3 Nebraska THE BL1B: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FlOBmWR.V S, 1013 , Nebraska. WILL SEND FOR THRASHER ' Douglas Delegates Will Try to Agree on Salary Measure Man Who Made Escape on Way to Prison Caught in West. DEPUTY SHERIFF IS DEAD Man Injnrrd nt Traction Company Powr llonne K.xplres of III llnr( Man In llrr lonntr SotiRh. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. ".-(Speclnl.5 Governor Morehead today asked the governor rt Montana for George Thrasher, convicted of criminal assault In pott's Bluff county. Thrasher has been apprehended In ISreAt Falls, Mont., and will be re turned to Nebraska It the requisition Is granted. Thrasher, after his conviction was placed In the hands of the sheriff of Scott's Bluff county, with Instructions to take him to the penitentiary. The sheriff was delayed In carrying out the order of the. court and Thrasher escaped from the Jail under circumstances which Indicated that he had been assisted from the out side. KxtrndMlon I'aprra Faulty A hearing ou extradition papers asking for the retarn of Gugene D. Collett to HolUs, Okl.. charged with performing a criminal operation on Ora Teague, who died from the. effects of the operation In that town, was on before the governor this morning. Collett is under arrest nt Hayes eCnter. Neb. The papers In the case, were faulty and Governor Morehead refused to grant the request. Deputy Sheriff Died, Deputy Sheriff J. C. Elkenbary. who was Injured at the power house of the Lincoln Traction company by falling head first down a stairway Into the boiler room yesterday, died last night. Mr. Elkenbary, formerly lived at Plattsmouth, where ho was deputy from im under Sheriff It. W. Hyers, father o fthe present Bheriff, Qua Hyers of Lancaster county, under whom he was fervlng at the time of his death. He was also sheriff of CaBS from 188 to 1890 and again from 1892 to 1894. The house this afternoon passed reso lutions of condolence on the death of Mr. Elkenbary, introduced by Ilepresentatlve Jeary of Lancaster. Daughters of Israel Incorporate. The Daughters of Israel society filed articles of Incorporation with the secre tary of state this mornln,g. The society . is composed of Jewish women in Omaha and Us object Is to establish and main tain a public bath house for Jews and also at home for the aged and Infirm of that nationality. Tho articles of Incor poration show the names of 154 women. (From a, Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb, '.-(kpeclal Telegram.) The Douglas county delegation In the house will meet this afternoon after ad journment and try to get together on the bill providing for Increases of salaries fur Douglas county officials. Representative Hoff Is of the opinion that Commissioner Lynch should have the Increase he asks for, Foster believes deputy assessors should get more pay. Druesedow Is back ing the. claim of the county clerk And Simon, Yatei and Druesedow favor measures for commissioners. Each thinks claims of other officers are without merit. Representative Anderson objects to any advance" for any officer. CENTRAL CITY WILL VOTE ON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE NEWS NOTES OF SEWARD AND OF SEWARD COUNTY 8EfYVAJU, Neb., FbU 7. (Special.) The eighty-second birthday of Mrs. Jane Anderson was celebrated Saturday by the gathering at her homo of her family and close neighbors, the company number about forty-two; seven children, sixteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren were present. ' Rev. F.'W. Leavltl, formerly of Seward. J minister or Prymouth Congregational church, Omaha, Is organizing a smal) party of congenial people to retrace his itinerary of last summer through north ern Europe and attend the World's Sun day School convention at Zurich, Switzer land In July. Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Sampson celebrated their thlrteeffth wedding anniversary on Thursday by entertaining a large party of friends. Dr. J. and Milton Morrow bvve Just completed a ten-room office block that is one of the finest In the city. . Ed Busk, chauffeur at tho Horsh berger garage, had the end of. tho Index finger torn off on the clutch of a motor cycle yesterday. Lawrence Timoney has sold his farm, one mile south of StaplehursL to Mr. John Schoepf for J1W per acre. William Walker has bought the Hippo eighty, two miles northwest of Seward. Henry Campbell has sold his residence property In Beward to John Stivers of Tamora for John Bhlers and Miss Christine Gehl bach of Seward were married on Wednes day. The ceremony was performed at the local parsonage by Rev, W., F, Rlttarnel. Christ BhJers, Jr., surprised his rela tives at the wedding of his brother on "Wednesday, by announcing to them that he had been married at Columbus on th previous day. He also - Introduced his bride to the assembled wedding guesU After a brlf visit with relatives In this locality, he returned to Albion. Boone county, where they' Intend to locate. TECUMSBH, Neb., Feb. 7.-(6pcclatf) The case of Rachel Anderson against tie estate of- Robert M. Akin occupied the' at tention of the county court on Tuesdav, Wednesday and Thursday, and many wit nesses were examined. Mrs. .Anderson, u sister of the deceased, made her home with Mr. Akin, and It was claimed that herself and her son, James Anderson, nal rendered services to Mr. Akin to tho amount of $3,000. Of this amount Mrs. Anderson claimed J2.0CO and her son K.6M. Mrs. Anderson attended to the household duties and her son assisted with the faf.n work and care of stock, etc. County Judge James Livingston has taken the matter under advisement. CUSTER COUNTY FARMERS FORM AN ASSOCIATION BROKEN BOW, Neb., Feb. 7.-(Speclal.) An Important, farmers' meeting towards organizing farm management has been held In this city. About 100 farmers were present and many of them came from dis tant parts of Custer county. Prof. A. E. Anderson, who Is In the employ of the Agricultural Extension Department of the United States government, was here and spoke at length, outlining .the plan for his work and explaining its important features. He stated that the primary object of the farm management associa tion was to get a competent man, who would give his entire time to the work in one county. Mr. Anderson explained that this work was new in Nebraska, but sev eral counties have alreaedy organized to test out the plan. The Burlington railroad Is also interested in this move ment and offers an amount equal to 13 per mile for the mites of road running through the county. In each case It Is expected that the county will raise a like euro. The temporary organization was effected by electing J. D. Ream, chair man, and Ell Walt of Ansley, secretary. Op Monday, February 10, there will bo a second meeting, at which time Prof. C, W. Pugsley of the university farm will be here and address the people, i ' v Notes from Ileatrlre. BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.) Ray D. Stewart and Miss Mary Schultz were married at Ellis yesterday by Rev. W. H. Mills. They will make their home on a farm near that place. A committee of business men yesterday raised $2,300 to apply to the budget fund of the Toung Men's Christian association J. A. Chople and L. E. Rogers, repre senting the Chople Gasoline Engine com pany of Plattsmouth, are In the city with a vlow of establishing the company's plant here The matter will be taken up by the Commercial club. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Vcb. 7.-(8pc-clal.) So confident arc the members nf the School Board of Central City that bond for the erection of a new high school building would carry If submitted ngaln, that they have not waited a year slnco the special election at which, the proposition was defeated, but have this week met and Issued a call for another election to be held the 1st day of Mnrch. The . proposition to be submitted this time is almost identical with the one submitted last May. It provides for tin Issuance of Wi.tiOO In 44 per cent bonds, which are to be sold to the highest bid der. and any part of the proposed bond Issue can be taken up any time after ten years from the date of Issuance. The bonds would all be due In the year 1938. The cost of the building must not exceed $35,000. Provision Is also made for tho construction of a new ward school on the north side at a cost of -.not to exceed JIB.OOO. For several years the school rooms in central city have been over crowded, and this year an empty store room has been pressed Into service to help out. anderson"suit is TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT SLAYER OF NEBRASKA MAN GIVEN TWENTY YEARS BROKEN BOW, Neh.. Feb. 7.