoe Machinery
company In a civil suit filed here today,
charging the So-called trust with yielding
an alleged monopolistic power and un
fair trade tactics to forco the KelRhley
company a competitor Into an unlaw,
ful contract for the leasing, sale nnd fix
ing the price of an "ln-seam trimming
Tho United States district court here
was asked to terminate tho contract
under which the Kelghley company gave
the United Shoe Machinery company the
exclusive right to lease to shoe manu
facturers the "ln-seam trimming ma
chine." the patent of which is held by
the Kelghtley company. The effect of
the agreement Is declared to bo "to per
petrate and extend a monopoly of thf
shoe machinery industry In the United
Shoo Mnchlnery company of New Jer
sey." Following are the defendants In the
suit: United Shoe Machinery company.
Boston; Kelghley company. Incorporated:
VIneland. N. J. Sidney, W. WlnBlciw.
Orleans, Mass.; Edward P. Hudd, New
ton, Mass.; Charles Percy Kelghley.
William llottomley Kelghley and Charles
Kelghley of VIneland, N. J.
Trust Is Arraigned,
Tho government's petition Is a severe
arraignment of the "trust's" alleged un
fair practices. The vigorous enforcement
of its methods Is declared to have driven
practically all competitors from the shoo
machinery Industry, giving the $25,000,000
United Shoo Machinery company control
of more thnn 99 per cent of the trade. Tho
big corporation Is described by tho gov
ernment as follows in the bill:
Hy misrepresentation and thrents It
deprives its competitors of their cus
tomers. It has threatened its competitors
that It will use Its enormous resources
and powers to take away their customers.
Dy threats It has prevented competing
concerns from entering the business. It
has given rebates to shoe manufacturers
to Induce them to use exclusively its
machines. It has discontinued the sale to
shoo manufacturers of alt tho most Im
portant machines nnd unlawfully de
vised and put Into effect leases and
licenses containing unreasonable and op
pressive provisions, which agreements
shoe manufacturers are compelled to ex
ecute In order to obtain machinery with
which to equip their factories.
The company is accused of acquiring
patents for voluablo Inventions and not
using them for long periods. Persons as
signing patents to the "trust" are ullegcd
to have been required to agree to trans
fer for a specified tlmo all their futura
patents or Invention of shoe machinery
To destroy tho competition of tho
Kelghley concern, tho United company Is
charged with employing alleged unfair
methods to make It difficult for Its com
petitor to conduct its business success
fully. Price Fixed by Contract.
The petition points out that thu contract
gives the' United company exclusive rlgnt
to put out on lease all tho "ln-seam trim
ming machines" owned or controlled or
hereafter made or acquired by tho Kelgn
ley company. Tho two corporations agree
not to encourage any other person or cor
poration to enter into business in conneo
tlon with "ln-seam trimming machines,"
cxropt in accordance with the terms of
the contract While tho Kelghley com
pany retains the right to sell the inn
chines, the contract prohibits It from
accepting a price less than 650. The
Kelghley compuny is required under the
agreement to pay J20O to the United com
pany for every rapid ln-seam trimming
macnine It sells.
The petition Is signed by Attorney Gen
eral wicKersham. James A. Fowler, as
slstant to the attorney general; William
S. Gregg, special assistant, and John D.
vreoland. United States attorney at Tren
ton. The contract was entered Into 'only last
September. Thero Is pending at Boston
a civil suit for the dissolution of the
Shoe Machinery company and one count
of indictments returned agaltiBt Its offi
cers for tho alleged violation of the Sher
man law. Tho United States supreme
court recently dismlssod other indict
ments filed against the same defendants.
All la Hegulitr, Saya Official.
BOSTON. Feb. 8,-Treasurer Ixauls A.
Coolldge of the United Shoe Machinery
company issued tho following statement
relative to the government suit filed
ugulnst the company;
"The subject matter of the bill relates
to contract by the Kelghley company,
owner of patents on an in-seam trimming
machine, whereby they gave tho United
Shoe Machinery company a right to lease
this machine, but reserved to themselves
the right to sell the machine.
