Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Announcement Extpaordinapy!
Starts Saturday, February 8. An Epoch Making Event in Western Retail History
NOW for the great work of remodeling every floor of this store. First of all we must dispose of all winter merchandise. Cost or value
will he entirely ignored. Our one thought is to make room for the army of workmen who will install our new store equipment. We're
h . determined .to. clear out the entire stock in the shortest. possible' time. Wo must rush the work through to completion without delay. . .
Hence prices alf over the store will reach tub lowest level ever recorded in the history bf the Middle-west. Buy now for future needs. Your
money never before earned such enormous rate of Interest.
Entire Stock Men's and Young" Mens Winter Clothing at i Price
Consisting of men's and young men's high grade suits, overcoats, cravenettes, medium weight overcoats,' full dress and Tuxedo suits
Every garment reduced from
Men's and young men's trousers, fancy vests, and boys' clothing.
Please bear in
; i xi. i ..
dollar's worth of
' J imndrt in tins
n --
mammoth stock is from
America 'a most reliablo mak
ers; That we guarantoo ovory
garment absolutely; That all
the original price tags remain
bo that ypu may figure your
own price cut; That The Ne
braska's rogular prices aro
fully 25 per cent less than else
where -and that we aro deter
mined to win your patronage
and hold it by giving values
.hat, are absolutely in a class
by themselves. Don't miss the
remodeling sale the savings
are tremendous.
Men's Suits at
All our men's and young mon's fancy
suits; all blue and black suits. Most
extraordinary opportunity of the year.
$10 to $35.00
Suits at Half Price
Nebraska Clothing Go.'s original
low prices for quick disposal at just
Full Dress Glothes at Half
All's Full Dress find Tuxedo'
Suits. Formal dress clothes, strictly
the nowest 1012-1013 models; $25.00
to $40.00. suits at $i q,50$i
Overcoats at
All our men's and young men's fancy
overcoats and all black and oxford
overcoats. Our entire stock goes.
$12.50 to $50
Overcoats at Half Price
half price.
Make special note that this sale
affords you unrestricted choice
of thousands of finest garments. cravenettes at half
Men's Cravenettes at Half
All our men's and young men's brav
enettes and medium weight overcoats.
Remodeling occasions unprecedented
selling; $10 to $3U . SrvbO ?i et
J. J
Many hnprove
monts to bo in
stallod here
prove that the
new owners of this store have
the conrage of their convictions.
You were promised one of the
best appointed stores jn the
West. Today we announce our
readiness to fulfill oar prom
ise and work will be Btarted
forthwith. We have the am
bition to accomplish things for
Omaha as well- as for ourselves.
We believe in our city, its great
future and growing prestige. A
Greater Nebraska will greet
you soon. Share in remodeling
sale benefits now.
All Men's Tfrousers at 1-2 Price
Choose jrom our entire stock of mon's and young men's
high grade trousers.
$2.60 to $7.50 Trousers OC i. (97
Remodeling Sale prices PXZZ tO pOlT
Men's Fine Furnishings
All Boys' Clothing at 1-2 Price
Greatest sale of boys' suits ever hold in Omaha.
Choose from our entire stock of boys' suits.
$2.05 to $9.95 Knickerbocker (-1 AO. 4. CMQft
Suits; Remodeling Sale price. . aPJL u IV $4ru
Great Remodeling Sale
Note, these Wonderful Values
Shirts Worth up to $2.00 on Sale at 95c
Celobnited Excollo, Faultless and Colum
bia Shirts. Think of it, shirts r
worth up to $2.00, all sizes M)P
Remodeling Sale price
$l.nb Gloves t 05- Adlor's well
known high grado silk lined, or un- v
llnod capo or kid glovoB, QElf
Halo prlco 570C
$3.50 and $4.00 Sweaters on Sale at $1.95
Radical reductions like 'those illustrato
our determination to make a sweoping
clean-up to facilitate the work C - QC
bf alteration. $3.50 and $4 ,1
sweaters; Remodeling Snle price
$15.00 and $0.00
Eashloncd Sweaters,
modeling salo prlco ,
Puro Worsted
Anyt $3.50 and $4.00 Union Suit, $L95
No. reserve. Any "Muldoon," "Super
ior" or "Madowell" union suit in our
entire stock broken lots but . all. sizes.
0'reat variety of weights, t-f QC
O.uu uuu si.w uuuunvcm,
AH Boys' Overcoats at 1-2 Price
Entire stock of boys' and children's high grade over-
" , ' coats. Unrestricted choice.
$2.95 to $9.45 Overcoats (1 AQ Pf 7Q
Remddeling Sale prices PIr 10 tPY , .. - r
1 r ,
Mens & Women's Shoes
Tremendous Reductions, Our Entire High Grade Stock of Misses' and
Women's Wearing Apparel
QUR third floor worhen's department will be completely refitted,:
with the most modern equipment. Drastic price cutting starts Saturday to effect
decisive selling. Every seasonable garment goes, no reserve. These are a few of he
astonishing bargains that will be placed on sale Saturday be sure to attend The Ne
braska remodeling sale.
Positively the Greatest Coat Sale of the Year. ,
All Women's and Misses'" Winter Coats
Your unrestricted Choice of
all our $20.00, $25.00 and
$29.75 coats at
Don't Miss it
Sale Starts Promptly, at 8
O'clock Saturday Morning.
It never happened before.
