Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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    12 A
So Declares Dr. Anna Shaw in Talk-1
ing Politics.
Dr. Shnir Will Sprnk nt Mfin
Meettns; nt rtrnnilel Theater
Sandfly Atlrrnnnn nt
Tlirec O'clock.
"There l not a particle of doubt but
that the democrats will write a woman
suffrage plank In their national platform
during the next presidential campaign,
and 1 believe the republicans will do It
also as the progressives have already
done.' said Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. In
her address to the women of the Second
Congressional dlstrlot In the Young
Women's. Christian association audi
torium. "They will write the plank
lc their platforms not because the dem
oprms. the republicans, or the vrogres
etves slither care one whit for woman
suffrage, but because they are all afraid
to omit such a plank In drawing up such
a platform. These parties are not going
to lose the Influence the women can give
them. We will have fifteen states with
woman suffrage by WIS when the next
presidential election will occur. The
votes of the women will then prove a tre
mendous balance of power 1n tho electoral
college." Dr. Shaw later made the pre
diction that In 1M0 thero would not be a
single state In the Union In which the
women would not have the right of suf
frage. Wnrk U Necessary
About seventy women assembled to
hear the national president of the woman
suffrage association In her address In the
Young Women's Christian association
Auditorium. Mrs. Draper Smith, presi
dent of the state association, prestdsd.
Mrs. Frank Harrison and other heads cf
various committees first reported In order
to give Dr. Shaw an accurate Idea of tho
status of the suffrage campaign In Ne
braska at the present time. Dr. Shaw
then told them that from what she had
learned she was of the opinion that nom
ine; was left undone in Nebraska and that
all that was now necessary was to wotk.
"You cannot carry Omaha," she pre
dict)), "for It Is always hard to carry a
large city. You must, however, get i ut
and work In the country precincts to
gain enough votes to overcome the anti
suffrage votes In the city. It Is note
worthy that the opposition to HUii'rage
In the cities always comes rrom two nell
defined sources. It comes from the ex
clusively rich and from the exclusively
vicious. These two factions oppose It
for opposite reasons. The rich fcr
woman suffrage because they fear It
would disturb their financial condition,
and the vicious oppose it because tho
fear It would work against the continu
ance of vice."
Work for the Cnnae.
Dr, Shaw urged tho women to drop
everything for tho suffrage cause. "You
can afford to drop your club work, your
entertainments, your theater's, and your
fashions for a while, except that you will
have to dress neatly and respectably, or
you will do the cause no good."
When Dr. Shaw was Informed that Ilev.
Charles W. Savldgo had challenged her
to debate with him Sunday morning, sho
replied, "Ho will Have to debato roe on
the. train If he, does.'for I go to I,lncoln
tila afternoon and shall hot get back "to"
Omaha until Sunday afternoon. I am to
qptiak In Llnjolp this evening, B,fWfia
liur question has got tteyind tho period of
debate. You can debate 'theories, but
we have got beyond theories. Wo have
facts, and I will match facts with any
body. Dut the principle thing about this
Is that I have my program and schedule
alt arranged, and I cannot switch my pro
gram In order to stop and debate theories
, with anybody that happons to bob up
here and there."
Dr. Shaw will speak at the Drandeli
theater Sunday afternoon at S o'olock.
Local Ice Harvest
is'About Complete
The local Ice harvest Is practically
over and a normal crop of excellent qual
ity has been stored. The Armour company
wtll not finish before the last of next
Week and to hurry tho cutting along,
Sunday the Burlington will haul a spe
cial train of 300 men out to 'Memphis,
where they will go to work.
Swift Is about' through and has ar
ranged with the Hurllngton to bring W
Ice cutters In from Ashland Mondav
morning, where they have been filling
Uie Ice houses.
The cutters on Carter lake and the
Florence reservoirs are about through
The houses are practically filled and
work will bo discontinued about the
middle of the week. Ico that has been
put up during the last week haa ranged
from fifteen to eighteen Inches In thick-ness.
