Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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fUR unchanging purpose: to offer only such
i chandise as is absolutely dependable and at prices which quality cot
Winter Cap
Our ehtire stock of Cloth
I'aps that sold to $2.0(1;
on sale Saturday in 4 big
lots; all go on sale at
19c, 20c, 39c, 75c
Our Fur Cap Stock is low
in quantity but high in
quality; to close we are
offering you your choice
$2.00 Thermos Bottles, 98u
Will do the samo work,
serve all the purposes of
1 ho regular $3.f)0 and
$.3.50 hottles.
$2.00 Hand Bags, 98c
Metal frames, all leather,
leather lined; exceptional
values. ,
.".() Hand 1WKS $-.08 Vino
Seal Bags with noat German
Silver frames, tho snap of the
15c mid 20c Tooth Uruslie A.
big special purchase, broad
assortment, on sale Saturday,
at, choice lOd
are as low or lower than you will find any F'oh-ritrvi-v Clenrincr $nlf
place was never better exemplified than in our
Hosiery Sale
Men's Furnishings
Beautiful Pictures
lnillrV 20o Stocking, all black
or with white feet, on sale. 3
pairs for !5d
1-ntllen' :t,V Wool Stockings,
black or dark gray, good heavy
weight, pair 10d
a pairs for 50?
Special bargains in fine Silk Lisle
Stockings, Saturday, at- -
Pair 35d d St
Silk Stockings, black and colors,
to $1 values, at Q9d and 40d
$1. ."SO Kayxcr Silk Stockings, In
Saturday's salo at 98i
at About Half
A sale Saturday offering the
greatest Framed Plcturo Values
over known In Omaha.
S1.08 for choice of 300 Framed
Pictures, carefully selected sub
jects In both colored and sepia,
20x26 and lfix20. Circassian wal
nut or gilt frames, pictures that
would soil regularly up to $5.00,
choice $1.98
OS ,or choice of BOO Pictures In
gilt and dark frames, sires up to
20x24; tho prices Saturday would
scarcely cover the cost) of the
frames alone.
1,000 Oval Plcturo Frame Sizes
from 4x5 to 10x12, on sale In one
big lot, choice 10J
U OFF On Picture Framing dvrrlng
this sale; all new moulding, ex
pert workmanship and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
l.le -l-ply (.'Hilars, nil good styles,
all sizes. men'B or boys', all clenn,
perfect goods, at each 5J
Men' WtMil I nlon Suits, values to
$3.00. at 81.45
Men's Fletx-ed Hlilrtu ami Drawer,
$1.00 values, at 49d
Men's 91.50 Slilrts at -llle Now,
clean, perfect spring samples In
both white and colors, coat styles.
$2.n0 and $M.OO Shirts, 91.-111 and
madras, very finest qualities
choice $1.45 and 98tf
Men's flOo quality Suspenders go
at 25d
Men's $1-50 ami $2.00 I'nlon Suits
on salo at 98d "nl 75d
.Men's all wtml Slilrts and Drawers,
to $2.50 valucs-
at $1.50 $1.85 98
Men's 2.V and flOo Socks, wool or
cotton, all colors, nt
who- f ine nannoiB ami imporieu
pair 25 lSMttf
. - - HHHBima
. 0 . W - - mm. - - - - .
Several Big Shipments lust Received From the Manufacturers
Otter You Here, Saturday, the Choicest Values In Women's
Outer Garments We Have Shown This Season.
