4--B THE OMAITA RFNDAY BKK: FKBIirARY 0, 191.3. Tim Omaha Suxday Bke ro( Mif.n nr kdwaku itosBWATint v ,i lull ItoaKWATEK. EDITOR. lir'K Ul lLI'lNO, KAUXAM AND lTTiT. 1 "teivd at OmnJm postofflee as second ciag matter Tl.KMS OF St'H&CRIPTIONi Rrrday Bw. on? year $10 Hat 1h Bt-r. one year 1..V) l'a v Hcc. without Sunday, one year.. 40) l .i u Hee. and Sunday, wit year kW 1 'KIJVERKD BY CAHKI14R. Iii u-iff and .Sunday, per month 4'Jc : - unit without Sunday, per month.. JSc la y Hee. Including Sunday, per mo.. Wc l'a v Hrc. without Sunday, per mo.... We f.ires Bit complaints or Irregularities In dr ttery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCE. Rrmlt by draft, express or postal order, pa, nbln to The Bee Publishing company. Only 2-.-ent stamps received In payment of small a'-rount Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not bcl el'ted. .OFFICBS: Orinha-The Her building. 8us.th Omaha MIS N street. I aim II Hluff 14 North Main street. 1 re n- .S IJttle building. Chicago 1011 Marquette building. v.v,.4s ( t- Hellanee building. New York M Went Thirty-third. Nt Louis VU Frisco building. Washington- 72.1 Fourteenth St.. N. W. COIlItBai'ONDKNCK. Communications 'relating to news and editorial matter should be nddrcssud Oroah. Bee, Editorial department. JANUARY CIRCULATION. 49,528 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, m: Dwlght Williams, circulation mamuer of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally c'rcJlatloli for the month of January, 1313, was 49,i28. DWKJHT WILLIAMS, Clroulntlon Manager. H,ibirrlbed in my presence and sworn to before me this Kb day of February, 19!J. RUUE11T HUNTER, (Seal.) Notary IMbllc. Subscribers Irnvlnir h cltr temporarily ahoald hnva The Dee infilled to them. Addrrsn 111 he clinngcd nm often n requested. Hotter tako another poop at your conl pile. "And yet tho Water board still re fuses to act." Aro the hatpins too long or tho street car aisles too narrow? "Lowor wator ratca, not next month, not next year, but now." St. Louts boautB a woman with perfect feot. Ah, there, Chicago. Anyway, lobsters ought not to bo sent by parcol post. Lot them walk. Dei Moines cannot sparo any of its jpollcomen. Des Molnos Capital, Aro they that 'good? Tho govornor has tho right ovon yet to lntroduco a bolatctl bill by npeclal messago. From tho rivalries ot Denvor nows papors ono may learn Just what kind of a town that is. Tho Incomo tax la ono tax the or dinary man may contomplato with perfect oquanlmlty. A Now York man roports having found the truant waist line. Koop your hands to yourself! It's up to tho law-makora to ad minister some loglslatlvo knock-out drops to tbo dopo trado. Tho man with a chronic excuse to offer for his shortcomings is usually admitting that ho has no excuse. Madero will miss a good chance if ho falls to 'engage CaBtro to scout for sorao now material for his 1013 team. "Go, bury thy sorrows; tho world bath its stiaro," is one of tho old favorites that should bo sung more often. David must havo been in the midst of a presidential campaign when in bis baste ho exclaimed, "All men are liars." Chairman Pujo characterizes" Wil liam Rockefeller's condition as "sim ply pitiable." Colossal wealth Is not everything. In cutting the now tariff suit tho democratic tailors must romomber that tho pattern is for a very, very largo patron. President Wilson says be never feels comfortablo In a silk bat no more, doubtless, than does Mr. Bryan In a cocked hat. Yes, but what about redeeming those oft-made promises of lower water rates? Is not that also a practical question? Now wo have a now slant on mu nicipal home rulo. Homo rule means to trust everything to tho people ex cept tho water works. A lot of mon who are too old and wise to believe In the beautiful Christmas Illusion, havo implicit faith in the groundhog myth. Exhibiting bis fearlessness of tho contributing editor, Dr. Lyman Ab bott in bis Outlook declares: "Strength comes from silence, not from noise." It would not bo at all surprising if that Minnesota legislator who wishes by law to suppress dresses that but ton up tho back were some crabbed old bachelor. . The minister who puts tho plea for a restful Sabbath on tho broad