"It is a perfectly legitimate contract
under the patent law and was approved
by counsel for the company. It was made
on the solicitation of the Kelghley com
I LW'ffiiSBa AN
An xnrt factory demonstrator will
Miow the economy of doing your
cooking in
Wear-Ever Alum
inum Utensils
Come and see how you can cook the
most delicate food in aluminum uten
sILs with less fear of burning than
any other kind. "Wear-ever" utensils
cannot rust nor chip, hor form poison
ous compounds with fruit acids or
fooda. They aro 99 per cent pure alum
inum without seams, Joints or solder.
ALUMINUM Drinking Cups,
Measuring Cups, Salt and
Pepper Shakers, Spice Boxes,
Moulds and Tea Balls all at
85c Aluminum Kettles a few while they last at. .49c
Fire in Chicago Drug House Pre
sents Unusual Features.
With the Bowlers
Firemen Compelled to Work In Ilr
layn tlecnnse of Stronjr Fames
from Great Quantity of
Smoldering: Drnjr.
CHICAGO, Feb. 8. "This year of Brace
may pass Into history as the year of the
Great Sneeze, taking rank with the Year
of the Great Wind."
The chorus of sneezes was on tho first
floor of a wholesale drug house in West
Lake street. In two minutes tho wave
of sneezes spread over the second floor,
until presently 125 employes, hatless, coat
less and ker-chewlnB explosively, rushed
into the street
Explanation of the outburst was found
In tho burning of 225 bags of sulphur in
tho basement.
Crowds, attracted by tho gongs of the
fire engines, rushed to the scene, but
retired, sneezing. Tho fumes spread to
adjoining buildings and their occupants
emerged on tho street, red-nosed, rod
eyed and sneezing.
Firemen rushed into tho basement but
quickly retreated, dragging with them
twelve of their number, who had been
overcome by the fumes. They, too,
were sneezing.
So pungent were the fumes that only
one stream of water could be applied to
tho fire. Those manning this hose were
relieved frequently to sneeze the fumes
from their lungs. Tha sulphur burned
stubbornly, but finally was extinguished.
St(ll sneezing, the firemen returned to
their stailons.
Jury in Promoter's
Case Fails to Agree,
Judge is Astonished
NEW YORK. Feb. . 8. The govern
ment's case ngalnst A. L. WIsner and
John J. Meyers, Indicted for misuse of
tho malls to promote oil and mining
properties, resulted today In no verdict.
Tho Jury was discharged after vainly
trying for forty-six hours to agree.
Tho trial lasted nine weeks and cent
tho government J70.000. WIsner and
Meyers were accused of defrauding In
vestors all over the country of more Uu.n
2,000,000. Their main defense as that a
partner, who went to .Europe but later
returned to become a government wit
ness, got most of the money.
'Never In all my experience," dald
Judge Mack, "havo I seen a clearer case
for conviction or damaging evidence
better produced, "it Is almost Incompre
hensible to me how any of these Jurors
could have stood out all this time against
Pending a new trial the defendants
wero admitted to ball. The amount In
Meyern' case was fixed at $12,000; in
Wlsner's, $4,000.
Somo time ago I had an attack of
grlppo which finally settled In my kid
neys and bladder. I doctored with the.
doctors and they claimed I had dropsy.
I tried other remedies and got no relief
from any of them. My condition was
such that I was unablo to work for about
two months and tho annoying symptoms
caused me a great deal of trouble and
pain. I was hardly able to turn over In
lxl. Seeing one of your Almanacs, I
decided to give Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot a trial and after taking several bot
tles was able to resume my work ugalru
t cannot say 'too much in pro! so of your
Swamp-Iloot .as the results In my case
were truly wonderful. .
Yours very truly,
Mansfield, Pa.
Sworn and subscribed before me. this
7th day of May, 191$.
Notary Public
Z,ttr to
Sr. Kilmer b Co..
Dlngbamton. IT. '-.
Frcre Whit Swamp-Root Will D tot Yes
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham
ton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable" Information, telling
all about the kldneya and bladder. When
writing be sure, and mention the Omaha
Omaha Dally Bee. Jtegular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles for .sale at all
drug stores.