Over 400 Handsome Winter Coats Surplus stock
of u prominent maker, come in enraculs, broad
cloths, friezes and fanoy mixed fabrics and wore
made to sell to $25.00; your choice $4.95
Long Broadcloth Coats
--In black or navy
blues, Skinner satin
lined, made to sell at
$25.00 and $30.00; at,
your choice . . . $7.95
Long Fur Coats In
XXXX near seals and
Russian pony, made to
sell to $85.00. in one
lot Saturday, choice,
nt $39.00
Ladies' Shirts
Women's mannish shlrtB, snmplo
lines In madras, silk pongees,
linens and piques; values to $2,
on salo, at 49d
Hoys shirt waists, to 75e values,
with or without collars, at 35
UoyB' blouse walstB, now styles
and patterns, with collars at
tached, at, cholco 49
lloyB' and Misses' sweaters, to
$2.50 values, all styles and col
ors, on sale
nt G9 98 $1.45
ladles' $3.00 all wool sweaters;
nowest Styles, on sale, at $1.98
Knit aviator caps, ladles' or chil
dren's, $1.00 values, on snlo
Saturday, at 1Q
One Lot of Beautiful Dresses Made to sell to
$25.00, they come in soft satin clianneuse,
silk eoline, chiffons and a fine assortment
of wanted wool fabrics, a splendid variety of
charming designs for your selection. .$8.95
Dainty Waists In
sateens, brocade silks,
chiffons and fancies
all sizes, made to sell
to $7.50; your choice,
at $2.95
Pretty Wool Dresses
For misses and jun
iors, a good assortment
of most desirable styles
that sold to $8.50 ;at,
choice $3.95
Children's Winter Goats That sold at $G.00; on
sale to close at $1.95
The New Spring Tailored Suit Styles are a revelation in beauty of design; you can't help
but like the charming new offerings for spring 1913. We're showing n fine assortment
of the most charming, new designs nt prices ranging . . .$10, $14.95, $19.50 to $65
Children's Sweater Coats j Ladies' Sweater Coats, made i
Made to sell at $1.00 up to j to sell at $2.00 to $3.50; on
$2.00; on sale at 69c sale, at choice 98c
Ladies' Dressing Sacques
Flannelette or percales
made to sell at 75c, at 39c
All tho new models In woman's
It. & 0 W. U., Knbo, Thomson,
Glove Fitting, C. U., A hi Sprite
and other popular makes, nt
rom $1.00 to $5.00
Broken Mnes of Standard Cor
sets, that sold to $5.00, Satur
day $1.98 Corsets Broken lines, on
sale nt 98
Corsets worth up to 81.00 4x0
hose supporters, extra long, mo
dlutn biiBt, on sale at . . . -49j
Special Sale Saturday on
Veilings and lUbbons, '
Kaney Xeekwenr,
Ladles' Handkerchiefs
In 3 Special Lota at
5 7 15
A big assortment, specially priced
at. yard 10 nnd 15
Including a splendid variety of tho
new novelties, special Saturday
at 12 and 25
VetllngN at, yard 19
Snaps you cannot 'ifford to miss.
Seo them early.
You'll Find No Short-Comings in the Clothing
Qualities Offered You in Our February Sale
No faults in the making-no freaks in the styles--our idea
lias always been to make confidence the cornerstone of our
business ami we've built carefully on this line till we realize
that our customers expect much of us just wliat we want them
to do. That's the very reason we insist that realization shalll
come up to the expectation the reason we guarantee it to you.
When you make choice of our' stock of Fancy
Winter Suits and Overcoats that sold at $20.00
to $35.00; at, one price
you are in any selection getting practically all the profits and
in tho majority of cases all the profits and some of the orignal
,.ot iiruwlaliis vmi live iret tiiiir n irarmeut as" fully Kuaran
teed as if you had paid $10.00 to $20.00 more for it. Lot
fit von Saturday.
In Our February Trousers Sale
which begins Saturday, we will divide our great stock of
high grade Men's Trousers into three big lots to insure
a sweeping reduction in short order. (
Men's Dress Trous
ers that sold up
to $3.00,
Men's Dress Trous
ers' that sold up
Men's Dress Trous
ers that sold up
to $6.00,
Boys' Separate Knee Pants
Hroken lines that sold to
$2.50 a pair, all high grade'
goods 89c
Many Other Specials for
Children's Suits at Just
Half Price
$4.50 Suits at $2.25
$G.OO Suits at $3.00
$8 and. $10 Suits., $4.85
Men's Winter Suits-Broken
lines, regular values to $15,
all go on salo at the one
price of $5.00
On sale in our big Domes
tic Room.
Saturday Specials
Wash Goods Dept.
Domestic Room
Hemmed and Scalloped Bed
Spreads, good weight, assorted
patterns, $1.39 values ...98
58-lnch bleached Table Damask,
assorted patterns, good weight,
50c values 39
Made Sheets, ' good quality of
muslin, size 72x90, 50c values,
at 39
Silk striped Poplins, all new,
pretty colors, gb6d weight, 28c
values 19
aG-lnch Percales, light and dark
colors, new patterns, 12'c val
ues 10
r0-in. Black-Sateen, good weight,
18c values 12
Our Shoe Specials
Give you quality, style and dur
ability as well as low price In any
selection you may make. See tho
special shoe bargains Saturday.
Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear
at Matchless Bargain Prices in
Saturday's Sale
Pretty gowns and combination suits, up to
$2.50 values, cut long and full ; great snaps
at, your choice 98c
Drawers and corset covers, lace and em
broidery trimmed, great snaps in Satur
day's sale at 25c
Princess slips and skirts; values to $5.00;
on sale in two lots at $1.98 and $2.98
$1.00 Muslin gowns . . . '. 49
25c lisle gauze vests, all sizes, cholco . . . -12V6
Ladies' Union Suits, to $G.0Q values, silk and wool
or all wool; imported Swiss ribbed, on sale In one
lot, choice at $1.98
Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, that should seli at
$1.00, In two lots, at 49 and 69
Heavy wool vests and pants, to $1.50 values. In
gray or white, on sale at 49 and 75
Heavy fleeced vests and pants, to 50c values, In one
big lot Saturday, at 19c
Children's fleeced union suits, to 75c values 39
Children's wool union suits, to $1.50 values, 50
Our Valentines are all
openod up and to start tho
season with a rousor, will
offer them for one day, Sat
urday, .
For Traveling Goods
You'll come ns near finding
just what you want here as any
place In tho west, and
Prices Are Attractive
Qualities the Heat
Matting Suit Case Special
(2.00 and 12.60 values, ntrougly made
and sljhtly, very popular on ac
count of llghtncoa . .61.60 and 91.78
Tou'll find our Trunk Prices, quality
considered, fullv 25 lean thun
pricing? elHewhere. W e show
Trunks of nil kinds nt 80.50 to 945
Rousing Specials In Furniture Dept.
Folding Card Tables
Best quality felt or lea
therette top, mahog
any or dark finish,
regular $3.50 values
Saturday, Q 5
Folding Chairs, Satur
day 60c
Brass Beds Floor sam
ples, regular $20.00
and Sfo.UU values; on
sale for one day, to
close at $15.00
Other specials
at.... $10.00 to $12.50
Genuine Felt Mattresses
$7.00, special
Chicken Feather Pillows-
-Weight 45 lbs, full size, worth
(J lbs. to pair; special, each 39c
Bed Spreads
Specials Saturday
imported Marseilles Bed
Spreads, full size, cut cor
ners, $8.00 values, each,
at $4.95
I m p o r 1 0 d Marseilles Bed
Spreads, scalloped, full size
worth $0.00, en., $3.75
Crochet Bed Spreads, scal
loped fringed or hemmed;
$3.00 values, each, $1.98
Kxlrn heavy hemmed crochot Bod
Spronds, full size, worth $2.50,
each $1.50
Everything In Music
Tlie Immense sooin of our stock of
Vocal and InBtrmiientul Sheet Mutlo
In a iievor ending dcllKht to the mu
Mk'lun. If It Iwuipeus wo do nut lmvo
JUBt wlint you want we'll get it icr
Big Specials in Electric and Gas
Portables, Saturday
$35.00 Gas and Electric Portables
complete $25.00
$25.00 Gas and Eleetrjo Portables
complete $18.00
$18.00 Gas and Electric Portables
complete $10.00
$15.00 Gas and Electric Portables
complete $7.00
One big assortment of Gas Portables
complete $4.00
Gas Stands only, special at, each 50
Ons Burners anil Mantles.
75c Gas Burner, complete ready to put up 35
30c Mantles, Inverted and upright, each 23
15c Mantles, Inverted and upright, 2 for 25
10c Mantles, Inverted and upright, 2 for 15
Best Rubber Tubing, foot f&
Hayden's Big February Grocery Opening Sale i Hay dens Have the Greatest Meat
33 lb. bait GrnnUtd Sngr, $1.00 Toll cans Alaska Salmon 10c IUd Globe Cooking- OnlonB, special
Ho limit; all you want. 2-lb. cans fancy weet sugar corn, fanoy Wo. 1 stook, nothing- finer;
It's Hayden'e that keepa down the ,or & 16 lbs. for IBo
ttUrh Cost of lilvlns-. Sra,f?e Jsfu,s-Pkf- : 12 er bnshal, 67 pounds 55o
4 fUUUtt JTA4VUA ' ", '
The trust Ih making a lianl flKht ' oest, le B,11
In hnl.l untih. ..turbo, a. CiOldetl SailtOS Col
1 L I . . 1. -1 1 1 .. n 1 1 r UUP ftl It toon ThiiPartuv
ain ..Hlllllf. 1 'J iiuiu 11 uwn... . - - - .1 r . 1 . . . r
Thnrurinv w will .ll vnn 48. Ill BPeClal. per 11 380 wmvih AJipiRH wo
umuti ureatest Butter, uneese, i mi wim-u au.i, iir
Eg-r and Butterlna Dept. ' 10
2-lb. roll good butterlne SSo Fresh .Spinach, per peck 16c
1-lb. roll sood table butterlne, 10c Kresh b?etn. carrots, turnips, nlinl-
1 -lb. carton fancy table butterlne. loin or radishes, bunch o
ior ioo Jieau i.utiwe, per head so
tTn!iVpkirVi5 "th'is?1 "ea u,ver ,'0,ntoi,K1i2
of fee. lb. ... . 33o , Ulf. Pf' k t
iOc teas Thursday 12 lest .No. 1 (lano or Hon
sacks, best high crade flour.
made from the best selected
wheat, nothing finer for breai.
pies or cakes, per sack. .. .91.10
10 bars Heat 'Km All, Diamond U
or Lennox Hoap. for aoo
Market in Omaha
XUfbest Quality of Keats and
a Having- of 25 to 60.