-Speclal.) Judge II. M. Sullivan of this city has returned from Akron, Colo., where he was sent to assist -In the presecutlon of George W. Terry, the ranchman who shot and killed Stewart Lanterman, a former well-known resident of Broken Bow. last October. Terry was allowed to plead qullty to murder In the second de gree and was sentenced by Judge Burke to serve a term of twenty years In the penitentiary In Canon City, Colo. As Terry Is nearly CO years of age the sen tence vltrtually means a life erm for him. Tecamaeh Electa Teachers. TECUMSEII, Neb., Feb. 7.-(Sneclal.)- The Tecumseh School Board has elected the present teaching force for service the coming year, with one exception. Prof. Wallace Dyke, principal of ' the high school, will not teach the coming year and this place is vacant. Tho com ing year will be the second of the three- year arrangement with Superintendent V. L. Strickland. The following are the teachers that have been elected: High school, Anna Lammers. Evallne Hessel- tine, Lela Berry, Esther Warner, Sarah Canfleld. In the grades, Helen Wright, Nellie Reed, Ada Phillips, Edith Steward, AiaDei cnapman, Myra Jump, Mabel Ca'mrJbell, nelen Swan, Bess Dafoe, George Pinnell was re-elected" Janitor for the -twenty-fourth successive time. Farmers Institute at Harvard. HAnVARD, Neb., Feb. 7.-(Speclal.)- The farmers' Institute closed this evening with addresses by Miss Pasco on "Home and Kitchen Arrangements" anS Mr. Leonard on "Opportunities Now and Fifty Years Ago." In the afternoon Mlsj Pasco spoke before the woman's depart ment on "Balanced Rations and Illtis trated Cooking," and Mr. Leonard spoli before the stock department and met the farmers generally in attendance In dis cussions and Judging their stock. Yes terday Mr. Cooper spoke on "Potato Cul ture" and In the evening "The Home, ' while at the same time Mr. Smith spoke on "Poultry Problems" and "Makln Hens Pay." nia-nell Speaks at Harvard. HARVARD, .Neb.. Feb. 7. (Superintend ent Blgnell of the Burlington spoke before the Business Improvement club of Har vard yesterday relating to several bills pending In the legislature, which, he said. are detrmental to the best Interest of gen eral business of the state as their pas sage would Impose useless expensive burdens on the roads and the geneial pubtlo has to foot the bills, A resolution was passed asking of Clay county mem bers of the legislature to refer all railroad legislation to the railroad commission and work for the passage of such bills as It recommend. , A message to you sir one that you should read, every word As it means much to you in dollars and cents and a great deal in the personal appearance of yourself and boys. Of the great sales now in progress at this store, possibly first in importance is our Half Price Snlc of Quality Suits and Overcoats for men Arid younjj men. Hundreds have availed themselves of this most, unusual opportunity to secure clothes of such recognized superiority at an absolute reduction of fifty per cent. To you it moans suits that sold from $10.00 to $40.00 are now to be had at $5.00 to $120.00, Overcoats up to $o'0.00 at similar reductions. The sale of furnishing goods which opened last Saturday had been a menus of sup plying just hosts of Omaha's particular men with smart haberdashery; bore's a brief men tion of tho sort of values to expect $1.00 shirts for (55c, $1.50 shirts at $1.05, 50o nook wear now 25c, $1.00 neckwear now 65c, $2.50 fur gloves $Uf, $4.00 fur glovos $2.50, 50o outing pajamas and night ribes now 3 for $1.00; $1.00 pajamas now (55c; many othor equally attractive values are awaiting you. Saturday we place our entire stock of men's quality hand tailored Trousers nt a t sweeping reduction of exactly 3tfV3. One great lot of boys' odd trousers that sold to $1.25 these must be cleaned up hence the remarkably low price of 50c a pair. Wo suggest that you come early. There still remains a wholesome assortment or those quality suits nml overcoats for boys, that wd'v been selling at exactly One-Half their former prices, which ranged from ?:i.00 to 10.00, now to bo bought, at 1.50 to 5.00. Our entire stock of men's Fur Caps now offered at a discount or 25. Horo's two most extraordinary values In footwear. Men's shoes shown In Patent, Russian, Gun Metal and Vlcl, A. B. and C. widths, regular J3.50 to $5.00 values, choice tomorrow, pair $1.95. Doj-b' Oun Metal, Patent and ttusslnn, sizes 6 to 11, our rogular $1.75 and $2 valuoa, cholco, pair 95o. Thank you for reading this; Now prepare to bo hero Saturday and partake or these really rare values. All Garments Shown In Windows are rtifce .17 FORMERLY y3 OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE KING-PECK CO. "HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES " lb1." At HOWARD FORMERLY Gibbon people after local officers hud run down the various clues, and e appre hended Iavcy In Wlohlta. Kan. The seed wns valued at $90. Tiro Norfolk Women Given Dlvorcr. MADISON. Nb., Feb. -(Specials- District court In session today granted a divorce to Sadie M. Nix of Norfolk, Neb., from her husband, James A. Nix, for merly, a conductor, pn the Northwestern railway, Mrs. Nix was restored to her former name of Badle M. Beymer; also Mrs. Bertha Mae Sanders of Norfolk was given a divorce from ' hr husband. Joseph E. Banders. They were married at Madison. February "8. 1912. Alleged Thief Found In Wichita. KEARNEY. Neb.t. Feb. A (Special,) ex-County Sheriff .Walter Sammons ar rested WUIam. Pveyjof Qlbbon, Neb the man who Is wanted to answer to n charge of stealing alfalfa sd from Frank Benlsek, which was sold to u Kearney firm several weeks ago. Mr Sammons was placed on the case by the Wnnsa Mills to Ilenumr. WAUSA. Neb., Feb. ". CSpeclal.) The board ot directors of the Farmers Eleva tor company met yesterday and decided to start the Wausa Ilolltr Mills running again. "Mac" McDonald, who wns mUlcf here a number of years ago, has .been en gaged In that capacity again and will mnVA hla fmllv lir frr,ii RtnltT Pill' Immediately. Operatons will start at once Three Men Under Arrest. BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) Three men were rounded Up here this evening by the officers and lodged In Jail for stealing" three fur over coats 'from J. B. Parks' harness rtor this afternoon. The stolen property vas found at a local hotel where the men were stopping. They gave their names at Pat Hogan, Richard C. Faress and Mike J. Welsh. Ilaniiuet nt Arlington. ARLINGTON, Neb.. Feb. 6. (Special.) A fathers' and sons' banquet was held In the Odd Fellow's hall here last nlghtv Plates were laid for 110, all of whom wen present. Addresses were made by State Superintendent James S. Delxcll and J. P. Bailey, stato secretary of the Young Men's Christian association. walk the entire distance and act an body guards. i A farm wagon pointed in stifrragette yellow by Miss Jones' own hand, will lead the van and carry Mls Elisabeth Freeman, who will act as spcechmaker at various rallies to be held along the route. Musical Proirrnm nt Eilwnr. EDGAR, Neb.. Feb. ".-(Special.) The Ladles library association gave the first of a series of entertainments last even ing In the opera house. The entertainment was entirely musical and was conducted by tho faculty of the Grand Island Col lege Conservatory of Music. New Court Ilonse Occupied. CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Feb. 7.