basis of every man's right to one ilay of recreation in seven, instead of on the narrow basis of sectarian led deserves a serious hearing. Municipal Self-Govcrnment. in view of Omaha's forthcoming hoine-rulo charter convention, some romarkB nbout municipal self-government in tho current Outlook are mig gestlvc and In point, The Outlook unqualifiedly favors the home-made charter, and tho inclusion In it of all departments of the city subject to Its govornmont. This is what It says: 1. The first and fundamental prlncipta should be government of the people. The citizens of New York City and this Is equally true of every great city In tho country should frame their own charter, as the people of a state ftamo their own constitution nnd the charter should be nccepted by tho stato government unless It Is Inconsistent with the constitution of tho state or tho best Interest of the stato at-large, as the constitution of a state Is accepted by congress unless It is inconsistent with the constitution of the United Stales or tho public ixillcy of the nation. 2. This charter should glvo to the citi zens of the city power to frame their own municipal legislation and to administer their own municipal affairs. If this nrin- oiplo the right of the city to govorn Itself were onco honestly nccepted, experience would enable us to wurk out the details and correct tho errors - Into which we should doubtless at first fall. ,3. This government should bo for the benefit of all tho citizens o( the city, not for tho benefit of special Interests. Its police deportment, Its flro department, its department of streets nnd parks, its department of docks, Its transportation system and every other part of the city life should be devised nnd operated for the common benefit of all alike. Tho newly adopted amendment to tho Nebraska constitution Is intended to glvo us municipal self-government without legislative intrusion lit our purely local affairs. By clinging fast to fundamental principles wo havo an opportunity not only to work out our own problem successfully, but to- sot nn oxamplo for other progrossivo cities. Eailroads at "Attention." In concluding his somewhat famous spoech on "Tho country's need of greater railway facilities nnd tormlnalB," James J. Hill said: Tho railways,' .anxious "to bo active In tho upbuilding of tliaiqoutriry and tho In troduction. of u coming era' of transporta tion, stand at attention-. "Will the coun try give tho word of permission and re move the heavy cloud of doubt nnd de pression which has steadily arrested the growth of tho nation's commercial facili ties! Tho railways will contlnuo actlvo in the upbuilding of tho country be causo it pays thorn to do so, and thoy will aid In introducing a com ing ora of transportation because that is tholr business. If thoy aro standing at attention it is only after a very persistent appoal on tho part of tho country. Mr. Hill wjib not "standing at attention" when trying to defeat Undo Sam in tho dissolu tion of his Nbrthern SecurJtleB, com pany. What "clouds of doubt apd depression" may havo hoverod ovor our commorclal facilities woro duo vory largoly to certain abuses of privilege, to correct which it bocamo necessary to provide moro stringent utato and federal regulations, but happily this has boon accomplished without tending to arrest legitimate progress of any kind. Our govern ment has novor doslrod to crlpplo in dustry or hamper capital properly ox- erclsod and novor wljl, nnd It," nevor did a bettor thing than when it sot about to usher in this now ora of corporato regulation which, judging from tbo last avallablo financial re ports, seems to havo had no advorso influonco upon tho rovonues of Mr. Hill's Great Northorn and Northern Pacific railroads. Anti-Spitting Ordinance. Apparently our municipal nntl spitting ordlnanco la in need of moro rigid onforcomont. The odious spit ting habit affects not only tho cleanly appearance of sldowalkB, street cars and other public places, but what is of groater moment, tho health of tho community; and tho authorities could with good rosults mako an oc casional object lesson, If necessary, ot nn baoltual offondor. Antl-spltting ordinances, common In all well rogu lated