Pork I.olnw. best duality.
lb. at lltto
No, 1 Hlb KotLMt, best quality,
pel lb llo
I'ork HuuiiiKe, per lb 7iio
Ilex tlacon. per lb Ho
9 lbs. leaf lurd, best finality 11
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn Good table butter, per lb 3So 2 bunches fresh hot house Jettuie,
meal, for 17Wo
6 lbs. beBt hand picked navy beans,
for 3Bo
5 lbs. fancy Japan Itlce, 10c qual.
(ty, at 360
Gallon cans Golden Table ayrur.
for 3'o
Best Domestic - .Macaroni. I 1 n.lil nr Nnti.liAtll
pkg VViO
8 cans Oil or Mustard
Sardines for 36o
The best t'lVomery butter, carton for So
or duik, per id dao Kancy California Cauliflower, per
The best No. 1 dairy butter, lb. 03o lb 7Ho
The best country creamery butter. Special Church Candle Sale 6.1b.
per lb 30o box pure wax candles for 91.00
Pnrk MhnnliinrK. !! imalltv. 3
ner lb lolio Sirloin or 1'orterhoUMe HtrakK,
Hindquarters. best quality ',er XBa
mutton, per Ih 7V4o Kreah uresxed Hprlmx Chlck-
Korequarters. belt quality ens, lb H?io
mutton, per lb 6Hc Thfl l)(.t b)k SIIlt.0 Ment u,
I'ot lloast. best quality, per at io
W ". '00' 80 fnrned Ileef. per lb 80
Halt Pork, best quality per Kanoy shredded Hauer :raut,
lb- at 13ViO , ' 8(J
Hex Hams, qu-.ilt pir Tlm bcs, Uu,k 0yMerHf
,u- al wvto meats, no water, quart . .360
Try HAYDEN'S First
Our Meat Dept. is now
controlled by us, with a
full Hue of beat quality
Hardware Dept. fjESK
Special Sale of Woodenware
11.50 Basswood folding Ironing Board SI. 10
1XL Folding Ironing Boards . . . .- 80
Folding Wash Benches, well made of best hard
wood material, large enough for two largest
size tuba and wringer, a ?1 08 value, S1.40
4-ft. clear baaswood Skirt Boards, warranted
not to warp t -30
Gft., an above 07c i KO size bread board
5W-ft., as abovo. 090 wm, ft rm 59o
SV.ft.. extra wide, iih
above BOO
Medium size Dread
boards 33o
Large size bread
boards Wo
Medium size bread
boards, with u rim
at 40c
Meat boards. .. .30o, 330
Meat block, extra select,
.it 39o
l-Jxtni Helect 26o rolling
plus 19o
Small rolling pins, worth
15c, nt 5c
bam: knds satuhiiay.
I)H grade U(l-in. Dlsston Sjiwh, Hatiirdity SI. 39
12 grade 'Jtl-in. Dlsston Saws SI. 60
Sheriff's Men and Commissioners
Fight for Advantage.
y'ontrr llu tiaa Ilrnnn Into KHehen
mill Commliilflnrri Ilnve It Cat
Off Prisoners Fed from
' After unother day's inaneuveriiiK 'he
Hoard of County Commissioners still
bolds the advantage In the strategic war
with Bhurlff Felix J. MoShane, Jr.'s ,,f.
ilce over feeding of county Jail prisoners.
iVbile the fc.icrlff'g is feeding the
u . jprr it tiiialde to nee thr rounty'e
I t in i. i i prt paring foou and tl.c ineam
still are being fetched in from a restaur
ant. Veiled threats of imprisonment and
I complaint to the federal authorities huv
reached the commissioners, )ut tin-.'
show no disposition to withdraw from the
, fight.
I Deputy Sheriff W. A. Foster, who was
left ulone to direct the sheriffs end of
the fight, said probably no further effort
I to use the kitchen will be made until
I the sheriff's return from Memphis, wlieio
he went to testify In United States court
attalnst Ernest Nolen, charged with :it
, tempting to liberate Dlgg Nolen. u fed
eral prisoner, from the Douglas county
, Jail.