VlrKll Ureaser.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Feb. 8. Virgil
Dresser, 75 years old, one of the last of
the steamboat men of the Missouri river
and known as "Admiral" Dresser, died
here last night. He came to Leavenworth
In 1S.VS. Dresser was ono of the few sur
vivors of the civil war campaign of Gen
eral Price in 1664.
Metropolitan Iirafcue.
In tho Metropolitan league the Bcselln
Mixers won two games from the Dough
Mixers. Score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total
Pearson 161 163 IBS (12
IIIgglnB 201 132 116 449
W. Schneider , 1S4 179 147 510
Totals 646 474 4C1 1.471
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Conowny 171. 17rt 1S7 484
Schaeffcr 190 12U 169 488
Jones 167 125 1S7 479
Totals 528 430 433 1.431
Oman Lcdkhc,
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Johnson 244 -3)3 16$ C20
Sprague 180 168 145 49.1
Balzer 192 182 192 567
Wartschow 209 203 234 646
McMartin 191 19S 182 67t
Totals 1.017 659 921 2,897
Neale 213 211 190 614
Conrad 192 218 202 612
Denman 159 170 194 623
Blakenuy 188 19J 185 603
Huntington 160 215 193 56s
Totals 912 1,004 961 2,850
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Pruyn lt6 212 201 58J
Hamlet 183 201 212 9
Godonschwager 149 149
Gllbrcath 193 175 212 tiii
Zarp 174 174 211 559
Cummings 155 193, , 34
Totals 864 917 1,033 iSIfl
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Cain 181 210 177 563
Weeks 187 178 214 579
McCarthy 176 191 188 554
Firestone 215 191 211 fan
Anglesberg 190 181 218 589
Totals 949 161 1,088... 290S
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Sciple 230 204 176 614
Tracy 195 147 189 631
Bland 2o6 164 210 630
Zimmerman 190 156 228 674
Gotf 201 223 203 632
Total 1,080 89! 1,007 2931
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Weeks 146 201 190 637
Toman 193 1GS in Mi
Hall 191 139 178 50
Cochran 195 191 205 691
Fanton 200 186 165 551
Totals 928 ' 885 915 2.72S
Special Match.
1st 2d. 3d. Total.
Cooper 168 118 101 387
Carter 146 171 167 481
Capron 161 153 163 4S0
FISk 124 143 149 416
Voorhles 188 122 165 470
Totals 790 707 745 2H2
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Brannlan 147 152 156 455
Keiser 199 117 181 497
Hatekin 174 186 170 630
Hansen 154 179 169 502
McCabe 192 186 192 570
Totals 8C6 820 86S 2.554
Foirel In Hotel Dnslness.
Horace Fogel will manage a hotel on
the Atlantic City board walk this season
and later expects to liuy or build one for
himself, Just as soon as he gets on to
tho ropes.
FA1RBUUY. Neb., Feb. 8.-(Speclal.)-MIks
Agatha Grabowskl and August
Hueske, two prominent young people
living In the northeast part of this
county, were married at the Immanuel
Lutheran church near Plymouth. Ttev.
Matuschka officiated. They will go to
housekeeping on a farm near Plymouth.
An American Klnar
"Js the gTeat king of cures, ' Dr, King's
New Discovery, the quick, safe sure,
eough and cold remedy. 60c and 91.00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Tuft Attends Wedding.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8,-Presldent Taft
added another to the many weddings he
has attended while In the White House
by being a guest of Senator and Mrs.
Oliver of Pennsylvania whenn their
daushter. Jean Oliver, was married today 4
Ito Lieutenant Conimander Edward Mq-.I
Caul?. United States navy. j
"Watch Yourself'
It is the prime duty of everyone to main
tain the highest possible standard of health.
Therefore, be on your guard at all times;
watch the appctitt,
watch the digestion,
watch the action of
the liver and bowels.
Any disturbance of Uiese functions indica
tes weakness and means trouble if not at
tended to promptly. Get a bottle of
Stomach Bitters
at once. It assists digestion keeps the
liver active, bowels regular, prevents ma
larial disorders and promotes better health.