cities, excited derision at first, but not aftor tholr importance us factors in tbo modorn movement for bettor sanitation came to bo ap preciated. They must bo observed or tho sclentlflo effort of arresting communication of certain diseases will be more difficult of success, The Crop Croakers'. A San Francisco paper says south ern California citrus fruit mon havo declined a proposal for financial aid made upon assumptions growing out of tbo recent blight of cropa. Tho orange and lemon growers wish it understood thatf while an unpre codontedly cold snap tlid Immonso damage to fruit and' trees, it did not ruin all or make objects ot charity out of the orchardists. No doubt the Bouthern California situation has been grossly exaggerated. However Jieavy tho loss to citrus fruit, It. must be remembered that thiB Is but one of sevoral profitable resources in that country, and some of those are in littlo or no danger of destruc tion from climatic vagaries. It does no good, but much harm, to overdraw reported crop failures, whether In California or elsewhere. The middle and far western sections of this country are. bo closely knit together by bonds of business inter course as to mako tholr prosperity a mattor of community Interest. Omaha and othor largo distributing centers have the deepest concern in the welfare of California, Ongor.. Washington and other states to the west. And, for that matter, expert once proves the total unreliability of premature reports of crop losses. Ne braska farmers havo gone a good many yoars without a serious loss or failure, yot perennially tho powiimlst puts out dolorous predictions, only to ho discredited at harvest time. The Prodigy of Perseverance. It must bo that Holon Kollor, of lndomltnblo will powor, has come to us blind, deaf nnd dumb as an ex ample to all human kind on the prodigy of porsoverance nnd a re buko to the weak-willed and com plaining who nre blessed with eight and hearing nnd speech. What childish fancy Iibb not pic tured tho hldeoiiB hypothesis of being i without these faculties? How could even tho simplest wants bo ox pressed? That question novor lin gered long In tho mind of this girl. "I must learn to talk," sho de termined. And jiow she delivers a public lecture, expatiating upon cur rent problems of llfo, with moro clearness of porcoptlon, nt least, than many not bo handicapped as Bho. Yot, whllo tho philosophy may ho open to attack, tho conquest of what most people would regard an insuperable affliction distinguishes her tar nbovo the average mortal. Thoflo of us with senses Intact ought to find In llils Invlnclhlo power of nchlovoment n lesson nppllcablo to somo part of our own lives. No Premium for Murder. The presentation ot n remodlal measuro to tho legislature Is a grim reminder that In NebraBka n promlum Is still offered for tho com mission of murdor by permitting tho murderer to Inherit tho property of tho victim, and to collect Insurance on tho victim's llfo. It 1b notorious that mercenary mo tives are nt tho bottom of much uorl ous crlmo and that thero Is a strong Inccntlvo to murder whon tho perpe trator of a foul deed nlny enrich hlm solt as tho heir or Insurance boneflcl nry. It Is proposed to mnko tbo prop erty or llfo Insurance money which might othorwlso go to tho person con vlctod of murder or conspiracy to murdor pass to tho estate or to othor heirs or beneficiaries tho natno as If tho murdoror had been dead at tho dato of tho death of tho nnir dorcd porBon. It should requlro no argument to urgo that this law ought to pass, not bo much perhaps to save tho property or lnsuranco for othor per sons as to provont tho commission of murdor. Tho valuo of such a law could not bo estimated If It saved ovon drio lffo thronto'ned by cupidity. Politics and Beauty. On tbo theory that politics tonds to prosorvo youth, a Boston suffra gist advances tho nuivo assortlon that beauty follows tho ballot and, thoreforo, votos for women will pro moto hor pulchrltudo. Surely a strong lirgumont, but by what rulo may wo bo sure of producing dissimilar of- fecta from similar causos as between the Influonco of politics on mon and women. Araplo ovldonco Is, wo aro suro. available to prove that politics doos not