Oeorge F. Walker, 16 years old, residing
at lOOt Cass street, while playing In the
rear of 1707 Dodge street, broke his loft
leg above the knee for tho second time
within three months. Young Walker
jumped from a five-foot wall and the
old fracture not having sufficiently healed
again gave way.
vviim o
And Valentino
Post Cards Al
most fiidless va
rletles Also a'
entlne novelties
and decorations
Main rioor.
Rev. John A. Henderson, tor several
yeai .pastor of the Park Avenue United
Presbyterian church. Is now pastor of a
prosperous congregation near Dayton. O.
W. II. "Billy" BrtnT the Illinois Cen
tral's main passenger man in this field,
has a bigger job with the some com
pany In New Orleans, whither he went
rrom nis oia stamping grounds at St. ,
Louis, to whloh he was promoted from i
Omaha. j
John O'Hearn, an old Omaha boy, who
used to be with Charles Hanley on South
Tenth street and later with the Bennett
company, Is running a large clothing
tore at Rlverton, Wyo.
Frank Putnam Is a successful practic
ing physician In South Dakota.
Claude Robertson, star foot ball player
on the '03 high school team and later at
the University of Nebraska, haa the In
diana state selling agency for several
tine of pressed brick.
W K. Kdmlston left The Bee to pur
chase the Cheyenne Leader, which he
bult up and sold a a profit, At present
he lives In Denver and publishes the
Tntnsmlasouri Farmer.
Xtssui tor tola fceaaiag are invited.
Advance Styles
Newest lasts and
styles In Wom
en's Early Spring
Shoes are here
Old "tore
New Styles That Are Absolutely Authentic
Every woman in this community knows that Brandcis stylos nre exact -that Brandeis quali
ties are dependable and Brandeis varieties are greater than any other western ntore can offer. In
advance of the regular season, we announce this special showing for Monday.
Women's Apparel for Spring 1913
These are garments in the latest settled styles for spring. They have just reached us by ex
press, having been personally selected by our own buyers in New York early this week. This ap
parel is just as "new" in New York today as it is in Oniiiha. We are the first western house to
show these ideas.
Many Innovations in the New Tailored Suits
We are fir&t to show the mocfels in suits that will find favor in the ranks of fashionable women.
Q-..' i t a a. very extreme novelty in style and fabric that enjoys c . 1T ,
special i,OtS at Fashion's aanotion is represented in this remarkably Special Lots at
$25 and $35 comut ' sKowiTa(Zlt: tlC.1' theirin' $49 "to $65
The New Three-quarter Spring Coats
at S19, $25, $32.50 and $35
Those Are tho -styles that will bo favorites' everywhere-
Silk. Tailored, Orepe and Charmeuse Waists
Many Individual Ideas that will appeal to womon of
taste SS no to fS.1T rrrv. nt . : . ei no cj n2 n in cm nn
i vis., p I. . - JU a IS lJ ' Jk . (7 iJJLV.W
See the scret of Stunning new wool Eponge Dresses that we arc showing on our Jd floor, at $15
The New Voile and Lingerie Dresses
" At $L9, $25, $35, $45 up to $65
Every ' model' Is-a popular, accepted style for Bprlng.
Stunning New Lingerie and Voile Waists
There Is a genuine spring daintiness ab u' these walst3,
for your choice of 'hundreds of
women's, misses' Winter Coats,
made to sell at $8.50, $10, $12
Women's Plush & Cloth Mid
winter Coats, in one lot, made
to sell at $18,' $20 and $22.00
$1 Embroidered Skirtings ' 59c Yd
45-inch 'sheer Swiss and batiste embroidered skirtings,. 42-inch embroid
ered' French ha'tiste alloyors and 27-inch .fine- batfste and Swiss floune
ings -English eyelet, floral, Japanese and mew combination l"A
effects actually worth'$1.00 a yard and bargain square, SlHf
at, yard ; '....v..'.:.;..- WVK
50c Embroidered Flouncings at 25c Yd
18 and 27-ineh Swiss nnd batisto em broidored flouncings, corset cover
ings, also 22-inch allovor embroideries now designs in ffcC
oyolet, blind relief, floral and now combination effects Extb
worth up to 50c a yard bargain square, at, yard
Embroideries, 30c, at 15c Yd
Flouncings and corset coverings in very effective designs, on fine r
nninsook, cambric and muslin fabrics worth up to 30c; at, yard. lwt
10c and 12c Embroideries Monday at 5c Yd
Edgings and insertions from 4 to 7 iiluheswide-prfltty designs
worth up to 12Vc on big bargain square, at, yard............