-(8pe- clal.) Merrick county's new 100,000 court house Is now complete, and the session of district court Is being held In the new court room. The county officers, who have been housed in various nuudings about town, will move Into their new quarters next week. ' Suffragettes Are Asked to Advertise Hairpins and Heels NEW YORK, Feb. 7. "Try our rubber heels; try our soap; try our court plaster; try our sure cure fo blisters. ' These are but a few of the many re quests which "General" Roselle Jones, commander of the approaching suffra gette march to Washington Is receiving from .manufacturing firms desiring ad vertisement for their wares. Her mall Is flooded dally with samples of various articles which might he ot use to the women on their 230 mile Journey from hairpins to pedometers and If the flood keeps up she promises an auction sale of her collection for the benefit of the cause. Profiting from her experience on her recent march to Albany, the general has provided for each member on this trip a kit of selected medical supplies calcu lated to relieve all pains less serious than a broken limb. This time also her army will go uniformed In cloak and hood of flannel after the manner of the pilgrims of old. Twelve .women, Miss Jones announced today, have promised to walk every step of the Journey, which Is scheduled to begin on Lincoln's birthday and to be completed on February j In time for the marchers to recuperate for the In augural parade In which they will tako part. The twelve IncludeMIss Ida Craft, Miss Lavlna Dock, two "of the original "hikers" to Albany. Two more men. Ernest Stevens, a member of the Men's Walking club of Philadelphia, and George Wendt, Jr.. of Albany, have premised to DEATHJFtECORD. Mr. Uen S. Nlielliurne. FAIRIUTRY. Neb.. Feb. ?.-(Hpeclal.l-Mrs. Hon. 3. Shclburnc. a pioneer of Jef ferson county, died here after an extended Illness. Mis. Shelburne, formerly Miss Dlllle R. Hnlllday, was born In lxu caster, O,, July 1. lfcoo. Her parents re moved to Nebraska from Ohio In lRfU. and located on a farm near Falrbury. tjliu was married to Ben 6. Shelburne Oc tober 12, 1KS0. C. W. KlnhlllltlRh. SHENANDOAH, la.. Feb. 7.-(Special.) . W. FishbaiiKh, president of tho Se curity Trust. and Savings bank of Shenan doah, died at S o'clock this morning, after a prolonged illness. Mr. Flshliaugh rt move'd to Shenandoah from Ohio in ISS2, and for many years was ono of the largest landowners in southwestern Iowa. The funeral will be held Saturday ufter-noon. II. II. Simmons. YORK, Neb., Feb. 7. (Speclal.)-B, R, Simmon died at his home In this city on February 6, aged 79 years. He was a veteran of the civil war and a pioneer of Nebraska. He had been a resident of this city about twenty years. The funeral wai held this afternoon. ' V, T. Totten. SHENANDOAH. la.. Feb. 7. (Special C. T. Totten, an early resident of Shen andoah, died suddenly this noon, after a few hours' Illness. m These Dealers Sell HYMENEAL Kenney-Sturmn. FAIRBURY. Neb., Feb. 7.-(8peclal.)-A pretty February wedding was solemn ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ma'rtln B.'Kerlriey In" this city when their soil. Leonard, waa married to Miss Jennie StUrrris. County Judge C. C. Boyle of ficiated. After the ceremony a reception was held and a sumptuous suprter served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney will go to house keeping at once. Free Information, Regarding Minnesota, NortlL Dakota Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest reached by the Soo Lino from St Paul and Minneapolis. W. It. Harloy, D. P, A., 210 Fifth St.. Des Mollies. la. Sure, Quick Cold Cure Acts Gently Papo's Cold Compound Cures Colds and Grippe In a Few Hours Contains no Quinine. The most severe cold will be broken, and al grippe misery ended after taking a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours until thiee consecutive doses arp taken. You will distinctly feel all the dls agreeabl symptoms leaving after th I'ery first dose. The most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, , running of the nose, sore throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and ottur distress vanishes. Take this wonderful Compound as di rected, with the knowledge that there Is n6thlng else In the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other