tend to prosorvo youthfulnesa In tho average malo participant, and it is not apparent how It would affect woman dlfforontly. Navol and attrac tive as tho argument is, It appears to bo fatally defective with a con clusion drawn from a fnlso promise. Everything tending to prosorvo woman's youthfulncss would of courBo ouhnnco her beautiful ap pearance,, but bo long as politics is politics wo fear It will not do that. Assuming the fair Dostonian menut to Imply that1 tho beautifying offect of politics would bo manifest only In tho caso of the active politicians, and negligible In tho others, wo would like to see tho test applied as be tween tho women In tho thick of the suffrage fight nnd tho womorv re maining out ot It from indifference or indisposition. The Diminished Bank Deposits'. Tho falling off in bank deposits, as shown by roports to tho comp troller of tho currency is due, accord ing to official explanation, not bo much to shrinkage of prlvato ac counts or impaired business, as to the Treasury department's recent ordor calling In largo sums ot gov ernment money, Tho contraction Is quite general over tho country and the Impression 'has obtained that It wub caused by unfavorable business conditions, whereas tbo reason ad vanccd as the truo one should have a quieting nnd satisfying effect. The government has made recent changes, such as centralisation of pension bureaus at Washington, from which all disbursements aro made, and adoption of the check system ot paying creditors, that necessltato keeping larger cash amounts on hand, and this, it is said, is tho op caslon for recalling funds formerly deposited in national banks. It Is quite suggestivo of tho country's business stability that bo little dis turbance has been felt In financial circles In tho period preliminary o a chango of administration,- trans ferring control from ono political party to another. Perhaps never be fore did a similar period, including tho campaign year, itself, produce as .'l.rfhl uiaturbaiui', which Is all the more remarkable In view of the un usually Intense character of the contest. Commercialized Soul Saving. Collier's draws a striking and sug gestive parallol to call attention to a mundane tendency in modern re ligious work. From the classified ad vertising columns of a prominent re ligious weekly, It quotos: Pastors, Attention Dr. , physlclan- bvangellKt, a converted atheist, haa port able tabortiacle and corps of singers and wotkera for conducting a soul-awakening evangellstlo campaign to save men. women and children In all walks of life. And then out of a trado weekly devoted to tho amusement and carnl val business It picks tho following: At Liberty Magician and singing soit brette. Kwoll apparatus and wardrobe. V feature mail bog, strait Jacket, yoke, box, tnlnd reading, spirit cabinet and magic. Sober and reliable. AddreflB . "Tim Man of Mystery." Collier's seems to tako a cynical slant at tho commercializing of soul Bavlng, nnd wilfully forgets" that vaudovlllo artists fill tho house, whllo tho preachers talk to empty powB. The world moves and this is a progressive age In religion as well us In business nnd politics. A Wholesale Buying Combine. Tho reported project of a combi nation of largo department stores In soveral cities for tho purpose of ef fecting advantageous purchases di rectly from tho manufacturer, elim inating the wholesale commission man, might havo somo aspects of on couragornent to tho ultimate con sumer If ho wore to be given the benefit of tho cheaper prices thus ob talnod. It would seem to ho highly ppsslblo for immense department stores, whoso purchases mount up Into tho millions annually, to effect somo such arrangemont. although other plans nnd projects for the elimination or tho so-called "middle man" have usually come to naught for ono renson and nnothor. Not all of thorn deserved success, for there Is a legitimate fiold oven for a mid dle man. That Is nol to say, how- ovor, that an unnecessary multiplica tion of middle men Is olthor deslrablo or In lino with modern business methods. Dut will tho department store combination plan work out to tho consumer's advantage? Will tho morchnnts In tho combine voluntarily share tholr bargains with