"After inventory specials" -for monday
42-Inch Imported, beaded bordor chiffon and net flouncings; also 3G . and 42-Inch
printed allovor nettings and chiffons- correct styles for tunics, evening tQ
dresses, dancing frocks, etc. - In black and gold, whlto and gold, silver Tfif
and Kroy, also fancy colorings worth up to 2.50, at a yard Wt
'Children's and ' Misses'
25c Extra Heavy.
Seamless Ribbed . -Black
Hosiery '
Sizes 6 to .-On
M a.1 n flqor bargain
square, 45)1
IX. 12c
Women's 25c Seam
loss Mercerized
Black Hosiery in all
sizes Monday in
hosiery aisle, A
pair v
Ilciiiitiful crystal, gold
nnd ItliinnsUino headed
chiffon nnd net Imported
tunlcH worth $15.00
to $50.00, at
$7.50, $13.50 up to $25
Robe Patterns
..Imported colored em
broidered silk crepe chif
fon robe patterns- 3 Y
yards, 40-Inch flouncing
nnd 3 yards banding
to onch pattern,
worth $15.00,
JjM.BO Pattern Clotlis, $,1.1)8
Beautiful Austrian, linen
tablo cloths, size 72x72
inches, at J- AQ
each P 1 .i70
, $:$.7n Madeira Napkins,
$ 1.8 With dainty hand
embroidered corners, at
dozen . . . .
$1.98 Tnble Dainnsk, 85c
a Ynrd Choice of any of
our regular $1.50 quality
table damask,
at yard
White Goods Bargains in Basement
"8-in. Cotton Ci'cpo Ratine, stripe and dot combination $1.25 value, at yard 85c
Hand Kmbroidered 45-ln. wide Hordered Cotton Crepe Flouncing, yd., $1.50 and $2.50
White Honey Comb Material for pyjamas, children's frocks, etc., 27 1ns. wide, yd., 25c
White Oporn Hut 1st o, very Khccr an exceptional value, -10 inches wide, nt yard, ,25c
45-Inch White Irish Dress Linen, French finish and grass bleached, nt yard JIDc
5-1-inch wide White Irish pure Linen, round thread linen, yard 75c
NEW WASH GOODS In Regular Dept. Basement
Egyptian Tissue the fabric that launders without fading coloi-s are
absolutely fast. Just the right weight for women's and children's dresses
in pretty stripes, cheeks, plaids, broken plaids 91
and plain colors 28 inches wide, ut the yard u9j
"WoVen VoiVe Lisse In new spring colorings and patterns checks,
plaids, hair lino stripes, etc. the designs ire woven fl C
not, printed in fast colors 27 inches wide, at the yard.".'. .
27-lnch Cotton crepe striped effects In i Olie-Vard Wide 'naturn
pink and white, blue and white,
lavender and white, and black
and white, at yard
natural color dress
linens, made from pure flax 0
-special, at yard
Curtains Drapery Goods
Quo lot of laco curtains worth up to $1.25 a pair,
at cacl v., ac
Ono lot of full slo Inco curtains, at each .... lfic
One lot HwIkm and Net curtains, worth up to $l.Bt
a pair, at each ai)c
I'oi tlcies, from Orcutt stock, worth up to $5.00 a
pair, at each $1.11)
Couch covers, niado to sell up to $:.()() each, at
eacli $1.(11)
(lunranteed Httnfaftt Madras, worth 75c to $1.00 a
ynrd, nt yard
and ftUo
All tiio curlnln rods from tho Orrutt stock, go at
each flo
Special Bargains
9-4 Fruit of tho Loom Sheeting, OCT
worth 34c yd. from tho bolt, , yd. . . uaL
Serpentine Crepe worth 18c a yard; 4 ftu
all new designs, in kimono lengths
Yard wide, firmly woven, Long Cloth, n ,
Muslin and Cambric; special, yard 2
Zephyrs for Spring
Neat stripes, checks,
small plaids and plain
colors fast Q
colors, yard .... 2 C
Yard wldo light pattern
percales In stripes
and figures; on sale, at
yard 2C
Gingham remnants for
dresses, children's romp
Drs, etc. lengths up to
10 yards;
at yard . . .