Our Beautiful Silk Dresses at Wonderful Reductions
Saturday wo phico on salo our entire stock of women's and misses '
beautiful silk nnd chiffon dresses and gowns, superb stylos, wide
varioty, 6ur rogular $22.50, $26.00 and $30.00 values; Remodeling
Sale price, Saturday at .-. ,
81.00 juuI 91.25 Union Bulls, Winter
weight, all sliea. Remodel- ff C
'lug sale pride- . .'. . OOC
Double Extra Special
Men's 7c Handker
chiefs; Remodeling
Men's 25c Suspend
ers; Remodeling
Sale 1 Aa
pneo , . ,
Men's 50o Knitted Mufflers
Remodeling Salo price
Men's $1.50 and $2
Silk Mufflers; Re
modeling CCr
Salo price. .Ovt
Men's 50o and 75a
Golf Gloves; Ro
modeling Or
Salo price. .OJL
Neckwear Half Price
$1.00 Neckwear
livery -dollar's
worth m Remodel
ing Sale
50o Neckwear and
hundreds to p i 0 k
from; Reraodelin
Salo OCp
$10 and $15 Coats $3.98
, Just 20 women will got those bar
gainsjust twenty. $10.00 and
' J 15 covert cloth raincoats. rr
Remodeling Sale
$10 Serge Dresses at $5
A limited number only. High
grade serge1 dresses, actual $10.00
values. Remodeling
Sale price
Any Qhild's Coat $3.98
Come eHrly for theso 20 children's
high grado coats. Actual $5.00,,
and $7.50 coats; Re- ,dQ QQ
modeling'Sale price. . .tpO.tO
Note the Following, Every Item an Unparalleled Value
Women's $8.50 Skirts, sale price $3.98 ,
$2.00 Tailored Waists at 95c
50c Corset Covers at 25c
$2.98 Silk Petticoats at $1.98
$5.00 and $6.00 chiffon waists-
Remodeling Sale price, 1
price js at.
Misses' $10.00 Tailorod Suits at at. . . .$5.00
Women's $2.98 House Dresses at $1.90
Women's 95c Combination Suits nt; 69c
Women's $5.00 Black Silk Waists. . . .$2.98
$2.50 and $3.00 puro linen tailored
waists, salo price, QQ
Children's $1.00 house dresses
Remodeling Salo Q
Fur Sets May Never Again Sell at Such Low Prices
$10.00 Brook Mink Sets,
Remodeling (Jr rr
Salo price. . .J)0vJJ
$15.00 Black Fox Sets;
Remodeling Q1 A
Sale price.
$25.00 Genuine Gray
Fox Sets,, (-1 r ryr
sale price, tj) JLS. I O
$25.00 Jap Mink Sets
s $15.00
$35.00 Near Seal Sets
sale price, G"1 Q rjr
at. . . . r. . .pX7. 1 O
$40.00 Imitation Mole
Sets; Remodel- (!nr
ing Sale price. . Pu
$32.50 Pointed Fox Sets
Remodeling r
Salo price PO
$55.00 Black Fox Sets';
Remodeling $OQ75
Sale price. As
Women's Wearing Apparel Department Entire Third Floor
Great Remodeling Sale
Every Item a Record Breaker
Even when prices aradown --to the lowest?, Sit
, j)6mt we strive to gr'e the same carefulKifc 1$
attention in fitting shoes that has always
characterized the Nebraska's shoe ser-".
vice. ,
, ' .
' Men's Shoes Worth Up to $4.00 at $1.95
7 .
LOT I Men's high grado box calf, vici,
kid, patent leather, tan calf, button or '
blucher style, worth up' to $4; C QC 1
Men's Shoes Worth Up to $5.00 at $2.95
LOT IT Men's fine shoes, gun metal,
patent colt, tan Russia and vici kid, but
ton or. blucher style, worth up o Q1
to $5.00; Remodeling! Salo lP,7
Dnco. . . ... . . .... v
Women's Shoes Worth to .00 at $1.95
LOT HI Women's reliable shoes, pat
ent colt, tan calf, gun metal, vici kid,
slightly broken sizeB. Shoes QC
worth up to $3.00; Remodel- I 'yo
Salo price .......
Women's Shoes Worth to $4.00 at $2.45
LOT IV -Women's fine, shoes in all the
new styles. Gun metal, patent colt, tan
calf or kid leather. Either cloth or lea
ther tops, up to $4.00 shoes; $Q45
Remodeling Sale
Boys' and Children's Shoes Go on Sale
LOT V Boya' shoes, all adds and ends
froni a season of unusually heavy selling,
up to $3.00 values; Remodel- C - 45
ing Sale price, choice of the . J-
lot at.
LOT VI Misses' and children's Jockey
or Pony Boots
$1.95, $2.25, $2.75
Men's Fancy Vests 1-2 Price
Your unrestricted choice of any fancy vest In
the bouse at just one-half. Hundreds of the
'newest styles. Light and medium dark colors.
Washable. Testa and silk
vests. All sites, regulars
and stouts. Ilcmodeling
sale price; choice at. , . .
1 medium dark colors.
A price
Correct Apparel for
Men and Women
Men's $3.00 Hats at $1.85
Hats get a prlco slash In the big remodeling sale
that hlntB of a greater bat stock here. At 1.85
for men's soft and stiff hats, staple or novelty
shapes, we ll make clear the
stock In short order, Oar
S8.0O hats. Remodeling sale,
price. . ,
1. staple or novelty
. J.