tholr cus tomers? Will their customors buy choapor than tho customors of stores not In tho combine? Thnt will bo tho real test. Better for the Old Soldier. The governmont finds corapleto satisfaction In Hb now method of pay ing soldiers' pensions 1 directly by chock Instead of by voucher from tho various pension offices. Of course, it was money saved In tho first place to 'consolidate these offices Into a singlo bureau at the capital and In lino with modorn methods of business economy. Dut tbo advantage Is also apparent to the pensioner who heretofore had to mako out a formal vouchor7 blank at tested by at loast two wltnossca In' tho presence of a notary each quartor and then wait tho ordinary time for receipt of tho government's draft after-tho voucher was sent In. That Involved trouble and some exponse, which many an old veteran or his widow could Ill-afford. All this is eliminated under tho now system, tho check bolng aont every three months direct to tho ponsloner. While the govornmont will bo able to coraputo its saving In money, there is no way of estimating in dollars nnd cents tho accommodation to tho veterans. 4 Of course, that editorial in our democratic contemporary about "branding aa a criminal" any demo crat committing "political treason" by- going back on Instructions voted by the people has only a covert roforonce to n distinguished No brnskan, who, when commissioned to nomlnato Champ Clark at Baltimore, repudiated the' sacred obligation by stabbing him In the back. "In tho conduct of my court," says a Missouri judge, "I havo always considered character tho best defenso of reputation." And such a common sonso vlow ought alwayB to prevail and offer some protection against calumny under the gifiso of legal ovl donco. Arrangements are being raado for tho trip of Governor Morehead and his military staff to Washington to part!6tpate In tho inaugural parade, if necessary to get carload rates, the governor can easily appoint a few more colonels. Vlco Prosldont-eloct . Marshall has decided to live In a hotel at Wash ington, but bo far as time Is con cerned, he would be entirely Justi fied in taking a suburban cottago with a largo gardenpatch. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, , we are assured, "does not Indulge in verbal moonshine like -so many ' suffrage speakers." This may be a boost fok: Anna or a knock for the others, or possibly both. A Chicago paper makes a sensa tion out of the fact that a cordon of police enforced a building ordinance prohibiting the overcrowding of a theater gallery. It may be worth It, at that. Looluwf BacWarrl TkisDayitiOmalta COMPILED FROM uct riL.cs FEUIIUAKV O. p OPO Thirty Years Ago The Oregon Short Une Is today com pleted to Shoshone Falls, Ida., 300 miles West of Oranger. Regular passenger and freight trains are promised over tho com pleted ixrt!on ty March 1. I The set-to between Klllott, the visiting pugilist star, and Jack; Hanley drew u crowded iiouse. but In many respects was a failure. Hardly had the two men. come together before It was evident that Han ley was to get tho worst of it, aa 1 mouse played with by a cat. This -was tho day that Wiggins, the BTcat prophet, set for the big storm. Wiggins evidently made a miscalculation. The finest cards ever Issued by Prang are his valentines, which are displayed by Kuhn & Co., In tho Crelghton block, varying In price from 5 cents to Mr. Frank Carpenter and Miss Nelilo Uosard were united In marriage at the residence of the brlde'a brother In ShlnnV addition, Itov. A. F. Sherrlll officiating. Tho presents were numerous and costly At the close of the happy festivities tin newly married couple proceeded to their futuro home, a neat cottage, on Seven teenth and Webster streets, recently fitted up. Mr. C- C. Greene, agent of tho Unitol States Electric company, lias arrived In Omaha to inspect the plant here. Twenty Years Ago Expressing a feeling of those Interested In the Migur beet factories of the state, J. Q. Hamilton, secretary and treasurer of tho Norfolk Beet Sugar company, at tho Millard hotel, gave out an interview detracting the bill ponding before the legislature providing for a bounty to beet sugar growers. - "We most cordially invito everybody to call and try a delicious cup ot coffee aerved with Highland brand evaporated cream for threo days." (Signed. 