Remnants of 30c and
35o Madras Shirting
In 3, 4 and 5 yard
at tho yard"
Persian Cotton Challles from tho bolt, at yd., 3H6
In this gigantic purchase were hundreds of full pieces of linoleums which we offer
at the most remarkable reductions. Buy your spring linoleums Monday and save hand
Quality is the very best patterns are up-to-date goods are all new and desirable
bargains are amazing.
Nearly Our Entire Third Floer Will Be Devoted to This Stock
All the 0-foot Wide
That sells regularly up to
75c the square yard,
c aq.
All the 6-foot Wide
That sells regularly up to
85c a square yard,
All the, 12-foot Wide
That sells regularly up to
$1.00 a square yard,
c So.
All Full rieccs Floor Oil Cloth
and all 2-ynrd wide Linoleum in
lengths 5 to IS feet, worth up to
(H)c a square yard, at
AH the Finest Inlaid Linoleums
from the Orcutt stock, that are
worth lip to $1.50 a square yard,
$1 S
High Grade Rugs
Still more rugs in new patterns and splendid
qualities are brought forward from tho Orcutt
stock for Monday's selling.
Orcntt's $lfi KrUKsels Hugs, up to 0x12. .. .$7.08
Orcutt'B Itrussels Itugs, up to Pxlli. .$tU)H
Orcutt s jjl!5, Oxlli Axiiilnster Hugs $15.08
Orcutt'H gm7.flO Heamless Wilton lings, at.. $17.08
Sale of Wall Paper
Groat bargains from the big purchase.
Buy your spring wall papers Monday and
save almost half on every roll.
Light and dark color papers with borders
to match regular 7c grade; at,
25c patterns of light and medium color wall
papers 10c quality per roll, 9A
at. . .
Parlor, hall, dining
room and store papers,
9 and 18-lnch borders
to match 16c j
at the roll OC
Beautiful new gold
papers spring styles,
worth up to 25c; at
per roll
7c and 10c
New bed room papers
with cut out and crown
borders 15c values,
at per o
roll OC
Two-tone and imported
oatmeal papers all col
ors and designs worth
upto 60c, at per roll
12cand 25C
Very Little "Shop" is Being Talked
by OmahaReal Eitate Dealers.
Cold Wrathrr I'utttnir Crimp In
Mniulirr of Sales null Iluyvr
Ilrfune to Get Out In
CoM weather teems to liava had a bad
effeet upon the real estate market. Since
the temperature dropped a month atro the
number of reil estate transfers has ma
terially decreased and realty dealers and
property owners are looking forward to a
warmer period for business to return. The
weather has a more noticeable effect upon
the sale of lota than on other kinds of
properties handled by the real estate pro
fession. Tho sale of residences and bust- J
ne&s buildings Is effected to some extent.
but the number of transfers of lots prob
ably Is more In evidence.
Naturally, there Is a reason for this and
probably there Is no better reason than
that lots must be shown to prospective
buyers nnd prospective buyers cannot be
Induced to go out In the cold to look at
them. Thus It happens tliat January and
February are considered the worst months
of the year by the average real estate
dealer. The dealers now are looking to
the latter part of March and first of
April to return an active business to
The Ileal Estate exchange hasn't talked
"shop" In Its weekly sessions for more
than a month. That Is, the subjects
brought up at the meetings have not been
essentially discussions for real estate men
as real estate men. They have turned
their attention to the things being done
at IJncoln, dropping their Individual bust,
nets problems, ko to speuk, to work out
the buulnu&g problems of city and state
government. And some very effective
work Is being done by the members. An
energetic band of lobbyists is constantly j
working for measures which might be of
help to Omaha and the state. The band
did Bomo good work In getting up a new
charter slate ond probably will have a
great Influence In framing the charter.