County Commlisioner John C. Lynch,
chairman of the county building and Jail
committee, said the dourlty eoinin'ssior.-
era are willing to be reasonable with tlx.
j sheriff and will allow him the uae of thn
I county' kitchen If ha will feed the p'u
'oneis at II ci-tita u da , but the bc,l
will not permit the use of the kitchen so
ong ar the sheriff pioposea to charge 10
cents a day h prisoner.
(ilrn I i 'I'rvliiK.
When the county romuiUioner shut
otf the gas supply from the kitchen
Iiepuly Sheriff Kcstcr. in the name of
Sheriff McHhanc. contracted for gas with
the gas company; the company Installed
a meter and k.-s whs turned Into the
kitchen; but the commissioner Imtne-
! dlately cuUM-d tho kiis supply to lie cut
1 off ugaln. The commlselonera hold tbe
' kltclien Im not u part ut the' Jail and
i.elthrr the gas roinpany nor any other
1 party has the llsht ! put gus Into the
kitt'livn without pennUslon of the board.
Kotte;' auve up trymg to get gas.
, The om.nrslontis lave shut off the
t vatei su)iVy 'rom the Itl.chen. anticipa
tes an attempt of the sheriff forces to
bring In oil stoves anil use the county's
v. alei In preparing meals
Jul. . Jui i atull l.illniatiH that Just-Pn
M. Calabria, county building superintend.
nit. may bo in rested for turning of f i
gas and water from the kitchen, but
Sheriff Foster said nothing of the kind
was contemplated. It wus Intimated also I
to Calabria that federal prisoners In the j
county Jail wele about to appeul to the I
I'nlted States government for pi election j
HKalitH Interference with the sheriffs
feeding them: this Foster also denied. I
Fril from Itestiitiriin l.
"They aro woll fed unci will be well'i
fed," ald Foster. "It Is costing us a I
gooddetil. but nobody Is going lo go
hungry. There are plenty of stoves and
food In the city."
Foster admitted being sick of the feed
ing war.
County Commiw-'onor ' Lynch today
s!ili ,
"When the mher f f i-Hiwcd n bid to In.
put In for prisoner feeding It was for
19 lenti a day Now wo don't want to
be ui.reasu.iulilc Thg aheilff had no
right to oust the feeding contractors un
til thu forty dayx allowed for a rehear
ing In the supreme court had passed,
hujwe are willing to let that pass. We
will let the sheriff use the kitchen from
now until tho feeding matter Is finally
settled In the courts or by the legislature
If he will feed the prisoners for 19 cents
a day each, in accordance with his bill.
Or we will let him use the kitchen und
charge CO cents a day If he will pay us
31 cents a day per prisoner for the use of
the kitchen.
"If the sheriff has his way it will cost
the taxpayers about U a day more for
fi edlng prisoners than If he charged 19
cents, the price he bid and would have
hfen glad to get n contruit for. The
county put that kitchen In there for the
purpose of saving the county 110,000 a
year on feeding and not to enable the
sheriff to make JIO.Ow u year more by
feeding, h difference of J 20,000 a year to
the taxpayers The sheriff has no busl
noes at all In the kitchen und he and his
leputles ure ttespasKers on the county
whenevct they are In there."
Another move to force Mrs. Uertru'le
V. Mursh, widow of the late Charles
Marsh, to pay claims against her hus
band's estate wns made in county court
by the Merchants National bank and (Jus
tave R. Hhukert, creditors of the estato,
to amounts of I1.CS9 and 190, respectively
They ask that Mrs. Mursh be cited to up
pear und show why she should not be or-
ilei'i'il to pay their claims and others.
Mrs. Marsh Is guardiun of her .minor
child, Gertrude J. Marsh, and also adinlli
strati ix of her husband's estute. For
lurselt and as guardiun of her child Mrs.
iMsish recently received a legacy of more
than JlOu.OOO from tho estnto of William
W. Mursh. her husbund'x father. Th
plaintiffs in tho present action contend
Mrs. Mursh as herself and ua guardiun
of her child should turn over to herselt
us administratrix enough money to pay
the claims.
A similar uetlon is pondlutc In district
court. Tho plaintiffs brought tho new
action to gain a more speedy hearing.
County 'JudgV' Crawford set February 'J3
us tho dalti fur huurhig on the application
to clte'Mrs,' Marsh to show cause.
Ulawrnceful Conduct
of liver and bowels. In refusing to net. s
quickly remedied with Dr. King's New
Life I'llls. Hasy. safe, sure. e. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co Advertisement.
The Persistent and Judicious t'se af
Newspaper Advertslntf Is the Itoad tot
Uuslness Success.