1 W. n. Bennett company. B, E. Welch & Bro., William Fleming (Farnam street); Court ney Grocery company. Officers of tho Department of the Platte vigorously denounced reports of uprisings or war dances on tho P.ine RJdgo reserva tion as "feverish imaginings." Inspector Frank of tho health depart ment made a sweeping investigation of tho frozen banana situation, sending to be dumped into the rivor.'3G0 bushels of tho tropical fruit thnt had been nipped In tho untroplcal cllmato of the com belt. Misses Ethel and Menlta Mount enter, tallied their school classmates and many friends In a charming mannur at their home, 3213 Popploton avenue. Ton Years Ago Thin, blue wreathes of curling smoko arose llko Incensa to the celling In the auditorium of Hanscom Park Methodist church at an evening meeting, when two mortgages that had been paid off were consigned to flames. One was u mort gage of J6.000, dating from April 13, 1893. on which $3,588 In intorcst had been paid; the other a mortgage of $2,600, on which interest aggregating $l,600had been paid. Thoso participating In tho flro were the venerable John Dale, In whoso home tho church had been organized back In 1886; Rev. Clyde Clay Clssell, pastor; Preside lug Elder J. W. Jennings; W. P. Harford and Peter Whltncr. Ernest Sweet, acting for Interested par ties, begun tho clrculatlqn of avpetltlon to tho legislature praying for the crea tion of a new ward out of that part ot the Fifth and Sixth wards lying north of Pratt street. W. K. Vanderbllt and party quietly slid through Omaha In a Vanderbllt private, car, en route to California. A fire at 11 o'clock at night In tho Union Pacific shops caused quite a scare, but little damage. Democrats were beginning to Jockey for a start for the spring city campaign. Ed E,. Howell was out against tho field for the mayoralty nomination and bronzing about In the field were such warhorses as James P. Connolly, W. S. Poppleton, F. J, Burkley and a colt in E. S. Streeter, champing their bits for tho' race. People and Events What a fall there will be, my country men, when tho Income tax touches puffed up salaries. "John P. Tumulty, secretary of tho president." Coming . events cast their names before. Comes now an expert with the report that there is not a perfect foot otnoi'g the 1.000 girls in the University of Illi nois. Another way ot saying that Chi cago's webfeet crowd tho institution. Dead or living, King Menelek is entitled to a niche In the hall of fame. The achievement ofireadlng one's obituary on flvo successive occasions Is a perform ance that rises to statuary proportions. In Chicago graft has reached the pro portions of an epidemic. Keepers ot fur nished rooms boost their business by promises ot the county's charity supplies. In most Instances tho promises were made good. ' A measure pending In the Colorado leg islature proposes a moderate lift of the lid on prize fighting. Tho continuous performanpes of Denver's scrapping editors palls on the red-blooded sports of the state. .Congress dealt a stunning blow to the loan sharks in the District of Columbia by passing a bill limiting Interest to 1 per cent a month,. loans to 9200 and Im posing a license fee ot KM a year. Presi dent Taft approved tho measure, which goes into effect March 1. Bradley Martin Of New York is dead In London, aged 73. -Descendapt of some of Now York's first families, the deceased acquired a-fortune-in .this country, led ''400'' cotillions, bought a title for his daughter and moved out of the "iilawsted country, don't "you know." A woman vocalist of local distinction who Intoned "The Holy City' In a church at Huntington, U I., was rebuked by tho rector for pronouncing the city's name "Jer-u-see-Juni." "It should be Jer-u-aa-lent."' says tho'Tector. '"The syllable 'sa' should be pronounced 'as If It were 'ser' or 'sar.' " "Jer-u-sar-lein," do you get it? Colonel James Hamilton Lewis, candi date tor United States senator In Illinnols, puts out the most complete report of campaign expenses that ever shed Its fragrance in the senate. Every Item' is explained In detail, even the bills