It noon will turn Its attention to a new
union depot.
IJewellon Sheets of Carson, Ia has
bought for an Investment the three nine
room flats at 2351--6i Pacific street, and
will move to Omaha soon. The purchase
was made through the Tayne Investment
D. J. Stafford has bought for an In
vestment a quarter section of farm land
In Pottawattamie county. lie paid fX,000
for It through the Payne Investment com
pany. Charles W. Sfortln & Co. has had an
unusually bus' week In small property
transactions. A list of deals negotiated
Includes the following:
Ernest FV Gallup, house at U10 Florence
boulevard, for a dome, 15,000.
Olenn P Fratt, lot on Ogden street. In
Newton addition, 1750.
T. C, nich, lot la Mile-Crest addition.
upon which he will build a home In the
spiinc. $l,K0.
D. W. Arnold, lot In Mile-Crest addition,
on which he will build a home, 31,0.x).
E. Q. Davis, bungalow at -Jl Sprague
Btreet, for a home.
F. A. Fratt. lot in Mlle-Creat Addition,
on which he Mill build a home, Jtii).
11. C. LJttlefleld, two lota at Twenty
eighth street nnd Ellison avenue, 11,100.
Dwlght F. Pratt, lot on Twenty-fourth
street and Hlllsun avenue, 'W.
A. it. Bundle, bungalow on Ellison ave
nue and Twenty-fourth street, for a
S. T. Oreen. bungalow on Evans street,
In Kountxe place, $3,(60.
F, 13. Bryant, two lots at Forty-first
and Ames avenue. ST50.
J. O. Sterner, 'lot on Evans street, In
ICountze place, $1,100.
The Itetallem of Omaha will meet
Thursday evening at the Paxton hotel at
6:30, when the needs of Omaha for bettor
depot facilities will be discussed. Tno
ep.akers for the evening will be Mayor
Dahlman, Mayor Maloney of uncd
Bluffs. Victor Ilosewater, General E. F.
Test, Joseph Polcar and B. R. Hastings. 1
County Board Will
Reject Most of the
Claims for Extras
Not more than about $5,000 of Caldwed
& Drake's $13,000 claim for "extras" in
construction of the new county bulldln?
will be allowed by the Board of County
Commissioners. The board spent two
hours considering the seweral items of the
claim. While no final action was taken,
the board decided that most of the Items
will be rejected, among them one for $4,000
for damage caused by the dynamiting
of the building. Another item scheduled
for rejection Is one of 1810 for extra ce
ment used in foundation mortar, the con
tractors using twice as much cement as
was called for by the specifications
Oeorge W Caldwell of Caldwell & Draka
said the late Dan Shane, superlntende ,t
of the building for John Ltenser, archi
tect, authorled the use of additional con
crete. This Mr. Latenser denied. He said
no superintendent Vould authorize such
a change from the specifications without
consulting tho architect, and Dan Shane
least of all men.
For the nlleged ruination of their home
by making a drunkard of their husband
and father, Mrs. Dick Kimball and Mar
guerite Kimball have started suit for $15,
000 against Otto Kahler, proprietor of
a saloon at 614 North Sixteenth street,
and the Illinois Surety company, his
It is alleged that Kimball, an express
man, was a hard working man, a faith
ful and loving husband and father until
November, 1911. when he began to
patronize the saloon; It is alleged that
the defendant Kahler continued to sell
the man liquor after Mrs. Kimball In
writing had ordered him to sell no more
liquor to her husband. Kimball now
squanders his earnings and his property,
It is charged.
Key to the Sltuatlon-Bee AdYertUlng.