as slatanCe or bad after effects aa a 25-cent package of Papa's Cold Compound, which aoy drygglat can supply contains no Quinine belongs Ip every home-accept iio substitute. Tastes nice acts gently. Advertisement. Swift's Premium Oleomargarine Omaha, Neb. Armburst, W. M., 3C02 S. 20th Street. Rlumonthal, C, 2002 Cuming St. Boston Marliot, 113 N. 16th St Bee Hive arocory, 16th and Cuming SIB. BroBs, Frod, 3347 Ames Ave. Bnrnott, A-, 1916 N. 24th 8t. Berkovltz, J., 1502 N. 24th St. Bloomqulst & Peterson, 1322 N. 24th St. Brodsky, N., 2002 Grace St. Bath,. Joe, 614 N. 16th 8t. ChrlBtenaon, J., 2624 N. 30th St. Cavenough, P.. 1502 N. 18th St. Dreffus, Julius, 1924 Farnam St. Dybro, P. C. 20th and Grace Sts. KdqulBt, D. E., 3004 N. 24th St. FlnkenBteln, Sam, 2002 N. 26th St. Fleggel, A , 1724 Dorcaa St. Goldwaro, Sam, 2621 Sherman Ave. Groth, Ed, 1022-24 8. 10th St. Greenborg, Sam, 1548 S. 24th St. llamcn, Henry, 1704 Clark St. ' Hunner, G. F., 3924 Sherman Ave. linger. F. K., 4502 N. 34th St. Hlbbler & Co., 24th and Vinton St. Harding. G. K., 2603 8. 13th St. Ilruby & nuna, 2204 8. 13th St. Howell & Son, 1513 Leavenworth St. HobbB & Shafor, 3024 N. 24th 8t. . JankowBkl. U, 1420 Military Ave. Johnson, C. A- W.. 2404 Cuming St. Jourdan, D. J., 1701 Vinton St. ,1. P. JeppcHon, 24th and Maaon fits. Johnson & Lofdahl. 2420 Leavenworth St. Kottleman & Hannlgan, 602 N. 18th St. Kulakofaky, H., 2402-4 Ames Ave. Krusne. H.. 5144 N. 16th St Karsh & Co., K 1820-22 Vinton St. Kulakofaky. L 1944 S. 10th St. Knudson, H. F., Benson. Lange Grocery Company. 2310 Cuming St. Laclna, Joe, 3702 8. 13th St. Marks Bros., 2123 Military Ave. Myers. G.. 2221 Cuming St. McCoy Grocery, 2215 Military Ave, South Omaha, Neb. Malllson. C. II., 202 N. 17th St. Morgan, Joe, 4102 N. 28th St. Melcher, Bam, 1902 8. 4th St. Meyora, C. E., 1723 Vinton St. Mulflnger, L-, 1118 S. 22d,8t.. Marquardt. H. P., 1622 8. 10th St. Mohr, R. II., 2702 8. 16th St. Melder, B. II., 1014 Pacific St. Nathan & Nathan, 2307-9 Leavenworth St Olson, Gust, 1723 Cuming St. Orkln Bros., 16th and Harney Sts. Public Markot Grocery Dept., 1610 Harney St. Persola, Mrs. S., 4422 N. 24th St. Peterson, Lorens, 3602 Ames Ave. Peterson, Armanda, 2911 Sherman Ave. Bosenburg & Company, 402 N. 24th St. Rosonblum, L., 808 N. 16th St. Ruebon & Rayman, 514 N. 16th St. Rudloff, Wm., 2629 Sherman Ave. Ross, Geo., 2717-19 N. 24th St. Rachman, H 2802 Sherman Ave. Ronan, Wm., 3701 Gold St. Reznlchek, John, 2711 Leavenworth St. Rau, J. E., 1601 N. 83d St. Rosenblum Bros-, 40th and Cuming Sts. Raduzlner, Jake, 24th and Fort Sts. Stein Bros., 4002 Hamilton St. Schnauber & Hoffman, 408 N. 16th St Sherman, J., 3501 N. 30th St. Schiller, L.. 2422-24 Sherman Ave. ' Stribllng, Geo., 1124 S. 17th St. Stenner, Louis, 2235 S. 20th St. Schlafer, Oscar, 1824 St. Mary's Ave. Storok, F. J., 1322 N. 24th St. Sommer Bros., 2763 Farnam St. Tuckman Bros., 322-324 N. 18th St. Thorln & Snygg, 3880 Hamilton St. Tuckman Bros., 25th and Davenport Sts. Vopolka, Joe, 1324 S. 5th St Vachal & Co.. 1302-4-6 Garfield Ave. Warflold. C. V., 2209 Military Ave. Woodruff, Mrs. Lena, 3702'N. 30th St. Wohlner, M.. 4104 Grand Ave. Wohlner, I. 622 a 16th St. Zlotky. L.. 3618 N. 30th St. Zarn, C. M., 1505 Park Ave. Ik J. O. rOXSUY, Pres. autt Ji.r. Akofer, Chas., 518 N. 24th St. Beavers, It. C, 520 N. 24th St Brommer. W. G. & Co., 24tb and B Sts. Caldon, Frank, 4 24 N. 24th St. Collins & Hannlgan, 2723 Q St. Dletz, Rudolph, 2504 N St, Kggers. P., 150 S. 24th St Flngerlos, Chas., 2651 Y St. Heyman & Berry, 1535 N. 24th 8t. Krause, J. P., Albright, Neb. Katskue, A., 2lBt and Madison Sts. Kramollsch & 8watek, 4002 L St. Mertens & Schrader, 632 N. 24th St.. Miller, August, 617 N. 33d-St. Pavlas, John, 24th and Q Sta. Parsley & Co., 618 N. 20th St. . . . Penfleld, Cheater, 412 N. 26th St. Rechko & Swoboda. 2414 N St. Stern, Chaa., 2401 U St Smith. B. W 2701 Madleon St. Smlsek, J. F 2621 L St. Welsh Grocery Co., 2418 N St. Whlttlngton, M. R., 20th and -Missouri Ayw ORDER A POITXSD dARTON TODAY Swift & Company U. S. A. v V