that remain unpaid owing to the scarcity ot personal fund's. Colonel Lewis Is the "Qentleman James" of our day, and the manner of the man shines in ids polit ical dop THE GENTLE CYNIC. Faint , pralst ne'er won fair lady. Irrigation .makes a thing grow, espe cially ft thirst. Many a man's will Is contested long be fore' he Is dead. A girl Is norer happy till she falls In love, and then she Is miserable. When a girl becomes convinced that crylng makes hor nose rod she stops. The man who borrows trouble gener ally gives his peace of mind as security. Somo people ore always too busy to do .nnythlhg but talk about how busy they -are. Ixits of peoplo spend half their lives overdoing things, nnd tho other half do ing them ovor. Somo of ua never talk about other people, because, wo aro too busy talk ing about ourselves. No girl -is quite sure thero are mi crobes In kisses until she has practically worked out' the theory'. It's a mistake to suppose that all women arc the same. Even one woman Isn't the samo for any length of time. It may bo true that foots rush In where angels fear to tread, but angels don't have to tread; they can use their wings. New York Times. SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Philadelphia Ledger: In addition to serving tho Lord faithfully and well, a Mothodlst pronchcr is also compelled to box hnd ship the family piano nearly every year., Washington Post: The Long Island pastor who lias prohibited the throwing of ,rlce. nnd shoes at weddings is entirely right thero should bo no vulgar display of wealth at our churches. Cleveland Plain Dealer: A preacher says he advocates applause in church. But there is suro to be trouble In the choir when the favorite soprano's cloquo outcheors the favorite contralto's. Houston Post: A Chicago minister says tho world In becoming so wicked that he doubts if thero will bo hell enough to go round. Oh, ho needn't bother. Whenever the supply runs 'short thero aro men and women who will proceed to raise some moro'. Brooklyn- Eagle: Tho expulsion of a Wesleyan student for betting on the length of college chapel prayers Is not making the punishment fit the crime. Like Gilbert's "society sinner," he should be "Sent to heai sermons by mystical Ger mans who preach from Ten to Four." Baltimore American: In London a bishop hns appealed to his flock not to keep Lent too strictly. It should be as surprising as gratifying to London opti mists that such an admonition Is neces sary. These are not times when self sacrifice has to bo guarded against for its enthusiastic excess nrxiilntliiR "llnrsc Trading;." Houston Post. A Nebraska legislator is advocating a pure horse law, designed to make it a crlmo to misrepresent op fall to represent the trUo condition of 'horses that are traded for. Are wo to see tho day when a free American citizen will not be per mitted to swindle his neighbor in a horso trade? Another Vulgar Error.. i Chicago Record-Herald. ' England notes tho gradual disappear ance of red-headed women. Another "vpj gar error" exploded; you see that red hair has tiothlng-Avhatever to do with temper. Bowels Get The First Necessity is to Keep the Bowels Gently Open With a Mild ' Laxative Tonic 1 loath y old .ago is so absolutely de pendent upon the condition of the bowels that great care should bo taken to see that they act regularly. The fact is that as ago advances the stomach muscles be come weak and Inactive and the liver does not storo up tho Juices that aro necessary to prompt digestion. Some help . can be obtained by eating easily digested foods and by plenty ot exercise, but this latter Is Irksome to most elderly people. One thing is cer tain, that .a state of constipation should always be avoided as it is dangerous to life and health. The best plan Is to tak-j a .mild laxative as often as Is deemed necessary. But with equal certainty it is suggested that cathartics, purgatives, physics, salts and pills bo avoided, as they do but temporary good and are so harsh as to bo a shock to a delicate system. A much better plan, and one that thousands of ektarly peoplo are follow ing, Is to take a gentle laxative-tonic llko Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which acts as nearly llko nature as Is possible In fact, the tendency of this remedy is to strenghten the stomach and bowel muscles and so train them to act natural ly again, when medicines of all kinds can usually be dispensed with. This Is the opinion ot many people of different ages, among them Mr. O. P. Miller, Bar oda, Mich., who writes: "I am SO years old and havo been constipated for many years. Since receiving your sample bot tle I have procured two GOc bottles and find that it Is tho best remedy I ever used Your opportunity may be here The real estate bargains and business chances which are offered in the classified section of The Bee are among the best presented by any paper in the west. Hundreds have gained immensely through reading these pages and taking advan tage of the opportunities presented there. Phone Tyler BLASTS FROM RAM'S HORN. There are some good fish in every sea. It never makes a sin any whiter ta call it a mistake. The real big man writes his name oh everything he does. The sin that is spared because It payt Is the one that kills. The man who stands on the promise oi God lives In tho land of promise. A policeman stops being an optimist tho moment ho 'puts on his bluo coat. The devil considers It Bate to sleep In tho church, where the preaching keepi nobody awoke. No sprinter can get over the ground fast enough to overtake the golden op portunity that has escaped. It is tho size of a man's heart that counts, not tho size of his head. Thero is nothing a man will do with so littlo encouragement as fishing. If it were not for the fools, tho waj of tho wise man would be all uphill. Bobbery Is robbery, no matter ijvhether it is done by the use ot a sandbag or a trick In trade. SUNDAY SMILES. "What do you think of a man who sayi ho will live 200 years7" "Well," replied Mr. Growcher. "the fact that ho wants to live that long shows that he must bo exceptionally healthy and comfortablo." Washington Star. Knlcker Is he deeply In love? Bocker Yes, he thinks all the girls on tho magazine covers look llko her. Now York Sun. "There were giants in tho old days." "Uh." "Wo couldn't build the pyramids today." "Couldn't, eh? Now here. I'll furnish you a contractor who will duplicate the bjggest pyramid In ninety days and sign a penalty clause. How about lt?"--Louls-vllle Courler-Jburnal. "Casey," said Pat, "how do yea tell tH ago ot a tu-u-rkey?" "OI can always tell by the teeth," said "By'the teeth!" exclaimed Pat. "But a tu-u-rkcy has no teeth." "No," admitted Casey, "but Ol have." London Opinion. "What nre you doin', Bill?" "Wrltln an item to send to the sportln editor." "I see you'ro usln a disguised hand, too." "Disguised hand? What do you mean by that?" "You've been washln' It" Chicago Tribune. "Sorry, sir, but your hat fell off th hook and somebody stepped on It." "Oh, that's all right. I was going to ' let the hat boy keep It for his tip." Cleveland Plain Dealer. MENELLK. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Dead! Mcnellk's dead! Grief droops her head. Fled! Negus Negutl, king of all kings. Lion of Judah, whose flashing ewori swings, Heir of the cradle where Sheba's qucei clngs! Sped! Red nro the eyes of the swart palaci dames; . Red is the night with Its funeral flames. Zoom! zoom! Gone to the tomb. Boom! boom! Lost In tho gloom. 1 Borrow for Abyssinia's pride; ' Weep over Ethiopia wide.' Lay him away; Gloom shroud the day. Gloom! , Zoom! I Boom! ' Weak As Age Advances 1CB. O. P. BXXLX.EB and dos Jnst what you claim for It to the very letter. I can not recommend It too highly." A bottlo can be bought of any druggist at fifty cents or one dollar. Peoplo usual ly buy the fifty cent size first, and then, having convinced themselves of Us merits they buy the dollar size, which la morn economical. Results always guaranteed or money will bo refunded. Any elderly person can follow these sugtrestlnna with safety and the assurance of good results. ir no member of your familv hM vr used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of It before buy ing It in tho regular way of a druggist, send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 417 Washington St., Montlcello, III,, and a freo sample bottlo will be mailed you Advertisement 1000 4